The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 23, 1894, Image 2

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f J T p j f p-i
party in the W illamette valley, wc 1 to be liumlreda of poke bonnets and re I the suburban potter, he linn l«e»n for
p rint the insulting article aliout onr i shirts Hcattered about in the ami 'm e. .- «met¡me past the »e ject of counties»
tit* daily papers, Next
- p ? bi . bused MVkAY I KU>.\ Y MORN INO,- country, and in doing so give it le tte r 1 I had never seen the
-ate, lithe-limbed
lithe-limbed Hindoo
; hv letter as it appeared in th a t paj>er, before or attended a meeting, and the came the deli i *at©,
Paia, wearing
wearing tl the
th a t our citizens may know how they scene was novel in the extrem e and at- priest, Lord K
atya Paia,
F t
L amí G ovntv , 0«n i*»x,
jiaj pi hi» native land; hi»
are regarded by Populists over the tractive an 1 interesting too. I he first long u n ity rone
T .!* r uhly e d it,,I. well M tr o ü û ê d n«” <iHtai;i «. H ero it is:
thing th a t im pressed m e «a»
tree .,r,„ and siio^M r covered with a
tired to road them . T h at's a ll.”
M issionary society than it is to serve as
After em itting the above Hash from a Missionary j at least that is the way it
his intellectual head-light, the editor of evidently looks from our point of view,
A n d after
a f t e r all,
a ll. it is the point
lio .n t of
the II,nad-.1.1 e. coinpliiin* of being And,
of view
, The mental strain that is required to if not?
, produce th a t article would tire the whole
To t h e ‘‘soldier in the “ Army, i.o
bleating, hirsute billy-guat family! doubt, no path seems so straight ami
Take a rest—say for tw enty years, and plain as the way along which the Sa-
relieve decent society in Lane county of viour walked and marbled witii I auti-
ful mile stones of love, an I g u, d
a political inoiintehank.
w ith self-renunciation.
Ah me! the many thousands of h i ii-
ers and preachers in this sa l old world,
IA' L iseurs M arne M iti. eh .
all teaching and preaching difierelit
“T heone fair w oman" has come and ways lo the same goa!—the .oal of etcr-
made desolate to prei crve a Union.
After a practical illustration, the press
of Florence can say th a t the thief can
•vails the law, and our correspondent
can change the wording of a question
and a s k : W hich is the bigger, the thief
or the U nited States?
A m urderer creeps into a peaceful gone, and carried my h eart away with
borne at the lakes and takes the life of her.
an innocent p rattler, and esi ii|a's pun-
Patti appealed to me n o t; Irving und
¡aliment. He can evade the law.
Ellen Terry hut »lightly ; Modjeska
The rich, tho poor, the m urderer,
: 1>ane4i UjM)I1 lne nn.l even dear old Joe
inc» Received
F U I.& W IN T E R
D ry a n d F a n c y G o o d s ,
Notions, Groe.'i-ies Provisions, Oiled Clothing, G rass Seeds, H a rd ­
ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, T urpentine, Colorings &c. &e.
ako a Look at o -
Li Dry and Fancy goods, we have L adies’ and G ents’ S hirts and
Draw rs, Wool and Cotton, M arseilles Q uilts, F lannels an d woolen
Dress goods. Look a t our large stock of
Ip -u .2 ?
T r i m
i n g s !
B lack. W h ite anil (¡rev.
Plush, velvets, silks, gimps and fancy trim m ings.
H osiery, gloves,
corsets, ribbons, saxony yarn, and hundreds of o th er choice articles.
Great White Store nf '&■
á ¿«X.
is s ir i.
f W
w 8
a e
Keeps ; fü ll lin e o f E xriii Q u a lity
ilA U D W A K L ,
U a U A lili,
HA i’s A CAP.-i,
Prices Will t e í curtí Reascnable.
