) T he title of deathly is turning fa»« | The habit of lin . V a tow ards Florence. All sorts of ac- push, energy, plue!:. 1 is the news < cum ulation of facts point th a t way granary of the. c mi n u i - le i nrJi Vol. IV. J ii MgSS GAf-i THE DAYS THAT ARE' NO MORE. T R A V E L F R S ’ GUIDE. Oil! to have livodtwheu . a n li STATE JFFìCERS. a s } nuog. A nd everythin,« ’• Hi .raiiiur. W h en b e a r .a n I n , r , . | „ ■ haul s. A nd snakes v.'^re not aLinnii.gl Q-JLZRIDIZISrZEZR. W h en every dag the sun b'.iono out The whole w< rid went n-M ij i », A nd lovely niaijsio n evory L i . i T hrough fores'll dense were btrayinjjl S T A G E B IN D , ¡ te n a d a ) H. H . B arrett, Prop r, J A I Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days an«l Fridays. Arrives at Florence lues« lays, T hurs­ days ami Sat unlays. Connects with Steam er and Seotts- J burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with I Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge , All my work will.I k * warranted to give reasonable. satisfaction. Call on or write to me at ContractBr aid Builder. COUNTY OFFICERS. *. re. Flore W H 2 3 M Ä N B R O S .’ S ta g s JO H N C. G RA Y , Coniniissiüucr« _ ■ Dental Surgery. Praetical W atchmaker W h ism a n i n d D ealer in Fine W atches and Jew elry E 3 v ig © n © B. F . Alley P resid en t. Oscar Funke O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle M. F. Phillips ¡Board of Trustees R ecorder..............................Frank Wilson T reasu rer.................Leonard Christensen M arshal............................... C. B. Morgan Justice of Peace......... H. M. Chamberlin - • S te a m e r H E N R Y A. BAY, A g en t State Insurance Comp’y Of Salem, Oregon. T his is th e leading insurance com pany of the I’aciliu «»oast. Assets a <« Barter of a m illion do l­ lars. Private dw ellings and farm property a specialty. Address me at G ardiner, Oregon, and I will c all upon you and insure your property. Old to Lave known the tim e w lien tears W ere alw ays tu rn e d to laughter. Ami g rief to joy, a n d people lived H appily ever at'lerl —New Y ork Tribune. R o baris F lorence to V annino. 1 Passenger and Freight Kates _____________ — —— _ I JpBF*Tables furnished with all the del­ M eyer & Kyie, F lo re n c e , O r. icacies of the season. Wild game, Fish RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, and F ru it in season. Best accommoda­ Oregon. Sahbath seraice. Sabbath- “ C O O ,’ scliool, 10 o'clock a. in. Preaching 11 tions for the traveling public. Charges S T E A M i i ? •o'clock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacram ent of reasonable. o------- Will m a k e ---------o th e Lord’s supper on 1st Sahhatli of Jan u ary , April, July and October. Everybody is w elcome to all th e services. flR S T RATIONAL JANK R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S Pastor requests Christiuns to make —»• B etw een ----- them selves known. OF EUGENE. I. G. K notts , Pastor. P T . G. HENDRICKS. P res . SECRET SOCIETIES. S B. EAKIN. J r .. C a s h r PAID UP OA8H CAPITAL, 8U RPLU 8 AND PRO FIT8, 111. A C C O U N TS EUGENE, $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 S O L IC IT E D - - Florence and Hoad of Tide. G eneral office a t Seaton. K N O W L E S , N E E L Y and G E T T Y S, O w ner«. OREGON. E. HAM ON, C ’othier. le T oing EAST AND THE S o u th e r n P a c ific Co. HATS J. L. F ubnish , Commander. O. U. W. Perpeta* Lodge, No. 131, ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays each month. Members and visiting O. brethren in good standing are cordially invited toatten d . A. F. 11 cud , M. W. A 8:30 it in Lv 2:30 P in Lv 5:.5«) P Hl Ar Florence W. Portland Eugene Koaeburg D in in g C a ra o n O g d e n D m C. D . T H O M A S , HURD, PROPRIETOR. 1 And Collector. Office tw o doors west of Florenoe IlnRel. srio rerxo e, O regon. OREGON. and O regon , TICKETS <3 m . 0. Know!«, Cnu. G.tty, K N O W LES & GETTY S, Notaries I’ublic, - - C regon. ATTORNEYS. e constructed and in which accom m odations arc both free and funiM ied for holders of F irst and S eco n d class Ticket; , and ELEGANT DAY COACHES - m. Though &-*•/*» ' ' »n.p, lTfTve,'ii?mT?Hmte n-.'i-tn'iue. Old to have lived w hen beggar men G reat kingdoms could in h erit, W hen princesses could m a rry c h u rls. A nd wishing was a me rid S A IL S W . W . N E E L Y , P ro p ’r, M Oh! to have beet» for one hour on A m agic c a r p tt .• tine, A nd in the tw fijfli , oi an eye F rom land to > tlio p. l. it lag! Oh! to have Lad the lam ps, the rings T h a t friendly gJnd granted! Old to have met th o faw ns a nd swans W hich a lw aj s w ere enchanted! O re g o n . CHURCH DIRECTORY. ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH service. Preaching at Glenada ev­ e ry 2nd arid 4th Sabbaths at 11 a. P rayer meeting Thursday, 7 p. ui. Flor­ ence: Preaching, 7:30 p. ■«. Prayer m eeting, Friday, 7 p. m. l't. Terrace: Preaching 1st and 3d Sabbaths 11 a. ui. Seaton, same, 3 p. in. All welcome. G W, Q uimby , Pastor. Oh! to have ow f d the pur , w hich W illi gold w e fi ill. a; s fJtgt’uiligl Oh! t.> L a . e sa« n th«> L i.rka cam e To every b a v f s e trisi'nlng. A • .Jam es Parker Over Lake Creek Road, C lerk ............................... W. R. Walker The best work a t the m ost Reasonable Prices. Office over Grange Store. S heriff.................. ..............J . E Noland B E T W E E N E I G E N E A H E A D o f T ID E . - - O re g o n . T reasu rer........................... Frank Reisner E u g e n e A ssessor................................... McPherson Leave E ugene Monday and T hursday morn •School Superintendent. J. G Stevenson H O R A C E N. C R A IN , lugs. S u ru ey o r.................... ........ .C. M. Collier Leave H ead of Tide Tuesday and Friday at noon. C oroner................................. J. W. H arris CITY OFFICERS. OL! to have know n the p - e i - s k n ig h ts W ho v e n t o u M r on kiili;,-.;. A nd who to feUCtiw i.innt .• .co D istressed w ere more th a n willing! J u s t to havo na»> a gi uv A. H . Fisk . Eli Perkins J u d g e ................. R < J i ¡1. D. C G overnor.................... Svtveetcr I'.sin. vet Secretary of Slate . .Geo. W. McBriih- T reasnrer.................... Philip Meiciieo Bupt. Public Instruction E.U. McEirip S tate P rin te r............... Frank C. Baker I .................W. p. Load Suprem e Court } ......... K A Bean ) ...............F. A. Moore Ju d g e Second District J . C. Fullerton A ttorney Second District S. W. Condon THE RED SCOURGE. On the shores of the groat inland s. a, rior, thore lived many years Lake s ,,perit ago a tall, íe¡ fearless Indian and his wife. They had one son, about 16 years old, who had listened to eo many of the wild legends of the tribe that the de­ mon tear had taken linn hold of him. One dark night his father returned from the hunt, tired and thirsty, lie asked Odshi cioph, which was the son's name, and meant ,Strong Wishes, to go to the river lo r some w ater. The hoy reiused, saying ho was afraid, and neither threats nof persuasion could move him from his resolution. At last tho lather said, with a sigh: “ Ah! my son, 1 had hoped it would bo your mission to kill Hah-Undo-Tah, and thus rid our tribe of a pow eitul en­ emy. Tho wise men have said this would ho done by one et our family, hut either they have tailid in their prophecies or it will not come to pars for another generation." Odshedoph had heard much of the evil wrought by Hah-Undo-Tah, . r the Red Sorcerer, a powerful chief living on an island out i i e big w ain , ¡mil who sallied fort^T^V, ' a murderous expeditious, to the 1. >r o f the north­ ern tribes. The b km w th at who­ ever should rid the earth of this mon­ ster would bo made the greatest living chief, lie had nevi r heard before of the prediction just n peati d by bis la ­ ther, and this filhd him with new am ­ bition. B ut how could he, a hoy afraid to go to the river in tho dark, hope to do this great deed? /All night ho sat thinking about it, tho taunts of his par, nis rankling in his breast. At daybreak lie start d west­ ward, taking only liis bow and arrows, w ith which he «upplied himself with food. On the third night, just as ho had laid down to rest, ho In aid a rum ­ bling noise anil lexikilig about saw emoke issuing from a hollow near by. Going hastily tow ard it, ho saw all Indian lodge in the door of whieh stood no i.i.l woman whom Odshedoph recognized us the old woman who mala s war. From time to time sho struck her staff upon the ground, ar.d this had caused tho noise he h ard. The stuff was ornaincn.od with the heads of birds, and every tim e she struck the earth with it tho birds sounded their differ­ ent notes. W in n the old witch entered the lodge, Odshedoph crept nearer, .'-he lo c k o il her cloak, fringed with tile scalps of women, uml when she shook it the scalps uttered shouts of laughter. Od­ shedoph was now pi ering in at the door, when tho old woman tarn 1 suddenly upon him. lie was too nmeh fright­ ened to run, even wlu n she approached him and laid a hand on his shouldi r. Looking at him kindly, she told him sho had watched him ever since ho 1 ft his father's lodge. After she had given him supper and lie laid tol l her how he came to leave home, she said: “ Were you real • afraid to go to tin river in the dark “ Yes, F .' wired Odshedoph. At this to . eh sho k her staff and clonk, a 1 •• birds Bad tho scalps made u h ,! in. “ Are you afraid now?" asked tho witch. “ Yes, I ani,’’ replied the boy, “ but- not so much a* I was of the d a rk ." “ W hy?" nsked tho old Woman vary sharply. "Because I know yon w ill not let anything hurt m e,” Odshedoph answ er­ ed. • Again the old woman shook her staff and cloak, hat the b ird s’ notes were nil in accord, and the laughter was like music. “ You will do," said the witch, “ for DAYS to CHICAGO A Occtinuffas Lin? conns:ting with All Linss, affording direct and un- y°» “re v< o ' 1 r;,ve-” intOTTXlpt-d sorvico. “ Braver* echoed tho boy in astonish­ HOURS T h e O u ir k r s t to Chlea*«» a n d the Kant. Pullm an .Sleeper reservations can “ Yes,” said tho w itch, sm iling nod Ire secured in advance through nodding ln r head many times, "th e any agent of the road. " | bravest of lb • brave, for you have the HOURS Q u ick er to O m ah a and Kanna« (T ty. 1 .2 Law in all It« branches given special attention. O o n a a r ' a B 1K ., E X igexi© O r . _____ ment. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney a t Law, E u gene, O regon _______ T i, Attorney a t Law, O regon, Office ovar First National Bank. whfreaa W . n . R T R III1 R T , Aart. Oer.L Fa.«. Agent. 3M Warbington g( Cor. M PORTLAND, OR. j courage to tell tho tru th . It is written ' tllllt ' oil a. to slay tb. ,t liieii'ter, lialr- T H R O U O H T IC K E T o ,,n’ p/,',,;’ Undo-Tall, a ! I am to In Ip you, so Ti.’k'Soffl,:'::} 5; j : .’ l x j k -o . -.P j ,-.r ■ • ara«,. - 7 and « McLaren’« Building. Special attention given to collections ami pro­ T h r o u g h P n llin n n and T o n r l.l S lr r p r r .. bate business. P re . I te r lln ln g C hair Cara, F e b inform ation concerning rate*, tim e of D in in g Cara. trains, foutea a nd <>t h»-r detail« furninhed on an L. B1LYEU, For rater anti general information call on or plication to any agent, or Bu.g© rx© . j No. 14 FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY Di. 1891. G EN ErìAL Di S ea to n r A. D .C H A U L T O N , AiBfli«tant (»cnernl Faj"»» nper Ac«»nt. No. 121 F ir .t St., cor. Waablnirtot), P o r tla n d , O r But the stripliug » h eart began to fail him u. the ui I woman Ie .'an her prep­ ara tious. F ir t »be applied a magic comb to hi« hair, whb h canned it to prow lorg, like a girl'». Then abe druee d him in Ix.'intilul clntli! i. : ncb n« a prim e»« of hi« tribe might wear, and paint' d li« face in a me t 1' w itrh irg manner. When tin' .vmii.gln.iii <1 at hi» image in the lake n-.ar I ., be wiu nv SOCIETY WOMEN BURGLARS. charmed that he nearly f< !1 in love with THE MARBLE MAN.* himself, lil;e Naieissus of old. o m an a nti H e r D u u g l'tc r , n f E x­ A P a tie n t RnfTerlnjf I ro m a P e c u lia r Dig- His friend nuiv gavo him a 1 mvl of A c W e lle n t D e p u te , A rrc a te d F o r S te a lin g . e a s e In a S t. L o u is H o s p ita l. shining metal ar.d a sharp H ad • ef In an Adrian justice court sat two Tliero is a “ marble man’ at the City icented sword grass, that was thru t in his girdle as a mod» rn hello might w. a r well lire«. .1 la lies. Both were coni",Iy hospital. I» » is whiter than the alabas- u favorite flower. Then came sem ■ and apparently refined. Tko a ii and t r statue Dix y n. m« .-.in “ Adonis,” and general instructions as to bis <• •mduct dress of tko women indicated that they the “ driven now” would soil hischeeks. belonged to tke upper walks of life ami \ i - t only is h s skin ab.-olntely colorless, in his assumed character. II i was to go down to a certain part were people of quality. Tko elder of tke but bis tongue, runts and finger nails < i dyeing, of tho 1 tko shore, which was in view two. stiff k. !owIk-: ml I lie .‘ige, sat erect i' l.t suf- of tho island where the Red Sorcerer ami Wore an air . f d lianeo. Tlio oilier, » young lady of real I. auty and tastily f' l H-gf; an the p aliar ailua-nt ho is lived, and drink out of the; hiniugl v. I. •j tii ■ .1. w ai b >w . I wit h an air < I i 1 v idi i ’. ;t < v e r s t.'jip e d inside Many of the Inditms would then come row. I i • :: h a feross and a k him to m a iry them , hut No one nnacT.i.iinted with tke cireunt- vei id ), it has a very the supposed princi .-s w as to : ey she stances would kave • aspecte I for a tuo- iu'» i .i.c name—anchylostomum do- had traveled a long way to he tho v.e e la ait t ■ it i a •’ I a p.-dr of denale. of their chief, who mu t come for h r burglars whose work rivals that of some A » ry, v rv rare little worm is on- him stlf, or she would return t > ln r n a­ of Ike best men of ike profession. But I in ' -rily ’.ckii.g tho red cor- tive place. suck was the case. They were mother and I •: • • • 1 -r « i » ; eh m;»nt. from thia When Hah-Undo-Tah heard this, ho daughter—Mi s. Alice Church, a widow U ' I • b!««o«l, and if the unwel- would come in liis own canoe.. A lter of excellent repul ■. residing iu Tecum­ .1 i id of pretty t'l?* rnfifriage. Odshedoph mm t make tho seh, a village -of 2,(100, 10 miles from opportunity t j cut off the I ridigroom ’s Adrian, .and Miss Bessie Church. They soon the p.i it nt will fade «away to a shadow and di f'r« : 1 sheer lack of nour- head with the blade of sword grass. were under arrest charged with break­ i' h be full of It was now’ m< ruing, au l the old ing into ll.o residence of Editor S. C. woman told the young man to start oat Stacy of tho Tecumseh Herald during hod. All ri Abbink, a young man who on his mission. At first he kept up a the absence of tho family and taking earn » from Germany, is the patient, and good heart, but when a full sense of his then from a feather bid, l.i dclothing, In» isn’t at all proud of it either. He undertaking came over him his cour­ a big job lot nt' l.nlies' underwear, sever­ look ! like a marble statue, and a very age failed him. Turning to retrace his al pairs of ehoc i, a quantity of grocia ies, skoleti'ui-a one at that, and has great i ar< a n l o w in g to h is steps, the fog closed about him like a etc. weakness. wall, ar.d he could only find his way by Entrance was effected in tho night. Though «his peculiar disease, or affec­ going in tlm way he had started. Saturday morning tho man about, the It all came about as foretold. When premises noticed that a window had keen tion, is v, y rare ih this part of the a in Italy the Iudians saw the shining howl, tiny forced, and inve-licatiug he found that came flocking to the 1 eautiful prine ss, the house had keen nii-aekeil and the an I CL rinany. Tho worms are supposed who refused to wed any one but Hah- front door key taken. Oil:, rs were no­ to 1 in c ¡ tin kinds of muddy w ater, au l it h : been noiiced that brickuiakers Undo-Tah himuclf. tified, and as tho absenco of the key de­ ii 1 ie old < m »untry Ami so the Red Sorcerer came after noted an intended return of tin- burglars .1, When his bride in the state canoe, the î il s of two meti wero stationed in tho hotiso tho go at St. Gothard tunnel was be­ which ware formed ot living rattl - th at night. Near 11 o'clock the key soft­ ing dug it was discovered that nearly snakes, w ith In ads pointed outw ard to ly turned iu tho lock, and the forms of evi ry w< rkman engaged upon tho job protect the chief from his encinii s. two persons, apparently men, as they The m arriage took pl.tt e at once, a l­ wore men's clothing, appeared. There sub' rod from this plague. It wa3 first though tho bridegroom’s moth« r op­ was a sudden rush, a clasping of the in­ noted in Egypt, ami from this fact the posed tho hasty union, raying no good truders la strong anna ami a terrific weakness was nann d Egyptian chlorosis. would come ei it. Even after the cer­ ■qnabble, embellished with female Scientists are pretty certain that the emony the mother voiced her doubts of Bcreatns. Astonishment caused one of Pharaohs had it, and some are inclined the in w inm ate of the lion:«hold, at theolileers t.i letoneof tho burglars slip, tobeiieve th at the plague of toads men­ which tho bride aft cted much indig­ and she fled. Tho othi r fought like a tion« <1 in holy writ was none other than nation ami walked out of the lodgo to tigress ami laid about right and left witli the plague of anchylostomum dode- nale. the beach where they had landed. The what proved to bo an insect powder Dr. Mark’s believes he can assist Ab­ bridegroom followed her to where she spray loaded wilii cayenne pepper. Out* sat weeping, ami resting his li. ad in her of her captors, A bner Wilson, "got it in bink in g e itin g rid oi' hi3 high toned lap he tried to cheer In r up by planning tho eye," but In Id his girl, ami Ihe pris­ para.-dtes, several of which now occupy a number of delightful slaughters, in oner was secured. Then site confessed a gla- s : lido u n d r his microscope. They whieh she was to assist, one of them be­ her identity and "gave away" her daugh­ are about a i « ighth of an inch in length, and und- rth e m; lur. ingglass look like ing that of ln r own family. ter Bessie us tho other burglar. Bessie w hit«» alligators. They have tremendous Ilis bride, in the meantime, was gen­ was followed to l:-r ! ..... a i c.rrt i I. jaw in i wear their e attered along tly stroking bis forehead ami crooning “ W hat do you ph c "asle-d tiio court a lullaby. Soon the “ terror of the lake” ns ho took off liis glasses alt, r i ci ivie ; tlicir baeiibones.—St. Louis Globe-Dem­ ocrat. fell asleep, and Odshedoph, taking the the information. " W e waive examina­ blade of sword grass from his belt, cut tion, sir," wus the firm, cl. ::r and busi- I A LONG ISLAND MYSTERY. off the head of the sleeping sorcerer. nessliko respom o of tho i ..¡cr pri om r. A S k e le to n D e rlu re d to He Tli ¡it o f u n In - Taking one of the canot s lu» soon cross­ “ 1 will make yonr bonds each," re­ ed to the main shore, carrying the head joined the court. "Y our honor, th a t is (H an, b u t T ie re A ro Sou»© W h o D o u b t It. Justic«) ( ’«.oper ami a ju ry , in the ab> with him. l i n e lie waited until the too high; it is exees: ive," again spoke the cries of the Indians told him the head­ elder lady. "1 must make it , it>0.” said s«mce of (' »rom r Moor«», lield an impiest less body bad been discovered, w lien be tho court. “ Very well, sir, but it is too at Babylon, N. Y., tho other day over th«) skeleton which \.:u unearthed on started off to find Ins friend, the old high; 1 cannot get it: wo m ust go ,‘,o ,i . rly of John S. Foster y ester- woman who ¿nukca. war blie was de­ jaih ” . The.prisonersShen sign, tic,I pit!»., m e n e n g a g e d fn digging lighted to see him again so soon, and officer that they win» ready, ana ,w 1 cutting off a lock of the Red Sorcerer's tie of the silk skirts of tho burglars was post holes. A number of old resident« hair she bado tho young man change heard moving down the stairs. They are of tlio villa:;«-» v. ero sworn, but were un­ able to throw any light on tho subject into his ow’ii clothes and set out at in jail awaiting trial. or identify the remains. They all stated once for home, bearing the head with The affair is the greatest surprise and him, whieh would establish bis reputa­ sensation Tecumseh has had in many a that they could not recollect the sud­ disap’p. aranco of any man. The tion for bravery beyond any question. (lay, and society experiences a trem en­ den old«»st witih'-s, however, said that the Upon bis arrival home, he fourni his dous shock.—Chicago Tribune. ground where tho skeleton was found parents mourning for him as one (h ad. had n v» r b« en u ed as a graveyard. They scarcely knew him at first, for be REAL LONDON SOCIETY.” C hari ; 1. B »dell, a re sident of that had changed from a tim id youth into a man who bad seen many wonders and 11 C o n ta in * Tn«> < ’I j i ‘. h «’ a V ho: n l l k j i t s t«> poriion of the t >wn anti a farmer, owner of th« pr«-p. rty , : lat««l th a t ho had plowed lie So l«l« iitHi»-»! DHUcr lltitlle n ity . achieved mighty deeds. When the head of Ilah-Undo-Tali was shown to the as­ A London corn .-¡-»indent in a recent the ‘. found iu «pu . ■ m ;.b«>ut eight year« i . I thfti had sembled tube, a great shout of trium ph letter to a New York paper nays; Wo and thanksgiving went up that one of havo been told this» week by Lady tho body L« ( u th i tl a it would have their own people had done this deed. Charles Beresford Hint tlio real London be«»n uncarth« d, a.; it v.a3 only 18 inche« Odshedoph was made a powerful chief. society, which include:; “ those who aro umb r ground. T he ju ry returned a ver­ ni tb ■ clod- Ilis name was jdaei d among the gn at there by right, and whom nothing can w arriors of thecurth, lbr in all the land remove as long as their fortunes sur­ eton was th at of an Indian who had th at lies between tho great waters be­ vive,” consists of only 30 or 10 familj«»«. b ■ n burie 1 ;u.' »ut l i y« ar.: and had come yond which no eye can seethe Red Sor­ So called London society, sho declares, to liis death from n a tu ra l causes. Tho villa.'.:«) p< >plo generally believe cerer had been feared, and Odi liedoph includes two classes, one i.f them being bad delivered tin in out of bis bands.— those who aro there, not of right, but, by that it was tho skeleton of a murdered force, and who rem ain by dint of labor, man whoso L ily v. ai brought ashsre Louis Phillips in Philadelphia Press. thinking no cost t o exce. sivo to pay for ami buried. D a ily P a p e r* u t th e N o rth P ole. tho privilege of meeting with the great. Mr;«. G r a n t’ll H u n t F o r a Hom©. No people in the world cling to their The other section consist:; of tho. c v.ho newspapers like the English. In the aro still anxious to obtain adm ittance Mrs. tira n t lias deU’rmined to make arctic expedition of 1K75 one of the into what appears to them to bo a social her futur«) homo in Washington, and chaplains provided a filo of The Tiim s paradise, and who still hope, ami havo during her r« «•< nt sojourn here spent with the reports oi the Crimean war, every right to hope, to succ< cd, despite most of ln r time in house hunting. Al- iim st < . - ry avaiîablo rt ulcuce in tho 20 years obi, of whieh ho doh <1 out two all tho ridicule lavished upon th< m. copies every day, one 1 » each ship. On tho (bdicato and much-vexod ques­ W« t. Bml now va ant was offered for Tho captains and officers had it first, tion of tho morals of s«iciety, Lady lu r ecu-alerat¡«»ii through tho various tin n it was handed on to the fo’c ’s ’le, Beresford Pays th at tho 1« al qie-diou is real estato a nts, ami it is safe to ♦ •x- and in «a little while every ono was whether the circle in which immorality as kc*en about the Russian news as is so openly practi« «1 is widening. Kho atniuation of no h ; than 50 before if tho w ar bad been going on at thinks it is not. It is generally noticed, leaving t«»r New York with her «laugh­ tho moment. The chaplain in eon she says, 1*kat the most pronounce 1 - f t ter, w ithout c in in g to any definite con- trol of tlm press us» d to be be­ has, for some time, found it difficult to clu.*»i«»n in rt ;ar«l to a «■« lection. Those th at suit« 1 ln r fancy «lid n«:t suit her sieged w ith entreaties for an evening gather fre.-h recruits. purs»», ami wb«»n In »::.-.•.•; d« sirable in both edition, and when Sevastopol was on these re. pects w« re offered for her ap- N e g ro e s W ltn I' umk l n r W h itc a . the eve of being talo n excitement ran so liigli that the newspaper locker was A t tlio census of l u80 nearly 31 per pr«»val, tin: !<» ality, as a rule, proved a I m ord stormed. How« ver, the ««liter cent of the colored population was u n ­ n e Hi ia< t ; y. M ; . ( « rant has not giv­ stood firm and continued to dole out der 10 years of age, while at tlio census en up h«»po of ultim ate success, and can­ his singlo edition a day, so that tin» in­ of 1890 only 28 p< r cent was under 10 didly as rs ln r prt fercnco for Washing- terest was kept up to tho end of the ex­ years of age. K imtu I E. Tatum , a ton as a place of r< idonce.—Washington pedition.— London Million. Washington negro, in explaining this, P o s t . ______ _________ says: “ It may be a fact that the colored R unllow « r N euH papera. 5 Io n ta n a S a p p h ire * . population isconstantly fallin c off in its The p.'ipi i- iniil ut this plaça lias mad« G arnet crystals not fin«« enough for increase, for whieh th re may be a great from Riinll"'. : stalk', . vi ral tonsof pa- gems ar«' found in N'-rth < arolina. J h« y many reasons. We should first talm in­ p . \ i i it to i (perte in tlio are oi huge size, s«»nn tim« ■ w« igliing to consideration the \-i-t number of pro­ l i t. The p,.p( r i« regarde,I ns superior as much as 20 pounds, and th y arc < ut pio of color leaving tk raco yearly. to trow i 1 1 mill to now baying into dishes and cups. T«ms of them arc There arc thou - :iid « who < nu o a t f r o m HLufli.w" : . I.: t (venin;; The Daily Re­ crushed to make cnu ry and a kind of tho south so light in «• otnplcxion that in publican ran i’ < iiitir e edition on the sandpaper called garnet j aper. At R u­ tho north th« y «are suppo. cd to 1»«» white, «anOowcr p.•;. r. — '„lina (Kan.) Die- by inountuin in Colorado is a r< mai ka- and in this way a w. t numE r o f fam­ catch. blo deposit of such gn at crystal.1! «1 ilies in the coiir. c of a d ado lose tin ir l '.l i.r , something or garnet, which, b< ing included in a colt Identity ns p' oplo of color.”—Washing­ , id s. Wlicii it atimo- m atrix, usually conic out p e rb e t in ton Special 1. 1. ii it enervai », it is th« ir beautiful g