any route, from Florence to the valley. R E P U B L IC A N CEN TRAL COM mail carrying next Saturday, March 19, constitution of the national league. Two travelling men and Lieutenant M IT T E E ’ S R E P O R T . between Varien and Ivison. The meeting adjourned to meet next Shunk are here prisoners of the weather, F r o m t h e G u a n í . Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, at 7:30 At the annual school meeting in dis­ — PU B L ISH E D EV ER Y FR ID A Y 5IOÜM .YU.— which, no doubt, creates an irksomeaud It was trict No. 100, held on Man h 5th, Al­ o’clock, in the court-lionse. The meeting of the Lane county Re­ — AT— ill feeling because of the delay. There bert Warden was elected director and J. thought best t" call a mass meeting at publican central committee vas held in F lorknck , L ank C ounty , O regon is little satisfaction in any form of con­ that time of all tie ; e interested in bi­ M ount’s had March 7th. Chairm an F. S. Day clerk. solation, therefore we offer none. A. Morrison, of Michigan, has bought metallism. ibis organization is for the M. Wilkins called the meeting to order purpose of discussion and mutual en­ Ex-road supervisor Johnson was pre­ B . F . A L L E Y , E d ito r a u d P r o p r ie to r . and the secretary, D. A. Paine,called the 80 acres of unimproved laud one-half senting a statem ent to parties in Flor­ lightenm ent of its members on the finan­ mile west of Ivison, and is now busily »oil and the following named gentlemen cial situation. Arrangements are being ence for signatures, Wednesday, the ---- T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- purport of which is to show that Mr. responded: O. F. Knox, J. B. Hills, slashing on the same. Price paid, $350 made for short addres.-es by local bi­ Geo. Miilican, D. A. Paine, S. R Will­ Mr. J . A. Bronson, oil Noti, just over metallists, and all citizens who desire to Johnsmi did warn out tax-payers to Entered at the post-office at Floreuee, work on the road. It is stated th a t it iams, F. M. Wilkins, W. D. Dillard, W. the sum mit from Wild Cat, has I een vote intelligently on this question should Lane eoiiuty, Oregon, as second-class will be printed in one of the Eugene M. Inm an, S. Rigdon, P. B. Be:; y, J. prospecting in a gulch near his residence interest themselves in this organization. mail m atter. C. Goodaie, Jr., R. D. Hawley, Eli Per­ and has discovered ore w hich he says in­ papers. Good plan. We will then BOUND OVER. kins, J. P. Donaldson, J . N. Luper, S. dicates copper ami lead. The ore is a know how many people here are on both L Moorhead, J. M. Spores, J. R. Yer- greenish looking sand rock. He has Edward 1 uidcrw, of Irving precinct, AD VERTISIN G BA TE S MADE KNOWN ON A P ­ sides ot a question. trees. suspended operations lately as bis who was arrested and given an exam i­ PLICATION. All the young people gathered at the It was decided by the adoption of a “ m ine” was on railroad land. nation bef-ne United States Commis- L o c a l n o t i c e s 8 c e n t s p e r l i n e , e a c h I n s e r ti o n . Florence hotel last Monday evening to motion to the effect, th at the ratio of ★ — W E K E E P T H E B E S T — ★ A. F. Davis, postmaster, De'pliia, was Uonvr Walton yesterday afternoon, on celebrate the birtInlay of Miss Ella Saf- representation to the county convention in this vicinity a few days ago in the the charge of having sent an obscene N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of ley. To say that all enjoyed a pleasant terests of the Peoples’ Party, but failed valentine to A1 Bond, J r., was held to Eugene is our agent and is authorized t o evening participating in the games inci­ 1« as io,lows: One delegate at large for each pre- to „.ake any converts. Their platform is await the aetion of the United States receive subscriptions, advertising and dent to young and buoyant youth, i hut money lor T he W est ami receipt for the telling the facts. All report belt. ■ royal­ einet and one for every 15, or fraction 1 too wide; they w ant too much all at grand jury in the sum of $200. over seven, Republican votes east in j once, and our Government is too near F r o m S a le m D a i ly biu U M m u n . same. ly entertained by Mis. Salley and her each precinct at the last presidential bankrupt now w ithout trying to buy the family, and when Ella has travelled in election. T i i i s makes the delegates to The constitutionality of the tide-water 1 W E S T L IN G S . railroads and telegraph lines. I would the road of lime one more year, they t l i e county convention 163, divided as laws of the state of Oregon was affirm­ like to have some of our Populist friends ed hv the supreme court to-day in pass­ follows: N otice .—Mr.E. II. David will give a hope to celebrate th at event. tell us through T he W est Imw the Gov­ ing upon the suit of Charles W. Shively, A rather curious law case might grow N . E u g e n e , N o . 1 .11 N . E u g e n e , N o 2 ___ 1«) ernm ent would raise the money to buv good man with small family an excel­ in error, John Q. A. 10 these railroads? 'V om Jvoa compel the plaintiff’ out of working on the road in Florence N. E u g e u e , N o . 8 2 8 . E u g e n e , N o 1 a.y’ and W ?W . against P lent chauce on his farm near Florence. arker, which is a district. Suppose a p a r l y i n G l e n a d a S. E u g e n e , Nt». 2 .7 S. E u g e n e . N o. « . .. .2 owners to well, or ami pile up E . C o t ta g e G r o v e .7 S omething N ew .—Have you seen W . C o tta g e G r o v e ____ , . 8 . i , * 1 »•ontest iivt r whariinj. privileges on the was ordered to work on the highways in I r v i n g ....................... . 5 C rc sK w e ll......................... 8 money to them until they wore sati-hed*’ those Ladies Jerseys that are now offered ‘ Columbia river at Astoria. JusticeG rav, Florence: such party had no b o at; there l t i c h a r d s o n .......... .8 T h u r s t o n ....................... .8 for less than cost at Meyer <& Kyle’s? i who affirmed the decision of the su- P O IN T T E R R A C E . is no ferry or other means of crossing; > p e m e r ................... .2 8 iu * la w . ......................... ..8 _2 : premo court of Oregon, asserted that Who are talking against law breakers he goes to the hank and announces lie is S p r in g f i e l d .......... .7 L o t t V a lle y . W i l h u n e t t e / .......... 5 Jaaper 1 B y M ore A xon , when lands were granted, under the ready to work, and th at is the nearest Goshen............... now? M ohaw k 4 general land laws, bordering on naviga- 1 It has rained every-day, at this place, place he can arrive at to where he was N . J u n c t i o n . ........ .5 8. J u n c t i o n ............. . 4 ordeied to go; can t h e law compel him C a m p C r e e k . ........... .4 Iligh water ami some drift in the river hie waters, no rights to the land under , M a b e l................................ .2 this mouth. M c K e n z ie ................. 2 F l o r e n c e ......................... . .y at the present date. water were given, ami all such rights Idleness breeds crime. We want to do more? That is about the fix many G l e n t e n a ................... .2 L a k e (.’r e e k ................... . 2 depend on local laws. Congress never Fiorenceites would he in if they should M u p le to n ............. The work of enlarging the Point Ter­ neither in Florence. I l e r i n n i i n ......................... 2 . .2 acted 011 the policy that tide-water lands ; be ordered to work the roads in Glen- F a l l C re e k .......... 8 I ’ -ri; .2 1 race boom is progressing rapidlv under Two schooners are off the harbor , could be given av.av piecemeal, and held i . 8 ' ada. L o n g Tom ........... 2 P l e a s a n t H i l l. the superintendence of W. C. Bailey. awaiting tug towing. them for public purposes, under regula- : D e ll ........... 2 C o y o te ................... 2 Mrs. Lischen Mamie Miller of Eugene, H L a a s n e e l ........................... At the school meeting in this district 1 C h e s h e r .............................. 2 1 Steamer Coos was on the line from tions which the states might make. ivlio is studying in the Boston College of G u te C re e k last Monday, Cecil Sweet was elected 8 Seaton to Florence Wednesday. Oratory, was highly complimented upon Total .................................. 