T H E W E S T . pleasure «re one of tlas olijet In <-[ the oc- S T A T E S A L M O N H A T C H E R Y ." T H E F IC H T ^ C O E S O N . EX. STAR EDITORIALS. cusiuii all must appear in their happiest The above title may he seen painted Regarding the President's ncmin-itions moods and assiul in making others liap- — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— in circular form on the front ef the hatch­ that able paper, the Clyde, N e w V u: l,-, In ; - ik in g of tin) new steam er, tig- PX- ery that is now completed at Seaton, on Démocratie Herald says: Tí - I’ i . .-i.ient Huge e f/itttrtf says; Capt. 1’. It. Junes, — AT— A school meeting was held in this tlis- tlit* Siuslaw river. appears determ ined to toree a tight on to of i’r do.'.land, who is building tiie light- F lorknck , L ank C ounty , O regon tiiet on last Thursday ufternoon, and Al wo have visited the hateherv since the two New York Senators. Fr mi the d r raft river steamer ‘'.Eugene,” width the citizens voted to raise a two mill tax. completion, and will give in our nr x xt commencement of his term , if be could will run between tiie metropolis and M. F . A L L E Y , E d i t o r a n d P r o p r i e t o r . 1 Ids brings into our treasury $120. One- j.„,,e ((l|| description of it, that part o of tind a man wiio bail I itterly fought Hill this city, was here yesterday. He states half mill for the improvement of the the subject will be omitted at this time, nun Murphy it was sufficient reason to that his bout will he ready to make tier school grounds; three-fourths of a mill The object sought now is to call public nan him for some good office, until the hist trip some time next mouth. She -T eems : $2.00 a year in advance.- fit»* ss.l . three-fourths I, MArt f . . , • e>. I * .» attention • . for flaonltoea* teachers’ a.ll.vs!..a salaries, sw and to an assistant i in propagating Senators were forced in mere self respect will draw 14 inches of water when load­ , of a mill for seats in school-house. salmon here, to further foster such in­ to light their confirmation in the Senate. ed. Hen. F. Craw was appointed resi­ Entered at Hie post-office at Florence, At a meeting of the Florence Fire com­ dustry, as well as the energe mid good There was nothing about Ilornbluwer dent n g n t and will make all arrange­ Lane county, Oregon, as second-class pany, heM on February 5, 1894, J . I. judgm ent displayed in t! .".eetioli of to commend him for Justice of the Su' ments for slopping on this end of the mail m atter. Bultertiehl und B. F. Alley were elected the building by the gcutlem. having preme Court except that he had ft light line. When tiie boat arrives here on honorary members. The hoys of this th at work in charge. tiie two Senators from this state. They her first trip.it is intended th at our citi­ ADVERTISING BATES U.VOE KNOWN ON AP­ company art-consummating the details of We claim th at public aeknowletlg- prevented his confirmation. A day oi zens will present tiie steam er her colors PLICATION. L ocal u o tic e i 8 ce n ts per true, ea c h in sertion. the organization, end soon we can have ment of good deeds in nil the affairs of two afterwards the President vetoed the with appropriate eerenn ny. This is the the pleasure of reporting a well organized life, is a public duty. Therefore ill stat hill for a bridge from New York Citv to condition upon which she is to he chris­ N otick .—Professor J. M. Williams, of e .mpany and compassed of men ready t • ing th a t Colonel M. E. Freem an, tiie New Jersey, which was favored by both tened ‘'E ugene.” If her trial trip proves gentlem anly contractor ami builder of of our Senators anti all our members of satis.'aetory, ware-houses and landing Eugene is our agent and is authorized io do service. Every one knows th at it will he built on the river hunk here. Tin1 republicans in Douglas county Portland, has finished th e erection of Congress. receive subscriptions, advertising and money tor T ub W est und receipt for the will do well to hear in miud that the our salmon hatchery in a manner satis- was done to spite the Senators for reject- Luke pin iuct w ill present a name to he factory to our entire people, is giving ing Hornhlower. Regarding the single tax theory the i same. Xow he follows that up by s e n d i n g III tlran ts Pass Courier states' placed on the legislative ticket, ami his just credit. It is also creditable to him, Congress- i nomination will he vigorously urged hy alike to ns, that he virtually employed the Senate the name of Whet- e r I ! P e e k man Maguire of California lias in tro -; W E S T L IN G S . the coast delegates. lie is a stauuch all his workmen h e re ; purchased all ma- ham. of New 5 oft, t ity, o he Justice of tluced a hill to provide for a direct tax I N otice .—Mr. E. H. David will give a republican, a man of learning am! as log­ torial of our mill men und merchants, the Supreme Court. H e is a g o o d law- on laud in orde • to raise money lost good man with small family an excel­ ical, forcible and eloquent a speaker as th at they eould possibly furnish, ami yer, but is sixty&Ue years of age, very through lowering the tariti' bv the Wil- Those holding real estate J lent chance on his farm near Florence. can he found in Oregon. His name is paid his hills and otherwise left the best irritable anti with no t?"-i!Í::t's fitting sou hid. h one quali­ mortgage are to be considered as part- ' I r a e e s of an houoratde character in Flor­ him for a Jndgo j j c. Prof. T. M. Marlin. S omething N ew .—Have you seen fication that is /p h nt . the Presi­ tiers in the land am’ are to bo taxed in : The rate on the Southern Pacific from ence and vicinity. those Ladies Jerseys th at are now ottered I t has tint been a question of how dent. Whiaw wl g for.Gov- proportion. I t is liardly likely that the ’ Eugene to San Francisco and return is for leas tham cost at Meyer & K yle’s? -uiitgl a move hill will become a law, hut it shows th at $24.75, anti from Drain to Sari Francisco much lie could make out of this under­ ernqr in 1888, Peckham B ohn .—At Florence, Oregon, on Feb­ lie sent circulars all the Henry George single-tax theoriesare anil return $22.85. These rates include taking, hut how thoroughly inechanie- to defeat him. ruary 7, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Marion five coupons of admission to the Fair. ally, honestly und satisfactorily he could over the state asking Democrats to vote taking hold of some Congressmen, Morris a ten pound boy. Marion, like Tickets will he o n sale f r o m Junury 24th do tiie work, thus holding his gooti rep- for W arner Miller. Tins is what sends * » # th e good gentlemau th at lie is, reported and those hoarding -he train at either illation as an honest builder against all Ids name ill foe Judge lie Is n o ta In speaking of Pennoyer’s claim the th e (act to this office, and judging from Eugene or Drains, will arrive in San critieal inspection. Democrat. In qttr last Constitutional Gold Beaeti Uaiette says: Pennoyer tiis appearance he is exceedingly happy Francisco on the follow ing day at 10.42 Colonel Freeman not only ditl the Convention he tried to have an article claims one-third of the people of Oregon over the event. a. in. Tickets good for fit) days from work of building the hateheiy well, hut inserted that no one hut property holtl- are without subsistence. If it’s that bad he displayed admirable judgm ent in ers should be allowed to vote. in Salem, lie had better move down to date of sale. The fish hatchery is completed. looking well to its future. This may lie He is an aristocrat of the first water Curry county. Out of a population of Mr W aiter Lang informed us that Fred Bean started eu route for Eugene practically illustrated in stating that a and lias no claims to being called a dem ­ 2,000 there is hut one person supported when coming in from Heeeta recently, on Tuesday. portion of the flume leading up to the ocrat. by tiie county. Times are hard iiere, but Mrs. E. Nichols now has charge of the his party hail a lively time fo ra few mo­ hatchery must needs pass around tiie There are plenty of democrats in the people find enough to eat, and money to ments in preventing a log, th at a huge Mapleton hotel. point of an eminence. This water con­ United States who are qualified for a spare for w hat they want to drink. T he W est will be an im portant statis­ ocean breaker brought in,from demolish­ ductor was planned to he built on the Justice of tiie Supreme court. We hope ing th eir wagon. The horses were lashed tical journal next week. ground, but at the point mentioned, Col. to see some one of them vet mimed ami Roseburg Plaihdealer: And now the into a furious run, and then the log was George Anderson secured the contract within a few inches of them when it Freemun had the flume trenched and confirmed for that place. Rev. Dr. P. S. Hansen, the noted Bap­ covered with earth, thus protecting it The President by insisting on making of painting the fisti hatebery. tist divine, has discovered that the story i lodged on the ground. It is dangerous Hood’s Pills are the best after-dinner driving on tiie beach alien high seas run fr«»in injury by logs or debris that comes inch nominations will woon lose the of Cain and Abel is a m yth. Of course I down the hill, and in this way making sym pathy and confidence of his own he will be disciplined and unless be can pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa­ und the tide is in. t ii e water supply assured during h a t c h - party. make a better defense than did Dr. tion. On Monday evening the Board of Trus­ ing. Briggs his days of usefulness are few. C. H. Leadbetter is receiving some un­ tees took notice of our sidewalks being A S C O U N D R EL IN F E A T H E R . Nothing is more certain than th a t we favorable criticism from the Southern destroyed by team sters driving over them are more particular about the construc­ Fron th e D aily StntChiuan. Oregon press. A correspondent of a Seattle paper, regardless of street crossings. People tion of this hatchery being properly Success to the Independence man who Pastor Knotts came down tiie river in who own no property themselves, do not j One than any other, and it is gratifying says the Salem Statesman, writes the fob a rowboat accompanied by a driving share in the lively interest the real citi to us to commend every part of the lowing: Washington, Jan. 27th.—There 19 preparing to build a steam er of extra zen feels in our improvements. The work done by Mr. Freem an, and as he is a noted Oregonian in the city at pres­ light draft to navigate the upper Wil­ storm Monday. lam ette during its lowest sum mer stag t:'! A Marshfield hotel caught fire on Wed­ good ladies built the walks injured, and leaves for ids home in Portland to-day, ent although his edming was not her­ Such an enterprise, properly conducted, nesday, January 31st, which nearly re­ we are of the opinion that if our men are he can have the assurance th at he leaves alded in the public press, nor has bis , not possessed with vim enough to build many friends here who will ever he presence here been signalized by inter­ would prove a profitable one. It would sulted in a general conflagration. J walks, they ought to have spunk enough ready to recommend him as an honora­ views in the city papers. He is neither prove a great accommodation to the The House has passed the Wilson a politician nor a place hunter, but whole people living along the river on to defend those th eir wives and daugh- ble gentleman. tariff bill by a vote of 204 to 140. Its fate a wearer of diamonds and fine linen, a either side. It would bring to market I ters built for them. in the Senate cannot he predicted. Salem the fruit, eggs, poultry, milk, In enum erating the republican candi­ TW O S E L F -E X P L A IN IN G L E T T E R S . man who pays treasury officials $1,290 a The steam er Mink just flow up to Sea- month when be has need of their ser- I’Utter, garden truck and general produce dates for various offices in Douglas coun­ tun on Tuesday. Captain H urd and en­ the farmers, and it would in turn E ugene , O regon , F kby 3, 1894. vices. This is Nathan Blum, who needs ty, the Plaihdealer says of School Super- gineer Phillips are responsible for tiie E ditor W e s t :—Some tim e ago I no- 'n o introduction either to the people ol liver to the residents along the river j intendent applicants, as follows: speed. their provisions, etc. By all means, give There are a num ber of candidates for ticed an article in your paper criticising Portland or of Puget Sound. A monument has been unveiled in the nomination foi School Superiutend- somewhat the method of conducting the * At the Oxford, where lie is stopping ns a small steamer for this service, and W o laid out th e original tow n site of FLO REN CE, ¡Deluding the San Francisco th at marks the place ! ent. J . A. Underwood, the present teachers exam inations. I aiu aware th at with a young lady known as Val Hast- its business will grow so rapidly that where Sir Francis Drake first set foot on incumbent of that office, is being urged it is a hardship for applicants from the ing«—a lady of whom he testified in the new ones must soon be added. the Pacific coast. ! by bis many friends to be a candidate Siuslaw to come to Eugene especially d u - ■ United States court that he and Lotan > ' fqually fond— A serial story, “ Among the Siuslnws, for re-election, while the names of C. P. ring the « in ter, and 1 «ru te to Supt. , and M tilk erw T h e O ld e « t S o ld ie r Iu t h e W o r ld . ,/c k , of ! Astoria, or A Tale of 60 Years Ago,” by th at no­ Snell of Myrtle Creek, O. C. Brown of McElroy a «hurt time ago stating t h e ' l i e is k n o w i Russia proudly claims the oldest sol­ ted author, More Anon, is running in Deer Creek, John ltees of Oakland ami ease and asking if I might appoint a t l e p and alter his name mi the hotel register dier. if not the oldest citizen ofany rank, the Florence W est .—Oregonian. Prof. Harwood of Glenada are prom inent­ my at Florence to conduct the examiua- apfieared the w ords'“and wife.” Blum in the known world. Her claim ant for this distinguished honor is Colonel Grit- II. IL and Geo. H. B arrett to J. ly mentioned in connection with tiie tiun for the Siuslaw country, and to for­ has been here for several weeks. zenko of P ottaw anear Odessa, who, if lio ward the papers to the hoard at Eugene The story th a t tie is here negotiating Kcbreuder amd D. Verloop lot 4, in nomination. for marking and grading. Ills decision for a pardon is off' the track. N either lives until Feb. 7, will celebrato his one blocg 2, G lenada; consideration $100. To the citizens and residents of the hundred and tw entieth birthday. Grit- Also bond for lot 5, in block 2, conside­ Siuslaw who have property to sell or was not favorable. I would he willing to lie nor his partner, Jackliug, will ever zenko entered the m ilitary service in the he sentenced for their confessed guilt. accommodate th e ptople of the Siuslaw ration $100. year 1789, 104 years ago. and received trade—real or personal. with an examimalion a t Florence, even They have trty On St. V alentine’s Day, Feb. 14, the cither in Eugene or Florence, r.e recom­ S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . uty situated at Florence or any other M. Duncan, clerk». ladies of the Methodist church will give particular point in your county. If the Luke Creek—Chaa. Potter!, F. R. mend you to correspond with E. J. Fra­ a ten cent tea at the residence of Mrs. J. R ev . I. G. K notts P a tor . above is note#!¡^factory I shall bo glad Pepiot, P .te r Hollo, judges; Howard sier, secretary ami manngt r of tire Lnnc C. Brown. Tea will be served form four Next Sabbath there will I«- Com- to take up the subject again. Co. I.aod & Loan Co , Eogeno, Oregon. pope, J. C. Fanner, clerks. to six and from nine to ten. Every one munion services at 11 a. m. Preaching Very lru ly yours, G lentena—E. Tliurmnn, A D. Reeves, Send for one of their latest descriptive ia requested to bring a bottle of fun to also at 7 p. m . All are most cordially E. B. M c E i . rov , J. n. Richardson, judges; W I'. Bailey, eirenlars. Read their ad. in another serve with the ten. A . enjoym ent and invite! to these «ervi.-es. part of tliis paper. Htate Supt. Pub. Inst. Archie Itlchnrdson, clerks. THIS FDR F L O R E N C E . FIR-CLAD CITY. Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a bee line” W est from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS TOE, SALE! WATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY S a tis fa o tio ri! FLOWER HOME Is the Name of GALLAGHER’S ADDITION cu All of this property is within the corporate limits of the town am! lots .................. ‘ es ranging from $6 to $50 Write for plat ami descriptive circular to A. E. GALLAGHER O O Enhene, Oregon.