T he tide of destiny is tu rn in g fast | I he b aiai o í i ni. tow ards Florence. All sorts o fae- c u iu u la tio n o f facts point th a t w ay f rnr-i Vol. IV. ; push, energy, pluck. L is th e iu Í m i n a r y ol FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY. OREGÌN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1891. G EN ERAL D IR EC TO R Y CARDS- T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. BESIDE ; No. FIRE. geance would fall, hnt his intend-d vic­ carry tlie coal to tho back part ot my WAR IÜ MMINENT. tim, to escape recognition, had disguis­ cellar, but I lay that pile of coal was a ed himself in an ordinary citizen’s T h e Gri»wl»i(* E u r o p e a n C risl# G r e a t ly A r . sign—like a w ant advertisement—w hicli STATE OFFICERS. IL D. C H A II B E R L I N , dress, and now stood, unknown, among brought no less th in 12 nieu who wanted Ki-avate-1 t y I ta ly '# C u ln lltlo n . the assembled inhabitants, who were It is the Italian situation which most to carry it back for me. Wh a I told Governor.................. Sylvester Pen noyer aw aiting tln-ii- fate at tho hands of tho directly threatens iu this grow ing Eu­ them I had hir 1 some one to -lo tho Bcildo m , S T A G E L IN E . Secretary of State . .. Geo. W. McBride enraged duke. ropean crisis. France has shown sur­ work, then they want, d tn know if they Beside m y fire, w atch l] gtho firelight glow, Treasurer.........................Philip Meteiien Charles demanded that tho governor prising and most creditable restraint couldn't do something else—anything,• gleam s H . H . B a r r e tt, P ro p ’r, T he w fitful a rtis t touch have Glenada, • • Oregon. rought jaJ&ipt. Public Instruction E. B. McElroy should bo instantly delivered up to him, during the part two weeks. Her ambi­ —P ittsb u rg Dispatch. I Ul in uiy cham ber but the people would rather die them ­ tious purpose has not l-een misjudged by Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes-.l A w ondrous c h an < S t a t e P rin te r................. Frank C. Baker n a u g h t days ami Fridays. A Slf-lit. selves than betray their beloved chief those who have seen the sinister designs 1 .................W. P. Loot I L. R. J O H N S O N , Is w h a t it was. Its c »scarce I know, Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T hurs­ Our citizc .vere treated to n novel Beside 1 into tho hands of tho bloody conqueror. behind her protestations of peace, but Supreme Court ............. R. A. Bean | days and Saturdays. Duke t 'hnrles threatened to destroy she is wise enough to know that the hour sight this a fte r •no. n. Andeison Apple, J . ........... F . A. Moore | Connects with Steam er and Scotts­ Beside m y fire, as wit lo v e r’s pride, W ho n a u g h t bu t vt | in hits n. J » t r e s s s p i e s , ill with tiro and sword it his demands for the execution of her plans has not m erchant a t lie! llx, six miles southw est Judge Second D istrict.. .J. C. F tt^trto n burg Stage Line for Drain. Also w ith every fa u lt 1 m i i s h a d o w lie s , were not instantly complied w ith, while quite come. B ut if It:4y assumes 1111 ag­ of here, drove a flock of 1,200 geese Charge k> W by hile Attorney Second District. S. W. Condon the blaze uiy 1 s g lo riiie il. All my work will lie warranted to give Stage Line for Coos Bay. at the same tim e he promised a largo gressive part she will play into French through town for shipment to the city reasonable. Braids satisfaction. Call on or write to me at reward to whomsoever would point -out hands. Franco is ready, and with her from II- lix, and as they crossed tho pub­ - Mary 11. J o p u t If 'Urekeeptng. tho governor's hiding place. new ally at licr back will rejoice if one lic square - ich particular goo.-e seemed COUNTY OFFICERS. F lo re n c e , O re . His threats and promises were equal­ of her adversaries will assume the re­ to ho rq-iaw kiug against tune.—Paoli W HISM AN BROS.’ ly vain. All remained silent. • ■ L. sponsibility of making the attack. A illT E it J udge.............. Tiu-11 Stepped forth an old m an—it The situation in Itdlv 'does n o t fm * ' fNpjA.’.'A WOWEN*SLUMMER8. S t a if e : t i n e . g JOHN C. GRAY, • - In tho year 1170 tho city of Nancy, was tho governor himself in his disguise prove. It has become intolerable, and Commissioners in Lorraine, was besieged by Charles —and said th at he would reveal the se­ some violent result of tho crisis seems T h e y V is ite d C hiem ro W illi th o B e s t o f ' ............. Jam Jam es Parker Motive.«; »«.:nl U e re S h o c k e d . tho Bold, duke of Burgundy, a w arrior cret if tho duke would swear on his inevitable. There is somo tru th in the W. I!. W a l k e r The heat work a t the m ost R easonable Price«. C lerk............................. Over Lake Creek Road, of Word to pardon all tho inhabitants and statem ent th a t the trouble is caused Tho Inc . lis nu mbers of tho Chi­ tho most heroic daring, hut whose Otti ce over G range Store. .. J. E Noland I Sheriff........................ ». protect their property. more by moral than material decadence cago “ tJunnnni.*" ox»-- -lition hnvo re­ B E T W E E N E I G E N E & H E A D o f T I D E . hiiish and irritable tem per often drove E u g e n e - - O r e g o n . Treasurer..................... . . 1 rank Retener ‘‘Never!” roared the infuriated duke. Patriotism has want'd. The country i i < turned i: '. ••# 'ihe ladies who joined in him to comm it nets of wanton cruelty. Assessor....................... ....... McPherson ! The governor of Nancy at that time, " I n a town taken by assault tho victor bankrupt—not because it cannot pay its i ho expedition nro recognized leaders in taxes, but because it will not pay. The \v. C. T. U . work in Indiana. All of Leave Eugene M onday and T hursday morn whose name history has not preserved, allows no term s to bo dictated to him, School Superintendent J . G Stevenson | HORACE N. CRAIN, lugs. and I w ill take such measures to dis- reply of the Marquis di liudini to P ro -1 them a rep ted us excessively cha- Rurueyor....................... . ,.C. M. Collier was a man of dauntless courage and Leave H ead of Tide Tuesday and F rid ay ut cover your governor as shall strike ter­ mier Giolitti is justified when ho say ■ it grined or i > publicity given their noon. great m ilitary experience, and, more­ Coroner......................... J. W. H arris Pl’íK'f ¡Cell W iltclim ak ei’ ror into your h earts.” Whereupon ho is useless to impose additional tax- s, be­ buns, which was under­ over, an excellent and devoted father. declared that every tenth person should cause they will yield no more than the visit to Chica; taken with thi est of motives. Whisman Bros., Proprs His only child, whose m other had died i n d D ealer la Flue W atches a n d Jew elry die and ordered his heralds to proceed old ones. Tho people best able to pay ! “There are • Is which iu giving her birth, was tho joy and to the work of num bering tho people. CITY OFFICERS. will, tho m arquis asserts, evade pay­ Should bo rreei d,” says Mi.*s Ayres. E ugene - - O re g o n . pride of his heart and shone conspicu­ Then the men and women, boys and ment with more ingenuity and persever “ We left our lo<] ’ • ' nt 11 p. rn. and among all the maidens of her girls, old and young, w ire placed in ance. President............ . S t e a m e r i^ o b a rts ously B. I-'. Alley returned at 1:15 p;« cis ci f ly . Wo did not time for her goodness and knowledge. . ono long rank, which readied from tho HENRY A. BAY, Agent Giolitti’s government recognizes tho Visit the wor.« i n !• oris , either. Wo = --------S A IL S ---------- - Telesila at the date of the siege was Oscar Funke I spot whore Charles was holding his tru th of this observation, and it is this aimed to in; i tho nmro decent va­ O. W. Hurd in her eightei nth year, and had already On th e 1st, 1 0th a n d 2 0 th o f each fact which gives color to tho reports Board of Trustees com t to tho utterm ost fortification of rieties, but tho I id knows for th at Win. Kyle received many offers of m arriage from tho city. Salem, Oregon. that the present ministry has been con­ m atter they were all bad enough. m o n th . M. F. Phillips T his is th e Of nobles attracted by the cl s of her leading in su ran ce com pany of the All grew pale, and deadly fear was sidering a w ar with France as a. desper- , Tho detective who guided us raid it was Pacific coast. Assets a q u a rte r of a m illion d o l­ R ecorder............... ........Frank Wilson lars. Private dw elling» and farm property a S ingle trip 83.00. R o u n d trip S5.00 beauty and amiability, but sue refused in every countenance as they listened ate remedy for the solution of its dilem­ no uncon mon < irrence for p irt lesof all suitors, preferring tow nteh over tlio to tho terrible sentence. As father, ma. The people would willingly supply r ligious hi ’ i to vi it th e resorts for A ddress me a t G ardiner. Oregon, find T reasurer............... .Leonard Christensen specialty. I w ill cull upon you and insure your property. declining days ot her gray haired la ­ I mother, daughter and son stood side by the Rinews of war, but they refuse long­ scientific purpose«., m I our visit would M arshal................ .............C. B. Morgan ther, and by her love and devotion cheer ! side, each trembled tor tho o th er’s life. er to bo victims of the thieves in lii.’.h never h 11 ! d out it it had not been J ustice of Peace.. . . . H. M. Chamberlin and prolong his existence. air resounded with the weeping places, whose guilt is notorious, but who for a Ju* '. s I.c; n o t of a n *w. paper man, H e a d o f T id e H o te l, F o r P assen g er a n d F re ig h t R ates The inhabitants, led by th eir govern­ | The and w ailing of women w-ho had a short are protected by all tho resources of the w ho gave tlie whole affair aw ay. or, in whose skill and judgm ent they time before defied tho enemy; tho men government and crown. If w inter were W . W . N E E L Y , P r o p ’r , See ......... h..d but one simple, solitary a n d CHURCH DIRECTORY. had the utm ost confidence, made a bravo stood silent w ith bent beads. just ending instead of approaching, it lau d a to ry purpose iu m ilking tlio visit,” g & - Tables furnished with all the del­ defense against tho countless troops of Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. Tho duko now signed to his heralds would be a question of -lays only, in the ! I to the fiery duke. icacies of th e season. Wild game, Fish : to begin tho counting and to separate opinion of many people, when Italy find some practical means of elevating RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence. and F ruit in season. Best accommoda­ All tho men and youths capable of j every tenth person, whoso head should would firo tho first gun in tlie greatest of fallen women. Our object was to ascer­ Oregon. Sabbath seraice. Sabbatb- bearing arm s had taken weapons, as European wars. tain w hat relation: hip tho tobacco ar.d by tho sword. Charges S T E A M E R Bcliool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 tions for the traveling public. “ C O O S ,” was fitting in the tim e of danger, and j fall Telesila Meantime the crisis is a most em bar­ liquor habits bear to this unmentionabla had placed herself close be­ o ’clock a. m. ami 7 p m. Sacrament of reasonable. posted themselves on the ram parts to side her father and was now trem bling rassing ono for the present rulers of the vice which wo nro seeking to cure. If the Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of o------- W ill m a k e -------- o beat off every attack. January, April, July and October. I for his life. She watched, w ith eye peninsula. It is difficult to seo how tho wo can strike a t tho root of tho disease, The aged men encouraged the faint Everybody is welcome to all the services. by Jove and fear, every move­ w inter can be passed w ithout a crash of it will bo a comparatively easy m atter NATIONAL gANK R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S hearted and insisted on the women aid­ sharpened Pastor requests C hristians to make flR ST ment of tlie heralds, and alw ays count­ some sort. Already tho popular discon­ to euro tlio disease itself. Wo ascer­ ing, as far as their strength permitted, ed in advance in order to discover it tent is at tho point of rovolut ion in some tained that th. ro was a very closo rela- themselves known. — «- B etw e e n ----- GF LUG ENE. I. G. K notts , Pastor. by carrying stones to the walls to bo her dear father would be one of the parts of tho kingdom. Tho government tiou. liip b«:tv.'« ?n tii ' three vices, and T . O. HENORICKS. PRE#. B. EAKIN, J « .. C -« hurled down on the besiegers; they also doomed. W ith horror she recognized continues to pour troops into Sicily, nu-1 that tho l it ter is su] i induced by tho lighted files under enormous caldrons that tho fatal num ber would fall on its newspaper organs virtually adm it tobacco anil liquor habits. Now wo ETH0D1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PAID UP CASH CAPITAL, $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 filled w ith pitch, oil and even water, him. th at the aim is tho suppression of sedi­ know wh. ,i vi r wo do to lessen tiio G en eral offiee a t S eaton. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 and when the enemy ventured on an ery 2nd and 4 th Sabbaths at 11 a. in. In a moment her resolution was form­ tion rather than the extirpation id1 brig­ amount of t baeco and liquor sold, by assault tho seething mass was ponied ed and carried out. Sbo slipped gently andage, although tho latter lamlablo ju s t th a t much will wo lessen tho vico Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 p. in. Flor­ -A l O O O T J js T T S S O L I C I T E D K N O W L E S , N E E L Y and G E IT Y S , on their devoted heads. ence: Preaching, 7:30 p . lit. Prayer O w n er«. behind him, and placing herself on his work is proceeding incidentally. It has which we arc aiming at.” EUGENE, • OREGON. meeting, Friday, 7 p. in. I’t. Terrace; Nothing that the most resolute brav­ right side so contrived that ho would been ascertained th at the Fasei or asso­ Miss Ayr. .s wa a h «l if v.Th a tth o la - Preaching 1st and 3d Sabbaths II a. in. ery and experiehccd skill could accom­ he No. 9, w hile she herself would ciations of revolutionary socialists have di« :i saw w.i.s calt iih:!. 1 to los.seu their Seaton, same, 3 p. in. All welcome. plish was left undone to .n fend the be the tenth. Tho herald drew near, a membership of 300,000, em bracing all ertirnntion of hum anity in general. G W. Quislin', Pastor. LEADING town, and Ch-* endeav­ classes in bioily. Even some regim -nls “ They wero .simply shocking*. 1 had VIA or ng' for n tr < 7 . ■ Ale liic e to T ik e and it was only when tho doom fell are tainted, anil severo disciplinary never dro.uned th at so much evil exist­ upon his daughter th at tho father un­ the place by assault, at l< r.pth resolved derstood why she had changed her place. measures have had to bo taken against a ed. Most of t ho re.sorts were liko gilded SECRET SOCIETIES. to make overtures of peace, hoping thus Wildly he besought the herald to take regim ent of artillery a t present iu tin; palaces and w« ro always accompanied OF THE to gain the end which it seemed useless him ; ho was the one on whom tho fatal garrison at Palermo. The Sun corre­ by liquor ai. I tobacco attachm ents AND -- to expect from foreo of arms. S o u th e r n P a c ific Co number shonId fall; Telesila had pur­ spondent says th a t serious disturbances where tho girls indulged as freely a» tho F. A A. M. Sitislaw Lodge No. 107. He whose custom it was to deliver j posely changed her place to save him. may occur at any moment.—New York men. 1 ih ’V i r want to seo tho liko again. ■ Regular communii-atioii on second M ER C H A N T - T A ’LOR, Express Train» Leave Portland Daily. every conquered city to bo plundered Suu's London Letter. We were not prompted by morbid curi­ Saturday night in each month. Telesila m aintained that it had only S outh I D E A L E R IN I N orth and burned: he who, alter a successful happened by chance, and w hile tak ­ A mos H ads all , W. M. osity. We v. « t o working in tho inter­ 6.1ft p m I 1 F o rtla n i Ar 1 S:20 a C harles Branham , Secretary. siege, invariably wreaked his bitterest ing care not to reveal tlie secret of her 12:07 p THE LAW’S DELAY. ests of social purity, and our motives i.v Filitene Lv i 2 : -ii a H v r s Ax n 3 10:1ft a I Ar San Francisco i.v 1 7:00 p vengeance on the inhabitants and de­ father’s identity she earnestly begged wero of tho highest character. W« j be­ A P e r s is t e n t I . o j ’s F l g l i t F o r P e rs o n a l lieve th at wo «lid a good work.”—In­ Above tra in s stop nt all statio n s from P ort­ fenders, now proposed to tho governor to be allowed to die, as the let had fall- A. R. General L> >ns Post, N«i 58. land to A lbany inclusive; also T angent, Shedds, D a m a g e s A g a in s t u R a ilr o a d . FURNISHING GOODS and inhabitants of Nancy that they dianapolis Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer. Halsey, H arrisburg, Ju n c tio n Citv. Irving. Eu j en on her. For a long tim e father and ■ meets after the liret q u q arter u arter of of the Tho suit of Dennis Spillane against tho gene and all stations from Ro«eburg to A shland should surrender and open to him the moon, linear mouth. daughter m aintained the loving dispute, Missouri Pacific Railway company is inclusive. gates of the city, pledging himself to I CHARGED TO A WOMAN. J . L. F urnish , Commander. and at last the herald, not daring to de­ again on trial beforo Judge Slover. It BO8BBUBG MAIL, DAILY. protect their dwellings and property ' cide, led them both to the duke. B. F. Alley, Adjutant. i a m 1 Lv P o rtla n d is tho third trial. Dennis is a 13-yoar- I t I s fluid T h a t »1. A i u r lc a n TVIfo o f B a r - Ar j1 1:80 p from all plundering, and to take care | The father insisted on dying for his » P m , Lv Eugene Lv 1I 10:26 a that no one should suffer the least harm daughter: that tho doom rightfully was old boy, who, in tlio sum mer of 1888, rio a lf u s C unneil th o Gn:tt< m u la n T ro u b le . K o a eb u rg > 1» »i 1 Ar Lv 7:00 a A wonia: in. Wo learn that tho O. V . W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, either in life or possessions. Tho pro- i his; while tho daughter implored them while crossing tlio track at the foot of D in in g C ar« o n O g d e n R o u t e , ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays posals caused many to waver, but the to take her life und spare her gray G rand avenue, was run over by a Mis­ prompt« r of t no roce1 lit r.'Vn ution in the each month. Members and visiting W. HURD, P u l l m a n B u f f e t S l e e p e r s . noble governor, wbo had grown gray in C. D . T H O M A S , souri Pacific train. IIo was knocked to republic « f Guatemal la, thro igh w hich a hailed father. brethren in good standing arc cordiully PROPRIETOR. MANAGER AND tho side of tho track, bis scalpv as fairly dictator; hip 1:...: 1, . n f-. t up w as an am - the service of bis prince, stepped for- , Charles hesitated long ns to how he invited to attend. A. F. H ukd , M. W. an wifo of CLASS SLEEPING CARS, ward and declared that he would rath­ should decide; ho was quite ignorant torn from bis skull, and two fingers biti«ai.s w O lluin, lilt) O R E G O N . SECOND attach ed to all Through Trains. er be buried under the ruins of the ruin- | of whom he had before hitn, for no were cu t off his left band. Tho bo>’s General I ’torriuj, a la,dy wh sc name is head was sewed up by Dr. Iuen, ami to not unkn own in Kt w Y.>r Tho eno­ 0 . O. F. Heeetn Lodge No. t i l , meets parts than deliver up the city to the en­ West Side Division. W in e s a n d L i q u o r s . B etween P ortland and C orvallis . emy, so long ns there were means to word bad fallen during th eir noble strife , tho surprise of every ono lie recovered. inies of Ilarrios in iLi nuten ala declare • every Wednesday evening in Ixxlge P u r e which c-cul-l betray their rank. i ___ mail , t r a in d a il y ( bxckht .- u n l a y .) H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in Ever sinco tho accident, however, he th at it w’a S t ’,.! who 1 lldllltd 1 him to pro- defend it. He encouraged soldiers and ; 7:30 a m [L v P ortland Ar I 5:3ft a in D rugs, But at length tho governor cried has been subject to epileptic fits, com claim bin li. lf (lie!; t i t . imi 1 who is tho good standing invited to attend. 12 U» p m | A r < H r v a l li * . Uv | I in i p m citizens to bravery and p. rsevi rence aloud: F red M ason , N. G. M edicines, plains of pains in his head at all tine s author of tho arbitrary i< »olioy under A t A lbany and C orvallis eon nee t w ith tra in s and implored them to keep the city for “ Mighty duke, do not hesitate ns to and is unable to attend school or per which tho country is rail'd i it, this titno, L. C. A ckeuley , Rev. See. of Oregon Pacific Railroad. their sovereign, the Duke of Lwrraine, C hem icals, EXPRESS T R A IN S DAILY (E X C E P T S U N D A Y .) which of us you shall condemn to death. form any work. and under which tho deput i»’S are kept » 40 p m | Lv P ortland Ar | s•?'» a m and he succeeded so well by Ins i ntlrn- I will give up to you the man who has P erfu m ery , Dennis at once brought suit for v'.’O, in prison imd the army ir he •hl ready for 7:2ft p m j Ar M cM innville Uv | 5:ft0 a m eiastic eloquence th a t all swore to sacri­ NOTARIES. so roused your vengeance, for whom so 000 damages. Tlio cause came up for action ai.«l suspecte«: l jm rsc rsons are ban- S tatio n ery , T hrough Tickets to all points iu tlie Eastern fice their lives rather than surrender. many bravo citizens must die. See, the trial in 1889. and the jury award« I him ish< <1, and tho pcoph j aro c •ompelled to States, . C ------ anada — and Europe can can be l»e obtained nt ........nro,»e While tho brave governor thus reani­ W a ll P ap er, governor stands before vou; kill liim, $8,000. The case was taken to th“ rffi keep as qu iet as the y •can. r i'iie enemies low est rates from L. G. Adair, Agent, Eugene. mated tho courage of tho men, his but sparo my daughter, this peerless ex­ A. R. BUTTOLPH, B lan k Books, R. K o e h l e r . E. P K ogfh -. preme court on an error made by Judge of Bai!i< -i say that ho has i neither tho Manager. A«»t. G. F. and Pass Agt. daughter, on her side, raised tho wom­ ample of filial love!” Slover in his instructions to the ju ry ami pluck nor the brains needed 1 for a dic- en's fainting spirits and cheered them T o ile t A rticles, P o rtlan d , Oregon. The bystanders ns they listened to remanded back for trial. At tho se< aid tutor, and th at ho is m: rei y tho tool of by her presence and inspiriting words, these words were filled with dread ex­ W in d o w S hades, trial the ju ry failed to agree upon the tho d« tern lined Amer ican w< oman w hom and by her own conduct gave the exam­ And Collector. P h y sic ia n s’ P re scrip tio n s C arefu lly From Terminal or Interior Points the ple to mai Is and matrons to share in pectation of w hat would follow. All am ount of damages, and tho case has ho took to wifo. were moved to tears and trembled for She may yi t rue the d. y in which she office tw o door# w est of Florence Hotel. tho hardships and dangers of the de­ the life of their beloved governor, who, since hung in tho courts.—Kansaa City C om pounded. conceived t! dictatorship. Tho an- T T o ra n o « , O re g o n . fense. She reminded them how, a with such noble heroism, was w illing Times. ti-Barrios Gu iU mal ans are aroused short tim e before, when tho Duke of to die that they m ight bn pardoned. Tii«» F ir s t (if I ts Kind. against her. Th y denounce her in Burgundy besieged the town of Beau­ They surrounded him self and daughter Tho first wedding of colored people whispers. Th y condì nm lier in pla- JOE MORRIS, Jr I« th e lin e t o ta k e vais, the women had taken up arm s and in close ranks, ns if to form a ram part th at ever occurred in tho gubernatorial cards, which ar j Muck up in th • night fought beside the men on the ram parts “ TO ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. ami how they had succeeded in driving so that the m urderer's sword m ight only mansion of Virginia or in a similar man­ time on toe «load walls and fences of the reach him through their faithful hearts. sion in tho south took place in the «lining city of G uatem ala hi Nu va. They get back the besiegers. The duke, ac-custouied though ho was room of the executive mansion at 1 o’clock out circulars, which are surreptitiou?lv O re g o n F lo r e n o e , •'These brave v^ir -i ^.ere far fewer to slaughter mid destruction, hud never on a recent afternoon. Winston Edwards, printed and secretly distributed, in ~e i ins of deta­ Best tit «at can be con stru cted and in w hich every stratagem that ingenuity could "Y ou have touched the innermost E A S T E R N C IT IE S , accom m odations are ix»th free and furnished devise to endeavor to render himself dep-tliH of my heart; yon shall not die. to the W orld's fair. —Richmond Di.-p~;tel) oc ra d e free d 'un a r d repubh in institu- | for holders of First and Second Class Ticket« master of the town. D uring the night If it is sweet to conquer, let mo feel in Baltimore American. eymour w condon tions every wdn re. - and York 1 watches ho kept tho besieged in a state that it is sweeter still to pardon. Noblo A S ign o f I lie P e r io d . E L E G A N T D A Y C O A C H E S of alarm by continnal feints of attack, Telesila, you have saved your father. with the “Circumstances have changed in- A G •rin a: _____ and then, a« morning advanced, when May you enjoy for long years the hap­ TO • I a t f M f«»l- U b i Ian .. they were quite wearied and worn out, piness of w atching over and caring for deed,” said a down town m erchant y A - .. in a ll It« b ran ch es given special a tte n tio n . J? With he would rush with tinfold violenco to bis old age. And you, noble old man, terday. “ I had a load of coal thrown h C o n g e r s B lk ., E u g e n e O r . A ll L.nss, affording diroct and un- the assault, brave as you are in war, may your bap- in front of iny store this morning. I u is !• ■ . interrupt ad service. “ Ho cnnseil largo stones to be hurled pin-ss as a father exceed your bravery allv I have had to hunt nu a man U ' by the machines at the walls wherever A. C. WOODCOCK, P u llm a n S leeper rea erv atio n s can they were weakest, in the hope of m ak­ —you, who have reared so heroic a T h e O u ie k e s t tn i ’h lr a g » be Becured in ad v a n c e th ro u g h ing a breach, which at last, by the daughter. It floes my heart good in the midst of the awful bl-xxlshed end a n d th e K aat. an y a g e n t o f th e r o a d .. greatest efforts, bo succeeded in doing, slaughter to find sn- h love and devotion. /.warded H ighest Honors W e ’-’d ’ and after two hours' desperate fighting Yon have made mo experience how Q u ic k e r t o O m a h a a n d O to ’ ~ u he forced n entrance into the city, sweet and pleasant are tlie feelings of E ugene, K a ii* a s < I t i . THRO UG H T l C K ETS I ; Amerit a. England and Europe can he nui« h s.\Ji breathing vengeance against its defend­ benevolence, and th-r-foro not only ...... 7 . ___ £ 1 ^ ... Room« and « M cLaren’« R u l l d l n g . ers, whoso olwtinate resistance, com­ yon. but all the inhabitants, are pardon­ Special p e n a l a tte n tio n given to colle» t »ns an d pro T h r o u g h P u ll m a n a n d T o n r ls t S le e p e r « , a t any T ick et office of th is <'om puny. ba te butine««. bined with the h ss be had snstain« d of ed. ” —Btran-l Magazine. F r e e I t e e l i n i u g < h a ir C a ra , his bravest warriors, bad enraged him D in in g C a r« . Full inform ation concerning rates, tim e r f beyond measure. But it was especially A N ovel O rcti p a t Ion. train«, m utes and < tfn-r detail« fu rn ish ed on a p ­ L. BILYEU, For rates an d general inform ation call on or plicatio n to any agent, or against the governor that all his anger A p- rulinr advertisement recently ap­ add res« and hatred were directed, as he knew peared in an English pajicr. A woman that tho latter bad steadfastly refused describing herself ns " a lady w ith spore A. D. C H A R L T O N , w. if. n t -Ri. n r k t . the terms of capitulation and had in­ tim e -laily” offered to play lx zique with A ssistant G eneral Passenger Agent. Asst. Geni. P«««. Agent, No. 121 F ir ;t St., cor. Washington, duced the inhabitants to offer such pro­ invalids or other persons desiring a O v erro n . 254 W ashington St Cor. M. PORTLAND, OR. longed resistance. Office over F irst N ational Bank. partner in the game. She want-sl re- P o rtla n d , O r He sworo that the governor should be numeration, and concludes by asking the first on whom his relentli.es ven­ ” wbat offers?” The only Bure Cream of T artar I’o w iler.-N o Atm uoi:..:; No Alum. a-./LZR .ZD IZISrEZR Reside m y Are, w h at < I I for the storm . Or for th e roJu th a t ] Ite rs on the roof, Or fa ith le ss sp rin g i 1 holds her: el: a ' »of? Twilight m ay fade tq rk. ’Tls b rig h t and w arm Contractor anti Bnilflor. j A HEItOF Dental Surgery. State Insurance Comp’y Florence to Yaqnina. P ash M E. HAN 3ON, C lo t h ie r . . . Florence and Head of Tide. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE A c a ps , C EOCENE, - OREGON. Florence Drag Store. A FLORENCE, 1 Notary Public, Surveyor Nortiiera Pacific Railroad THROUGH TICKETS Notary Public, Land Agt Notaries Public, " S . Attorney a t Law, Law , 3 U2 DAYS CHICAGO Attorney at Law. HOURS HOURS s Fair A ttorney at Law, ane. - - Used iu M illio u s o f Hom es— 40 Years the Standard.