The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 16, 1894, Image 4

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F e w F i p e r l , H e r e in » l l i n l l S a ln rie..
T h e A r t N o I 5 N ew O n e, a . i t D a t e . B a r k
t o C ic e r o , W h o I *etl ' ¡ o r e T h a u 7 ,0 0 0
C h a r u r ter.
N ew V nrl.'» V e te r a n .
There are inoregtetiegraphers in New
York «ml its vicinity than tin ro tiro
lawyers er t'.oetors. B ut nut all of tliein
urn coinj.i ti nt. A la. t class
w riter is very ililiicult to find, and if
lie is u fast writi r ho is suro of u good
Shorthand w riting as a means < f earn­
ing a livelihood is nut as lucrative as
many other callings, but it affords a
young man, if lie is quick w itted, a fine
chance to watch the in ternal workings
of a l.nsini so lions', and th en by helps
him toward a 1 usim ss education such
as he could get in no other way.
Tho only Held tin t is highly rem u­
nerative is law reporting, but to become
competent for this work n quir. s y e a rs
of assiduous practice, and the held id
employment is lim ited. Tim highest
salary paid to a court stenographer in
New York is in tint surrogate's court.
Mr. Edward F. U nderhill, probably the
oldest practicing stenographer in Am er­
ica, holds this position and rceeivis a
salary of $3,099 per year. Ho has been
in tho service since lbfi).
The municipal departm ents and courts
in New York city pay annually in sal­
aries for stenographic services $151,-
000. This salary (isf includes 90 ste­
nographers, 27 of whom are court re ­
porters, each receiving $2,500, and 19
$3,000 annually as salary. In addition
to this, howevi r, all court stenograph« rs
are allowed by the code 10 cents per fo­
lio of 100 words, for furnishing copies
of transcripts to tho parties interested
in any case when desired.
Up town at 333 West Twenty-third
Btr et tho Btenogrnphers of New York
have a club, where they meet each oth­
er socially. In connection w ith the
club is a "classroom ,” where tho mem­
bers may practice tho a rt of shorthand
■.vritlng. Hero nearly every evening uro
gathered sn„_2 of am bitious young
Buoftuali*ers in d u stn io .Jy driving their
pens for love of perfection iri their
craft, while some one of experience
reads or dictates. Tho classroom is
provided with all tile different styles of
typew riting machines for tho use of
members when there is no dictation.
Tho club also m aintains an employ­
m ent bureau. Tho club is open to ei­
ther sex. In fact, it is the largo mem­
bership of young Indies th at gives zest
to tile social side of tho d u ll, which is
one of its im portant features. In the
w inter tho club gives receptions, enter­
tainments, occasionally a dinner and
once every year a ball.
In many of tho public schools of the
{.¿nutty stenography is a p art of tile
t r u i n i . ’ ’ . A n e v id e n c e of its recent re­
m arkable grow th is s h o w n by a circu­
lar issui d by to * bureau of education nt
Hero it is shown th at fw m Ju ly 1,1889,
to Juno 30, 1890, 57,375 persons receiv­
ed instruction in tho a rt of shorthand
in schools and colleges in tho United
States. Five thousand five hundred »¿d
fifty of these were in New York and
Brooklyn. A einii'<• circu lar w as is­
sued by tho b u re a u * 1881, in which it
w as shown that during the year 1882
tho number of pupils receiving such
instruction was 12,470. It is therefor©
quit© safe to say th at tho num ber for
1893 fxceeded 75,000.
But this number docs not take into
consideration an arm y probably equal­
ly largo who receive instruction fioui
gomo other source or from professional
Bteiiograpli» rs.
Out of this vast army, however, but
a very sm all m inority are either phys­
ically or mentally qualified to become
court it porters or even oflice amanuen-
Cicero is said to have been the invent­
or of shorthand w riting, and tho freed-
inan, Marcus T ullius Tiro, his Dieml,
tho first stenographer, and he undoubt­
edly did use a method of shorthand
w riting as early as 30 B. C.
Tho first English treat ire was by Tiin-
otlio Bright, entitled “ An A rto o f Short«’
Swift«» and Secrete W riting by Charac-
turo, Inueiitcd byT iinotho Bright, Doc­
to r of Phisike. Im printed at London by
I . W inJet, tho A .sing» o «if Tim Bright,
1588. Cum priuilegio liegino Mutest a-
tis. Forbidding all others to p rint tho
Dr. B light in this work says: “ Cicero
did account it worthio bis labour, and
in» less profitable to the Roman common
weal«» (Most G racious Soiieraigne), to
inuent a speed to kindo of w rytiug by
character, as P lutarch reportetli in tho
lifo of Cat«» the younger. This inven­
tion was increased afterw ard by Seneca;
that the number of characters gnu* to
7,000. Whether through inure of time,
or that the men gauo it over for tedious-
ness of learning, nothing n maiimth ex­
tan t of Ci«« to ’» inuentimi at this «lay.”
Every stenographer who recalls tho
efforts required to properly master tho
few characters used in tho a it today
will not wonder that o f Cicero’s system,
w ith its 7.000 eharaeters, nothing re­
m ains nt this day.
It was not until 1012 that tho art be­
came of any practical use, and it was
first used in the house of lords in 1099
in taking testimony in a divoree suit.
Stenograph« rs wi io not regularly em ­
ployed in parliam ent, however, until
1802.—New York Woild.
U n d a u n te d b y D e fe a t.
H e lle r T ita n T h a t , s it e l i n e n H ow to ! ’»• I t
A lt e r G e t t in g It.
The New York Sun •»: that th© Prefl-
ident’fl'poliey is, when in doubt, to nom­
inate a f rt ak.
The rejection of Peckham was a defeat
for tl»o great railways, whi«h to«»k a
gtnny«» interest in hi« coilrmntion.
Wfien it eoinei* to gn<»d, s tro n g h ttc r
writing. Minister Willis is not eligible
to play in tiie flame team hitli D. 1 •.
Land O S e s at Ko«c‘;urg. Oregon. March a,
l'MM. N otiee is hereby given thul the following
name I M iller ha* hied nolice of hi* intention
to make filial pr x»f in support of his claim , and
that trnid proof will be made before W. IT,
Douglas, I'. 8. Court Commissioner, for Oregon,
at Marshfield, Oregon, on Saturday, April 2H,
1KM, viz:
Tbc way to the polls is an Arctic
A a n n i undid tlio 1 urgnln conn- expedition,
ti r uf im i of tho l.ig retail stores on
S u sa n B. A nthony Juts been lec­
Sixth avi nuu tin; other day an J cap-
tu rn i a fra.’iiiilit uf china silk with turing fur 40 years.
Moses J. T ow no,
which she want <1 t i make u screen
Enfrnnchisiitg a woninn is not a
Homestead Entry No. 77ta. for tiie nwV^ of nw ’^
T o Hi c o m p ii-h tills required n degree uf
sec. 16, e*a of
MC, 8, and *w‘^ of *w,z< see,
strategy and pliy heai exertion eutilcient revolution, but »n evolution.
9, tp. 20a, range 11 w. He name» the following
to equip a c. !1 • uluven fur active serv­
w itnesses to prove bi* continuous residen«*«
ice on the griiliruu. C ut sho g o t ilic i e , ■ A nna Shuw is an ordained Ulin-
upon and cultivation of, aaid laud, viz: Wil.
‘ I spent tile whole atti-moon, ” (.aid ister in flic Motlioilist Church,
Lam Bluck and Tilomas 13. Gabriel of Gaidiner,
,he to a Irien l. "am t wi: n I gut homo
D ouglas county. Oregon, Henry A. Bay and
Mrs. Mary A. Bay of Empire City, Coos county,
1 lig u rid the win I ■ tiling up. I could
J ohn H. Snurr.,
have bought th ■ sain" stuif up stairs at crown, was A nna Shaw ’s tex t.
the regular contiti r fur 39 cents a yard,
and 1 wunti d only 3 J.; yards. Well,
that mean little c h rk su lil inefottryards has long played a farcical part on
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14, 1*91
fur 55 cents it was a rem nant, you the Capitol dome.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
know -so I found I had been trodden
named settler has file-1 notice of his intention
Lot every woman when she pays
upon for about two hours and squeezed
to make final pr<»of in support of his claim ,
black anil blue and bad lost ju s t 3 cents her taxes protest against taxation
and that said proof w ill lie made before W.
O n e o f H is Experiences.
by tho oiicration.
