The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 09, 1894, Image 4

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    season, w tta it3 excellent weatner ana
sood snppliea of food, hua not shown
: ny reaction against the draining away
A h a l C a sa T h a t T o u c h e d t h e J u d g e 's
F u illv a n C o u n ty M en W ill H a v e t o P*y cf the people.
H e a r t In t h e C h r is tm a s S ea so n .
M o r e T h a u T h e y B a r g a in e d l or.
Thia sum mer no fewer than 800 per­
When tbo dispossess ease of Jacob
Twenty-two of tbe former residents sons emigrated to America, bringing
of Sullivan county were last year Inter- the population below th at lim it of 70,- Korn against David Samkin was called
estid in a ccfcoaie introduced by a tra v ­ 000 to which it had already dwindled. in the Fifth judicial district court yes­
terday mort-ing, a girl 10 years old,
eling "sharper, ” and cow they mast Tho island now contains, it is believed,
fewer inhabitants than it did iu 1870, with a torn shawl about her bead and
shoulders, advanced trem blingly to the
The agent reprearnted th at he was beforo tho temporary rise in Icelandic rail anil handed a letter to Justice
prosperity. Tbo em igrants are largely
organizing un useoeiation to r the p ur­ , of tho farm laborer class, and there is Goldfogle.
chase of u Percheron stallion for the a growing complaint thut portions of
She represented Samkin, the tenant,
»greed price of 12,800. Each member the country uro going out of cultiva­ who owed Korn for tho rent of three
< t the association was to take cue- tion because there is no one to work on rooms on the second floor of the tene­
ment at 83 Attorney street. This is the
twenty-second p art of the venture, and the land.
Canada is beginning to a ttra c t the letter:
1 ay accordingly.
Judge I ¡old fogeltl:
Three n o k s were given, each for the Icelanders to its northern provinces,
Pleoa. exqilse me baeause I came niy father
Is kick und lie fs laying in bed my m oiiiergnt
m m of $8J1, the first doe on Oct. 13:
born a little baby it ly 3 w«cka und she does not
the second <>n the same date in 1894.
ing «very township iu tho island, reel well. And she can't come to tho trll. We
tile th ird in October, 1893. The notes preaching tho attractions of tho new have nothing to cut und nothing to burn and
were joint and were signed by tbe country. The governm ent has even gone so we can't pay no rend. My futher has no
for G or 7 months. We are for children,
How an Enemy was Foiled.
members of the association. A Monti­ so far as to introdueo a bill proposing work
I am 10 years on the II; my sister is 5 years
T he follow ing graphic sta te m e n t w ill be
cello lawyer hnu the notes lor collection, to disconrage em igration, or in any oa the Guild my brother is 3 years und my lit­ read
w ith Intense inierc*t: "1 can n ot describe
and the collection of the first one is to case to put a stop to the propaganda of tle sister is 3 weeks. We 4 children we beg y ou the numb, c re e p /se n sa tio n th a t existed in my
nnd please take care of us und not nock us out arms, hands an a legs. 1 had to rub and beat
be pronged at once.
these Canadian agents, but it is doubt­ in the street my father tries for us very much those parts u n til they were sore, to overcom e
As sumo of the signors are not con­ ful whether this measure w ill pass tho nnd he enn't help us it is bud time now In a m easure the dead feeling th a t had taken
sidered solvent, and as the notes are all ulthing, and nothing seems ublo to because be can't pay the rend und ean’l give us possession o f them In addition, I had a
strange w eakness In m y back and around my
draw n, "W e, or either of n s,” the en­ modify the distaste which tho Icelander to eat he is siek.
w aist, togeth er with an Indescribable ‘gone’
The girl wept copiously while Jns- feelin g In m ytstQinu 'h. P h ysician s said It
terprise promises to bo a costly one for has formed for his venerable but urid
was creepin g paralysis, from which, accord­
tico Uoldfoglo struggled with this com­ ing
some of the members.
to th eir unlve«tal conclusion, there Is no
munication, but when ho questioned relief. Once It fastens upon a person, they
The unfortunate me n who form the
A speaker in tho althing the other her she answered with keen intelli­ s a y .it continue« h ‘ ’ Uous progress un
__ til
association claim they werej grossly de­ day remarked that a bill preventing
sufferer dies.
It reaches
a v ita l *
was ray dr
' p h<*en doctoring
volved by the agent, as thoextent of the Icelanders who were doing well in tho gence. She was euro sho hud w ritten Much
a year and a hl
«th no par-
liability which they supposed they as­ west from w riting to their friends at ! the letter heraelt mid e x p in in m '^ " h e , r . JJMUlar budk1
ertlsem en/
I. *
. 'rviiCWffVr* JQ
sumed was only J 138, but by signing home would do a thousand times more parents formerly live“ ” t
and bega>
-f it. M arvelous aa It
tho note each member assumed the en­ service than ail attem pt to persecute and that site knew the location oi th o b m ottle
ay seem , b u t a fe v days had passed before
tire debt, providing his co-sureties touting colonial agents.—Suturday R e­ court because she used to pass it daily every bit o f th a t creepy feelin g had le ft me.
and there has not been e v en tb e slightest
on her way to school.
proved to be insolvent. The notea are view.
in d ication o f Its return.
I now feel as
Ju stice Uoldfoglo turned to Agent w ell us I ever did, and h ave gained ten
all in the hands of third parties, and ■
had run dowo
no defense can bo e ntered against their ,
from 170 to 137. «war oth ers h ave used Dr.
and suggested th at as the cuse was a M iles’ R estorative N ervine on my recomen-
dation, and it has been as satisfactory in their
" I f I havo to pay all that money,” P ro fe s s o r lllM H to m o I h A t t e m p t in g t o So lve very distressing otto Mr. Korn could cases
as in mine.”—Jam es Kane, La Rue, O.
find no better opportunity for the exer­
th o I n t e r e s t in g P h e n o m e n o n .
Dr. M iles’ R estorative N ervin e is sold by all
said one <» tho men today, “ my wife
druggists on a positive guarantee, or sen t
w ill go crazy, and I shall g o to tb u poor- j It has long been regarded as an inex­
d irect by tbe Dr. Miles Medieal Co., Elkhart,
"Y ou may seo front this letter,” the Ind.. on receipt o f price, 11 per bottle, six
house. I cannot im agine how 1 could plicable mystery that a lum inous ob­
b ottles for 16. express prepaid. I t is free from
ever have been site h a ftol as to enter ject, known as "tdiirunu-lii” ?—literally justice said, "h o w pitiable the plight of opiates
or dangerous drugs.
into such an arrangem ent anyhow. 1 meaning “ unknowable fire” —is occa­ this family is. The girl says they have
ou*u uy ail Druggists.
always prided uiyself upon being a sionally seen at night, especially in neither food nor fuel, thut her mother
mutch for any of them, but I will never cloudy weather, on the sea in Tsukushi und father are ill and helpless and havo
do any more boasting. This is indeed bay, Tho superstitious ascribe this no means of sustenance. It is tho
unusual phenomenon to tho spirits of Christm as season, too. and there could
a wonderful age. ”
One of tho victim s decided th at if those lost ut sen. But, according to tho he uo better tinio for tho exercise of
Will sell lots in Acme from <25 to $60.
Will well lots in Chicago addition to
ever a "trav elin g agent attem pts to sell vermicular press, the mystery is to be charity. It seems to mo thut Mr. Korn
m ight” ------
Florence cheap and on easv it*» me.
him anything again lie will never livo solved ere long.
W. A. Cox.
Tho agent held up both hands in pro­
to approach another p a rty .”
Professor N akayam a Ilisatom oof the
"O h, nonsense,” exclaimed his wife. Kuinanoto higher middle school, who is test against the supposition that Mr.
“ You w ill be ready to deal with an ­ now investigating the thing, is of tile Korn might do anything of the kind.
" I am only tho ag en t," he said, "nnd
other man tom orrow .” - Middletown opinion that phosphorus way possibly
A fine farm of 160 acres situated on
(N. Y.) Special.
be tho causo of this lum inosity, which 1 nm doing no inoro than my duty. the Lakes South from Florence. This
may la, em itted from an im alcu le in tho They have not paid tho rent. 1 can­ ranch is mostly alder and vine manle
water. He bus secured some water from not help it.”
I ho justice looked nt the child who hottorn land, having nearly a mile lake
the place where tbe supposed tire makes
Hhtt P r e fe r r e d t h e M an o f t i e r C h o ic e t o a
had come through the storm to plead frontage. Ten acres under cultivation
C ro w n a n d T h r o n e .
for n few days more under the roof and 5 more slashed ; a good orchard just
Some tim e ago it was believed that microscope, with tho result th a t he where there was neither food nor fire.
come into bearing; & rooms in a frame
tho heir presum ptive to the A ustrian found a num ber of animálculo* iu it.
"G o hom e," Ito said, "an d tell yonr
throne, Archduke F rancis Ferdinand, It needs, however, u mofo complete ex­ mother sho may Itavo until Wednesday house th at is ceiled and papered; good
out-buildings, and stock of all kinds will
would m arry his B avarian cousin's am ination beforo finally coming to a uight to pay tho ren t.”
he sold with the place at reasonable pri­
duughter, Princess Elizabeth. I now determ ination on tho subject, und with
The g irl was gone in an instunt.
hear th at the idea existed anil was
" I f it is tho last thing 1 do on earth. ” ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one
much favored by the emperor, but the
half cash and reasonable time given for
It may he added that Mr. Kimotsuki Justice Goldfoglecontinued, " l'lls e o to
young princess frustrated these plans.
it that this family has a Christmas balance. Apply for further particulars
Moro than a yeur ugo she begau to
at this office.
d in n er."
look approvingly upon a handsome tion of sea currents some timo ago, re­
Tho agent was keenly affected by the
young lieutenuut, Duron H. The officer
g irl's story anti offered no opposition to
began by riding past her windows a black current, which Hows from tho the decision. — New York Herald.
couple of times a day, then he obtained
a room with windows fueing Prince pelago to the southern coast of Japan,
^ W h o l e s a l e and R e t a il* «
Leopold's palace. Iu tho winter, at is tho warmest ocean stream in the
There is more catarrh in thiw section
court bulls, tho lieutenant danced oftener world, and consequently it inaycontuin A the country than all other diaeasee
than any other w ith tho princess, and m inute nuiinul life giving off ¡dios put together, and until the last few
in the spring lawn tennis brought them phoresccucc.—Jap an Mail.
years was supposed to he incurable. For
more together still.
a great many years doctors pronounced
L e a d in c - B ra n d s fo r
fta n ta n d e r 's D ile m m a .
All at once tho young officer was
Tho city of Santander, tho late vie it a local disease, and prescribed local
transferred to a regim ent stationed in
Alsace, anil this seemed the tamo end tim ot a dyuainito explosion at its remedies, and by contstritly failing io
of a rom antic story. B ut in the sum ­ docks, continues panic stricken, nnd cure with local treatm ent, pronounced
mer, when Princess Elizabeth staid there has been a general exodus of its it incurable. Science has proven ca­
w ith her emperor grandpapa at lsehl, inhabitants since they became awaro tarrh to be a constitutional disease ami
she is supposed to have used her time that no less than 400 cases of dynam ite therefore requires constitutional treat­
so well th at the emperor promised to aro still submerged under tho w aters of ment. H all’s Catarrh Oure, manufact
:i:------ M»y be Foand i t ---------:
make the baron a prince, to give him tho harbor. According to tho opinion
some landed property and to allow the of experts tho nitroglycerin in tho dy­ ured by F. J . Cheney à Co., Toledo, O.,
happy couple to innrry if their love nam ite is bound to explode, sooner or is the only constitutional cure on the Celebrated Jesse Moore wltisk
later, by reason of tho infiltration of market, it is taken internally in doses
was proof against time.
T he Crale Orchard Sour Maslt
Tho prinecsa is 19, pretty, perfectly tho water. Too ranch praise cannot bo from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts
natural and very sweet tempered. accorded to tbo divers who aro now, nt directly on the blood and mucous sur­
T hat she should have preferred a union
G enuine Old Castle Bourbon
faces of the system. They offer one hun­
w ith tho man she loves to tho certain­ ing tbo explosive, which is being taken dred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
out to sea and sunk.—Suutunder Dis­
ty of an Imperial throne will not alien
,—T he O 1*. S. Puny —,
Send for circulars and testimonials.
ate tho syinpatliiea of those who know patch.
her and love her for her natural grace.
"S cmm 1 W as to tlie F a ir.”
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. E te r Refreshing Culti Storage Beer «:
—Vienna Correspondent.
Cents a Glass Awaits Ytuir Order
Oh, yrs, I went an seen it all.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
The hull consarncd creation;
H e a rd « a n < l D i p l o m a c y .
fu ra n Importeli or Domestic Cigar
The stuff they brung from round the
Sir Edmund Munson was tho posses­
And Yon Will he Satisfied.
U O O D ’S G U A R A N T E E S
sor of the finest anil longest beurd in
An ev’ry foren nation.
■ ■ a cure. What it has done for
the diplom atic service, but ho has just
I trolleyed down the Midway street.
others it will do for you. Be sure to
sacrificed it in deference to the friend
Seen everything was there.
get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
And I’ll adm it I feci quite proud
ly advice of the Prince of Wales, who
Sence I w as to the fair.
is a standing authority upon all m at­
ters of iiersonal appearance, uniform
I never made no sort of bouea
and etiquette. H is royal highness was
Of study or lx>ok larnin:
I never thought I know'd It all—
o f the opinion that a patriarchal beard
w liysor the connarnin.
would nut la) considered becoming in
But I don’t mind of tellln you
Vienna, and her majiwty 'a embassador at
I’ve got, 1 du declare,
tho im perial court is now almost clean
A liberal edicatlou
shaven. Not one in a hundred of his
Senco I was to the fair.
old friends can recognize him, und tho
of either sex, any age, in any part of the country,
T hey’« many folks is stylisber
hall porter ut St. Jam es' club w ill cer­
at the employment w:iich wc furnish
You need
An more stuck up than me:
tainly require some proof of his identity
not be away from home over night. You can give
The) ’s many that ken hold their head«
when next he comes to London. The
your wholetime toth * work, orouly your spare mo­
Straight ns n poplar tree.
unexpected change sorely puzzled Prince
ments. As capita] h not required you run uo risk.
Hut 1 ken tell yo confident
H enry of Batten berg and those who met
An strictly on the square
W e supply you w ith nil thut is needed. It will
S ir Edmund nt G ratz.— Vienna Letter.
They’a none on ’em ahead of mo
cost you nothing to try the businoss. Any one
W . M .- R E N S H A W ,
Medical, K h a n l
aid Sacrantal Fnraosea,
M a rr
S afley
Sence I w as to the fair.
T o u r H e ir s G e l a Q u a r te r E a c h .
Four legacies of 25 cents each result
from tho w ill of Matthew Stanley, late
of W atervliet, ju st probated before Sur­
rogate Conway. Tin, estate consists of
real estate valued st $7,500, mortgaged
for $5,0(10, nnd $3,500 worth of person­
al estate. Tho will devises to tho testa-
to r’s wife, Eveline, the income of one-
third of tho property during her life­
time. A non, Edward, of Barton, Vt.,
is bequeathed $1. The reet of the es­
tate is devised to W illinin L. Stanley
anil Jam es Oscar Stanley. Edward
Stanley is dead, und his la'quest uf $1
goes to his children, Susie C. Stanley,
Eliza A. Chapman, Springfield, Muss.:
Samuel E. Stanley, Bartuu, Vt., and
Freeman C. Stanley, San Francisco,
who w ill receive 35 cents each.— A l ­
bany Argus.
I’ve told the folk» sence I got back
The thousand things I’ve seen;
Describe«! tho sights that really u aa
An eon»«« thet orter been.
I’ve lied a heap, 1 will admit.
Hut ’bout thet J don't care.
I ain’t afraid to stretch the truth
Sence I was to tbo fair.
An now I s’pose I’ll settle «low«,
Name as I’ve alius done.
An try an make the money back
I’ve spent In bavin fun.
Hut never mind how hard I work.
Or how much strain or care.
I*ve p»t a heap to think about
hence 1 Wbu to the fair.
llossiTvit Ila v mo NIX
l)r. Darker, pastor of tho City T»»m-
ple of Loudon, has I mmui iudulging in n
w hokaale prophecy for 18V4: 11«» ways:
‘ Next year will l>e on© ot the bright« st
in the history o f England. Huasiu nb
will havo great proeiarity and wt
make great advauct*. Germany, cap«-«
ally north Germany, will have a h.«
tim e o f darkness and suffering. ”
A C u re F o r t h e G r ip .
Yhe K io d u « B e g in n in g t o A aanm e « S erl-
o m n A sp e c t in t h e A r c tic la la iid .
Since »bo political agitations of Ice­
land in 1885, which disturbed and dis-
couragcl the population, things ltuve
boon going m atorially from bad to
worse. Wc urn occasionally called upon
Io listen to jeremiads about Icelandic
starvation from thoeo whose sentiment
for tho let landers is mors active than
their information is exact, and the
English public hi a bee,, n t« suspicious
»1 cries of "W o lf!” But tho present
the start
Failure is unknown w ith our workers.
Every hour you labor you enn easily make a tlollar.
No one who h w illin g to w ork fails to make more
money every «lay than can be made in tlircc <la»s
at any ordinary emplo« ment. Send for free book
containing the fuliost inform ation.
Box 8 8 0 ,
P O R TLA N D , M A IN E .
I l M .C h a m b e rlin
T e w e l e r
J3 e e f,
K is lx ,
G am e,
F ru its ,
V e g e ta to le s .
Land office ut Rowehurg. Oregon, January 12,
1691. N otice 1 m hereby given that the following-
named aettler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof iu sup|mrt of his claim , and
that said proof will be made befofe the Judge
or county Clerk of Lane county, O regon, at Eu­
gene, Oregon, on Saturday March 3, 1»98, viz.
Nelson ( ’. lliuksou,
Homestead Entry No. .'««<». for the ne‘4 of sec.
it), tp. 19 s. ranges w. He names th e fo llo w in g
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: I. 51.
Francis, of Eugene, H. M. Woodruff, A. P. Con-
dray, W. II. Sallee, of Alma, all of Lane county,
J ohn II. S hupk ,
«¡3 L F HATMfr
Qcean View Home,
Gen. H. Eniter H M •«<
> í í í i S q I e PrnpriEtnr,
C O P Y R IG H T S .^ »
CAW I O B T A IN A P A T E N T « F o r .
»n,l »n honest opinion, w rite to
DI I N N tk <!O .. who have bad nearly fifty yeara*
experience in the patent business. Communie«,
tiona strictly confidential. A H a n d b o o k o f 1«.
formation concerning P a te n ta and bow to oh-
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of
Ical and scientific books sent free.
- ^ t<5nt*£o’i Kh Mui)n A Co. rocetv«
special notice in the S c ie n t ific A m e r ic a n , and
thus are brought widely before the public wttb-
out <jost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work la U o
world. 9.1 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly. >2.50 a year. Slagle
copies. ‘¿ 5 cents. Every number contains bean,
tifu l plates, in colors, and photographs o f new
__ ises. w ith plans, enabling builders to show U o
latest dt ijrns and secure contracts. A d dr.
NSW Y ouk . 3 « 1 B boaowat .
Price of
$50 $150
Size of
Ripans Tabules are com­
pounded from a prescription
widely used by the best medi­
cal authorities and are pre­
sented in a form that is be­
coming the fashion every­
On all the Property in
but promptly upon the liver,
stomach ana intestines; cure
dyspepsia, habitual constipa­
tion, offensive breath and head­
ache. One tabule taken at the
first symptom o f indigestion,
biliousness, dizziness, distress
after eating, or depression of
spirits, w ill surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty.
Ripans Tabules act gently
The ocean, the surrounding
country and the Light-house.
RipansTabules may be ob­
tained o f nearest druggist.
Ripans Tabules
are easy to take,
quick to act, and
save many a doc­
tor’s bilk
A recen t discovery In th a t h e a d a c h y
dltzioeee. dulln«««, confu sion o f th e mind,
•tc .. are du e to derangom ent o f th o nerv«
cen ters w hich supply th o brain w ith nerv«
force 1 th a t Indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind in stom ach, etc., arise from the d erange­
m ent of th e nerv« cen ters supplying th ese or­
gans w ith nerve fluid or force. T his Is lik ew ise
true of m any diseases of th e heart and lungs.
T he nerve eystem Is lik e a telegraph system ,
as w ill be seeu by th o accom panyin g
cut. The little
w hit« lin es a r «
the nerviYs w hich
con vey th e nerve
force from t h e
nerve cen ters to
every part of the
body, ju st as the
elec 'ric current is
conveyed along
th e
wires to every
station, large or
sm all. Ordinary
physicians fa ll to
regard th is fact;
Instead of tr e a t­
ing the nerve cen ­
ters for the cau se
o f th e disorders
arising therefrom
they t r e a t the
part affected.
Franklin Mil««,
M 1> . L L .B , the
highly celeb rated
s p e c i a l i s t and
stu d en t o f nervous diseases, and author
of m ane noted treatises on th e la tter subject,
long sin ce realised th e truth of th e «ret
statem en t, and his R estorative N ervine
Is preoared on th a t principle. Its success
In curing all diseases arising from derange­
m ent of th e nervous system Is wonder­
ful, as the thousands o f u n solicited testim o­
nials In |
A'tont seven miles 'tp tlie >i*isl.,
river front K|.,reiiee, and situated , it tin
bottom lands of »lie river, is "tie of tl,,
best farms in latne county. Korgra:
or pasture Itinti it i« unexcelled, and
tlie best proof fliat it prtslttces tlie fines
varieties of fruit, is ilia» there is grow
IVl.r A Irt—
.fc, . m . L.
I a S a aa .a ..f • I* - •
choicest kind« of fruit-trees now in ivm edy for ail nervous diseases, such as
nervous debility, prostration.
bearing. Tide farm will be Fold as a
dlsalneea hysteria, sexu al do­
If yon fthouhl be attneked with 1«
Ktrppe «tick yonr feet in hot w ater—
with h little nniNtard in it—put apiece
t»f fhuincl dipptd in hot bamauielU
(wit« h hateli ever yonr chest, w ith h
piece of dry flannel over that, drink
warm naw» tea am i at night, every two
lumri«, take mx pellet* of aconite— the
homeopathic preparation—ami during
the «lay a one grain pill ot sulphate ot
inirnne Ktep yonrnelf warm ami eat
to suit pun l aserf. W rite to O. F. Ken-
whatever your appetite calls for. This
ne«lv, Florence, Oregon, for particulars
treatment will |xi*itivelv cure you.
b BOXT b r R E E T , F l o h k n u e , Ousooft. and prieex.
L U ic a g e H evurd.
Laud Office nt Roseburg, Oregon. January 16,
1HD4. Notice 1 m hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bin claim , and
tiiat said proof will lie made l>efore the Rcgi
ter and Receiver of the U. 8. lutud Office, nt
Roseburg, Oregon, ou Saturday, Mnr.>h io, isy-i,
Henry Lunderking.
on Pre-emption 1). 8. No. 72*8, for the se*^ of ne
'4. und e ’2 of se'4, sec. 16, tp. 19 s, rahge il w.
He name* the following witnesse to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, viz: Andrew Hartley, John Roche
John Shultz, Thomas Starks of Florence, Laut
county, Oregon.
J ohn li. S h ih k .
A Great Mistake.
Beginners make money from
W h ic h I s I tr
Tho Nctto Frcio Prcaa of Vienna be­
lieves that R ussia's object is to put an
end to tho stoppage of tho Dardanelles
by Turkey ami to obtain «upretnacy in
the Mediterr&neau. Tho A ustrian organ
adds: "L o t England take care. It isshe
who is tho aim of Russian ambition,
which is working to destroy her naval
supremacy in tho inland «ea. ” la tho
statement an echo to tho campaign just
commenced in England to obtain an in ­
crease in the strength of her fleet or is
it the beginning of a political cam ­
paign?—Paris Herald.
A 1’r o p lir c y F o r 1N 0I.
can do the work
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 29, HUH
Notice in hereby given that tbe following-
named se tiler ha a died notice of hie intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
(hat said proof w ill be made before the Register
and Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office, at Rose­
burg, Oregon, on Saturday Maroh 17, 1894, vis;
Byron W. Dorsey,
on Pre-emption D. 8. No. 762(1. for the s e ^ of ne
*4, sec. 32,
of nwJd and u«^ of nwV£, sec. 33,
tp. 19 S, range 11 w.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, via! John L. Furnish, George
51111s, II. F. Wilkes, W. D. Vanderburg, of Flor­
ence, laiue county, Oregon.
J ohn I I . B m v fi ,
or ««nt direct by the Dr. X ile s Medical C <
LIkhart. Ind.. on receipt of price, 91 per bot-
^ t t le e ^ f o r •&. express prepaid.
(¡«r-tuwiivv Nervine positively COBiaiwe no
wp.atiw vr dangerous druga
Sash and Door Factory,
N e w
O lin r -c li,
L a rg e
S a /v s r-m ill
U idsr
llte town of Git natla is H tnnU d on ibo Taciftc const, (routing th e
>at Siuslaw liv er, hn« deep wnt r frontage, and the be-t oft'er.« a r
titt’iiu factu ftrr. trade; m en and
i 1 eititi.v town i n ll.t i <» '.
ntt -builders to
V tilt ( 1 ( 1
•< tt!r in thia
« i lt< t i • ] { i , ( t i i ,