ü .v il:>
R t
liOUTb A riHOES,
¡ i >!»Ai ’CD,
Ge ttys,
m a n a g e r s
T • he • Old R eliable
to clear conviction w hat I had vaguely
trusted to one who confidently Id «
known before, w hat very few colleges of looked for such cause. T.iere is no one •-«
oratory can teach, w hat no am ount of ’ ho is wholly w ithout flaw in the sight P .
r l o .n itio n a r v culture
c u l t u r e o or r d dram
r a m atic
a t i c train-
t r a i n , of him who is persistently looking for W
. 1
ing can give one, strive us one will to at-
How good it is to tru st abso­
lutely! How good it is to be trusted ah-
tain it,
of J.
“ P id you ^tyme out of curiosity?”
asked an elegantly dressed woman who
0; iipied the seat nearest on my left.
“ No. I came because I am enterested
in the-work these people are doing, and
a t th e---------
It is not in the words th a t others say
to UH, blit in those other words which
m ake us s*y to MTWlVM, that we find
“ Tlioro is a certain muneli t* individ- nest, quiet, sp iritu a liz e expr ■.»¡on of red »Salvation Arn>y shirt, and his black our gravest lesson» and our »h»rpe»t re-
journal, the H arrisburg Court, r. is four
mi) living »uinewhere altout the clam the faces framed in the pi c n , t o e ol,m> - cu rlin g hair flowing down upon his bukes. The hint another gives us finds
years ol<l amt ha» improved every-day of
banks of Siuslaw hay, w ho bv some ¡oa„|y p |a ;n ami hideously ugly, poke shoulder», tine niter another the most whole trains of thought which have
its life.
means unknown to the world, has a few Ixinnets. T hen Some young wom en nut .hie of tho cfïbvcrts and the “Olli- been getting themselves ready to lie
T iik Record Printing Co., w ithTliom as type at his disposal, ami who has for
, ,
some tim e been trying to bring himself !‘’»we in w e a rily th e A rm y d n - and e r a
addressed; t
meeting. I.ord shaped in inw ardly-articulated words.
Melson as manager, takes the place of
into notoriety by making gross personal badges, and in addition i Hauling red R.itnu Paia in v« r | beautiful and poetic ami only awaited the touch of a burning
Sir. Crawford as owner and editor of
allusion» to many good citizens of this scarf tied over the left shci It r a n I n n - ,m -tap. .or, but nit r imli.'.i rent En- syllable, as t i e mottoes of a pyrotoch-
tbs Heppner Weekly Jltcord. We h»»» | coiintv.
COIinly, Tlwgtl
, (a,.|;s |,M
Ve not
got l«een
These a attacks
licen (|t.r
r ;g|,t h -arim.: in large gilt I ■- glish, hut lie so ■ m i led in making «dear nist only wait for a spark to become let-
read this paper from its first issue, and notiecd liecatise of tho source
! tere the wor(L , u n<i Tllüy il;vl :t ,,,rt ü{
meaning in «pit» of struggle ters of lire.
mine other in the state has aimed which they em m inate, he lain
sponsible as a public journalist and re- fascination for me, tin sc work« n in the w.iii an unfam iliar ongits. Indeed I
Let no possible loss of influence, or
higher, the trend of which, it is to be
gartlcd as a weak organ of small politi- slums of the city.
Here, a! 1
w..u t ■ n •- ,.c would hat
.upressed his mid;- patronage, or gold tem pt you to the do-
hoped, will lie a part of the new manage­
I eians who controls h im .”
som ething real, som ething pra i a! in dice w ith iii» main ica even «f ne had ing of that which your judgm ent and
m en t.
The scholars here, of whom wc have the name of O hrist,
To - ■ p ■ ip'c arc sp c. ui .11 o.s own
guag", so exprès- your onscien c disapprove, b e tte r a
Jr'ST now handed to us is a clipping many, will not he indifferent to the not afraitl to accept t.ic tea-mil..» of were his gi
; », so exquisitely thousand times to be slandered than to
from the Broad-A-ie regarding ourself, above general willful m urder of the Him who was ru die I, m il 10 tiler- o i r r e l lus .n.ffe
no earnest iiis sin ; nob er to spend your days in all the
The nine-line paragraph takes away King's English, hut after reading prut them literally, 1st a rc any «ffiitr' i m anner, and so
.1 y and nobic his bitterness of unheeded struggle than be-
our breath, it is so innocent of punctua­ ‘em m inate” and “ politicians wiio con- ,,n the face of the e a rt.1 th a t «l iras do it, ■v.o.e Lear,ng,
come a hollow parasite, to gain a liol-
tion m arks and good English. Lane tro ls,” they will feel like lieating ttie j wun lcr? It may he that sometime
At last t ie longe ,or no neat came, low fr.end. W orthier far to remain
couuty citizens have attained a mark of illiterate h.rsutc hilly-gout to death with the cottrehes will grow in • lim I rai Mrs.