I’. Douglas, U. H. Circuit Court Commissioner
For th ir ty -e ig h t years i ’apt. Lcud followed
" B u t, law, th a t’s nothing! What do
th e
m ost o f th a t tim e as masi* r or a ves­ for Oregon, at Marshfield, Oregon, on Saturday,
April 7,1891. viz;
you s'p sc? 'A by, win a I examined
pointed by th e Secretary of th© 1 ,n’,l9“ ®1ta tf'*
William Bluck,
th at .ilk tlio next day, I found a hula in
There is more cutarrb in this section Tre;isury to superintend the >eal fisheries In on pre-emption D.
S. No. 76»0, for the se1^ of sw
A laska, which position b eh eld live years, lie
every fold.
of the country tlian all other disease- rela tes one exp erien ce as follows:
’i. sw,1* of seV4' sec. 29. and lots 17, 21 and 22, sec.
‘•.'Lid? Well. I think I was (uadi My
p u l together, and until tiie last few general nervousness and pain in the region .->2, tp. 21 s, range II w.
husband laughed ¡it me. He says wom­
He names the following w itnesses to prove
of my heart.
My greatest nfPIctlon was
en w ile born to le fooled, do n 't you years was supposed to be incurable. For sbteple »'»ess; It w a s alm ost impossible at any ills continuous residence upon and cultivation
know th at mo: t of ns haven't sense a great many years doctors prononnceu tim e to obtain r e st ui»J slee p . H a v in g seen •f, said laud, viz: Henry A. Bay. Moses J.
l»r Miles* reined*-^ a J <•»«. 'd I b» ^an using
enough to spread an um brella win n it it a h eal di-ease, and prescribed loen N ervine
,all ^u.tuTHy t e iow ne. Thomas B. Gabriel, Mary Ann Bay, all
remedies, and I y coptetnlly (ailing o benefit re<*elved was no u • ->'t th at 1 waw posi­ of Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon.
tiv e ly alarm ed, blukb J the rem edy J;on"
J ohn H. S hi ’ pn ,
“ ‘What w onldyoit do?’ I asked him. cure w itli local treatm ent, pronounced tuiued opiates which w oe.J tinally '»<• In ju ri­
” ' Do, ' says he, • 1 <1 throw Unit away il incurable. Science Inis proven ca­ ou s to me; but on being assured by f ile tlrug- F3B- MS0
gist th at It was perfectly harm less, 1 c-ontlu-
and never go ta c k to th at store ag ain .’ tarrh to he a constitutional disease and ued it togeth er with the H eart Cure. Today
I can conscientiously sa y th a t Dr. M iles B “-
•• ‘Not rim i li, ' snyu 1.
I ’m going to
Nervine and Now H eart Cure did
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Jan. 29, 1MM
make them take that l ack if 1 dio for therefore requires constitutional treat­ Storative
more for me than anyth in g I had ever ta k e n . Notice is hereby given that the following- 1
I iiad been treated by em inent ph ysicians
it. Now therel And if you should miss
in New York and San Francisco w ith out ben­ named settler has filed notice of his intention '
mo when night comes, you 'll litui my re­ toed by F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, ().. efit.
I owe my present good h ealth to the to make final proof in support of his claim , and
mains at tlio foot ol tliocliinu silk collu­ is the only constitutional cure on Hie judicious use of these m ost valuab le remiuiies. that said proof w ill be made before the Register
h eartily recommend them to all a til if ted
m arket. It is taken internally in doses and
to ri’
and Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office, at Rose­
as 1 was.” -C apt A. I*. Loud, Hampden, Me.
" I went back. A fter another two ironi It) drops to a teaspooiifitl. It acts Dr. Miles’ R estorative N ervin e and New « 'ore burg, Oregon, on Saturday Marvil 17, 1891, viz; ;
sold by all druggists on a positive g u aran ­
B yron W. Dorsey,
hours of shuttling and crowding I got a directly on tlia bliaiil and mucous sur­ nr©
tee, or by Dr. .Miles M edical Co., E lkhart,
chanci) to confront tho young man who faces of the system. They otter one hun­ In«l., on r«‘ceipt of price, f l per bottle, or six on Pre-emption D. s. No. 7526, for the seJX of ne
b ottles for
express prepaid. T hey are *4, see. 32. w}a of nw1; and ne1,^ of nw‘.4, sec. 88,
sold mo that silk. 1 was prepared to
free from all opiate* an d dangerous drugs.
tp. 19 s, range 11 w.
make him ashamed of bina i If, now 1 dred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Sold by all D ruggm u.
