The habit of T h e W est is one o f ^ J The tide of destiny '« tin ning lii.-t ^jusli, energy, pluck. It is the news | of these m ountain slopes, L granary “ 'J j tow ards Florence. All sorts of ac­ e t i . u illation of facts point th at way No. 42 FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 189L Vol. IV. his wife. Berlin has’made no outspokei ! Brown. Woman’s wiles often hido un- objection, but in the little Harz moun­ A MENAGERIE BREAKS LOOSE. tain village of C'lanathal, where Profess­ , ler ju st such covers W hile th e 1 ravel *loujj the pathw ays W ild lle a « u T e r r o r is e th o C o m m u n ity Vn- David, when he was not sleeping, spent or Koch was born, the women have Of th is probation lan til C a p tu r e d by th e C lre u a M en. torn down the tablet which hail for y t o r e most ef his time watching the door. W e m eet w ith drcuni.stancM H. D. C .1 V »i B E R .. l A m oit exciting episode occurred near m arked his birthplace.—Berlin Corre­ I Sabina, when sho was not cooking or T h a t we f il l tu undcr&tan. Dnnlap, Mo., the other day and prom­ Some m en wo ae<- fly upwards, spondent. making bouquets, spent most of her Un th e w ings o t fortune m o u n tia. S T A J E U I I m E . • time gliding stealthily by the door, for ised for a tim e to npset the country for W hile Providenr«- keeps othors. A New P o n ta g e S ta m p . miles around. Tho woods were full of af course she was too modest and prop­ B etter fa r, forsvet stan u ia Postago stamp collectors are hereby lions, tigers, panthers and other wild H . H . B a r r e t t , P r o p ’ r, er to enter it except occasionally with In the inidst o f tribulation, Ci J ' i j>n notified to loon out for a possible rarity. On th e low es*earthly la n d ia neighbors who called upon tho unfor- beasts. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ In a w ay th a t, th ink our best. Sells Bros.' circus showed nt Milan. The French government is about to es­ tunato minister. R eaches overtoil accountin. day.* iui'1 Friday«. Mrs. Tabitha Topp, a neighbor and a Mo., Wednesday last and was on its tablish a postal service by camels in the . ... J H , .3 ->N, A rrives at Florence l'ueaday», I’liur«- E v ’ry d a y we m eet with Dive«, great believer in tho law of compensa­ way to Trenton. About 3 o’clock Thurs- French territory of Obock and the So­ days ami S: unlay.* F ull o’ wickedness an ra ijh t, tion, m ade Sabina blush herself nearly lay morning one section of tho circus m ali coast. In the center of a triangu­ a n d Sc(»tt> C onnects O ppressln som® poor L azarus tv death by saying: “ Well, Sabina, tho train turned a curve near Dunlap, a few lar stam p will be a inehart, or racing Also with burg Stage i.ine for D rain. A t m ornin, noon an night. Judge S e... i D. linn . J r t Y et lie’s clad in gorgeous purple Charge Stage Line I’m Coos Bay. Lor 1 took tho minister’s foot, but he'll miles the other side of Milan, and three camel, and in the background a desert. Ali my work «ill i»v warranted to give reasonable. A n th e lines’ kind o’ linen. A ttorney fie .... P .sri.-. .fi. W . L oudon I j cure togivo him something in place of cages on tho flat car broke tho blocks A s the route is only for experiment the W hile his e ars ho closes tig h t issued may be very few.—New >at biavi ion. Call on or write to me at 1.. You’ve been good enough to let'liim wliich held them and toppled off the car. stamps To the beggar’s piteous plcadin. York Sun. bare the littlo parlor you don’t even Tho fall burst the cages, and the animals A n keeps a d d in to ids treasure. COUNTY OFFICERS. O re . So m ighty a n ciceedin. F lo re n c e open for most folks, anil maybe you’ll iu them bounded off to the woods. In W H 3 S M Â N B R O S .’ T ill it seem» as if •»*’ pow er U e tte r T h a n F a i t h Cure« get your pay in somo m anner you're not one cage were tw o lions, in another H ad no end Io &i rin n in . expecting.” Sabina pretended not to be three tigers and iu the other tw o leop­ “Yes," said a tall stranger in a dark Judge.................................... A- H - Fi,k J O H N C. G R A Y , A n if th is o rl^ X \ .»placed la thinking about pay, but she was already ards. snit of clothes as he lighted a fresh cigar .................Eli Perkins W as th e u U m o * liviu, As these animals bounded into the in theofficeof the Pacific hotel. “ Y’e about, possibilities, " A?