A. W-W. The tide of destiny is tu rning ling fust 4 The habit of T he W ist is one of tow ards Florence. All sorts of ac­ cum ulation of facts point th a t way r ‘'-v-v-v-y-mr*"» L I Vol. IV. push, energy, pluck. It is the news J granary of these m ountain slopes. < A.'w^-v-rwww-y-v-w-v-w-v-w-v-w-x -V -v~v -w— v~v— v— v-v f No. 46 FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGO , FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1801 constitute shout tho only outdoor work and crowd«! around Douglas. Dick i that can be done in W inter. Helmre was the first to answer, ” 1 take From the great nebula o f Orion, where thick Is you,” but ill spite ot their bravado none F a r m , G a r d a n an«l P o u lt r y N o t« « —H o w Salt mixed with stable manure will sown the mar d u st, interepered with suns of STATE OFFICERS. else came on. "D o you fear, boys?” A t t e n t i o n t o llu n iu o a » I n a u r e e hasten decomposition and render it H. D. C II A M B E R L IN, O - J L Z R . Z D I K T E ' Z R . many colors. cried Douglas again. "W ill the night A b u n d a n t P r o s p e r ity . more quickly available for the use of From those vast sw irls, tremendous spirals, ln« air stop your throats, or do you want G overnor.....................Syl venter Pennoyer spiring Kw-e too deep for osortal speech. i crops. S T A G E L IN E . time? I take any man the fair mile and Secretary of State . .Geo. W. McBride F A R M A NO C A R D E N N O T E S . From the Beehi^p and the Lion’s Heart. Alde­ a finish across the hillfoot bridge for a There is no objection to people buying baran, and ho^fparkliuK Pleiades, where T reasurer..........................Philip Metchen ) egon . - oleomargarine if they want it. The hundred w ith his morning tea. Answer Glenada, The Dakota red potatoe is gaining fa­ dw ell Alcyone, V er ope and those other sis­ S upt. Public Iuntruciion E. B. McElroy ters, with m ist engarlanded, some Spirit's whe>n you like. The-re's my money— vor in Ohio, fraud comes in when it is sold as but- Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ State P rin te r....... ■ Frank C. Baker vital breath. even it the devil himself stakes against ' ter. days and Fridays. Study the characteristics of the suc­ ) ............... W .P . Ix>«l L. R. J 'K N S O '4 , ' Arrives at Florence ruesdnys, Thurs- From Polaris and his Unardians, blazing In m e!" In the greenhouses where lettuce is Suprem e Court J- ............. R .A . Bean arctic skies, where stream s the Aurora Bore­ There was another sliont at the chal­ cessful producing dams. davs ami Saturdays. grown for tiie m arket sowings are made alis, mystic wonderful. j ............. F. A. Moore Connects with Steam er and Scotts­ lenge, and Parson Bob put in liis word: Lack of ventilation is the cause of every ten days to keep u pa succession. burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with From sw ift Arcturus, Bootes, mighty one, the ‘‘You'll break your neck, boy,” ho said, dauipness in many hives. Judge Second D istric t.. J. C. Fullerton Line for Coos Bay. Charge Driver of the Bear, I "over the mile a night like this, and as A ttorney Second District .S. VV. Condon I t is a mistaken idea th at starving All toy work will In* warrant ed to give Stage reasonable. Italian bees may be distinguished by From Cepheus and the fair Andromeda, Cas­ for tho devil, if you take any more of stock and exposing them to cold will eutiafaction. Call on or write to me at their three yellow hands. siopeia, Egypt’s queen, Perseus and the Drng- that wine, you'll he in good com pany.” ! harden them . I t will either stunt of on, the demon Algol and the enormous But Douglas was in no mood then to COUNTY ÛFFICCR5. A horse tliat is ruined in breaking kill them . Square of Pegasus, W H I S M A N B R O S .’ bandy words w ith the parson, and out does not generally get over it. From Cygnns, Lyra and t » ort Hern Crown, we all went ill a troop to see the horses A new variety of wheat is reported at A. H. Fisk J udge ................... Owners want to learn to sell the first Le Boy, New York. I t is a cross of the Hercules and Ophiuch’i» .« '■< by M il- - saddled, leaving the old fellow at the J O H N C. G R A Y , ton the blind, the de I . Z , Eli Perkins tim e a fair price is offered. end of his half bottle and at the begin­ j Clawson, and is expected to out-yield Connu is sinners From all the stars I aste n a tio n s w h ich ning of h is'd g a r, for he was a bachelor More bees are lost by wintering than ' any other. Jam es Parker make bright the heavens. and dined at tho Plough, when tho men by disease or in any other way. Over Lake Creek Road, C le rk .............................. . W. It. Walker The best work at the most Reasonable Price« This is the time to make plans for From all the planets and their moons, the ! lived the life there in the hunting sea­ . J. E Noland Office over ti re n«e Store. Mares witii the most nerve torco pro­ spring work, and to determine to plant Sheriff ...................... rings of Saturn and from all the meteors that son. We were all too curious to see the ISK T W K K N E U G E N E & IIK A I> o f T I D E . - . - O re g o n . inhabit space, I gather up the fragments of duce tiie fastest trotters and pacers. T reasu rer....................... . Frank Ketsner E u g e n e only as much land as can be propeily my past incarnate live*, counted by thou­ meeting to think about anything in­ A s s e s s o r...................... ....... McPlicra*»n side, and our ardor was only stim ulated The best stock build upearliest, swarm ! cultivated. sands, aye, and thousands yet to be. • Leave Eugene Monday and Thursdav morn H O R A C E N. C R A IN , School Superintendent J. G S tev en s« .n when we saw tho m ist steaming up from first and are the best to gather honey. lugs. G ather up and burn all rubbish. I t From all of these 1 make one voice, and into Sum ey o r . ....................... .. .C. M Collier it I breathe my hopes, my aspirations and the lowlands and the night as black as Leave Head of Tide Tuesday and Friday at When cows shiver in the stable, they will contain some kind of injurious in­ noon. my love for dear old Boston, and I cry: a tempest cloud with never an inch of C oroner........... ............... sects which, if not destroyed now, will will be poor before the summer time. ancient city! May all that makes you clear sky or a breath of wind to grip W hism an Bros., Proprs Hail, When colonies begin to breed rapidly, spoil crops next season. What did it m atter to us? fam ous and unique endure forever! Ye poets, the sea fog. Und Dealer In Fine Watches and Jewelry preachers, scholars, antiquarians, merchants, There would be a horse or two laid up, supplies will disappear as it by magic. It is thought by many th at winter is CITY OFFICERS. toilers, the old, the young, the rich, the poor, and men would lie by w ith rheum atism E ugene • - O re g o n . Swarming is an im portant factor in tlio right time to manure the strawberry haill I salute you! . for a day or two, but w hat odds? We lied, aud th at the frozen ground is no . B. F. Alley P r e s id e n t................. I salute the crooked streets. Beacon hill, Fan- should keep our necks at any rate, while the production of comb honey in perfec­ drawback to the work. H E N R Y A. B A Y, Agent euil hall, the old statehouse, the long path the two madmen would lose theirs— tion. ----------S A IL S ----------- Oscar Funke and Boston common! The gardioer who uses greenhouses and lose them assuredly they would on The num ber of advocates of level cul­ O. W. Hurd —Gemini in Boston Transcript. On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each Board of Trustees such a night aud w ith such blackness tivation of potatoes seems to be increas­ generally plants his first cucumber seed Win. Kyle Salem, Oregon. m onth. M. F. Phillips ! This is the Of on the land. in the latter part of August; these, of leuding Insurance company of the ing. P acific co n st. A sset* n q u a r t e r o f a m illio n d o l­ Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 It was ju st 13 o’clock by tho bell of | course, are followed by later planting R ecorder.............................. Frank Wilson lars. P riv a te d w e llin g s a n d farm p ro p e rty a In England acorns mixed with grass the old church when we started the e c ia lty . A d d ress m e a t G a rd in e r, O reg o n , a n d j lim ing the winter. T reasurer.................Leonard Christensen sp ’ w ill c a ll u p o n y o u a u d in s u r e y o u r p ro p e rty . pair by the dead elm under the red are considered good food tor sheep and I He reined in his black horse in the Tho Boyal Institute for fruit and vine» M arshal................................C. B. Morgan farm, and off they went out of sight in a pigs. courtyard of the Plough, and the foam : moment in the darkness of tho hill. We j culture at Geisenlieiin, Germany, has Justice of Peace......... 