I a W e d d in g W h ic h XCa, Oondwntert In Ao- e o r d a n o e W ith « t ia k e r I lltc a . At M M . in lit-" ll:e Society of Frioinis at I.\.h o i. r, lnce I ' ' ' (th Willets »'hl Dr. > uii:-.' l W. I. .'11 ert married thou ¡reives. L.) iiii»::;.. r fficfatrd. for none was io. ■ -i. No wrnyers were »»id. and no i.iu'-’i * grs* < ' •heir approach to the altar. CcT.ui'Jtiy ,c d display were Iteltinj. * Half an hour before the ceromony was Io take place the little inciting house was crowded to the walla. Three thou- rand invitations had been sent ont, but only about 4<>0 could gain < btra.u Everything had u subdued character— the i»'ws painted in soft yellowish brown colors, the ceremony, the decoratiom and the people. No flowers were dis­ played. but the rostrum and the 1 bolt teats ware banked with a mass of palms. Especially noticeable among the paoph Were the young women, clad in ; It col- ored cloth gov ns, wearing big bats. Which drooped in unexp "U’.l turns and rrept out over their foreheads and had toft veils twisted about the brims, which shaded the eyea and the brows. These young women ns they entered kept theii byes right tow ard the pews wlier .-they were going to sit. Scattered among tin Crowd pressing into the church came a ew Friends dressed in their old time at ire—wearing smooth black coats, with irelvet faced standing collars and broad opped lapels, and broad crowned, wide rim m ed black hate. ; Miss W illets reached the church, nc- tompanied by her father, «hortly 1» fore hoon. A few minutes later the ushers led the procession up the aisle. Follow Ing were the two bridesmaids. Tlw bride Advanced leaning on her father's arm. B hew orea white satin gown trimmed With point lace and a tulle veil. The ¡bridesmaids were attire 1 ia delicate green and white striped gowns, mart« With full skirts and adorned with black Velvet bows. i The prooession was receivi 1 at the kostrmu by Dr. Lam bert and his Is t Inan and Dr. ,1. W. Marltoe. hr. Lam­ bert advanced and took Miss \i diets by tho right hand. They stood facing each bthcr, scarcely looking at their assoin- third friends, its l)r. Lambert said: . “In tho presence of the Lord and these, Ciy friends, 1 promise to take thee to he pay wedded wife, promising through di- wine assistance to be a faithful and af­ fectionate husband till death.” | Then M I ks Willets spoke a few hur­ ried words,inaudibletotbepeople. Vr hat Bhe said was: • “ In the presence of the Lord and my friends I p ro m i.-o t o take thee to lx'm y Wedded hushi.ad, promising through di­ vine assistance to bi a faithful and alfeo- tionnte wife until death." , No prayer was offered, b u t after a moment's pause Mr. Howard J. W right tho white haired clerk of tho meeting, hnrolled a large certificate, I)r. and Mr». Lambert walked a step or two to tho left, where ho was standing, and then seating himself in a ehair Dr Lambert signed his namo to tho certiti cate. Then Mrs. Lambert signed the document, w riting not her maiden name, put her new name. ; Then Mr. W right stood up and read the certificate, which recounted th at on the 21st day of October the two parlies In tho presence of witnesses had pledged i to lie husband and wife. To iis certificate is appended a list of wit- esses giving testimony th at the certs ony was performed. Tho marriage is tecorilcd in the birth, marriage and death pook of tho society.—Now York Letter. L t t { HE PRIZES THE BANDAGE. 1 __________ i ’ll« L if e o f n T tm n g M an S a v ed l»y th e P e t t i c o a t o f a F a i r T ex an . A P h ilo s o p h ic a l lH»«ertatl<»n on ih e Its <»f Ih e T w o G re a t F J lto r e . Wo offer One H nndred Dollars Re­ M pn ward for any case of Catarrh th a t cannot • 1 ih-. Vf.rk T rib n n e v l.cn He ra re G reeley v.. ¡is ( C 'r .r o r The Tin? ?