K than many of our middle aged men.— 1 and tho light may be seen in clear RESUME OF S1TI AT1OX. been appropriateti and tlie work fairly commenced. As this improvement is Marshfield Sun. weather a distance ot 21 nautical miles, j now on tlie list for further appropria­ Rev. F. 8. Beck, of Eugene, who dis- Lbe bearings and distances of prominent — PUBLISHED KVEKY FltlDAY MOUNIKO.— played some irritation because T he dlijecls from tiio light as fatten from a C L A N C E A T T H E C O U N T R Y . tions, it is only a question of tim e when it will be completed, and then boats of — AT— W est copied an article about ttie build- i chart Xo. (»300 of tlie United Stales coast ' i F lobince , L ake C ounty , O kkoon iu c of a new Catholic church at our cap­ and geodetic survey are: Cape Perpetua S h o r t N o t e s n t T o w n s , H tis ilie s s Mei». greater draft than those now coining. here, cun enter our harbor. ital city, front the Pacific liuilder, is out X . by W. L W., it', miles; Uinjupia O m ir r le s . S a lm o n li n t e l , e r y , H a ir y To tliis new country full of financial river liglit station (in progress of con­ JB. F . A b L E V , E d i t o r a u d P r o p r i e t o r . in a card to the Guard tiiat lie did not | F a n u .4 , f lo v e r n u i iii t W o rk and health interest for settlers, we re -. struction,) S. by E. !., E., about 23 rob the Ca’liolic cliureli. a n d C llm a t o . speetfully invite your attention. None . m iles.—Oregonian. The Ileppner Ilecord recently made a can dispute our claim of ns perfect a cli­ -----T eems : 12.00 a year in advance.----- The figure of speech employed by a HAS REACHED HARVARD. , serious charge against Populist Rork. gentleman recently, when lie compared mate us is found anywhere, and our and challenged th a t fellow to attem pt to y dispatch from Boston under date of Entered a t the post-office at Florence, tlie growtli of tlie Siuslaw country to the health record is such that no physician I.ane county, Oregon, as second-class refute it if lie dared. This charge bud . January 3, say s: tide swells of ila river, understates rath­ has yet been able to gain a livelihood by the effect of not only silencing the Pup-1 “ Tlie hard times lias forced Harvard m ail m atter. er than exaggerates tlie situation of our praetiaing Iiis profession. ulist “ blatherskite’’ in Oregon, but | to retrench. Notice has lieen given to E U G E N E IT E M S . drove him from th e state. j two professors and four instructors tiiat gnowlli. In Florence we have three well-equip­ AOVEKTWJXO BATES MABE KNOWN ON AP­ Will "P ro f." Rork explain why lie ' th eir services will not be required after ped general merchandise stores, owned From the Guard, PLICATION. L ocal n o tice s S ce n ts per lin e , ea ch in sertion. was fired from the U nitarian church at the close of the current ucaduuiic year. respectively by Hurd A Davenport, A daughter of Bob Burdette, tlie Salem? People generally arevery much H arvard’s income from tuition, students' WE KEEP THE BEST Meyer an(| ilP HIlid there m ust be a cent stam p to be put upon the upper the railroads began losing m oney; al­ W alter MeCornack, Rev. K notts, N. right corner. It does not make any dif­ though they discharged men, cut wages blue sandstone quarry at Point Terrace, meci,anic ¡n Florence for he has did McNair and Mr. Dale were passengers ference whether you seal tliq, letter or and laid off trains. They failed to earn where the Government secures the stone wjia^ j could not, and I further recoin- i out to Eugene on Tuesday. gentleman to the public for not; whether you tetir off one corner of fixed charges and ojterating exjtenses; to build jetties at the mouth of the river, men(j fcj,jng |n his line. M r. Woodruff, of upper Siuslaw, is th e envelope or not, it must bear a two they failed to pay tlie interest on t li e i r and have admired its color and pronoun- j now on bis way to Smith river to engage cent stam p or it wilt not be sent by tlie bonds. Harvard college has money in­ ced worth for building purposes, hut a T. K. R ussell . his services in a logging camp. postmaster. Some think th at if they do vested in railroad bonds; tlie railrouds handsome gray granite, hundreds of foet Tltik Feb. 5th 1894. [The above is copied verba tint, lid.) In Pennsylvania recently Mr. Tarr not seal I heir letters a one cent stump are in tlie hands of receivers and cannot high and a quarter of a mile one way was united in marriage to Miss is all tiiat is required. Tliis is a mis­ pay interest; Harvard gets no interest anij nope knows, how Ja r t|ie oilier, is Feathers. A good combination, surely. take for the law forbids any letter to be on her investments.; her revenues are re­ something worthy our attention. lO O D ’S G U A R A N T E E S duced; she is forced to discharge $he pro­ , I t is evidently slow work shaping the The Linn county school superintend­ carried in the mail sack, whether sealed fessors »lip taught, the free trade tiiat destinies of large bodies, so the destiny a cure. W hat it has done for ! or not, if it is not stamped with two e n t lias absconded with county funds others it will do for you. I!e sure to shut the shops tiiat stopped tlie mills of this m ountain of granite is slow in am ounting to over $1000, says tlie Her­ 1 cents. get Hood's Sarsaparilla. th at destroyed the freight traffic th at ru­ shaping itself, hut the time is not far I t is considered in shipping circles ald. ined the railroads tiiat cut off tlie inter­ away whan some portion of it will adorn Judge Bellinger lias denied the motion tiiat the Affairs'of the Oregon Pacific are est tiiat paid tlie professors their sala­ many buildings in San Francisco. for a new trial in tlie ease of \\ illiain i in such a hopeless muddle tiiat the ry. —San Francisco Argonaut. Wo arc now at Mapleton, and that Uff- I H A V E T H E BEST TOOLS D unbar who was convicted of smuggling qteamer W illam ette Valley will be eaten large, handsome building over there is and materials and a good Bhop. Have SUDDEN E N D IN G . up by claims in tliis port. Tiie attach­ opium'. the had twenty years’ exficrience and I can ments already am ount to $40,000, aud It was generally supposed when the ¿b arlcs Starr, of Colorado, enme to STATE SALMON H ATCHERY. repair all kinds of fine and complicated, there are several creditors to hear front, taking of testimony in tlie sheriff's case this country last Sunday and is taking a C ertainly our promise is out for a full as well as cheaper grades of watches, besides tlie captain, purser and crew, w as commenced last Monday afternoon look a t our resources incidental to a fi­ who have received no money for over a before Referee Watson tiiat the tim e of description of this hatchery, hut a pur- an(j j WJJ| gjVe you jrcrfect lial settlem ent. loiner of property, a “jolly good fellow” ' • _ r montli. News of the hopeless state of ^ ^ T E L C ^ T L i O T ’A . I The Albany Democrat prints the fol­ affairs reached tlie H arbor Commission­ tlie court would l>c occupied for several by tlie name of Freeman, of Portland, lowing: “ Eli Perkins is a witness in ers to-day, aod they put tlie S tate’s claim I weeks. After introducing about fifteen carried ofl' our plans anil specifications the sheriff's case in Lane county. His for dockage into tlie hands of Attorney w itnesses tlie complainants rested yes­ and we are in tlie position of the ghost testimony wouldn’t be worth much in Stratton with instructions to take steps terday afternoon. Tliis morning tiie de- in tlie cellar, “ without a guide.” . fcQtjp rested tlieir case, w ithout calling The editor of this paper is a member some places.’’ to realize on it when tlie grand smash asi-.gie ..tn e s s . Tliis caused no sur­ of tlie S tate Senate. We secured an ap­ The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, comes. Much of th e rush for a settle­ prise. as tlie plaintiffs lind not proven propriation for this salmon hatchery. such as distress after eating, heartburn, ment is considered due to the complaints j fraud or collusion, even rem otely. Its plans were handed down hy Fish and occasional headaches, should not be of the small stockholders, who are charg­ About tlie only thing tiiat was proven neglected. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla ing tiiat they have been swindled in was tiiat tlie defendant, Noland, had Hnd Game Protector, H. D. McGuire, and be cured. tlie late sale of tlie company property, jicrformed a large am ount of services, and built by Col, Freeman, both of Portland. It was inconceivably gratify­ ¿X pert Simmons, who was employed where a plant worth ten millions was notw ithstanding th a t th e complaint al­ ing to all parties present when, some by the Grange Alliance committee in ] knocked down for a quarter of a million. leged tiiat he “ performed no services years ago, we, in company with several I will take, butter, eggs, meat, fruils, this county, and who is a nephew of one —San Francisco Examiner. w hatever.” men of the “ Faber,” went into tlio qf the committee, is lodged in the P ort­ As soon as it was learned th a t G. F. The stenographer will transcribe the Baldwin theater in San Francisco, with otatoes, and all kinds of vegetables as part payment for work. land jail for forgery.' Russell, th e school superintendent, had testim ony a t the earliest possible date, tlie artist who bad just, completed its F . M. Phipps has disposed of bis in ­ fled Sheriff Jackson began working up when the. referee will hear the argu­ frescoing. Viewing it for a moment, we G. B. COLLES, terest in th e Coatt Mail to W. U. Doug­ the case and since then has expended m ents of the attorneys in the case, s it­ all turned to th« marvelous designer of : las who hss taken charge of tiiat journal over $40 in telegraphing, all to Eastern ting in Eugene. Then he will tipd tlie such handsome uocit and expressed our The Florence Watch Doctor. as business manager. Success to Mr. points, among other places to Bushnell, law anti facts in the case and rejiort tfie adm iration.^ “ ) ’ said the Italian, III., where Russell once resided for a same to Judge Fullerton at the term of W c laid out the o ri/in a l town site of FLORENCE, including thu Douglas and the Mail. “ it is tiie fin fTTWFof frescoing in tlie while. Last night about 10 o ’clock the circuit court which convenes in Eugene, World except The supreme court unanimously de­ and that is in a tiiea- cided th a t the governor bad no right to sheriff received tlie following dispatch Monday, M arch 5, and he will order the ter in Milan; and I did i t .” So Col. I FOR 6 0 D AYS O N LY ! remove Mrs. Lease or appoint her suc­ I from B ushnell: “ I have your m a n ia judgm ent entered up.—Guard. Freem an, Mr. McGuire and I say that charge. What shall I do with him? N acres of land, mostly all 158 loo cessor, ns she was appointed for a year this hatchery is tlie finest on tlie Pacific S IB IL A N T S IL L IN E S S . ! Answer quick.” Signed hy J . H . Wea- Bottom land on tide water. and confirmed by tlie senate. -------- ] coast, and we did it. ' ver, city marshal. Requisition papers CASH $1050. CASH Sweet Sarah Sawyer's sickly sister strango as it may apjrcar, tliis coun- George O. Knowles has made bis final will be gotten out at once and the III. settlem ent, in the adm inistration of the officials will he telegraphed to hold Rus- Susan sat singing swiftly. Squire Sant- try can boast of some excellent Tlie owner of t liis property m ust raise dairy farms . Olsen estate, but on account of tlie heirs : sell under them . It is feared th at he son Seward’s son Sam strolled, smoking, the sum ot $1050 within 60 days, hence Qn U)e Xorth F(jrk o( t ,l(j Sius,aw this Bargain! not being yet represented, he is retained i will attem pt to get clear under a writ of sorrowfully seeking sweet Susan. Sud- and in charge of tlie property. Good title w arranted. | habeas corpus, but nothing will be left denly spying sad Susan anting singing, rivef ig, lari{e nuinber ellgBged in this nnJ W(J |n>ny of these If you have the cash, here is your , H ere is a pertinent tro th found in tlie ! undone to get liiui back to Albany. The Sam slouched slowly, stealing sunflow , And Offer lota in these part« from $50 to 1500. H arrisburg Courier: A cigarette with a most serious etiarge against him will be ers, searing sweet Sarah. Susan s ta rt­ dairy ranches in going to Seaton, while chance, so take advantage of this 60 days ing, screeched: young man attaelied is a bad combina­ forgery, and tliis means eeveral years in on tlie South, extending into Douglas forced sale! "Sam , stop stealing sunflowers; seek Write immediately or apply in person tion. Not for the brains, because it is the penitentiary, county, there are many more. Our cli­ Sheriff Jackson’s likely there are no brains in the combi­ , promptness in pushing the arrest of the some stale sandwiches I” m a t e , our pure m ountain spring water, for particulars to Sain seized several, swallowed seven, Joe Morris, Jr., nation. the nutritious grasses all are pertinent defaulting county ecliool superintendent sank slowly, sighing, “ So seasick.” Florence, Oregon. factors that go to make butter of excel­ M. F. P arker has traded a portion of is generally appreciated. He got on the Sweet Sarah sauntered slowly. See­ his Florence property to Scott M orns for right trail from the start, and without lent quality in this country. ing Sam so seasick, she said : Our timber resources are to he taken bis 160 acre farm at Spikenard, this making any noise about it, kept up the “ Sister Susan, sprinkle some smelling LA N E C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . into consideration for it forms a part, county. Mr. Morris will unove to Flor­ work until Russell was captured.—Alha- salts.” of the larger p art,o f the immediate pay­ ence with his family about April first. — j ny Democrat. To persons desiring reliable inform-1 F o r naie but everv lo t we o ile r is lo c a titi n c .r and in tlie buNÎnet» She sprinkled some salts, singing ing products of tlie Siuslaw, Often the ation regarding the wonderful resources Medford, Jaekson county, Mail. H E C E T A H E A D L1CHT. sweet songs. “ Sam survives,” spake line virgin forest» of fir and cedar tim- of Lane county, or for prices and terms ' The United States steamer Kearsarge Susan. She sobbed silently. j tier have been described in tliis paper, of grain, stock or fruit farms in the Tlie new light-house at Ileceta Head, was wrecked on Roncardor reel Feb. 2. Sam said; “ Susan, stop sobbing.” therefore it is only necessary to state Wlilnmette Valley or town property center and will bring good rental, if imp roved Tlie officers and crew were saved, but tiie lantern, lam p and lenses for which She stophed, shivered, sneezed sud­ tlie vessel, it is thought, is a total the crew of the Columbine had such a denly—so suddenly Sam shuddered. tiiat tlie last Government Engineer’s re­ cither in Eugene or Florence, e recom­ port places the area of these forests at mend you to correspond w it ii E. J. Fra­ wreck. She was one of the historical troublesome time landing on the ts-arli Somewhat startled, Susan said: WRITE U3 FOR PRICES. MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 381 square niiies. ; there a few months ago, is nearly com­ sier, secretary and manager of the Lane vessels of the American navy. “ Sweet Sam, sing some sail Sunday- In the m ailer of Government improvc- Co. Land A Ix,an Co , Eugene, Oregon. pleted, and will, about March 10, be School song.” David Morse., Sr., came down on the 1 menls. none will have a better effect Send for free of tlieir latest descri|itive Sam sang successfully. stage from Siuslaw. Mr. Morse is one ligiited. It will be a first order light, i upon tiie development of tlie country circulars. Read their ad. in another of the pioneer settlers of this county and flashing white every minute. The focal F A iR N IQ U N T , Ore C E O . M . M .L L E R &. Co., O. \Y. Sutton and family moved to his than the building of jetties already be­ part of tliis paper. is 80 years of age. H« carries iiis age re­ plane of the light will lie about gun. Seventy thousand dollars have m arkably well and displays more vigor 1210 feet above mean high water, farm the first of the week. T H E W E S T . MEIER & Cenerai Merchants. Teas Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, F J L R .1 Æ Coffee Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build­ ers’ Supplies. IM P L E M E N T S . ALWAYS TRADE AT «rABnv' Meyer & Kyle’s. i H THE FIR-CLAD CITY. Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a “ bee line” West from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS FOE, SALE! WATER FRONT, NO W II.ll CAT PROPERTY