11. M Chaiiitierlin It is safer to exercise youngsters in har­ F or Passenge and F reig h t Rates fell from the black beast as snow from 1 had no intention to follow them to the experimented successfully in the use of ness than to turn them loose in a slip­ a bush. We had followed him with diffi­ ] niilo end oil such a night, and leaving ! copperas as a stim ulant for plants th a t W . W . N E E L Y , Pr«»|»*r, See culty in the dark out yonder, for he them to their mad woi k we trotted back, pery field. CHURCH DIRECTORY. lacic green color in their leaves. The rode like a madman, and a thousand Tables furnished with all the del­ 1-et the cow frisk in ttie o|>en air once copperas should be dissolved in water M e ; er & Kyle, Florence, O r. furies nt his heels could not have forced a group of black figures in a gray mist, in a w hile; continuous stable life is not and hung about the door of the Plough icacies of th e season. Wild game, Fish and applied near the rotfts in early another ettort from the fl-year-old niaro until we should get tidings of them. good for her. RES BYTE KIAN CHURCH, Florence. and F ru it in season. Best accommoda­ spring. which carried him so well. Heaven, And the only news was the return of Oregon. Sahbatb nei-Aice. Sahbatb- “ C O O S , ” what a madman he was, turning the Douglas, shaking and quivering like a A lien in her prime and properly cared Sheep are docile, easily handled Charges S T E A M E R scbool, 10 o’clock a m. Breaching 11 tions for the traveling public. whole village out to see hint dare the stricken being—an object study for pity, for will produce three times her weight anim als, which will thrive on a great o’clock a. ui. ami 7 p m. Sacrament of reasonable. th e Lord’« supper on 1st Sabbath <»f Devil's Mile at 1 o’clock in the m orn­ as 1 have said. "W h at has happened?" i in eggs yearly. i diversity of food and require less graitv Jan u ary , April, July ami Octotier. ing and coming home when an hour had we asked him a dozen times before ho 1 Italians produce a larger num ber of than any other stock. But all these R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S Everybody is welcome to all the services. pR ST gone, with the brute a mass of white, pulled himself together and told us the RATIONAL ßANK Pastor requests C hristians to make and he a shaking, quivering coward, I tale, and while he was speaking Dick bees than blacks, and so, indirectly, points become positive disadvantages if them selves known. tho owner goes to the other extreme and who seemed to have lust in that 00 m in­ came ill and listened. Poor Dick! He more honey. CF EUGENE. I. G K n o t ts , Pastor. utes out ami home every spark of the had fallen heavily in tho Plough and Frames of sealed honey can be given bestows neither food nor care. Because Of T . Q. H E N D R IC K S. P u ts. 8 B EA K IN , J .. C * old devilry which had carried him on was in no mood for conversation, but on any warm day to colonies th at seem tiie sheep ask little is no reason why •’.rilO D IS T EPISCOPAL CHURCH PAID UP CASH CAPITAL, his mad errand I And where was Dick he opened his eyes at Douglas’ tale, as likely to fall short. $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 they should get nothing. General office a t Seaton. —Dick, who had taken up the mad wa­ did we, and widely too. $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, In feeding cattle for growth roughness Give the cow water once a day nt least ery 4ili SSahbatn.-. Suhiiuili--cth>ul ev­ ger to gallop the mile with no moon "W hen you said ' G o , s a i d Doug­ K N O W LES, NEELY and G ETTY S, ery Sabbath at lO i in. P rayer meet­ A C C O U N T S S O L I C I T E D showing, and the mists rising from the las as he seemed to gather his wits at ill winter, and always the freshest water cun be largely used, but in fattening the ing every T liurediy evening at the O w n ers. ! ration must consist of a much larger channel, and the darkness lying thick last, “ I set spurs to Peter, and ho obtainable. EUGENE, • • OREGON. church. Every body curdiallv invited. between the hills, as though it had been sniffed tho dara like a trained horse Bees will tuill their own queen just portion of grains, and the grain should G. W. Q u im b y , dropped upon the land'/ Where, indeed, lie a fattening one. In feeding for Pastor. THF E A S T A N D S O U T H was Dick.' Did he lie like a log in the and bounded into it, fearing as little as quickly as a strange one when she ! growth the cost can be lessened by using LEZ RING as I feared. Dick seemed to disappear has sting poison on her. hillfoot spring—hcju^i- attend. A (J. I i ke, }J l\ p r o p r ie t o r this there was a very fever of tear m ark­ gone before. Itace—tho wind cut my neglect having a supply of ensilage. A steel trap properly set will catch the JoaEPti A. Muuk.h, K* ' • 1 SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, ed upon him . In all my life 1 have ears like a knife, aud it was as if 1 rode Boots will do, hut ensilage is better. ' 'possum that kills the chickens. Set it F L O R E N ;U , attached to ull through frains. never seen sn -h a depth of nervous deg­ on nothing, for the ground I could not Never have high roosts for heavy inside the house in front of the opening radation. He trembled likea horse that see, and the sky I could not see, and the fowls. It is the comfort of the tows first West aide Division. O. O. F. ileceta L'^ige No 111, meet« where the varm int enters, protecting it P u r « Yv in e s a u d L iq u o r s . B e t w e e n P o r t l a n d a n d C o r v a l l i s . has scented fire, and for many m inutes hills just loomed over me like mighty other considerations afterwards. every Wednesday eveoing in Loiige ___ T R A IN l» A IL Y ( E X * K I T n U N O A Y .) from the fowls by hoards or a wire be could not speak a word to us. With H ail, Floren«*’, Oregoti. Brothers in figures from another world. I went my 7:: m > ft iii I Lv P o r tla n d A r I 5:36 a ni Drugs, Aim high and breed upward. There screen. any other uiau this would have excited best, and 1 don’t believe uny other £ood «tamii ng invited to u t Send. 12:16 p m 1 Ar Corvallis L v |l:0 0 p m F r e d M a h o n , N .G . M ed icin es, If there are no outer sheds with a sun­ At Albuny and Corvallis connect w ith tr a in s our m errim ent, but with Douglas Tas­ 6-year-old in Ham pshire could hnvo is far less competition at tiie top, and of Oregon Pacific Railroad. JL- j C. A licele ». Kev. Se«*. ker! Why, there was not a man in the staid like Peter staid, but judge of my consequently prices are much better. ny exposure for the flock to frequent Chemical»«, E X l ' K K " r a u s s l i t l l . Y (K X< K I T S U N D A Y .) country who had half his devil or could fright when the shadow at my side I fi |> in I I.\ P o rtla n d Ar 1 m j', „ In France, the greatest am) most suc­ they had better lie confined to the house. Perfum ery, bold him for a moment over any sort of crept up and up, and as we put down 7:25 I Ar McMinnville I 5:50 cessful poultry raising country, all m ar­ Wading in slush and standing in a win­ Stationery, the bill to the bridge came full along­ Through Tickets to all point* in the Eastern country. The thing was too absurd, ket fowls, dead or alive, are bought and ter wind do not promote health nor in­ S ta te s. C a n a d a a n d E u ro p e c a n l»e o h tfd u e d at and I waited for his explanation, know­ side me. I flogged old Peter then in a W all Paper, low est rates from I». G. Adair, Agent, Eugene. duce laying. ing well that it would vindicate him. way very strange to him, for it was sold by weight. R K oEH i.r.a, F p. RoOBBH, B lank Book», A. R. S U T r O L P .L But it was curious that such a light­ A young hen lays a larger litter th a n neck and neck to the narrow bridge, Why does thunder sour milk? asks a Manager. Asst. G. F. and Pass Agt. ly made wager should have had such au and only a shimm er of the rising moon subscriber. We do not know th at it the old hen. It is probable th at the first Portland, Oregon. T oilet A rticles, end. and I fell to recalling all the old on the m ist held up the dark for us to does. It is believed th a t the thunder and second years of a hen ’s life are the W indow Shades, women's tales of the bills and ot the see it. What a half m ile that was I can has nothing to do with it, hut tliat tiie most productive of eggs. How unprofit­ A M Collector, Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully From Te-nfna! or In terio r P oints the bevy of sprites and imps that haunted never te ll! I heard only the hard breath­ climatic conditions ill which thunder oc­ able then to kill off the young hens and them. Pshaw! What rubbish they all Offle. two door, went of Klorenoe Hotel. ing of my horse or the thud of his heels ,—Conipouiided.- F lo ro n o a , O re g o n . were! . ; on the soft ground, and us tho man or cur» favor tiie development of bacteria. leave the aged ones. Cooked lood fed warm is very much Within the last thirty-five years the It had lieen some three hours before fiend rode beside me I chilled again to this ride that Douglas hud thrown down tho lame, for he made no sound, never average weight of fleeces produced in more economical and profitable than JOE MORRIS, ir la t l i e l i n e t o t a k e the glove to the equestrian sages of the toadied his mount with whip or spur— tiie United States lias doubled. This is raw food. The grains may be cooked in inn. There were a dosen of us there he only went on like a flying thing in quantity and fed cold, as they will keep TO A LL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. dining in our quiet way—old Colonel the air, and when wo neared the bridge zx . lo r o n c years ag<- and now - -led out to his crash and that wo would