ame forward, poor forever, the brave and self-respect-
c -I •
distinction for their intelligence, and ij a dictionary and gram m ar. “ A few interpretation of f
‘ r,,Mt and of the 8Prin £
W a m atter of regret th a t they are af- ty p e,” indeed! Thank God, wo know In any case it is not ti;c ■ mr
aiigeig ill 11. ..I l i.»o
ike, for 1 have than, in another sense than Shake-
flicted with the patoit th at Hows from |,(>w to put them together w ithout in- to ,)C arraigned, hut tolely Lais in vr- seen one of
uere on earth, strayed spere’s, to “ coin your h e a rt,” and for
the pen of the m entally attenuated hir- fiUi^ ng common intellectual decency.
ently seiHsh human nature of o n s th a t down to oelp hum an.ty to realize some- tho ‘‘vile drachm as” which are the hire
sute billy-goat of the l{r<,
i T h at the claim cannot he sustained will not let us qiiit^ relinquish the com- thin,; of the gra<e and goodness and of wrong to “drop your generous blood.”
A very good friend of ours requested th a t the gross errors found in so short fort of m aterial things. We all want to glory that wiuis beyond w.ien our mor-
\ \ non toe hotly and mind are proper*
us to again state our position on the an article are ex. ept'.ona, we are rea>r^y see the world reform ed; we w ant tho
tality shell have put on im m ortality. lv fed and kept in working order, and
mortgage tax law. We spoke ami voted to ¡»rove th at it is the most correct edi- raco to grow in grace and j.o«r'n<
She is Ixtautifu). Toe newspaper cuts, re Teat ion is adjusted to worx, and food
Against it*' repeal, as any one can aacer- torial, of its length, printed in th a t is-
Ho much easier to give our ¡»ruyers tne pictures in the ¡n.iyiz nes and vise* Io e. ort, da) h\ d a), dtt.c nee.l is found
tain by calling at this ofiice and exam - sue of the
. As a practical il- and a dollar now and then than to sa - wnere, t >ough they hint at prettiness of
‘1° ** hilo w nicn, at the return-
ining the Senate journal, a copy qf lustration, after sacrificing so much in- r jf|(.e ¡»vrsonal ambition, or to give o tr feature, give no idea of toe perfect love- >n.í voyage ea rn year, the shattered
which we have. The mortgage tax law ttdligvnce for “ a few tyjs?,” the editor ¡¡me, our strength, our?««./ v.;, to work liness of tms woman’s fa e, Tne iuilk iust he tir.n. d for repairs. This
should l>e re-enacted, and to th at end turns to higher game, He reaches out wi,ich
we hope will somehow, some- m ateniess grace of iier every movement, is toe r reat lesson of hum an life,
wc will work at the next session of the f<,r th a t Parent of ennobling journalism time bo accomplished, V i»o wornd n o t There is a cnarm about her Liat escapes so far as our phyehul natures are con­
State Legislature. After the statem ent in Oregon, Harrison K. Kincaid. The prefer to be a minister comfortably lo- the cunning of the p.iotograp ivr, that cerned, day by day our dai.y bread, and
in every paper in Lane county th a t all article rgierred to is ¡»rinted here if/*~ cated, with regular duties to pcrior*n battles tne pencil of the artist; it is the day by day our daily care. Tne main-
th e mem tiers from Lane voted against hothii’
and a stated salary, no m atter how heavenly impress of a serenely pure tenan e of ncaltu ¡s the adjustm ent in
tjin repeal of th is law, it seems strange
“ From tim e immemorial the saying Hn.ail, than to serve in the common and loving spiht. I t is the strong, true which we nave marvelously the help of
half s.'andai’’ has ranks of the Salvation Army, and v. ho soul of the woman that moves mi l nature, if only we come to u n d e rstan d
th a t any one of them shoubi be accused t ^‘at H d praint
lint from what
as true.
