I T H E KINO OF B E A S TI. H e la M e rely a H ie i l l , A fte r A ll, a n d a C ow ard a t H e a rt. If WP qr.it heraldry fur fact and g o b y tho testim ony of tr.iv,-, r and ¡ranters» it is very doubtful w lietlitr tho lion Ge- nerves his rcaguiliceut reputation. It is Ins nppearance, no donut, w hich l as trained for him the nppellutnui of "k in g o f beast»," v. ith all th e rrg u l honor per­ taining to it. C ertainly he looks "every Inch a king." N othin;; can be liner. The fancy itself could conceive n o thing m ore ittin g ly representativa of m ajesty th an Ilia full g ro w n m ale lion, gazing v.ith great yellow eyes, w hich aeetu to know ho fe ir, hail 1 o f lito lhaggy m ane wrapp« d ro u n d his inasaive front and forearm s. lie looks like tile em bodim ent by n atu re of lordliness ami m agnanim ity, and be has been adopted ns such in all lite ratu re and poetry tra in Hom er and zEsehyltts (b. wu to the "lion comiqno” of our m usic halls. Yet he is only u c at— a g-reat c a t—a fte r all, and thoso who know him in bis native wilds givo a very different ch ara cte r of "felis leo” from popular conceptions. W e do not w ith to caluuiniato a crea­ tu re so intim ately connected w ith B rit­ ish story and co dignified in b a rin g and behavior, for nobody can deny th a t ti e lion is a great gentlem an inliism anners. N evertheless, A frican sportsm en relate th a t he can show him self as cow ardly us ho is cru el; th a t he v ill abandon his consort and cubs in a m om ent of ex­ trem e danger, and th a t lie scarcely ever charges stra ig h t ho d, b u t m any wild seeds, bugs, grasshop­ pers, etc. 1 think th a t the farm ers have realized th is also to some »xtent, as nearly all h.ave now po> ted trespass in d ic e s for their protection. -Science. It W < nt I i i | i i i i i 1 m ' .1. T his story is told of the late Dr. Hol­ land, better known as “ Tim othy Tit- com b.” D uring the service of oneof the large churches in Springfield, Mass., a heav y electric storm came up, and oneof the genth m en of the choir set out to secure an om nibus to tak e the ladies home. Am ong tho fair singers was a certain Miss E tta S , and as Dr. Hol­ land w as gallan tly helping her into the vehicle a terrific » lap of th u n d er startled them , upon w hich he rem arked, “ ’E tt’ in terro r packs home m a bus*’ (E t in te rra pax liom iuibu W. To close this strange tale, it may 1» ell to add that th e d,H’to r was not im m ediately stru c k by lightning, but died years afterw ard peacefully in bis bed. San Francisco \ ' »mint. " A U l« e B o n ifa c e . T he p roprietor of a re sta u ra n t in P a n s recently issued the follow ing notice "B eing desirous of honoring the R us­ sians, who a re th e c o u n try 's guests, I have decided to change the nam e of tills e stablishm ent, and by the use of » sin gio apostrophe to tran sfo rm it from the Cafe D ivan into tho Cafe d iv a n ." —P aris Figaro. THER8 WAS GOOD FISHING. Libcwlnc Good L ock on a P h en o m e n a lly Good J uingi nut ion. T he scene of the follow ing incident was ab o u t 40 milea from G loversville, N. Y., on a b e au tifu l little lake ju s t across tho tableland a t Piaeoo lake, in U aniilb i c. .nty. The day w as all th a t a fisherm an could desire, and every con­ dition wa.i rig h t for good fishing. A p arty of throe wore in tho boat—nam ely, Deafness C annot be C ured L. E. E verest, liis friend, Professor by local applications, as th ey cannoi Sis ncer from B rooklyn, and tho w riter. reach tho diseased portion of the ear They bad taken nearly 50 pickerel in less th an h a lf a day, and tho size was T here is only one way to cure Deafness, jood, w eighing from 2* to 6 pounds, a n d th a t is by constitution»! rem edies. Tho h o t tu rn ¡.round tho "lu ck y jioint” Deafness is caused by tin inflam ed con was being lnado before wo sta rte d for ' dition of th e m ucous lining of th e Eu- hem •. Everest, w ho w as tro llin