T H E W E S T . J . C. Phelps, of Hermann, called at this office on Saturday of last week. His visit to Florence was to attend the meet­ ing of the Grand Army and deliver fruit tiecs. Lack of time only prevents us from commenting upon an interesting ser­ mon preached in the Presbyterian church lust Sunday evening, by Rev. Knotts. 1 he following astonishing announce­ ment was made in the Coquille City Herald: “ You van now secure births on the steamers Arugo and Arcata in Marshfield.” I’ltE W est sends one sample of the gray granite rock front Mr. Neely’s quarry, to parties cast. We have waited in vain for a sample from the quarry at Point Terrace. sense of this body that we disfavor any Passengers now have to go front Scotts- ' increased salaries lieiug paid to tlie su­ burg to Drain on horseback. On last Monday week Jesse Martin, preme judges of the state beyond the — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— an Indian, was missing, and on Satur­ constitutional provision. T H E W IN D O F T H E DEAO M EN’S F E E T . — AT— day following Ills body was found on tlie A motion was carried that, inasmuch Oil, "w ind uf tlie dead m .'.'s feet." blow softly. F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon ocean beach two miles above tlie mouth as tlie appropriations fur charitable in­ D isturb nut thou th e ir rest. of the Siuslaw river. Judge Chamberlin stitutions, throughout tlie state, have Why sin '-.iM ye w aken t ti. in from quiet slum ber W ith in e a r th ’s to il w orn breast? summoned u jury consisting of reached tlie enormous sum of <24,5l)i), M . V * A L L E Y , E d i t o r aw il P r o p r i e t o r . day will come when, tike u m ighty ocean Jesse Doss. this body favors tlie discontinuance of T he W hich rolls from pule lo pole, John II. Morris, such appropriations. R esi-tleas thou w ilt sw eep lire nallona over, ---- T kbms : $2.0U a year in advance.----- Roy Johnson, A nd th e n m ust every soul As tlie hour was growing late and a Wm. Hardell, number of delegates were leaving the P rep are tc. m eet tlio One, w ho, following a fte r, A p p e arelh in th e east. Entered at tiie poet-office at Florence, A. F. Funke, rest of tlie general appropriai ion bill, And w ak en eth a ll t.ieu from d e a th 's dream less lame county, Oregon, as second-class Robert Bernhardt, partial as it may seem, was passed with­ slumber, mail matter. who after making an examination found out consideration. Tlie g re a te st and the least. “ that he came To his deatii by drowning, A motion was carried that this body is So, "w in d of (lie dead m en's fe e t," blow softly, U ntil shall daw n th a t day which occurred on or about January 22u in favor of the rc-inactinent of tlie uiort- A D VE RTISIN G KATES MADE KNOWN ON A P ­ W hen, strong an d terrib le, thou w ilt give 1894.” PLICATION. ' gage tax law.” w arning L o c a l n o t ic e s 8 c e n t s p er Hue, e a c h Insertion T h a t all things pass aw ay. From circumstances it is presumed P A R A C R A P H 3F R O M EXCHANGES. —Florence Peacock iu London A cademy. that he went to sleep in liis boat and N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, o tlie tide took them to sea. A broken N a p o le o n * « H a t s . Do not put off tak in g a m edicine. N u­ wiiiskey flask found in hiss pocket throws From the National Tribune. Eugene is our agent and is authorized to Careful inquiry lias led to tho discov­ receive subscriptions, advertising and merous little ailm ents, if neglected, will light upon tiic matter, and gives evi­ Tlie petition offered by Representative ery tliat there tiro no fewer than nine of money lor T he W est and receipt (or the soon break up the system . Take H ood’s dence of sucli a conclusion. Haines against tlie change on tlie duty Napoleon I's h a s still inexistence. A Sarsaparilla now, Io expel disease, give He was a land owner, having recently on collars and cuffs is tlie largest tliat writer in The Vie Conteuiporaino gives saute. stren g th and appetite. proved up on a claim on North Fork, ! lias ever been p r e s e n te d to tlie House. a fist of them. One is in tho possession W E S T L IN G S . Tlie petitions were bound in book form, of Mute. Claitte, whoso grandfather, Gu St. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, the and lie had other property besides. General Girauil, picked it up at Ma­ His body was turned over to liis tlie volume being about four feet long rengo. At a critical nionieut Bonaparte ladies of the Methodist church will give N otice .