*[< fl . • ibe m inistry and would fioou tuke Or­ I SHALL NO',- pie fo r THEE ders. ue course of time the Vikins arri- Fçr tj,.e , ihn|1 uo, 1 innati h ig h o f farne a n d name; i »ne afternoon aft> r tiu business oi the -------- ! ved nt lier -look in re-kin, She, was - I-l’Ill MULI, every rielo-.Y . Foolish m en thou n.avcni »lay, j u s t R eceiv ed a t t h e — day was over, Mr. Morton entere 1 his j Clayton 1 and th e y a re r o t the sam e. A TALE C F SIXTY YEARS AGO Hardly mud,- fast before Mr —.»T— linm-x and to th e delight oi bis ta m il-, was on board for news of his child. W hy ih.nuM I ex; ¡re Pl.oRL'gt'i:. J. 1ST LkX'kTV, p i: boon . For th e fire of an e j e. Captain Johnson was almost struck .cad the following letter: lit Mom: A m is . S len d er v .a i.t or i w an lik e limb? la ’L for them th a t i should die? speechless w hen he saw him, hut uC j San Francisco, May 20 (813. THCKC JS ALWAYS HOP£. The round b reasts, tl ° fre 4i skin. ■ hurriedly collected himself and iu t i n - , Dear B r o t h e r . h s v q this inorn- C heeks crim&on, h a ir so long a n d rich; They wandered about for gome little littlvtnlj Indeed, I sh all not die, swer to l.is questions, told him be had ¡ng arrive.ljg»Sa’.i Frr,,jcisco on our way T he eternity of one mistake IS surer tinie xtear tin, camp wile#, seeing a line Plfease God, not 1. for any shell. ;?ur „„.¡¡,.1, the Viking, I ban the eternity of a lifetime of good , lump of bushes a little further on, they letters ami would bring H:»ort,.n's letter—a le»»er ko ; saii for Monterey. Look for us in the T hy s h a rp wit, th y p erfect cairn. matle one mistake» lind now must le g|,eir baskets were tilled amt they were T hy th in palm , liso the sea foam; T hy w hite neck, th y blue eye, luu-U* to wuficr, tw ir>atur what his lor- ^Lout to go back, when all of a Hiiddvn a filled wi’j i Sorrow for himself and fam- ofling about Thursday if all goes well. 1 ahull uot die for the»© alone. ilv. ] Notions, Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, G rass Seeds, Ila rd - Until then adieu. Love from us all to mvr or later act ions jire sent th at in good. j,|ac£ form sprang out of the shadow anti W om an, graceful as the sw an. UteT he became roti’;.« b at calm, he w nh its its i.-lv-rs each of you. ,'Society is quick with ¡e lv e rs ' o p i n ­ -ras-s-l Inm l by her long golden ha:-, i ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, T urpentine, Coloring» &c. &c. A wise m an did n u rtu re me; L ittle palm , w hite neck, b right eye, ion of one who makes ¡uift-rror in life, Nanita gam a terrible shriek nnd [e -i questioned the cpq .sin as to the particu­ Your Affectionate Brother, 1 shall not di© for ye. — Take a Look at our ■ ■ —D ouglas H yde in London Sun. and it m arshals itself against taking it proiia iqsin the ground. Irina, eould not lars of the disaster, hut neither from R ichard C layton . , . . % • i mid-lie or conservative course, w hich is cry out us the savage pl^-pd bis hand 1 him Mor Mr. Morton's letter, could Jie A n O ld F a m ily . G reat preparations were now’ made Several years ago there was an old th e path of w isdom. But to Mr. Stagge over her mouth and, dragged her ti> „ I glean a ray of hope, that possibly by for the reception of the loved ones who family in Pennsylvania named Roth. In Dry and Fancy goods, wo have L adies' and G ents’ S h irts anti there is something greater than the opin- the shadow of t»,s trees near bw, She 1 some intervention of providence Irtua had l»een so long in foreign lands, and Indeed tho long lino of Roths was about and Rudolph might have -been saved Draw ers, Wool and Cotton, M arseilles Q uilts, F lannels apd woolen- ion of society. It is his inner conscious- thought her Jasl hour had come. She their arrival was waited for with great all tho family hud to show by way of and so m uch’ diil they make Dress goods. Look a t our large stock of new of now doing right. This knowl- recalle. fc)i t | 1P atoriw she |,ud read of from a watery grave’, ami he was forced anxiety. Poor Christy was the only one distinction, of the long branches of the family tree to the conclusion th at his beloved Irm a edge of doing right which he craves ami o( who showed no eagerness. She could do and the N iagara of blue blood that had works for, which he looks tor ami finds, , was dead. I n o t'in g but weeR »' ’ wring her hands in centuries past coursed through their " ' veins that people of the more recent gen- which he thinks out and digs out ,lcrip., them b> inches. These th o u g h ts, But the sad news must be kept from -'H ^ ^ H a ^ U d b v e d p j^ jy y ^ really began to think these at J!jj_th»j¡j¿¿t, Black, White and Grey. Mrs. Clayton for' the present. She had- himself, which le r, join s i n a „ new- ( pViI.