>, ixxvi tuis there’s no situation in life bnt woods they uttered the most teiriMo was fho most extraordinary case I ever ............. Jam es Parker N o r . tu r ’ fitattfw as given. Over Lake Creek Road, W e’d bo right in th in k in Providence The beat work a t th e m ost R easonable Prices. changes sooner or later. David W are, screams and roars, which alarmed the knew. I hud rheum atism for 10 years. Clerk . ............................ w - R- Walker H a d missed Its c alcu la tio n s Office over G range Store. minister, could not lie forever in that entire countryside. Terror struck the Both arm s and shoulders. Had to bo B E T W E E N E I G E N E & H E A D o f T ID E . Sheriff................................. J • E Noland B ut w’en we recollec* th a t homo d ay E ugene - - O re g o n . little parlor being waited on, and Sabina people when day broke, when it was fed like a baby. My arm s hung help­ T h e re ’ll bo a ch an g in places T reasurer............................Prank Keistier W ilkins could not go on forever broiling learned that the woods wero filled with less for two years. No usoof them what­ W e Jes* keep rig h t on pullin steady A ssessor................................... McPherson In con ten tm en t’s easy traces, chickens and arranging sweet flowers wild beasts. Women and children re­ ever." Leave Eugene Monday and T hursday morn H O R A C E N. C R A IN , Tcelin sure th a t n t th o endin mained indoors, while the men went inga. School Superintendent. .J . G Stevenson for a strange man. "A nd you mean to say th at you wero S h e 'll even up tho rations. ' Leave H ead of Tide Tuesday a n d Friday at S urueyor............................... C. M- Collier David was at last able to limp out to round carrying loaded guns. All through cured w ithout a dose of medicine?" asked —Chicago R ecord. noon. that day and the following night tho tho porch, where he caught Miss Sabina C oroner.................................J- W. H arris Landlord King. sitting under the vines. Tho nurse was howls and screams of the wild animals W hism an Bros., Proprs “ Entirely w ithout m edicite. In ono conld be heard, and a cow was killed by S A B I N A W I L K I N S . And D ealer in Flue W atches and Jew elry down in the village: Rex was asleep on moment, as if by miracle.” them, torn to pieces and partially de­ CITY OFFICERS. the doormat. Sabina blushed like a girl “ I've heard of such things,” rem arked E ugene - • O re g o n . voured. tho mail in his shirt sleeves. “ It wan Miss Sabina had finished her morning of 18 and was afraid to sit with the minis­ While the population hereabouts were S te a m e r r? o b a r ts ter for fear a neighbor might come and . . B. F. Alley duties, had dressed the butter, swept catch her. Sho was afraid to get up and keeping pretty well indoors, the circus under circumstances of stroug mental President........... H E N R Y A. B A Y, Agent S A IL S Oscar Fu ke the back porch and turned the broom up leave for fear she would be losing an men wero endeavoring to capture their excitement, wasn't it?” "Y es.” O. W. Hurd o n the is t, io th and 20th of each hi thecorner, asneat housekeepers do, had opportunity, and a woman a t 40 can't valuable property. Although tho ani­ " I thought so. You were induced to Board of Trustees mals were wild, yet they acted very gathered Cowers and seed and eggs and afford to be reckless. Of Salem, Oregon. month. believe that you could he cured if you W in. Kvle This is the lending in su ran ce com pany of the David rocked; Sabina rocked. Then much frightened nt their unexpected only made the effort, weren’t you?” M. F. Parker Pacific coast. Assets a e u a rte r of a m illion dol­ Single trip $3.00. Round trip 85.00 now seated herself by the window to he said, “ Pleasant evening, Miss W il­ freedom. Some of tlie beasts had never lars. Private dw ellings and farm property a “ I snpposo so. Something of th at crochet. R ecorder.............. ............. Frank Wilson specialty. known freedom, while others hail been Address me at G ardiner, Oregon, and B ut tho fingers moved laggardly. She kins.” T reasurer............. . .Leonard Christensen 1 will ciill upon you a n d insure your property. in captivity so long that they forgot how kind.” “Yes, very," she answered. "Then there's nothing strango about was clean sickened out of fancy work, M arshal............... ...............C. B. Morgan