13; director in place of Amos H artley, whose From t h e J u n c t i o n C ity T im e s . Republican primary will he held in the clever work she did in the pupils’ re­ It was decided to fix the tim e for hold- term of office had expired, and Frank The result of the forthcoming election Florence on Saturday, March 24. cital held at that institution Feb. 28th. ¡ng I he primaries on Saturday, March H artley was re-elected clerk. will show the political complexion of Is it individuals we want to punish or Mrs. Miller gave a recitation, a selection 24, ami the county convention on Tues- * A beautiful display of th at wonderful ! Lane county to a «lot. There seems to is it transgressors of law and order? from one of Cable’s stories which called day, April 3. Alter some discussion .is phenomenon, the aurora borealis or ! he a determ ination by all parties to WE TA K E YOUR MEASURE A N D HAVE Remember the Republican primaries into use talents of a high order as it al­ to tin* party outlook the meeting ad- northern lights, was witnessed from “ keep in the middle of the road” and | FU LL SUITS M ADE TO ORDER ON ternated from pathos to humor. She al­ journed. meet on Saturday the 21th of March. 1 this place on a recent evening. The the fight will he to a finish on strict par- ' SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED. go took the leading part in a three act A pleasant party was held at the res­ •whole northern sky was lighted up by ty lines. This statem ent will he contra- 1 T H E Y F IG U R E . idence of John Morris on Tuesday even­ pantomime with dram atic ski'd and in­ elongated arches of red and green ami dieted but nevertheless the result, will 763 HANDSOM E PATTERNS- telligent interpretation. IL r work was i gold, through which, every minute or show a preponderance of straight tickets. ing. B y B elisarivs . much applauded by a representative two would shoot rays or meteors of light People do not always vote the way they C. C. Cushman arrived from San Boston audience. Francisco, a passenger on the Daniel­ The <eeii for the time- i ples’ Party Congressmen, for they would gene are being displayed at S. II. ficiently. 25c. ly arrival of Mr. Seal and Mr. Cook our claim expenses and mileage from Hono­ Friendly’s store. Geo. 0 . Knowles is down from Seaton The farm known as the Cape Stock lulu to Washington via Hong Kong, Alden Hayes and Geo. B arrett, who and will remain until C. D. Thomas re­ Hank would have been swapping horses Bombay, Brindisi, Paris, London, New were indicted on March 6th for the bur­ Ranch, situated 5 miles North of the in the Happy H unting Ground by this turns from Eugene. York, etc., or a trip around the world at glary of a saloon at Florence, were mouth of the Siuslaw river ami running time. The Referee in the Com mil tee-No­ the nation’s expense. brought into court tins morning and 3 miles on the coast to within one-half land case, has rendered bis decision di.— It looks to us as if a vigilant commit­ each eiiTered .T7T without welting (be banda. Yon By N arres . Here are the names of the candidates: the Populist nominees for precinct of- been punished, and now pc’ty larceny puab >be button, the machinedoea the real. ItrU b*. poliabed dlahea, has I :nhne«l i n t o hig'i-littuded r< h- and chetrfnl wire«. No acaidcd fleers a t Mapleton. STATE SENATOR. era.noaoiledhandaor clothing, l b«* i> nil . | . r r , 1 . new Populist paper) e r . . ." (•.« I l i t t l i i s t« .W i) h . . s I t o M * »ruhen dl.bea, no m ilite, Cheap, H . Lee .Mitchell, «•! Eug»ne, i s i . « i i« .r- W. II. Sp.iugh.....................Junction City r durahir,warranted.Circularafrea. for thugs, gamblers, nor big nor little has arrive«! a im me m otto. “ Hew to F. P . XXA1UUMON > CO.» Clerk X«. Ik« t u l um bu a, O. ence looking after the preparations go­ R E PR E SEN TA TIV E S. thieves, ami if such are permitted to go the line, let the chips fall where they ing on at ids mill, at Spruce Point, for m ay.” D. Burton unpunished, soon they will transfer the manufacture of lumber. Well, Messrs. Editors, start in to hew, S utherland.......................... Cottage Grove ' t e r I HAVE TH E BEST TOOLS their nefarious work from saloons and W inter has shaken bis hoary locks private houses to stores. and as charity always commences at Geo. O. K now les........................... Seaton' and m aterials and a good shop. Have long enough disputing the right of fair home, you may just as well start in with 8U 2R IF F . had tw enty year»’ experience ami I can B O LD R O B B E R Y R E P E A T E D . young Spring to supplant him. The the knotty, rough and crooked tim ber in repair all kind» of line ami complicated, rough old sage dies hard this year. the Populist party, where you will find W m . W ithers. The second, but more successful rob­ as well aa cheaper grade» of watches, C L E R E . such a herculean task on your bands, Hon. John II. Mitchell has sent us bery was made from the saloon of Geo. ami I will give you perfect the book containing Senator Jones’s Masterson on Sunday night. The com­ that it is impossible for you to find time Rollers. speech made to kill tim e and defeat the mon drunkards have been seething with ' to mend the evil ways of other political T R E A SU R ER . silver bill. There are 463 pages in the discontent and thirst since the freed«>m i denominations, and your axe will often Frauk Kirk. I need sharpening on the whetstone of book. of barrels of fine liquors was i ..1 ? 