T H E W E S T . >U14> ou, la-othcr, forever, “ prom ise me, «Far Irma, th a t v an I .— HYBLiaUL'U EVERY FRIDAY .MOKXIXh,— am laid beside Pepito you w ill tin that — AC— A TALE OF SIXTY YEARS AGO name beautiful hym n y o u tm when he J. a se C set» . •« such men affront common decency by v l ou have the advantage ol • m e; where “ There wa3 a brief time, a second or Drawers, Wool and Cotton, M arseilles Quilts, Flannels and woolen passing « resolution pointing to barbar­ have we met before?” “ We have never accordin>-'’-v in 11,0 niatu‘r of breaking her face like m arble. She grasped her two, when both men were playing—the ism, met, sir. My name is David Jew ett, an t h e ' le" a t " ’rm a’8 m other. The time hand, it was irretpongiv, to la r touch. retiring pianist the treble and the on­ Dress goods. Look at our large stock of com ing player the btiss—and for a frac­ Avaricp and inhuinan’ty are indisso­ American, in fact a Yankee from east of of our return will be uncertain, hut She placed 1 icr hand upon her fore lie ad tion of a second they were both stand­ it was cold and clami, ; . In alarm sht ing. But now the new player is fairly lubly united in th at resolution. When the Rocky m ountains. I only nrrrived j PrQbabl-v ln ubout follr weeks. Your Affectionate Brother, called to K a lo k e n « ho was standing op; osite the center of the keyboard. He help for mental and physical unfortu­ in the city yesterday, h u t I have seen B lack , W h ite an d G rey. settles into the seat, and now it is l.is Richard C laytonJ jll6t outside the door where sin hand tiiat strikes tho treble, and now the nate» is ignored, men are savages. No your likeness and recognized you hv j Plush, velvets, silks, gimps and fancy trim m ings. Hosiery, gloves, ,,, . . , , , . , . i San Francisco, Dec. 27, 18337’ 18837; . hnd been liefcnTng’ T o T t i J wlm whole piano resouuds to his resolute p.un or set of men ever rise to a true ........... that. Mr, Clayton looked his astonish-1 ' touch. corsets, ribbons, saxony yarn, and hundreds o f other choice articles. grandeur o f human life when they • an- m ent hut answered : “ I am glad to meet I My Dear Wife.—The Viking is going carne ¡n once. ?.s s approa,'bed “ In fact, there never was a minute P0( realize tl.e law th at impels the you, Mr. Jew ett. Can I serve von in a few hundred miles up the coast and I „ ,e ci ouch she saw at once tl.at N'anita when the piano had anything to say ktropg to help the weak, A p y n .au » h o a n y w a y ? I, too, a... som ething of a am going with her. I thought perhaps was no more. She had indeed gone to about it. There never was a minute when the men were not completely mas- - Visits the Insane Asylum at Salem and stranger in tl.e eitv, hut I have some Percy, l.is tutor and A rthur would like be forever more sheltered in the shad­ tors of tho situation. There never was views the inmates hud,lied together like knowledge of the country and some bus- I tQ U ke tbe tHp with mC If so let them ow of his wing. “Dead, dead,” she an instant from the timo tho relief ap­ H U R D & D A V E N P O R T bee. in a hive, from necessity, and the;, inesa associations; jx-rhaps J can be of report at once ax the vessel sails shortly. m urm ured, “ Pepito dead, Nanita deal, proached until he was firmly settled in hissvatw licn both inen were not con­ by resolutions decline to pay taxes to bet- service to you.” “ I thank you kindly, I>o not he uneasy about us as we shall all gone and I am childless now .” I.e tinuously in motion, but the change was ter these unfortunates' conditions, Jias but am in no need of service at present, he in the hands of an over ruling provt- (;ran came in and Irma left them alone m io without a ja r or a slur in the mu­ neither brains, lu-art, lungs, hones, { Inay> perhaps, he able to give you deuce who will preserve us from d a n ­ for aw hile with their sorrow. When sic a n d w i t h o u t tl i e omissiou of a note.' —New York Sun. muscles nor nerves th a t would respond roinit information. In fact, I have sorne- gers, and from whom we oftentim es re­ she returned she and Kaloken composed A R o y a l Roots B u y e r . to the touch of suffering. j thing to communicate to you which may ceive overpowering mercies. We may tl.e wasted form and prepared it for Empr. ss Gatin rino II of Russia was a K eeps a f u ll lin e o f E x tr a Q u a lity A superficial view might lead some to affoct you very nearly. Is there any lie gone some weeks. In the m eantim e burial. Kind friends came in and of­ great reader cud a lover of books. One I am as ever your loving husband, imagine th at tl.e sentim ent expressed in place where we could sit down by our­ fered tl.eir services, hut they preferred of her si rvic, .i to k-tti rs in Russia was Richard Clayton. to render those last sad affairs with their Hi > puree : o of the libraries of Voltaire that resolution is endorsed by the m a­ selves, for the story 1 have to tell is a and Diderot. ¡She was a warm friend jority of people in Lane county, who are long one and will take sometime in tl.e To Mrs. Richard Clayton, own loving hands. The time for th a: 1 adtnu- r of these French philoso- Monterey, California. broad-minded, generous and charitable telling.” Mr. Clayton led the way to a and t ’ - ir work interested her he­ burial was set for the morning of the ; TINWAIIF, BOOTS & SHOES, re > she was eager to learn now theo- HAKDWABE, citizens. But this is not true. They coffee house close by and entered a p ri­ C hapter X. next day but one, hut before that event r: , of polities and government. Vol­ would no more have tl.eir mimes at- vate stall where they coniforlahlv seated H ATS & CAPS, M ED ICIN ES, NUTS & CANDIES, On the morning of the second of Ja n ­ transpired, events occurred which cre- ta ire ’.: lib rary of about 7,000 volumes is fael.ed to such a resolution than they themselves. David Jew ett took a long uary the Viking sailed out of the hay of ated great commotion in the villa e, and I ow a ] t ol the R u n ..n im perial Il­ ia tho J lermi age palace, and in TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS. would sever tl.eir relations from honesty, and searching look into the free of .Mr. San Francisco. Ifer passengers were distracted the minds of the mourner- tie 1 i -I' voied to it is Qoudon’s statue humanity and charity, for which they Clayton, at tl.e close of which he ia.it- Richard Clayton and son A rthur, Rev. themselves. of Voltaire. Ti - - ory of C atherine's purchase of Goods ss Represented. gpjoy the best reputation. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable, It was about noon on the day a f t e r tereil; “ It is a strong face; there must Joseph Norton, Percy Morton and David Di di rot's library i:3 interesting. It is lx* strength 1,ehind it.” Mr. Clayton Jew ett. H er crew consisted of her usual X anita's gentle spirit had taken i t s c r e , r tact and her generosity. A ltiiokiii the meeting of tl.e ta x ­ looked bewildered but David gave bin. complement and ten ex tra men Mr. flight, when Mr. Clayton’s party drew Diiii-rot nam ed £15,000 us the price of payers at the court house yesterday managers his library. Catherine II offered l.im no tim e to speak and thus addressed Clayton boil sliipped for tl.e occasion, up at the village. Such a party of white £10.0(i.i and named as a condition of the was not u (air representation of Lane him : “ You have borne sorrow, sir, can For freight she had several Ixixes of men laid never been seen in the valley bargain that hi r purchase should remain county, a few of those who were there you hear tl.e reverse? I have name- goods of all descriptions, selected by the ix-fore and great was the consternation ■‘ I a 1, : i lmtii his death. Tims Did­ Inanaged tx. put the assembly on record erot, wil limit leaving Paris, became to | thing to tell you which will bring joy to advice of Mr. Jew ett, which Mr. Clay- and speculation regarding tl.eir advent, C atherine’s librarian ill his own library hl e • e us against active progress and enligl.ten- (1 yourself and fam ily.” With a shaking ton intended to distribute among tl.e The chief, Le (Iran and every brave in As her librarian lie was given a yearly ► , r I jnent, The splfislipess gif men who sa lary of £I,0h0. P. voice Mr. Clayton gasped o u t: “ Speak! tribe win. bail been so kind to Irm a, the the village laid collected on the hank, would w ithdraw all state support from One year this salary was not paid. , and gazed with astonishm ent and won- Tin li Catherine wrote to her librarian H Uuvt you—is there—do you know any balance being ballast. • • the University of Oregon and tl.e State . Î A favoring wind carried them along at der at tl.e imposing flotilla. But as tl.e tl.at she could nut have him or her li­ M thing of h er?” lie could not bring him ­ -Agricultural college would be appalling <1 self t o mention the name of Irm a, hut a rapid speed, but not so fast as th e a n x - foremost boat touched the bank David b ra ry : u’n r through tlie negligence of a F; w ere it of any teal effort, Institutions tre.u r.n-r’s clerk, and that she should < i E XT O E XT E , kind hearted David Jew ett could not ions hearts on board could have wished, Jew ett sprang on shore, and grasping a send lum the sun. that sue had s d aside t/j founded and endowed by the general -d keep him a mom ent In suspense, and toward tl.eir destination, the Siuslaw i hand of Le Gran ^ n d the chief at the for the care and increase of her library W governm ent und wortny eastern capital­ On the second morning out, same tim e in his nin est elasp, explained for 50 years. At the end of tiiat pe-riod M answered a to n e e : “ Yes, and good news, river. she would iiial. • new arrangements. A ists; uml then withdraw the small too." lie then went on to state th at lie when the sun came out and the mists in a few words who they were anil why check ti.r £ .'.,i-0 accompanied this let­ E-i A 3 FO LLO W S: <1 am ount of state aid required to keep I Good C a n to n F la n n e l ... b M en ’s S u its f r o m ................... 16.00 to 110.00 had spent the previous w inter in the were lifted, a sail was discovered to the they had come. Mr. Clayton and his ter.—Youth’s Ceunpatiiou. c? B e tte r q u a lity < hud . ii F la n n e l Y o u th 's S u its f r o m ............... them in operatiopl This was one step B.OO to 8.50 A A pron < b eck G in g ln tn is s M en 's M ines f r o m ................. l.(H) to 3.00 same village with her and when lie left northw ard. It came on slowly, as the friends were then presented ami R.i- C u l l .Iren*» L etter » . o D reM I ; i :: h »»til*• M en ’s Boots fro m ............. ... too tar, und destroyed any influence 2.50 t o 5.(io 6 B oys' Boots from A littl? I <»y y . c . d in tir? absence of hia tí» A tin e lo t o f S ta n d a rd P r in t» 1.00 to 2.00 in the spring she was well and in the wlnd was blowing from the south-west, dolph came in for l.is share o f greeting, ■ D o u b le fold Pre»» I’ litiiiicl ............ ?.l« :i's KubHer II u n tiiig Boots Which the assembly might have exerted 8.26 to 8.50 w K letm nt O u tin g Flniin«*l FJ “ K n e e B oots, kindest hands, th at she made the best compelling her to tack backward and The chief welcomed then, „arm ly, giv- parents had been sentenced to go to bed t/1 H a n d k e rc h ie f» fr«»in 5c u p w a rd . eai I y a relativ e w as seen to be busy s 'im th i n g E le g a n t 2.76 in the coining campaign,—Eugene <1 I.ndies* Shoe» fro m 1.25 to Men’s R u b b e r N ip B oots 8.25 to 3.50 of every thing about her, und th a t she forward over a large track of ocean, hut ' nt? tl.em the freedom am! hospitality ot wild a pencil and paper, a fte r w inch he A in M ulBer» fo r H o lid a y P resen t« , we ■ M en’s R u b b er Boot», S h o rt Waarif, 2.75 o eat» sh o w y o u a fine lo t to s e le c t Boys' R u b b er H u n tin g Bent» 3.00 to 8.25 Waimaliiiost idolized by those around as our vessel was making rapid head- the village and assigning them the great car- fa h y ljurie I the cotninunic Pion in fro m . Boys' •• M<.rip K in g Boots 2.60 Ex a hole m the glrden and retired to bed. A fine lin e o f L a d ies’, G e n ts ’ an d C h il­ M«’ii's R u b b ers .................... ... .. 60c T i t g m o n t h « will not n'erlap them- ,"'r- lie then gave a circum stantial ae- way witt. a fair wind, she was soon Ill,w wow house, a large building used Tho mis3ive when disinterred ran as fol­ io d re n '» UNDERW EAR a t a s to n ish - L a d ies' jind < h il d r e n ’s R u b b e rs in u ll size s Cj nbreast of her anil about to pass with | f°r large gatherings and merrymakings, i.ix ly low pr ic es . a n d n t lo w est p rices. lows: selves many times Ix'lore the man who ‘ omit of e v e r y thing he knew concerning fx. C h ild r e n 's S hoes a t p ric e s th a t d e fy Gent.*' m id I jitiie - M a c in to s h e s , and Circu­ c o m p e titio n . D«:?.a M k . P r .v iL —r ic a s o co m e a n d tn k o la r s for S ch o o l G irls. l.ns saved money; sat up nights nn,| the m atter, telling him of R udolph’s iit- tl.e usual salute, when a man mounted ^or tl.eir head-quarters, and in a short FALLA. W IN T E R 1893 Dry a n d Goods, F a h e y PIECES! TO ILET SETS 3 7 s n x * 1894 T z r lx n x x x ix a .g s ! Great Whits StnrE of ★ THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS g GROCERIES. Knowles & . G e ttv s . T h e Old R e lia b le dry goods house of J. M. M c C lu n g Gan give Ï0H BARGAINS in SPECIAL LINES Studied; worked op farms in siimniers »ml attended selioul in w inters; who has p.aile every effort'tu aeipiire ami has ac- quircil knowledge, and is getting $2,fiOh a year salary, the very outgrowth of a Studious und honest life, will pay an iji- come tax to supfsirt the lazy, litigiuous do-naughts ip earlier life, who now can- not commund a salary of $10 per month. T hk Lebanon A’x p rf« is one of on. old-time uml „o rth v exchanges, Never has an item froiii tli.it pajH'r I hx 'D c o p i e d by us without projx r credit, From our Stand-point it <1 ovm not seen, quite in consonance with giMx! journalism for our worthy cunn.uijx.rury to copy from Tux W xht and crudlt “ E x.” Two things seem to us certain: If a paragraph or article is worth having either take it and (five proper credit, or give no credit. I t im ho refreshing to l.uve an income tax. W ithout evet. tin* Hcmhlanci’ of an emergency this tiovernim'Ut propoHc« to tax men, who earn a salary, to pay its expensen. The rich never did and never will pay mid. tax. They know how to avoid it, The burden falln on the men who are just creeping out of the door of poverty. tiog out to try and make his way south, the quarter-deck and commenceil franti- time they were all eomfortahly bestowed, I*1 tl.e m eantim e Irma and kaloken ,l" 1 ,liat »'ome disaster m ust have hap- cally waving l.is hand back and forth. pencil him, as on his way down he saw At the same moment the strange vessel were sitting quietly by their dead, un­ ,l“' Viking’s boat stove and useless on rounded to and signaled the Viking to conscious of w hat was transpiring. She the beach near the Rogue river. A t the do the same. Directly a boat put out waB talking in a comforting way to Ka- 1,1 1||V Iltiri'lllivi‘ Mr- Clayton from her and rapidly approached the leken when steps „ ere heard outside wrung his hand with emotion, and ns Viking. A man clin.lxxl tip the side u,l=^3 D enier in C lothinq , G e n ts’ F u r n is h in g Goods. C a rp e ts, B oots a n d (ì lass w a re , G ro ceries, E tc . E tc . Slioes. H eadquarters for HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AMD BARLEY, H ighest Price Paid for Country Produce. EUGENE, . . . . OREGON. Sciatic Rheumatism REAL ESTATE! Q uick R elief n n d P e rfe c t C u re out from Astoria with a young Swede by that passed Iteforc they reached their alx>ut this happy hoiir. Jftossio lav at tbe name of Lindstrom, as partner, destination were spent in relating what Irm a’s feet watching tlie strangers with 1 le cam<* to u itbin alsait fifty miles of bad transpire« 1 since their separation, suspicious looks, while A rthur tried in San 1 ram isco when* la* met s o m e of bis In «im* time they reached tbe mouth vain to make acquaintance with him. country men ami remained with them , of tbe Siuslaw river. Three large boats During this time Mr. Norton, tbe ven- aml I came on to San Francisco. Cm* were launched ami manned each with erable clergyman, was in tbe Le Gran C A L L ON OR A D D R E SS «lay at the Indian village when Irma six pairs of oars and six hardy sailors, bulge adm inistering consolation to tbe I n E x < u .. vno every conceivable thing was talking to me alkiut her home and Messrs, ( ’’avion, Norton, Jew ett and l*'reaved father and m other. Tbe fit- T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D &, L O A N down to a dog in taxed. All citien in parents, she showed me a likeness of (’apt. Johnson took their seats in tbe neral took place early tbe following EUGENE, O REG O N . tiiat country have soup houses. It is a you, w bieli she wore in a locket on her first, Rmlolpb, Percy and A rthur in tbe niorning, Mr. Norton lea«ling tbe s«*r- R -v l carefully the following alii lavits by prom inent citizens regarding F lor­ free trade country, you know. Our ncck, and I remavked then tbat I secoml. Tbe third and last brought tbe vices, and tbe impressive scene on tbat ence property, nowon the market at wonderfully reduced prices: Government must njx- England, s o „ e thought I could reeognire you in a box« s of g«xxls. Tbe Viking was left in evasio n was long remember«*d ami TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : are getting fr>v trade, direct taxation in crowd, and wben 1 so opportunely cam«* tbe care of tbe mate with bamis enough talked of among the tribe. Tbe white tlie form of un income tax, 11ml we have I hereby certify that I was the original owner of the property known as Frasier upon you at the bank steps to-«lay, I to m anage her, with ortlers to lay on haired man of God lifting bis voice to the soup houses. and Berry's part of Florence, which E. J. I'rsicr is now offering for sale T hat the felt assured tb at you were her father and off until their retu rn . Thus th e y ith e G re a tS p iritin s u p p lic a tio n fo re o m - same is level and free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery do well Air, O. IÏ. P a t r ic lt Hit it alwuy* to tbe credit of ( ’barb’s and w as follow ing y«»u tiiat I might get started and crossing tl.e bar w itbout dif- f°rt on these 1 w a v e d friends, and dc- upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property, J. G. S tevinson S to c k to n , Cal. HitrWood th a t be does not approve of sp« ecb of \o u and b arn if I was «*or- Acuity, ( apt. Johnson s *‘xperienct*d scribing tbe bright celestial home to Snpt. Public Schools, Lane county. curtailing tbe advantages of education! rect,” Mr. Clayton again grasped the eye being able to digtinguish tbe chan- which this dear one had preced«*d them " I w n so b a d ly r.fai?teil w ith sc ia tic rheum »* th r n th a t I . ,M s c a rc e ly m ove. I u s e d a g re a t Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 5th And does not adm it that ignoratici* baud of David an 1 told b|m from tb at nel, and pro eeded up tbe riw r. and bidding them prepare to meet her m a n y rtc a c .'i « w h ic h d id m e n o good. A frie n d ____ “ ny March, 1892. J oseph A. M orris , ia the most to lie desìn»! in ¡stlitieu. mom ent be was bis guest. ‘Wild you M e b it Irm a nursing the gentle Nan- that home of bliss. He spoue plainly p r e s e n te d iye a b o ttle o f H o o d 's S a rs a p a rilla , Notary Public. wii h I b "m ta k e . T i e r e lie f w a s q u ic k TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Tine tax-pavers’meeting yesterday was can eommamt me in anv way you 'L'» whose life was slowly fading out. and simply, and much tbat be said was a n ti tw o b • - a c u re d m e co m p letely . I a u th o r . Being first duly sworn I depose ami sa y : That I have been a resilient of Flor- t •> use f n y n .im ■ a n d p. r tr a it ln reeom- virtually u failure. Only altout tw<*ntv ebfHAse.’’ David bad only l»een in tbe ^be biul lain L»r weeks, quiet ami un- understood by many who stood by, and ire mending 11 I ■- • la p a rllla , fo r I th in k It a em-e. I-ane County, Oregon, (or Die past twelve y ears; th at I am familiar and well in, . i reco m m en d It to »11 acquainted with the property known as 'F ra s ie r ami B errv's part of F lo re n c e ” persons were present as delegate*«, un 1 a city a day, and as In1 had nothing par- complaining, receiving the kind minis all lie sanl »link d e e p .v m to t h e l e a n o Tl, ry v a iual)1(, »um ber of those quii the meeting b»ully ticulur to do he uccepttxl Mr. C layton’s (rations of Irma and her m other with i Le Gran and h .. wife. They closed by *ho may tw anti- ««! w«k rhenmatUm ov.ld , lmt t|ie , amp j , , dlninibly guite(i (or re(iiilence p ro p frtr invitation to go to hiH hotel with him, sluile that went to the luutrt. Kaloken Hinging the hymn which Nanita had re free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrnhhery g r o w well in the soil and diaglisk< 1,—Eugene (»’ uard. that pure well water is found on the same at a depth of fit in ten to fifteen feet. and it „ a s then agreed that David tvent about her houaekeepingduties with q»«‘*tvxl, and then the little mound „: S ince the tax levy in this county is ehould accompany him in the Viking, c o i n preswd lijw nnd eye» full of ututhed raised and the brother nnd sister slept fever «ere. J oseph A. M oaais, M erchant. a, I kr w ol a lady ln Oakland who -. SEAt • nly 15 mills this year, whut whul will the wl.ieh had just come in from a coaatimr U-ars. In n a talk.xl with her about the ••<>« by side under the trees on the hill- only 1 ' ><’f« n l y t ' t , w o n d erfu l med- f Subscribed nnd swern to before me this 12th i o u s tin g .................................... - ........... - te in e ." C. Ik P atrick , S o . BUS C a lifo rn ia S k , autom atic windmills of c a l a m i t y d o to r a trip, on another trip in search of In n a , heavenly home where Pepito now was. •>*•*. . day of March, 1832. L. B ii . vev , 8 t > ki.ro. California. Get HOOP'S. Notary Public. ffubject to howl about? In lets than an hour after his return and where all could go and lx* with Ja- Hood'a P i l l g act en» ly, y e t p ro m p tly and ITP np coxTivt rn .l For Bargains in B eai Property CO. i -..............— I Hood’s s Cures day tfU etcu tiy . o n th» liv e r a n d bo w els. 25c.