David rocked: Sabina rocked. Then to act in the woods except to howl more it. Tho history of medical practice is of nursing tho sick, sitting up with other in fright than anything else, i’hecircus full of such cases. It was only an in­ J ustice of Peace . . . . H. M. Chamberlin F or Passenger and F reigh t Rates lie said: “ Sweet little home for you here, t a d o f T i d e H o t e l, people's children, going to funerals and Miss Wilkins. Supixvse yon never get boys corralled the brutes, however, in a stance of what they call faith cure." commonplace way by taking the empty to church picnics to see young people in lonely, do you?" W . W . N E E L Y , P r o p ’r, See "N o,” said the man in the dark clothes cages into the woods and baiting them reflectively, “ you could hardly call it love enjoying themselves. She was tired, CHURCH DIRECTORY. “ Yes, very,” she answered him. It < « “ T ables furnished with all the del­ M eyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. too, of being asked why she didn’t get announced to him th at here was a ten­ w ith huge chunks of juicy meat. They that. Tho cure was effected by a man icacies of the season. Wild game, Fisli married. She had been literally joked der, loving woman robbed by somo bro­ would locate an animal, set a cage near who met me on a lonely road w ith a gun RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, and Fruit in season. Best accommoda­ ken law of the love and sympathy to him and then "shoo" him into it as an in each hand anil said, ‘Hold up your to death on tho subject. Oregon. Sabbath serxiee. Sabbatti- B ut to look in the little room where which she was entitled. Modest and re­ old lady would drive chickens. In tliis hands.’ And I held them up."—Pomona S T E A M Z R “ C O O S ,” tions for the traveling public. Charges school,TO o’clock ft. 111. Preaching 11 Miss Sabina sat one would think sho fined as David was, ho was suddenly manner all the beasts wero finally cap­ i Progress. _______________ _ o’clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of reasonable. might be tolerably happy. Old Puss moved to an outburst of adm iration that tured, and peace once more reigned in the Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of I n d ia n N a m e* . purred kindly at her feet, ready to fol­ fill 1 the very air about Sabina with the country.—Cor. St. Louis Republic. Jan u ary , April, July ami October. Sometimes names have been made to R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S low every step. On the m antel stood music and light and fragrance. "Miss Everybody is welcome lo all the services. flR ST RATIONAL RANK BOTH WANTED THE SCHOOL. appear unnecessarily grotesque in their vases of gay flowers, and between them Sabina,” he said, “ I think you’re the Pastor requests Christians to make an old clock, ticking and striking the sweetest woman I ever saw. W hy don’t T h e W o m a n T o o k T h ln ^ a n s T h e y C a m e, writing -in si line instances as much so themselves known. UGENE. us th o rude savage himself appears per­ hours softly, out of respect, it may be you get married?” I. G K notts , Pastor. th o P o s it io n I n c lu d e d . P . EAKIN. JR .. C T . Q. HEN D R IC KS, PRES. Poor littlo Sabina felt for her salts bot­ supposed, to tho sensitiveness of Miss R ather an amusing raco for a school sonally—the fact illustrated In the w rit­ Sabina, who fain would linger awhile tle. She had never been attacked that occurred the other day when tho pas- ) ing Youghiogheny for simply Ya-og-ha- $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 ethodist episcopal church PAID UP CASH CAPITAL, longer at the rosy gate to the temple of way about marryingl And she never senger train was wrecked about a mile na and in Esquemcaux for Es-ka-mo. G eneral office a t Seaton. $50,000 service. Preaching at (denuda ev­ SURPLUS AND PROFITS, time. On a table luy the family Bible, dreamed th at love and courtship could west of here. Only ono school in tho Many purely jioetic garbs of the old ery 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at 11 a.