H E W E S T . and the remains he (, Xf) human ,.fc ¡n ter ,lu r:ng hcr 8tay a „10ng UlCD1> a„ j he haa it did one hundred year« ago. The 1 dependent. The day laixirer is as nei es- l*ad brought some presents which lie ory of Arctic adventure in a stori- of eury aa tho hanker, the lawyer, the phy- hoped they would accept. Ita, the loss and disappointm ent. In ««-ling ’ sieian, the educator, the statesm an, the 'diiei's wife, was made happy by a pair I.nout lliese vain attem pts to discover iullll„r an(. , h(. Th(. Tlie (,ni;H,ioI1 i,mission o[ of of 01 gold i"J,u bracelets, bracelets, a a beautiful shawl, t .a, treat secret of the icy North one is one is tlie ruin of all. Society is a unit, blanket» and bright silk handkerchiefs; impressed with the idea th at if each Agriculture, m anufactures and com- •‘dam, tlie ehief, a suit of buckskin pa-tv of adventurers during ail these tneree are inilii suiubly united. H um an- l lyti:i s, a pair of blankets and a sw ord; years of exploration, instead of limiting ity is like a great body, with its head a t ■ Ongy received a fine fowling piece . in; North Pole, had started out with one pole and its feet at tlie o th er; its and a buckskin suit. 51. Be Gran re- T NEW years that followed, her gentle »ays anil kindly sym pathy proved a bleasing to her family, and a soiaco to all with whom she came in contact. ! POINT TER PA C E. NEW B y Sfoca A von . Sunvliinc at Point Terra- e. Mrs. Georg“ l»r. p ;; Lug a f, v, • : hvh with ner : ister, .Mr«, u. car iu a k e , at Floren e. the end . Literary. tOHIGJNAL AND SELECT«».) It is better to suffer than to sin. C oinentrauon is the secret of strength It is not knowledge, but little knowl­ edge, th a t puifotii up. Spiritual service lies in tlie conseir 1- tion of simplest duties. However little we may have to do, th a t little should be done well. GOODS! NEW ■ J u s t Re jig Bg g nj9 $ GOODS! ived a t th e - C~iS3 era vJ! Rev. I. G. Knott« proa lied a very f‘resiing ser.non at Po.nt i’errace Sunday last. M.ss Clara Youn0 was ca led orne iraní schoo. at A nne, on account of the 8 9 4 in Lspusa.on of her mother. Stringers have been put in phi e for a muc.j needed br;d e a r o s s S w c v t* . r e e k near tlie res.den e of D. A, i rad ey. Notions, Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, Grass Seeds. H a rd ­ Tno fine weatuer of to-da makes on ■ think of gardening, but w e n is ; re . e ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, T urpentine, Colorings &c. & c . ' H r tlu*t it takes more than one sw.ido.v f# - 1 8 9 3 □ ¡y FA LL & W S T E E 1 and Fancy G o o a s , Take a Look at our------ Don’t stand siiiveriug upon tlie b a n k ; , l ' d " in '• plunge in at once and liave it over. ' , 0 1 1’ 1 t - 'i n i p l j e d , w .io w . , . east a ... . , , ... Hhort tim e ago to attend a verv s . k son W e attract hearts by tlie qualities we i 1S ! B-e continued wet w i eatacr has caused a .. object in view might now have been ,q,„I1L. a rc its brains, gome are its heart, i bis bouse and his greatest hardship was IiLick, W h ite an d G rey. never seTíajá-y ., 1 .«■»! he Is,employed ; quite a num bcr’i»' - • q * i t o d e . , .ta.nexl. A great supply station might son,e ¡(S lungs, its bones, its muscles, its to give her up. Mr. Clayton took off bis P lu sli, v e lv e l. , ta lk s, gimps and fancy trim m ings. Hosiery, gtovca> have been established at an easy acees- nervt,H> jtH ,iandg( jtg f..et Toueh i( ‘ own gold watch and chain, apd giving it is the ¡ tic ,aa that is tlie most mis­ I'oiL f wOOa. 1. ' p d n t in the Arctic regions and a w|„.ro yCl„ wj,|r .,nd all parts will re- them to Irm a bailu hcr persuade him to erable. corsets, ribbons, saxony yarn, and hundreds of oth er choice articles. N e w s y L e t t e r fr in t h e 1. The heart is always hungry. No man chain of small »tatiuns might haye been spout! to th a t touch. A famine in Eng- accept it in reniembranec of herself, s n a i A le n ti n . lives happily alone. Tlie wisest and tlie ’ established north of it, Each year a lan(, ¡„ felt in tJjig counlry. A war in Tibs tlie kind hearted Freueliman could Bv O aii . M aker . northw ard advance might have Is en China ¡s b.|t ¡„ a || commercial circles. uot refuse to do, and Irm a pressed it best is wiser and better for tlie friends J he lias. made by tl.e establishm ent of a few new ; Finanei#| depression here is felt through- ¡«to Ids bands. She then selected many Robert Low ,.as o ated oil a picto of Greatness coasists riot in what one stations, each of which could have lieen ! out p uropo. W hen tilia „iutua, ; valuable and comfortable presents for land adjoining G. rt . Brewsier's. amply supplied with fuel and provisions. pvndence is ignored, men are savages, Kalokeu, and rolling them into a bundle has, hut in what use one makes of ids ; Vegetation is scarcin ; gro.vt i an 1 in­ , ¡10.nt to an early spr.ng. Kucii a system of Arctic exploration We rise to a true conception of the requested David Jew ett to take them to possessions—not in capacity, but in a dications ; A pleasant dan tin . party was ettjo ed ' oui I have been slow but sure. I t 1 grandeur of human life when v.e realize I ber lixlge, where she sat sorrowing for right exercise of that cajiaeity. Intellect, likoice, is colorless; no one \ at Prof. .Martin's iasi Saturday n gut. ’ “ 1 not have held out to tlie individ- th at tlie law of mutual ilepeniliiiee is as ber dea l. David laid. them down and lias more of it than tlie devil. It is tlie If there is one tiling more t ian un­ mil explorers such high hopes ol glori-j truo o t morals as of pl,v«ies. 1 withdrew when lie saw that site did not moral sense that im parts character, if other that t.us reader admires in the Keeps a fu ll lin e o f E x tra Q u a lity ous discovery, h u t it would hove assured 1 s------------------- r — j even raise her head. Then came other make-up of Tit.-: W est it is tlie orderli­ t , c.i h a certain degree of success. Mr. j C onstant growlers are a standing J .4i(t8 to t..lcJl vi;;:l,,t.r> of blankets, shoes, either God or man will love you. ness of its coin mis. i'ic Iciitiv the Edi­ Rob rt Ktein, win» for nine years past ‘» ‘ mice to prosperity. In nine eases j handkerchiefs, pipes, tobacco, cotton Freethinking often means thinking that tor believes that i.i‘ even's llrut law is S G R O C E R IE S . has : en employed in tlie office of tlie j out 01 tbe so-ended “ financial w atch-! cloths, flannels, beads, ribbons, e’te., etc., is free from tlie restrictions which aeeu- also adaptable to a liewcpiqier. Bulled States Geological Survey, tins dogs” are themselves financial, moral | until all rate knowledge of tlie recognized laws of Mr. Alley, of tlie Jewish Relief 5Iis- , , ........ was distributed anil every one ¡A RD W A RE, T IN W A R E , BOOTS & SHOES, elaborated a scheme of Arctic study that > anward I w ill see you represents tlie true feelings; it merely Hon. Ii. 51. Yeatcli l.as bei n appo'nt- ou Lllesiuero Land, A whnling firm torical liasne« from the brightest mental l ,1“'re’ InnH :” tei‘™ cboked ber voico •V?* 1 R e lia b le pi has agreed to transport eight or nine lenses tiie House affords. There are few ) bUt SllU 1,rCS“t'd b tr baud USai“ and de’ j dilutes the will and weakens tiie p u r­ e l Re, istei'o ftlie Li nd (.'Ui e at Rose- uI s h e O ö burg. pose. men at a reasonable price ami tiring tlie instances in tlie Lfo-tinie of nu n wi.en i lì W hat to do with our troubles anil hin­ party back in tlie autum n. If the in such opixirtnnity presents .tself, and lie ! Mr' C!“)’tOn bad Providcd a 1<>a » 1-1 “ T h e L ost C o n t in e n t .’* drances is tlie great problem of life. It Dr. Dowdier Sharpe, the well known .A conditions in Jones Sound perm it, Mr. j cloak for Irm a which covered tlie pic- is very lum inate w i.o takes advantage u-«.r~tEU O © G L-« lies witii us to make them into violets in ornitholog'.it of the British museum, do- • 1 ■ tciii liitemls to m ake a boat journey to £8 j turesque costume she wore, and when livercil a lectur© at tLe Sav«i;;e club on ,-i of toe opportunity. W tlie soul, or into thorns. Tlie finest t'ne west coast of Ellesmere Lund, sur­ “ Tiio Lost Contiu "nt." Dr. Sharpe iirst <•> — —r^-;---- -— — j slie seated herself in tue boat beside lier parts of ti.c lines* so Is liave been un de illustrated the zoo geographical regions veying it as fur nortli as Hayes Sound. i » Iii.EAi iiKii bones of over twenty-eight father, Hossie, the little spaniel, Petito's of the world, with their peculiar forms 3 t. The honse neur Ga|ie Tennyson will be Chinese, puikcd in a tin box und her-1 2*ft to ber, jumped in nnd crawled up of i oi roue^J^ id of bird lift), an i explained the occurrence ■ i Gail Ü î 8 Ï 0 D BARGAINS i l l SPECIAL LIKE S o Young people’wl.rt leitrn to work wi,, of isolated forms in ilifi'erent portions of Mr. tein’s prim ary station, which can inetieally sealed, were recently shipped 1 ky her. ‘Oil, may I take him ?” she ci always fare liettcr than idlers and the globe by ini' existence of n former E h id lio cosily reached every year from the from Chicago Io the l' liiwcry kiiigtloiu. 1 asked. C ertainly," hcr father an­ AS FOLLOWS: land connection now vanished beneath e— i G ood C n n to n F l a n n e l ................ ....... civilized work!. I t is proposeil to gruil- Here we woivd like to n nd . few s ; s ’ swered. 51. Le Gran smiled and waved ilwadlers. Even if they do not have to the sea. tlie idta of ¡:; ancient tropical M en’s S u its fro m ................... F-.00 to $10.00 K B e tte r q u a lity « a u to ii E lu n n el. loc Y o u th 's S u its f r o m ............... ».00 to h.W) icili'. establish subaitliary stations fur- leii'i of uiiuii.u ..cd i .. ini« Li.iti.'i .out a.iieu us t.ie little llotdia pulled duwii work, it is better to learn how against i. continent at t i i e south pole uniting South A p ro n C h ec k G in g h a m s . .. fcJaC M en's S hoes f r o m ................. l.Oo to 8.00 P re s s G in g h a m s .......................... l(!e M en’s lio o ts fro m ................. 2. ; to 6.00 time of misfortune, rt ealth sometimes Am riea, Madagn.-car end A ustralia is o A fine lo t o f M an d artl P r in ts tu er nortli, a hundred or more miles liesii to tlie Huwcry Kingdom. . I ’kC B oys’ B oots from tlie river. l.fM) to 2.00 i-. D o u b le f nrl D ress F la n n e l ........ arousing tou.-idi ruble interest anil dis­ 26e M en's R u b b e r H u n tin g B oots 8.2Ö to 3.60 > takes unto itself wings. E le g a n t O u tin g l in n n e l apart, eacli with a eoiufortaiile house, ....... “ K n ee B ooty, They reached tlie Viking ai out sun- cussion in scientific circles at th. jrresont lia n d k e r c iiie f - fro m Ac u p w a rd . s o m e th in g E le g a n t 2.75 Love can be increased by judicious time, chiefly owing to the supjicrt which W L ad ies' s h o e s from As mi st iiavu been uxpei led, the s.tu- down and were soon on tmard. Irma i oats, ample provisions sup|i]ieil from 1 .2 » to 2 .5 0 M en’s R u b b e r H ip B oots 8.25 to 8.60 In M uliiers fo r H o lid a y P re s e n ts , we M en's R u b b e r lo o t s , s h o r t it has received from tiie recent discov­ t> c a n sh o w y o u a fine Lot to sele ct tiie prim ary station, and weapons and “ t i l ’ll is liberally planked witn tne i n - ! found a trunk filled with necessary and vulture, as wild fruits may double tlieir Bovs’ R u b b e r H u n iin g .< .-ots 3.00 to 8.25 ■d eries in tlie Chatham ivlrnds of Mr. ii. from . Boys' •• "to rn ! K in g i o o ts 2.60 Gì A lin e lin e o f I.adie*’, G e n ts ’ a n d C h il­ M en’s R ubbers am m unition for hunting and fishing. sion of t,.e Demo ratio mid Populist suitable clothes wiliiih her thoughtful bearing under tlie band of a gardener, C. 1 orbeu, the well known filaluvau trav­ 50c d r e n ’s U N pcK W E A R a t a s to n ish - Ladie*’ a n d ■ b ild r e n ’s R u b b e rs in a ll size s Diudv LOW PdiC E S. Tin ",'riiianeiit force at eacli secondary parties in Hus state, rt lien the reform j father hail provided for her, and when and love can dwindle and die out I y eler. Tlie lecturer in eoucluY.i.in dealt an d »it low est prices. •d C h ild re n 's Shoe»» a t p rices th a t d efy w ith some problems of tho geivtiaphical G e n ts 'a n d L a d ies’ 'h ie in to s h e s . a n d C ir c u ­ i— « neglect, as choice (lower seeds planted in eoiu p e titio n . station is never to exceed live inisi party poses as a wing to democracy it is | supper was announced she earnu out of la rs fo r S ch o o l G irls. Ci distribution i f birds for which no rea­ « ¡ioor soil dwindle ami grow single. about timi* Republicans come iiume or 11 lined to oliserve every usped of na- sonable solution lias yet been ollcred.— In r state-rooui dressed in garm ents to W E S O L IC IT YOL R T K ’A D E . Í A L L & C U .S There is no moment like tiie pres i t ; St. Jam es Gazett". t '.ii. Mr. Stein's idea is eventually to join tlie parent brunch. suit her age and station, and in touch not only so, but, nioreover, there is no make Fraux Josef lunid and other points Sv.-i-vtlieurt A lib i.,. witii tiie requirem ents of civilization. I’AitAiioxicAi. as it may seem, Lionel moment at all—that is, no instant fi ree ) There is in Galiuway, Si'igland, an an­ tlie basis for similar lines of advance, Tiie trip liome wasa perpettiul delight. cient ruin known ns .Sweethi art abbey. ! Stugge’s resignation lias lieen accepted and tints in time to make geologic maps There w as so niucti of joy on liourd tlie and energy, but in tlie present, dhe W ithin its ivy cover-.I. sti rm battkred | Is'i'uiise lie once gave a fraudulent check man who will not exe ute bis resolu­ • if all tlie islands, extensive pendulum walls lies buried the aSi c l io n a t I and de- ' ship and so much more in anticipation. o e s» o for $30, while Nat Blum stoic tliousands voted Dervurg.il, v Lli the heart of her j oiiricrvations for determ ining more ex­ Tlie winds blew fair and tlie ship sjieil tions wdien they are fresh iqion him, husband; John Baiiol, embalmed upon j of dollars and lie is now tlie worshiped hope from them afterward. actly tlie figure of tlie earth, studies of D etti along nnd finally reached tlie bay of can liave no « », i - --- breast. --- ----- _ Lovely — „ in tlieir lives, in ! of cabinet officers and l.as no fear of th e secret o f interesting conversation death they are not divided. The crum- Arctic ini'ti oriilogv, Hunt and fauna, and Monterey. Mr. Morion was on tlie punishm ent. is tlie same as that of literature—having bling masonry is still and mu-t ever bo a periiaps, to discover new whaling watch for iier, end when l.e saw tiie sig­ — ÂÊW ,i . , in its syiu! U«y, els of den'll de- som etlnng,., m . .nd-som ethm g to say. romance cay, t(,llir.., eveîy as it I, : and for ¿«0 grounds and mineral resources. It is to I t is certainly of importance th at tlie nal agreed upon lie ran to apprise Mrs. G e n ts’ (torpe ts , 1»" feared th at Mr. Stein may err in tlie people desiring to sell property should Clayton, ami prepare her for tlie joyful A et how few people liave minds furnish- years, the thrilling story of r. woman’s G la ssw a re , l»tre anil de.otiou, F u r n is h in g Boots a n d d reetion of other Arctic explorers in a t­ liand in kuc I i list to Joe Morris, Jr., so news. Mrs. Clayton was a good deal ed witii any tiling but commonplace, or G ro ceries, Goods. Shoes. tem pt ing to cover too much ground. If those receiving the late circulars and re­ overcome, but joy seldom kills and she at least how few can produce acceptable ' E tc. E tc . he would establish supply stations from plying to them, can lie furnished witii a prepared to i o on i oard to meet tlie re­ fragments from store of knowledge ! There arc over 6,000 persons fed thr H eadquarters for W h a tw Ulp tn T e i.to a b lo e k o fm a rb !e ! t ‘“ “ ’ d“{, a t /> ’!«».•'• Uagtcb pal tin to twenty miles apart, and have list of property for sale and tiie price turning wanderer. Christy would not , . while the sultan of Turkey is i!u-re c a i ' iiiini'cted by telegraphic wires and therefor. go, bat remained to take care of the lit­ education is to the soul. The philoso­ tvi ¡ii ones tlie risks of tlie enterprise tle Helen who was now running nlwiit pher, the saint and tlie hero, tlie wise, H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. rt hen tlie iiH'ieini'iicy of tiie weather ami paying many pretty little words. the good and tlie great man, very often would lie greatly reduced. He would EUGEN prnb.il'ly find little ililliciilty in seeuring lias spent its fury, it would lie well for But C i,retv 's heart was full; was Hit are hidden and concealed iti a piebian, OREGON. volunfeers to man the stations, and tlie tlie Board of I rade to ti ke some action dol|di of tiiat returning party, or was lie which proper education might have dis­ R esults fro m ta k in g HoctPa money required to prosecute tlie nnder- on tlie exhibit we ought to display in Among tlie lost? rt ben Mr, .Morton’s interred and brought to light. Sarsaparilla t.ikiu ; could jiridiably be easily obtained San Francisco. 1 n t reached tlie Viking the expeetant Let it never lie forgotten th a t there is T O IL E T SETS 10 PIECES! F E rsa t White Stare af DRY GOODS A n o w ie s & C e tty s , V D ftV X GOODS X HOUSES of «!. !{. hkcCiung E U G E N E , “ I LEAD BU T NEVER S. H. Fr endüy F O L L O W !” LOJTHINC, a HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AfiD BARLEY, R ic h R ed C ’o cd from wealthy men, who would I«' pleas­ ed to have their names linked with a eel:.'me of discovery promising such cer- t.in rt suits. *L. leiii may have some interesting i.' .i fo rth c world liefora long, ns lie may . nc in contact witii tribes of men ■levt r yet seen by white men. Tlie New V eil Sun, in an account of tlie exjN'di- noii. i .iys: “ Tlie Eskimos have reported f if on ■ of tlieir trils's, never seen by while men, lives mi (lie west side of Elli: n in e Land. There is no doubt t it at one time this region w as lnlinle i in nt least tliat liunting parties I ' south made prolonged sojourns t ’. : ' . : r not a few traces of the natives i ccn found on tlie l astern shores. 'fot no explorer or w hubr has ever seen a native who lived in Ellesmere Land. 'J e I'.— mo n a iu e lor tlie euiintry is t li e I .m l ut tiie Musk O x; lint all indica­ tions ¡i lit to jhe almost total disap- ; ■ aran ■ of lai^e game, (ini it is likely iii.it t natives long ago abainluneil i'.iie- ere I.gnd as,» banting field and a jA ■ , ol : csidi'iiee. However, Mr. Steiu v..l ; . i dily find yn ¿lie west const mi­ n i ' . . ' ' trares of natives who never, . i no n i. * contact witii tiie white race: As riiu ir o u to i tne n.ne I'opuiists in the House of Representatives voted for tlie Wilson hill, that party van mi lunger lay claim to lie any tiling but free trailers. Evsuv mun in the Siuslaw valley should send a ropy of our next week's issue to some one in the east. It will pay to spend 5 rents to help your eoun- ,r J'. ¡•ai'tv went on hoard, and hero again we will draw a veil as the emotions of th at hour were too sacred to be intruded upon. il l d u e t i m e tlu-y returned to th e shore. Christy was tiie first to greet Irma as she crossed tiie threshold of I er home. Afier an affectionate greeting Irm a said: "And 1 ere is some one else come liome to you, dear C hristy.” Cliriatv I looked up, I.n 1 there stood het husband REAL ESTATE! scarcely a s i n g 'o |^ j^ a i'tiiin of a single individual of ti igh other persons can have aueli a ki ledge in its ultim ate grounds, its surrounding incidents, and tlie real determining ganses of merits, as to w arrant tlieir pronouncing a con- ■lusive judgment upon it. AA e liave seen manners that make a sim ilar impression with personal beauty; th at give the like exhilaration, and re­ fine us like tliat; but they m ust be A n F i mwood (1ml.) mail found $S5 in Iilio.i, Si c had so long mourned aa dead, marked by fine perception, the aeqna n- gold coin in a head of cabbage tie luid Slie flew info iiis eml race and tlie two tanee with real beauty. Then they Isiuglit at liis gru.' ry sture. This set­ ¡iiitlif.ll h e a rs Were united again no m ust be inspired by tlie good heart, i.n i , t. . ..rt. There is no lieautifier of face or form, or tles the monetary quest on. T hirc is ’..tit little mure to tell. Mr. I’etinvior, like tiie wish to scatter joy. T us IXunoeratie Mate Convent.on Clayton p r.- ia.ie.1 Mr. Jewett to accept »"'• not pain, nround us. meets ill Astoria on Apr i 17. Tiie a peeiüo:, in his employ, and so soon as W hat is tl.e use oi history, and what great Imttle of fm on w it . the I’up.ii. «•in David -o.i! 1 prepare a ho ne he sent for are its lessons? First, it is a voice for- li ill t i l d i . e d e c i d i l i . h 's a g .d m other to . ume and live with ever sounding a rosa tl.e centuries tl.e him . l’. rcy, shortly after I.is return, law« of right and wrong. Opinions alter Ksxt' fri sli i aiiicd m .unir mimi» tlint p:o . l a s i i cei'.ful examination and was manners change, creels rise ami fall, all tliiiigs limiti tal in tuia wor 1 move admit: I to toe m inistry. Rudolph and hut the moral law is w ritten on tl.e late liy tiie furie of ¡irò i\ ssivo meli. Cariety went to a liome oi tlieir own in lets of eternity. For every false word the outskirts of the town, and now a or unrighteous deed, for cruelty and op. r tir u Spring conns ietliiirgy or re­ newed energy, Tiie latter we trust is little girl and l ey light up their fireside prensión, for lust or vanity, tlie price has w it',, tin ir innocent prattle. Irm a i* the to lie paid at last, not always hv tlie iulmrii in the ¡auple Iteri*. life a n l sola.e of her borne of luxury in el,ief offenders, but paid by some one. WB BOT» BO ' naw ! ii: Monterey as slie was of tiie rustic lodge Justice anil truth alone endure and ; course of erection at Acme, in tiie wild S.ushiw country, and in tiie. live. For Bargains in Real Property CA LL THE LANE ON OR ADDRESS CO UNTY EUGENE. LAND & LO A CO., OREGON. R ' i i circfully tha following affidavits bv prom inent citizens regarding Flor­ ence property, now on tlie market at wonderfully reduced prices: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : I hereby certify that I was tlie original owner of tiie properly known as Frasier nnd Berry s part nf Florence, which E. J. Frsier is now offering for sRie. Tiiat the same is level and free from drifting sand. Tliat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J. G. S tevsnson , Supt. Public School«, Lane county. JLfr. Chan, W c lk e v Of Fan rraticiseo. “ For several j-cars I have b*en troubled with blotches and phnpleJ on try faeo *n '" '¡ t trees ami shrubbery grow well in the soil and ' iat l1t,re * ‘‘il water is found on tlie same at a depth of fn in ten to fifteen feet, J oseph A. M ohhis , M en haul. i SEAL — '1'‘ L; r! ? ! ;,w!' s'“' ‘ H occî ’3 Pii¡9 ar» the best aftrr-ihntiet PiUs, u slit digestion, cure heart a. to. 5.'«, » Subscribed nnd swern to 1 efore me this 12lli da» day of March, 181)2. L. B ii . vev , Notary Public,