T H E W E S T . Miss Belle Coleman and seriously EMPHATICALLY OECLINE8. tered in its journal, ate »3 upon each lot possession from snv other source; and wounded her father, David Coleman, a t ' Tk f . . „ . | or part thereof ita pre iortionate share shall pay over the same to the person the home of the latter gen tlem an .' T h e C om m an d er o f G en era l L y o n s P o s t g„c |j » — PUBLISHED SYKSY FRIDAY MORNING.— l . N ut * r o p o i l .t .- - - A B e a .h l a , j S e c tio x 5 As soon „ the Trustees entitled thereto upon the presentation Moss then went to his own home near ’ — AT— of a varrant therefor drawn by the Re­ by, and tired a hall through his head i R ebuke. ; shall have nscertiiiSfcl and determined corder uniler an order from the Trustees, F lorence , L ane C ounty , O kegi producing instant death. Ill health and , Ed. W est :—On Saturday afternoon, ! » bal-le for the fie shall also keep a book In which he unrequited love are said to be the cause March 3d, I was infurmed hv the ehair- c,"‘,a o! in t- “ *e propor­ shull enter such sum of money so paid W» F . A L L E Y , K d lt o r u u il 1’r u p r le t o r s of tne dreadful deed. 1 r , ... ' ,,,an °* the Populist primary meeting, tion thereof to be paid ,y the owner of him ; the lot or part thereof from the Later. Since writing the above we |,,.ia in Glenada on the above date t l i a t , each lot. or part tlier-.. , and shall have sale of which the satno was realized, -----T e r r s : $2.00 a year in advance.----- have learned th at Mr. Coleman has tl,e members of said Populist meeting assessed upon each lot or part thereof with the number and location of the died. had placed n.y name In nou.im.tlon for h« proportionate share if such cost; the block In which the same is situated, and ............. Trusteees shall by ortl -duly made and the name of the owner, if known. In speaking of the man who is con- | constable of Florence precinct, Entered at the post-office at Florence, S ection 15. This Ordinance shall Lane county, Oregon, us second-class ducting the Populist paper at Eugene. | The impudence of the Populist mind cn,ereJ "1>O11 its jm: nal, direct the ■nail m atter. iitemeiit thereof take effect and he in full force from and the Corvallis Gazette says: “ Mr. Long is must lie great when it assumes to coerce bteoruer to e n te r a short little fellow tint has rather or Haller citizens of other parties to join *" tl,B Socket of d ry liens, and when after its approval hy the President of lengthy ideas and not only controls the its ranks hy nominating them for office 8111,1 i,ate,,,en t i l |Rll t entered in such the Trustees of the Town of Florence. ADVERTISING KATES MADE KNOWN ON A P ­ Does It look very reasonable, after docket MS »f'ires»id, tl . same shall con- populistic field of Amity and vicinity Fussed March 6, 1894. PLICATION. F. 11. W ilson , Local QoliceB H ceni« per line, each insertion. hut now sways the rod of socialism over haviiig served nearly four years ill the at*luto,and be a lien upon the lot or part Albany and Eugene, a new plant having War of the Rebellion, and where I was thereof therein described from the Recorder. * — W E KEEP TH E BEST— * of sucli entry. Approved March C, 1891. N otice .—Professor J . M. Williams, oi been sent to tiie latter place recently. wounded five times in defense of “ one S ection 6. Whenever In the judg­ The territory of Yamhill, Linn and Lane B. F. A lley , country and one flag,’’ th at I would al­ Eugene is our agent and is authorized to President. receive subscriptions, advertising anti counties is rarher an extensive newspa­ low my mime to he politically associated ment of the street commissioner and the committee on streets and public prop­ money tor T he W est and receipt for the per field to t»e controlled by a concern with a party that denounces my com­ A V E T E R A N R E P U B L IC A N . with no lietter mission to perform than rades in arms us “ dishonest pension erty uny street or alley, or sewer or part same. Saturday's Salem Journal: Harrison | that of advocating demo-populistic doc­ seekers,” and opposes all expenditures thereof, or any sidewalk or part thereof, trines in this serial m anner. Speaking by this state for disabled and broken shull be so out of repairs as to Kincaid, the veteran republican editor W E S T L IN G S . uf monopolies, iiow does this strike the down, honorably discharged veterans? endanger the life or limb of man or beast of the Eugene Journal, a man equally versatile in belles-letters as he is sound j average calamity howler?” closing such statem ents In these very the street coiuniissteBez, under the di­ N otice .