\ - / eerily. Let us once doubt a unin’» word and whatever power lie may have had OS i gone, nine ri HLINHEO EVERY mlDAY XQHN1KG,— Oler U S 1 i H - —------- . ’AT~ i Jr u»n been suggested th at the editors ihOBEN'e, I-aac C o w ry , Oaaco». o{ republican newspapers in the first T H E ~V7^7~~p~',C^rT 1 I'lioiTssoti R ork , so the story goes, lias gone to one of the islands near Xova iScotiif and will establish a skunk farm, . ~~~ ~ . i.J' J tie city editor of the Salem Stalls- . . t i t . n an will accept our thanks for a timely notice regerding Carey F. Martin, th at is of g reat interest here. congressional district organise a league jQr tbtt purpose ol bringing the editors ¡nto closer relations, with a unity of action and purjoec in view . Havo the editors any farther suggestion«?—Salem ! Statesman, i A meeting of such editors at an early date either a t Salem, Albany, Eugene ' or Roseburg would not only close up the T hj . ue is force in i ’cnncylvania’s Re- ranks of those who work for the public BUSINESS. THE TARIFF tiojis th at do not cull for eye-sight. In a sim ilar w anner other parasitical ani- A n I n ti-r c h ih iK G a t l ie d # n t t h e 3 5 t h A u n u a l l> o ly e f U»u n io n . main loa» U-.eir OTgaM <•»’ Its otootion. In such eases the choice, doubtless, is The 2 5 t h annual L lion of Alfred between parasitism with degeneration Dolge, the famous fell, manufacturer of „„ the one hand and tree competition Dolgeville, N. Y., antliliis employes, oc- aqtb e5tinetion oil the otner, and nature curred recently, and furnished as strik- a | wayg works towards lit-, An interestin ' question may be raised iug an obje a lesson 4n practical eeo- i,crr as to how far tlie social life of man boiiiicH, probably, a« «fcis ever witnessed ,,rvgeulg similar phenomena. There are in the United S ta te # Dolgeville is a x....«».» * profit-sharing community. Mr. Dolge ¡n the body politic hum an parasites, l,,D ' ■ • divides the earnings With hi» help. He \y bat ¡g t be iVUe secret of their parasit- has also built a free Ictiuol, free acade- j 6 ll, s p w ,s ¡j result from the (lent L ite ra ry . NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! (ORIGIN AI. AND SELECTED.) ______ J u s t R e c e iv e d a t t h e --------- There are a liutnlred things which you cannot do, and w hich you are not called upon to do; hut you can always do what is your duty here and now. There are a thousand places which you m ight eon» ceivably fill, but the fact rem ains that at the present moment you ure only called to fill one place. Do the one tiling: fill the one place. 'He who sees all things and all places will take care E ll WHITE STORE 1393 FALL&W 2W TER 1894 Dry and Fancy Goods, strl,gg|e for existence, or is it ilue to the mv and tret library, etc. Ollie a year oij.be rest. Notions. Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, G rass Seeds, H a rd ­ The fountain of content m ust spring lb.vc|O[,riicitt by natural processes of vi- tl,e-' have bad an annual re upment banquet. The expense of this, $500, up in tiie m in d ; and lie who has so little ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, T urpentine, Colorings &c. &c. publican argum ent of 185,000 plurality good, but bring to light many interest- (.;oug and rutrograde qualities? ____ ake a Look at our— w as borne bv Mr. Dolge. wiio this year know ledge of hum an nature, as to seek for Galusba A. Grow, th eir congress- iug subjects advocated by th e people, We arL. KO[ sure whether the able au- applied it to the relief of distress in the happiness by changing any thing but m an-at-largc, th a t tho people decile a and these could he focused with telling , bor of , |1U worg before us is entirely community. They iiad the reunion, his own disposition, will waste his life change. effect by the efforts of a united press. j lIgt t„ tbe doctrine of the natural Belec- however, and he made them an address, in fruitless efiorts, and niutiply the In Dry and Fancy goods, wo have L adies’ and G ents’ Shirts and ---------------1.... - ’T_* ■ ------- lion as formulated by Darwin. She Tire man who takes your unconcealed A learned German ha» lately been gaj,i ; ,,Hc Boughti a t )ea, t ¡„ pig earlier from which the following extracts are griefs which he proposes to remove, D r iw r s , Wool and Cotton, Marseilles Q uilts, Flannels and woolen Each of us ought to strive for excel- property is no more a thief than the publishing «onic “ Bacteriological Stud- Works, lo account for all ciiunges in an:- mode; “ For the first tim e in 25 years our fnc- lence in one tilin g ; but wo also need a Dress goods. Look a t our large stock of and docs ies on R utter,” which contain facts that man who reads a newspaper and does le s o u n m c e ., wo.eo ...... — - - Ilia,B H„d p!a:llg bv natural selection, not pay for it. Ho is using the labor of might be astonishing and alarming it we whcreiiB W(J I10W see th at the infinite tories are closed for want of orders; for little know edge in many thinge. We others Without rem uneration. were not getting accustomed to them. r we may even her 1 "*, while thousands of factories were well-being of tlie community. In le ts T he Intercollegiate oratorical race in therefore, tie formed of the num ber of simplify the m atter further and consid­ K eeps a fu ll Hue of E x ira Q u ality forced to sliut down entirely or partial- the worker has some appreciation of Oregon is creating much interest. I t is micro-organisms th at would go to the er natural selection as purely a destruc­ ly, us soon as tlie secretary of the treas- these objects, some sym pathy with them well known th at this contest occurred buttering of a plate of toast, ft is con­ tive process, tlie surviving forms not be­ ury tired bis bomb into tlie business some desire lo further tueni, lie cannot on last Friday, and it is to lie lioped ceivable, says Mr. F ranklsnd, who con­ m ■ w i v w y ö WI&T w w » i - » ! » b e ing aided to survive, but simply being community last June, threatening to claim sincerity in tiis labor. He is prob- th at the result will he as satisfactory as tributes ail article on this subject to perm itted to survive, left alone in fact, pay government obligations in silver, ably quite s.ncere in ins des.re lor the 1 .Yuiurt', th a t “ the num ber of organisms is the contest itself. BGtzT';- è- : f ie l b. F IN W A L L , HAUDW AI L, by natural sele tion. A tendency to This bomb shattered the entire eomnier- gain or tlie fame or oilier benefit which swallowed with a moderately-sized piece change, Darwin assumed to exist in na­ T n s Heppner Gazette lias driven of bread an,j b u tter may exceed th a t of ,\ l T n cc C A M -Il b, eial structure; conliilvnce wasdestroyed, will, lit* hopes, accrue to iiim as a result, M E I IC1NEW , H A I’S e- GA I n, Prof. Rork, the people's party lecturer, (he wholc p„ plllatioll o{ Europe,” The tu re; but bow changes were produced values decreased, and our industries re- and gauges his efiorts with this ill view ; 1 I BN I. - L I N» ( t i l l ’ C 1G A L . out of iKilities and into everlasting dis- queBtion ,)(>w is b„w Inltch rcal butter he hardly ventured to conjecture. l'O B A C C G , reived such a staggering blow th a t the but sincere works demand th at such de- In this direction there is room for grsi-e. It is the tu rn of the people’s to the ¡nto,crablo ,)U.m lity of bac. repeal of the silver bill, which the free- sire lie extended to the excel !en earn! party now to lecture to Rork, and the J k r i .(_ ,,cl.hapM K(,U1U enlighten great discovery. Tho most interesting traders claimed would set tlie wheels of success of the worn itseif. G oous ,s B sjp rasetitea. Prieto» V. iii L t ! o u r.t i e t i r , I A chapter in the book is, in our opinion, industry a-going, did not make any im- turn of the rope to wind up the dis­ us on this point. In most of the discussions between Meantime, perhaps th at on the Mammalia. “There is a pression upon the situation. course.—K lam ath Star, optimists and pcssiniists tlie question the best tiling we eau all do is to butler MANAGERS. law,” says our author, “ governing the “ W liat is there for me to review this falls upon toe balance of joy an 1 sorrow our bread as usual, even though in the T he whole of Oregon is now aglow duration of sia'cies. As a man may die year? We received 10 awards for t.ie in the world, the optimist justly con- with lailitical prophet» They are at PT°l‘CH* we may have to lay out a (sipu. by accident or disease after a longer or products of our factories at tlie Ohieago tending th a t the universal love of life lation equal to th a t of Europe. Mr. this time predicting the candidates, i 'j a b l s id shorter life, yet must at last die of old Franklatid tells us th at artificial butter world’s fair, hut of what benefit can su.ficiently proves that its happiness which foreshadowing, will no doubt lie , & 4- age, and so it seems to be with sjiecies. is far I vsh liuunted by microbes than the they be to us under the present condi­ greatly exceeds its woe. T.iere is. how- a t variance with the men nom inated, j and even orders oi anim als. They may This seems to show tion of affairs? True, we have been ever, still another reason why life is but this will not deter an equal num ber , F nuini. artii 1« be prem aturely destroyeil by glacial th at the microbe is not void of taste: o o » more fortunate than many others, worth living which is less frequently ol wise men prediettiug the result. t epochs, or drying tip of marshes, or in­ __ ___________ > and so far tends to raise him in our es- Dolgeville knows as yet nothing of soup urged. It is that even its sorrows tuem- ----------- o i d . N S c C I u ng undations of the sea, liul if they are ex­ “ I t ts suggested by the committee tiinulion. Anyhow, our intention is to bouses. Dolgevillelws not, like many selves are something which we cannot • « posed to no possibility of perishing by E 3 T J O E 3 K T E , otlie^- manufai tt«^),T 1 ^ u s , . had ocea,- afford to do without. Often they prove tliut county nominations lie deferred as look out. for good butter as long as we a external accident, the species die out of sion to appeal tw* t h e , side world for to be the foundations of a future su • -ess late as possible,” is a marked significant van pay the price and let the microbes, old age.” aid to feed and clotle starving and suf- and happiness widen never could have sentence by the chairm an of the D em o-! if tluiy will crowd in, take their elinnees. The sjiecies th at stand the best chance jeri.)g wage. carner», because, a» stated been reared on any other base. They It i ---------------------------------- AG F O L L O W S : eratie State Central Committee, ».so ! I d AN EVOLUTIONIST. ............... $6.00 to $10.00 of long duration are, »lie says, what may we bave managed to keep our give to the character a strength which (¡God C a n to n F la n n e l.................. ••• F‘zac M en’s S u its from points directly to a fusion with the Pop­ Y o u th ’s »Suits f r o m ............... 8.00 to " ’ la»tt» r cr ought to havo learned glacial petto I is responsible for tlie dig- ulent was persistently at work to de- ; pose to agg*,s t ¡n t |!C good work. The is before us, and it can la* justly claimed long ago that th e Populist party does appearance of the mammoth. If it was, Ktroy American industries, and th at its Slatesman gives all tlie news of state and as a rich accession to literature. not believe in education nor educational then what killed the luastedon and the jMjlicv was first to attack the woolen in- nation anti (luring the campaign its Sun- Mrs, Alice P.odiugtou, author OÍ ilinotheritiru? Two tyjs s of anim als dustrv, Fliat corner-stone of our indus- ' ' a' edRuin will bt a .\ioposim o of po institutions. e • StinlivH in Evolution a n i Biology,” i» *” . litical news and gossip for toe entire th at have had a very long career tria) gyHten>. 1 gUte n lg ¡Uustruted and consists of Itai.ATiVKi.Y Hpeakiug, tliat all-absorb-' the wife oi a physician practising bis D ealer in are the hear and the pig, and tlie an- ‘*Ttiey very properly reasoned that eigbt („p pa._,,,a of BV|Cct reading m atter, ing question oi interest to every citizen profession in British Columbia, and it tbor attrilniti s it to t!s* fact that both ollr industrial structure would fail if including a short »tory and a wealth of in the Siuslaw Valley, the further im- is in th at province th at she has been have refused to specialize themselve» fo | b,,y succeeded in demolishing tlie cor- I’oetry ami miscellany. Every voter in provement oi our harltur, is nearing the carrying on the scieutitic labors, some of extent, preferring, it would ner-stone, lienee their combined, never- "rtg o n s.tould n i l a [tapir from to w a s . .......................— ■ ( l u r i n g u æ ,.a „ i p a i g n a n d turning point. To insure us any bene- the fruits of which are given to the a " y g r ‘‘a ..................... e - - * * - .................... . . t t e r - s t o o e , Glassware, C a rp e ts, R e n ts’ seem, to retain a considerable generality a tta cks, their ruthless and reck- mftke t||iB of[er to guit tl,e , imeg un­ book. Mrs. Bodington lit, enough money m ust he appropri- world in this hook. Groceries, Boots a n d F u r n is h in g of structure and habit. less attem pts, from Mills to Wilson, to pie COpies free. All subscriptions will sted by this Uoilgrcss to at least extend lias been impressed, as indeetl nearly Etc. Etc. Shoes. Goods. “ Nature,” says Mrs. llodington, annihilate th s woolen industry. Know- be consecutively numbered upon receipt the jetty, already commenced, to a point all scientific workers have been, with lias certainly improved in Iter eon- ing this I have ever since 1883, when the an‘* ,o each tenth subscriber will be H eadquarters for on tb s sand spit th at will prevent the the vast scope oi the doctrine of descent »»■•—••*.• ■■ ■,- •• • ■■■ ■•■e..... - -- * presented a year's subscription lo the . . . . . , ... „ , i» .,„ :„ „„ i ,.;,i. n ,,, eeptions of animal beautv as time lias first onslaught was made, studied to so » • ......... 41 -m cliannel of the Siuslaw river from going as outlined by Darwin, ano with t u t 1 r (.osiaapuhtait Magazine, costing ri.-Ri. m ultitude of interesting ways in w h ich 1 gone Oil. The uncieat reptiles rivalled arrange our business that in ease tlie -\ (bire s g a | | 0rdt.r s toTlie,S','«ifjow«c,Sa- further North. H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. it adm its of being illustrated; anti she one another in liideousness of fortn, and people should ever be misled into put- em, Oregon, Tim following from the Lincoln lias endeavored in the work before ns to tlie more tn.cent types of animals that ting a free-trade party in power the OREGON. E U G E N E , ............................................. County Leader, is from a party who bail present certain aspects ot tlie subject for have survived to our own day are gro- prosiwrity of Dolgeville should not de- tiiuc.li to do with the division of l.anc the benefit of general readers. In Iter tet-quely ugly : such for ii-stance as the peml upon the success of the woolen county at the last session of tlie legisla­ first eliapter she deals w ith “Tlie Evo- elephant, the hippopotamus, the rhi- mills alone. T h e d iv o rsitv o fo u rin d u s- N u m e ro u s B oils ture, and be probably speaks autbovita- lulion o( tbc Ey,.t- gIU| bringg forward 110 eros, an 1 even that useful friend of tries w ill always give sufiicient employ- man, the [tig. Most of their early con- nient to a majority^oT our people to at And Catarrh in tho Head Ovely t „ great variety of facts to prove how tlie “The next session of the legislature is ey(J bRg ,)w n ,k,vulo,w li Hllll wbat tem poraries scent to have liven still ug- least keep the wolf from the door It is tlie intelligent, raiiid, fanatic going lo Witness a strong light for the varying fortllncg lbgt OTgan bag | 1Ba iu tier, hut they did not live to distress the division ol lame comity, and tlie pros­ different anim al sjiecieB. artistic eve of matt with their uncouth free trader who distorts tlie tru th anti tortures facts to sustain liis theory, w Ito pect at Ibis time looks as if tlie tight Tlie first great tru th which the stll- i,>riiis. aroused ami fostered w ith much more would lie successful.” dent of organic nature is required to In dealing with “Ti e Flora of the shrewdness and ability than the blatant C A L L O il OR A D D R E S S grasp is that life Is cvery-where. Na- I’ust,” Mrs. lwxlington makes extensive anarchist tlie liatretl of those wiio earn Tns I'n ited States Senate lias now an wages against those who pay wages, who lure would seem to aim not at quality use of a l«x>k on the lienlogivul History is really responsible for tlie situation. opportunity to present to tlie country an TH S LA N S C O U N TY LA N D & LOAN hut at quantity of life. It is true that, of Plants, which, in her opinion, pre- “ Tueir arguments had some plausibil­ object lesson as to its value in checking EUG ENE. O R EG O N . tlivtlgh aiming at quantity, she imli- sents a strong, though unacknowledged ity, ami since they seem to have no hasty an!1 tai tz a !i 1 tv in by pro nine'it citizens regarding Flor­ , , . • reetly aims at quality also, since, by son's bill, a destroyer of American in- ence property, now oil tlie market at wonderfully reduced prices: z , , 1 _ imslucing mure anim als than can possi- olution. A most interesting chapter is laboring men from the clutches of those dustries anti American lui'or, liiui vi .1 . z ti »»>f * the uiAnuwctureri course passed the House, ami can now bly live out th eir lives together, she sets toe one that fodows on Micr.worgan- (ln, Uu,n| ¡n ,,|e TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : only 1« prevented from Loom ing law up a struggle as to which sl.all live; ami tstus as 1 arasttes, mt we regret that iujdBt o{ plcn(y> ,,llring tbe nioat ,,ros- ¡A */ I hereby certify that I was tbe original owner of tbe properly known as Frasier ' , . nt tin» utrugglv tlie U nt vn extra« ts* pervui* time* America has ever seen, the ami Berry’s part of Florence, which E. J. Frsier is now offering for sale. That the bv the Senate. It im uwlese, after ra- , i . .» „ H r . IF. L. Tucker 7 . . . , a llv a m Some of the case» of parasit- from it or even to outline the argum ent. j»eople were induced to vote lor a same is level and free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery do wel Ro9ebur<. Orvoon. ren t elections, to reiuiud Keuators that 7 , , ,, . upon saitl hint! and tlie same is desirable for rctsitience property. J . G. F tsvknson , reversal >sm glanced at by Mrs. llodington are The who,e book is well worthy the at- eliungv. such law would be a sweejung “ The change came, and we tin»! as I feel ttiat It Is Impossible for me to say too Supt. Public School«, Lane county. In tention of students tlie biological v.,»v itil.T. -litta and instructive. Ill teniion oi a all n »mocois oi mv oioio^um ................... . . . y,r i*|,.v,.|an,|*g C hristm as present to much la favor of Hood’s Sanaiurl t:». I was ol popular opinion ami wholly tliscor- vtry in u rt Sting ami m the search for tmssible habitats sonic group of sciences. Tlie autlior lias her- American people over 40 per cent of » grrat sufferer from impure blood and Catarrh Sub«crib» d and »worn to l ef- re me this 5th tlatil with the feelings of our |s*ople. #BAL dav of M ar-h. 1892. A. M orris , specicii that had previously lived a free self been a careful student in many d,f- ollr railroaankrlIpt an,[ in tbe ban,Is Notary Public. T aixsts . «bdity, industry, [a rsever- hf«*-.n the open, as it w. re -w ill la-take ferent fields, »ml her work, wl.ile valu- of receivers; a sltrinkage of value im- A- ony Be-o n d D escrip tio n . * . * • ...... K:“‘----- of nil 119, « r- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : anct. valuable as they arc, wl»«n in the t)ienim*h*t*iv to teed ing on other organ- able a repertory ot - nnti.U* t.vti* and . t 11 When I begaa to tako Hood’s Sar5apar.Ha I liad Being first duly sworn I e and say: That I have been a resilient of Flor . • , . z . t i t . f l. . xt-. - 1« ra r\ i.L>d bv a litvr xrv ‘,u tx»ricP and mine* every-w here; bank- ©f only four o< which came to a hcatl, lianda of a tricky and dixhoncat man, tenia, aonietiiuefl of much higher t\|H* >»« . I •• , ruptev «taring the voung m anufacturer anJ since then, thank» to thia gocxl medtetne, I ence Lane County, Oregon, for the past twelve years; th at I am fnniilisj* and wel aink into comparative iasigniAcauce. than theniHvlvea. When thia happen* »’harm in n h ich many acicnUtiu treat- -n ventured to start in Inve been n free from thh great »miction. I acqu.iinied with the property known a s ’‘Frasier ami Bersv’a part of F lorence/ ; xlned 11 uf*hi^.» m ’ mo fcr v \ri"ha-« thai the same is admirably suited for residence property, t»eing perfectly levei amt But the man whuae integrity i» Mwnired, aowe of the organa which they had need iaea are sadly dethMent. hu«incea, believing th at protection ...... ............... - . - - , . . . • . » in - . » the soil :» and » also been x cured by Hood’s Hood s barsaparifla barsaparllla and I free fru|u ,|rj,t ing innj . That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well who is k n o an to he above anapicion, ami ev reiaed in the free »late U'come ------------------------- would prevail: O v a t i o n the fate xd the that pure well water is found on the same a t a depth of from ten to fifteen feeb , . .. . . i ■ it i «t i t 1 w o r k m a n and hi» fam ily: wreckage, w hat a power does he exert over all w ith uaele*» to them and dwindle away iron, I lowamx no cl,»»er an«t more lorciblc Jo sx rii A. M orris , Mt-rt lianv 1 rum amt destruction whatever way we for mUe( whom he come« m contai t? Otla rs la« k of exercise. In tins way certain argument can be found than that pul»- Uirn^ an(| po , SEAL am snbyt'.HT rood pmcral hcilth. I earnestly Pnbsrribed nnd sworn to before n,e this 12tli day f id Hood’« bar'-iparilla t » all who nre may aue in vain for credit and r» s|»v< parasitical crabs that arc lo rn with liahed m the following x'oluinn, iti de- the government id in the banda of men r.M'onu day of M anti, 1892. L. B i t v t r , DfiUcted.” \V. I.. T vl kt'R. Iioebi.ru’. Grc?on. S v ttrv P .b lt» , and business favors—-they pour into his eyes lose their eyes as they advance to fense of p ro ti lio n for latior in t is who are e o n tro ll bv the free-trade ele- HOOD'3 P'. llr cure ..i Liver 111», Bdiou»« pen, Jaundice. Indigestion, Sick Hev*’aeh% . l«l> unsolicited. Ho with truth aud »in« m aturity, living aa they do under voudi- country. Wc commend it to our readers, m en t.”—Orr^ontl TOILET SETS 10 PIECES! ZF’r tx ’ T r im m in g s ! G r e a t W h ite S to re of ★ DAVENPORT SEATON STORE K n o w ls s £ i C e T y D áY GOODS X HOUSE H. í Gai 0i8 YOU BARGAINS ¡1 SPECIAL LINES “ I LEAD, B U T N EVER FO LLO W ! S. H. Friendly ,RY r ^ C G D S , D*-Y -Q ! HOPS, WOOL, ASMD WHEAT, OATS L O T H IN C , AND BARLEY, Hood’s Cures REAL ESTATE! For Bargains in Rea! Property O' c o .. f Hood’s s Cures I f