. . ,
would not rath er he the m inister’s wife, speaks and dominates the physical part ourselves, and have our bodies under
of voting for repeal.
has appeared in the state Journal since
the editor has been spoken of as a can- or a m em ler of his congregation, pleas- of her being so completely th a t if her Ihe control of our wins and conscience,
diilate on the republican ticket for sec- antly relieving one’s conscience and body were old and lient and her face a
1 ru st or distrust is increaeed by its
“ The rich man can evade the law. retary of state, the coming election th at Hoothing one’s spiritual nature with the Uia t of wrinkles, she would still appear exercise. If we exercise trust in a friend
p o w s because of our
And the red Hag flau n ts! Po not such paper lias I ms - ii .:rniil!iH»l hill <>i extracts <J¡Hcbi,r „ ol e|,i,rch work, than to wear beautiful, ¿or she would still be ¡ I I I - - our tru “t in
clipped from other ¡>aiiers, lauding in
If we lonsent to doubt him ,
. .
by the glory of a noble purpose,
statenieiits scattered abroad th ro u /h fulsome
praises, the m erits and special
i i
How she dignified, glorified the ugly °» r doubt oi him is great and greater
th e land on the wings of the preas hut qualifications of Mr. Kincaid for th at of- lowest ami poorest and vilest of our
ndd fuel to the flames that are burning lice, the editor thus, in effect sitting kind, working, striving, praying, help- Army dress and poke Ism n et! But it l^'cause of our doubting. \\ hat a friend
in the breasts of the aniirehists?” says down on that good old saw. \\ liether ¡ng, gavuig hum an outcasts and reclaim - was not until she began to speak that tíeeiiis to us in the »on.? run de¡»ends on
one of our correspondents, The vigor­ these harmless puffs from other papers ing thu (alk,n7 it is much easier and one fairly understood the secret of it all, how " u look ut hiu,‘ Tbere are few
"o u ld show no cause for-
ous opposers of hum an slavery stated no„«i"of oür ï« .H m ^ Ür But it m akes’ us more desirable to læ a m em ber of the And Sitting there, th a t night, I learned 1«™ "» ’
tlia t Houthern men evaded the law.
The press of the North »»»erteil the
Sftiuo to be true. The anarchistic South,
erner did not wonder th a t rebellion grow
under such galling statem ents, and
upon th e same hypothesis as stated by
our correspondent, it is not astonishing
tliat rebellion ran ram pant tlirougli the
land and Hist so many homes were
E?> TT O - K? 3ST E ,
AV ii . it relat.on is Massie, the Populist p i
candidate for commissioner in Joseph­
ine county, to Massie the <k*cani}M*d
<6 OOtoflO.OO
Onotl Canton F lan n el...................... S‘3c ! M en’s Suits from ............
3.00 to H.50
' B etter q u a lity C anton fla n n e l.
10e Y outh's Suits f r o m ...............
Columbia i oiintv sheriff?
P-, A pron C heck G ingham s
1.00 to S.00
• M en’s Shoes from ................
I wanted to w e Mrs. Booth,” I replied.
XM to 10t
Dress G ingham s
lOe Men’s Boots fro m ....................
100 to 2.00
A line lot of sta n d a rd P rin ts
*1 je Boys’ Boots from ..............
Ü j Ilnnble
"Is it your first experience?”
3.25 to 3.50
fold P tess F lannel
2Ac M en’s U uhtjer H u n tin g Boot«
3 M
“ Yea.”
E legant O uting Flannel
Knee Boot*»
Hometliiug E leg an t
i1.. 11 kerchief* from fxi upw ard.