^ in. words have become incorporated Into K N O W L E S , N E E L Y a n il G E T T Y S , in which, however, was recorded one be condensed or reduced to one sentence. county remained not contracted for. S O L I C I T E D Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 p. in. Flor­ A C C O U N T S O w n e r s . date that saddened Miss Sabina—her age. Recovering herself, after a prolonged our permanent geographical literature. Two teachers living in San Diego ence: Preaching, 7:30 p. in. Prayer OREGON. EUGENE, N ear by hung a birdcage whose occu­ quiver of joyous surprise, she came back wanted tho school. Both obtained their Tho names Mississippi and Tennessee meeting, Friday, 7 p. m. Pt. lerraee. pant, with head askew, perceived his at David facetiously: “ Mr. W are, I certificates Monday. Tho trustees lived aro examples of tho fanciful versions of Preaching 1st ami 3d Sahhaths 11 a. in. E A S T A N D S O U T H owner's melancholy and forthw ith began think you are tho nicest man I ever saw. at Pena and Realitos, in tho west end of the old aboriginal titles—the former Is TH Seaton, same, 3 p. in. All welcome. LEADING E . H A N S O M , G W. Q u . m jy , Pastor. Why don't you get married?” to ting. the county. The teachers m ust see tho supposed to have been in sounds repre­ Between the ^iiuikiws stood an ol 1 "Because I can’t find a woman with trustees a t once. One was a strongm an; sented by the English w riting Mes-sts-a- fashioned bureau, yiose m irror kept my name in her hand, Miss Sabina.” the other a young lady. Both learned pa, while tho oldest historic records ex­ SECRET SOCIETIES. Miss Sabina informed of all the changes “Oh, my! W hat do you mean, Mr. that the other was an applicant for tho tan t showing the latter give the w riting OF THE in her face, which she prayed Father Ware?” school. Both boarded the train Tuesday as Ten-as-sa. W hat is evidently one an­ " - AND - S o u th e r n F a c iñ c Co. Time to touch gently, as it might yet be “ Don't you know, Miss Sabina, somo to see the trustees. Both were on tho cestral word apiiears in the mixlern ver­ F. ik A. M. Siuslaw Lodge No. 107. M E R C H A N T - T A IL palmistry philosophers claim that every wrecked train when out a few miles from sions of Shewanee, Sewanee, Suwanee, her fortune. Express T rains I. cave C ortland Daily. ■ Regular communication on second Swanan and Chowan. The French writ­ Feeling lonelier than ever befo ■ in hi r woman's hand has a man’s initial iu it?” town. Both were in a predicament. I North South I D E A L E R IN Saturday night in each month "Do tell!” gasped Sabina, with eyes Port land Ar | 8:20 a in life, she looked about her, sat for some 6:15 p in I Lv The man said to himself: “ I am a ing Cheyenne is the same word in the A mos H dsai . l , \\ . SI. Eugene Lv I 2:44 a m moments in deep meditation anil then aflaro and palms instantly upturned, man. I can walk," and he started out remote ancestry, ns is now believed.— 12:07 p ni Lv Charles Branham, Secretary. H A T S am > C A P i raueiseo Lv | 7:00 p iu 10:15 a m I Ar Popular Science Monthly. while blushes chased with burning hope afoot to see the trustees. exclaimed: Above tin ins stop a t nil stations from P o rt­ “ Is this all there is in the world for over her cheeks and throat. “ Would land to Albany inclusive; also T angent, Shedd«, The lady, being a woman, sat quietly W h o H e W a s. you mind my looking at your hand, and waited developments until tho tra in A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 53. M EN’S FURNISHING GOODS llalsey, Ihu risb u rg , Ju n ctio n ( I ty , Irving. Eu me?’’ . - gene and all statio n s from Ro-eburg to A shland Dr. Meredith, a jxipular and well ■ meets after the first quarter of the Here was the key to her discontent. Miss Sabina?” David asked, construing would go. inclusive. known clergyman ot Brooklyn, in a re­ moon, linear month. Miss Sabina was right pretty, hadn't a favorably her excitement. Sabina ex­ OREGON. RO SEBURG M AIL, D A IL Y . EUGENE, Tho strong man walked to Benavides, cent address to his Sunday school, urged G. W. C haves , Commander. tended her hand. David examined it sharp tongue nor a long neck and was 16 miles. On his way ho obtained a AI 1 1:80 p 111 Pnrtltind 8:30 11 i n 1 l-v the children to siieak to him whenever B. F. Alley, Adjutant. ijV ! 