g one of stachian Tube. W hen th is tube gets in ­ tho lines, sai l: "E ve got another. H e’s flamed you have a rum bling Bound or a big one from tho w ay lie pu lls.” E ver­ i uperfect hearing, and a lie n it is e n tire ­ est let him play nt one tim e nearly 200 ly closed Deafness is the result, and un­ feet of lino before the fish could bo turned. W hoa ho had been b rought less th e inllam atlon can be taken out and into sight, he was not so large as somo th is tubo restored to its n >ni al condition wo had already ill I lie boat, b u t there bea .ng will be destroyed fo rev ei; lin e was an u n u su al m otion ull a bout him. cas - out of ten are caused by c ata rrh , t oon the line w as draw n so tig h tly it Which is nothii g but an inflam ed condi­ was nece-rary to let hint play again. tion of the m ucoussm faces. W ew illg iv e W hen broil;,'lit back, it w as discovered () ie K indred Dollars for any case of th at a hi:";' pickerel had attem p ted to swallow tie! one on the hook, w hich was D afneis (eimsed by catarrl ) that cannot he cured by H ull’» C a ta rrh C ure. .Send now quite exhausted. The big fellow still followed, shark- I r circ. lars, free. F . J . Cheney & C. , Toledo, O. like, for the dead body of his victim , which, however, wo w ere not disposed < e " s o w i. y D ruggists, 75c. F -3 to g iro up. J u s t as E verest was a bout NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. to sw ing tin» fish on his book in to the boat the professor took up his oar, hop­ Land Offl»*» at Ito tb u r O .oron, Ja n a a ry ;2, ing to striae and thus capture the largo isui. Notice 1 h hereby given th a t the following one. The m ovem ent o f the oar a ttr a c t­ imined .s ettlor I mm filed notice of his in tention ed the a ttention of tho fish, a n d in a to timke fluwl proof 1'iHUpport of his cluhu, and tw inkle he m ade ¡t pass a t it. T he blade th a t mix I proof will bo m ade before the Judge w as about i inches wide, b u t liis ja w s or C ounty Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, a t Ei - grated ¡¡cross the upper ¡mil low er edges, gene, Oregon, on Saturday M arch 3, 1898, viz: Nelson C. IIink.■»on, . aw ing ¡i groove on eith er side w ith his sharp teeth. The professor, by c arry in g UomcMtcad Entry No. 781H, for the ne’ , of sec. 10, tp. 19 «. range» w. He nam es th e following Ins oar fo rw ard w ith the m ovem ent of w itnes vs» to prove his c o ntinuous u .deuce tiv fish, a t tho f ame tim e raising it from I upon and c u ltiv a tio n of, said land, viz: I. M. tile w ater, landed tho huge fellow into i Francis, of Eugene, II. M. W ocdruff, A. T. Con- the boat. I dray, W. H r Sallee, of Alina, a ll of l.aue county, He weighed 13J pounds. The fish on Oregon. J ohn II. J iivhe , Register. the hook only weighed three pounds, b u t I *J26-M2 showed signs of b attle, being b itte n in reveral places. Upon opening him wo NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. found, as is often the case, a fish of sm aller size in ids stom ach. T his one Land Office a t Roseburg. Oregon, J a n u a ry 15, showed signs of life and w as opened. 1891. Notice la hereby given th a t the following W e then discovered a p re tty little gold limned settler has Illetl notice of his intention chatelaine w atch and w ere surprised | to m ake tinui proof in support • t cla: , and th a t tiro tim e agreed w ith our w atches 1 th a t said proof will be inn»lo before thuR egis- | te r a n d R eceiver oi the U. 8. Land oflhe, at and th a t it w as running. More th an pleased w ith our fishing ex­ Roseburg, Oregon, on Satur»lay, March 10, 1891, H enry Landerkiug, pedition, we retu rn e d to tho A dirondack ; viz: hotel and inform ed L andlord George A. o il Pre-em ption I). S. No. 72»3, for the s c 1.