The big eight-page Sunday Sialefmaii
3.25 toS.fO
f.udi •< Shoes from
1.25 to 2.50 M en’s R ubber H ip Boots
M en's R ubber Boots, Short
Do you approve of so much noise? wjh |rt, sent to any ail,tress from now ci in .quitters for H oliday Presents, we
Boys' Ruliber H u n tin g Boot«
3.00 to 3.25
, ean show you h line lot to select
“ Yes.”
until July 1st lor only 50c, cash to ae- I
Boys’ “ Storm K ing Boots
ts A line line of Ladies’. (¡cuts’ and C h il­
M en’s Rubbers
nal happiness, of u n iiile rru p lid hum an
“ D on’t you think they might leave company the order. This is a most lib­ t-1
d re n ’s UNDERWEAR nt a sto n ish ­
« ;
ever reach it, I out the tarnIiourines and toe dancing?”
felicity. Will the rn
G ents' and Ladies’ Macintoshes, anil C'ireu-
; C hildren s Shoes a t prices th a t defy
lnrs for School G ills.
,S a eiiii'in is the second paper in Oregon, P . j c om petition.
wonder? It may be that even now
“ Toe dancing I have faded to ob­
and Republican to the core. This is a
there is a glimpse of golden dawn alom; serve.”
| campaign of education and it is our pur-
the horizon; who will undertake to say?
“ Look a t th a t red-headed youth in pose to assiat in the good work. The
thief, the libertine and the anarchiet j vfferMon
only a panxing teinpta- \Yc ean
the choir, and th at burly fellow in the N 'ifr.i»iu.i gives ail the news of slate and
Only tn i.t tim t will fall,
gallery up m ere by the door.”
nation and <l,,rin« tI,e ™“ 'P a>«n >«» ««“ •
evade th e law ! It in not m eant th at all
¡i|C nanie of Mr«*. Booth was
At isst fsr iilT, nt in.-t to sll.
<lav edition will lie a symposium of po-
tusn do so, but th a t suine of tinnii do, | jke ftn j.i,.,!,.;,, t | irl|| an,| llw„ue the
There are those who believe th a t tifi»
___ _____
___ .......
1 looKed. They v were v H .n .in ' o a no
sa- .......................
' e for the
new« .......
¡uni gossip
and because the press of the land says ke,.„,.Ht ,»t. I resolved to see ami dllwn ¡„ alr,.ttdy I roaden ng toward « red song to the tune of “ After the state. It is illustrated and consista of
»o nm«t >'• become apologist» for erim i- |„.ar |„.r nt any cost when she m ould ,M.rfv,-t noon, and they ere to be found, I Ball,” and there, surely enough, was eight full pages of select reading m atter,
D eu ler in
nal», and write such u statem ent th at is eouie to Boston, The «lays th at irter- think in the ra n k s 'o f the Salvation the red-head«! youth, a» sue said, keep- including a .l.o rt story and a wealth of
I. aa with poetry J and mis-ellany. Every
to be found at the licginning of this a r­ veneil laUween the announcem ent of her i rn,..
tune with Ins feet us well
\ voter in
Oregon should reati a pajier from the
coming ami her arrival were counted in
It was a full half hour of waiting we hi« and head, ami the man in the (..,pital (iuring th<! 4.aiIipaign and we
AN INSULT TO T H f SIUSLAW BAY. , uager inipat’ence. At last she came.
U h , after living seated, till v“ l|c y b'ld evidently completely lost make this offer to auit the times. Sam-
lass ivare,
B en ts’
Tho exact locati >n of the verv ohe« ure I'l,e Sa,vation Army was out in all the yjrHi Hooth would appear, hut I never hiinself in tfie music, for ids whole body pie copies free. Ail suhscriptiona will
glory of martial array to receive her. spent a more interesting thirty in nutes swayed to the sound of the tam bour-
consecutively nutnliered upon receipt
W kst has Iwen finally lo< ated by the ....
Shoes. ________________ E _ tc. E tc.
,, •
,, .
„ „ ,, , , .... i ,i„„
anil to each tenth subscriber will be
llrund- i n , and a copy of the A jc is in There was a bam ,net in Musi,- Hall m ln ,n y life. Some one in the gallery he- 'nes, the band d app,ng and the m ighty preHente,, a y,,ar> Hlll„, ion to the
H ead q u arters for
('otniopoh'ian Magazine, rusting
band asking for exchange. Perhaps we
g a n i o s m g . i i c a wave the sound volume of voices.
racks,” the Salvation Army hcad-qunr- Nwept throw:
th e v ast aud ito riu m ,
cannot estim ate correctly the motives
I turned ami looked at her. She had cm, Oregon.
gathering in depth ami volume until it
of the Populist periislical for it» efforts ter« in Bowdoin Square.