both roll head­ erly and more intelligently managed, es­ taining some meat scraps every morn­ It is the Dining Cnr Rente. It runs d°f? car* 0,1 crutcl ,. lurry Dike, the long into tbo stream below. Then 1 pecially in reference to breeding. held my breath and w aited for tho mo­ 1 whip; Dr. John • io ..wore th at tho It is a waste of time and money to try ing. Thin, watery food can’t be ex­ Through Ventibuled Trains every day , . O. Know!.,, C sm . G«tty. in the vear to hunt cheated him for there were no ment. and grow profitable crops upon low, wet pected to supply material for eggs. Milk KNOWLES & GETTYS, PlCT0«',kV " B u t it never came. You fellows ground. The best thing you can do, if is excellent and here is a place where ____ tails; several boys just promoted to cobs S T . P A U L a IO cl CHICAGO, and half u dozen of the very straightest know the spot—you know thut the you have such a piece, is to invest a lit- dairying pays. TO ( so change or cans) horsemen we could show. We had these ground is 14 feet if it is all inch alxive FI.OWKK (IABDKN. SALT LAKE, DENVER, little gatherings many a night in the the brook. You know there is a 20 foot tie of your surplus in draining it. Prob­ Composed of Dining C an unsurpassed. w inter, and many a man hunted over span to the grass land across. Well, us ably it is rich, and tiie extra crops it will , Make your flower garden near th e e a to n - - C ro jo n Pullman Drawing I’oom Hlceper* O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , I ’m a living man, a hundred yards from produce will soon repay you For the out­ house, where you can spend a few mo­ Of Latest Equipment, the table there ns he hud nev. r hunted over the country round. I used to lis- the w ater the shadow left me as one lay. menta every-day. A border less than C H IC A G O , S T. LOU S ATTORNEYS. T C U R IS T S L E E P IN G iC A R S ten to their tales and say to myself 1 standing, amt us 1 almost reined in Pe­ Hauling out and applying manure, if three feet wide is most convenient in A X D ALL would w rite them all up some day, if ter to take the narrow bridge of plunks needed, keeping the trees from getting Best that can be constructed mid in which working and weeding, and can he made E A S T E R N C IT IE S , ncconimodation* are ts»th free and furniahed Parson Bob Tollemache d id n ’t w rite 1 saw the black form rise for a moment for holders of First and Second-Class Tickets, them before me. Aye, a rare hand with in the air and then land oil the hank. overloaded with moss or snow, tram p­ any shape desired. SEYMOUR CONDON, and the pen was he, and as for the country By heaven! he had jum ped it, uml if ing the snow down around tiie trunk to | lait the beds he well drained. On E L E G A N T D A Y C O A C H E S he knew every inch of it—a veritable there’s a living rider who can do the prevent injury from rabbits, nnd hind, some soil, simply raising the earth up any that may have been gnawed, re­ above the grass plat a few inches is suf­ _____ chart on a beach horse. T hat was a same I'll give him all I've got. to “ But my story isn 't done. The black moving the moss end other detrimental ficient. Heavy soils often require un- _. , , pretty argument for disestablishm ent - In all it» branche» Riven »pedal attention. A Cent'.nUOUS L .no connecting With when the bishop got h im —the best thing stopped on the opposite liaiik, and vegetable m atter that collects on trees, deidraining. l o t x » » r 'a B ile .., E v . g o n s O r . All L n’s, affording ainct and nn- that ever strode a pony over any as 1 drew near raised its arm s above intirrupted service. gallop, with a nerve like bessewer and its head, and a load, mocking laugh . a judgm ent that never failed him . He rang out among the hills. At the sum k w a rc H J H ig h e s t H o n o rs W o r ld ’s F a i r Pullman Sleeper reservation» enn lis te n e d that very night among ns, and moment, us my horse stissl shivering A. C. WOODCOCK. be 1 I / iT T I T h e P u tr ii« « » t f h l e a g i-uriil ¡n iv u n en tlim u g l I saw the twinkle ill his eye when Doug­ with fright, the m an's right hand threw ••».ft las off< n il to go out against the room something black at me, and I nearly at 13 o', loek aud ride tho D evil’s Mile swrxuird with terror. When 1 came to, for a hundred down on the table at I picked up the dark something which A gone. - ' O re g o n a .,...,. < i, . i H B O t i ' .-I breakfast. lie was sane, of coarse, and hail been thrown, hut in the blackness A m erica. E n g la n d «ltd Furi o pC » a i l la - J ilH i liu ““ »II,vim« 7 »1)3 » Mi t-nre" , Biiilrtinv. madmen only receive pity from him, I couhl make nothing of it. Anv of you 1 attention