T H E W E S T . ‘h l A 1 1 , B R I I E .” have illwayM e ie r ta l the privilege of in- j m onarchy; he could not act w ithout the c extent v lu n l nAt in in t coni sentof — 1 I Loth at. not I joint parties I justified in the affairs of other co u n tries.1 The re port. 'the democratic m inority POLICY The m atter of annexation is discussed declares Stay* s was guilty of “ unbe J at length, and, while the whole tenor is j coming par. „pation in events which led Literacy. ' t terf»rence e r f * ir n ? in ftw 'tit frx an in H Hawaii to an — PUBLISHED KVEAY TBWAY UOBSINQ,— — AT— F loräxcz , L ane C ounty , CROVER’S HAWAIIAN SC O R ED . O rbgox . From ihc RUteftmcui. W ashington , Feb. favorable to annexation, no direct »tate- to the revolution, but exonerates Cap- ' m ent to th at effect is made. It say»: tain W iltse.’* S imijkoly there is no necessity to urge ; beW but a 8hort aeasion to-day, in order i ‘’A nnexation ha» been the subject of al- a full attendance at the Board of Trade | ORDINANCE NO. 13. t0 kr*ve the democrats an opportunity af- ' most constant contemplation among Ha- meeting tomorrow. i terward» to continue the caucus begun , waiians s’.nce the beginning of the reign An O rdinal ^ ^ k n c e rn in g offenses and river is a party in interest. i in the m orning. Morgan, chairm an of i of K am ehaineha I. In the diplomatic disorderly onduct. Defining what I t is reported th at the Populist club . the coalniittee on foreign relations, pre correspondence frequent and favorable shall eons, nte the same, and provid­ ing for tlie punishment thereof. ut Seaton has pasted a resolution c o n -1 scntc^ ’‘*a report on the Hawaiian in- allusion is made to the subject.” The demning the appropriation for the fish i ' eHt'é'Rtion and 1-rye gave notice th a t on testimony taken by the committee dis­ The Town oj Florence Doea Ordain as Polio w tf hatchery on this river. Should such re- ! " ednes iay lie would address the Senate closed the opinion of several of our most S ectioh 'I . That any person or ;ier- i em inent and m ilitary officers th a t an- ' sons who shall commit any assault, or port prove true, comment is unneces­ on th at subject. 26.— T iie R enate NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! (ORIGINAL AHI) SEL8CTED.) ---------Just Received a t th e --------- He th a t wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill Our antagonist is our helper. No iron chain, or outward force of any kind, can ever compel the soul of man to believe or to disbelieve. Probably there is no quality more ef­ ficient in dispelling ignorance than the courage which dares to confess it. The function of culture is not merely to train the powers for enjoym ent, but N otions, Groceries Provisions, Oiled C lothing, Grass Seeds, H ard­ first and supremely for helpful sendee. Let us have courage alxiut these ordi­ ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, Turpentine, C olorings &c. &c. nary lives of our, nor fret ourselves Take a Look at our. about their conditions, but put the u t­ most th a t we can into them . If you separate yourselves from every In Dry and Fancy goods, we have L ad ies’ and G ents’ Shirts and one th at you think can do any harm to you, you separate yourselves from every I ® rawer8> W ool and Cotton, M arseilles Q uilts, F lannels and woolen GREAT WHITE STORE 1893 F A L L ¿ ¿ W IN T E R 1894 Dry and Fancy Goods, The report declares against m o n arch -, negation is indispensable to the proper assault and battery within the eorpor- ism in the ¡stands, saying we exercise at defense and protection of Western coast ate lim it, of tbu Town of Florence, shall Re' A SOCIETY. least a moral suzerainty over Hawaii, I states. The committee says it is one d « - ! Upt’1nC1O‘’victi‘, ', ' bereo, bef,,re | eordrr s court he fined not less than which, it. says, is an American state em­ serving of thorough investigation and five dollars net more than one hundred There is a society in the United braced in the American commercial and correct friendly decision. dollars, or in. crisoniiivnt in the town States th at has spread so rapidly and its m ilitary system, entitling it to indulgent an two days nor more The report states the recognition of jail not less num bers m ultiplied so quickly, th at it consideration if not active sym pathy in the provisional governm ent was lawful than fifty day , or both a t the discre­ lias been subject m atter for legislative tion of ttiWCM* the endeavors to release her people from an d contributed to peace. D ress goods. Look at our large stock of S ection JJ. i at any person or per- one to whom you can do any good. acts. The American Protective Associa­ an odious anti-republican regime, and The report then takes up the appoint­ sons, who s Since the generality of persons act m bm h B 'raw any species of tire- tion is the name of the organization, and j subordinate lier people to the supposed m ent of Blount and his investigation. arm s, or r dagger or knife, or from im pulse much more than from there is nothing startling in the name, ’ i divine right of a monarch whose title . to ■» weapon upon principle, men are neither so good nor It says lie presented a sin en}. Instruc­ any (!•••• . but it is only when its tru e principles T eh divinity originaUd „ th o rm os. tive report, but*tTiat the a"7Ti-JT' state B lack , W h ite an d G rey. * - e* ' ■ jr/bad as we are apt to think them . are brought to light th a t its danger ¡8 ! 8,avigb co!ldition8 o{ pagan barbaritv< of the T o w n ^ Florence, ujxmi convic­ of opinion and feoling in Hawaii at tiia Man’s value is in proportion to what Plush, velvets, silks, gim ps and fancy trim m ings. H osiery, gloves, seen. 4 . tion thereof before the Recorder’s Tne report approves M inister Stevens’ tim e made it next to impossible to ob­ court, he fined not less than twenty dol­ he has courageously su ffered -as the corsets, ribbons, saxon y yarn, and hundreds o f other choice articles. This society had its origin in Canada I or(ier Iandin, tin; troops from the Bos­ tain a full, f lir an 1 free declaration of lars nor more than one hundred dollars, | value of the steel Blade is in proportion in 1890, and to-day in this country its ton on the ground th a t conditions ex­ the facts; th at the evidence taken by the or itnpristfffbd in the town jail not to the tem pering it lias undergone. num bers can be figured by the hundreds isted whicli led naturally to an appre- committee under more favorable circum- less than ten days nor more than fifty W hen one is not rich enougli to de­ of thousands. It has even reached Ore- * days, or both at the discretion of the hension of a civil commotion en d an g er-' stances established the fact that the i vote much money to good works, one court. gon, and its council or lodge meetings ing the security of American citizens, ' olution originated witli Liliuokal 1111, S ection 3. T hat any person or per­ m ust tuke pains to discover how to do are to be found on every hand. and points out on three or four previous , who expected through opium an 1 lottery sons who shall resist any peace officer, the most good with a small sum. After one readH the objects of tliis so- ’ occasions of sim ilar action being taken. , bills to secure funds to carry out her or who sliall refuse to assist such officer Character is not cut in m arble, it is ciety, it is little wonder th a t the church 1 in the discharge of his duties, or who 1 This condition, the report says, grew i purpose I not something solid and unalterable. It societies are its opponents, and have shall by any means whatever aid or as­ I out of the effort of the queen to over- The report upholds the right of the sist any person, in custody upon a ' is something living and changing, and had introduced into the K entucky legis­ ; throw the constitution, anil th at her act president to appoint Blount and delegate charge of violation o f any city ordi­ may become diseased as our bodies do. lature a bill prohibiting the organiza­ | amounted to an act of abdication, and j to him param ount autiiority ; but says nance, in his endeavor to es- i Whoso neglects a thing which he sus­ K eeps a fu ll lin e o f E x tr a Q u a lity tion in th a t state of any society whose neutralized her power to protect Aineri- th e president would not have been justi- cape from sueti custody, w hether pects he ought to do. because it seems to object is to discrim inate between C hris­ lean citizens. I fled in using forco to restore the queen, such escape be elfeeted or not, shall, on him too small a thing, is deceiving liim- tians on account of their religion, and emu i ’ion before the Recorder's court, The report says; “ It is evident the ¡and did not contem plate such action; fixing the penalty a t from $500 to $1000, queen’s governm ent a t th a t time had no ' therefore his tender of his good offices be fined nut less than ten dollars nor ' 8elf 1 it is not too little, but too great for more Ilian fifty dollars, or shall be im -' him , that he doeth it not. or im prisonm ent for six to twelve power to prevent the landing of troops ! for a settlem ent of the differences was prisoned in the town jail not less than ' Many ideas grow better when trans- H A R D W A R E , T IN W A R E , BOOTS & SHOES, m onths. O ther states are preparing to 1 j i * j into - * another a » • i than a « • the ai any q u arter; no power to protect | strictly w ithin his accepted rig h t. The live day» . nor more than twenty-live ’ planted mind, in pass such laws and it may be the courts •• ,, . II A T s & C A P S , M E D IC IN E S, N U T S & C A N D IE S, itself against invasion; no power to eon fact th a t tlie provisional governm ent I •lays, or both at the discretion oi the eourt. one where they sprung up. T hat which will be called upon to decide whether , , ,, • | duct tbo civil governm ent; in other was formed to exist till annexation to S ection 4. T hat any person or per- was u weed in one intelligence becomes the American Protective Association lias | TOBACCO, CIGARS, F U R N IS H IN G GOODS. words, an interregnum existed. Tlie the United Stataes justified interference sons who shall carry any deadly or dan- • a flower in tiie other, and a flower again a right to exist. queen only held the throno under her for its protection which would not have genius weapons of tiny kind whatever ' dwindles down to a mere weed by the We are led to wonder if church socie­ Goods as Represented. oath and the constitution, an l when site been tolerated under other circuinstan- I in a concealed m anner w ithin the cor- Prices W ill be Found Reasonable, change. ties and church creeds arc based upon so I | I , , U l , üf “ ,e fo " n of Florence, * I declared herself absolv I therefrom it ■ ces; tlierefore the provisional govern- P" " ‘te How little our knowledge of mankind flimsy foundations th a t they need the shall, upon conviction therefor before was an actual act of abdication. Fur- m ent, having thrown itself into th e ., ,, , , . . „ M ANAGERS. I the Recorder’s court, be fined not less is derived from intentional, accurate ob­ support of law to w ithstand adverse ! thermore she bad been overthrown by ; arm s of the United States, cannot justly j than five dollars nor more than twenty- servation I Most of it has, unsought, criticism, and the breast-works of other the white people of the island before the complain th at the United States should five dollars, or imprisoned in the found its way into tlie mind from tlie societies, and for fear of losing what troops from the Boston landed. The scrutinize all pretensions of its right ' town jail not less tlian two days nor continual presentation of the objects to w they have always claimed for churches, I p,, iwaiian monarchy had perished.” , thus to dispose of the entire country and mere than twelve days, or both at the • • the right to engage in polities, they i discretion of tlie court. Provided, th at ollr unthinking view. I t is a know! - 8 In view of this the rejsjrt lays down tho people. PÍ peace officers shall be exem pt from the edge of sensation more than of reflec- P. m ust attack a society holding different j proposition th at in a country whore Moreover, the queen herself abdicated provision of tliis section, and those lia v -! tion. views. i there is no power of law to protect citi­ provisionally, awaiting the decision of ing perm its from the President of the M an’s proper business in this world As it is more than likely th at the I P4 zens of the United States there can be the United States as to lier riglits. Ua _ ! Board of Trustees. falls mainly into three divisions—first, 3c I Men’s Shoes from ................ 1.00 to 3.00 any advantage it m ight give the pcop e , of Hawaii, to the provisional govern- A LIBERAL OFFER. j o Drew» G in g h a m s........................... 10c I Men's Boots f r o m .................. 2.50 to 5.00 section shall, upon conviction there­ sociation,” has its lodges which they j O A ii ne lot of ¡standard Print« Boys' Boots from 1.00 to 2.00 I disputing her right to resume her regal m ent or to Liliuokalani w ithout having for before the Recorder's court, be fined Double fold brqss Flannel . Men's Rubber H unting Boots 8.25 to 3.50 denominate “council” and they meet CO Elegant Outing Flannel 12^c “ Knee Boots, I«)Wer. j made an effort to use his good offices to not less than five (dollars) nor more I The big eight-page Sunday Staieaman Handkerchiefs from 5c upward. som ething Elegant 2.75 regularly to promulgate the principles ! will be sent to any addrees from now Ladies’ Shoes from 1.25 to 2.50 Men’s Rubber Hip Boots . 8.25 to 3.50 Tlie report declares the purpose of ascertain whether it is practicable tlie than fifty dollars, or imprisoned in ►4 In Mutflers for Holiday Presents, we Men's Rubber Boots, Short . 2.75 its members are pledged to sustain. until July 1st for only 50c, cash to ac­ O can show you a tine lot to select the town jail not less than two days nor Boys’ Rubber H unting Boots 8.00 to 3.25 Minister Stevens and Captain Wiltso queen could be restored to authority. c_i from. Boys' “ Storm King Boots 2.50 The principle object of the organiza­ more than twenty-five days, or both at company the order. This is a most lib­ 1/2 A fine tine of Ladies’, Gents’ and Chil- Men’s R u b b ers......................... 50c was legitimate, ami th at they acted in The report says if the provisional gov­ the discretion of the court. eral hard times campaign offer, as the dren’s UNDERWEAR »t astonish­ Ladies’ and C hildren’s Rubbers In all sises tion is to keep church and state separate 1 ingly LOW PRICES. and at lowest prices. S ection 6. Any person or persons 5 ate,man ia tl,e sevond "> Oregon, P s ' Children’s Shoe» at prices that defy ernm ent had agreed to restoration tlie Gents’ and Ladies’ Macintoshes, and Circu­ not only in the literal sense in which it j good faith and with no interests except com petition. lars for School Girls. t »hall . Btainl . . . . - in • «.r upon any street, and Republican ^ epuo“ can to lo the uie core. core; Tliis 1,118 is 18 * a protecting American citizens and pre­ United States would not have been in who is done to-day, but also to discourage education and it is our pur- - . ^7 - T I) < n n serving order. any sense responsible for her rcstora- alley or sidewalk in a disorderly m anner can,Pai£n any man who would seek to make his w ithin th e corporate limit» of the Town po8e to assist in ta e good work. The ▼ ▼ 1 1 v / U i v 1 iv^X U pj« C A L L & C U S The report speaks of the work of I tio n ; it would not have espoused m on­ of Florence, after being notified by tlie , ^ lale,m a“ ?ives ilU ‘ he news of slate and “ religion an item of political power. The archy nor have contravene d American |teuce officer to move on. shall, upon nation and during the campaign its Sun- association makes the statem ent th at in American missionaries in building up [ sentim ent to a policy. They would m ere­ conviction tliereof before the Reco-d- *!a.y edition wil1 be a symposium of po­ the constitutional governm ent of th at various places tlie Catholics arc using litical news and gossip for the entire* th eir religion as political capital, and ¡ c ollnlD 'aDl’ Ba.VH‘f entitles the people ly have been mutual friends in solving I e r’s court, be punished by a fine not to exceed five dollars or by imprisonment state. It is illustrated and consists of I the qtics.ion. Tucrcforc, the committee ! for this reason they are sometimes ! " f tlie Ullite,i States to sym pathize and in th e town jail not to exceed two davs, j foil pages of select reading m atter, j including a short story and a wealth of called anti-catholics. A t th eir recent aasi9t in reili,itin’I it8 'k'8tr,,ction. The conclude the president oi tlie United ' or bolli at tlie discretion of the court. D e a le r in state convention held in Bloomington, ! ,l,u',‘n 8 desire to banish or kill her op- | States lias not in this particular in any i S ection 7.* Each and everv owner or poetry and miscellany. Every voter in wise been a party to any irregularity or ! occupant of a house within th e eorpor- ^ reFon Should rciul a paper from tlie Illiuois, they announced th a t th eir asso­ (aments should cause an American not ale lim its of the Town of Florence, shall caP‘ta‘ during the campaign and we to hesitate to support tiie government *1,1ProPr æ fy ol conduct in his high of- ciation would attack no m an 's religion, keep tlie beck yard adjoining sucli house nJa^ e t '**8 °ffer to Bllit tlie times. Sam- I lic e . so long as it was kept out of politics. It opposed to her. free filth and of m any kind. p ‘e COP'VS Ifce. All subscriptions will G e n ts’ T'U a t* i . ■ • , ii w from lin n « iivi garbage i i v in iv HlllLJ, * »»»•• ! C a rp e ts, G la ssw a re , « . opposes .. . ... ____ . „ s : “ President; in H n° u n ^ and any person violating tlie provisions consecu lively numbered upon receipt then strongly the use of . public funds _ The report F u r n is h in g B oots a n d G ro c e rie s, for sectarian purposes; it works for tlm Cleveland a» soon as he learned of this ° critieiifn 111 tiie ne«oliation of a oj this section »hall, upon conviction ttn ry zxoods , — and D — Vi— i i u V -------— lo th in c , i ii Headquarters for dollars nor more than tw enty dollars, „ /A d d r e s s all o-ders to The SMea.nan, Sa- ’ P. by im prisonm ent in tne town jail not e,n' Oregon’ by im prisonm ent in tne town jail not , to make such a treaty. The committee less th an two days nor more than ten 1 finds the treaty was not negotiated too lays, or both. Provided, however, that H igh est Price Paid for Country Produce. hastily, as charged, because both parties the owner or occupant of a barn or EUGENE. OREGON. desired its speedy conclusion in tlie in- , stable tmty _throw upon tlie lot tiie It denounces the organization of The report adds: “ When the crown terest of goo I governm ent; moreover inamire accum ulating in such barn or K nights of Labor and says its chiefs falls in auy kingdom in the Western stable, and wliicli he may desire to use the danger of the islands tailing into the ¡up. -ucli lot as a fertilizer. have sought council exclusively from 1 homisphero it is pulverized, and when hands of a European power n unc S ip ion If any person or persons tlie Catholic clergy. It refers to the va- tho scepter departs it departs forever. prom pt action necessary. \ W Z,1*y public or private rious strikes th a t have taken place in American opinion cannot sustain any The report finds Stevens' earnest at. l-i ihi.i , - -atewalk or street w ithin the tliis country under the direction of th at American ruler in an attem pt to restore vo.racv of annexation was not open to | corporate limits of tlie Town of Florence body, and makes the assertion th at in them , no m atter how virtuous and sin­ shall, upon conviction therefor before criticism, being in the line with Marcy nearly every case tlie Catholic members cere tlie reasons may be th at seem to the Recorderfs court, be fined not less and nearly all his successors as secretary tiian five dollars nor more than one have been the agitators and th a t they justify him .” of state and with many of Stevens’ pre 1- j hundred dollars, or im prisonm ent in the would quietly w ithdraw as soon as tlie Stevens’ recognition of tlie new gov­ ecessors in Hawaii. It declares liis d e a l-: Ionn jail not less than two days nor C A L L ON OR A D D R E S S trouble became serious, leaving their ernm ent is justified, the rejxirt saying ing with the Hawaiian government was more than fifty days, or both at the dis- P ro testan t brethren to tight it out. “ it was his duty at tho safest possible T H E LA N E C O U N T Y LA N D & LO AN characterized by becoming dignity and eretion of tlie court. W hen the trouble was ended, the agi- period to assist, by recognition, the S ection 9. This ordinance shall take reserve, and not in auy way harsh or of­ EU G EN E, O R E G O N . effect from and after its publication in a tators would im m ediately resume work term ination of the interregnum , for the fensive. The only substantial irregular­ newspaper published in tlie Town of Read carefully the following affidavits by prom inent citizens regarding F lor­ and the places of tho ousted ITotostauts safety o icitizens of the United S tates.” ity inconsistent with an officer of the Flurenee, and after tlie approve' of the ence property, now on the m arket at wonderfully reduced prices: would be filled with Catholics. The rrt says : “ The question of a n ­ United States was the declaration of a President of the Board of Trustees. ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : A bill against the American Protective nexation and Stevens' anxious advocacy Passed Marcli 6. 1894. protectorate by Stevens, though no act­ M r* A”, rtefc« Association has been introduced into thereof, did not relieve him from duty • .„A »¿,ere'b y eert,f7 ‘ hat 1 * M the origin®’ owner of the property known as Frazier F. B. W ilson , Recorder. San Francisco. ual harm resulted from this act, and it and Berry s part of Florence, which E. J . Frsier is now offering for sale. T hat t h . Approved Marcli 6, 1894 tlie Kentucky legislature, prohibiting or abridge bis rig h tt to call for troops to ^ ^ ^ ’V ^ p a r i l U ^ t i c h ^ ” me ' • ? l : n J T ,ro,n 8« " J ' T hat fru it’ trees and shrubbery do w .l merely required to Iw disavowed as a B. F. A l l iy , President. tonics the organization in th at state of any so- protect citizens of the United States, precedent. with proper attention to diot. Indigestion , 'P° r' 9a'd and and ,he 9ame ia ‘’'« M b le for residence property. J . G S t iv ix « .» ciety whose object is to discrim inate h e - ! The committee, therefore, finds no cause and even ren the worst cases of dyspepsia are Supt. Public Schools. Lane county ’ The republican members, in their sup­ eurad by this medicine. Read this: | _ . 7 lane c o u n ty m a r . twecu C hristians on account of th eir r e - , (p, censure, either against M unster plem ental riqiorl. express accord with -Ravtng tor «cserai years been creaUy Joseph Koch lias just completed bis troubled wits» Iodidestio&, snd ligion. The ,wnalty is a tine of » .DO to Stevens or Captain W iltse. Toe sttl.se- 1^13 ** cq j ItA L Snbscrilied and sworn to before me this 6th a*y of March, 1892. Joszrn A. M ossts, »1000 or im prisonm ent from six to | qnent raising of the American Hag on tiie essential findings of the main report, map of Lane county and now has it Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised, I concluded but declare Blount s appointm ent was ready for the lithographers. Tlie map __ Notary Public. twelve mouths, or both. O ther states j the g o v crn m e u tb u ild in g a n d tb e d e c la - TO W HOM IT MAY CONCERN : unco n stitu tio n al. the placing of a naval is a large one showing the townships, arc preparing to do the same thing, a n d 'ra tio n of a United States protectorate Being first duly sworn I depose and s i y : T hat I have been a resident of F lor force at Honolulu under his order ille­ sections and gven tlie present owners ol enee, Lane County. Oregon, for the past twelve years; th a t I am fam iliar and wel all the different tracts of land outside it scorns as though our courts of law will was void for w ant of power and disa- g a l; th e hauling doiyn of tiie American the towns. acquainted with the property known as “ F rasier and B erry’s part of F lo ren ce,’ It also shows th e lakes, soon be called upon to decide the ,igl,t vowed by Socretarv Foster and rebuke,I flag at Honolulu by B lount's orders was and other water-ways, the lim its of the t tat the same is adm irably suited for residence property, being perfectly level and of the American Protective Association by Uresham, who ordered the protector- ree from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in tlie soil and unw arranted, becausu it created public Cascade forest reserve, and all special to exist. that pure well w ater is found on th e same a t a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. * ate abandoned and tlie flag hauled down excitement and d is tru s t; t n t the presi­ points of interest, such as high moun­ give It a tnal. To ngv hapiMusss and great s»Os- H as the American Protective Asso-ia to preserve the national honor of tliis waly remedy ter this J oseph A. -M orhis , Merchant. dent ba 1 no authority to reopen tiie tains, springs, wagon reads, coast line, taotion I found It to be etc. j ISALf F” " « « 8^L | tion violated any of our laws and, if so, I country.” question of tlie ; ility i f tlie provision- Subscribed and sworn to before me tbie 12th dav what law is jt ? day of March, 1892. L. B iv y iv , 7 I The report makes a point that J Rills act sauly. jet prompu; «oil I al govvrntuent to attem pt to restore SrecleuLj, tbs . its , aad bwwls. 25». Notary Public, lure, and is a champion of the pul.lic O llie r exercise of attem pts at rc c u c il- school system . It also dem ands ch an g es, “ition, though unfortunately Willis, in of the im migration laws whicli will pro- th° belief th at lie was following instruc­ t e d American lalxir from the inroads of lions, held two or three interviews wdii foreign paupers. the queen th ereafter.” iona, n ,nunt 4 , .rfei.t| HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY, Hood’s Cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion REAL ESTATE! B^HBBSSBSBUBHESHD For Bargains in Real Property CO., to HOOD’S S a r s a p a r illa CURES the Subtcribe for Th* W®»t. u I