On the evening of the 20th nf r,,a, i,ed the elioir, where it was ech ed 11 kind face, and her silver hair gave
in searching out our obscurity, or wish­
' ary she addressed the m ultitude from |)V a cliorus of liumlr« ds of “ so ld ie rs '” l-er the rig h t to question, I presume, I
ing to know any thing alsait us when
found, but since they waited until m ak. ! H>e pulpit of the Peoples’ church, at tbe voi,.,.H anit the tinkle of tam bourines, und I sa id : “ They enjoy it, why n o t?” ,
ing an attack upon Tux W xst and our i ,o rn «r ° G h rk le y street and Columhiis T hen the s nging t»«gii:i in earnest.
“ Why not, indeed?” she answered.
“ I L E A D , B U T N E V E R F O L L O W I”
S. H. Friendly
D ~ G
O T H IN C ,
O ! th e A gcny
country Iwfore asking for exchange, it
This spacious structure could
leaves the impression that they desired
,lo!‘l ,he liali ,,f U"' " ' ”,M
a,1' li*
to crush something, so they »elected
a ‘ m e, ami liundre«!» « rowiled about the
■few type” ami some “ ehim banks" j ,loon’
w'ndows outside eager to
ty p e”
catch blit the sound of her voice.
down here by the sounding sea. As our
8hc was announced
announce«! to speak
«peak again
office is «quipped second to none in Lane
the same place, on the 22nd, and in the
county, with the exception of not hav-1
desperation of a last chance 1 hurried,
Ing a power pre«», we m ight suggest
with a friend, up to tin« church ut half
th a t the Hroad-Are buy some column
past six o'clock though the doors, we
rules before «peaking ulightiugly of its
knew, would not he open for at least an
There is no disguising the fact that hour. People had already Iiegnn to
the intensity of devotion of the iwople «»«her al«out the entrance, ami in less
here for th eir country, has grown into Hum ten minutes wc found ourselves in
mi axiom. To insult the Siuslaw bay, th e m idst of a crowd so dense, eo closely
or sneer at it, while its little band of paekcl th at we voul.l not so much as
patriot citizens are struggling to bring move save ns we were swayed by the
its unlHtunded, natural resources into mass of hum anity th at hemmed us in.
hroa«ler prominence, will bring to such But it was, fortunately, an orderly and
offenders the everlasting hatred of every patient crowd, though it was made up of
man, woman ami child, irrespective of ‘all sorts and conditions of m en ," as
Such singing! What it la ke«l in quid- " I t is better than tne dance halls, the
ity was more th an miule up in quantity, l>cer saloons or tne cheap theaters. It
nn,| the accom paniment of haml-clap >• ®y o'«!1 ■rSWRutln meeting, but I
p ,n g Hn(| the tam liourines.
know th e good these men and women
A sudden silence warned us of the nr- #re «liung; I »ea it about me every-day,
riv a , of the Comm andant and hi» party, and I feel al.uosi hke clapping, too.”
A» they entered the church and ad-
1 wish I could rem em ber Aim. Booth’s
vanceil to the platform the Army roi-c to "«ir«l», to write a few of them here, hut
its feet and rem ained standing till strangely enough I cannot recall them,
Mrs, B<w,th and her es ort wire seated, though their influence will rem ain with
then the roof was nearly lifted bv the me always. Indeed, it was nothing new
mighty shout that went up. Tht r.i she tol.l us. The tru th is as old as erea-
Wl.rp singing, prayers, ami singing again, tion, I suspect, but simple tru th took
Then 1 allowed myse'.f to study some of on new meaning uttered by her earnest
the strange looking people who had ac- >¡1’», and s<« med to live and glow and
companied the C om m andant and ids burn within the hearts of her listenersin
wife to the platform, Mrs. I\s>th herself quick r«»iionso. She spoke very quietly.
