4 Voi. IV . FLOREN CE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FR ID A Y . .MARCII Dì, 1894. G cN E R A L D I R E O r o a y B U S IN E S S CA RD STATE OFFICERS. T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. IL D. C li A M lì E R L IN , G overnor.................... Sylvester Pen noyer Secretary of State . Geo. W. McBride T reasurer........................ P hilip Metclien G lenada, ■ ■ 0 ,'e g o n . Supt. Public Instruction E .B . McElroy State P rin te r................. Frank C. Baker L. R. J O H N S O N , 1 .................W .P . I.o,d Supreme Court ç R. A. Bean ’ . . F. A. Moore | J. C. Fullerton Judge Second District A ttorney Second District .8. \V. Condon AU my work will be w arranted to give satisfaction. Call on or write to me at Contractor and Builder. COUNTY OFFICERS. F lo r e J u d g e ......................................... A. H. Fisk -Commissioners Eli Perkins Jam es Parker ■ - S T A C I E U IJS JE . H. H . B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, W ednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T h u rs­ days and Sat unlays. Connects with Steam er and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge reasonable. O re. W H IS M A N B R O S .’ Stage : Line, JOHN C. GRAY, Dental Surgery. Over Lake Creek Road, •Clerk.................................. iW . R. Walker The best work nt th e m ost R easonable Price«. Office over Ore nee Store. Sheriff................................ .1. E Noland B E T W E E N E I G E N E & I I E A li o f T I D E . - - O re g o n . T reasurer............................ Frank Reisner E u g e n e .Assessor....................................McPherson Leave Eugene M onday an 1 T hursday m orn /School S uperintendent. J . G Stevenson HORACE N. C R A IN , i ings. < S urneyor................................C. M. Collier Leave H ead of T ide Tuesday and Friday at Coro“er J-w-,bir,is Practical Watchmaker f E u g e n e B. F. Alley Oscar Funke Eunke Usear Board of Trustees o. w. W ill. - - Bros., Proprs T he S outh W ind blew a t noon off th e sea. Hinging: “ S orrow ful, ao: i o.vful, com e to iuel 1 sing of th e goldeu bt|ttcrcup b reath. 1 sing the peace of death. I bring in th e whelhs w ith the lau g h in g tide A nd follow tile b ro w q :»ih Lome and ido In th e drow sy h e a t daw n tho meadow side— S orrow ful, so rro w fu l, coma to me!” Tho E vat W ind blew at morn off tho sea. C rying: “ S o rro w fu l, 8< . ful, a lt of me! I sing of th e p ie rc in g ;•< b re a th . 1 sing tho h o rro r of d r Aiid the tooiuesCtri'tP' . ? rigging I lack, A;W tfct iidi sihTTh© roitfhg w rack. A nd the boat thaB, c . . . a^;..n com es back— Sorrow ful, sorrow ful, all of inc!” T he W est W ind blew a t daw n off tho sea. C alling: “ S irrow ful, sorrow ful, come to iuel I sing of th e joyous salt sea breath. I sing th e re Is no d eatlil 1 m u rm u r of sea eaves rosy an 1 deep. And the g litte rin g hay w here the shoal fish leap. And the lapse of the tide a s it sinks tosloep— Sorrow ful, sorrow ful, com e t > me!” —A. E. G illington iu Spectator. IRISH COURTSHIP O re g o n . In thesnburbsef tho beantiful city of Cork, w ithin a short distance of "th e HENRY A. BAY, A gent pleasant w aters of the river L ee," stood l o 2 j T r* ? Vernon Mount, tho residence of Sir On the 1st each Henry Hayes. Sir Henry, like most | n Of r c Salem, „ ,__ n _______ 1 Oregon. m onth. Irish gentlemen of tho time, was dash- e le a d in g in su ran ce com pany Pacific coast. Assets a o u u rte r of a m illion dol Single trip S3.00. Rountl trip 85.00 ,nK> reckless and im provident, conse­ lars. Private dw ellings and ft. m property a quently he was generally popular and specialty. Address me a t G ardiin.., Oregon, and I w ill call upon you and insure your property. F ln r P U P P t o Y n f i n i n u frequently impecunious. S te a m e r y?obarts nurd State Insurance ( o un y K yle M. F. Phillips R ecorder............... T reasurer............... M arshal................. Justice of P eace... W hism an And D ealer in Fine W atches an d Jew elry CITY OFFICERS. President................ noon. THE WINDS’ STORY. The N orth W ind blew a t night otT the «ca. H aying: •‘S orrow ful, so n nvful, all of iuel I sing of th e n um bing whiter'» b reath. 