The tide o f dentiny ie turning g font *m»i 4 towards Florence. A ll sort« o f ao- F cum ulation of facte point that t way I The habit of T h e »V est is one of push, energy, pluck. It is the news - granary o f these L R.-U Vol. IV. FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OKEGi G E N E R A L D IR EC TO R Y STATE OFFICERS. G overnor......... ..........Sylvester Fennoyer S x ie u iry o f State Geo. W. McBride T reasurer........................ Philip Metelien S upt. Public Instruction E. B. McElroy State Priater.................. Frank C. Baker ) .................W .P . Lonl . . . K. A. Bean Suprem e Court . . . F. A. Moore Judge Second District. .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District. .8. W. Condon COUNTY OFFICERS. B U S IN E S S C A R D S H. D. C H A il B E R LIN, 12102112 Gienada, T R A V E L E R S' GUIDE. G A R D IN E R S T A O K . . Ora8.n. D IN E . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T ’ irs- days and Saturdays. Connects with Steam er and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with | Stage Line for Coos Bay. C harge All my work will be w arranted to give . reasonable satisfaction. Call on or write to me at , L. R. JO H N S O N , Coilractor ail Boilfler. Florence, - - Ore. 1 w h is m a n bros ? SONG TO C ity o f vanish] C olu m ned and C ity o f so n g and Good n ig h t and C ity o f p eace a n d •] M irage in h ea v en s W ith a ll th a t G od’ der— G ood n ig h t a n d gi C ity o f g le a m s th a t C ity o f so u ls th a t C itie s o f d rea m s th G< km 1 n ig h t and — F r a n k L. S ta n to n in A ! ilDAY, MARCH ITV. w hitej bow could ren- »reatldess— hite; deathless— it! C onstitution. R U T IIE R F P W BEAR b ar market down here is pretty dull. Down yander jest now the thought struck me that arter all you uiout want a real b ’ar, and as I am w illiu to help you out with yo’ wants 1 w ill let yon have this here one for $ 1 0 . ” Steve went out to the gate. He put his elbows on a wheel of the wagon, and looking hard at the mountain man said: "1 have been very kind to you.” " I haven't made this diskivery, but if you have been kind to me I'm much ebleeged. ” "1 have been kind to you, and now 1 want to tell you what I am goin to do. I ’m goin to maul yo u ." And he did maul him. He snatched tho mountain man out of the wagon and walloped him in the road. And during i lie I^ jrm a n c e the bear sat iu the wagiiiinniTTooKed RlFwiti.'an indiffer­ ence complete in every detail. The mountain man climbed back to bis seat as soon as Steve granted him that priv­ ilege. and gathering up his hickory said: "A fter all, 1 reckon yon know vo’ own mind best—don’t reckon you real­ ly do w ant to buy a b’ar. Goodby, gah!" Evening came, and strangers who had heard that a desperate man would wres­ tle with a ferocious bear gathered at tho place of encounter. "N ow , gentlem en,” said Steve, "tho timo has come for mo to show you what a wh to man can do. All my folks wero b 'a r fighters, and so far as beard from not one of them was ever whipped. Some hunters have just hionght in a monstrous b 'a r from down in the bot­ toms, and all that want to see mo fight him ju st pay 25 cents and come ahead." A number of men paid their money and followed him into the back tot. Those who wero acquainted with the indolent habits of the hear said noth­ ing, partly through fear of incurring the enm ity of old Steve, but mainly to foster a laugh at tho expense of tho gul­ lible " tenderfeet. ” Steve conducted the spectators to tho tree where the hear was chained. The brown of evening, making a mystery of the huge black muss of anim al life and hiding the patches on his coat, pro­ claimed him a savage monster. "G entlem en," said Steve, "befo’ 1 go into this here fight 1 want to tell you that 1 don’t deserve no sympathy, for I ’ve brought it oil myself. Here goes!" He made a lunge at tho bear. Tho monster threw himself in an upright position against tlie tree and caught Steve in his arms. For a moment there was Bilenee, and then a loud yell split the stillness of the deepening tw ilight. The bear boxed Steve, he bugged him tim e and time again anil then appeared to be biting him. "T ak e him awnyl H e’s killing m e!" tbe gladiator cried. Two men seized Steve’s legs and drew him beyond the bear's reach, and the monster—and in­ deed hq was ono now—stretched his chain in tho effort to renew the engage­ ment. Steve was taken into the house. He was covered w ith blood, and it wus evident th at a number of his ribs were broken. "H av e you anything to say?" somo one asked. " I t may lie probable that you can't talk after aw h ile," "A ll I ’ve got to say is th is," Stevo groaned. " I wish I hadn't got so in- term ate w ith th a t blamed b ’a r ." Several n en went out with a lantern to look at tho victor. They found noth­ ing but a chain under the tree, but down farther, in a fence corner, they found a worn and flea bitten bear asleep. H ad they continued their search, how­ ever, they m ight have found down tho road a mountain man helping his boar into a wagon, and they m ight possibly have learned th at the m ountain man, for purposes peculiarly his own. had liberated tho lazy bruin and had tem ­ porarily chained bis own bear to tho t ree. —Excli unge. 3 g $ m ountain slopes No. 17 ROLLING ACROSS THE OCEAN. 7 lie C u r in u s C ra ft T h a t Is P r e p o s n l by a F r e n c h E n g in e e r . trour » era Lruz, lie traveled up tho roast to British Columbia und then fol­ lowed the Canadian Pacific railroad to Manitoba, where he strnck north into the woods. During the past sixth mouths he has not met any one who has understood his language, and he cannot »peak English. His hands and feet are frozen. He is being taken care of In jail. -W innipeg Special. In theso days of revolutionary proj» ects in m atters mechanical anti scien­ tific unusual engineering exploits have lost much of their tendency to create surprise. Still that sensation may ho produced in a mild degreo by the latest scherno of ocean transportation which I n f a n t il e I> n e llsts. has reached ua from France, and which Two boys of 8 years, our Berlin cor- ■ has M. Bazin, not unknown iu engi- respondent learns, have fought a duel (eering circles, for its uuthor. SI. Bazin proposes, iu brief, to build with pistols at G hent in the presence of an A tlantic liner on eight rollers, w ith two other schoolboys, who acted us tho view of securing speed much higher ! seconds. Une of tho boys is reported to than any thus far attached, arguing have been killed by a shot through the that tho wheels or rollers on which tho head.—Lonilou News. vessel is to rest w ill ro greatly dim inish AT HALF RATE IN A BOX. the resistance offered by the waves that 3ii"knntritn hour w ill be easily wltfdn A S'cbraR ka Man*« S o lu t io n n f tlin P r o b le m o f C h e a p R a ilr o a d T r a v e l. the bounds of possibility, and will en­ Tho B urlington operates a lino to able tho passage from Southampton or Liverpool to New York to ho made in i Sheridan. Wy., a t which point tho four days. Tho rollers are to enter the Adams Express company has un office. w ater to a depth of about 20 feet, and About two weeks ago a man called upon revolve w ithin a platform placed about I Mr. Smith, depot agent for tho Adams 24 feet above tho water, so that there i Express company in Omaha, and in- w :ll he a rolling instead of gliding J quired tho cost of shipping a box, body, ns is the case in ordinary ships. weighing about 250 pounds, to Slieri- The rollers presumably are to be worked | dan. He was informed that it would ho about 810. by engines to secure pre]iulsioii. A few minutes beforo train time an M. Bazin claims to have settled by experiment that the stability of tho I express wagon brought tho box to tho roller type of vessel is nt least as great depot, it was unloaded, weighed, ns that of tho ordinary type, and be­ properly marked for shipment, and im ­ lieves that the construction of his design mediately placed on board the express of ship w ill lie much less costly than car, preparatory to taking a 750 milo that of the usual description. Accord­ journey. Tho lxix was nlicut 6 feet long and 3 ing io French report, it is proposed to put M. Bazin's plans to n practical feet wide aud weighed 273 pounds. test by constructing a vessel about 400 I Tho express charges wero $12.15 and feet long and of about 90 feet beam, ) were paid by a mail whose identity tho w ith rollers 75 feet in diam eter, and 35 ! express company is now attem pting lo feet wide. The latter are to make 22 | establish. The train duly arrived in revolutions per m inute.—Cassiera* Mag­ j Sheridan and the box, among other goods, was unloaded from tho express azine. ' car uud stored iu tho depot and tho A MYSTERY OF DREAMLAND. I doors locked. In about half an hour Agent Wood W h ile t h e I to e to r » W er e H e lp le s s a H o y s ! was informed that tho express office V is io n F tte r te it I lia C a r e . In Savannah, Mo., Inst June, Thomas, ! door was ajar, and the belief was voiced the 11-year-old son of a farm er named that burglars were lit work robbing Alexander G ilpin, was stricken with ' the place. The ugent ut onco secured rheum atism of the right side noil leg, j tho assistance of several men, and utter Tho pain was so severe that his parents ! arming themselves they entered tho were obliged to keep anything from | express office. Nothing was found ilis- touching the body or limb. Drs. M ar­ , turbed except tho Omaha ljox. It was tin, K err and Jefferies of Savannah | empty. The liil had been forced from could do nothing to stop tho pain. Un j tho box, and tho contents were gone. Thursday, Dec. 7, lie fell into wliat When tho box was critically examined, seemed to bo a trance and could not be it was found that no instrum ent had aroused for some hours. When lie fin­ I been used from tho outsiilo to loosen tho ally awakened, being unable to talk, I cover. Upon theinsido nt one end w asplain- he wrote on a piece of paper to liis par­ ents that be bail seen his two little dead I ly to be seen tho print of a m an'a feet. brothers and Bister. Ho said they told I Tho size of the box, tho weight and tho him to send to a certain field and nt a j footprints were sufficient to convince particular placo to scrapo away the , tho agent it had certainly contained a snow until they would find a bed of | human being, anil that iqiuii fils arrival moss, and under tho inoss a bunch of at tho end of tho journey lie simply roots, which they were to bring to him. I oiieneil the box, walked over to tho door, Tho doubting parents yielded to his I unbolted it and disai>peared. There mu many theories advanced ns entreaties, and going to tho place found everything as the boy had stated They i to tlie purpose of the man in iho box. brought tho roots home, and the boy Some believe that arrangements wero told them bow bo bad been instructed j on foot to rob tho express company, to prepare an ointm ent with them. Tho cither on the train or nt tho Sheriiluu ointm ent was made uwl upplieil to the office, while others think that the occu­ seat of pain, the result being that the pant of the liox wus uu escaping crim i­ next dny tho boy left his bed. Ho can nal. In any event, ho lieat tho railw ay now walk as well as ever. Theso facts nro vouched for by O. J. company out o f half of a fare—for tho H urley, tho editor of tho Savannah fare for a human being, alive or (lead, Democrat, tbe physicians, and all of is $25.50,— Omaha Worlil-Hernld. G ilp in ’s neighbors. St. Joseph (Mo., HE PERSPIRED BLOOD. Dispatch in Chicago Herald. Old Steve n u i' » one of the most peculiar •t ever lo- -TiiiZ *. Ju d g e ......................................... A. H . Fisk JOHN C. GRAY, ikxlo was lo- k .e»v where his otigic ~ . ) ................. Eli Perkins fated, and indeed no one seemed to care, Commissioners j ......... Jam es Parker bnt every one that came w ithin his Over Lake. Creek Road, range C lerk ...................................W. R. Walker T h e beet work a t th e m ost Keiutonable Price*. was impressed w ith his odd per­ Office over U reiixe Store. Sheriff................................. J . E Noland H E T W E K N E l' f iK N t « IIE A II o í T I D E sonality. He was tall gaunt and E v . g e n e - - O r e g o n . T reasurer............................ Frank Keisner grizzled. His eyes were afflicted w ith a watery sleepiness, but suddenly became Assessor................................... McPherson Lrave E u gen e Monday and Thursday morn eager at tbe sight of a dollar. Ho kept School Superintendent. .J . G Stevenson HORACE N. CRAIN, Inga. a sort of roadhouse, which he designat­ S urueyor...............................C. M. Collier I Leave H ead o f T id e T u esday and Friday nt ed as Bear Park, near the town of Hot n oon. C oroner.................................J . W. H arris Springs, and made his living by admin­ W hism an Bros., Proprs istering to the thirst and catering to the And D ealer lu F lu e Watch«.- and J ew elry amusement of the wayfaring man, who, CITY OFFICERS. E u gen e O regon . even though a fool, often erred therein —erred, I say, for the man who drank B. F. Alley President the sour beer drawn by old Steve could HENRY A. BAY, Agent uot have stopped short of sinning against --------- R A I L S ______ Oscar Funke self. The amusement consisted of a O. W. Hurd On the 1st, 10th and 20th o f each Board of Trustees black bear, old, lazy and flea bitten. Win. Kvle Salem, Oregon. m outh. This anim al, advertised as of most fu­ Si. F. Phillips T hia la th e Of le a d in g in su ran ce co m p a n y o f the P acific coast. A ssets a quarter o f a m illio n d o l­ Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 rious disposition, was kept chained to a RA'order..............................Frank Wilson lars. P rivate d w e llin g s and farm property a tree in a back lot, and at evening, when sp ecialty. Address m e a t Gardiner, Oregon, and T reasurer.................Leonard Christensen I w ill c a ll upon you an d insure your property. the accommodating dusk threw a hid­ M arshal...............................C. B. Morgan ing shade over the bear's most striking faults—i. e., laziness and flea bites— Justice of Peace......... H . M. Chamberlin For Passenger and Freight Kates old Steve would announce to his guests that he was now about to engage in the W . W . N K K L Y , P rap ’r. See ...................... dangerous feat of wrestling with the fe­ CHURCH DIRECTORY. tables furnished with all the del­ rocious monster from the Mississippi Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. swamps. Those who knew the trick icacies of the season. Wild game, Fish drank th eir beer in unconcern, but those RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, and F ruit in season. Best accommoda­ who did not paid their 25 cents and Oregon. Sabbath eeraice. Sabbath- “ C O O S ,” passed into tbe back lot to see the des­ achool, 10 o'clock a. in. Preaching 11 tions for tbe traveling public. Charges 8 T E A M E R o'clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of reasonable. perate encounter. o------ W ill m a k e --------- o the Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of One afternoon when old Steve was January, April, Ju ly and October. sitting on his veranda a man from the R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S Everybody is welcome t o all the services. pRST m ountains came along, driving a red NATIONAL RANK Pastor requests C hristians to make mule and a white steer hitched to a themselves known. shaky and creaky wagon. In the wagon OF EUGENE. I. G. K xotth , Pastor. there were a few small cabbages and a C am * T . O . M ENORICKS. F ris . black hear. ethodist episcopal church PAID U P OA8H CAPITAL. " S a y ," s a id the mountain man. stop­ •60,000 service. Preaching at Gienada ev­ 8U R P L U 8 AND PROFITS, General office at Seaton. •60,000 ping Ins team, "d o n 't you want to buy ery 4th Sabbaths. Sabbath-School ev­ tho finest b 'a r you ever seen?" ery Sabbath a t 10 a. m. Prayer m eet­ A C C O U N T S SO X j XOITHHD. K N O W L K 8 , N K K L Y a n d G K T T Y S , “ N o." Steve replied. "G o t all the ing every Thursday evening a t the O w n ers. b’ar I w an t.” EUGENE, church. Every body cordially invited. " B u t you a in 't got no sech h 'ar as G. W. Q uimby , Pastor. this here one." . SOUTH "N o. and 1 dm»«".' 'estered in no Manager. A sst. O. F. and Fa** Agt. the glacial drift and came of courso way comes along and w illfully in ­ globe. Symmes was a jurist, a scien­ from tho north, where geologists have wa« trying to decide w hat ho could do P ortlan d, Oregon. T oilet A rticles, sults a member o. > family, why. i t ’s tist—or, as the French would say. a long insisted conditions exist favorable for Dunn, tho curious flow stopped of itttdf. It had laated about an hour. W indow 8liaden, " s a v a n t” —of international reputation, time for me to a . to diamond discoveries. This specimen returned to w< rk. And Collector. Phyfiicians' Prescription« Carefully From Terminal er Interior Point* the i "1 don't know notpin about yo’ fam ­ an explorer "oil his own hook" and an is of good color and is Worth perhaps Dunn Superintendent Lake of the hospital ily and w ouldn't th e r’fo insult a mem­ all round man of letters, yet one would *21)0. O l e « tw o door* w e s t o f F loren ce HoteL told mo last evening th at D unn’a a il­ ber of i t ," the m ountain man replied. think th at some of his ideas must have F lo r e n o e , O re g o n . This find recalls the big diamond "Y ousaid that this hereli’a ris a kitten originated with tho king of Bedlam. found ut Wsukesha in 1H«4, which sold ment was exceedingly rare and th a t ho of a thing, and then I aaid that the b 'ar He believed, and lectured beforo learned for 81,000, and about which extensive might enjoy the distinction of figuring JOE MORRIS, Jr la t h e l i n e t o t a k e over yander in the lotTa bug eat, and college societies in support of his views, litigation occurred. Both finds are in in medical anuala iih ono of a few suf­ I am willin to leave it to any jury that that the earth consists of from five to tho same drift. The Oregon diamond ferers from w hat was generally known ns petechial hemorrhage. TO ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. can be raked up ill thia town that I am seven hollow concentric spheres, and bed is among the Sugar river pearl fish­ “ It is really an exudation of blood right. I know what it fa to lie hug eat, th at at tho poles there is a round open­ eries of southern Dane county.—M il­ from tho ¡»ores of tho sk in ,M fluid Mr. - O re g o n . T lo r o n o e , : and 1 don’t blame I t f,ir I don't ing entirely through each of tho several waukee Sentinel. Lake. “ T hat is tho generally accepted It in the Dining Car Route. It run» reckon ho could hei) 8 |V : had a dog spheres. explanation of the perspiration of blood According to this queer theory these once that was I ng eaU T s Kind hearted . Ch««. Getty« Through Vestibuled Trains every day C m O. K adwì ®», A N ew P * r l« ln n S o c ia l F ail. of the Saviour. Medical opinion oiigible. in Paris isn private variety show. In the agreement us to tho cans«» of tho m ani­ open space of a few hundred miles tie- salon, next month, of Baroness Morio ST. PAUL «.ndi CHICA 0. Say, now, without any.m o' fisilishneaa. tween TO each. Furthermore, he believed ile Isle, she will give a unique soiree to festation.” — New York Letter. don’t you want to liny a b 'a r? " ( no rnaaoa or case) S A L T LA K E , DENVER, Steve placed his hand on a post to th at both the outside and the inside of inaugurate her w inter receptions. The N n w ly I>l»coT«re«l IIuflTalo. C om posed o f D in in g Cars u nsu rp assed. iteady himself. He looked nt the moun­ each of these huhhlelikn spheres are in­ great reception saloon w ill be convert­ O re g o n . to n A deputy game warden baa discover­ P u llm a n D raw ing Kooin Sleeper* O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , Of Latest E q u ip m en t, tain man with all the contempt he could habited, which would give not less than ed into a music hall. L ittle marble ta ­ ed a «mall herd of buffalo in North throw into his watery eyes, and then, 10 and probably 14 "th eaters of action, " bles w ill be placed here and there, und Park, Routt county, ono of tho most C H IC A G O , E T .L O U IE T O U R IS T S L E E P IN G C AR S ATTORNEYS. ■till under so strong a restraint that the instead of the ono habitHhlo surface a stage will be erected lit one end. isolated regions of Colorado. The herd baggy knees of his trousers quivered, with which we are all acquaitnted to a Coinio songs, skirt dances and other Is «aid to consist of uonie two dozen of B est th at can be co n stru cted and in w hich greater or leaser degree. Hyinmea livisl performances will lie given by fashion­ lb« raro animals. In flpitoof tho wihl- E A S T E R N C IT IE S , • a ccom m od ation s are both free and fu rn ished thus delivered himself: l for holders of First and Second Class T ick ets, “ 1 am tryin to make an honest livin, for many years near Newport, K y.—St. able umateiirs. Some of the guests, a t­ iksb of their homo they aro very tarn«» SEYMOUR W . CONDON, i and and I hope to join the church some day, Louis Republic. and are fed regularly by some of tho tired ns waiters anil waitresses, will few fanners who inhabit th«« lonely i E L E G A N T D A Y C O A C H E S but if you don't get way from here I ’ll wait i e th" other«, and serve them to D o n ’t I lla m « ( h e <>lrls. tes, coffee, beeraud other refri siumuts. hurt you. and I'll make it a p 'in t of park. Theso farmers havo constituted w T here baa been a deal of worrying TO burtin yon mighty bad. Do you hear?" •bout the fact that tile young women | themselves special protectors of tho La* la *11 It* Branch., «Wen «penial »«.ntl-r. A 1.011« T r a m p . A Continuous Lino oonncotaif with "O h. yes, I hear, and ruther than of this country prefer single to married , herd and will see that they are not e:: Boneta Rosalia, a Mexican, has a r­ All Lints, affording dirert and nn- have any diffikilty I'll harken, bnt 1 do life, but periinpä the dear girls are not O a n s a r ' s B lk , E u g e n e O r terminated. — Denver News. rived here, having walked all tho wav hope that befo' you join the church and «> much to blame after all. There are intormptod aonrloc. hefo' the day is over, frit th at matti r. Pullm an Sleeper reservations ran you may change yo' mind ahont this 8,000,000 men over 30 years of ago in the ’ A. C. WOODCOCK, H ig h e s t H o n o rs W o r ld ’s F a i r be secured in advance through h'ar. Get ep. boy." He swung hia U nited States who have never married, : A w a r d e i T h e O u le k e a t t o C h le a g u and, ns nwn propones, the preference of a n d tbe any agen t o f the m ad. hickory and dealt tbe mule a decisive ao many lw n for bachelor life has innch blow. to do with the number of single women. Q u ic k e r t o O m a h a a n d Businesa was dull, and Steve nodded — Rochester Herald. O regon B ugen«, K mm « i C it y . TH R O U G H TICKETS Li •nd <1 reamed as he sat on toe veranda. A m erica. Kurland and R urnaeean I e purch««em< e o f th is <'<>m|Mtriy . up he saw that the mu m tatu man had It is to the wife of Professor Galvan! F r e e K e e ll n i n g C h a ir Cars, again stopped at tbe gale. ef Bologna that indue the credit of hav­ F u ll m fo rm a tlo n o o n c e m in g rates, tim e o f “ Look here," Steve yelled, now un­ ing discovered tho electrical battery IM e lag Cars. trains, m u tes and o th er d eta ils fu rn ish ed <»n s p der very little restraint, "thought I told which bears his name, borne skinned For rsSes s a d general in /n n a a tio n ca ll on or p lica tio n Ut an y a g en t, or L BILYEU, you to go on away from heie." frogs lay upon the table, and noticing address "Y ou did tell me. and 1 did go away, a convulsive movement in their liuibs A. D. C H A R LTO N , W. H. RCm.BTRT. but that d id n 't keep me from cumin ■he called her husband's attention to Afl.htant O.nrtwl Panenter Atent. Asst. O enl. F a ts. Agent, Vo. 121 Flrvt 8*., cor. Wuhinffton. bark again. I have been to nearly ev­ the strange fact, who instituted a scri'* •n * . O r«gon. eryplace in the t n. and noltody don't f i x t i c t u n . anil in 1701 lm laid tile 2A» WsdHfiT*'' r d The only l ure: Cream of T artar I’o w d er.-N o Auiiuoma; No Alum. ) O i c a « V « Flrvt B * tio n « i Rank. ? - . r ‘? B 7 5 r t , O r and m e n of the galvauic battery serin to want a 1 a r , i nd the fa> t has b-qjuu lv ita w i into my mind to st the 1 ariadeipLia Presa. U sed iu M illio n s o f H o m e s — .p Years th e Standard. S ta g e : L in e ', Steamer Robarts Dental Surgery. Practical W atchmaker State Insurance Comp’y Florence to Yaqnina. Head of Tide Hotel, P S. B. 1AKIM . J«.. M Florence and Head of Tide. E. HANSON, Clothier. . . THE SHASTA ROUTE A. HATS HHEN S W. 1 Notary Public, Surveyor Norilleni Pacific Railroad THBODGB Notary Public, Land A gt TICKETS Notaries Public, Attorney at Law. 3 1-2 DAYS CHICAGO Attorney at Law, HOUKS HOURS Attorney at Law, D SPR IC E’S » s a g