• w hen e d ited by H enry J . R aym ond.—Kanzafi C om m oner, editor*. . o.s lloiiM-a NEW TO-DAY. How’s Till»! GREELEY AND RAYMOND. A QUAINT CEREMONY. • / an d H w u j’ J . i e cured by H all’s C atarrh Cure. F. J . Cheney A Co., Props »Toledo, 0 . We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe iiim perfectly honorable in all b'asinc»- transactions ami tinam ially able to car- i v out any obligation made by their drin. t-at A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To­ ledo, 0 . Walding, Kinnnn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 . H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal Iv, acting din ctly upon the blued ai d nu« ou» surfaces of the »ystein. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all D npgists J 26 l’estimonials free. Y,'e had tin: pieaecri* t f knowing b o lt Greeley and Raymond. We were more intim ate with the first named of these contemporary editoro than with the other. They were aide, Rincon, c-ner- g- tie, public spirited Americans. Neither of them was a cherub. Mr. Greeley, good mm.! ■ id "dam n" more than om« an w e r gri . to romcnilxir, and when he cull, 1 R .yrnond "the l i t t l e villain" th at cool headed man retorted in language which many ; e o p lo have forgotten. Tho two di 1 not gf i along very well together when nne was editor of Thu Tribune and the other among his assiatauts, nor after­ NOTICE OF FINAL SE TT L E M E N T . N«atce is hereby given th a t Geo. O. Knowles. ward when they were editors of rival paper :, though both w e r e of the name vd m ln L trato r uf the Estate of A ugust Olsen, p a s ty . Neither cf them way an "ideal leceosed, has tiled his final account ther«4n and editor," or a m ry d< cp thinker, or a first >*n ordur has been made und al tered of record, or knot aide scholar, G reel v was a stronger and more stirring w riter than Raymond, l:ut Ray­ mond w hs a far me re skillful editor than Grotley. Greeley was more fervent in mind than Raymond; Raymond was more judicioat and nimble than Greeley. Raymond, when ho was a member of the h gi iature, and the speaker of the as- ti.mbly, and the lieutenant governor of the Ktnle, on 1 a member of congress, and a delegate to stuic or national conven­ tions, psive evidence that lie was greatly more in;;» nious in p( lit» s than Greeley, who, indeed, during the brief period of his si rvieo in congress, did not win dis­ tinction. Raymond always kept up a close Intimacy with those astute political managers. Thurlow Wood and W illiam H..S. ward, while Greeley was unable to stay long in ihe "political firm of Sew­ ard, Wei d & Grisdey," in which, as lie said when h left the oonoern, he had been a “ junior partner." Greeley w asm oreof a philosopher than Raymond, who, in turn, was more of a m a n o f a f f a ir s than Greeley. Greeley was often compared with Benjamin Franklin, though lie did not possess F T uni tin ’s fuaentific quality; Raymond might la e.nnpHred, in many respects, with Franklin Pieroc, though ho was not of Po.-rct-'.; politic.«. ( treeley had certain eccentricities of m anner mid action; Raymond wan always regarded as a very level headed man. Loth of them bo- longi d to th" antislavery school in poli­ tics; but Greeley's fervor in the cause far surpassed Raymond's. Greeley hail in Ids earlier years been a champion of “rocial reforms" which were bitterly denounced by Raymond, who, however, in the latter years of liis life, began to look w ith favor upon certain theories of eocia’i m. Greeley was negligent in his dross: Raymond was natty. LothGree- ley ii'. I Raymond were founders of New York iy papers which still exist, but neither of which is now cbaractorizodby the traits ef its founder. We agree with