10:26 a in well off. Now, why did she have to live closely, looked up into her eyes, then mule and took tho roail 33 miles further Eugene 2:30 P 111 1 1 Lv Lv 1 7:00 a m alone? God’s original plan must cer­ spelled slowly, “ W-a-r-e! There it is!” for tho home of the trustees, certain ho they met him. ttoaeburff 6:50 P ni 1 Ar tainly have included her happiness. Why Sabina gasped, held her salts bottle to was the lucky one, as lie was a man. 1 “ I may not always recognize yon," ho D in in g < a ra o n O g d e n R o u t e , O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, not? W hat could Providence possibly her nose, having jerked her hand from Anil he thought of his opponent sitting said, “ but you all know me, and I w ant P u l l m a n B u f f e t S l e e p e r s ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays C. D . T H O M A S , have against her? She had never harmed him witli a coquettish way th at said, back a t San Diego in the wrecked train. you to speak to m e.” Not long afterw ard each month. Members ami visiting O. W . H U R D , A N D MANAGER u small hoy accosted him on the Htreet PR O PR IETO R . anybody anil never talked spitefully of “ Take it again.” "You m ustn’t fly in brethren in good standing are cordially But the walk of 10 miles and mule CLASS SLEEPING CARS, men—a rem arkable thing in a single wo­ the face of Providence, Sabina. Be­ with: invited to attend. A. I . H urd , M. '» . O R E G O N . SECOND ride of 85 miles took time. Iti the mean­ attached to a ll Through Trains. “ How do you do, Dr. Meredith?" man of 40. When Miss Sabina contem­ ware!” A pun and proposal in ono tim e the wrecking train at San Diego Tho doctor stopped nt onco and replied W est Side Division. plated the shrews, the redheads, the femi­ word. Seeing th at Sabina was unspeak­ had done its work, and to make a long O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets P u r e P ortland and C orvallis . nine scarecrows, that were flourishing ably happy, David continued: “ Only as cordially anil then asked: W in e s a n d L iq u o r s . B etween M A IL T R A IN D A IL Y (C X C K i'T S U N D A Y .) story short us the solitary mule rider a every Wednesday evening in Lodge “And who are you, sir?” my wife, Sabina, can I repay your kind­ like green bay trees with husbands, and 7:30 a ni I Lv P ortland Ar I 5:35 a m loped up to tho home of the trustees H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in Drugs, “ Oh, I’m one of your littlo lambs," 12:15 p m I Ar C orvallis Lv | 1:00 p m with children to spare, she just settled ness. You and I are a pair of scissors, whom did ho see but tho young lady, good standing invited to attend. was the unexpected and offhand rem ark At Albany and C orvallis connect w ith train« it th a t there was a hitch somewhere— divided anil lonely. Come, let us unite Medicines, F bed M ason , N. G. with the trustees before her, who had of Oregon Pacific Railroad. E X P R E S S T R A IN S D A IL Y (E X C E P T S U N D A Y .) something out of gear in the world's and after this ‘cut the fabric of life to­ just signed the contract? Sho had so- as the youngster sauntered on.—Brook­ L. C. A ckeklky , Kec. Sec. Chemicals, lyn E a g l e . _____________ 4:40 p m I Lv P ortland Ar I 8:25 a in m arriage machinery—and it never oc­ geth er.'” cured the school, having hided her tune, Perfum ery, 7:25 p in I Ar M cM innville Lv | 5:50 a in curred to her th at it is always darkest Sabina’s head drooped, Rex barked, and reached tho place oil the wrecked A T lto r n In I lls K n e e . I Through T ickets to all points in the Eastern before day. NOTARIES. Stationery, and the minister and muiden kissed.— train, feeling happy th at in this pro­ When a hoy 17 years of age, in the States, C anada and Europe can Is* obtained at As Miss Sabina sat musing on life and Cincinnati Post. gressive ago woman is obtaining her year 1850, V. Newell, who now resides lowest rates from L. O. Adair, Agent, Eugene. W all Paper, its inequalities she heard the sharp whis­ beyond Nichols’ ranch and is now over lights. R. K o e h l e r . E. I’. R ooers . B lank Books, T a t t o o in g . Manager. Asst. O. F. and Pass Agt. tle of a train which passed right in front 1 The mule rider camo back to San Di­ 60 years of age, was out hunting anil A. R. B U T T O L P P ortland, Oregon. of her house. Something must have hap­ T hat the old world custom of tattooing ego and takes it in good part.—Dallas ran in his knee w hat he supposed was a T oilet Articles, pened. The whistle did not usually heraldic anil other designs upon tho News. thorn. It broke off so deep in the knee _____ __ W indow Shades, ! sound so far from the station. Looking arms, back anil chest of men is coming that tho wound closed up, nnd all search T ra in pa M ay It h ie F r e e . From Terminal or Interior Point» the Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully 1 out, Miss Sabina saw the train at a into fashion here is shown by the pres­ failed to locate it. Mr. Newell finally And Collector. Vice President Crocker of the South­ standstill, men running back on tho ence in the daily papers of advertise concluded that he was mistaken, and ev­ z—Compounded.— Office tw o door» w est of Florence H otel, ern Pacific has announced that his coin- track and passengers looking excitedly m ents offering to tattoo crests, coats of erybody told him his troubles were ir io x - o n o © , • • O re g o n . from the car windows. Seizing her sun- arms, monograms, etc., a t the client’s puny does not propose to make any fight caused by rheumatism. against the hordes of tram ps who are bonnet, she dashed down the yard to residence for the moderate sum of from Of late till) old gentlem an's knee got to la t h e l i n e t o t a k e find out w hat had happened. Four men $5 to $10. There are a large number of heating their way westward on freight he so bad that lie had it lanced several JOE MORRIS, Jr trains. He has arrived at the conclusion were approaching, bearing gently a gen­ and imperial personages in Europe times and was treated for rheumatism. •TO ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. tleman who had been hurt. Attem pting royal who are tattooed, the Princess Walde- that it is useless to unload lln se ticket A few days ago tho thorn worked its less tourists, because they get aboard to walk fiom one car to another, he had m ar of Denmark having un anchor ta t­ way out and was found to be half an made a misstep, lost his balance and tooed on her shoulder as emblematic of again in sufficient numbers to overpower inch in length. Mr. Newell says after O re g o n . K lo re n o e , the trainmen. Therefore Mr. Crocker It is the Dining Car Route. It rune fallen. The result was a badly m uti­ her husband's seafaring profession, suffering untold misery for 43 years he Through Veslihuled Trains every day lated foot. Sffoi«Si.bina's house being while several well known Parisiennes believes that time can 1«) saved and now feels easier with the thorn in a lit­ bloodshed averted by allowing the tramps G«. o. Knowi... ChM- Ge”y’ in the year to the nearest one in sight, he was taken to have their fair shoulders adorned with tle bottle instead of in his knee.—G rass ° s pioto «®" it, a surgeon summoned from town anil flowers-ile-lnee in token of their mon- to ride so long as they are peaceable. No Valley (Cal.) Union. K N O W LES & G ETTYS, proclamation to that effect lias been is­ ST. PAUL a n a CHICA 0. the train moved on. arcliial preferences. TO A C o stly G la ss o f B e e r . ( NO CHANGE OF C A R S ) Amputation was at once pronounced G rand Duke Alexis, the czar’s brother, sued from the company headquarters, bnt it is to lie m utually understood that SALT LAKE, DENVER, Theodore Voesto was today sentenced has his entire right arm tattooed from necessary, and David W are would not Composed of D ining Cars unsurpassed, preach the next Sunday in the city to wrist to shoulder, while the wrist of the trainmen are not to molest the “ ho- to 60 days ill jail, to pay a fine of $300 P u llm an D raw ing Room Sleepers O re g o n . O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , S e a to n Of ¡attest E quipm ent, which he had accepted a call. He lay King Oscar of Sweden is not free from bos" except in self defense. nnd costs of trial anil to give $3,000 bond It is likely that tho other lines extend­ C H IC A G O , S T . L O U IS T O U R IS T S L E E P IN G C A R S moaning on a cot in Miss Sabina’s neat decorations of this character. The reign­ ing from the Rockies to the Pacific will to not again engage in the liquor busi­ ness. All this fur pleading gnilty to sell­ little parlor. She never had anything to ing Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha has his ATTORNEYS. AND ALL follow the Southern’s example in this re­ Best th a t can *** constructed and in which touch her feelings quite so much in her left arm tattooed, as has also his nephew, spect, if they have not already done so ing one glass of beer. A ccomm odations are both fiee mid furnished life as Ins sufferings and his big brown Prince Henry of Prussia, while the Duke Previous to sentence Judge Randolph, E A S T E R N C IT IE S , for holders of F irst and Second-Class Tickets, eyes, which she caught sight of now and of York lias the union jack anil St. in a qmet w ay.—Portland Oregonian. who is and always lias been an enthu­ and SEYMOUR W. CONDON, siast on prohibition, asked Voeste if then through the door. David W are’s George's ensign indelibly marked on his T h e K u ril T s lilu t T o rn D o w n . E L E G A N T D A Y C O A C H E S foot was taken off, and a trained nurse forearm. —V ogne. was any reason why his m-utineo should Professor Koch, the Berlin bacteriolo­ 3 1 - 2 employed to attend him. Miss Sabina to gist, who recently secured a divorce 1«) light. Voe-te said lie had paid regular A F a m o u s ll lh le . hail nothing to do in tho case but to fu r­ from his wife and married an actress, UH nllily fines to the city, anil as he hail A Continuous Lias cennsoting with nish fresh ft avers anil dainty edibles to The family Bible of George W ashing­ has told his friends that if they want iiis now quit the business lie ought to be let I.»w In a ll it» b ranches given special a tte n tio n . All Lines, affording direct and un­ David. Shu was relieved of much em- ton's mother is owned by Mrs. Lewis society in future thev in n st. re c e iv e a lso off easy.—Emporia (Kan.) Dispatch. □ □ m a r ' s B lk .. E u g e n e O r interrupted service. barrassinent when she heard that it was Washington of Charleston, Vn. Six a minister under her roof. People leaves from this historic volume were Pullm an Sleeper reservations can wouldn't lie so apt to joke about a man torn out and deposited in tho cortier- A. C. W O ODCO CK, he secured in advance through being in a house th a t never had such a Itoneof the Mary W ashington monument A w a rd e d H ig h e s t H o n o rs W o r l d ’s F a ir . t T h e Q u ic k e a t t o C h ic a g o H O LK S a n d th<* E a s t . any agent of the road. it Fredericksburg a few years ago.—St. thing before. pv As David, in his pain, saw the little Louis Republic. f » n ie l» e r t o O m a h a a n d T ’ P *' n To -Tiri from woman moving through the hall anil h a n » a « < Ity . 1 ‘ v •- » ' ,,n i heard h e r g iv in g orders for his comfort, O re " W a n te d t o A p p la u d . E u g e n e , •t.f! ’•*. r- pur« LkSC Tin re was immense applause at the he thought of tho cloud with silver lin­ i- - f th is ( « tupaii}. a a ' © R m m . 7 «nd - •’ ' ing about which he had so often preach­ first performance of a new play. Sud­ »IK-nti'’" ’’ l 'r" T h r tigli n lltn a n a n d T urla* N lcej e r» . denly a one armed gentleman turned to Aiate business. ed. A re a lis tic vision was passing be­ E r r e l t e r l l n l n g < li a l r (.'ara, Foli »iiformation ofi<« r" in g rale«, tim e of fore him. The third day that he lay in the person sitting next to him and said, D in in g C ara. trains, rout« s end ci ter d etalla furnished on ap the little parlor, the nurse left him while “ Caballero, lie good enough to d a p lids For ratea and generai Inform ation cali on or plkaUion to any agn it. or L. B IL Y E U , he was sleeping and engaged Miss Sabina hand, as I want badly to applaud ray- j address in conversation on the porch. It was wlf.”—Sobremesa. A. D . C H A R L T O N , w. il. itrnt.iu'RT, now she learned that David was an un­ As«j.*aot <»«‘neral Pas*engar Agent. A ttem p t. Asat. t»e:.l. Pas«. Agent, I married man. A fter th a t tho flowers No, 121 Fi .( St., cor. W ashington« Critic—Is that meant for a mountain? JB ugene. - - r~»r^-7'"n I 251 W ashington ^t i ’nr : d. PORTLAND, OR. were arranged with greater care, the P o r t l a n d . O r chicken was broiled more daintily, and A rust— No: only s bluff. — Detroit Office over F irst N ational Bank. The only Pure Cream of T artar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. , ike biscuit took on. a jnort delicate Tribune. TRAVELED S ’ G U dJE. THE WAYS OF PROVIDENCE. { » a c to r anfl Builder. S ta g e : L in e . Dental Surgery. I *ract- ical W atchmaker State Insurance Comp’y Florence to Yaqnina. P abhr M Clothier.. TH F SHASTA ROUTE A C Florence Drug; A FLORENCE, I Notary Public, Surveyor Northern Pacific Railroad THROUGH Notary Public, Land Agt TICKETS Notaries Public, there Attorney at Law, Attorn at Law. Attorney at Law. DAYS CHICAGO HOLKS PRICE’S Powder Used iu Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard,