The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, February 16, 1894, Image 2

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— —
I or the past few years toe Eastern
. — Hl B1.ISU4ÙD KT EH Y I'lU D A Y MOKX’IX«»,—
and Middle-W estern settlers have been
— AT—
im m igrating to tl.e Pacific coast by the
C -iM 'S T V .
O r ECOX. thousands each year. Some go to Call-
f 'i . o a r s c « .
G rain, some to Oregon and some to
NoTm.Mi speaks better tar th is town W ashington. Many go to our cities and
th a n the fact th u t nine muntii* of the towns and a few take lieuics wit our free
year Helmut is in WMiion.
land*. Even the Siuslaw Valley has
had a full share of these Imine-seekers,
N orntsu in surer than th a t tin' future anil they have received such warm wel­
o f a new country is founded upon the come th at they feel quite at home.
wealth of ita natural resources. Our
Many of our Eastern subscribers who
foundation ia aure here.
! have sold th eir farms, or are about to
S everal cities are now enjoying their st-‘l! them , wish to know w hether a far-
eoinm ittees of “ One H u n d red ." Down "*er witl1 “
cai“ u l " l!1
" cl*
Jiere we have a committee of one, ile corned, w hether he will find himself
among friendly people, w hether his
can out-growl any one hundred.
} children can receive a good education,
W E S T .
•• ,• admits in the preface to the volume
th at he is sumewhut disappointed in not
ab|,, «, connect more d.-tiuctly
tll;||l bt. | ias doIlt. ldg conclusions in the
(>f (,t |licg
principles of
evolution> These are his words: “The
lhjrtrinc of Evolution has not furnished
gu;dauce to (j*. extent I luvl hoped,
5jogt of t he conclusions, draw n empiri-
(,aHy> a n , <ncb aM rig b, (eelings, cnlight-
also common sense, fn bis concluding
volume at least Mr. Spencer lias given
us something that every body can u n ­
derstand, and th at nil may peruse with
The In co m itts a n i O u tg a ln j F re ig h t
F rom F lorence S ta tis tic a lly S ta te d .
DAT« ‘»F
I ‘ PNS.
A l i a i V’L
M liü h .
M F re e
T ra d ì
ID D a n i e ls o n
...2 3
I e h . It A m e t h y - t
. 9
27 D u iiie lg o n
I t A m e th y s t
18 M a ry G i l b e r t
A m etliV H t
21 G e m
M uy
2 D a n ie lM in
30 M t r y < l i l i j e n
J u l y 12 M n rv B i d w ’ l
A nt; 8 ( .
S t if le u s
8 < h e te o
8 M a ry G ilb t rt
7 M a r v B i d u ’1
12 C h e l e o
O c t. 27 C h e l e o
N ov. n T h e resa
D e c . 5 D e l N o r te .
6 D t in i e l s t i i i. i
16 F r e e f r o d e 1
M ar.
A p r.
10« M. J a n y .
123 *. . i.
•• F e b y .
•27 12:1 .. M a n h
.. j M
1 « 93
21 10.5 •• K pril
19 69
■■ M »y
2 17.8 ..
Il 124
25 121 .. 1 ..
6 98
“ J u ly
32 97
“ A ug
lrt 150 t»
19 132 “ S e p t
28 91
.32 l.G t»
.2«) 144 •• X o v
. 32 83
D ec
.23 125
t l 123 t*
11 118 ». j ..
1 4
-------Just Received at the-------
enod by cultivated intelligence, had al­
ready sufficed to eatahl ah,” The com­
F IC U R E S ' B E S T C O M M E N T A R IE S .
T o t a l.
ment thut many a reader of this volume
*85 2, *6' .000
will be apt to make, especially in con­
nection with tlte latter chapters, is that, Y o u C a n S en a t a IJlannn t h e l * r » a r e . . l a n
XotionB, Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, Grass Seeds, Hard­
o f T r a d e , U n til In M e r e a n t lir ,
I n f r e i g h t b y S a il, IMI t o .a
ì. i - u i . I 1 - Un -
<pcUvL.r has nothing more to of-
T im b e r , S h ip ld n g a m i F i s h ­
S t e a m e r 1,055 “
Util “
Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, Turpentine, Colorings &c. &c.
fer the world in the way of ethical doc­
in g I n d u s t r i e , H e r e .
T o t a l,
I.*),!» ••
Take a Look at our
, r ;ne tbaI) w bat, is here presented, he
! T o t a l A m o u n t o f L u m b e r M a n u f a c t u r e d fo r
, .
i fe e t.
Much care lias been observed during l . ' - c a l tiT u !< ' a : i< l E x p o r t ,
m{ght haye fpared llinigcif a Vast
N u m b e r " f S a i l i n g V c-w els A r r iv i n g , 21. D p t . , 21
auiount o{ vcrv laborious study. The the past four years by this paper in
“ 83
keeping accurate account of the pro-
I t m w 1« rem embered, in order to and w hether his effects can be snipped HtudeI)t todg through First Principles, grecsion ill our trade, lumber resources, T o t a l ...................................................
In Dry and Fancy goods, wo have Ladies’ and Gents’ Shirts and
l »»tai N u m b e r to A r r iv e a n d D e p a r t
appreciate the full value of a life in thia to Florence.
toils through The Principles of rsychol- dairying and other employments, hut T o t a l A m o u n t o f S a l m o n C a n n e d , c « < e s, :2.oo0
A m o u n t o f M o n e y E .\|« e n d e d f u r L a b o r , ?25,iflx) Drawers, Wool and Cotton, Marseilles Quilts, Flannels and woolen
country, th a t we have aoft, pure spring
iw ,0 0 0
To all these questions we answer, yes. ()gy_ I[1(JBt abstract and ab stru se-w ad es our advantages for some of this work T o t a l V a l u e o f ( a im e d i-a lm o n
Dress goods. Look at our large stock of
w ater in all parta of our territory.
Our people are generous, hospitable and througl> tlje principles of Sociology, have been limited.
But, fortunately?the reports we have
well-informed. You will scarcely find a 1,|a(.terg (he I)uta of E thics and The In-
made have bad the stim ulating effect of
How doea it aound to those residents
community in any country th at is mo:e du(.tiong oj Ethics, and then having ar- inducing otlmrs.
tie in a position to
of a State more frigid th an thia, to be devoted to education than are toe people rivt(j at tbe cnj of
very, Iwhoruuis. ■( ;
, t »4ir
B lack , W h ite anti G rey.
sal A nd selected .)
told th a t people here are now busily en ­ in this Valley. School-houses may be courBe| fil|dg tbBt wbjie the conclusions boats tin ! the ex i am ount of merefian-
gaged in planting their garden seeds.
I’lusli, velvets, silks, gimps and fancy trimmings. Hosiery, gloves,
found in nearly every nvighboi hood, (|,.awn by the em inent philosopher are -lise brought by ach, togetiier with a
To bo gentle is tbe test of a lady.
ribbons, saxony yarn, anil hundreds of other choice articles.
T he Southern States have formed a j and our county seat is the home of y(jry tound and valuable, and are ex­
To govern one’s self, not others, is
lumber shipped, therefore we are placed
plan to solve the Negro question, A scholarly preparation, the State 1 n ite r- prel!g(,d wjtb much earnestness, they under obligations for tbe information true glory.
company has been formed in Alabama, j aily being there, and students are ad-
on|y HU( t0 uge | dg own worj g( ag found in the following tables, to Mr.
Reforms are like rivers—they are riv­
fccli|,ggi en | ig|,tened by culti- W i n . Kvle of this city.
with a cnpital stuck of $10ü,(XX), to ex-
ulets first.
The most noteworthy fact to be found
’ has been built during the past year, in I yatwJ | ntelUgc(Ke> bgve already sufficed
j>ort Negroes to I.iberia.
It is greater to be faithful than to be
the appended tables is the steady in­
I which board and lodging may lie had for j (q egtab, igh?. b then a)1 thc previous
crease, during tl.e past year, of goods j famous.
O lb society, in the m ain, is a corn- L notninal sum of money.
L b o r , O B t?
W c , )O p e n o t .
w h atover
sold in Florence, Glenada, Acme and
We m ust not be -in looking for results
w endable one, in th a t we have no acrid | T ruthfully it can be said th at the e n - ! may
thoug,it of y, r Spcneer.g gygteni Seaton, notw ithstanding the financial
too quickly.
differences of religion or p i t i e s . We ^ „ ¡ s i n g and energetic people who are a(j ft
or w,iatever niay bc thought stringency of the past twelve m onths.
P rayer is tbe chief thing th a t a man
are all for our country, and such feelings p oking this way for homes, will make o{ ,lig attitude towardg the philosophies The same condition of affairs cannot he
present to God.
set up an independent state of politics in the mos t of the wonderful natural r t - : aIl(1 c m ,dg f,f tl.e past, no one acquaint- said of many other places. It m ust be
Wisdom is otttimes nearer when we
understood that the tons of incoming
K eeps a fu ll lin e o f E x tr a Q u a lity
borne m utters.
sources with which the Siuslaw \ alley
wjtb bbj wrjtings can deny that from freight under the head of “ m erchan­ stoop than when we soar.
is endowed. The people of older states liis own point of view he lias made a dise" include only w hat is sold a t the
¿Vs every thread of gold is valuable, so
T he Florence W est is entitled to a
will find here immense areas of the fin­ very complete analysis of the laws and various stores on the Siuslaw. As all
good support from the business men and
| is every m inute of time.
est tim bered kinds in the world, with conditions that govern the development freight bills are collected in Florence it
In every soul is a slabless grave where
property owners generally of Eugene.
deep rich soil in th e sm all valleys, of life ami thought. Even though lie is easily discoverable th a t in knowing
T hat paper’s support of the State Uni­
the exact amount th at arrives is in keep­ some fond hopes lie sleeping.
plenty of running water and cheap fuel. had never drawn any ethical conclusions
ing the account.
versity was especially timely and to the
There must be love back of the hand
I As before intim ated the school system his general system of philosophy would
It is quite true th a t aside from the th at is readied out to save another.
point.—Eugene Guard.
; is good, taxation not high. Oi course if have had a powerful moral influence lumber and salmon exports, consider­
H appiness is a roadside flower grow­
H e is to be pitied who cannot take a I il family settles in a new district where of its own through the intellectual a tti­ able output in other commodities could ing on the highways of usefulness.
rational pleasure in the events th a t have there are no neighbors near at band tude it would have induced in its adher­ escape the ever so vigilant a statistician,
The best education in the world i i
for they could he loaded on boats bound
given us the rich benefits for knowledge ! they cannot expect to have a good ents. Some of Mr. Spencer’s followers, for San Francisco w ithout the knowl­ that got by struggling to get a living.
Goods as Represented.
Prices W ill be Found Reasonable,
at the State University, mid planted 5 school nt once, but there aru many indeed, may lx* disposed to think that edge of people interested in such statis­
Buy w hat thou hast no need of, and
th at home for eulture under the white places where there are settlers and good he would have done better bud be tical m atters. The shippers themselves ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries.
n A N A e s f e ..
too often take little heed of the benefits
ensign of Lunb county.
I schools already established, and in the
stopped short with bis exposition of the
A craving for sym pathy is the com­
— — — — — —w
- more sparsely Mettled districts settler« laws of individual and social develop­ to be derived in giving to the world a
full and complete statem ent of im ports mon boundary line between joy ami sor-
T ub pro|>oBition to annex the Indian will not have long to wait for neighbors, m ent and not have undertaken to say and exports, and it is a notable fact that
‘ row.-
territory to Oklahoma and adm it both i A very good plan is for a num ber of w hat lines of conduct were indicated by some men never keep an account of
Life appears to be too short to be
O 9
territories u* one State is lieing opposed families to arrange to go together to a a theory so-vast, so comprehensive and, their own affairs, and in such cases it is
spent in animosity or registering wrong.
by some of the influential chiefs among ' new country. When, one family goes in a manner, so remote as thut of evolu­ not strange that they do not keep ac­
15c not afraid of enthusiasm ; you need
counts in public affairs.
the four civilised tribes, whose power alone it is better to seek a district that tion. For our own part, w.i welcome the
• •
Another feature of tbe situation m ust I it; you can do nothing effectually w ith­
would lie lost should the annexation is already settled. It is not easy to find present volume on the simple grorn.d that lx1 considered. A large portion of our
out it.-
scheme lxj carried out.
- government land in well settled districts it contains much th at every one can read populace is engaged directly or in d i­
He who puts a bad construction on a
. ! hut it can- bo purchased- a t reasonable with profit. U nder the head of Justice rectly in industries other than farming,
good act, reveals his own wickedness of
W ith every forward step of civlliaa- prices.
therefore tl^ t '“ -s of tbe soil find a
there is an exhaustive analysis of thc home m arker for nearly all their pro­ heart.
taon, education forms n potent part. | Ful] in form ation can bo obtained
Language cannot express to any one
Here in Lane county we have thc high-1 about our city alld colinlry by writing rights which every hum an being can duce.
T here are other interesting lessons to much beyond w hat lie has lived or ex­
est standard of public schools and t h e j any rtdinhle firm here, whose ndvcrtlse- claim ; and the im portant point is made
M e n ’s S u i t s f r o m ..................... |6 00 t o $10.00
G o o d C a n t o n F l a n n e l ................................
th at political rights, so-called, for which lx; learned in tlie gradual growth of 6ur perienced.
3.(i0 to 8.50
B e t te r q u a l i t y C a n t o n F l a n n e l .............
10c Y o u t h ’s S u i ts f r o m .................
titate University, forming a combina­ m ents cun he found in this paper.
M e n ’s S h o e s f r o m ...................
1.00 t o 3.00
A p r o n C h e e k G i n g h a m s .........................
so mil. h zeal is at times displayed, are trade. It is a sure sign of increasing
Metal will certainly ru st if not used,
2.50 t o 5.00
D re s s U i n g l i u m s ............................................
10e M e n ’s B o o ts , f r o m .......................
tion for a thorough education seldom
population, and the people come because
1.00 to 2.00
A tint- b it o f S t a n d a r d P r i n t s
G’ iCc. B o y s ’ B o o ts f r o m .....................
8.25 t o 3.50
SPENCER ON BENEF- not rights in the true and natural sense they can see that when our harbof is im- and the body will assuredly become di­
D tm b le f o ld D ro ss F l a n n e l ...................
*26c M e n ’s R u b b e r II u n t i n g B o o ts
enjoyed in other localities.
K n e e B (»ots,
E le tp in t O u t i n g F l a n n e l
......... l-’^ e
at all, but only m eans or measures to­ I proved larger vessels can cross the bar, seased if not exercised.
s o m e th in g E le g a n t
l l a m l k t r u h i e f s f r o m 5e u p w a r d .
3 .2 5 to 3.50
L a d ie s ’ S h o e s fro m
1.25 t o 2.50 M e n ’s R u b b e r f l i p B o o ts
wards the securing of natural rights. and ships with greater carrying capacity
The hero never asks, w hat will people
O ra sister tow n of G ardiner has suf­
M a li’s R u b b e r B o o ts , S h o r t
111 M u llle rs '.fo r H o l i d a y P r e s e n t s , w e
3.00 t o 3.25
B o y s ’ R u h lte r H u n t i n g B o o ts
c a n s h o w y o u 'a t in e l o t to s e le c t
Mr. H erbert Spencer bus lately given It is because a man wants to have bis are of a twofold benefit; they not only think of m e if I do these things, but
fered an almost irreparable loss in the
B oys’ “
S to r m K i n g B o o ts
f ro m .
augm ent the amount of our lum ber ex­
M e n ’s R u b b e r s .............................
A t in e l i n e o f L a d i e s ’, G e n t s ’ a m i c h i l ­
w hat w ill I think of tnyself'if I do not do
wrecking of the fine vessel W. E. Jew- to the world the tenth and concluding actions free from undue control, and bis
L a d i e s ’ a n d C h i l d r e n ’s R u b b e r s i n a l l s iz e s
d r e n 's U N D E R W E A R a t a s t o n i s h ­
ports comparatively with their size, but
a n d a t lo w e s t p r ic e s .
G e n ts ’ a n d L a d ie s ' M a c in to sh e s , a n d C i r c u -
ott. The com puny owning lier, as well volume of his system of philosophy. In life, property and reputation duly pro­ their running expenses are less and ; them ?
C h i l d r e n ’s S h o e s a t p r ic e s t h a t d e f y
l a r s f o r S c h o o l G i r ls .
c o m p e titio n .
It has been rightly said: Nothing is
as the citizens of the town, can be as­ consideration of bis failing hcultli am! tected, that- be may property demand freight rates reduced from tbe m axi­
! easier than to tell sofue one else w hat to
sured of many expressions of sym pathy the greater practical im portance, in liis the suffrage. Yet bow commonly the mum to tlie minimum.
We particularly call your attention to ’ do, nothing harder than to show him
opinion, of tiie division of his work deal­ ultim ate, indefeasible rights of hum an­
by the residents of Florence.
1 1 . s — - i
ing with ethics, Mr. Spencer resolved ity are overlooked in the w rangle over tbe num lier of times boats have crossed i how to do it.
T he state of orderly progress and dif­ some years ago to leave one of his in ter­ political rights. How feeble, for exam­ in and out from this place, ull told 100
The h eart is always hungry. No man
times. Read all the tables.
fused prosjxirity which inis fairly mediate volumes unw ritten, and apply ple, in most countries having represen­
In some oi tbe years th a t have past ; lives happily alone. The wisest and the
reached its first blush in the Siuslaw him self to those on ethics, which were tative institutions, is the interest felt much larger show ing conld lie made in best is wiser and better for thc friends
country, lias promoted our standing to conclude thc scries. Having now in the adm inistration of justice—a m at­ onr catch of salmon, but when compared ■ lie has.
wonderfully.. Taking a general view of given these to the world he will at once ter which most intim ately concerns hu­ with other places, whose pretentions are I G reatness consists not in w hat one
Dealer in
th e position, it. is evident th at the far­ it is understood, begin work on the man rigbts-^compured with th at taken i greater, our Siuslaw river ranks high. ' has, but ill w hat use one makes of his
Tlie Rose H ill cannery is situated a
mer has done very well and, what has omitted volume, which there is reason in the bringing forward of this or that short distance up tlie river from Flor­ ' jiossessions—not in capacity but in a
not always been a concomitant of that to hope it may lx1 in Ins power to finish. candidate at an election? A train w ill ence and is owned by Samuel Elmore, , riglit exercise of th at capacity.
C a rp e ts,
G la ssw a re ,
G e n ts’
state of things, ho lias paid and is pay­ Even w ithout it, however, the synthetic b ' “ held up” by masked robbers, valu- | of Astoria. To tlie gentlem anly m ana­
Never le t any man ’ imagine th at lie
B oots a n d
F u r n is h in g
G ro ceries,
ing his bills fairly.
philosophy, us Mr. Hpencer calls liis sys- able livc„ wil) jB, |OBt> Bnd a largt, ger, Mr. P. J . Sliistad, w e are enabled can pursue a good end by evil means,
to give authentic report of the pack at
E tc . E tc .
lx rotxT of filet, it is our opinion th a t I ,em ' ’’ tolvr“1J* «
The ,ir'" ! am ount of treasure will be stolen, yet, u
th at cannery and tlie am ount of money w ithout sinning against his own soul.
in the near future we will witness „ 'o k im e, which bears the special title o f l fvwdBVg
tbe event) th „ w,,oIe exjiended here for labor.
• Any other issue is doubtful; the evil ef­
Headquarters for
v ast movement, destined and irrepressi-l Eir*t
« itli tlie funda- t | ling wdl u . disilliwt,i froln ^ . p l e ’s
The Florence C anning Company of fect on himself is certain.
ble, which ciuiuot and will not stop un-
or ‘“"»»“'I’t*«” 1»
m in d s ; hut bring on an election and a Mcver A Kyle is one of the features of
onr town, and this firm furnished us tbe
til it brings tbe desired capital and
and the n n « t comprehensive iUbjeet for .onversation is provided for
Highest Price Paid for Country Produce.
riqxirt of th eir work, and to obviate any
laws of the pliysieal universe. ri'*' j days and weeks, and not only of conver-
ill will th a t might grow out of separate
people to this part of Oregon. T h e ,
E U G E N E , ................................................. OREGON.
movement by the Siuslaw people to nCXt
,l>'' satimi but often of fierce and prolonged re|xirts, we iiavtl grouped tlie two and
they will be found in joint sums. Both Rosults from ta k in g Hood’s
more fully inlorn. the- world what we - f u t u r e ami development of mind, and Htnigg|e.
these salmon canneries are tlie pride of
, the two following with the lawn of b io l-,
are and what we have, is receiving its
The cardinal principle of justice, ac­ the people here, and the excellent qual­
second great impulse, and it will prove J*’*1' " r l,r*:‘lnl
cording to Mr. bjx'nccr, is th at rewards ity of the fish taken and canned is none
1 undertake« to exhibit the Principles of
the key to unlix'k our natural wealth.
should Is- proportioned to services and the less Bati«*’ 'r torv. to those who eat
them .
«, e W * *
■ •
> I
, . ,
M ’
t i l i »V > , l » or
l the
I lit
lit n O U
P ill l it i
l develop-
it t I ll'l'
. i iology,
of l social
Fooii on all aidus, like the light that
punishm ents to shortcomings. Bv the
f ■ i m
m i ent.
nt. Two volumes of the three appro
.1. t- ... 1.111 . 1 i n . .1 I
We call thc attention oi Stnte Fish
steals from lull to lull at the break of |
general observance of this rule, he
and Game Protector, II. D. McGuire, to
printed to this section have already ap-
duwn, the inarch of civilization will
claims, more happiness will be secured the following report, which is authentic,
pearinl; th e third is the one upon which
come this way with a constantly swifter
than in any other way. He admits, and tru st that he will incorporate if into
Mr. Spencer is now engagi'd. The final
step. Florence, taking its geographical
however, th a t there are eases in which his report to lx1 presented to the next
division is devoted to the Principles of!
situation into consideration, must play
a voluntary Ix'iicticence may be exer­ legislative assembly.
Ethics and consists of two volumes.
a great part in tlio commerce and his­
cised without violating the principle of
P a t é O r A m u N a m b o f s t e a m e r s , in ft out
The iirst section of the first of these two
T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D & L O A N CO.,
tory of Oregon.
justice. Thc stronger individuals in a v a i . a n i » P vt
m u s . ft i . r
volumes consists of the famous Pata of
community may, under certain circum­ J - n m i r y 28
E ven in th e ordinary attem pt to write Ethics which, on its uppenrunce in 1879,
F v b y . Id to 12
Re vl carefully the following affidavits by prom inent citizens regarding Flor­
stances, not put forth their full strength
•• 20 to 22
thc resources oi a country, thc writer created a great am ount of discussion.1
M a rc h 5 to 7
ence pri'perty, noiv on the m arket at wonderfully reduced prices:
for their own exclusive benefit, if by so
9 t.» 17
9 '
writes it ns lie soes it, mid if his obser- Since th at date Mr. Spencer has been
A p ril to to 19
doing they woul«l injure and «liscouragc M ay 10 to 18
vation is brink« 1 and far-reaching, he is struggling with the most serious physi-
J u lie 3 to 7
others who, but tor un excessive compe- ” 20 to 23
I hereby certify th at I was the original owner of the property known as Frasier
sure to bring down adverse «ritieism cal disability; and only with extreme
J u l y 3 to 5
tition wouM enjoy a go<Al measure oft •• I « t o 17
and B erry's part of Florence, which E . J . Frsier is now offering for sale. T hat the
from those of lesser and narrower jwr- difficulty has he been able fo carry on
25 t o 30
same is level and free from drifting sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel
success. Mr. Spencer lmlds that busi­ A u g u s t 8 to I;',
eeptions. In setting forth what this his work. It was, indeed, hardly antic-
•• 1 i t o I?
upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J.'G . S tivxxsox ,
M r. Chaa. W a lk e r
ness advantages should not always b e '
•• 18 t o 19
Gl S a n F r a n c i s c o .
country possesses th at lends rest to a ipated at one time that he would ever be
“ 24 t o 27
Supt. Public Schools, Lanfe cdunty.
pushed to their utmost limits, w hether I
* tr. E l m o r e
n arrato r’s story, we have Iwen censured able to bring Ins Principles of Ethics to
S e p t. 1 to 2
s t r . R ohurtH
• • F o r s e v e r a l y e a r s I hare been troubled with
in th e way of ««»mpetition, or thc severe
” 10 to 12
j SRA!. j
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th
•• '
30 blotches and p i tn p lc s c u m y f a c e a n d b o d y ,
for being “ visionary,” hut year uber a eonclusron. He has actomplished
“ 20 to 22
day of March, 1892,
J osbi h A. M orris ,
ic h w e r e v e r y a n n o y in g . I t r i e d s e v e r a l p r e -
interpretation of contracts that are un­
Notary Public
G e t. 18 to 19
40 s c r ip tio n n , a n d a l« o o t h e r m e d i c in e s , b u t U rey
year as these resources unfold them - [ this, however, and, as his latest piibli*
s i r . K lm b re
• 19 to 20
duly «llsadVantugcous' to one part, or in
s t r . H o ls » « »
selves and awaken a broader interest, 1 cation is one of considerable general in-
'• 21 to 21
•• 25 to 27
any other wav. W hen individual eiti-
Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I have been a resident of Flor
tlie skeptics have as gradually ditnin- terest, wx; prop«»se to give a brief ac-
“ 30 t«» 1st
s s
xens feel a sufficient interest in the well- “ 1
S ir. K iro o n »
ence, Ijine County, Oregon, for the past twelve years; th at I am fam iliar and wel
ishe<L We only advert to this cxjhtì - count of it.
N o v 11 to 11
27 dt 1 not seem to b e n e f i t m e. L a s t f a l l a friend
s t r . Ilolw trt*
35 a d v h e d ! '■ •!» t r v H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a . 1 w a s acquainted with the property known as “ Frasier and B erry’s part of Florence,’
tieiug of the state to U» prepare«! to as- ‘ •• 15 A. 21
45 d e te r m i n e d t o g iv e it
ence for the lesson. Skepticism never
31 i
•• 24 to »
Tbe first and larger part of tbe vol-
th at the same is adm irably suited for resilience property, being perfectly level and
A T h o ro u g h T r ia l.
(li<l any thing but not tsdimo. It newer ume deals with the subject of Justice, sume hunlens, and even incur tem por­ ’• 6 t o 11
free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in the soil and
•• 26
1.5 A f t e r using tw o b o ttle « , m y s k in r e t u r n e d t o I ts
that pure well water is found on the sam e at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet.
built liouu’S, anlslucd forests, cleared This section was publish«*«! separately ary enmities, for the sake of cheeking M 20 to 30
31 n a t u r a l » L ite .
s t r . K «»l*rt»
I s t i l l u s e IL a s i t f i v e s m a
J oseph A. M orris , Merchant.
s t r e .i : ih a n I v i.:o r. I n e v e r h a 1 b e l t r h e a l t h
soils, vstablishtsl factories, (oeter<*d pros- two y e a n ago, so that the only |>ortinn the mis«ievds of governing bodies,
F A L L <fc W IN T E R
Dry and Fancy Goods;
TF’ tj . ï '
T r im m in g s !
★ Great White Stare nf ★
Knowles & Gettys,
The Old Reliable
----------- —
of J. H. M cClung
E T J <3- E JST E ,
“ I L E A D , B U T N E V E R F O L L O W !’’
S. H. Friendly
C l o t h in g ,
R ic h R e d B S co d
For Bargains in Real Property
T o t a l N o. o f r o n » I n « i» < I O u t Fr« ig ’t
jwrity nor evoked enthusiasm in any of I of the pres«*nt volume that is entirely w hether municipal or national, we shall
the affairs of life. I t Is the twin sister new is the latter half which discusses have an approach to a perici t political
to growler anti grum bler.
the subject of lk neficence. Mr. Spen- ‘ on'htion. If this is philosophy it is
9 f l.
V R R IV AI S. D E P A R T I R F S . S A IL IN G V E S S E L «
From Jany. 1, |Sl>3, to Der. 91, 1803.
in m y h e. a n 1 I o w e it i.> t a k i n g II.» h I' s B a r s » .
1 'i r i l l . V « h a - W a i k k k . v .it h C a rv iU M Ifi.
C o ., 4 8 E i g h th s t r e e t , S a n F r a n . isc o .
H o c d ’o PII13 arc the best aftcr-dinnef
P fils, a s sist «U g^U ou, e j e Uceda- Le.
Subscribed and sworn to liefnre tne this 12th day
day of March, 1892.
L. B ii . vrv ,
Notary Public'.’