|Hlw(>rP,| |„.r a ,„i her senses were mistress under , ! ^ W M ^ n r c u m - "'n.d-oS'WAe o^e-fiile account. been very ill; for days she ha-1 hovered , /. .... r One evening there happened to bo n found treasure that is tin »(Jowledgenf, j,1Ht |(.av;ng her when she felt herself Plush, velvets, silks, gim ps and fancy trim m ings. H osiery, g lo v es, featl stances, and on the morning the A iking party ¡n .the littlo town of M-----, and doing right th at is wort |, aving. 1* i» - dropped heavily to th c grouniUand in- between ^ie ami death, . scarcely . . a ■»lance ■ corsets, ribbons, saxony yarn, and hundreds of other choice articles.. aPPcare<' in *',c ol‘'" 8 she eould not lie beside the great Roth family tho guests i;v« Hu» Gw.d for w> .„i » « u.. - . cr H weight trem bling in the b: r1** * K •:* h Lungers it gtantlv she heard a fierce hand to hand ’ ..... , ... , 1-ersuaded to join the family who went numbered among others young Dr. %; >u,.r n,., I . . , . . ' ......... ........... the last spark of hie seemed flickering Sharp. He was a popular and rising gives him i r sL. ‘ jyl-ow vr and fuller life, combat going on over her. The next from the suffering ° ut in 11 “ttilinS vcs8e’ ,o receivo physician and considered by m atchm ak­ and ready to go out The opin’.o’a j,, soe’.ety is of fur less val- 8| lc bnew w as th e gentle voice of Nanita the travelers. After the' first greetings ing inummas a particularly desirable laxly, when the piteous wail of a new Me tc '.-pi or th e world th an the vital ; calling on her to speak to her. Nanita were over Mrs. Clayton asked for tier, catch. life, she lui-1 so nearly sacriticed lier Mrs. Roth had four marriageable Liptlght tif mastering the secrets of his almost instantly recovered from her and Mrs. Morton told her of the sad daughters, so at the first favorable op­ own to give, called her baek. Its help­ fault's, patiently studying all its details, „woon ami at the same moment Max state of mind she had been in ever since portunity shecorugred tho young doctor lessness uppealed to her mother licart so and 'sought to impress upon him the im­ discovering its principles, anil inlusing rtngy eatne up. He had heard the terri- the letter came telling of their arrival. portance of her wonderful family. tenderly and stirred the depths of her |n to his new-born course bis pwn fresh |,le shriek ami (lew on; wings of terror to ' Mrs. Clayton said nothing but pressed Why, doctor,” she said, “ we all came love and sympathy, calling her away jin-1 living Iprcc, perhaps i;> the form of their relief. N anita told him »vliat had her hand to her own aching heart and over on tho Mayflower, so I know you from the gate of th at (kdestial City she will not think ine bold iu asserting that some new calling, or pcihap» it» » drew her babe more closely to her tho Roths are really one of the Iir3t fam­ had lieen ulsiut to enter, to earthly ties Keeps a full line of Extra Quality skillful ami honored touch of present ocT \ trees ami rla’ehed (lie scene just as the 1 Aisoin. ’ • ilies.” an-1 duty .The turning point gained, she Pardon me," replied the young phy­ cupattons and a more delicgte lipish to savage, with a ilialailieahgrin, hail torn <•* « • • * In due time they arrived at tlie Mor- : sician, "b u t I have no hesitation in say- had slowly men-led, hut was still very home life than it has vet received, I hen golden chain from Irm a'slieek which weak. The baby grew and waxed strong ton home. Christy was there to receive ¡ng th a t your family enjoys even agreat- joo, such a course w ill tlpd its rewards jivi , j t[,u precious locket, Max .Ongy distinction.’ as babies will, and was now about two them , her eyes rod with weeping. Mrs. er "Oh, doctor,” gushed the old woman, in the minds of noble men and womep, ' (.|UKv,| ¡n wjth thfi villain at-onee am! Clayton could not keep back her own months old, and, the mother just able giving herself a congratulatory hug on H A R D W A R E , T IN W A R E , BOOTS & SHOES, th at no ih»rk lipe of the past i a ti e ra s e . the conflict was sffort ami decisive. In to leave lier room, when the V ik in ir. tears as she tenderly embraced her, and her coming triumph. "Indeed you flat- aliout a minute the strong arm of Max riv«i «t i,(»r mdrint»« ** “ ’ taking s. KNOWLEDGE VS. IGNORANCE. HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, takin; » little Helen from the attendant te rn i rived at iter mooring*. “ N ot a t all,M lie replied, “ for I know Ongy ha-1 lui-1 him sprawling in the tall I It was a difficult task to answer iter placed her in C hristy’s arms. “ Another yOu are the first fam ily.” One pf the valuable supplies of infor­ grass w jth the lust spark of life knocked eager questibns without betraving the ''ttle Irm a,” murmured Mrs. Clayton TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS. "W ho told you th at, dear doctor?” ’ mation th at Mr. Spaugh advanced here, out of him . Max Ongy was sure th a t truth in regard to Irnnij but making ex- : wlth a choking voice, hut we name-1 ((fQr LorJ wa# Kot-U.** —lios- was th at it did not require a map bt l>e Irpaa was -lea-1, ami lie struck to avenge Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable. euses for Ute non arrival of letters, he her Helen after her aunt here. In lov- jon Budget. jMisses eil of any intelligence to know |„,r death. The savage seemed to lie managed to put her off from time t o , ‘"8 her, Christy, we will try to find Count n .Or8ay Bn:J Z ~ 7 i loIlnn(,. all there is in polities an-1 political licithcr an Umpqua nor a Coos, but a time until the time arrived when he : some consolation for our great loss. A story going the rounds ia one told of managers economy. He said in fht?se w ords: " p Sort of reitcga-le. Probably he had seen must tell her, for his business affairs Christy accepted the charge anil pressed the famous Count u'Orsay. On the oc- floes not take a man of any knowledge the bright trin k et on Irm a’s neek as she the little one to her bosom. From th a t ca.sion of his first visit to England, while were about settled anil they would be he was very young, very handsome and to understand alj the Populist doc­ bent over to gather the herriew, and cu­ ready to sail in a few days, it was well ‘lay «he seemed to be comforted. The not easily disconcerted, he chanced to be trin es." In this we quite agree with pidity prompted him to pounce uj>on he chose a time to make the revelation winning, artless ways and constant de- seated .a dinner next to the brilliant and him. But he carried this know-pqthing her and rob'her, PerhapH th at was all inands upon her attention occupied her 8>U” alar La ly Holland. when she held the little Helen in tier That rem arkable and many sided wo- doctrine intp opposition to e-(ueati(>n in he intended hut whatever he diil intend arms, and th at its infantile demands time to the exclusion of many eat* man waa in, as it happened, ono of her all its forms, an-1 openly declared th at pa,(j dearly for it. They recovered j imperious humors, and her young neigh­ claimed her attention. We will draw a ! thoughts. • • bor soon felt its weight. She dropped pducate-1 men liu-l lteen at the head of the locket and left his carcass to feed veil over the grief in th a t home when It was arranged th at Mr. Clayton an-1 her napkin. Tho count picked it up gal­ this G overniuent long enpugh, anil, as 'th e ravens. fattier ami mother could mingle their h ls fa m ily s h o u ld re m a in w ith th e Mor- lantly. Then her fan, then her fork, then he expressed it, “ now give us achancitn” her glass, und ns often her neighbor After this circumstance they did not tears together over thc loved anil lost. tons until he could erect a home of his stooped and restored tho lost article. At ■^tlr. Spaugh’» politics and jwlitical care to remain longer in th at vicinity, She read and re-read her brother's le,- otPrft’—'frfc^ot was selected close by and last, however, the patience of the youth economy are based on the solid founda­ and the next day moved ttieir eamp ters, and learned all she eould of what the building commenced and carried on gave way, and on her dropping her nap­ tion of a yawning void in knowledgp. across the hike nearer the Siuslaw. In kin again ho turned and called one of AS FO LLO W S: Capt. Johnson had reported, but unlike as last as enterpris-' and plenty of means tho footmen behind him. " P u t my plate Ilis entire speech nt this place reminds crossing a mishap beici them which ! Good C anton F la n n e l........................... b* .¡c M en’s Suits from .................. |R 00 to 110.00 her husband, she still clung to the hope eould udvance it. Mr. Clayton went on tho floor," said he. “ I will linisli my 3.00 to M.50 1 B etter q u a lity C anton F la n n e l.......... 10c Y o u th ’s Suits f r o m .............. jis of what the Irishm an said about h 'H (,n ight have proved fatal to some of the 1.00 to 3.00 Apron C heck G in g h a m s ..................... 8*ac M en’s Shoes from ................ that they in some way might have been into ttie banking business with Mr. dinner there. It will be so much more 2.50 to 5.00 PrcsR G ingham s 10c Men’s Boots from ................ convenient to my Lady Holland.”—New’ coat, "Beda-l, the most of it s made of plirjy j)Ut (pr *tbe intrepidity of Max 1.00 to 2.00 A tine lot <»f Standard P rint« — 6* ,c Boys’ Boots f r o m .................. saved. ‘‘An-1 A rthur, lias he known it Morton. And thus the sum m er passed York Times. 3.25 to 3.50 Double fold Cress Flannel ........... 2nc Men’s Uublter H u n tin g Boots “ “ Knee B oots, i E legant O uting Flannel ......................12,ljC fresh a ir." j Ongy and the great presence of mind of all this tim e?" she asked. “ Yes,” her away. In tne early autum n the Clay­ % so m eth in g Kle&unt 2.75 i H andkerchief’* from 5c upw ard. Such sentiment« as were expressed by [ th# whole party. They were in a good , , G ro w th a t th e H u m a n H e a r t. 3.25 to 3.50 I.it-li- s' S huts from 1.2ft to2.C0 Men’s R ubber H ip Boots , ,,, * 1 husband , answered. " I conld not , bear tons moved into their own residence 2.75 Men’s R ubber Boots. S hort . In Mufflers for H oliday Presents, we Dr. Beneeke of M arburg has made (.he Populist authority are sure to -lo in- „¡zei, canoei anj w|,en they were near- Boys’ R ubber H un tin g Boots 3.00 to 3.25 can show you a tine lo t to select Boys’ “ Storm K ing Boots the sorrow all alone, un-1 so told him, which was, however, so near th a t the known his observations on the growth 2.50 i from. palculable hgrm , anil appeal only to the in|? t ,)V g,Jore the (,anou run Qn to thc Men’s R ubbers .............. A tine line of Ladies', G ents' and C h il­ 50c charging him to guard the s e c r e t in his young people were nearly always to- of tho hnuiau heart, the fact appearing Ladies’ and C h ild ren ’s R ubbers in all sizes dren's UNDERV7EAR a t a sto n ish ­ lower instincts oi men and are the fore- oj a Mnag which careened it corn- that the increase is greatest mid most and a t lowest prices. ingly e o w PRICES. , , own breast until you were sufficiently getber. A rth u r an-1 the younger chil­ rapid during the first and second years U. , C hildren's Shoes a t prices th a t defy G ents' and Ladies’ M acintoshes, and Circu- runners of A narchists. J pjetely over, spilling out the whole par- lars for School Girls. com petition. strong to hear it." dren pursued their studies under a pri- oi life, its hulk at the end of the second On thc same day th at Mr. Spaugh was ty ftnfj a |j t | |ejr provisions. The pro­ year being exactly double what it origin­ “That accounts for his evident unea- vate instructor, and Percy studied the- ally was. Between tho second and pleading for an-1 eqcouraging igiioranee, 1 yieU,nB gank ¡ngtantly to thc bottom, a clergyman from New’ \o r k , seventh years it is again doubled iu size. it man of morals an-1 m ind, Hon. Wit- Kalokvn CQU| j Hwim an,| „„ they were siness when we were alone together and °l°£y A slower rate of grow th then sets in and liani McKinley, uttered these npr-1». „.¡up,, a (,.,v rf SaUnn to made a dive an-1 came up with lx,th w , , o w lire' e,'d them, A German student wrestling with tho * nights living all tlie horror of th a t time English language rendered a text as fol­ advertise in a Populist paper. Suppose han-ls full. Ttie w ater »»as d e a r as Monterey at that time was essentially over again, an-1 there often would come lows, "The ghost is willing, but the meat th e business men of Florence should is feeble."—Educational News. crystal an-1 he eould see every thing at a typical Mexican city. Ttie streets H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. to me a picture of their at last coming give these Peoples' Party u-Jv-'catps a ttie 1-ottom of tlie lake as »veil as if in »»ere narrow and crooked. The houses back to us and some how tlie thought of -lose of their own medicine by refusing E U G E N E , .................................................. liis hand in the bright sunshine, so lie were nearly all built of a-lo's’. Catlie- O R EG O N . that would culm me and I would go to lo employ them . This woulil be dg- (live-| again an-1 again atj-1 secured gv- drals an-1 monasteries abounded, as also sleep and perhaps see them again in my nounccd although a different uiulg kick­ ery thing even to tlie sm allest cooking did monks, pri.'sts, nleal-lcs, eavaleros, dream s.” “ Well, dear Christy, we will ing in thc same direction. utensil, »» lien he made liis way to shore peons and la’ggars. On the outskirts of I though our b -pcs n ay never be II kxiiv Ili.tcKM.tx, of H eppner, Ore- an-1 joiqe-l tlie r-'st of tlie party. th eto w u w c re in n n y h n c ie n ilu sa n d ra n - Short Breath, Heart Troubla, Rheu­ r -id. We must -t in the hands m atism . - gon, gets tlie nomination for tlie office pf w#g i;,.1)tt,ln|„.r . , he „¡g|,,M chos, the owners of whicli had much o ia ---land ever ruling Father. Let internal revenue collector for tlie.listrid W(,ri. r4},(, a n J lhi> n ig |u Nunit(i p a s s io n in horsgs and cattle. At the us remember that ‘God moves in a mys­ of Oregon. This was tne plum Charlie hll(l „ H,,v„rr Tlie Iu,x l ,lay , nd time of which we write, the whole conn- terious way, His wonders to perform .’ ” Nickel was after am t—d id n 't get. There tlie next she was no better, an-1 she try »vas like a rid i garden. Orange, Toward the latter part of December was too much of a political pull for | )cr filt|ler th at she m ight he tig. date, qliv«, lin»»slemon an,1 almond it lieeame ncceasary th at Mr. Clayton Black man amt not enough (or Charlie. taken hack to the r old home at the In- * al“ ’d r.n l many other kinds of C A L L ON OR A D D R E SS —Medford .Vail. Mr. Blackman was a ,linn village, ami the. next -lay they tr‘’c" 8™“nert under their bur,ten of lus- should visit San Francisco on business connected with the hank, expecting to inemlxT of the Stute Menate ami a gen- Rtartet, s |u , Irma' >vn, pn Uk, flrt( cions fruits. Grain's from Italy, Malaga T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D & L O A N CO., lie absent aliout two weeks. After his tlcmun. -lav of their arrival to visit Pepito on an,‘ n’,,nV islands of the sea; roses from EUGENE, OREGON. business »vas transacted lie rem ained a Ix i,—»K imi into one of our exchanges the hillside. They found the wild roses ’ alermo an-1 the vale of ( .ishiucrc, all R.'» i carefully the following atii lavits by prom inent citizens regarding Flor­ few days forming business acquaintances of the D-'mn- ratii' sort, we noticed a they had plaqted tilled with a luxuri- which had lieen propagated frmu seeds ence property, now on tlie market at wonderfully reduced prices : an-1 in studying tho peculiar phases of list oi -lutes when the tariff hint Mice of bloom, ami tlie lit tie mound »»us al,,‘ 8ern”* an-1 scions l-r,»tight from tho«e life in this new country. One day on TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Isen changed by ttie Republicans, and completely covered w itli Howers planted ‘ar"° • -’ountries, who had sought in the leaving a banking house lie observed I hereby certify that I was tlie original owner of the property known as Frasier tliey were acenxed of "tariff tin k erin g .” by their hands in early spring. “ When nv" " S’r^'L a ,lv 'l i»’r their religions, la- himself f-llowe-l. He kept straight on and Berry’s part "of Florence, which E. J. F p ie r is now offering for sale. T hat the Very true, but the t Iriiml t »1-1 Party id- I die you must have me place,I just ‘»u-l w-li-'li throve ulinott iniracu- down tlie street ba* tlie person kept J ír s . X, M. P a in e same is level and free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery do well it* ’ua* balmy an-1 gra •:011s Inti- pay s “ tinkerisl” with the tariff in tlie liere,” sai-l Nanita, pointing witli her Eagle Creek. Oregon. upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J. G. S tkvxxsom , close on tiis footsteps. He could think hand to a place Issi-le the little mound. tudc. Verily those eld fathers introdu­ of no reason except rol’ls'ry tliat slioul-l Supt. Public Schools, Lane county. Interests of tlie iwople. “I have lived hero tn Oregon for the past ced many good things into this western cause the man to -log hi» footsteps, an-1 twenty years, au-l most of tlie time have been ft I l l s H arrisburg <.'owner - anie to 11s, “Oh, y-u must not speak of -lying, dear 1 I Subscribed and sworn to liefore me thia 6th very great sulterer fr-m i a i l n u i m n i .r , country long before our d:ty an,I genera­ Nanita. What should I—what should ( ‘ , day o( March, 1892. Jo s s rit A. M orris , tliat woulil t-e a hold piece of Imsiness in r h e e m u i t . u i . 1 havo also had w hat the doctor through tlie delayed m u lls , w very bright tion. Notary Public. broad daylight. He finally turned called heart -lisea-c. with shortness of breath 7-column folio. A g-ssl leap to tlie front we all -lo without you? No, no, you Quite a nuuils r of w 'nlthy American square around and walked straight up unit sharp pains tn the left side. I -leci-tod to take TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : w ill s-s-n Is- Is tter now thi|t we are at an I one that is every way worthy tlie en­ n-xhl’s Sarsaparilla, And t-efore I had finished Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I have been a resident of Flor­ families had settl-'-J in Monti rev to en- toward tlie man, who was tall and three bottles I was In bettor health than I hail ergy ami pls-k of Mr. Morin, tin' editor. home again where you -an rest.” "No, been for years. I do not have any pain uow, ence. Lane County. Oregon, for tlie past twelve years; that I am fam iliar and well dent Irmn, 1 shall rest lien, soon, I feel jov the salubrious climate. Among oth- straight as an arrow, with broad slioul- sleep well, and t >ilay no woman of my age acquainted with tlie property known ns “ Frasier an-1 B ern ’s part of Florence,” “ W k . noi’« no Cruu will gut thv it, 1 know it." They went liome, and er" Wfll' •lp,in 'h 'rio n , a banker. 11, tiers an-1 a sinewy frame. His clothes that the «ame is adm irably suited for resilience property, being perfectly level and Enjoys Better Health Kuivin |M»înuy,” her and nursed tier, an,I tried to make quarters of the town, w here in the socie- general npp-'aranee was th at of a pioneer eared for and milked four cow s. I »0 not fool J oseph A. M orris , Merchant. why not? her believe she would s , h » u bo well t)' oi a refined and intelligent family, lie or frontiersman. When lie looked into that I can say ball enough In praise of SE »J Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day Tii»:«r is Inti,' h-qs'of money l-cing again, an-1 here we will leave tlie gentle enjoyed life nt its l-est. I liis face all thought o la robber vanished. ooc g day of March, 1802. L. B11.VBC, , Mas. I» M. I’ALxr. Eagle Crock, Oregon. appropriated for ottr h arb o r-lu rin g this patient in the hands of the loving little His eldest son, who possessed more Notary Public. ( to nx coxT ixrt».) Hood's Pills are prompt an S < N E W GO O D S’ IT WHITE STOBE 1893 FA L L & W IN T E R 1894 Dry and Fancy Goods, TOILET SETS 10 PIECES! F ill? T rim m in g s ! ★ Great White Store nf ★ 1 HURD& DAVENPORT THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS S GROCERIES. Knowles & Gettys, • The e • . M E* Old Reliable dry house of J. H. M cC lung E U G E N E , Eive Ï0U BARGAINS ¡1 SPECIAL LINES AYE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. CALL & C U S “ I L E A D , B U T N E V E R F O L L O W !” S. H. Friendly D ^X -C OOPS’ AND C O T H IN C , Gents’ HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY, Hood s Cures Sharp Pains HEAL ESTATE! For Bargains in Real Property H T •a«y in at lien. Sarsaparilla Id by all -lruggi -ts. l i e . 1 1 s