—Mr. E. H. David will give a a ten cunt lea at the residence of Mrs. J. friends for burial. , and three feet w ide. Tlie corners of tlie started off at a gallop, and tlie wind good man with small family an excel­ C. Brown. Tea will he served form four i liook were ornamented with red, white blowing off his hat Ito did not stop to H E USES A PASS. lent chauce on his farm near Florence. 1 and blue ribbon. It was deposited upon pick it up. to six and from nine to ten. Another of tlio liats is in a little crypt S omething N ew .—Have you sgen The balance wheel for Cushman’s saw- | Mr. II. B. Luce, the Fopulist food a portalile platform which required tlie beside Napoleon's tomb at tlie Invalides. those Ladies Jerseys that are now ottered mill came op on the Danielson and is commissioner, admits in a letterof riding services of four able-bodied men to lug it This was worn on the 7th, 8tli and 9th of into tlie House. Tlte .size and style of /or less than cost at Meyer & Kyle’s? now in place. The hum of saws will he on the railroads, in attending to his offi- February, 1807, at Eilan, and it is the licaril in that lumber maiiufaeturiug ill- cial duties, using a puss furnished by tlie the pqtitiou was so^ftovel that it pro- identical one represented in tlio colossal Support home merchants. stitution tlie first ol the week. railroad companies. As the party to I voked ci)in-iAll’ra,y nk-rTTuieill when it picture of tlio battle by Gros, to be seen These are the days so long looked for. was formally* aiti/seriotisly presented to iu tho Louvre. During tiie peace which Every subscriber of this paper is re­ wlticli Mr. Luce belongs attacks pass Weather prophets predict good weal her q uested to send 5 cents lor an extra copy giving, lie is trying to explain bis action tlie House by Mr. Haines, who in doing succeeded tlie brittle Gros was commis­ C ity council m eets next M onday night of T iie W est to lie issued oil February by stating that tlie railroad can receive so briefly deseritied its contents ami sioned to paint tlie picture, and in order urged tliat it lie seriously considered. that tho figure of tho emperor might ho 'The world owes us a living if wo earn 10, 1894, and send tlie same to some no benefit by carrying him free from Tlie members crowded around tlie mon­ faithfully depicted tlio hat was given to charge. In commenting upon this in­ party in tlie East. It will be a copy it. ster petition and inspected it witli more ( the painter. At tlie deatii of Gros in 1835 it was Farmers are making preparations for containing much valuable information. cident, the Hillsboro Independent says: ! or less curiosity, and passed facetious “This incident shows conclusively found under a glass case upon a wooden seeding. J. A. Pond lias purchased tlie two i comments upon it. Representative Kil- stand, and it was sold by auction among that if the populists should, by any pe­ The tide of immiprition to Florence water front lots across tlie street from culiar chance, become possessed of the ’ gore convulsed tlie members and tlie ! tho painter's effects for 2,047 francs 50 tlie Morris Hotel, of David Morse, Sr. has set in. offices, they would farm them for about [ spectators in tlie gallery by asking unun- ! centimes to Dr. Delacroix, who present­ Look well to every industry that will This, together witli tlie purchase on the what they are worth—would utilize tlie iinous consent tliat tlie petition be read i ed it to Louis Philippe. Tito later, after same street made by Mr. Carman, in­ at length, and then objected to liis ow n the fatuous second funeral of Napoleon, return a profit. sures a sidewalk from tlie hotel to Hurd opportunity, if furnished, to travel as resolution. Mr. Byan, of Nebraska, ordered it to bo placed beside the re­ Keep in mind that we must turn & Davenport’s store. freely upon passes as do any of the offi­ mains with tho emperor’s crosses and the cials of tlie old parties. In other words, [ suggested tliat Mr. Haines have permis­ something up. ho woro at Austerlitz. Of t!:e re­ A silken prayer book has been woven th.'it tlie humanity of which populists sion to take tlie petition away at (lie sword maining hats one belongs to Prince Vic­ External vigilance is the price of more at Lyons, in France, tlie completion of are made is not better titan tlie ordinary close of tlie debate and thereby save tlie tor Napoleon and another to tlio museum than one success. which lias taken three years. Tlie , every-day article.” | Government the expense of storage. at Gotha.—Loudon News. See the new and handsome cut placed prayers are not printed on tlie silk, but Finally Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms Tom A to m ic P rin c ip le « . in G. B. Colies's ail. , i woven. Five hundred copies were Coakley and several assistants came in S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . A sido light is being thrown on the na­ Fruit growing is no longer an experi­ “ struck off” the loom, and are bought and earied tlie protest of tlie Trojans to for wedding presents by rielt people. R ev . I. G. K notts , P astob . tiie Ways and Means Committee room. ture of tlio elements by tbo cltemico- ment on the Sluslaw. physical discussion between Armstrong ffe notice that Captain Thomas W. “ Gale Maker” was a visitor at this A CORRUPT C R O W D . and Hartly as to the connection existing No services at Presbyterian church Symons lias returned from liis visit east. next Sabbath. office on Saturday last. in tlie constitution of certain organic- compounds anil the colors they exhibit. February tiie 11th, will be communion From the H illsboro Independent. Pleasant entertainments are continued ' He states from what he heard while in Washington, that from <8.000,001),009 to service. All are most cordially invited It appears tliat the populists are no Wo may take it as an established fact by the citizens of the lakes. tliat a relation exists. And if so, then | <10,000,000,000 will be appropriated on to this service. more likely to be honest than either of why may not elements of distinct and The personification of energy and i tiie river and harbor bill, and that this tlie older parties. Tlie populist sheriff of p ush is in doing som ething. characteristic color bo considered as E U C E N E IT E M S . section will secure enough to continue Columbia county, Oregon, recently left complexes analogous to d e fin ite decom­ Send 6 cents for a copy of this paper tlie government works under way here. tlie county a heavy defaulter,- and) liis posable substances? The two elements, to be published on the 10th. T H E S H E R IF F ’ S C A S E . A little more interest should be taken bondsmen, like those of Douglas and nickel and cobalt, of decided color in Our thanks to \\ . W. Neely for a fine I ¡n gent)j„g golne of our products for in- Jackson, are rustling to pay up. New their salts and in their metallic plates, Frorn th e E u gen e Journal. «pecimen of granite front ids quarry. | gpection at other lnarketg. A gack Or Mrs. Lease lias this to say of tlie peoples’ add strength to this idea in that they Tlie following is the decision in full of party state officers of Kansas : “ A more may bo considered as exhibiting a sort Sailing schooner Danielson lias been two of potatoes, than which no better isomerism. Their atomic weights are loading lumber-at C harles D avid's saw ­ can be raised in any connti v, should be Judge Fullerton’s on tlie motion to dis­ corrupt crowd of politicians never dis­ of tho same within limits of experimental mill. placed on sale at some leading grocery solve tlie injunction in tiie sheriff’s case : graced tlie state of Kansas than those error, and by analogy with compounds In tlie circuit court of tlie State of Or­ now in control of tlie state house. Tlie identity of atomic weight implies dis­ The next meeting of tlie Grand A rm y- house in San Francisco. It would be a Post will he belli in tlie Odd Fellows paying investment if they were given egon for Lane county. II. C. P erkins, republicans were never so dishonest, similarity in constitution and therefore W o laid out tho original town site of FLO REN CE, including tli* et al, vs. J. E. Noland, et al. away. nor were they guilty of so many disrep­ definite structure.—Science. hall. Joe Morris Jr., lias had about 3000 Tlie above entitled clause came on for utable acts. Now understand nte. I We will issue only so many extra pa­ T h e O c ea n T e le p h o n e Pom U ble. lie a rin g o n J a n .il, 1894, at chambers, don't mean that all tlie office holders are pers on the lfitli of Februâry as are or­ descriptive circulars, portraying tlie ben­ Professor Silvanus P. Thompson is one at Eugene, Oregon, on motion to vacate corrupt, but there are some who are efits to be derived iu settling in tlie Si- dered. of those who believe that ocean teleph­ tlie injunction order heretofore issued getting licit out oL their offices. Tlie ony is not only possible, but that the The continuous storms of the passing uslaw Valley and Florence, printed at in said cause, tlie plaintiff appearing by trouble is tliat G&zernor Levelling means of attaining it are within our winter have left our beef cuttle in pout- I liis office. Tlie folder contains a map L. Flinn, J. F. Amis and A. H. Kenne­ wants to run tlie party, name all its of­ grasp. Telephone cables for the deep of Lane county and advertisements of condition. some of our leading business tnen. dy ; tlie defendant by M. L. Pipes, A. C. ficers and have only men who will use sea will, however, require to lie made on The power to become successful in any Nothing can prevent its doing us much Woodcock and Geo. A. Dorris, their at­ their positions to advance his own in­ a different plan from tlie existing tele­ torneys. After hearing tlie argument of terests, but tiie people are on to his lit­ graph cables—that is to say, a Hiugle con­ pursuit lies within tlie breast of every good. counsel upon said motion, tlie court, be­ tle game and if tlie present crowd of ductor of stranded copper insulated nnd citizen here. surrounded by an iron sheathing that II. F. Fisher, owner of the famous ing in doubt what order should be made state officials are re-nominated I won’t cpmes betw6en the outgoing wire and Hood’s Pills cure constipation by re­ flouring mills at Corvallis, spent several storing tiie peristalie action of the ali­ days in this city last week. We were thereon, took tlie same under advise­ leave tlie state, hut I will show tlie peo­ the water which serves as tho return ment for further consideration ; and now ! ple some tliingH tliat will be quite inter­ part of tho circuit. The going and re­ mentary canal. And offer lots in these p arts from $50 to $500. honored by a call from tliis gentleman, living fully advised in tlie premises find | esting, and I will work for tlie good of turn wires will have to lie side by side Hon. J. H. Mitchell lias placed us mi- and lie spoke iu favorable terms of our tliat said motion should be overruled. tlie party by trying to defeat these men.” within tlie sheathing. Moreover, the «1er obligations for a package of vegetable country, and tlie large trade our citizens Wherefore it is ordered attd adjudged whole circuit will probably have to be •eeds. Thunks. give him through our merchants. Many tliat said motion to dissolve tlie injunc­ Front the M arshfield Mail. broken up into sections which are capa- Geo. O. Knowles went to Eugene on ear loads of Corvallis Hour are sold here tion heretofore issued in said cause, be, In a little speech at New York tlie of acting upon each other by mutual in­ Tuesday last to make final settlement of i y early. other day Chauncy Depew said : “ Tlie duction.—London Globe. and tlie same is, hereby overruled. the Olsen estate. J. W. Carman lias purchased tlie lot Done at cliarnbers, Roseburg, Oregon, hunger belt is tightening an inch every week about us. Give us back tlie old Justice is not always exemplified in adjoining liis own and tlie one occupied ttiis tlie 24th day of January, 1894. home-made, home-baked republican newspapers. Illustration, attack of by David Morse, Sr. This property J. C. F ullerton , bread!” Using a more striking meta­ Bar I H A V E T H E BEST TOOLS bears tlie first building of tlie city, but Judge. Judge Fullertoq. F or sale h u t every lot we offer is located near and in tho busiuoast phor, he said : “ We have gone to see and materials and a good shop. Have its age and uncanny aspect have been a REFEREE APPOINTED. The glory of tlie sun’s rays are bless­ tlie midnight sun, after its glories had ings to Nature's works and to tlie feel­ detriment to tlie appearance of Flor­ It is hereby ordered tliat H. C. Wat­ been promised for thirty years, and right had twenty years’ experience and I can ence. But now, Mr. Carman say, tlie , repair all kinds of fine and complicated, center and will bring good rental, if improved ings of people alike. son, of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,! glad should ne be to get home again!” I as well as cheaper grades of watches, building will be torn away and soon lie, and is, hereby appointed referee in Minnie Cleghorn, a school teacher at notiiing will be left of it but history. Over 1000 of tlie unimployed at San and I will give you perfect tlie above entitled cause, to take and re- Wellington, Ohio, is a second cousin to M r. Y. Shreuder, wife and fourchil- port tlie testimony therein, and to find Francisco have been set at work in Gol- I ex-Queen Lilitiokulani. dren came to Florence on Sunday being an(j t |l(J therefrom and re- den Gate Park at a dollar a day and are J. C. Brown has completed tlie lining passengers on tlie tug Rubarts. Mr-i port t|,e same on or before the first day glad to get work at tliat price, even for a and papering of liis house, and is now i Shreuder is originally from tiie Nether- of (he next regular terin o( the court, day, although all engaged are to he ready to receive company. lands, South Holland, and lately f | to. w it. Monday, March 5, 1894. And given ten days at a time, and longer il C E O . M . M IL L E R & Co., F A IR M O U N T , O re. Notiiing paralyzes tlie force of coni- Minnesota. He lias served as a mana- i . it is further ordered tliat said referee funds can be obtained by subscription. plaints like study and action in some in­ ger for a large luinberirg industry, and Men form in line to secure tickets for m a y employ a stenographer to tnke tlie dustry that benefits our country. work, and wait several hours, some wait­ is a practical engineer and carpenter. testimony in said case. ing even three days. Several walk live Sixty-five and one-half million pounds In forming a part of our commonwealth Done at cliarnbers, Roseburg, Oregon, miles to work, not having a nickel to j of fruit have been sitipped from San Jose, lie is a welcomed citizen. this tlie 24th day of January, 1894. pay ear fare, yet are on hand nt 7 a. m. California, during tlie past year. Tlie rate on tlie Southern Pacific front J. C. F ullerton , to do an honest day’s work. Tlie lunch The lamp for the light-house came in Eugene to San Francisco and return is Judge. of many of tlie poor fellows consists of on the tug Sunday, and it is probable ; <24.75, and from Drain to San Francisco I will take butter, eggs, meat, fruits, light will soon shine from tlie tower. , and return $22.86. These rates include Hon. John H. Shupe, Register of tlie bread alone, while those having a piece There will he a new impetus in tlie ! five coupons of admission to tlie ia ir. |an(j office at Roseburg, has had serious of bacon or any kind of meat consider otatoes, and all kinds of vegetables as lumber trade of this place during tlie Tickets will be on sale from Janttry 24th j j ||neg8 ¡n ^jg family recently. His wife their meal aristocratic. Tlie Indies are part payment for work. coming summer caused by home trade. ■ and those boarding tiie train at either j,ag foeen dangerously ill during the last becoming interested, and arp making ar­ It is reported that Mr. Masterson lias E,’«en0 or Brains, will arrive in San thirteen days, and liis father-in-law was rangements to provide all witli a good G. B. COLLES, lulteh or dinr>er-wt the noon hour. settled the cause for attachment of liis Francisco on the following day at 10.42 buried last Tuesday, January 23. The Florence W atch Doctor. a. in. Tickets good for 30 days front j W A N T T H E IR M O N E Y . saloon, and will continence business T H E T A X P A Y E R S ’ M E E T IN C . date of sale. soon. To correct a groundless rumor tliat Ag taken from tlie (Juard, we give be- From the Brownsville Times. These bright, sunshiny days cause our FO R 6 0 D A Y S ONLY1 A meeting of tlie depositors of the streets to be thronged with ladies and lias of late gained some circulation, we |ow t|,e resolutions passed by about 1 5 8 ,’J, acres of land, mostly all -T o ­ Bank of Oregon was held the first of the children taking advantage of tlie gun- would say that no change lias recently twenty men who call themselves “ Tax- ahine. occurred in tlie ownership of the State»- pa.,ers.” These men are opposed to week to ascertain if there wns any pros­ Bottom land on tide water. CASH $1050. CASH The outlook for any appropriation for man. No stock of tiie Stateiman Pub- idgber education, and it is well for the pect of securing at least, a part of the this harbor at this session of Congress fishing Co. is owned, livid, or controlled people here tliat they cut out tlie resolu- money they had in it when it failed at Tlie owner of tliis property must raise Tlie depositors are tlie sum of $1050 within GO days, hence grows gloomier as time brings tlie future bv any one except Geo. II. Saubert, R. ,jong anfi paste them in scrap-books lor Albany last fall. J. Hendricks (who lias nothing what- rgfortnee in Ca||ing up the broad-minded getting quite anxious about their money, this Bargain! to view. The schooner Danielson was towed ever to do with the management of tlie non-educators of Lane county. In addi- and they have just cause. A committee Good title warranted. * tion to tlie educational meteoric stars was appointed to investigate. over the bar yesterday and is now on paper) and C. B. Irvine. Stateiman. If you have the cash, here is your Mr. Saubert is well and favorably f0lln,j ¡n tlie resolutions themselves, add From the Roseburg Review. chance, so take advantage of tliis GO days her way to San Francisco loaded with known here, liis fattier, Dr. Saubert, re­ 8. M. Y oran, A. Bond, 8. C. Sparks, R. lumber. John M. Conan, of thin city, lias been forced sale! All of this property is within the corporate limits of the P. Cadwell, H. C Huston and E. P. appointed assistant keeper at tlie Ileeeta D. M. Ferry A Co., seedsmen of De­ siding at Acme. Write immediately or apply in person troit, Mich., will please accept our E L E C T IO N JU D G E S A N D C L E R K S . Coleman. Here are tlie resolutions: Head light house by Collector of Cus­ for particulars to “ A motion tiiat this body favors the toms Black. Tlie seleection is a good Joe Morris, Jr., thanks for a package of vegetable and town and lots will lie sold at prices ranging from Florence, Oregon, j The following judges and clerks of discontinuance of all appropriations for one and John tlfef many friends in tlie flower seeds. Tug Robarts made a speedy trip to election for 1894 are appointed: tlie University of Oregon ami State Ag­ county who will be pleased to hear tliat and from Yaquina Sunday lest. She left Florence—B. F. Alley, Wm. Landis, ricultural College was carried. lie was tiie successful applicant. A motion was carried tiiat this body here in the morning and returned the Wm. Kyle, judges; W. R. McCornack, LANE C O U N TY, OREGON. From the Y equina Bay Maws. favors discontinuance of all extravagant same evening. Geo. IL Colter, clerks. To persons desiring reliable inform­ Letters of inquiry about Florence are Mapleton—Amos Hadsall, W. W. appropriations for tiie Monmouth and As Harry Depew, the Siuslaw mail ation regarding tlie wonderful resources constantly coming to this office. We Neely, W. Wells, judges; M. J. Hadsall, Weston Normal schools. carrier, was leading Ids horse around tlie In justice to the main body of citizens fate of Cara: Perpetua during tiie lust of Lane county, or for prices and terms are glad they can be answered by print- Fred Bean, clerks Hermann—L. C. Moffitt, II. J. Dickey of Lane county we would state tliat the hard blow a sudden gust took the ani­ of grain, stock or fruit farms in tlie ed information. Last Saturday Joel McCornack re­ Win. Ferris, judges; 8. 8. Milledge, J. parties taking position against higher mal’s lilWd parts over the bank. Harry Wlilainette Valley or town property i Write for plat and descriptive circular to turned from Portland where he has lieen M. Duncan, clerks. education were only a few such repre- held to tlie bridle with one hnnd and to either in Eugene or Florence, we recom­ Luke Creek—Chas. Polterf, F. R. sentative men as A. J. Zumwalt, David a hush witli tlie other and saved Ids mend you to correspond witli E. J. Fra­ detained for over two months as a jury­ sier, secretary and manager of tlie Lane 1 man by Judge Bellinger. Pepiot, Peter Hollo, judges; Howard Ebv, A. D. Burton, A. Bond, A. C. Jen- steed. Co. Land A Loan C o , Eugene, Oregon. I Society in Florence is receiving a fresh Pope, J. C. Fainter, clerks. nings, and one or two others standing Send for one of their latest descriptive impetus in its sociability by tlie organi­ Gientena—E. Thurman. A. I). Reeves, high in tlie Lane county grange, also J. From the MnmhfieM Sun. circulars. Read Ibeir ad. in another sation of a society devoted to literary J B. Richardson, judges; W. T. Bailey, F. Amis. Several sliiles on the Drain road Inst J Archie Richardson, clerks. 1 A motion ws« carried tliat it is tlie week prevent the running of stages. part of tiiis paper, exercises. May success attend it. D R O W iE D A T S E A . THIS SPACE RESERVED FDR MEYER & KYLE. THE FIR-CLAD CITY. Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a “ bee line” W est from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS POR SALE! ¡> WATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY S a tis f a c tio n .! WRITE us F0R PRI0ES' MAPS AND °ES0RIPTI0NS' FLOWER HOME Is the Name of GALLAGHER’S ADDITION cu no $6 to $50 A. E. GALLAGHER © © Eugene, Oregon» I