7 ' public opinion, and still it will be worn ASSESSOR. Prevention is better than cure, and ly denied them by the discovery and ap­ John Jenkins. out long before your undertaking is you may prevent th a t tired feeling by prehension of a few of their associates You might be refer rod to SCHOOL S fP E B IM E X D K V T . taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which will recently, and the rem ainder of the gang i completed. pv.|a an(, ,)|s of popijlj8t Mathews. keep your blood pure and free from acid i have probably been laughing in then in Kansas. ?>lrs. Lease will furnish all taint aud germs of disease. COMMISSIONER. sleeves ai the simplicity of protecton, in | the particulars. Nebraska, Colorado We call your attention to some resolu­ driving a few nails to fasten a window, ami Montana ate good places to putpop- Gear. tions printed on our editorial page this and a piece of white paper signed by the SURVEYO R. i ulist logs on the skids to be halved, week. They em anate from men who sheriff of Lane county, as a harrier to lint Oregon is nearer home, and the H« C. Perkins............. ..............Lleweliing know how to obey the laws of the land their th irst. Inordinate whiskey habit 1’epulist party here stands in great need : CORONER. and can give the best reasons for so do­ can only be kept quiet by the severest i I will take butter, eggs, meat, fruits, of having the crookedness straightened Dr. O. F. K ennedy.................. Florence system of strong locks’ repression, nnd ing. potatoes, and ail kinds of vegetables as by hewing. Should you persist in hew -' The convention was composed of 84 part paym ent for work. Suppose the citizens, who are in favor to presume that three arrests and a few ing until their evil ways nre mended, of law and order, take in hand the fer­ nails and a sheriff’s notice barred the you will ffnd th a t you have hewed your lelegates and was represented by about reting oOt of thefts lately perpetrated inlested r«jad to liquor ruin, was such a whole blessed party into chips. Some i ‘"em bers, We laid out the original town wite of FLORENCE, including tho G. B. C 0 L L E 3 , here. We think a citizen has something personal affront, that the thieves of this people always hunt for the splinters in I FACTS FORMULATED. T ho F lo re n c e W a tc h D octor. to do besides complain of peace officers town resented them. their brother's eye, and do not see the i Tlie condition of the elem ents on last who work without pay. 16-foot saw log in th eir own, but then,! The thieves stole chickens from M r,. S" n^ \ ni*'l.'t " 1,a all, tl,1e " ' 7 ' “’ ' !e‘ there are none so blind as those th at do F r o m t h e C o o s B a y M all. sired. It rained, was dark, ami all rep- FO R GO D A Y S O N L Y ! Judge Denny Is in Eastern Oregon nnd Aekerley lust Monday night—all she , i not want to see ; and some people can­ had, and took six from Mr. Weddell. utable citizens were at home. So a not sec a forest fur all the trees that are is receiving first-class sendotís for gov­ 1 5 8 acres of land, mostly nil bnnd, a part of which is in Eugene on Chickens, cigarB and champagne ate , . , , In the toad. Gentlemen Editors, start: ernor whenever he goes. Bottom land on tis k th at has to rustic. iliaft constitution and by-laws for such ■ M. z" Co , FAIR M O U N T, O r e the possibility of people travelling, by tice. Mr. f.c-,-i Vaughn takes charge of the an organization, to cnrf,,rm with the part of thia paper. T H E V Z Z E iS T . dj Tea 8 Dry Goods, Groceries Is, Shoes, Crockery, rugs, Medicines, Doors, B uild­ ers5 Supplies. ALWAYS TRADE AT THE CSTY. s itu a te d on th e P a c ific C o a s t in L a n e S s x t i s f e x r t i o r i ’ iC o u n ty , a n d on a “ bee Sine” W e s t from M ew Y o rk and C h ic a g o , w h e re w e h a ve TALE! WATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY