The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, February 09, 1894, Image 4

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    C u tis «
T h e son shines on the b er w all.
T he Mill sliln«*» throii.-.i, I jh » tr.*«;
T h e lr D » - . ! <»f S p eed W h e n A la rm « -,! l»y th e
w h ix «>r a n i n e n u ll.
Ko t , though u
h.. k i l l )
U u V in d ,
a n d
E ffe c t.
May—Don’t you think that Miss Go-
lightly is is-rfeetly charming?
, Mamuia—It struck me that she was a Thfl Nervous System the Seat
little bit giddy.
o f Life and Mind. Recent
Muy—Why, mamma, she moves in the
W onderful Discoveries.
best circles.
No m y s te ry hu<< e v e r compared with that of
llam m a—T hat accounts for it. Mov­ h u m a n Ufo It baa been th e lead in g s u b je c t
professional re se a rc h and s tu u v In all ages.
ing in circles will make any oue giddy. of
But, n o tw ith s ta n d in g this fu e l it is not gem r-
ally „ k n o w a
—Rew York lierald.
The rapidity w ith which the d iilu n n t
net raa have been exterm inated, owing
t<> tiie udvunco of civilizaticn Li South
,* A frica, iu shown by reference to such
works ns th at of »Sir Cornwallis H arris,
They lead I ho <»id m an to n ch a.r,
w ritten in 1810, in w n ic ii t i n author
th a t th e beat
W andering pole » a d v.»*ul-;
tolls «a th a t the qnagga was at the tiiuo
of life i> lo c a ­
R i th in bps move: *o J. nt th e sound
ted in th e u p ­
You scarce cun h e a r hi in speak.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
p er p a r t of tho
They lift u plctlire from th e \\a ll,
1 of inauy hundreds Vying frequently
sp in a l c o r d ,
Bold eyes an d sw eblng brow.
n e a r th e base
, teen, while he d< scribes BarcbcH’a ze-
of th e b r a i n
••Theday > »i n o n .Mulpluqael” —
i bra a.i congregating in herds of 80 or reach the diseaaeeJ portion of the car.
a n d so st n si-
“Aye, soiuelLiiig th en , b u t now!**
tiv e is t h i s
: 100, and abounding to a great extent, There is only one way to cure Deafncs.-.
p o rtio n o f tho
They reach him dow n a ru s ty sword
n e rv o u s sy s­
In faded velvet slicnih;
te m th a t ev en
T he obi m an drops ih e h< iv y b ird s
th e p ric k of a
practically so, v/liib.» the other has been dition of the mucous lining of the Eti-
A nd m u tte rs 'tw een h i. p. e tli.
n e t d ie w i l l
T h e re 's sorrow In bis fad in g v; n
cause lustaat
driven much further afield und ifonum ­ i staciiian 'I ube. When this tube gets in­
d e a th .
And p e in Upon h is brow.
b e r s are yearly b«*ing reduced.
“ W ith th is you w on M alpl iquet ' —
humed you bave a rumbling sound or
R e c e n t d isco v e ries have d e m o n stra te d that
Thia au th o r’s description of the com­
••Aye, som ething th e n , h u t low J”
ull th e o rg a n s o f th e body a n ; u n d e r th e co n ­
mon z« bra is well worth repeating. Ho > tu perfect bearing, and when it is entire- tro l of tu e n e rv e centers, located in o r n e a r
A n o th e r year: a stre am of lig h ts
o f th e b ra in , ami th a t when th e se a re
says: •‘.Seeking the wibl-ust and iu<»d Ì ly closed Deafness is the result, and un­ d th e e ra base
n g e d th e organs whic h th e y su p p ly w ith
F lo w sd o w u th e a v eu m ;
lso deranged, w h e n I t is re-
frcquestcnd hj-Gts, haughty troop« are less ti e inflamation can be taken out ami n erv e fluid a re a ;_________
A mile of m ourner«, sable clad .
m em bered t h a t a Berious In jury to th e sp in a l
W alk v e t j lng t .v » by two;
exceedingly difficult to approach, as this tube restored to its n «rumi contisi ion cord
sis of th e body below
The stew aril looks ii.t.j 1!,«•• g rc.. e
well on account of their extreme agility Inuring will be destroyed forever; nil e th e iiiju r t-d point, beejueo th e n e rv e force is
W ith sad ar»d (low nen t l.r .
re a c h in g th e
and fi ' tiii^s of foot as from tho abrupt ( eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, p a ra ly z ed p o rtio n , it will be from
“ This «lay he won -MalpJaquei” -
u n d e rsto o d how
and inaccessible nature of th eir high- which is nothing but an inflamed condì* tho d e ra n g e m e n t o f th»- nerve c e n te r s will
“ Aye, «omviking th e n , but now!'*
th e d e ra n g e m e n t of th e v a rio u s o rgana
—W a lle r ih o rn b n r y In New Y ork Ledger.
kind abode. l ’nd< r the rpecial ebargo j j tion of the mucous sin laces. Wc will give c.-iuso
Which th e y s u p p ly with nerve force.
T w o -th ird s o f ch ro n ic di.-eases a ro d u e to
of a sentinel, eo p< ted on como ad ja­
e l n p e rfo *t a c tio n of tbo n e rv e c e n te r s a t
P e te r C o o p er o n I n te r e s t.
cent crag ns to command a view of ev- j ! One Hundred Dollars for any ease of th
th e base o f th e b ra in , not from a d e ra n g e ­
Peter Cooper was alw ays a careful cry avenue < f approach, tha checkered Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot m e n t p rim a rily o riginating In th e o rg a n i t ­
mul prudent business man. He wus a l­ herd whom ‘p a in t'd skins adorn’ is to He cured by H all’s Catarrh Cure. Send self. T h e g r e a t m istake of p h y s ic ia n s in
tr e a tin g th e se diseases Is t h a t th e y t r e a t th e
ways opposed to tho methods of many be viewed peram bulating some rocky for circulars, free.
o rg a n r a th e r th a n the n e rv e centers w hich
a re tho c a u s e o f th e trouble.
merchants, who launched out in extrav­ ledge, on which the rifle ball alone can
F. J. Client»? A Co., Toledo, O.
Da. F r a n k l in Mir •
c e le b ra te d sp s-
agant enterprises on borrowed money, reach them. No sooner has tho noto of XSTS. >ld by Druggists, 75c.
d < d th is su b je c t M r
iist us p ro fo u n d ’
F23 1 , c o la
v e r 2> y e ars, an d b
e many important
for which they paid exorbitant rates oi HiHrin been sounded by tho vedette, than,
1 d isco v e ries ¡ac<»nr'
Ith it, c h ie f am ong
interest. Ones while talking abmrt a | pricking th 0 r long’ ear;-, tho whole I
th e m being tho f«r
.•'■c/whi the above
statem * nt, a n d t i n t a o (Unary m e th o d s of
project w ith an acquaintance the lattei , /lock hurry forward to ascertain the ha- , l aud Oflier at Ko«cbiirg, Oregon, Jan u a ry 12, tre
a tm a tit a ro w r ie
Ail h e ad a c h ^ , d l/z l-
said he would have to borrow the money ( t ur(, <(f tho approaching danger, and 1 lb'jj. Notice is hereby given th a t the followii g ness. dullness, c f
pressure, b ut s
a n ia , in ian -h<
In sa n ity , e p ilepsy, St.
for six mouths, paying intercHt at tin h iving gazed a moment at tho advanc- nunifil «ottler has filed notice of his intentiob m
V itus d nice, etc., are nervous diseases no
rnte of 3 ¡ k t cent. “ Why do you boi ii«g hunter, w h i s k i n g their brindled to moke heal proof in sup p o rt of his claim , an*! ! { n a tte r bow caused. T h e w o n d erfu l success» of
...... . will
i n i be
I ’r. Miles’ E tsto p iitiv o N e rv in e Is d uo to the
row for ho short a tim e?” Mr. Coopoi i tails aloft, belter «k<‘lter away lin y j th a t said proof . . before the Judge iu»*t
It is ------------------------
based on th o foregoing
p rin cip le.
aHked. “ Cecaneo tho broker« w ill not ; thunder, down craggy precipice« and or C ounty Clerk of Lain* couuty, Oregon, nt Eu­
Hit. M il e s ’ R estouativb N e k v in e la sidu b y
negotiate b ills for longer.” “ Well, il i over yaw ning ravine«, where no lens gene, Oregon, on S aturday March
1893, viz: a ll d ru g g is ts on a positive g u a ra n te e , o r s e n t
d ire c t by D r . .M iles M e d ic a l C o .. E .k h a rt,
Nelson C. Hiuksoii,
you w ish ,” «aid Mr. Cooper, “ I will agile foot could dare to follow th em .”
h id ., on re c e ip t of price. ?1 t e r b ttle . Hix
dittconnt your noto nt that rate for three j Of B urchell’o xchra he «ays, “ Fierce, H om estead Entry No. 7646, for t he ne* ,z of m - c . b o ttle s for 85. express p re p a id . I t couv&ioa
jttitU e r o p ia te s nor d a n g ero u s drugs.
years.” “ Aro you in earnest?” asked strong, fleet and surpassingly beautiful,
.^oid by a ll D r u g g is ts .
tho would bo borrower. “ Certainly J tbero is ¡.erhaps no quadruped in the wituesscM to prove bis continuous » .denet* I
upon and c u ltiv a tio n of, said laud, viz: 1. M.
um. 1 w ill discount your note for $10,- creation, not even excepting t ’.io moun­ F ra u d s , of Kugi*ne, H. M. Woodruff', A. T. Con- ,
000 for three years at that rate. Will tain zebra, more splendidly attired o r i dray, w. Jirsa h « , of Alma, all of Lane county, '
you do it?”
Of courso I w ill,” said i presenting a picture of more «ingularly Oregon.
J ohn II. J u rc E . |
the m erchant.
Very w ell,” « a id M r. I attractive beauty.” Z< bras nro l*y no •J 23-M2
R egister. I
Will «di lot« in Acme from f25 to s’ CO.
Cooper,*“ jnut sign this note for $ 10,- 1 mt and umifibl« nnimnla. und though
Will sell lot« in Chicngo addition to
000, payable in three years, and give tih ' liinny of tho btories tobl of th eir feroc-
Florence cbeaj» «and on eusv terms.
your check for $800, and the transac­ ' ity arodoubtlesH much exaggerated they
. A. C ox.
tion is com plete.” “ But where is tin | havo ho far not prov««l thernHelven
Land o flicr ut Roseburg. Oregon, Jan u a ry 15,
money for me?” asked tho a? tor.ished ■ nmenablo to dom estication.—»Saturday JS31. Notice i . h«»r»»l»y given that the following
m erchant. “ You don’t get any money," I ' Review.
nam ed pettier hux filed not»»'»» of hi* intention
of 1 BO acre« sit unfed <»n
wo« tlio reply. “ Your interest for 3G j
to m ake final proof in tmpport of
claim , and
the Lake« South from Flore nce». This
Dumb I.u» k.
months nt 51 percent per month amount
th a t aaid proof will In* m ade bef-tre the l.egi -
I «nw a case or luck uwhile ago that ter and Receiver of the V. S. Isind Office, a t r meh i« mostly abler and vim* mat*!»
to 108 per cent, or $10,800. Therefor«
your check for $800 ju st makes uneven. ’’ 1 nearly nunlo mo crazy. J was in a pool­ Roseburg, Oregon, on S aturday, M arch 10, 1S94, bottom land, having nearly a mile lake
H enry Lnnderldng,
The force of this practical illustration room down in Baltimore, and I was viz:
frontnu»*. Ten acres unde»! cultivation
of tho folly of ¡laying such an exorbi playing cl«.•«♦) to the ciibhion. N othing on Pre-em ption I>. s. No. 72i3, for t c »e*, of ne and .5 more «ln«he<l; a good orchard just
taut prico for tho nao of money wa- camo my way. and I had but a few dol­
lie nam es the fd lo w in wilnesi-es lo prove come into bearing; 5-rooms in a frame
such that tin» m erchant determined nev lars between me and tho touching of
Ills c ontinuous residence upon and cultivation house th at is ceiled and papered; good!
er to borrow at such ruinous rates, and some friend for a stake. I saw a little of,
said laud, viz: Andrew H urtl •; , J - u Roche
ho frequently used to say that nothing fellow como in there with a $2 hill and John Shultz, Thomas Starks of i l».»renee, L ane out-buildings, and stock of ali kinds will
be sold with the pjaee at reasonable pri
could have so fully convinced him ns get out w ith ^1,402 in cash. 1 wasn’t county, Oregon.
J ohn li. S huhe .
this rath er humorous proposal by Mr. next, and 1 d id n 't get a centof it. A fter J26-M2
Register ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one I
half cash and reasonable tim e givem fm
it was all over ho told na hi« system,
Cooper.—New York Post.
and it fllniOHt made mo dally to think
balance. Apply fur further particular
A n le v e llin g W it h A n d r e w L n ilff.
th at any such fool ««’heme would go
at this office.
Land Office a t Ro-eburg, Oregon, Jan . 29, 189,
The spelling of thenum eof Miss Agnes tli rough.
“ There were five race« that after­ Notice i- liereby given th a t the follow ing j
Repplier mid her singular felicity in
epigram and phrase inevitably suggest noon. and he played them all. He p ar­ nam ed settb-r Las filed notie»» of his intention
her fam iliar name in Philadelphia, when leyed liis money, and $1,402 is w hat ho to make final proof in support of hi - claim , und j
shn lives. This is the “replier." Iler pulled out. If ho’«l had a good sized I h at said proof w ill be m ade before the Regiater
Receiver of the U. S. I.and Office, nt Rose
W holesale and Re: ,3
dinner conversation in this respect is cel­ roll when ho started, lin’d have broken ami
burg, Oregon, on S aturday M arch 17, 189», viz;
ebrated among iter friends. Miss Uep- tho room sure, and » very other room in
Byron W. Dorsey,
plier, as is well known, worships at one tho city. Aral w hat do you think hi« on Pre-em ption D. S. No. 7526. for th e se’ 4 of ne
D E A L :;..
partteulsr shrine, tlint of Andrew Lang. system was? You couldn’t guess in a 1 ¿, see. 32, wbj of
and neb, of nw ' p see. 33,
Last snuuner Miss Repplier was in Eng
tp. 19 h , range 11 w.
le a d in g B rands fo r
He nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove
land and had the anticipated good for­ horse in every men. Ho start» d at tho
tune to bo asked to meet Andrew Lang top and courted down to the seventh, hia c o n tin u o u s residence upon and eultivaiiou I
a t dinner. It would not havo lieen hu­ and eh»» won. Then in the next l ace of, said land, viz: Jo h n L. Furnish, George I
man for Miss Repplier not to liave made there were but four horses, and he count­ Mills, B. F. Wilkes, W. D. Vandvrburg, of Flor- I
a mental toilet as she adorned her body ed one, two, three, four and then sta rt­ cnee, Laue c o u n ty , Oregon. J ohn II. S h u pe , |
to meet Mr. Lang. Hut a dinner, weave ed at the top again and counted five, JF9-M16
R egister.
told, iu England is a serions matter. six, «even. lie played that horse and
Course after course passed unseasoned won. T hat wa« his scheme. His pick
May be Found
by joke, ttnspiced by epigram and w ith­ won every race. And what do you think
out the grace of felicitous allusion. It at made him do it? His girl told him to.
Land Office at KoscburR, Oregon, Dee. 13, 1893
lebrated Jesse Moor, wl
length camo to an end. N or did thecon- Luck? Why, some p. »»ple have it to Notice* is hereby given th u t the folkewiiig
▼ersation have any future. The great hum , and lb* was one of that kind. Not nainvd settler hme filed notice of h is in te n tio n I
The ('rale Orchard . a;
Andrew sat down on the floor and played «again in 67,000,1)00 years would that
for the rest of tho evening with a kitten. scheme work. 1 tried it for a week, am i th a t said proof will be made 1 » foie flu I
—New York Kun.
(G enuine O ld Ca-tii BourLui
and 1 know .” — Buffalo Express.
nt Roseburg, Oregon, on T hursday, February s,
Tho leaves fa ll «-»-ft ■•« i
Tho bells from \V<»«».i>t »< k ’s ►
,< ’¿o
S hake Hh’n h tlru ’»» fading bourn.
••This d ay you wmi M a i:/ n, i 1
“ Aye, som ething then, but i
1 ’
- ,
T R A D E M A R IC 1 ,
D E S IG N p a t k n t s ,
C O P Y R IG H T S , e to .
i o r inrnrmafl« n and free Handbook v.i:-.> • ,
Jt c o .. ;.«.i mt.» u« v av .
v -u rc.
real! fo r > 'w
- n ■ - -•
E-.-vr? p aten t t i»e»i ,,i » b y Us ia t
b e , r«
tn o public L / a uotico gnux free of charge in iua
¿ F d c n tific
^ m e r in w
€. -
Largest circulation o f a n r «rientifle nap. r in t< e
a o iid . ST-ieii-imlv i. ustrateu. \'o ii t
m aa rh cu id be w ith o u t it. We»-.;’.-
uh »
fe a r:
d - n th s
Andre-* M l '. w '. < o ^
L d i Bioauway, N«w l ia s t i i j .
Laud Office a t Roseburg, Oregon Jan u a ry 2nd.
1H91. Notice is hereby given th a t the following
nam ed settler has filed notice of Intviitiot'
to m ake final proof in support <»f his claim , a i”
th a t »vid proof w ill txi m ade W o re the Ju l
or C ounty Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, nt E i
gene, Oregon, ou S aturday, M arch 3rd 18'Jl, viz;
Lewis c. Moffitt,
H om estead Entry No. 79;>r’, f r th.- nw *. f n - 1 .
e l5 of nw ‘ i and n e ‘4 of sw* p sec. 2», tp. if,
range 10 west. He nam es the fol ow ing v. i.
nesses to prove bis c ontinuous residence up -
an d c u ltiv a tio n of. said land, viz: VV. T. Bail» \
of .Meadow, A. .a'. Bristow, of Ju n ctio n , J. I.
T aylor find II. J. Dickey, of j j . rnm nn, a ll ».
Lane c o unty Oregon.
J ohn II. .?»* vi e ,
Metical, ifwi»^-1—
With proper care a flagpole ought to
lust a great many years iu spite of tin
lucessant exposure to the elements. (II
ronrao the best preservative of wo< d i-
paint, and a man who has a flagstal
which lias cost him a good sum oi
money should see th at it is painted in
least once every 12 months. Elagpolei
generally rot nt tho bottom first, ano
then have to he taken down to proven,
them troni fulling of th eir own weight
Tho usual length of a polo on top of a
high building is liom 5(1 to 75 feet. It
is not difiicull to get, a pole in ono piece
fit) feet long, but when a mail wants to
add 25 feet to th at ho has to <lo it by
means of splicing. Boston Heruld.
Gradual«»«! F ro m !lei«1t*ll»«*rg.
The daughter of tho late Profes oi
Windsrlieid, tho famous German an
tlm rity on Roman law, has been gradii
«ted from the University of lb idelber,
w ith tile degnai of Ph. 1«. Eraulen
Windselteid is the first weiuati to be ail
m itteil to tho old seat of learning wit
the privilege ef taking her degree. SI.
¡Hissed a brillian t examination, 'll.
university, itis sa l.l, will probably suo.
be opened to women.- Exchange,
J. Hippisley says that lis lias looked
upon tho whole range of tho Swi . Alpi
while removed from them by a dii taiu
of 21)0 miles, and Sir W. Jo .n s aliirm
that the H imalayas appeared to h.
view from n distance of 22 1 miles.
Tho “ CarelilT (B an t,” the» famou
«tone man hoax <»f 20 years ago, was 1
feet 2 ’., inch»« in length; hael a n»»«
6 inches h»ng. a mouth 4 inch« « wid
nnd a foot 15 l2 inches from to»» to lled
Eleven million six hundred and
twenty thousand familie-s, with an n\
er»igo income of $IR1N, pay V0 p» r c« :
of the taxes in tin» (’nit« d States.
According to a decree rendered In
tho B ritish courts of law, payment c c
not legally he enforced for any ord
given to a debtor on Huuelay.
The find mail to succeed in w-*b
alum inium to glass wa« Bradford
(iregor, a mechanic al » xjiert of Gin
A Dint tier! ton.
“ Wonlil you like to road tho nvwsna-
“ No. thank you. 1 hnvoii’t my :;la.'.srs.
nml 1 cannot »<■«• without tin in."
“ Ilcavi ns, that's st range! The mere
glasst s I UN)* the te n lem i we." beluilk.
XV h er. II. I .■in,(i o „,.
" I ls Willi fall conceal llis ja y s is
rr than he who can hide his /n e ts," aid
Lavatcr. Tins is the only ground w.
have for thinking Lavatcr may ha, e been
a great poker j,layer in h i. tim e . S Alter-
villa Journal.
C o n i't M a r tin i W ltnranea.
All court m artial witnesses who arc
Protestants are sworn by laying their
right hand, ungloved, on the Bible,
closed or open, while tho oath is re­
cited. Kissing the book is froqnentl.v
required in addition to the laying on ol
the hand. Raising the lig h t hand and
keeping it raised during the recital of
the oath is also a form adopted by n
number. Then» are many who prefer t»>
affirm rather than to sw< ar, ami tlios»
are uccoinmodatcd ly saying: “ You d»
solemnly aflirm ,” instea»! of “ solemnly
sw ear,” the right hand being raised
or placed on tin» Bible as before. Forin-
» rly it was required to place the right
hand on the open Evang, lists.
I n swearing Roman Catholics, the
Bible is cl» » »! and has marked on the
outer cov< r u » ross, generally cut out of
whit»» ¡»aper and |«ast» »l on. Sometimes
a » rueifix is placed upon it, which the
witness, afte r the oath is r<» it« d, kisses
when there i-i any suspicion in the mind
of tin* pre id» nt of th court m artial, or
in that of any of its members. The
witness, if a Roman Catholic, after
kissing the cross, is frequently directed
to cre-s himself. Now Y«»rk Times.
I l i c I.aM " I.ln u S e rm o n .’•
The hist annual “ lion sermon” has
hem prune ln'd in tho city, and the leg
« v, left lor th»’ purpose V'.? ccuturies
«go, will in future he devoted to oilier
uses. Sir Richard (inycr, who suhoo
quently became lord mayor, so the story
runs, while traveling in Arabia was nt-
tiK keel by a lion
He fell upon his
km es nnd vowed to d» vote» lii« life to
charity if spared from the li ai’s jaws.
Ill* lion thereupon walked quietly
away. — London Tit-Bits.
A Mi « a iny »‘\ ’• |>lnt>»*vrrr<l.
Tli » l'i,rt’do Fxpre^s says, “ Pack my
t a x with four dozen liquor ju g s” is the
shortest scute nee whie li c obtains »\ erv
letter of tile alphabet. S.13 s the Roche»s-
ter Post IIsprois, “ W here’s the letter
v i n i ;t s< ntcnce?”
To hit h til»» Rochester Tie raid re­
’pohaldv they v.»ut to the man
who 8
the jr. s .“
N o n ;e« n .s to have p e n that it was
r o b a lily o iii;i 1 P y “ i'v o e lo»v;i,’ ’ etc.
—Journal ».vf Education.
1«‘J4. viz:
Joseph Zeppe,
on H om estead Entry No. 7753, for the e’ 2 of
lie»' |, nw 1, of ne*4 nud ue*4 of nu*4 see-. 16, tp. 1 E
20 s, range 11 w.
He names th e follow ing witnesses to prove
his c ontinuous residence upon mid cultivation t
of, said lmul. viz: Jo h n Oabriel, Fred Rapp, E. I.
B. Magee, Chas. E linskvll, of G ardiner, Doug­
las county, Oreg»»n.
Jons II. siet i - k ,
Register. E
$ 4 0 i2e WEE2C
z—T h e
O P. S. P o n y —
er Refreshing Cold S to rn r. Re. i
Cents a Glass Awaits Y.uii O r.:,
d for an Im ported or P o m r - ti. (
And You Will lie SnlLlied.
C E ftlo ,
Marr &
— The—
of either »ex, any age, ia nnv pari of tli»' country,
a t the employment which wc funiinh You need
not be away from home over night. You can give
your whole time tot h«* work, or only your spare mo­
ments. Aacapitnl h nr-; required you run uoriak.
We supply you with all that is needed. It will
cost you nothin? to try th«» business. Any one
cun do the work Begiiiucri mnke money from
the start Failure is uukuowii with «»ur workers.
Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar.
No oh ; u ho is willing to work fa il«to make more
money every <Ja - than ea»i be» made in three »lays
at any erdlaarv employ inent. .Scud for free book
containing th»> fullest information.
H A L L E T T & CO ■3
BOX 6 3 0 ,
P O R T L A N D , M A IN S .
II. M. C h a m b e rlin
I'n»l« r th«» Motirue» D u e trln e .
Should European Vessel« bind their
forces and interfere in the affairs of Bra
eil, the re is notFcape from the coucln-
siou that such at t would e onstituto a
cause of < fi'» us»» | o n ie L’hited States
government. Under the light of the
Mot,ro«» doctrine th»» adminisiration can
Repairing Promptly Done
jonstruo such acts as nothing le a than
ui «». If Europe» can w ithout let
>r hindrance laud tr.«?ps in Brazil and A N D W O ,K V A r R A N T E D .
’nn . t e i ’ue »«curity oi that republic,
but» pc can do likewise in »»ve ry Auitr* 1'K o sr 8 t r e e t , F l o b e k c f , Ontuos.
an republic,- MiiincApoli« Tribune.
A lbert C. Enrnowsk
Pre-em ption D- s. No. 7502, f >r th
p. 18 a, rui ge 11 w. ID' mini»»« the foil, w:
wltnes.«es t«> prove his continuous residei e
upon and c u ltiv a tio n of, ttaid l u id , viz:
dam llard ell, Morion Morris. Jo h n II. . I oti .
Robert B er.diurdt, oi Florence, Lane couui
J ohn H. S tu r z ,
KegM e,
I. » -/A
Ocean View Home.
s«} ’‘■-'"’ask..
Gan. H.
Enfiar M M
i>i M H Snla Prnpriatnr.
C O P Y R iG H T S .^
rro n n -^ ri^ n -.-r and
F rr a
i h-
, a. w rifotO
¿’*1 V ’« . CIO.. Who I' :;.Y i- !i*vl ,
■ vc :; .¡’
ezpc: :. " i- ■ ;.j th e pat it bn-
. » ..-.i- i-j.-t ?„
,! 1
miidPnitai. AB h '
h .
form a:i.,n <■ m- .-ruing I'n ;« .
. ; j . • to ob-
ito l ;ll.U ;’(•.» -ii
Loo .•
Patents tu-mu thmii ■
Co. receive
BP!-; lal liotieoin i he S( ecu i
* :i, i , a m i. anil
th u s m e hinm.-ht. wid-fiv b d -
- |.u; (-«vi i-
to th e Inventoi
issue,! w c
, .•
ia i- e s t (jm a la tin a o f any ■■ mm, ,»(.r k in tho
woi’hi. >■:; 3 -
-¡r free.
I.U i I . I'. 1. 1'.. 1 f K.,11, I;, I - -, " ’ • V. ' . I 'l ,
sin g le
f n i" ■ ’? 5 cents. 1
ns 1
turn piutc-fi, m color
. i pi-
- l4 of new
nouses, wo •» plans, » • . < : ■
, u . , . j r b •,.>.< the
« Etta - -i. V-lilr;-'«
f ;
,, ,’.y.
la tc-l 'le.,_ n s aild
M l KM A
; ; ! SO .
Price of
$50 $150
J iz e
R ipans T abules.
Ripans Tabules are com­
pounded from a prescription
widely used by the best medi­
cal authorities and are pre­
sented in a form that is be­
coming the fashion every­
On al! th e P ro p e rty in
Rlpans Tabules act gently
but promptly upon the liver,
stomach and intestines; cure
dyspepsia, habitual constipa­
tion, offensive breath and head­
ache. One tabule taken at the
first symptom of indigestion,
biliousness, dizziness, distress
after eating, or depression of
spirits, will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty.
RipansTabules may be ob­
tained of nearest druggist.
,¡3 ocean, the surrounding
country and the Light-house.
A . 2NTS"w H o t e l ,
Ripans Tabulcs -
are easy to take,
quick to act, and
save many a doc­
tor's bill.
/ /'•
-¿ H - 1
A G reat
Sash and Door Factory,
3XT Z.-W d i i x r o l i ,
L a r g e
A r e c e n t d is c o v e ry fa that headache,
dizziness, d u lln e ss, c o n fu sio n o f th o m ind,
e tc ., are' d u e to d e ra n g e m e n t o f th e n e rv e
c e n te r s w hich s u p p ly th e b ra in w ith n e rv e
fo rce ; t h a t in d ig e stio n . <lys»> p 4a, n e u ra lg ia ,
w ind In sto m a ch , e tc ., a ris e from th e d e ra n g e ­
m e n t of th e n e rv e c e n te r s su p p ly in g th e se o r­
gan* w ith n e rv e fluid o r force. T h is Is likew ise
tr u e of m a n y d ise a se s o f th e h e a rt nnd l u n ? \
T h e n e rv e K ystrm is lik e n te le g ra p h svst»*in,
ns w ill bo seen by th e a c c o tu p a n y iu g
c u t.
T h e little
w h ite lines a r e
tin» n e rv e s w hich
c o n v ey tin» n e rv e
for e from t h e
nerve* cent»‘rs to
v e ry p a rt of tiie
G - a m e ,
bodv, ju s t as th e
el»«’ ric c u r r e n t is
c o n v ey e d alo n g
K ’r x i i t E
t li e
te le g ra p h
w ires to e v e r y
s ta tio n , la rg e d r
"V e g ö t a lo le Ö .
sm all. O rd in a ry
p h v slclu n s fa ll to
r«»?ar»I th is fa c t;
in s te a d »»f tr e a t ­
ing tiie n e rv e «’e n ­
te rs for th e e euso
o f th e d iso rd e rs
a rt-in g th e re fro m
th ‘V t r e a t tho
p i”! uffe; ted.
F r a n k lin Miles.
V. 1» . LI.. H . th e
Ab»» It
h ly c e le b ra te d
>«■ V,Ol
s p e c i a l i s t And
riv»»r fro F b r. in-
s t'id oit o f n e rv o is diseases,
bottom I d- of tbi
of in.; 11 v noted tre 1 ;-»•■* ,»n tin ' l a tte r su b ipcL
long sin ce re a liz e d th e tr u t h o f th e first
l»c«t turili* - Ul I
s ta te m e n t, ftnd Ids R e-d o ra th e N ervine
L p ’.'n .r e d on th a t p rin c ip le . I * sit • e-s
or punture
in c u rin g a ll ell-tcascs a risin g from d e ra n s e -
i the be**! ur«» f t i n t
m »nt of th e n e rv o u s sy stem 1« w onder­
i H k u.i es 11 •
ful, a s th e th o u s a n d s o f u n s o lic ite d t»’«olmo-
va»irti» * of i •dt. i« tb j iheie i» vr« v - ni
iis m ttos«e«^ion o f th e c o m pany m a n u fa c ­
rin g th e re m e d y a m p ly prove.
ing n large »■n li o d «>«)ui(i*tii g • >f ti.» tu Dr.
Miles’ J te s tb ra tiv e N ervine Is a re lia b le
choicest kind« of frnlt-trc«»!* now in r»‘rn*'dy f,»r a ll n e rv o u s discaises. su«’h ns
c ul 1 -he. n e rv o u s def'U ity. p ro s tra tio n ,
bearing. Tin* farm a ill be ««»hi ira
*• «'eph’asnees, dirzi i«'<s h y ste ria , se x u a l de-
’ **(• » n u« d u n -«', «»pi ,-twy. e tc . It is
whole or In ten, five or »»tie ncre ‘no t- x.i ‘D
u by a n d ru g g is ts on a positive g u a ra n te e ,
s e n t dire»ct by tiie Dr. Allies Medi al t o.,
t»» «nit porcba*er*. Write !«• O I K« n-
k n a rt. Ind.. on re c eip t of pr..-«' f t p» r hot»
ne'dv, Florence, Orey n, for parti» nlar«
.s ix h o tri» « J o r t.V expre*.* p re v a il
l • s to ra ti ve N erv in e p o sitively c o u tu ia t no
and prices.
p ia tc s o r d a n g e ro u s drugs.
B v T C b M ^ t.
3 © fe f,
S a r w -m ill
Under C o n tr a c t
• -*
Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Janiiar> : r
1694. Notice is hereby given th a t tin f »llowing
nam ed settler has filed notice of his in tci.ti
to m ake final proof in support of ids claim ,
th a t said proof will l e m ade be.’orc l.e i t
and Receiver of the U. S. Land O fiee, at K
burg, Oregon, on Saturday, February 2i, IS’
W . M. 1 ΠN S H A W .
The town of Gl, r.ada is situated on the Tacific const, fronting the
, at Siuslaw river, has deep water frontage, and tho best r flers ar
1 il. 111; nufacturers. tradesmen and home-builders to settle in this
.1 ; l.caltl y town on the coast.
Writ« Geo. II. Colter fcr particnlBra