1 sin g of snow and doa h. 1 b rin g in tl»e w ave v lth the broken sp ar A nd tho g ra y seas cu lie j over the bar. D rifting nt n ig h t fro m .) co 1, bright s ta r* S orrow ful, so rro w fu l. all uf me!” ........... Frank Wilson . Leonard Christensen ........... C. B. Morgan . . . II. M. Chamberlin ± It U t l i l t I O 1 Head of T id e Hotel, i 11111 SeHted at brealtfa8t one moraing with D c a r S ill O ar frl, a t, IP s. Pike. 1» taken BU'lilenly ill; she w ishes to see Miss Pike. Wo Would i r r o n i l l i c n d d ispatch ps we th in k she has not m any hours to live. Y.-urs, I to n r .iiT C i n n i i r o s . instantly fdiss Pike arc.- ■ from her bed and made haste to depart, leas ful that the worst might happen t i her mother beforo she could arrive. The carriage was promptly brought to the door. Miss Pike. Miss Penrcs ■ mid an­ other lady got into it. and about 2 in the morning tin y all set out on their sad journey, little dream ing how sad it was to ho. Tho night was pitch dark. Tho rain fill in torrents, and ns the conch plowed through tho miry road it was suddenly m et by four or five armed men, who called upon tho coachman to stop. N aturally tho ladies were terrified al­ most out of their w its I y this rencoun­ ter. As soon as their terror would per­ m it they asked: "W h a t do you w ant?” A t this one of tho men, disguised in n long greatcoat and with a handkerchief tied over his face, advanced and nn- sw ered: "Y on must he searched.” The carriage door was thrown open. By the dim light of a dark lantern its occupants could be seen shrinking back in fear and alarm . The lender pointed out JH hs Pike, and despite the poor g ir l’s protests, entreaties and tears she was torn forcibly from her friend aiso - which stood . - b' I • i . , his sister, the knight’s brow was unusn- F or Passenger and F r e i g h t R a te s ully clondy, a cfrcnln9tauee that did not escape the lady's observant eyes. W . W . N E E L Y , P r o p ’r , See CHURCH DIRECTORY. What 's tho m atter now ?" she asked. Tables furnished with all th e del­ M eyer &. Kyle, F lorence, Or. "Have you got into any fresh scrape?” I t ’s the same old s to ry ," h e answer­ icacies of the season. Wild game, Fish I RESBYTERIAN CHU RCH , Florence, 1 and F ruit in season. Best accommoda­ — ed gloomily. "N o cash, no credit— Oregon. Sabbath sei-Aiee. S ab b ath -, ruin not i..r ahead." “ C O O S ,” Charges S T E A M E R school, 10 o’clock a in. Preaching 11 tions for the traveling public. ‘ Why don’t you retrieve the fortunes o’clock a. m. ami 7 p. in. Sacrament of reasonable. of the fam ily by m arrying an heiress? o------ W ill m ake -------- o the Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of I I t’s a sure and easy way out of diffi­ January, April, July and October. culty. ' R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S Everybody is welcome to all the services.* flR S T NATIONAL RANK Heiress, indeed!" exclaimed Sir Pastor requests C hristians to make —— Between---- Henry "W here is she? Von can't themselves known. CF EUGENE. I. G K notts , Pastor. gather heiresses on tho hedges like T. Q. HENDRICKS. P r es . EAKIN, J« ., C a s h - r blackberries in a Kerry lan e." " N o ,' returned his sister quietly, IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH P A ID U P C A S H C A P IT A L , $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 hut they can be found, though, and service. Preaching at Glenada ev­ S U R P L U 8 A N D P R O F IT S , G eneral office a t Seaton. $50,000 not so far oil either. T here’s Miss Pike, ery 4’b Sabbaths. SabbatI»— School ev­ for instance." ery Sabbath a t 10 a. m. Prayer meet­ A C C O U N T S S O L I C I T E D K N O W L E S, N E E L Y and G ETTY S, Miss Pike!” he laughed contemptu­ ing every Thursday evening at the O w n e rs . EUGENE, church. Every body cordially invited. ously "W hy, 1 have never Been her G. W. Q uimby , and don’t know that I ’ll ever set eyes Pastor. TH. E A ST A N D S O U T H on h e r." LE D IN G ."B ah VIA SECRET SOCIETIES. any woman I had a etiia Lodge, No. 131, m I Ar Koseburg Lv I 7:00 u in ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays benefit by your wisdom. »Since tho days gling girl in his arms, and in spite of D i n i n g C'ara o n O g d e n R o u t e , each month. Members and visiting of Mother Eve a woman has been