* "f ne McCoy of our good hick, a t the sam e *4, and e*a of se* sec. 16, tp. 19 s, range 11 w. ! He nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove tim e show ing the w atch. In less th an I his continuous re.'i-iunce upon ami cultivation tw o m inutes all tile guests ab o n t tho : of, said land, viz: Andrew H artley, J bn Roche house w ere in tho office, and am ong tlio ! Jo h n Hlmltz, Tliomas Starks of Florence, L ane num b er w as a p re tty young lady from I county, Oregon. J ohn H. S h u pb . A lbany, w ho said th a t the w atcli was a JJ6-.M2 Register. to k e n of friendship w hich she had prized very highly. W hen on the lake in the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cully p a rt uf the day, it had fallen into tins w ater, and, she supposed, w as lost. | Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 13,1803 It is needles to say she was overjoyed a t i Notice is hereby given th a t the follow ing- j nam ed settler has Hied notice of his intention its recovery.—A lbany Jo u rn a l. I to m ake final proof in support of his claim , and th a t said proof w ill be made before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8. louvl Office, at Rose- i burg, Oregon, on Thursday, February 8, 1891, viz H enry F. Rapp, ' on H om estead Entry No. 5518, for th e s e ' 4 o i , s e '4 sec. 17, e 'a of ne',k and nw* k <»f ue* t see. 20, tp. 21 s, range 11 w. He names the following witnesses to prove I his c o ntinuous residence upon and cultivation of. said laud, viz: John Gubricl, Joseph Zeppe, E. Ii. Magee, Chas, H askell, of G ardiner, Doug las county, Oregon. J ohn If. S h u pe , , D-22-J -26 Register, j D o S w a n s S in s D e fe r « T h e y D ie ? AY. Scientiho American Agency lor CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN P A T E N T S , COPYRIGHTS, e tc . For information and free Handbook write to M C W A CU.. 5cl BaoADWAY. NEW YORK. Old»-. .re,s u f'>r ,'H-. p a te n ts in A m erica, Evei • ; atent t . -n t ■ mpossirile a t an y t ime to o b ta in re s t ami s • • p. H a v in g s» » n l»r. M iles’ rem ed ies advert i-ed I b e g a n using N ervine. A fte r tu k im ,'a -m a ll q u a n tity th e tw nelit re c eiv ed w as *-o tit a t th a t I w as posi­ tiv e ly a la rm e d , thlnkhu th e re in e d y con­ ta in e d o p ia te s w hieuLvould finally be I n ju r i­ o u s to mo; b u t on beiV insured by t he »Inig- gisi th a t it we«i unil«’.--», I c o n tin ­ ued It t<»ge»X.' T j.fL y I c an conscien tio u sly sn y tu .d ,» (* . M iles’ R e ­ s to ra tiv e N erv in e and Nev lD ja rt C u re did m ore for me th a n ;ui\ thing 1 Y‘«wi e v e r ta k e n . I had been tre a te d by em in en t p h y sician s in New York am i San F rain inco w ith o u t ben­ efit. I owe mv pre e n t g(x.d h e a lth to th o ju d ic io u s use of t he>c m ost v a lu a b le rem edies, a n d h e a rtily recoinim nd th e m to ull afflict» d a - I was. ’ ( ’a p t. A. I’. Loud, H am pden, Me. Dr. M iles’ Kestoraliv»» N erv in e and New » U re a re sold by a ll d ru g g i'.tso n a positive g u a r a n ­ tee, o r by Dr. Miles M edical Co.. E lk h a rt, Ind., on re c e ip t of price, 81 p e r b o ttle , o r six b o ttle s for 85, express prepaid. T h e y a re fre e from a ll opiate* a n d d a n g e ro u s d ru g s. Sold by a ll D ru g g is ts . B A R G A IN S . B A R G A IN S . W ill sell lots in Acme from »25 to !ji>0. W ill sell lots in Chicago addition to F lorence cheap anil on eusv term s, W. A. Cox. FO R NOTICE T lie B a n g C alled In. One »>f th»‘ m ost noticeable changes in fashion this season is th at which aifects the dressing of th e hair. The “ fringe” has liven gradually giving place to softly Waved bandeaux, and the bandeaux ure creeping gradually lower down until the re tu rn s e e m s im m inent to th e puffed and waved bandeaux to b»» seen in the por­ tra its t>f Jennie Lind taken along in the li flies. To young ami delicate faces the style has an agreealdo piquancy ami quaintm . but I»» women past th eir first )<>uth »»r w ith strong, coarse feat tiro s tho bang has a softening e ffe c t m uch to lie desired. A nother style now gaining favor and »me becom ing to round faces w ith low foreheads is th a t of tu rn in g the hair back from tho forehead loosely in a tw ist that is lost in the light coils ami puffs a r ­ ranged in tin* m iddle of the forehead. In this stylo of coiffuro the front hair is part«»«t off on either side and tw isted in ¡tie old fashioned way in to tw o ro lls.— New York Sun. $40-95 FOR WEEK H. H A L L E T T & Qcean View Home, E en . H. í R ipans T abules are com­ pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi­ cal authorities and are pre­ sented in a form that is be­ coming the fashion every­ where. L IQ U O R D E A L E R . E n lte r í í í i M Snla PrnprÍEinr. í EUCENE, Frice of Lots $50 $150 Size of Lots 50x 150. On all the Property in CLENADA _ _ -5 T O T J C A N Ripans T abules act gently but prom ptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipa­ tion, offensive breath and head­ ache. One tabule taken at the first sym ptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Cull for un Im porteli or Domestic C ig n i Ami You W ill h e Satisfied. R. S a fe y OVERLOOK The ocean, the surrounding country and the Light-house. R ipans T abules may be ob­ tained of nearest druggist. Ripans Tabules O k W Sash and Door Factory, are easy to take, quick to act, and save m any a doc­ tor’s bill. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦> ........................... M M M w dSTe-w C l i i x r c l x , L a r g e S a r w -m ill Under C ontract A SIIBOI*bdUUL CO., Box B8O , P O R T L A N D , M A IN E . T lir D elu ge. In answ er to a correspondent a new s­ paper says: “ The deluge m entioned in the Bi til»' was threatened in tho year 1750 11. and began on Dec. 7, l(V»0 B. i C., and continued 87 i »lays. The ark rested on M ount A rarat on May 0, 1055, hut Noah did not leave it until Dee. IS follow ing.” Any reader who im agines th a t it w ould lx» an easy task to figure tin se d etails from a Biblical account can T o K ill a Lobster. find a basis for bis calculations in th o W hen a live lobster is r» juired for roventh ami eighth ch ap ters of Genesis. boiling or other purposes, here is a s’in- M ay A c q u ire Then». ple and com paratively painless inode of “ B rilliant ami im pulsive people,” dc- killing it: ltu n a long, narrow bladed knife into tlietail at th e th u d jo in t from ria re f a lec tu re r on physiognom y, “ have the end, having the blade slant dow n­ black eyes. or if they don't have them w ard. This will c u t the spinal cord, hey’re apt to get them if they're too im- m lsive.”—Loudon T it Bits. and death will quickly follow. Ré 5 R ip a u s T a b u le s . W.. M. KENSHAW, & £1 SALE. A fine farm of 1(10 acres situ ate d on ' w E à ï S J R A D E S s th e Lakes South from Florence, T his ranch Is m ostly alder and vine m aple C --------------------------- O P Y R IG H T S . CAN T O T ’. r : A P A T E N T f liottuin lan d , haviiiK nearly a m ile lake . r . ' < r a ;; I -i l i o ti c s t opinion, write to frontage. Ten acres un d er cultivation I 'l l N \ . <>.. •..•ho have ¡ ’<1 nearly flfty ycari* c.vppi, i . i ; he t it. ¡i‘. busiu.—F. Commuuica- and 5 m ore slashed ; a good orchard just ( d ds ... ¡1. A Ilu netbook of In­ i ’. r: ■ ■ 1 i- (*:»r«'nls and how to ob- come into hearing; 5 room s in a fram e t 'i i - u-.o < tfuljguo of mechan­ ical a n d ;• Bent hie i.ooks s e n t free. house th a t is ceiled and p a p ere d ; good P.-it' i t s tab. a throned Vunn & Co. receive P’ 1 .1 ;.ot in the H -uti:ic A m e ric a n , and out-huildlngs, mid stock of all kinds » ill (tiu s lii o I.; V: i py lid »re the public with­ u t c t to tin n r . .;o r. 1 In i sp le n d id paper, be sold w ith th e place a t reasonable pri- 1 o .............. ... has by far the ces if desired. Price of farm , (¡2(100; one B u ild in g I \ oio ji. M . . 1 ! h l y , ..hia y«'ar. Single half cash a n d reasonable tim e given for copp'd. cem a. !.. ry n u im o r c o n ta in s b eau - tif u l p u t t In , , a n d p h o to m a p h a o f n ew balance. A pply for fu rth e r particulars h o u se s, v. ¡t h p ie..-.« nabiinu b u ild e rs to show th e lu ie 4 in<--s. Any one can do the work Beginners make money from the start Failure is unknown with our work» rs. Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. No one who b willing to work fa il»to make i. re money every day than can be made in three .1 h » s Ot any ordinary employment. Send for tree hook containing the fullest information. FOR Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, J an u a ry 3rd, 1891. Notice is hereby given th a t the following* nam ed settler lnts tiled notice of his in te n tio n to m ake final proof in support of his claim , and th a t sni'l pro .;' will l.e ninde before the R egister nml Receiver ot the U. Land Office, a t Rose­ burg, Oreg. • i. on - iturday, February 21, 1894, viz: Albert ('. Karnowskv. i*r»‘-em pti“ ii 1» -. -o. 7 »«•_*. for the se’4'o f sec, 23 p. IS s, rin g 11 w. lie nam es the follow ing witm ~es to j i ve his con tin u o u s residence u p o n a m i e i ! \ , i ..i o f. s a id land, viz: W il­ lia m H n rd t ll. \I >rio , M o irD . John H. Morris, R o b e r t B e r iih a r - it, o f F l o r e n c e , Lane county. »regon. ’ J ohn II. S hu pk , 'J 12-F16 R egister. T he story th a t t«*lIs of sw ans singing W holesale and Retail before »h ath is very old, an»l of course is found» «1 upon fancy. The idea has been brought down from ancient m yths. Tho voice of the sw an is extrem ely harsh and disagreeable, w ithout a single m u­ L e a d in g B r a n d s fo r sical note in it. an»l no good reason can ho found for likening some of tho w orld’s sw eetest poets to this unm elodious voiced fowl. Tho ’only approach to a verification we have ever seen is tho follow ing, NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION. clipped some years ago from a V irginia new spaper: Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 13, 1898 “ A sporting fri»‘ud, recen tly re tu rn e d Notice is hereby given th a t th e following- I from a foray upon tho Potom ac river, named settler lias tiled notice of liis in ten tio n below Mount Vernon, was tho g u est of a to m ake final proof in support of his claim , Celebrated Jesse M i h i i t whiskey. venerable and highly intelligent lady, a n d th a t said proof w ill la* m ade before the who has alw ays lived on the Potom ac. ! R egister and Rei’eiver of the I’ S. Laud office The ( ’rale O rchard Sour Mash Speaking of tho sw an, she gave it as her a t Roseburg, Oregon, ou Thursday, February 8, 1891. viz: decided opinion that this bird was in tho G enuine Old Castle Bourbon Joseph Zeppe, h a b it of singing or m aking a p lain tiv e oil H om estead Entry No. 7753, for the e’ ., of noise when dying. The roason she gavo iie*4, nw* » of n e1.! und ne1^ of nw 11 see. 16, tp. ,—T he O I’. 8. Pony—» for en tertain in g this belief was th a t on 2(1 s, range 11 w. i?------$ very m any occasions in the last 50 years He nam es th e following w itnesses to p ro v e E ver R efreshing ( ’..I.I S te n iy B e e ra i f she had been aw akened a t night by a liis con tin u o u s reside»»»^ ujmhi ami cultivation C ents a G lass A w aits Voiir Order. sw eet and exceedingly sad noise, some­ of, said lami, viz: J o ii u Gabriel, Ered Rupp, E. thing like t In1 tones <»f a flageolet »•inning B. Magee. Chas. E. H askell, of (tardili» r, D o u g J ohn H. S h v pe , over the w ater, ami th a t on every sub- las c ounty, Oregon. Register. K'qnent. m orning a dead swan was found D 22-J 26 to he floating on tho w ater or to have i been washed ashore.”—P ittsb u rg Dis- j patch. __ I’OR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon Jan u a ry 2nd, 1891. Notice is ln reby given th a t the following- nam ed settler has filed notice of his in te n tio n to m a k e final proof in support of his claim , and th a t eaid proof w ill be m ade before the Judge or C ounty Clerk o f Lane co u n ty , Oregon, a t Eu- l - ne, Oregon, on S aturday, March 3r»l 1891, viz: Lewis ( ’. Moffitt, Horn» stead E ntry No. 7905, for the n w ^ of ne1^; e1^ of uw* { an d ne'.t of sw*4. sec. 21, tp. 16 s, range 10 west. He nam es th e follow ing w it­ nesses to prove his c o n tin u o u s residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n of, said land, viz: W. T. Bailey, of Meadow, A. M. Bristow, of J u u etio n , J. L. T aylor ami II. J. Diekey. of H erm ann, all of Lane county Oregon. J ohn II. S h u pe , ♦J12-FI6 Register. II. 51. Chamberlin H 3" e w e l e r — DEALER If — BUTCHERSo _________ B e e f, F is lx , G a m e, F r u i t s , A YOUNG GIRL’S FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SK E T C H . "V e g e t a l o l e s . aflvu’i N i- g appeals so strongly to a mother's i n,«* lii r (Liiu’iter ju, thank you. I haven't my glasses, f o r e s and in te rfere ill the affair» of B ra­ or pasture laml it i« unexcelled, end zil, there is no escape from the conclu­ nml I cannot see w ithout them .” the best proof tliat ii produces th e tines “ I b ’avens, th a t’s strange! The m ore sion th a t s iu h m l would c o n stitu te varieties of (rnit. is th a t th ere is grow­ m use of i (Tense to tlie U nited State» g lass» 's 1 u se the less le a n »»•<•.”—{¿cludk. ing ii large orchard consisting of the iroveruineiit. U nder the light of tho choicest kinds of fru it-trees now in M h e ro lit« Found Out. Monroe doctrine th e ad m inistration can R epairing Prom ptly l'one lienring. T his farm will be sold a« n “ He who can conceal his jo) s is great- ■onstnie such acts as nothing less than r r lim n lie who ciui hide his grief»," wild in off, use. If E urope can w ithout let A N D W O R K W A R R A N T E D . whole or in ten. live or one acre trait» Lavati-r. Ti s is the only , , mnd we >r hindrance land troops in Brazil and to suit pnrehas, rs. W rite to O. F K , li­ ion lw lav security of th a t republic, have for thinking Laval, r may huvebeen ne, Iv, Florence, Oregon, lor particulars lair, (s 'c a n do likewise in every A in e r- F ront S t r e e t , F lorence , O regon . n g re a t p o k e r p la y e r in h is tim e .— S otuvr- and pricey. | ville Jo u rn a l. . .can republic. M inneapolis Tribune, a CLOCKS, JEWELRY. G reat Siuslaw river, has deep w ater frontage, and the best offers are _ _ _ _ _ _ F lo r e n c e A D is tin c tio n . T he town of G lenada is situated on the Pacific coast, fronting the won» .nlb ,|. 1 . F .wing an instance: “Our »laughter 11.mt he; n »w 1« years ol age, had be. n t- iriljy :il ictvd with nervousness, and had l,»'t the ti, ire u-e of her r.ght aim. She was in such a t :. . lion tl. it we had to keep her li.’-.n 'h<» »1 ai 1 n'>ai. n her n.nsic les- sous. In t .t t, we feared >t Vitus dance, and arc p»Milve tu t l»»r tin in\ i.uab'.e n medy she w o.Jd h ive 1 I that territ e affliction. We had em:> .ed iar.s, but f e received no weighed t ut 75 rounds, and although she has tnk; u onlv three t s of Nervine she now ' • ' i 'VIII p- to:,.s of >t \ .s dan * a n ' entirely gone, sho att. nds vere«l complete use of her arm. h r n: ;« t ? Is splendid, and no m :i. \ em ld procure f. r our daughter the health Dr. Milea Nervine l as brought her When my i - her r mmended the remedy I had no t ilth in p -’ent mediem. «. and would net listen to him. ’ ns a last r» sort he sent us a hottie, v l • n l o iu.g h t » Blanche, anti the ei’e 't was m - t i’. ., Late. —Mrs. R. R. Bullock. Itrlglr • i N V. Dr M l,.- F tive Nervine is sold by all dTtUr'iM^OQ a p. .- .:ivt eu.irantee, or sent «lirect by the Dr. ' s li l ( ,». I tkhart, lnd.. on n • fi t of p- . ?l t r bott .e, six tottles for $5. e x p o 's i : 1. it - ¡s.'sitisely irv« from opiates or d a ’- c c rou« drujs. made m anufacturers, tradesm en and nom e-builders to settle in th is in -l h ealthy town on the ccast. A' lilt Geo. II. C o ltir for {articu lara » » » n * » X » » r o y j - TTi