The Kansas Commoner that III*: o f the New-York papers now p o s se i s tk individuality of Greeley’s Tribune or Raymond's Times, and no one of them can possess it, for bo h of these memorable individuals long ago departed for “ the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns” after it laid keen their lot "to gru n t and sweat .under a weary life,” but th at is not a reason why wo should despair of the American press. We may yet have editors not unworthy to bn eompiued with the greatest and best wo huvo over had. A true man was Horace Greeley, strong, earnest and good—honored bo hi : memory I An ablo man was Henry Jarvis Raymond—clear headed, quick wilted, n asonable, tomjiernte, genial and highly accoinplisheil—let Ids name s h in e In theeditorial gala.xyl—New York Bun. directing th is notice and nam ing M onday, the ?.h day of February, 1S91, for th e hearing of ob p:cdons to said final a cc o u n t and ti e settle- nent thereof. D ated at Florence, Ore., th is 21st day of Dec. 3. Oso. 0 . K nowi . es , A dm inistrator of the .estate of A ugust Olsen, deceased, d. 0. POTT«», A lt’y for Estate. J5-F9 NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg. Oregon, D ecember 8, 1398. Notice is hereby given th a t the following numed settler has tiled notice of hla Intention lo m ake final proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof w ill be m ade before the Judge or C ounty C lerk of Lane c o u n t;., Oregon, at Eu gene, Oregon, on Saturday, February 3,1894, viz; H arry M. Woodruff, on H omesteud E ntry No. 5109. for the nw l4 ' f .'C eVa 6f and swVi of aw sec. 31. tp. lb ■>, range 8 w. He nam es th e follow ing witnesses to prove h s c o n tin u o u s retldence upon and cu ltiv a tio n of, raid land, viz: A. P. C ondiay, N. C. H lnk- son, L. D. F llven of Alma, T. A. C lark of E u ­ gene, ail cf Lane county, Oregon. J oun II. B nurF, D-lft-J 13 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg, ( 'regon, October 1*7 898. N otice is hereby given th a t the follow ing nam ed se ttle r has fle d n o tice of his in ten tio n to m ake final proof in su pport of his claim , and th a t eald proof w ill be m ade before the Judge or C ounty Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, at Eu­ gene, (tregvn, on M onday, February i?j 1894, viz George H olcom b, on Pre e m ptlon D. 9. No. 7367 for the e>i of sek<, nw l4 of s«l4 and seX of n e‘<* sac. 17, tp. 18 s, range 11 west. H e n a .n e s tlm follow ing w itnesses to prove his contin u o u s residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: M. I). Landis, N. P. Robin son, G. A. G entry, Wm. daubert, of Acm ?, I ane county, Oregon. Jons n. 9nu h e , D15-J-19 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Doc. 13, 1893 N otlco Is hereby given th a t the following- nam ed se ttle r has filed notice of his in te n tio n to m ake final proof in sup p o rt of his claim , and lh a t said proof w ill be m ade before the Register and R eceiver of the U. 3. Land Office, at Rose burg, Oregon, on T hursday, February 8, 1891, viz H enry F. Rapp, on H om estead Entry No. 5518, for the seb< of seb4 see. 17, et* of ne‘4 and nw*4 of n e ^ sec. 20, tp. 21 s, range 11 w. Ile name« the follow ing witnesses to prove his c o ntinuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Gabriel, J«,««eph Zeppe, E. B. Magee, ("has, H askell, of G ardiner, Doug law county, Oregon. J ohn II. S h u p e , D22-J-2Ö Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, D e?. 13, 1893 Notice Is hereby given th a t the following nam ed settler hus tiled notice of his in tention to m ake final proof in support of his c.aim and th a t said proof w ill be m ade before the Register a nd Receiver of th e U 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, on T hursday, February 8, 1894. viz: Joseph Zeppe, on H om estead Entry No. 7753, for the of nekj, nwkj of ne*»4 and n t 1« of n w‘4 sec. 18, tp 20 s. range 11 w. lie nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove hts continuous residence upon and cultiv alio i of, said land, viz; John Gabriel, Fred Rapp, E. B. Magee, Chas. E. H askell, of G ardiner, Doug las county, Oregon. J ohn H. H nur«. I) 22-J 26 Register. C O P Y R IG H T S , Q toJ For information and free Handbook write to ML'.