T H E W E S T . — PUBLISHED KVSBY PUIDA Y MORNING.— — AT— F lokencb , L ank C ounty , O begox II. r . ALLKYi Editor anil Proprietor. -----T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- Entered at the post-office at Florence, Lane county, Oregon, as soeond-cluss m ail m atter. A D VE RTISIN G RA TES M ABE KNOWN on ah - PLICATION. Local n o tices S cents per line, each insertion. A COO O INDIAN England, brought about by a lawsuit of Vietolla Woodhull and the British Mu­ For some month* the I nited States seum. m arshal's f ree lutvo I « < n anxious to l’endergast, the assassinator of Mayor learn the w In rcalmuts of Jerry Martin, who lias Harrison, of Chicago, is sentenced to he an In lian, says the Orej.mi'ft been guilty of selling whiskey o his ah- hanged on the 23d day of March. original brethren manv time- , hut al- The Republican county central com­ wavs managed to evade art cat. Eear li­ mittee will meet on'M arch 7th and will ing that he had been seen at ni t Flop- probably call lor the meeting of the eneo, Deputy George Iluuiphr y wrote, county convention on April 1th follow­ a short time ago, to City Marshal Mor­ ing. gun, of Florence, asking ii Martin was We promised to print some law this there, what kind of a character he bore, week, hut as E. II. David has our books ami if he could he get if an officer was we cannot do so. Will th at gentleman sent after him. Mr. Morgan writes hack please return them at his earliest con­ that Marlin is there, ami that Mr. Hum­ venience? ph rev can get him any tim e he comes The Democratic county central com­ after him ; th at he was «me of the best mittee of Lane county will meet in Eu­ Indians on the Sim-law river, ami, to gene on March 8, 1891, and will desig­ show that his statem ents are correct nate the time of holding their county ¿»oils that Martin was drowned January 22, ami his ho«ly vvas fouml on the ocean «•on ven tion. The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, beach live «lavs after. Mr Morgan is such as distress after eating, heartburn, evidently inclined to he facetious. elurued from Miss H attie Drug# hi« ■¡•»•turned Junction City where ih has been visit- ing. V: ’.ley above The population o and tw entv the lake is one hu one. Our school comm enced last Tuesday wit'li J. D H am lin tut' la n d 14 scholars in nt tendance. V wedding is nnth Uted in this vi­ cinity ,oon. to o k out | r no are going t«> surprise the iixtivesz Born.—January it», to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bust, a d aught-r. Aud February 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Jujtjier Smith, a son. Rev. Green, of Clear lake, passed through here on bis way to Deadwood. Mr. G retn is much pleased witli our country. Our citizens expect to have the Low Russ road completed by the tirat of July. Tile mail can then go from Junction to head of tide in one day. Cleveland is tlic greatest monstrosity of tlic present age. Il is said a natural­ ist will put him on exhibition soon, Imping to make a fortune by showing a man with an iron hand, u woollen head and » “ paunch” instead of a heart. E n g la n d an ti W y a n t I n f. A certain Mr. H«>raco P lunket made a Hpcecli in tho English parliam ent the other day which s< nt the iueuil»ers e * into fits of laughter. The occasion was the debato on tho woman’s suffrage clause in ft proposed hill. Mr. Plunket has lived 10 years in Wyoming, aud therefore spoke aa on** having author­ ity. Mr. Plunket excited the m errim ent of his listeners by referring to *’a fe­ male justice of tho peace,” w ith whom ho was well acquainted. Ho said *he knew how to use her aothority and her revolver. But tho funniest thing was when Mr. P lunket tohl about women jurors. That practice, he raid, had been abandoned in deference to tho pro­ test ot one man who complained that he had to take car»» of tho baby nil night, while his wife was locked up “ w ith 11 good men and tru e .” —New York t urn METEI & KÏLE. General Merchants. ★ — W E K E E P T H E B E S T ---- ★ N otice .—ProiefSor J. If. W illiam s, of K ille d a W h ite l i t e r . A short tim e ago mention was made Eugene is our agent and is authorized to that a white deer was seen hy hunters receive subscriptions, advertising aud in the vicinity of President, this coun­ money for T he W est and receipt for the ty,and afterw ard a t Clough's dam, near same. and occasional headaches, should not he FL O R E N C E ROAD D IS T R IC T . Marionville, Forest county. What is neglected. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla if thought to have been the same deer was W E S T L IN G S . There may some «liiliculty arise out of •hot near Foxburg, Forest county, by you wish to be cured. the collection ol poll ami road tax in the H. A. Gilson of that village. It is the The steamer Coos made two trips N otick .—M r.E. H . David will give a Florence district for the past year. Mr. first albino deer that has been killed in good man with small family an excel­ from Seaton to Acme and return, taking \V. Johnson was appointed road super­ this vicinity for tho past quarter of a cargoes of lumber for various parties at visor by the county court, and it is al­ lent chance on his farm near Florence. century, nnd visitors ir«»m all parts of SUNDAY SERVICES. the head of tide, and taking in tow two lege«! he was given the position with the the country called at tho Du Bois house S omething N ew .—Have you seen long boom sticks for loggers. to get a sight of tho freak of nature.— understanding that ah the io id w >rk he , PvsroR. R ev . I. G. K noi those Ladies Jersey h th at are now offered Oil City Derrick. Some will he surprise«! to learn that applied on the Giemula side «*1 me river, for less than cost at Meyer & K yle’s? »g, hu pieach- No s e r v ic y j^ h iy p j| Riley Mills went to Eugene, arriving as the County Judge owns property N e w ly D is c o v e r e d B u ffa lo . ‘D ivue Breath* sur Board of Trade to-morrow. two days in advance of Hayes and Bar­ there. At least Mr. Johnson stated to ing at A deputy game warden has discover­ U tteiances W hielt Shape the ings or City council meets n e st Monday even­ rett, anil gave himself up to the officers us that the work must go to that side of ed a sm all herd of buffalo in North Ages.” _ _______ and, it is said, will give evidence for the the river. It is alo stated that all the Park, Routt county, ono of tho most ing. RAILROAD R A T E S Isolated regions of Colorado. Tho herd road taxes in Florence unpaid, have The barometer indicates pleasant State. is said to consist of some two dozen of As Ibis town pays about nine-tenths been retuaned delinquent, ami placed on w eather. The nite on the Southern Pacific from tho rare animals. In spite of the w ild­ the rolls io he collect d by the SiierilF. Fred Bean, of Mapleton, has gone to of the mad ami poll taxes in this »listrict Eugene to San Francisco ami return is ness of their home they are very tam e As n«»t a man in this town was “ warn­ 1,24.75, and from Drain io San Francisco and are fed regularly hy some of the it must he understood that if we are Portland. ed o u t” to do work, and the fu n n er fact and return >22.85. Tlmse rates include few farmers who inhabit the lonely The Populist Club at Seaton now num ­ not allowed to work a portion of what we pay on roads leading into Florence, that tbe s u p e r v is o r is not a citizen of the five coupons of admission to the fa ir. park. These farm ers have constituted bers twenty-three. ' the collection must he legally «lone or no United States, it will probably he diffi­ Tickets w ill he on sale from Jan.ury 24th themselves special protectors of the We are all gainers when we work for cult for tbe Sheriff’ t«i collect the tax, il ami those boarding the train at either herd and w ill see that tin y are not ex pay. o u r town and country. About fifty democratic members of the it is held by the Attorney General that Eugene or Drains, will arrive in San terminated. —Denver News. There are 1750 school children in As­ House were arrested an«! brought in to the provision in the city charter creating Francisco on the following day at 10.42 toria to draw state money. secure a quorum ami vote on the Blaml the town of Florence a read district, is a. in. Pickets good for 30 days from WE TA K E YOUR M EASURE A N D HAVE l.adl«aorg m a .1 _ Frank B. Wilson has been appointed silver hill. This brought on a row, and not legal. date of sale. a »seit. Kxchiftlve »errlior» Tha Ilapiil UlkhWakhrr. U'a«li< aalllh« F U LL SU ITS M ADE TO ORDER ON a Notary Public for Florence. »the demoemts not «»nly protested against t!i>b-*a für a fanilla inen«* u im a t.. ROTARY ENGINS TO T H E P E O P L E . W a.li.a, rina«a auuile.lharntaorelmhing. Loggers are making preparations for f X brnkrndhhea.uoinuaa, Chrap, which in* prop«* ‘CH to have patented and tratio—real or personal. meaning. uursi, .warraoud.CIrcularafr««. extensive work on the Sinsiaw. if it prov« s a t-u •«•v.-s the application of W. P. IIAliKI^ON X CO., Clerk Be. 13, t olumbllB, O. Sim e I have had descriptive circulars A severe penalty shoal«! he imp ■ « •< ! A dollar containing only pure silver likt ly to I»«- rev<»lutioii- «if the Sinsiaw printed, I am receiving by the clt\ council, lor gambling in >.te.«in power is can now he made for forty-live cents. !Z«*d. IleretHb ,ie rotary engines have numerous letters asking about the differ­ Florence. This pernicious, debasing ELE C T IO N JU D C E S ANO C L E R K S . ______ A scow load of lumber came down this •• s its it l i a s I een fouml ent property I have for sale. If you habit is practice«! here by young men not been a ?-««cc week for a new residence in Glenuda. imp« sd b le t<» utilize tb e expansion have any land of w hich you wish to dis­ The following judges and clerks of ★ and even hoys, i here is n • swifi«*r WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERM AN On Wednesday, M arch 28, the R epub­ road to destruction than »heassoeiation.- p««v\er ol >tcam a.-* it $ now applied in pose, give me a description of it and I election for 1891 are appointed : inc cylinder « I the u tern steam engine. will have a correct «lescrintive list ot all AM ER IC AN INSURANCE CO ,O F N E W lican primal ies will probably he held. Florence—B. F. Alley, Win. Landis, urotili'l the gambling taele. Ibis paper Mr. Liim ert t i . - v s i t box very m uch the property printed and distribute it Win. Kyle, judges; W. R. McCormick, Three schooners on their wav from will disclose the names ofgueli «iTenders, YORK, A N D THE P H Œ N IX ASSUR­ like that w hich su rro u n d s an ordinary with my circulars. Try me and if no San Francisco to this port for lumber. Geo. II. Colter, clerks. if there is a law prohibitii g it ami such AN C E CO OF LONDON, EN G LAN D . tu rb in e wheel. In this box are arranged sale is made it will coat you nothing. Mapleton—Amos Hadsall, W. W. The latest report states th at John ordinance is \ ¡«dated. six rows «»f buckets a g ain st which the Call ami get one of my circulars. Neely, W. Wells, judges; M. J. Iladsall, Stew art took Riiev Mills to Eugene. The Oietjoa S ate Journal contains the steam Iron» the boiler is lorce«l lh re e Fred Bean, clerks. One day last week the therm om eter following: 1’heie is m fuiuily in Eucene of t h e .'1 rows of buckets receive the Yours for Business, J oe M orris , J r . H erm ann—L. C. Moffitt, 11. J Dickey recorded 20 degrees above zero ut E u­ win» belong to a queer religions sect. «tired pre-etire from the steam and th ree When Rates are equal why not get the best? Win. Ferris, judges; S. S. Milledge, J. , They Work six years and then re.4 the th a t arc arranged opposite, receive the A n l a i g l i s h “ W a te r VVttcti.” gene. Dunean, clerks. A young man of tho natnoof Rod well, M. Lake The road to success is by all our citi­ seventh year. They are now on the oil* expansion amt rotate in th e opposite di- Creek—C has. Potterf, F. R. I iu tiie employ of tho G rintou Coal com­ year, resting the seventh year, l’hev zens uniting in support of Florence’s ret:t ion. Pepiot, P ite r Hollo, judges; Howard pany in north England, has shown won­ differ from a goo« I many other pe -pie of T ins Mr. L am bert th in k s, solves the interests. derful powers in hiB occupation as pro­ Pope, J. C. Fanner, clerks. the class who assume that “ the w«»rl«l problem of utilizing th e expansion and If nothing prevents, next week we G lentena—E. Thurm an, A. I). Reeves, owes them a living” and who rest all if such proves to he the case he will fessional “ w ater fimler'’ or "w ater will advertise for bids to clear a lot in witch." Professor E. R. Lanlrester, the J. B. Richardson, judges; W. T. Bailey, the time. These people seldom go «»ut have one of th e m ost valuable p atents great English scientist, stated very plain­ Glenuda. Archie Richardson, clerks. of their house in the «laytime, and never Remember the Board of Trade meets allow any l»ody to enter I heir dwelling. «»f tbe age.—Port Angeles Tiibune-TiinfS ly in one of the journals that lie doubted the a ttrib u t. - . of either the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. on Saturday* at Odd Fellow’s hall at The doors are always kept locked, and “ witch" or the • “di vining rod.” with E U G E N E IT E M S . 1 o’clock. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14, 1891 which he is armed in all professional when the man steps out, if only for a Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills, Bil­ minute, he locks the woman in. They From the Oregon State Journal. operations. This evoked the following N otice ia hereby given th a t th e follow ing from Dr. McClure, the chairman of the nam ed settler hoe file l notice of b is in te n tio n iousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick take ft hath three times every-day ami C. F. Wolcott lias received a letter Griutou company: "I deny emphatically to m ake final proof in support of hi« claim , Headache. nn«l tliut «aiil proof w ill be m ade before W. three times every night. O, Lord, what written by Carey F. M artin, dated at that tho lad is an imposter! He has been U. D ouglas, U. S. C ircu it C ourt CommisHioner An Iowa man sent Dole some guns fools we moituls be I Tulare, Cal., last Monday. lie said his tested tim e and again and has never for Oregon, a t Marshfield, Oregon, on Saturday, and powder to defeud the Hawaiian A schooner heavily laden with the head was pretty badly mashed but he failed to locate veins of cither mineral or A pril 7, 1891, uiz; government. W illiem Rluek, huge logs aud tree trunks of which the was able to sit up and w rite a letter and w ater, depending upon what the search was being conducted for. The ‘divining on pre cniption I). S. No. 7fii0, for tb e neL of nw W ashington’s birthday was celebra­ W ashington state building at the world’s Imped to recover in due time. nee. 29, and lots 17, 21 and 22, nee. rod’ which he holds only moves in obedi­ *4. mw 1 4 of ted in Eugene with a flag raising at the fair was constructed, will sail out of the l’rof. T. M. M artin left Ids home on 82, tp. 21 a, range 11 w. harbor of Chicago sometime «luring the Tsiltcoos Lake, eight miles south of ence to the m uscular contractions of his Geary school. He nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove hands and arm s, and lie can nse a rod of “ United we stand, divided we fall,” month of May. The destination of the Florence, last Sunday evening at (i any kind of wood or material, providing his c ontinuous residence upon a u d c u ltiv a tio n of, said land, viz: lienry A. Bay, Moses J. will apply to our condition ns aptly as it vessel will be Cherbourg, France, and o ’clock, walkek four miles mid then it ho what is known as a ‘good conductor Tow ne. Thom as B. G abriel, Mary Ann Bay, all thus the French republic will come of electricity.' Another oddity about tiie did when uttered. of G ardiner, Douglaa county, Oregon. went four Hides in a boat through rain J ohn H. H iivpk , School meeting to elect a member of into perm anent ownership of one of the mid a raging wind storm arriving at lad, and one of which I have never heard in connection witli 'water witching,' is F24-M10 Register. th e school board, will bo held on Mon­ most interesting features of the greatest Florence at midnight, having lieen de­ this: Tho lad habitually walks with his international expositions ever held. layed hy the tide. He left Florence at day next in this district. The tim ber used in its construction was 9 o'clock Monday morning mid rowed hands clasped behind him, and as soon I H A V E T IIE BEST TOOLS as he steps upon the ground directly over The afterm ath of our exertions to se­ taken to Chicago with the bark on. I lie up tiie river in a boat as far as tie could a mineral or w ater he is powerless to un­ cu re a decent appropriation for our har­ and materials and a good shop. Have ' logs were so long th a t three fiat cars and then walked the balance oi tiie dis­ clasp them until ho moves away from bor will soon take place. were coupled together in order to secure tance through snow on the mountains the region of tho lode or conduit."—St. had twenty years’ experience and I can repair all kinds of fine and complicated, Some preparations for bouse build­ loading capacity of sufficient length. mid mud where there was no enow, a r­ Louis Republic. as well as cheaper gradeH of watches, ing in Glenada give th a t place the a p ­ Many of the timbers in the building are riving at Eugene Wednesday ut 2 p, in., . and I will give you perfect T h e S a lt In th e S ea. pearance ef renewed life three feet square and 140 feet long. It tired and foot-sore. He was accompa­ Tho am ount of common salt in all the Jam es Furnish left on the Mink Tuee- is the intention of t..ose who purchased nied by iiis son Win. G. Martin from a oceans is estim ated hy Schafhautt nt dny for tbe valley where he expects to , the building to Het it up in France ex- point about 18 miles above Florence. 3,051.842 cubic geographical miloe, or aecure employment as ateacher. actly as it stood upon the world’s fair He intended to start at midnight for about five tim es more than the mass of i In Eugene it is said th at a new man grounds. Tulare, Cal., where hie son Carey F. the Alps, and only one-third less than from Michigan is on bis way here to Marlin was dangerously injured in a that of the Himalayas. The sulphate A W EO D IN C . operate tbe Spruce Point saw-mill. railroad accident last week. He had re­ of Roila equals 633,644.38 cubic miles, It was certainly a happy gathering ceived a telegram Sunday evening hy or is equal to the niassot the Alps. The Louis Johnson who wna feloniously chloride of magnesium, 441,811.80 cu­ assaulted in the First National Bank at that assembled at the Morris Hotel on v.ay of drain informing him that Carey bic miles. Tho lime salts 109,339.44 Eugene last week, is steadily improving. Sunday at 4 o’clock to witness tbe mar­ was not expected Io live. But in answer cubic miles. He supposes tho mean Geo. O. Knowles came down from riage of Mr. Hans H ansen and Miss to a telegram sent when he arrived here depth to ho about 800 meters, us esti­ the welcome response came that Carey mated hy Humboldt. A dm itting with Seaton and will attend to Mie wants of Anna Marscli. About fifty people, all told, were pres­ was up and getting along all right, and Laplace th a t the mean depth is from customers at Hurd & Davenport’s store. ent, and at tiie appointed rime the bride therefore lie gave up the trip unil he can four to five mile*, which is more prob­ Hon. R. 8. Sheridan, of Roseburg, 1 will take butter, eggs, m eat, fruits, w ili^ n iU h ly ' reeeiv o ''th e'aPpoinU„eut »"d groom came into the parlor of the hear more by letter. He mid W illie are able, the mass of marine salt w ill be more than double the iiibbb of the H im a­ potatoes, and all kinds of vegetables as . „ * . , ., i__ i .» >t... hotel where Rev. G. W Qniinhy, 1 astoi now visiting friends in Eugene and rest­ of Receiver of the land office nt that layas. The weight of water in the oceans part payment for work. of tbe M. E. Church, pronounced tiie ing after their tiresome journey. eq’uuls 2,494,500 OfF 00,000 of tons, city. ceremony. and the percents common salt in Sinsiaw WnibeT nnd Boom Co., com­ After the end of congratulations, nil From th e Guard. O. B. C O L L E S , tho oceans is ‘ L .‘tore, tho am ount Wo laid out the original town «ite of FI.GREXCE, including tho- menced tbe driving of piles for their were Invited into the dining room where Geo. P. Rowell & Co., of New York, of com m on-alt all the oc eans taken boom extension near tbe farm of Mr. F. Mrs. Morgan bad a nice lunch spread, have lately been refunded about 425,000 together is •‘.bout 013,515,000,000,000 T he F lo re n c e W a tc h D octor. Mason. and at its conclusion, all rose to their hy the United States post-office depart­ of tons. \Y re nil the salts of tho oceans At Baker City, Oregon, ex-treasurer feet in response to a toast wishing tiie ment, which was the am ount in excess precipitate cl and spread out equally over FO R 6 0 DAYS ONLY! S. F. Murphy was recently convicted Imppy couple a successful journey • 4 ttie legal rate of postage paid hy them tho land they would, it lias been com­ 71 acres of land, mostly nil iitnler protest, on PiiiiUr*. Ink, a jour p u t'd , cover the ground one mile deep for being short in bis accounts about through life. 158 lie over an area of 7,000,000 square miles. nal fur adveriisers, am! which it was Many nice wedding presents were dis­ Bottom land on tide water. »2,000. —Brooklyn Eagle. The Populist national central commit­ played, and all of them were of tiie sen­ claimed could not be sent as second CASH »1050. CASH The court decided other­ tee in session at St. Louis, lias issue.) sible, practical kind, which formed tiie class m atter. H o w t<> Snv« S lip p e m . Tiie owner of this property m ust raise wise witli tiie above result. its address which must be tbe doctrine com hi nut ion of utility and beauty. A recent advertisement em anating the sum of »1050 within 60 days, hence Mr. and Mrs. H ansen went to their A Virginia judge lias made a decision from a hootshop reads like this: “ Slip­ tliis Bargain I of all followers. C. D. Thomas, who lias had th e gov­ home, up tiie river, followed by many th at sliuuld interest real estate sharks pers for ladies should never bo used for Good title w arranted. And offer lota in theoe part« from 350 to 3500. spanking purpose*. ernm ent’s leave of absence from ids good wishes for their happiness Iroin as He decided ilia' a man wiio bought lots If you have the cash, here is your '•C arefu l mothers w ith unruly chil­ claim on Tsiltcoos lake, returned to his many friends. T he W est joins with in a boom tow n on the promise th at dren will be presented with a fine, well chance, so take advantage of this 60 day« others in ptedieting a long and Imppy large industrial plant- were to lie loca­ ranch on Wednesday. made rattan carpet beater w ith every forced sa le ! wedded life tor flans mid Anna. ted there is entitled to th e return of Ids pair of shoes. The w earing quality Write immediately or apply in person I t is no longer a question of doubt money beeauee th at promise was not of onr slippers w ill not then lie endan­ for particulars to th a t Geo. O. Knowles will be a candi­ M A R R IED . fulfilled. gered by using them for correcting pnr- Joe Morris, J r., date and nominated for an office on puses. Hoi.DES-Em.ioTT.—At the residence of Florence, Oregon. tlie People’s party ticket. BLACHLY IT E M S . “ Bring your boy w ith you, and we J . 8. Gray, in Gardiner, Oregon, on Leonard Harwood lias been to Coos w ill show you how to m e the carpet Wednesday, February 14, 18114. Mr. Bay where he secured a position as 11 y < i l l l EMIOKX. LANE C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . beater.” - I'oaruon's Weekly. David Holden and Mrl. Mary E Elliott, For «ale hut every lot we offer is located near aud in the busincea teacher iu a large school which is to The “ beautiful" inis about all disap­ To persons desiring reliable inform­ both of Gardiner, Oregon, Rev. G. W. II in IloitorN. commence in a iiiort lime. peared. ation regarding the wonderful resources Quimby officiating "A n d so year m a has finished his col- The People's party county convention, Wm. Baiehly in ap[i ln tid supervisor lego cour.e'i' Uhl ho graduate with of iatne county, or for prices and terms C ampbei . i .-W aggo . vek — At the resi­ to nominate county officers for Lane ■s'l«-? ol this d istric t. of grain, stock or fruit farms in tiie center and w ill bring good rental, if improved honors?'' county, will meet in tbe court house at dence of tbe bride's parents at Schnliehl, “ Oh, } s, hat he tells me that soma Wlilamette Valley or town property Miss Grace ffim gar is on a visit to her Oregon, on February 21, 1H SM , Mr. of tho other fellows carried them off. either in Eugene or Florence, we reeoni- Eugene on Saturday, March 10, 1894. David Cmnptsdl and Laura B. Waggoner, aunt near Monroe. Rascally, w asn't’ It? " —Boston Tran uiend you to correspond witli E. J. F ra­ A Washington dispatch of Feb. 19th W RITE US FOR PRICES, M APS A N D D ESCRIPTIONS. I. Sluter is having some fem e re­ •cript. Rev. G. W . Qniinhy officiating. sier, secretary nnd manager of tiie lame •ays: Senator Mitchell has introduced paired on his place. H anses -M absch .—At the Morris Ho­ Co. Land A I Kian Co , Eugene, Oregon. a bill granting two townships of land in A r r s n .la tIo n . There w ill l e several hopyardeplanted Send for one of their latest descriptive Oregon to tbe State University at E u­ tel, Florence, Oregon, on February 25, A German s i h ut wrestling with the 1894, Mr. Hans Hausen and Miss Anna in our valley this spring. gene. English lai.g'i a rendered a text us fol­ cireulurs. Read their ad. in another CEO. M. M IL L E R & Co., FAIR M O U N T, Ore Win Johnson, our mail rarrigr, is al­ lows, “The go - 1 is willing, but the meat part of tliis paper. Some of the Beeclier-Tilton-Woodliull Marscli both of Florence, Rev. G. W. ways on time, ice, snow, rain or shine. Is feeble Edut-a*«qj,-1 News. Wtandal is being renewed in London. Quimby officiating. Teas Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, F A R M Coffee Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build­ ers’ Supplies. IlÆ ZPLZEZLÆ EISrTS. ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & Kyle’s. THE FIR-CLAD CITY. Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane S a t i s f a c t i o n . ! County, and on a ubee line’’ West from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS TOK S A L E WATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY \ _ .