T H E “ W E S T . 'flie «teclease in manufactured goods PA R A G R A P H * in the U nited States within the past , F R O M E X C H A N G E S . protection. So irrefragibly true was “Wise were tlie kings who never chose irteiel year, counting 1,000 manufacturing ‘ ' this, th a t th e great foreign pioviti that MOIIN ING. -r- — rUDLISHEl) EVERY FRIDAY Tilt xl.ey hud uuiiiiulked his Olli firms, is <03,000,000. Will some O’” .Y O O D C O C K V S . O R E C O N IA N . hoped to reap what we sow, strained ev­ Anil seen the I hhloiu to- ileepest — AT— i take this fact as a text for free t v ’ ,0 ery nerve to defeat tlie hill iai'ore It be­ «thought«." O ueoon preach a sermon upon it? ..ue anil From the 1‘liiliiilt-dir. F lorence , L axe C ounty came a law, and after failing in the un- , Kestieetfuily, A MEKICAN. The district made no mistake in elect­ dertaking they than entered tlie Ameri­ Tlie roads hetwee- The author, of tlie above is a well- here and Eugene ing A. C. Woodcock as a member of state can political arena with money, with the known citizen of Albany, a democrat of U . F . A L L E Y , E d ito r and P r o p r ie to r . are reported •' hoard of equalization. Ami the part lie press, and with threats of deflecting a singb- ' .o be impassable even for the old*school, a democrat from the be- •• » norse. As there is little pros- took in work of the hoard meets with the trade and withholding commercial inter­ — -T kbms : <2.00 a yeux- in advance.— _ ,,ect of these highways being improved unqualified endorsement of nine-tenths course from us if a president and eon- , ginning of Ids* life, But he is a demo- crut w ho doesn't like ‘the change.” *■ ; ___ I for sometime, and the mall over th at 1 of tlie people of this district regardless of gres» more favorable to them were re- ' how it suits II. W. Cwrbett, tlie Oicj/uninn fused election. Entered at the post'Offi . route is now two weeks on the road, We S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . fiAlie county, (?«?■' ce at 1-lorence. i10pe t|,e Eugene postmastur will send and other “ finatteiare” of Multnomah Perhaps, through previous agreement, »«ail m utter, ^ .a , as second-class i ,. „ . 6 .. \ . | county. the r lorence mail via Drain. Cleveland was better understood by Eng­ liBV. 1. G. K notts , P aktok . '»» '* —---------- .-------- ---------------- The rate on tlft Southern Pacific from Tlie f'rrjyoiau ¡£ now engaged Iji thy land tbiin by the Vnited States. Eng- 1 No services will be iteld in tlie I’res- i land understood Benedict Arnold w hen pleasant tq.«k of " B w tip g Wpoden. k .” Eugene to San Francisco and return Is adveutisinu hates MADii known on Ac- <24.75, and from Drain to San Frunçjsco Wgll, sye guess ll r . Woodcock will l«e America did not. Site knew lie would ue- ' iiyterian church oil Sunday mording. I PLICATION. Thèse rates include able to stand the “ rpnsjjng.” . „lie lias eept a bribe to betray Ids ow n country but there will be preaching at 7 p. in. Local notices 8 cents per Une, ea c h Insertion and return <22 SA. 11 ve eoypoiu| of admission to the Fair. pie satisfaction pf knowipg th at lys ac- and ’ huifible it ta the mandates oí the .. I Tickets will be on sale from Janury 24th tion as a member pf the state board of English crown. England certainty knew A otick .—Professor J. JJ. S,. Williams, o , . .. .. and those boarding the train at either equalization 'meets with t|ip hearty ap­ of the flexibility. of Cleveland, for she Eugene is our agent and is unthurigud to ! Eugene or Qrajns, will arrive In San proval of Ids constituents, and that their had nevgy dared to meddle with affairs receive subscriptions, advertising and Francisco on the following day at 10.42 views are striytly in accord with hjs in of tliis nqtion, since tlie chastisem ent re- i money lor T iie W est and receipt for the tlie m atter oi the .assessed valuation of ecived during tlie revolutionary war, tin- ' »• ff> same. • til Cleveland was in the line of possiliil- ' Tlie Cortland Sunday Mercury came to Multnomah county’s property. ¡ties for a second term of office. H is ; onr talde tld» week. Tlie plaqt lias been Fnjgi lj)c fi^RPlic Jyupiaf. W ESTLIN Q S. pureliased by Messis. Clute A Harcourt, • Tlie stockholders of tlie First National first term had been reasonably good, al­ though lie had been accused of being en­ 'N otice .—Mr. E. II. David will give a I and j t iwy and we trust it always will be, Bank of Eugene met last Tuesday and amored with English ways before he good man with small family an excel­ a briglrt, cleats journal. The editor him ­ re-elected'.tlie old hoard of directors, ex­ left the chair- A .senate favorable to self sum» up a £uluiyhle decision in this j cepting Elias Stewart in place of M. J. home protection and lent chance on Ids farm near Florence. posed to crowned simple edjtorlgl ¿Jateipent: “ Its back; , S omething N ew .—Have . von seen is turned to the propagation of h eart­ Hendricks.degeased. Tlie council lias passed an_prilituui.CE. those I.udies Jerseys th a t ure now ottered aches. I t shall never be the parent of I requiring non-resident laiindrynien to 1 ‘ for less tnan oust at Meyer £ K yle’s? otherwise le would have turned tide Misery.” . pay a license of <80 a year. Tide is a country over to England six years ago, Continuous rainfall. Tlie Eastern Oregon insane asylum protective tariff for Eugene washermen when lie attempted to give a bill of sale Florence and G ardiner need a tele­ will bp located in tlie vicinity of V1)‘‘t|b , aini washerwomen. I t may lie robbery, i „q onj.industries all our •industries through the Mills graph hoe. tlie county seut ol JJjtio n county. I lie to compel people to patronize their own hill. Ills second nomination was pleas­ Call at the Florence Drug Store for board of commissioners of public build- citizeiiswtltiu. they might g e t the enme ing to England, bat not until tiie Me- | ings lias concluded to purchase a site tiling cheaper by sending abroad for it, Kinley bill sheared foreign countries of calendars for 1894. lis i: The Siuslaw river and its tributaries there, provided real estate and water ; ;„jt it is founded on scripture, which de- 1 Hteir autonomy in the United States did rights can lie pureliased at prices that Clares th at charity begins at home and ! Ellgland entcr t(le rin(i for co„ibat in are full to their hunks. are considered zetjsonqble. If, however, In» w ho does not provide for bis own eiirtlest for Cleveland's return to power. The valuation of tlie taxable property tlie state cannot obtain all tlie land and household is worse than Bob Ingersoll . , . of th at kind. I 1 England knew by i experience th a t ex- in Oregon is <108,088,905. water rights necessary for tlie asyluni.at or som ething o ’» r treuic poverty of the laboring classes Douglas county's total taxable prop­ satisiaetory prices, tlie board will nego­ Comparatively speaking our orchards was a necessary qoncomitant of free erty for 1894 is <6,007,009. tiate for a site elsewhere. Tlie definite are not infested with fruit pests,.but tiie : trade. She also knew tlie laborers of no Notices the new ad of G. B. Colies, the location of the site cannot be made until contracts are entered into in accordance i following' from the,', lin ia l Ngrlhwetl ' country would be subjected to tlie joke Florence watch doctor in tliis issue. T h e a b o v e 1« a o o r r e o t p ictu re o f THE ORR. this select- ’ I10'1'1* be heeded by our orclianlists: of oppressive wealth w ithout tlie eiiact- OONIAN S NEW BU IL D IN G , lo c a ted a t th e A. J . Morris brought 100 lbs. of butter witlt the board. In 'making c o r n e r o f h lx th a n d A1 'or str e e ts . F o r m an y “ Every. fruit grower who lias notalreadv m eat of laws to withhold their means ot Um tlie board was unanimous. The lo­ y e a is T H E OREGONIAN h a s fe lt th e n eed o f to the store of Meyer & Kyle on Wednes­ ew an d oo in m o d io u « b uild iu ir ein b ra o lu < cation of tlie asvlum is virtually settled. done so should nJ once make a thorough support till starvation forced them int« a all n th e m o d ern im p ro v e m en ts, w ith th e la te st day. The s»»il w of tlie richest in the state. examination of bis trees in order to find ' obedience. ' Cleveland's policy is pover- Im p ro v ed m a ch in er y f o r t u r n in g o u t a m e ­ o p o lita n p a p e r. I t n o w h a s it, and o n e t h a t The fish hatchery is progressing finely The e|e¥atio|, ia allllllt j i00ti feet. There out Whether they are free from insect tv's oppression, and liis election was tr th e w h o le P a c ific C o a st m ay ju stly f e e l p ro u d o f a s it is r e r ta in ly th o tin s t on t h e c o a s t considering tlie tnclemeney of the j. ttI1 immense water power there with pests. Unfortunately there are very few England’s greatest joy. N ow t h a t THE OR GON1AN is s e ttle d In weatlier, roller mill» on Catherine creek. * Hot orchards wliicii are not infested witli | But how is it with tlie voters who t h is n ew h o m e It fo o ls lik e irlvinft its m any ie n d s a b en efit. It m a k e s t h is s p e c ia l o ffer On Wednesday of tliis week Captain lake is forty feet above tlie level oi tlie i some pest. Tiie w inter season is the elected him ? Tlie wail of despair is now fr to th o s e w h o re n e w t h e ir s u b s c r ip tio n , o r t o t h o je w h o s u b s c r ib e p r io r t o S e p te m b e r 1st, Peregrin returned from bis trip to Sun site, anil can be piped to tlie new asy­ only time of tlie year when effective1 heard from tliq states th a t gave him to send th e Francisco. lum, and a hot spring is only a mile and w'ork can be done in fighting tlie San their undivided electoral support. Dem- U /e e l^ I y O r e g o p i a Q Joge scale and^tbe Woolly aphis.” | ocratic papers in the solid South—for- Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, a half away. . —-— » ....... — - ■ mev ardent supporters of Cleveland’s carefully prepared front tlie best ingre­ C O M M IT T E D S U IC ID E . Hon.^A. L. Reed and wife, of Gardi- frve trade doctrine—after seeing the dients. 25c. . _ ,ner, after, spending three or-fo ur days: wl,0|,.s.,le dig.la, / r the Uireat q{ fle(. Will some one put in motion the nec- It h as,t« en o jV n t'w t« k since Eugene liere< 'friends,‘left Tuesday night lraj e haa wrought, in stopping every i- cssacy petition to get an express office Campbell, brother of tlie editor of tu e ;.for.San Francisco, accompanied bv Mrs. el)terpriae and filling the country with ' for tliis city? Guard, was buried, yet the conditions of Aleytxn Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Reed will beggars, have risen above tlie petty in­ T h l. b e in g t h . d u ll « » » io n o f t h . y . e r , TUB OREGONIAN b e l i e v e s . b en eH t o f th ia h ind SchSoner Danielson arrived from San tlie mail service between ,tiiis city and ispendKbout four months in tlie’ golden heritance of partisan spite and are now w ill be g r e e t lz a p p r e c ia te d , i'le a a e eend lu o u r a iib a crtu tio n a a eo o n a i p o ia tb le. W hen Francisco in tlie offing Monday, iatid Eugene are such th a t we cannot give - state, and in tlie mean time take in tlie vigorously, putting tlie blade into tlie vi­ y v teltln a P o r tla n d y o u a r e c o r d ia lly Invited u n d in the M idwinter Fair.—Ä«t fwr. ** tlie facts only us they are fo found to c a ll and t a k e a tr ip t h r o u g h o u r new . was towed in on Wednesday. tals of Clevelandisnt. to m * . Addreee press of other cities. Tlie follow ing is Lane county’s total taxable property An effort is being made to combine OREGONIN PUBLISHING CO., taken from the, Roseburg Plaindealei■■ ÿleigliing is excellent. The alternate as equalized by tlie State Board is <7,- POETLAMD. D I Eugene Campbell, aged 33 years, broth­ thawing and freezing has settled the the iron, coal and lead miners, and lum- 108, 961, ranking tiltii in tlie state. er of tlie proprietors of tile Eugene snow down to an iev foundation, which, her anil wool producers, who see wreck ■ Mrs. O. K. Bean, daughter and son-in^ Guard and for years a coilipositor in that under usual circumstances, will remain age of tiieir several industries strewn on law,' Ed Lucas, are in Florence and will office, disappeared Wednesday morning, nil w inter. This places tlie roads in excel­ every free-trade eoast, to defeat tlie Wil­ NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. W c laid o u t th e original tow n site of FLO REN CE, including th e leave on tlie tug Kobarts for Grays H ar­ January 10. He had recfen’ly bein lent condition for bringing produce to son bill, and for the prevention of a free- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, January 12, trade verdict being rendered against bor.- m arket.—Ellensburg Regitter. 1891. N otice Is hereby given that the following making preparations for a much needed . ~ ■ " 7" ■ - • ■ — 1 - v tiieir interests. < ia a j ul t' ese peeple, named nettler has filed notice of his intention The State Board has made the levy -for re»» and arrqnrffffqents had been' com­ .No wqndcr Willis would “ expunge tiie who ure now weeping in \À.ïer anguish, to make final proof In support of his claim, and state taxes at 4 3-10 mills on tlie dollar pleted whereby ire mis to leave for San record.” He would likely be glad to with fear of their d av ^ o f industrial that s.aid proof w ill be made before the Judge ot assessed property. East year tlie levy Francisco on a two m onths’ visit. On or County Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, at Eu­ “expunge” liis whole connection with whs 7 mills. tlie morning in question lie came to tlie tlie Hawaiian controversy. There is judgm ent being near tUTiaml, petted and gene, Oregon, on Saturday March 3, 1893, viz groomed free-tra,de sentim ent into power, Nelson C. Hinkson, A coal vein lias been found, within office and^egan work but in a few m in­ nothing in it to do him credit.—Sunday and now tiieir ox is being gored by tlie Homestead Entry No. 7616, for the ne’< of sec. utes resumed his iiat and coat and Iw o miles of Yaquina, tbnt is over three Mercury. monster of tiieir own creation. Before 10, tp. 19 s. range 8 w. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence feet thick. Some one now laitgli about walked out w ithout rem arking iris inten­ election day they were as patriotic as upon and cultivation of, said hqol, viz: I. M. tions. Nothing peculiar was anticipated coal being discovered here. C H IC K E N S C O M IN C H O M E . Artem us Wa,t;d, who, during tlie war, Francis, of Eugene, If. M. Woodruff*, A. T. (.’on- S. J . Shrum , S. B. Colvin, Voltaire until shortly bqfore 10 o’clock wlyrn, as T h e D e m o c r a t i c I t o o g t I s B r e a k I u p was willing to “ sacrifice all liis wife’s dray, W. Hr Sallee, of Alma, all of I^uie county, lie did not return, tliis strange turn in Oregon. J ohn H. J hupb , Gurney, T. M. Martin and G. A. Glover D o w n V n d e r C l e v e l a n d ’s P o l i c y . relations, if necessary, to sustain tlie •J26-M2 Register. are drawn ns jurymen for tlie 1894 terms tlie face ot his closely regular iiabits, U nion.” They would sacrifice every in ­ Anil offer lot« in these pnrtir from #50 to #500. surprised his brothers and inquiry as to From The Oregonian. of tlie Douglas county court. dustry in tlie land, except tiieir own, of tiiis w hereabouts began. His body was A lbany , On., Jan . 2.—To the E oitoii . On tliis page may be found an article found Friday thirty-five miles from E u­ course—you will please not forget the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ___ ....... ’ ' i * ' from a democrat, a man of culture, a gene on tlie Miildle fork of the McKen­ Tlie fatal sting of so-called tariff reform, last proposition—to elect tiieir- party Land Office, at Roseburg, Oirgqp, Jiyiunry 15, man of political sense. We request ull zie. A penknife with blood on it and a tlie deceptive snare tiiat was set by po­ nominee. They failed, however, to read 1894. Notice is hejeby given that the following litical highwaymen to inveigle tlie un­ »democrats to read it carefully, wound in his body showed th at he com­ suspecting peasantry and wage-earners, tlie designs of tiieir titan. They «lid hot named settler has filed notice of his intention know he was under the guidance of tlie to tuuke final proof in support of his claim , and W alter Eang came from Heceta re­ mitted suicide. whose tim e was fully occupieil in guard­ English crown—tlie lush of Johnny Bull that said proof w ill be made before the Regis­ cently and will take passage on tlie teg Tlie body was taken to Eugene when ing the results of their daily avocations, , r • • ’ ter and Receiver of the U. H. Land Office, at dor Yaquina to see his—friends, when the funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon. is now threatening to disrupt tlie party —and whosoever followed him would Roseburg, Oregon, oil Huturday, Maich 1«, 1894, soon be rounded up in tlie shambles at viz: Henry Landcrking, th a t steamer leaves for tliat city. that petted and nursed tlie uneven fal­ the English slaughter yard. They see it on Pre-emption 1». S. No. 7213, for the se’^ of nc F o r snlo b u t e v e ry lo t we'offer is located near and in t; buniness T H E C IG A R E T T E L A W . T he W est , with feelings of deepest lacy from an innocuous nidue into tlie now. “ Rob Peter to pay Paul.” Rob *4, and e*^ of «el*, sec. 16, tp. 19 s, range 11 w. sym pathy for Ira and John Campbell Mrs. 8. B. Morss, President of tlie present veneuious, dangerous monster. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove farmers, miners, loggers, fruit-growers his continuous residence upon and cultivation and tiieir relatives, gives ail it can in Cresswell, Oregon, Y . W. C. T. U., re- j W hat is knows as th e McKinley tariff and herders to pay Cleveland's delin­ of, said land, viz: Andrew Hartley, John Rocl’Q Center und w ilj Jjriijg good rental, if improved sym pathy for these bereaved friends. quests us to p rint tlie following law. built an impregnable wall between tlie quencies to ricli incorporations. If dis­ John .Shultz, Thomas Starks of Florence, Lane Mr. David Morse is moving liiB build­ T he W est is the only paper in thecoutt- rice lie|q 8 ot- China and the Carolina«; aster must come, let us have equal pun- county, Oregon. J ohn H. ‘jnueK. J 26-M2 „ Register. ty th a t lias heretofore given a synopsis erected breastworks around tlie iron ing, on Main street, out of tlie street. ieliinent for ail our industries. WRITE .US FOR PRICES, MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS. Tliis will be a decided improvement in of tliis law, but we have no objections of mhies and tlie coal beds of tlie southern Cleveland never was a democrat, ami th e appearance of our main thoroughfare. again giving it to our readers. In fact, j a„ j middle states; placing sentinels S for the. benefit of tlie youtli ot Oregon, | a ;ong tlie northern border to deter tlie never will be. He is too cold-blooded; 66T I H A V E T H E BEST TOQLH Higli water lias continued in this river ' too morose, too" English for democratic nearly all w inter and much drift-wood this law cannot be too often printed and (ja nadian dairym an, poultry-raiser and iiieas to flourislrin liis churlish brain or and m aterials and a good simp. Have C E O . M . M IL L E R & C o .,------ F A IR M O U N T , Ore. I barley-grower from tresspassing on tlie in tlie Siuslaw, but the Government obeyed: democratic blood to course in liis frozen had tw enty years’ experience and I can S ection 1. I t shall be unlawful to legitimate markets of their neighbors on jetty works have not been materially in­ veins, He is essentially in spirit a mug­ j repair all kinds of line ami complicated, sell, barter, trade, give or in any man- the south, whose taxes and toil is ex- jured. wump. He is oi that uncertain canni­ as well as cheaper grades-,of watches, ner furnish to any minor under tlie age pended in the compact of states of tliis bal policy th a t fattens on political false­ and I will give you ¡icrfect The United States Senate has refused of eighteen yeras, any tobacco, cigars, or government, and whose rights tliis gov- to confirm tlie nomination of J. Scott hood and party slaughter. IDs assertion, cigarettes in any form, or any compound em inent ought to respect; threw a p a r - . H arrison, as surveyor of Kansas Ci’y. . . , . , . . . . i, .• i r. , >• , when first inaugurated, tliat it was dun- in which tobacco forms a component apet between the British Columbia for- ” , H arrison is a brother of ex-President I.n .h er yards v . r d . of reoon a and m i I «' r”ua to «lve the Presidency to a man part, w ithout tlie written consent or or- esls ami tlie lumber of O Oregon H arrison. for a second term , needs no further proof I will take liutter, eggs, meat, fruits, der of such m inor’s parent or guardian ; Washington ; placed a heavy embargo on No other sarsaparilla lias the m erit to and when suclt m inor lias no parent or tlie cargoes of Italian and French prunes for conformation than lie is now furnish­ otatoes, and all kiiida of vegetables as hold the confidence of entire communi­ guardian, in th at caee consent may be th at would invade the ports of all wes- ing. At least, it was dangerous to re­ part paym ent for work. ■ mer worshipers, tie s year after y e a r , a s lia s H o o d 's Sar­ g iv e n b y the couty court, sitting for tlie tern fruit-growers; hemmed off tlie Mex- elect Cleveland. II uhind evyry post saparilla. It possesses curative power transaction of county business, upon ap- ¡can lead and silvet mine-owner from who are now G. B. COLLES, cry i iaiiny to keep peculiar to itself. plication in tlie county in which said shutting down tiie vast mines of like and skulking ii The Florence W atch Doctor. >wn by Ids English metals in various states in tliis union; from being track, Mrs. E. W. Cobb, of Heceta, lias been minor may have liis residence. bloisJIiounds and swaltowicl up by liis! very sick for sometime. The earnest S ection 2. Any person violating tlie «ntl closed tlie golfs and seas against the British cormorants, will perhaps know wish of her frient^p, of which we wish to provisions of tliis act shall, upon con- , Brazilian and A ustralian flock master,^ FO R 6 0 D A Y S O N L Y ! enoifgli ill the fultlre to nominate candi­ be counted as one, is th a t she will fiction, be fined in any eutn not less w'*o holds a deadly enm ity to tlie wool- i dates for tlie principle they possess and 158 acres of land, mostly all ----- TO---- tiian five dollars nor more than fifty grower of the W estern anti Pacific sta te s; j «peedily recover. not for tlie number of voters they can Bottom land on tide water. dollars. drew one endless danger line around.tlie Secretary Carlisle has derided to issue S ection 3. I t shall be unlawful for 1 United States, across which the sem en-, deceive. • CASH <1059. CASH bonds to the am ount of <53,030,000, and ger, the’ pirate and vampire of foreign Some of the representative democrats Tlie owner of this property must raise the report is th a t lie lias been offered any m inor under tiie age of eighteen nations, whose love for ns is measured j within the past 20 years have been Gree- <1.20 for them thus making tlie interest years to smoke or in any way use any by the blood-iponey they can abstract, ley, Gresham, Cleveland, M ac\eagli and the sum of <1050 within CO days, lienee tliis B argain! only per cent. cigar, cigarette, or tobacco in any form dare not venture with tiieir produce Dear Beecher. All solid old-timers . Good title w arranted. whatsoever in public highway, street, The state and county taxes will be less w ithout paying privilege duty equal in Jacksonian, Jeffersonian democrats, If you have tlie cash', here is your place, square, or resort. th is year than for many previous years. dollars to tlie benefits they expect to re- Such a den of political monstrosities and chance, so take advantage of tliis 00 days S ection 4. Any m inor violating the ceive by being adm itted intoour domain, party abortions should cause tlie blusii No wonder the populists started out forced sale! early in the season, for soon their stock provisions of tliis act shall, u,ion con­ Tliis dead-line drawn by tlie McKinley of shame to mount ti|>on the cheek of All of this property is within the eorporate limits of the Write immediately or apply in person viction, tie fined in any sum not less tariff, was not breastworks for tiie select an y honeat man liefore acknowledging in trade will be gone. for particulars to in one one nor nor more more tin lan en co are, or few j,(,t waa (,,r t |,e elltie n r| lllient o( a || tliat lie ever drank from tlie great foun- ian M. F. Parker arrived in Florence on by im prisonm ent at tlie option of tlie Joe Morris, Jr., American citizens alike, behind which ta ' n democracy as it poured from town.aud lots will lie sold at prices ranging from Monday and reported having visited court, two days for each offense. Florence, Oregon. j they could enjoy the .fruits of tiieir own these “ honest souls. many places in Southern Oregon. His S ection 5. Justices of the peace shall energy and prosperity w ithout fear of When any party, for the sake of nu- stay here was only one day, returning to have concurrent jurisdiction with the invasioii from an insidious foreign fix.1, mericai gain, converts itself info a LANE COUNTY, OREGON.' , the country eouth of us. circuit court for ail offenses arising un- The bi|| was not calculated simply for standing purmlin! (or political scoundrels On the 20th instan t the steam er Del der ibis act. To persons desiring reliable inform ­ revenue to defray (lie obligations of tliis th at have been (b gged out of all other Norte arrived from San Francisco at Ya­ S ection 6. Tlie act entitled “ An net government, but for tlie two-fold pur- parties on account ot tiieir treachery, ation regarding tlie wonderful resources quina to run in connection with theO re- to prohibit tiie sale of tobacco, cigars, of Lane county, or for prices and terms pose ot requiring foreign powers to assist tliat party w ho harbors them will-soonar gon Pacific. Onr tug will now probably of Strain, stock or fruit farms in tlie or cigarettes to minors under tlie age of in building our wareliips and m aintain- o rla te r sop sorrow as a consequence, make occasional trips to tlie latter eighteen years, approved i-ebruary 18, ing our defenses, and for th e equally The democralii party is to-lay taking its 'Vlilaiiiette ValTey or, town property named place. 1889, and all other acts and parts of acts praiseworthy an«J patriotic purpose of en- last suicidal quaff from tlie punch-bowl either in Eugene or Florence, v.e recom- i W rite for plat ami dcscriptivt* circular to The second quarterly meeting of tlie inconsistent with this act are hereby re- couraging all the industrial pursuits, in- of hemlock, prepared by tlie crown of mend yon to correspond witli E. J. F ra­ sier, secretary ami manager of tlie Lane M. E. church will be held at Glenada pealed. Inasm uch as the present lav, discrim inately, of th is country, by pro- E ngland, tlie scepter of China and tlie January 27 and 28, 1804. Quarterly upon tiie subject is complete, and an teeting them against the w hite elave la- bludgeon of a leproiiaed kanaka wench, Co. Land A Loan Co,, Eugene, Oregon. ] conference 2 30 p. m ., Saturday. Every emergency exists, this act shall lie in bor of other nations. All classes and and administered by Judas Iscariot Semi for one of tiieir latest descriptive to d y cordially invited to attend. force from and after its opprovai by the avocations alike are included under the Cleveland, who l>etrayed liis party, liis circulars. I ¡cud tiieir ad. in another part of tliis paper. - I G. W. Q vimbv . governor. j benign and truly American banner of country and his c u u n trj’» flag. THIS SPACE FDR j $ w THE FIR-CLAD CITY. A SPECIAL OFFER! ils situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a “bee line” West from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS TOR SALE! W ATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY S e L tis fe io tio n ! FLOWER HOME Name of GALLAGHERS A1HHTI0N cu cu > $6 to $50 A. E. GALLAGHER O Eugene, Oregon. J