-N A Co.. 361 B koadw ay , N iw V->•?«. Ol.leet , ureau for eecurtng pateut« in Amoroxk Every « atent ta*en c u t b v us is brougiu before the public by a nonce given free of charge in me id e n tifie M m c r in w Larveet circulât!, n of nnr »clerrtift«’ paper in the world. Splohô t i l l u s t r a t e d . N o i n t e l l i f e u i man should be . about it. Weekly, $ 3 .0 0 a j w u - f »1.50 s i x m o t lis A d d r e s s M U N N Ji C O , 1*V b is ^ u iu s , J O l Brc&uway, Now York City. N 0TIC B FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg. Oregon J an u a ry 2nd, 1891. Notice is hereby given th a t the following- nam ed settler has filed notice of his in te n tio n How an Enemy was Foiled. to m ake final proof in su pport of his claim , and T h o follow ing g raphic Btatcmenfc w ill be th a t said proof will be m ade before the Judge r e a a wit h lu le n a e Interi-.-t: “ I c a n n o t d e sc rib e or C ounty Clerk of Iutne county, Oregon, a t E u­ th e num b, c re e p y sensation th a te x is te d in m y arm s, h a n d s a n d legs. 1 h id to r u b a n d b e n t gene, Oregon, on S aturday, March 3rd 1894, viz: th o se p a rts u n til th e y were- sore, to o v e rc o rn o Lewis C. Moffitt, in a m e a su re th e d e ad feeling th a t h a d ta k e n H om estead Entry No. 7905, for the nw ’4 of ne’4; possession of th e m . In a d d itio n , 1 h a d a eV fc of nw*4 a n d ne% of s w ^ , sec. 21, tp. 16 s, e tra n g o w e ak n e ss in n y h 1 k a n d a ro u n d my w a ist,'to g e th e r w ith an in d e sc rib ab le gone range 10 west. H e nam es tue follow ing w it­ fe e lin g in m y stoma« h. P h y sic ia n s s a id It nesses to prove his c o n tin u o u s residence upon w as c re e p in g p a ra ly sis, from w hich, a c c o rd ­ in g to t h e ir u n iv e rs a l con« luslon, th e re is no and c u ltiv a tio n of, said land, viz. W. T. Bailey, re lie f. O nce i t fasten s upon a p e rso n , th e y of Meadow, A. M. Bristow , of J u n ctio n , J. L. s a y . i t c o n tin u e s Its insidious p ro g ress u n til T aylor an d 11. J. D ickey, of H erm ann, all of it re a c h e s a v ita l point an d tlie s u ttc r e r dies. J ohn H. S h u p i , I h r d been d o cto rin g Lane county Oregon. Such was m y prorp* v, b u t w ith no p a r- •J12-F16 R egister. a y e a » iX .. ’ c • i-t n.GCt 3 > • •VT w BWWE tired' IL ' *f aii . S3’ b o ttle b e g ” a n u g It M arveh.ua a s it NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. d p a sse d before m a y . ••»in, b u t h fe i ays y feelin g i»ud le ft me, e v e ry b it o f t h a t cr Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, J an u a ry 3rd, a n d th e ro h a s n o t been e v e n tile s lig h te st in d ic a tio n of its re tu rn . I now feel as 1S94. Notice Is licreby given thut the following- w ell as £ e v e r did, a n d h a v e g a in e d te n lamiid settler lias filed notice of his intention pound» in w eight, th o u g h 1 h a d ru n dow n > m ake final proof in support of iiis claim , and from 170to 137. IVntr o th e rs h a v e used l)r. M iles’ R e s to ra tiv e N ervine on m y r e c o m e n - i iat said proof w ill be m ade before th e Register d a tlo n , a n d it h as been a s sat isfa c to ry in th e ir and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, a t Rose cases ns in m in e .” .lame-, K a n e, L a Hue, O. iurg, Oregon, on Saturday, February 2», 189L I>r. M iles’ R e s to ra tiv e N e rv in e is sold by all d ru g g is ts on a po itlv e g u a ra n te e , o r s e n t viz: d ire c t by tlie Dr. Miles Medi«?al Co., E lk h a rt, Albert C. Knrnowoky, Ind., on re c e ip t of p rice, #1 p e r b o ttle , six b o ttle s fo r #5, ex p ress p re p a id . I t Is free from ‘re-em ption D- S. No. 7502, for tiie seJ4°f sec, 2: p. 18 s, rat g*1 11 w. He nam es th e follow ing o p ia te s o r d a n g e ro u s d rugs. w itnesses to prove his contin u o u s residence bold by all Druggists. noon and c u ltiv a tio n of, »«aid land, viz: W il­ liam H ar lell, Morion Morris. Jo h n II. Morri BARGAINS, BARGAINS. Robert B ernhardt, of Florence, Lane county, ircgon. J ohn H. 3 h u f e , Will pell lot* in Acme from $26 to $C0. •J12-F16 R egister. .A STRANGE CASE. Will tell lot« in Chieggo nddition to Florence cbtup and on eue y terms. \V. A. Cox. ^ G L E N A D A i» » ’ >> '• Q cean View Home. G en. H. E n lie r í i H H H S n le P rn p rifftn r. FOR SA LE . A fine farm of 160 acres situated on the Lakes South from Florence. -This ranch is mostly alder and vine maple bottom land, having nearly a mile lake frontage. Ten acres under cultivation and 6 more slashed ; a go«;«l orchard just come into hearing; 5 rooms in a frame house th at is ceiled and papered; good outbuildings, ami stock of all kinds will lie sold with tlie place at reasonable pri­ ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one half cash and reasonable time given for balance. Apply for further particulars at this office. W . M. K E N S H A W Wholorale and R etili -' - LIQUOR DE*ALER L e i.d in g B ra n d s fo r ¡m í t a ® # : :2 l ^CAVEATS, TF C O P Y R IG H T S .' C A N I O B T A IN A P A T E N T ? F o ra prompt nnsw< r and an honest opirion, write to > 1 1 N N A C O ., who have had nearly fifty yoora* experience in the patent business. Coinrounic*- t'«»us strictly «'«iiittdentiol. A Iln n d lio o k of In- iurniation concerning 1‘atentH and bow to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ ic. >1 and scent:tic books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receivo special notice in the S c ie n t if ic A m e r ie a n . and thus ................................. ............. bus a r e ' brought widely be tore tlie public with­ out cost to t h e inventor. Thia splendid paper, issued weekly, e'esuntly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. ?*3 n ' a r . >aiiu ' • copies sent free. Buiidiim E btion. monthly, f .’.50a year. Single copies,-J ■> cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plate.«, in colors, and photographs of new bout-'•«. w ith plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN A COM N ew Y o k e , 3 6 1 B roadway . Price of Lots $50 $150 Size of Lots 50x150. RipansTabules. Rlpans Tabules are com­ pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi­ cal authorities and are pre­ sented in a form that is be­ coming the fashion every­ where. P mtosbs . O k - all the Property in CLENADA_______ — k -May be F 'und in ■ 5 T O T J C ile b ra te d J e s s e M oore w hisk O -A .3 S T T h e C ra le O rc h a rd S o u r .Ma: I A rth u r Kauffman, a young Mi mphian Who was in the wreck on the Wabash toad, arrived home with his le ad bound G e n u in e O ld <'. ile B ourl oi. pp in a bloody w hite bandage, which lit Ripans Tabules act gently regards as his most precious possession, —T h e O 1'. S. P o n y —. but promptly upon the liver, ile says gold and jewels couldn’t buy F A I>ui»r«» W ith o u t u S m ile. stomach and intestines; cure fhat strip of cloth. Kauffman says that I’.ver Refreshing (’- ¡«I St«»i:ig Be» i ; They have a singular kind of dance When the collision came something hit dyspepsia, habitual constipa­ Cents a Glass Awaits V«»ur On» him, mid be lofit consciousness. When conducted on the greens o f country vil­ tion, offensive breath and head­ ho regained his senses, be was lying lie- lages in Russia. The dancers stand ( ’all for an Importe«! or P u n ie .-ti ( i ache. One tabule taken at the hide the wreck of the car, bleeding copi apart, a knot of young men hero, a knot And You Will he Sutirlie«!. first symptom of indigestion, ously from a dts p cut on the In ad and o f m a id e n s th ' re , each wx l»v itself, and biliousness, dizziness, distress tanable to help himself. J u s tu s lie was bihuit an a crowd of niutort. A piper l R i CUCE ¿E , after eating, or depression of hl suit to faint again from weakness, an bri nks into a tmin, a youth pulls oft his spirits, will surely and quickly hwfully pretty girl camo up and spied cap and chnllengi*« his girl with a wave him. She was Miss Taylor of Jeffcr- ami a bow. If tho girl is willing, she remove the whole difficulty. aon, Tex., who had eecapeil injury in waves her handkerchief in token of as­ sent. The youth advanom, takes a cor­ the wreck. W EEEC R ipansTabules may be ob­ She realised nt once th at the young ner of the handkerchief in his hand and leads his lassie round and round. tained of nearest druggist ■an would bleed to death if not attend — Tin---- No word is spoken, and no laugh is ed to. W ithout a moment's hesitation the wliip|ssl off her petticoat and tear hoard. Stiff with cords and rich with Ripans Tabules Ing out a strip bound it tightly on Kunff braids the girl moves heavily by herself, arc easy to take, tnsn's head. The blooding was cheeked going round and round, and never al­ of either sex, any ngc, In any part of the country, quick to act, and bud his life saved. To say that he feels lowing her partner to touch her hand. at die employment wiv.cb we furnish You need save many a doc­ deeply grateful to the fair Texan would The pipe g.n s ’droning on for hours in not be away from homo over night. You can give he draw ing it very mildly, and lie vows the same sad key and measure, and the your whole time to th? work, oronlv your spare mo- tor’s bilk prize of merit in t his “ circling,” as the , ments. As capital h not required you run no risk. he will keep the bandage as long ns lie dance i.. called, is given by sjxftatora to I We supply you with all thr.t Is needed. It will lives.— Memphis Cor. St.. Louis Republic. the bo-io who in all that summer revelry cost you nothing to try ihe business. Any one 1 •c-"*""* luus never sp' ken and never smiled.— oau do the work Beginners make money from 1 Pld the Queen Know? the start. Failure Is unknown v. lih our workers. , NewspttiM*m here recently announced New York Ledger. s ' Every hour you labor yon can easily make a dollar. L a r g e S a / w - m i l l tovith a great display of type that the T h e R u lin g P a s s io n . No one who b willing Vo work falls to m ale rr. no tjueon had been graciously pleased to i/S -a Mr. Tln i'-Dpli -Spi'iiking of the myste­ money every day than can be made, tn three days present many hotties of wine to various London hospitals for the uso o f poor p i- rious, I knew an aitept who predicted at any ordinary employment. Send for free hook UnderTContract. t i e n t s . The same papers lmvo carefully tliat lie would I«' taken sick on a certain containing the fullest Information. • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refrained from giving currency to there day, nt a eet Uiin hour,and Would dioex- a a a jiiu u jt H . M A L L E T T & C O .9 ^>ort pnblinhed in reputable provincial actly 2 hours and 10 minutes later. Ev- ecurrnd jnst ju st ns ha foretold. jo u rn al, to the effect th a t most of the I «‘n lhinK «x-eurrod Box 8 8 0 , wine in question w iih tho refuse of the W hat t M A tN E . The town of Glenada is situated on the Pacific coast, fronting the Iroyal oullora ami unfit for use in hospi- Mr. Hardhead— Ho must have been a tala. It waa in very bad condition. New York man who had lived in Jersey Great Siuslaw river, has» deep water frontage, and the beet offers ar bdany of the bottlea were half empty, nv»l had lavomo accustomed to doing ev­ Und others were so badly corlo <1 that the erything on schedule timo.—Now York made manufacturers, tradesmen and r.ome-bnilders to settle in thia C lm n ib e r iiii contents hah. I'm trjiiig to make game ef out. s i ttin ? dow n M id r ts tin g ; b u t, th a n k loatch. th o r n .W a s h in g to n Star. b y th e h e lp o f New H e a rt C u re a ll th a t Alunit r ‘Ven ni es up the Si nulaw God. Is p a s t a m i I feel 1 o a n o th e r w om nu. B e- ( lo y a l P in M o n ey . Use* Por ItiUs. <1 i-n Die v had 1 river fruii» 1'loren •e, H lui eil mil« The Princess of Wales long retire­ d tl e r e n t ^o-calle 1 re m e d ie s a n d been tr e a te d Of all living things rats »com to R bottom lam ‘ of II e riv* r. i- on • of iff,- bv dr» to. s w ith o u t a n y ben efit u n til I w as ment has enabh d her to save much of lier among tho most repulsive, ami when h d i - our.i :ed alid u isg u s’ed. My h u sb an d best farms in I. • <» ei-nnty 1or wrain tro’ I »nrht m • i b o ttle o f l>r. Mi es’ New H e a rt dead what can l>e their use? But even pin money -I'lO.OOO a year and bring it c u re , a n d am h a p p y .o s a v 1 n e v e r re a re tte d »•ml Ì» i* ui excel < * •1 . or pasture I h ih ) up to a comfortable amount. In the past they are tin* subjects o f production in It. as I now h a v e a sp le n d id a p p e tite a n d Iho he.I pr..-.f • ,t il ,.r.-i»i. i » »! »' tice»! s e e p v < ll. I w elubed 125 p o u n d s w hen I be­ tho industrial arts. Tho fur valuable Alexandra I' is had plenty to do with k lit? th e rem edy, am i now 1 w eigh 130%. that allowa':. . dressing herself most and find« a ready sale. The skins ma!-e varieties of fruit, ¡, that there is Brow­ g I i s n e ta ’.»■ t ia m y ca*e h a s l>een tr u l y m a rv e l- Buporior glove tin* gant dc rat c d elegnntly, her daughters very much less ing a large orehgnl ronristing of the ous. I t f a r surpasM -s a n y o th e r n c d ic ln e I h a v e cm r ta k e n o r a n y benefit I e v e r re- are specially used for the thum bs o f kid so. and titling out the boys, 'l'uues have ehoieest Rinds of frnit-treea now in . dv« d from phn»lcian< ” Mrs. H u rry S ta rr, R e p a irin g I 'r o a ip t ly Pone gloves, la< ause the skin of tin* rat is changed, tier children have an annual I’s . O c to b er 12. 1892. hearing. This farm will I»' sold ns a VoMavlUe. P r. Milos’ N H e a rt C ure is soM on a posl- Strong and elastic. The thigh Ismesw eie tneomo of 1 ttl.000 todivide among them ­ tl’ e eu tra n tn e b y e I d ru g g is ts , o r b y th o Hr. whole or in ten, live or 'me acre Tart* formerly valm d as toothpicks for clubs, selves, and the princess has lived uloof A N D W O R K W A R R A N T E D Mi’f's 'L di ’¡»I Co., v k h a rt. In d .. on ia v e ip t ,.f fa suit pun !':e<-- W rite ' G I K n- p: . U p f b o f e, u x b o t t h s ’ . e x p re ss pre- but ar»* now out of fashion while the from London ..saety sin,w the death of p ’’ l. 1 s p n - a t d ’s -o v ery 1 y s tt e m in e n t tendons ami bones are ta»ib «1 up t > make h r el,hut soil, thereby inenrring hut lit­ F ront S t r e e t , F lorence , O kioon nedy, Florem e, tire , on. (or partie are - ' i 1 i rt d - e. <» ntau*a U la U aw Z opiate* hvr duugerou« drugs. tle expense for d i,