—Mr.E. H. David will give a and lucid In economic discussions, was I rection of the commiyee on streets and good man with small family an excel­ At a meeting of the Board of Trade words: “ If a soldiers' home is erected in the city yesterday. lent chance on his farm near Florence. held in the Odd Fellows’ hall on Satur­ any where in Oregon, it w 11 he sure to public property shJH immediately re­ He is one of those republicans who i pair the same at 1 (^ 4 . e of the own- S omething N ew .—Have you seen day, March 3d, a committee, consisting he well filled about election time and er or o w iiftp " tit property. have not hek office, who does not seek j of Joe Morris, Jr., Wm. Kyle, J . W. th at too by men, many of whom ar.jreMli those Ladies Jerseys tliat are now ottered Hlrd-ift,,. u ¿ re -b P .vis-'■' kKUiinest ly in favor of th e. Carm an, W. H . W eatherson and J . C. at all lu need of charitable aid.” for less than cost at Meyer & K yle’s? paid, on demand b /^ L , s... street cun- ,ax'P a " ‘ts reform movement that is Brown were appointed by the President Do you think that I would insult the A nother pa|»er in Eugene, making to draft resolutions favoring appropria­ memory of the 13,000 brave, loyal heroes nnssioner, by the owners or owner of sweeping over the state. He lias no hopes from populists’ politicians of the four all told. tions for continuing work on tne jetties of our Union army who suffered de - tl» such property, the street commissioner I’ennoyer stripe, who after 8 years as shall present the hill therefor to the city W. E . Warren and wife, of Heceta, at tne mouth of tne Siuslaw river, said hy starvation at Andersonville that this Trustees ; such hill sbwihtpecify the lots governor cannot show where lie has are quite ill, it is reported. resolutions to be presented to the Eli- and future generations might enjoy the lot or part thereof adjacent to the re­ ever set his foot on a steal of a dollar. Senator J . N. Dolpli will please accept guile Board ot Trade for th eir approval, liberty so dearly purchased, by allowing In December the Journal showed thnt pairs so made, the name or names of our thanks for a package of garden seeds, and then forw arded to lio n . Binger my mime to appear on the political roll owner or owners thereof, if known, and Mr. Kincaid would he a good man to H erm ann. There was a large attendance of a party with nothing hut hatred for Hood’s Fills do not weaken, hut aid tbeuctuul costs of the repairs made oil nominate for secretary of state. But so ot, this meeting, and the expression th eir memory? If you do, I will dlsa- digestion aud tone the stomach. Try that part of tiie street, alley or sidewalk far he has declined to become a candi­ ; unanimously prevailed th at we use all huse your own as well as all otlier minds them . adjacent to eacli lot or part thereof and date. I honorable efforts in aiding our repre- of such a conclusion now. the date uf making such repairs. Bland’s hill for coining silver bullion seutatives in Congress in securing a lib- While yon were placing my name in O D ’S C U R E S when all other in the treasury passed the House on eral am ount of money for the work com- nom ination. I was in the city of Flor- S ection 7. When such repairs shall 1 U 1 O preparations fail. It possesses March 1st. have been made hy the Commissioner, ! menced here hy tne Government. The ence w ith a large num ber of the best cit­ curative power peculiar to itself. Be The annual school meeting resulted Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, izens of the Siuslaw valley, devising and iiis hills therefor shall have been •ure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. presented to the Trustees, as provided in In the election of F. B. Wilson as direct­ March 10. All the citizens interested ways and means foi securing an appro­ WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE A ND HAVE or and O. W . Ilu rd as clerk. are requested to be present. priation for the jetties at the mouth of tiie foregoing section, tin; Trustees shall Agents. $78 tlien proceed to ascertain and determine a week E xclusive te rrito ry . Tbw our river. If you possessed the courage FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON S. B. Colvin will have to appear a t ' K » M D h k W a s h e r. W ia b e e t ilt h « T H E LAW . d u h ee for a fa m ily in one m in u te. id toe principles of your party, instead what lots, lot, or part thereof shall he Roseburg on the 19th of this month, to W ashes rinses and dries them SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED. liable thereof; and what proportion oi w ith o u t w ettin g the hands Yow If any m inor 16 years of age or over, o f nominating me for an office, you answer to a charge of being drawn on push the b u tton, the m ach in e do«« tiie cost of such repairs shall he paid by th e rest R rls h t, polished dishes, makes false representation-aa to ms age 768 HANDSOME PATTERNS- would have been passing lesoloiions the jury. and cheerful w ire« . No scalded .fl HKersnosolledhandeor clo th in g . in order to purchase liquor of any per- condemning siieu appropriations. Your the owner or owners of each lot or pari ’ N • broken dishee.no tnuax. Cheap, All communications for publication in d u rab le ,w a rra n te d C lrc u la rtfre « . . , , son, he shall he punished by a tine of not absence t r o iu the citizens’ meeting in thereof so liable, and shall then asses tins journal m ust lie w ritten on hut one legg U)an 2_, doi)arg nor uloru Uian k)0 W . P . 1 1 A 1 U U S O N A C O ., Clerk Be. 11, O. Fiorei.ee goes to stiow plainly ttiat you upon each lot or part thereof its propor­ slde of the paper, or they will lie eon- con­ doilarg n lg made tne duty of dlgtriut tionate share of the costs of such repairs. are no t in sym pathy with our best in­ signed to the waste basket. attorneys, sheriffs and police officers to terests, and forms a good basis for the Eaeli assessment so made shall he en­ E L E C T IO N JU D G E S AND C L E R K S . Hon. R. M. Veateli has filed ids bond see ttiat this law is obeyed. , assumption th at only the fear ot losing tered upon the journal, and the Trus­ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN and will t a k e charge of the Roseburg The following judges and clerks of ★ j votes prevented you from passing strong tees shall direct tiie Recorder to enter a DEA TH OF A V N hABLE MAN. land office about April 1st following. statem ent thereof in the docket of the election for 1894 are appointed: 1 resolutions against our harbor improve­ AMERICAN INSURANCE CO , OF NEW city liens. The emoluments of the office are $3000 John H olverstott, lather of Mis. C. B m ent. Florence—B. F. Alley, Wm. Landis, YORK, AND THE P H Œ N IX ASSUR­ a year. Morgan, ot this place, was horn March S ection 8. When the statem ent shall Win. Kyle, judges; W. R. McCornack, Politically, I am a Republican. My The Grand Ju ry did not find a true 29, 1806, and died a t Madison, Califor­ vote has always been cast with the be entered in tiie docket of the city liens Geo. II. Colter, clerks. ANCE CO OF LONDON, ENGLAND. Mapleton—Amos Hadsall, W. W. bill against O. W. H urd for sellingliquor nia, an February 18, 1894, after an ill­ members of tliat party, and it always as provided in the preceding section, the to minors, hut brought in an Indictment ness of only thirteen hours. Had Mr. will he. I do not believe in the free same shall constitute and he a lien upon Neely, W. Wells, judges; M. J. Hadsall, Alden Holverstott lived 30 days more, he trade, fiat money, soldiet-liatiug princi­ the lot or part thereof therein described, Fred Bean, clerks. against George B arrett and | would have been 88 years old. There is ples ot toe Populists! I do not thank from the date thereof. H erm ann—L. C. Moffitt, II. J. Dickey When Rates are equal why not get the best? Hayes. ' a rem arkable incident in Ids life which, you lor attem pting to ally my name with S ection 9. If the owner or owners of Wm. Ferris, judges; S. 8. Milledge, J. Captain W lnant w rites to the Bandon uny lots, or lot, or part thereof against M. Duncan, clerks. Recorder th a t he is taking some silk, t probably, would require centuries to any such political organization I He was born oil E aster Sun- Luke Creek—Chas. Potterf, F. R. The foregoing is, or ought to be, suf- which a statem ent lias been entered in produced by J . S. Kanematz, of the Co- I re-occur. the docket of city liens, fail or refuse to Pepiot, Peter Hollo, judges; Howard dav, and this eommemoiative day of the fid en t to convey to convey to your politically quille valley, to be exhibited at the mid­ risen Savior, did not fall on his birth­ stultified mluds, th a t I decline your pay the same together with the fee of Pope, J . C. Farm er, clerks. w inter fair. day during his lifetime. the Recorder for such sta cinent in said G lentena—E. Thurm an, A. D. ReeveB, nomination w ithout thunks. Fred Bean came to this city from E u­ I t Is hardly necesBitry to state th at docket, ’he TriisXfiai, s all, by order J B. Richardson, judges ; W. T. Baiiey, J. L. F urnish . gene Thursday with subpoenas for J. I. Mr. H olverslott’s life was characterized duly made ah d ’Tmty in its journal, Archie Ricliardsoii, clerks. Butterfield, J . A. Pond and 0 . B. Mor­ by strict obedience to the laws of mor­ S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . direct the Recorder to give to the owner gan to appear before th e court a t E u­ ality, for his long earthly career Is posi­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. or owners, or the ageiit of tiie owner or gene as witnesses. R ev . I. G. K notts , P astor . tive proof of such a fact. He was a de­ 1 owners of tiie lot or part thereof against Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 11, 1S91 Sunday-School at 10 a. m. Preaching which an assessment has been made N otice is hereby given th a t th e following- Tried and true is the verdict of people voted parent, an honest, upright man, who take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The and Ins family, especially his daughter at 11. Service a t 7:30 p. m. Commun­ and a statem ent entered in its docket of nam ed settler has filed notice of h is in te n tio n good effects of this medicine are soou here, will have the sym pathy of many ion service will follow the morning city liens, five days notice thereof, said to m ake final proof in support of his claim , and th a t said proof w ill lx? m ade before W. preaching. All are welcome. felt in nerve strength restored, appetite friends. i notice shall be served hy the Marshal, U. Douglas, U. S. C ircu it C ourt C om m issioner created and health given. or posted on said lot and published in a for O regon, a t M arshfield, Oregon, on S aturday, iv is o F T tem W ORDINANCE N O 1 0 . W alter and Dave Salley w ent to Eu­ newspaper in the Town of Florence, ami A pril 7, 1S91, viz; W illiam Bluck, An Ordinance to Create tiie Office of B y I ch D ien . gene this week to give evidence before must contain substantially the m atter on pre-em ption I). S. No. 76JO, for th e se!< of bw Street Commissioner and to Define his required to he entered in tiie doc.Ket of *4. sw’zi of se*4 sec. 29, and lo ti 17, 21 and 22, sec. the Grand Jury that they have pm -j As this Is my first attempt at Itemiz- duties: to provide for the repair of 32, tp. 21 r , range 11 w. chased liquor . t the F lorence Drug Store ! ing from this , 4 wi„ giv6 the lo. city liens concerning such assessment. sidewalks tliat may in the judgm ent He nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove S ection 10. If within five days from w ithout any order to do so. i cation of Ivison th a t the readerg of Thb his c ontinuous residence upon and cu ltiv a tio n of tiie Street Commissioner and the the expiration of said five days notice Carey F. M artin has recovered suffi- W est will know whence we come. Ivi- of, said land, viz: Henry A. Bay, Moses J. committee on streets and public prop­ ciently to he able to return to his old ! son Is located in Section 12, Township { erty he in a dangerous condition ; for tiie as provided in section 9, the sum as­ Tow ne. Thom as B. Gabriel, Mary Ann Bay, ail sessed upon any lot or part thereof, of G ardiner, Douglas county, Oregon. home at Eugene, where lie arrived on 18 s, Range 7 w, In Lane county, Ore- improvement and repairing of streets, J ohn II. S hupe , and a statem ent of which has been Tuesday of last week. His friends are gon, on Wild Oat ereek twelve miles Register. alleys and sidewalks, and to provide docketed as hereinbefore provided lor, F2I-M10 pleased to hear of his speedy recovery. above its confluence with the Siuslaw for tiie assessment and collection of together with the accruing costs and Captain J . J . W lnant Is named as river. It is on w hat Is known as the the costs and expense of such repairs. j charges be not wholly paid to tiie city tteif I H A V E T H E BEST TOOLS joint Senator for Lincoln and Benton Wild Cat and Notie road, which con­ The Town o f Florence Doei Ordain as Treasurer, tiie Trustees shall thereafter and materials and a good shop. Have counties. We know him to he a man of nects with the Eugene and Florence Folio mi: | order a w arrant for tiie collection of tiie had twenty years’ experience nnd I can many brains and he knows how to use road at Delphia post-office. There was S ection 1. It shall be tiie duty of the same together with all tiie costs and repair all kinds of tine and complicated, them , too. He would do honor to his a post-office established at Ivison last Trustees to appoint a suitable person to charges accruing upon such warrant to as well as cheaper grades of watches, constituents. spring, with J . S. Day as postmaster, serve as street commissioner, who shall he issued hy the Recorder and directed and I will give you perfect and we are supplied with mail from Va- The judgem ent for costs in the case of hold office during tiie pleasure of tiie to tiie M arshal. E . H. David vs. S. B. Colvin, on Sept. rien, on Eugene ami Florence road. We S ection 11. Immediately upon the Trustees, and shall receive such com­ 16, 1893, rendered against Mr. Colvin, get two mails a week. pensation for his services as the Trus­ receipt ot the w arrant provided for in T hinking tliat a few Items from this has been investigated by the county tees may d ire c t; this office can he held section 10 of this ordinance, the Mar­ court of Douglas county and reversed. place m ight be of interest to some of T he hy the town Marshal. shal shall levy on the lot or part thereof The money has been refunded to Mr. W est ’ s readers, I will attem p t to give S ection 2 It shall be the duty of against w idth sucli warrant j s issued, Colvin. from time to time a few of the most in* said commissioner to superintend the and shall deliver to the owner or own­ On Saturday evening, March 17, 1894, teresti“g a«d instructive happenings grading and planking, im provinent and ers thereof, or to the agent of tiie owner there will be a St. P atrick ’s social, in th a t n ‘“>' oecur> thereby m aking T he repairing of all streets and alleys, and to or owners, if known, a copy of such honor of “ ould O irland'e” patron saint W est what it is intended for, a newspa- see th at the same are graded and plank­ warrant, tiie M arshal sliall then, after who banished all snakes from th e Em ­ per for the advancem ent and develop­ ed, improved and repaired in accordance having first given notice of tlie time, erald Isle, at the residence of Mrs. H. m ent of the Siuslaw country. with the orders of the Trustees provid­ place aud terms of sale, together with a W. T. Cornelius, of Pleasant H ill, Or­ ing therefor, and to superintend the con­ reasonable certain description ot the M. Cham berlin, under the auepices of the Ladies' Aid society. All will be cor­ egon, and W illard England, of Callao, struction of all cross walks, bridges, cul­ property to he sold, by posting a writ­ I will take butter, eggs, meat, fruits, Mo., are visiting with L. J . Cornelius verts and aqueducts ordered hy the Trus­ ten or printed notice thereof in at least dially welcomed. Admission 10 cents. potatoes, and all kinds of vegetables as this week. three public p aces m tiie Town of Flor­ “ C aptain” John Safley lias wrecked tees aud see th at they are constructed in part paym ent for work. e day of sale, th e deep sea hunt Addie, so it is said. A I L. A. Chastain has just returned from accordance with the orders of said Trus­ ence, for 30 days pi iui ‘ /opy thereof party from Y aqnina came down to buy a two weeks’ visit at Pleasant H ill, Ore­ tees and tiie ordinance governing the and having publish G. B. C O L L E S , Wo laid out the original town site of FLORENCE, including the the craft, nnd th e “ C aptain” took her gon. He reported 10 inches of snow at construction of such cross, sidewalks, once a week for at Io , .Cur weeks ill a newspaper published in tiie Town of The Florence W a tc h Doctor. up the river on a trial trip. The first th a t place. bridges, culverts and aqueducts. accident was a part of tiie rigging being S ection 3. In case of tiie failure or Florence, prior to the said day ot sale, The snow at this place was 5 inches blown away, then she was run on tiie deep last week, the deepest of the season, «tfusal of any property holders to grade, sell said lot or p a r t - thereof at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor gold mud flats somewhere about Cox’s Island, FO R 6 0 D A Y S O N L Y I Stock looks well in this neighborhood, improve, plank, drain or repair tiie coin, to he paid cash iu hand on tiie day where her crew deserted her and but feed is getting scarce. streets or alleys, or construct or repair 1 5 8 acres of land, mostly all walked home. any sidewalk, or sewer, adjacent ot (to) ot sale, tor tiie purpose of satisfying S. H. White is on the sick list at th eir respective property when ordered such assessment and alt accruing cost, Bottom land on tide water. Lieutenant Shunk, of the E ngineers’ present. CASH 11050. CASH to do so by the city Trustees, witiiin tiie and make return of such sale in writing, Corps, Portland, was here on Wednes­ A NEW PAPER. The owner of this property must raise time specified in such order, after no- indorsed on said warrant, lie shall then day to inspect the jetty work and report J. B. Long lias arrived in this city tice thereof having been duly given, hy return said warrant to tiie Recorder, to­ the sum of $1050 within 60 days, hence damages done to tiie tram w ay by drift­ with a plant to start a populist paper the M arshal, it shall he the duty of the gether with the amount realized at such this Bargain I wood, etc. He expressed surprise a t the And offer lots in these parts from $50 to $500.----' Good title w arranted. sm all am ount of damage, taking into tiere. It is to be a 7-coluiiin four-page street eommissioner, under the direc- sale, less the cost and expense of mak­ If you have the cash, here is your I lion of the comm ittee on streets and ing such sale. consideration th e severity of winter weekly, named The Broad-Ax. S ection 12. Whenever the Marshal eliance, so take advantage of this 60 days C. G. I>eMasters will he tiie editor and public property, to cause the same to be storms. H e is evidently a pleasant gen- tlem an and thoroughly conversant with I lllani,tter. although Mr. Long will spend i done, w ithout delay, and present his bill shall make sale of any property ns afore- forced sa le ! the business he had in hand. a portion of his tim e here. Tiie gentle- therefor to the Trustees; said bill shall said, lie shall immediately make a deed Write im mediately or apply in person J. O. Flint, the ap­ ap- men al'e both a t worlt 11,1,1 expect specify particularly the lots, lot or part therefor to the purchargr, subject to re- ! for particulars to Flint, having having received received the ’ ‘ have an iasue out ' by Monday next, of . . lot adjacent .. to to tiie work done, and the deuiplion, however, within three years Joe Morris, Jr., pointm az v ent v v of a road supervisor, • v