tK.j„g qlllt0 hidden from view la'liind Her v o ic e , though low ami sweet, peue-
the reading desk. In ud lit on to Major Irate,I to the rem otest corners of the
Brewer and his wife, who stand at the vast edifice. And h e r ’ onto simple and
|1C«J 0( ihe Army in B o s to n , a n d a score «•'•'««'t as if she were accustomed to
party, religion, or previous condition. W alter besaut would have it. Her«'and o{ hunilsomc, earn«' St lo o k in g young sja-ak so th a t even the dullest might
T ax W xst never has, ami it never will I 'l, rv
r,‘d •I'il't of a soldier or the m»'n wearing the badges of office, there understand. It was not bv a display of
be known to fail in its bright lexicon o f , tt’D badge of a captain or other of- was a very b vc u h whom I rhetoric, a flow of eloquence th a t she
energy when defending the Kiuslaw ®**r g't'uu'ed in the glare of the street took to lie “ Ash Barrel .E m m .,’’ from gained her wonderful power; though
the mention I had seen of that titled ‘’ven the most critical could not find
country and its people. If it wire not ' i'gbts.
for this, no such article as we are now
half past seven the doors were personage in th e 7 /s u .f and toe h i : , i-uilt with her style. It is matchless ns
writing would appear, for our long jonr-
and the living tide began to on previous occasions. Fo li.c left was ¡» her imiupcr, but it and all else are
nalistic life hna so hardened our feelings "'■’’s*“ «lowly forward and to flow into seated "Jo e the T urk,” clad from head nuule subservient to the one great pur-
th at other journals’ personal a llu s io n » Die church, w I.ich w a» speedily
flaring, flaming red, but a I“«*v for which she works— the uplifting
seldom provoke a reply.
to '*• u t|iiost capacity. The spacious
strikingly fine figure in any garb, ln- <>( m ankind, the salvation of the race.
As tlie/IriMiif-drr assumes the role of rhoir gallery hack of the pulpit was
telligent looking too. On aciount of ' «od blees her and send us others like
expressing the opiniuiie of the Populist filled s itli "soldiers " ami there seemed some difficulty with the I t emmi«;.. ,;nd her.
Of ThOOO 6 w c ro h o fu Suflfor
fro m
B a rtc p n r lU a
P u r i/le t,
Soothes, H ea ls, CVRES,
For Eargair.s in Real Property
O R E G O N .
R «xd carefully the following a K lavits by prominent, citixcng regarding F lor­
ence property, now on tho market at wonderfully reduced prices:
T. F. Johnson
San Jose. Cai.
I hereby certify that I was the original owner of the property known as Frasier
and Berry's part of Florence, which E. J. Frsier is now offering for »ale. T hat the
same is level ami free from drifting »and. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel
upon saiil lami and the same is ilesirahle for residence proja-rty. J . G. S tivxxson ,
Supt. Public Schools, Lane county.
" I hsse for many years been a great «nfferss
Subscribed »nd sworn to before me this 6th
s iti.
breaking out on my arms
day of March, 1802.
J o s x n i A. M orkis ,
and leg s; they were covered with eruption sad
Notary Public,
■ores, < t|.c h « e g iw g «11 ih e lia M . 1 tried very
many and consulted physicians tar
and mar. but CM .utwily grew wane. I
Being first «Inly sworn I depose and say: That I have been a resident of F lor
have taken but tliree bottler of Hood's Sarvaph. ence, I.ane Connty, Oregon, for the past twelve y ears; th at I am fumili»r and wel
»equainte.i with the property known ns "F rasier and B errv’s [«art of F lorence.‘
'h a t ti c same is adm irably suited for resilience property, being perfectly level and
free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery g ro w well in the soil and
rll’.a for rheumallrm. sml h.-.s derived io much ,|ia t pure well water is found on the same at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet.
bsnn'.t from It that she decbrer there Ir no
J o s x n i A. M orris , M erchant.
other medicine on earth. We would not he
Hood’s s Cures
without 11 In the h "ire If it costs *20 a botfit.”
T. Var-i iv Joussox, Fan Jose. Cal.
N. B. Cc rare to get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
H o o d 's Pill J act sarlly.yct promptly and
»•»»er.:*y os tho Ever and h .» « !a JSo,
j ”t 't
Subscribe«, and sworn to before me this 12th day
day of M arcli, 1892.
L. Btt.vev,
Notary Public,