at tho her strenuous resistance carried her up F u i l l m c u n B u f f e t S l e e p e r ' s . bottom of all m ischief.” brethren in good standing are cordially O. W . H U R D , C. D. T H O M A S , to his house. When they entered, a per­ AND PROPRIETOR. M A N A G ER invited to atten d . A. O. Eunke, M. W. Miss Hayes did not reply to this sar­ son attired like a clergyman camo for­ J oseph A. M orris , Recorder. SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, casm. and tho meal terminated in si­ ward, some sort of ceremony was gone FLORENCE, OREGON. attach ed to all Through T rains. lence. through, words wero m uttered in a lan­ West Side Division. Mr. Cooper Penrose, a gentleman well guage which tho half fainting victim O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets P u re W in es a n d L iq u o rs. B e t w e e n P o r t l a n d a n d C o r v a l l is . ■ every Wednesday evening in Lodge known and much respected in society, either did not hear or did not under­ H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in lived in a charm ing country house not stand, and at tho close sho was inform ­ 7:80 a in 1Lv Portland Drugs, good standing invited to attend. 12:15 p m | Ar C orvallis Lv 1:00 p in far from Cork. Miss Mary Pike, tho ed that she was Lady Hayes. F red M ason , N. G. Medicines, At Albany and C orvallis connect w ith tra in s only daughter and heiress of his dead “ N ow ,” said Sir Henry, putting a of Oregon 1‘acilb Riiilrop.d. L. C. A ckerley , Kec. Sec. friend. Samuel Pike, had been intrusted pen into her hand, “ you had better in­ e x p r e s s TRAINS DAILY (EXCEPT S U N D A Y .) Chemicals, 4 40 p ni 1 Lv P ortland Ar 8:25 a ni to bis guardianship, and ho cared for form your friends of your wedding Perfum erj’, 7:25 p in | Ar Lv 5:50 a ni her w ith tho affection of a father. Miss w ithout d elay .” McMlntn Ilia NOTARIES. Stationery, T hrough Tickets to all points in the Eastern Pike was a young lady upon whoso ed­ In the wild hope of obtaining <1< liv- States. C anada and Europe can lx* obtained at W all Paper, lowest rates from L. G. Adair, Agent, Eugene. ucation no expense bad been spared. crance she wrote what they suggested, Delicately and tenderly nurtured, she hut neither persuasion nor threats could It. K o e h l e r , E. P. R ogers , B lank Books, A. R. BU TTO LPH , M anager. Asst. O. F. and Pass Agt. was unusually accomplished, and in ad­ induce her to sign the letter by the P o rtla n d , Oregon. dition sho possessed the modesty and re­ odious name of her captor. And now, T oilet A rticles, set ve characteristic of tho sect to which in tho last extreme, mod. 1y gave tho W indow Shades, her fam ily belonged. Altogether a more unhappy creature un< xpected courage And Collector. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully From Term inal or In te rio r Points the attractive young ladv could hardly bo and strength. This tine example of Office two doors west of Florence Hotel. fonnd among tho fascinating daughters knighthood could n< t snccec d in over­ ,—Compounded.— F lo r e n c e , - - O re g o n . of Erin. coming her scruph s even by force, so The residence of Mr. Penroso was he restored to blandishm ent and concili­ built in a very picturesque situation, ation. He expostulated; ho pleaded. JOE M ORRIS, Jr la th e lin e to ta k e ft was indeed ono of tho sights of tho “ Don’t you know me? 1 am your neighborhood which strangers frequent­ your husband.” TO ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. ly camo to see. One fine sum mer day friend, “ Yes,” sho answered, “ I do know j an unknown gentleman rode up tho av­ you now. 1 remember your intrusion O re g o n , F lo r e n o e , enue and seemed to observe everything at my cousin’s. But you are riot my It is th e Dining Car Route. I t runs with attentive curiosity. With true Irish husband, and, heaven helping rue, you Cuas. Gettys Through Vestibuled Trains every day hospitality Mr. Pi mono im mediately never shall be. ” <3«o. O. Knowles, in the year to went out and cond» J 1 him over the A.id so, strong in her innoccnco and ° ’S P IC T O » ^ K N O W LES & G ETTYS, place. Tho stranger Was much enter­ purity, Mary Pike remain« d n captive tained. lingered about the grounds, ad­ under the roof of Sir Henry Hay« s. TO ( NO CHANGK OF CARK) m iring and praising everything, and Meantime the friends < f Mi. - Pike SALT LAKE, DENVER, finally ns the hour of dinner approached were not idle. Inquiries were piose- Composed of D ining Cars un«urpap«ed, O re g o n . S e a to n received an invitation to that meal. Mr. cuted on all sides, and ut length the P u llm an D raw ing Room sleeper« O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , Of L atest E quipm ent, Penrose was naturally reluctant to in­ place of her captivity was din over« <1. troduce an unknown stranger to his Armed with the authority of the law C H IC A G O , S T . L O U IS ATTORNEYS. T C U R iS T S L E E P IN G C A R S family, but the hospitable feelings of for the recovery of the Duly, a party AND ALL Best tlia t ra n be c o n stru cted and in w hich an Irish gentleman prevailed over his proceeded to Vernon Mount with all E A S T E R N C IT IE S , I accom m odations are both free and furnished scruples S ir Henry Hayes— for it was speed. They found Miss Pike in t so for holders of F irst and Hecond-Clas« T ickets, he— was received with much kindness much the worse for her adventure as SEY M O U R W . C O N D O N , and and cordiality and made tho acquaint­ m ight have been expected and gr«atly E L E S A N T D A Y C O A C H E S ance of the fair and unsuspecting m aid­ rejoiced to be restored to her rel itivi < en against whom bo harbored such fell But the bold kuight and his amiable to designs In fact, he had come solely Bister had disappeared, l< uving no trace L aw in All Its b ran ch es given special a tte n tio n . A Continuous Lino connecting with for thepnrposeof enabling him to iden­ of their whereabouts, and not without O o n s o r 's B l i t . , E u g e n e O r . All Linos, affording direct and un­ tify her when his plans were fully m a­ very good reason, f<>r tl «• crime <»f ab­ interrupted service. tured. duction was then puni* liable by d nth. W e ll? ” said Mias Hayes next morn­ Informations were 1mrn .. _ "So I have heard, hut w hat has that to do w ith it?" "A m i h r medical attendant is Dr. Oibbings, ” pursued the lady, unm ind­ ful of his qui stiou. "W ell, what then?” said her brother, not p- reviving her drift. "H ow dull von p.re this morning, H enry!" Miss Haves continued. ’’Could not Dr. (ribbings usk Mary to come into Cork some night to see her m other?” "Im possible!" exclaimed the knight. "In the first place, I don’t know Dr. Ribbings, and in tho second place ho Wouldn't join in any plot of the kin d ." “ Pshaw ¡"answ ered Miss H ayes." You gre dense today, Henry — perfectly stu­ pid, in fact—so 1 am compelled to speak plainly. W rite to Dr. Gil bin . for a preserij rton for the g.>ut—you’re sure to need it sooner or later. You can thus get a satnplo of tho doctor’s handw rit­ ing, and the rest is easy to a man of your spirit and resource." Late out» dark July night a few days after tho interview recorded above Mr. Penrose's household was awakened I v a violent knocking nt the outer door. A messenger had como in hot h.-.ste from Cork w ith a letter, which he delivered and then vanished in tin* gloom. Tho letter wassupetscribed, "T o .Mr. Cooper Penrose," and the handw riting was that of Dr.Uibbiugs. It ran: t P Florence and Head of Tide. E. H A N ON, Clothier THE SHASTA ROUTE A ANI) CAP.1-, C Flomce Drug Store. A I Notary Public, Surveyor H o rta Pacific Railroad THROOGH Notary Public, Land Agt TIC KETS ST. PAUL aria CHICAGO. Notaries Public, Attorney at Law, Attorney at Law, 3 1 -2 DAYS CHICAGO No. 48. eighteenth century it was no uncom­ sad case brought to tho notice of tho mon occurrence for r une predatory prim e i« g»nt, who obtained a pardon Irish “ gentlem an,” accompanied by his for the delinquent, and Sir Henry was retainers, to swoop down upon an un­ r rt red to that s« lect circle w hich had suspecting household and carry off a so long mourned his loss. B t when ho r» turned to his native helpless rnuiil u. True, tho unfortunate girl fre<|uently—perhaps generally—be­ land times laid changed, a deathblow came tho wife of the man who hud cap­ had betn given to the abduction of tured her by his bow and I y bis sp ar. young girls, a moro enlightened publiu Marriage, however, with the o barbari­ i nt i:.. nt was g ra d u a lly growing up in ans and under such conditions wuis of­ Ireland, and to adopt tho lin ts of Mrs, ten a w’orse fate than perpetual spin- tlcmans: H i- b an n er led th e ppcara no luoro sterhood. According to various author­ A m ong th« h ills of Cork. ities. “ abduction clubs” flourished even —All tho Year Round. In the city ^ D u b lin itself. Bankrupts, ep endthriii^.uid blackguards banded Don’t work yourself to death every ftheniselves ti eligible girls, and the abductor usually lay. Think bow horrible it would bo - t all tho work done and find noth­ placed the lady before bun on horse­ back in Order to ¡dead, with a touch of in g t o d o to in o r v o w . Irish humor, that she had abducted him. To mend this scandalous state of mat­ COYOTESHUNTING FOR BREAKFAST. ters a law was enacted m aking tho R e li e v in g E a ch O llie r In t h e ('b a n e A f t e r crime of i’J -dueticn a capital offense, I le e t F o o t e d J a c k K n h b its . but the law was practically inoperative " Dul you ever see a pack of coyotes while it ran counter to public opinion. a-rustlin fur grub?” asked an old m iner Twenty years beforo tho date of tho of a i i i rter. " I 'v e lived on the desert present narrative two sisters named for nil'll onto 80 years, ” lio resumed, Kennedy had been carried olf by force ‘and 1 many a queer sight, hut cuy- in open day. A prosecution was insti­ ot< s .a ruetlin fur grub beats them all. tuted against tin ir captors, and tho Tic i auiuuils aro as well trained as young women, with reluctant modot-fy, any 1 «ly uf soldiers ever was under consented to appear as witnesses. Ev­ G ineral G rant. They cleet a captain, ery means, however, was used to deter w in lia r by draw ing straw s or by bal­ thorn from coming forward. Popular let I don’t recollect olf hand. Ju s t a t feeling ran so high that it was actually da\ light a reveille calls tho pack to- necessary to guard them through two g ill i, and they como yelpin and bowl- comities with a detachment of m ilitary in ovi r the dt sect like a lot cf tilings as they went to prosecute, and it was p al, their appetites sharpened by hailed by the decent section of h i: h so­ the i ; i p air and eager for their reg’lar ciety as a romarkablo trium ph of ju s­ diet of j'-rked rabbit meat. The avant tice when tho offenders wero found couriers suiif around among tho sage­ guilty and hanged. brush mid greasewooil, while the rest uf In such circumstances it was not p er­ the bnnd form into a big circle, somo- haps surprising that Sir Henry Hay. s t'unes spreadin out on tho plain over a could not bo made amenable. IIo was radius of I wo or three miles. The cou­ a well known man: ho was a crim inal; riers head a jack rabbit in tho circle, ho had incurred tho pains a: 1 penal­ and the coyoto nearest takes up tho ties of outlaw ry, rewards amounting to Chl e. nearly £1,000 had been offered 1 r his “ You know a jack rabbit can run 10 upprehension, yi t ho walked about open­ times faster than n coyote, and when ly in tho streets of Cork among his the ono in pursuit gets tuckered out tho friends and acquaintances, enjoying next one takes up tlio chase, and so on himself to the top of his l ent at balls til! the jack falls down dead from ex­ and festivals and races, like a fine old haustion. Then tho whole pack leap Irish gentleman all of tho olden time. ! onto him, their jaw s snappin likosheep- Not only so, hut the haph s young lady, blailes in shearin time. Then, when tlio whoso life ho had rendered mis”rableby jack is dispi rd of, another reveille is his villainy, was forced for In r personal sounded, ai d tho pack again form into safety to take refuge in England, away a circle, and tho circus is kept up u n til from her family and her home. every one oi tho yelpin yellerd iv ils lias Two years elapsed. Tho gallant satisfied his appetite, sometimes killin knight’s sister and accomplice was now hundreds of jacks and cottontails fnv dead, and ho himself desirous of 1 ring­ one meal, fur a coyoto can cat a jack as ing “ tho Piko affair to a conclusion— big as himself anil then look as if ho possibly owing to tho depleted state of was clean starved to death. I was clean his exchequer. At all events, ho wrote through tho late unpleasantness w ith a letter to Miss Pike, half appealing, G ineral G rant, and I know w hat scien­ half threatening, Tho poor persecuted tific genornlin is, anil them coyotes man stated that his conduct had been know us much as any soldiers th at hojnorablo and delicate throughout; ¿hat ever lived uliout army tactics. 1'Jj.J j no lady with*a spark of hfriuunity in 1 commander tn chief is usually tiiJ o ld ­ her bosom could thirst for his blood; est coyoto in tlio pack, and ho sits on a that if she did indulge in such an un­ knoll where ho can give orders to his ladylike thirst it would ho worse for lieutenants and aids, and w hat they her, ami that ho was w illing to abido don’t know about ambuscades, maneu- his trial in the city of Cork, where, he verin and field tactics giuerailv a in ’t thanked heaven, ho stood as high as wortli knowin. ” —Moreno (Cal.) Indi­ any man in tho regards of ric h and poor. cator. So this pious, honorable and eminent- , ly delieato knight at last appeared in F irin g a sket. court. Tho sentence of outlaw ry was Ono night tlio lb ..al Arch lay in tlio reversed w ithout opposition, as the pros­ Downs, tho great roadstead, protected ecutors wish« (1 tho trial to take place by the natural breakw ater of tho dread­ on tho original charge of abduction. A ed Goodwin sands. An easterly galo motion for change of venue on tho caused the ship to drag her anchors, and ground of the prisoner’s popularity in sho was in danger of striking tho su rf Cork was made by counsel for the pros­ beaten shore. Bluo lights wero burned ecution, but tho judges dismissed it, on board as signals of distress, and in stating that they believe I a Cork jury tho absenco of tlio captain, who was on would remember what tin y owed to shore, ono of tho mates decided to firo their oaths, to their families and to a rocket. their country ami would do their duty H'> had never fired a rocket, and there without fear, favor or affection. was no rocket stand at hand. B ut lio Tho friends of Miss Pike ?pared no was an L idiinnu and, ns is tho way of expense to secure a con vid i< n. Cur­ his countrymen, never hesitated to un­ ran, then at the zenith of his lame, was dertake anything from doubt of hi* brought down “ sp< ciui” to < oi 1; to pros­ ability to do it. IIo determ ined to let ecute. Besides being the most brilliant tho rocket off through tho iron chim ­ advocate that tho Irish bar ever pro­ ney of tho ship's galley or cooking duced, ho was tho darling of his coun­ house. trymen, ami to do him ju -tico few im n As tho pea was rolling over tho deck better deserved their aff • lieu. As ho and washing through tho galley it was passed into tho courthouse an (»Id b- only by gn at efforts that the mato fas- woman, who had known him in earlier ten» d tho n-eket in tho chimney. To days, saluted him w ith: do thi ho had removed tho rocket front “ Hooray, counselor dear! I hope you itsf-tick ami fasteneI«If-t S o ld ie r l?i t h e W o rld . brought in a verdict of guilty, and tho J! i | ' i. lly i liiilns tlio oldest sol- prisoner was sentenced to d atb. Con­ if i i tha oldest citizen of im yrank, sternation fell upon Lis fri nd at this uj unexpected result. Was it po ibl • tb .t i i t ; ■ I. ■ ;i ’ "i'bb Her claim ant for di « d Imnor is Colonel G rit- a leal Irish gentleman should sul. rtbo i :v a in tr Odessa, w ho.it ha fato of a vulgar croppy lor such an •t , i J' r , I ?, will celebrate his one amiable weakness? The thing w a b ­ I ; i b :u , i i :id tw cnli'tli birthday. O rit- surd, outrageous, inert di 1 le. Sir 1 b u­ ■ ■ d the m ilitary service in the ry ’a friends s t to work and made stren­ I , i, 101 yc:rs ago, and receiv' l uous efforts on his behalf. Owing to m I: bunds of Empress Catheri > their exertions. Sir IP nry II \ c. IB • 1» i f , Id medal for conspicum. i that otln r eminently moral knight, !• H* . '. at I,. ' • -.uilt on Ismail. This John Fnktaff, remained unhung, t! ! by, ' f wliicii tlio aged w arrior ia H(ntenco of «loath being commuted into P \ , proud, b u s tlio following one of transportation for life. i "F or i ic ptiotial bravery a t Timo ran on. Aft' r passing some lii ult of Ismail, Dec. 11, 1781».”— years in bann him nt H r 11. m v l '«J Ins Si l.o m s b>.K..iblic Fai«- HOURS HOURS Attorney at Law. , The only l ’ure Cream of Tartar I’ow 1er.— No Ammonia; No Alum. U se d iu M illio n s o f H o m e s — 4 0 Y e a r s th e S ta n d a rd .