He names the following witnesses to prove
tell von. But he merely looked at it anil Send for circulars and testimonials.
hiscontinuous residence upon and cultivation
said in a bored sort of way. 'Uh, yes, Address
of, said land, viz: John L. Furnish, George '
F. J. Cbenev A Co., Toledo, O.
that is t liti salilo picco of silk Min. Blank
Mills, B. F. Wilkes, W. D. Vanderburg, of Flor­
returned lust wci k. ’
/ ; ® “ Sold by Druggists, 75c.
ence, Lane county, Oregon.
“ Yes, I was stricken dumb. If tbero
J ohn II. S hupe ,
Will eell lots in Acme from $25 to $60.
hail ln:"U room enough, I ’d have (Iron- :
Will pell lots in Chi«*ago addition to JF9-M16
Florence cheap and on eaev terms.
pod. But th a t’s nothing. Lot me t 11
W. A. Cox.
you. W hile he was m aking out my re­
bate check another lady glanced nt the
silk 1 bad ju st laid down.
“ ‘T h at's real p re tty ,’ said she. ‘IIow
A fine farm of 160 acre9 situated on
many yards?’
the Lakes South from Florence. This
“ ‘Four, m a’am ,’ says he.
ranch is mostly alder and vino maple
•• ‘IIow m uch?’
bottom land, having nearly a mile lake ! CAN I O B T A IN A P A T E N T f F o r a
u •J'grtv cents,’ says he, w ith tho
answer and an honest opinion, write to
frontage. Ten acres under «ailtivation prompt
most I’liuh'Ahtiiu i,—_. ‘I t ’s tho last picco
IH I NN A- <-’<>.♦ who have had nearly fifty years'
in th e patent basine&a. Communica­
of th at shade in tho house,' says tie.
tions strictly confidential. A H a n d b o o k o f In­
concerning P a t e n t a and bow to ob­
come into hearing; broom s in a frame formation
“ ’I ’ll take i t , ’ says she, pulling out
tain them sent free. A lso a catalogue of mechan­
her purse ju st as ho gave ino my ticket
house that is ceiled and papered ; good ical and scientific books sent free.
Are you willing to work for the cause
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
l'or t!m retu rn of th at identical pieci). of Protection in placing reliable infor-
out-bnildings, and stock of all kinds will special notice In the S cie n tific A m erica n , and
thus are brought widely before th e public with­
Well, tlu n 1 knew th at young man de­
cost to th e inventor. Thia splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tho
liberately cheated mo and was going to mation in the hands of your acquain­
ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one largest circulation o f any scientific work in the
cheat th at lady right l:cfore my face. But
world. S 3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, «2.50 a year. Single
If you are, you should be identified ! half cash and reasonable tim e given for j
I got lay breath quick enough to tell her.
cents. Every number contains beau­
tiful plates, in colors, ¿nd photographs o f new
And I did. I said: ‘Madam, I'v e just
houses, with plans, enabling kuilders to show the
at this office.
latest designs and secure contracta. Address
this m inuto brought th at back, i t ’s
MUNN A CO., N ew Y ouk , 3 6 1 B boadwat .
damaged. Look at these holes! He
knows it's damaged. H ere's my ticket
1 3 5 W . 23D S T ., NEW YORK.
for the rebate for its re tu rn .'
Cut Itii. notice out and tend it to the lea g u e,
elating your position, and give a helping hand.
“ Well, if you could have seen tho
look sbo gave him! Then slio turned on
her lied mid went out. Yes, 1 should
G O O D A D V IC E .
say I ’m about even w ith th at house—
Ripans Tabules are com­
one of tho finest stores in town too.” —
pounded from a prescription
Now York licrald.
widely used by the best medi­
E v e r y p a tr io tic c itiz e n sh ou ld g iv e h is
cal authorities and are pre­
p erson al effort an d in flu en ce to Increase
O lil Joint*. T iai.b ln llon .
sented in a form that is be­
Every one in Boston knoW3 of old tiie circulation of his home paper which
coming the fashion every­
John tho Orangeman, th at picturesque teaches the American policy of Protec­
mid almost historical personago who tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
prcsiihis over the aliertions of all H ar­
it, every way possible. After the home
vard men. And every one who knows
John knows .'«Iso that his life’s motto is paper is taken care of, why not suL-
that fam iliar phrase which expresses scribo for the A merican E conomist ,
■¡e____ May be Found in-------*
briefly and to Hie point tho wish th at published by tiie American Protective
Yale may be forever ri legated to the re­ Tariff League ? One of its corrcspon-
C alibrated Jesse Alooro whiskey.
gion of sorrow nail perpetual darkness. dents says: ‘‘N'o true American can
Olio afternoon strnngers WC» w alk­
T he Crnje Orchard Sour Mash
get along without it. I consider it tiie
in g through tlio yard at H arvard, anil
on ovi ry band they saw the college greatest and truest political teacher Irt
G enuine O1<1 Castle Bourbon
bearing this motto, ‘‘Christo et Eecle- the United States.”
Scad postal card request for free
z—-The O P. S. l’ony-^
Ripans Tabules act gently
Not being oil speaking term s witli samplecopv. Address Wilbur FAYake-
------ s '
but promptly upon the liver,
Cicero, Ciesar and tho other Romans,
Ever Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 5
stomach and intestines; cure
this did nothing but to arouse their cu ­ uiaa, General Secretary, 135 V»est2jd
St., New York.
Cents a Glass Awaits Your Order.
dyspepsia, habitual constipa­
F inally they met John.
tion, offensive breath and head­
Call for nn Imported or Domestic Cigar,
‘‘I say!” said one of the visitors. “ I
ache. One tabule taken at the
U O O D ’S G U A R A N T E E S
And You Will be Satisfied.
see these words everywhere.
C anyon
first symptom o f indigestion,
■■ a cure. W hat it has done for
tell liio what, they mean?”
dizziness, distress
John looked carefully nt the L atin in-
after eating, or depression of
get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
seiption, bit his pipe a little harder and
spirits, w ill surely and quickly
then replied gravely:
remove the whole difficulty.
“ Oi don't jist know, fr'n d , but (11
t ' i n k i t m eans 'T o h ------ w i l l V ale.' ” —
Boston Budget.
RipansTabuIes may be ob­
tained o f nearest druggist.
— The—
S o im i T im b e r R tr e n < tli T est« .
It would bo diflicult to convince the
nveiKgo man, «'specially the Missouri
pioneer, th at lir is a stronger wood Ilian
oak, but M id i bus lieeu proved by ac­ of cither sex, nnv ngc, in uny part of the country,
tual tests tb it were made by u lair and at the employment wliich wc furnish You need
im partial eommittee appointed for Hie not b - away from homo over night. You can giro
purpose. The tim bers used were eaeli yourwliolotlme to the work, oronly your tptre mo­
2 by t inches and -I feet long, both unis ment*. As capital is not required you run no risk.
solidly hr. 'll 'll m ill the weight applied We supply you nil that is needed. It will 1
ill the middle ot tho s p a ll.
Yellow lir cost you nothing to try the business. Any one 1
stood a strain of 3,9112 pounds, common can do the work Beginners make money from
Oregon oak 2,022 pound.. Fine grained the start Failure ia unknown with our workers.
yellow ill from m ar the butt stood a 1 A i ry hour you labor you can easily make a dollar.
strain of ¡1,935 pounds, and best Michi­ No one who is willing to work fail » to make more
gan oak snapped witli a strain ot only mom y every day than can be made in three «lays
2, l .’S pounds. These tests were mad« ct civordinarv employment. Send for free book
by tiie N orthern Pacific Railroad com­ coiuaining tho fullest information.
pany at Tncomn. St. Loma lit public.
O re uou.
a Prien d Ao
TVte CQAise
ArdevesVs ?
W . M. R E N S H A W ,
««e-Wholesale and Retail*«
L E K A D A><-
Qcean View Home.
G eo .
H. Enlier í í í i
>¡ í i H S e I e PrnprÎEinr.
Price of
$50 $150
Size of
I___ _____________________
L IQ U O R D E A L E R .
M a rr & Saffey
S40'25 S
N ot Obneure E nough.
” Yon intend this novel for the Bos­
ton public, do you?” said flic publish-
ir, leaning back in his i hair.
“ Yes, s ir,” said the novelist.
‘‘Well, Mr. I’ensllng," said the pub­
lisher, “ the work lia s its m erit. It IS
pointed, interesting, and the style can
bn readily read and understood, mid 1
th in k ," lie continued us the novelist’s
face broke into a smile of hope, "1
think therefore that you should give up
all effort to get Boston people interest­
ed ill i t . ” —Chicago Record.
W hile female suffrage has carried tho
day in New Zealand, it has experienced
defeat in South A ustralia, where the
P r o v in g th e P rop osition .
adult fluffing© bill, which embodied the
W ien a man w rites Io an«»tlier chal­
principle, was rep eted in the popular
lions«? on the third reading, but only by lenging him to fight a duel K cause that
a nariow majority. The friends of tho other has called him a fool, the chal­
cause, however, are n«'t at all discour­ lenging party betrays lam entable igno­
aged and will return to the battle with rance a» to |.-p u lar in
undaunted spirits till victory crowns regard to what a fool is. Buffalo Coin-
11 n ia l.
their efforts. Melbourne Letter
The cuckoo does in t wem to neflt on
G©n. Sickles’s «leak to any great extent
h A kL E T T &
Box Oi»O,
On all the Property in
The ocean, the surrounding
country and the Light-house.
__________ _____________—-------------------------------- —— •
.A . ZN‘e -w H o t e l ,
Sash and Door Factory,
N e w
C lix x x ’C l i ,
B a rg e Sa/wr-mill
• ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
The town of Glonada is situated on the Pacific coast, fronting the
Great Siuslaw river, has deep water frontage, and the best offers ar
-T H E --
— D E A L E R IN —
B e e f,
F is ti,
G am e, '
F r u - i t s , H ow
an Enem y w as F oiled .
T he follow ing graphic utatem ent w ill be
"V" e g s t s J o l e s - read
with in ten se Interest; “ I cannot describe
F lo re n c e
About seven miles up t ii e Siusln»
liver from Florence, and situated en the
bottom lands of the river, is one of Hie
best farms in latne county. For grain
The rate < n the Southern Pacific from
or pasture land it is unexcelled, and
Eugene to San Eraneinc«» .and return is
tiie best proof th a t it produce* tbe finest
124.75, and fr«»m Drain to San Francisco I
varieties of fruit, is th a t there is grow­
and return $22 85.
The?© rate1’ un hide
ing a large orchard consisting of the
five coupons of a<linissii>n to tiie l air
choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in
Tickets will he on sale from Jaeurv 24th
bearing. This farm will he sold as a
Repairing I’nnuptly Pone
and tlmne h«»arding the train at either
whole or in ten, five or one aere tracts
Eugene or Drains, will arrive in San A N D W O R K W A R R A N T E D . to suit purchasers. W rite to O. F. Ken­
hranciflfo on the following day nt 10.42
I nedy. Florence, Oregon, for particulars
a. in. Tickets good for 30 days from
kont S tuf . et , F lokence , O regon . and prices.
«’.ate of sale.
the numb, e rvep vsen sation th a te x lste d in my
arm*, hands and legs. I had to rub and beat
those parts u n til th ey wen» sore, to overcom e
In a m easure the dead feelin g tliat had taken
pttssvssion o f them. In addition. I had a
strange w eakness in m y back and around my
waist, togeth er with an indescribable -gone’
feelin g In my stom ach. Ph ysician s said It
was ereeptug paralysis, from which, accord­
ing to th eir universal conclusion, there is no
relief. Once It fasten s upon
upo) a person, they
say. It con tin u es its insidious progt ress un til
It reaches a vital point and tiie sufferer dies.
Such was m y prospect. I had been doctoring
a year and a h alf s te a d ily , h u t with no par­
ticular benefit, when I saw an advertisem en t
of Dr Miles' R estorative N ervine, procured a
bottle and began using It. M arvelous as It
m ay seem, but a few days had passed before
every bit o f th a t creepy feelin g had left mo,
and then» lias not w e ll e v e n the slig h test
indication o f its return.
I now feel as
well as I e v er did. and h a v e gained ten
pounds In w eight, though I had run down,
from 1.0 to 137. Four others have used Dr.
Miles’ R estorative N ervine on my recom en-
dation, and It has been as satisfactory In their
cas»“in s in m ine.”—Jam es Kane. I.a Rue, O.
Dr Miles* R estorative N ervin e Is sold by All
druggists on a positive guarantee, or sen t
direct by th e Dr. allies Medical <’o.. E lkhart,
1ml on receipt of price, f l p er.b ottle, six
b ottles for
express prepaid. It la free fro»
I opiates or dangerous drugs.
made manufacturers, tradesmen and nome-buildera to settle in thia
most healthy town on the coast.
Write Geo. B. Colter tor jaitienlara