T H E W E 3 I THE OLD AND THE NEW. AMONG THE SIUSIM their feasti: and rrym akings, an d Irm a would wateh't r strange and fall­ © ! tiw Agony tastic perforin. 1 1 . ii wondering < u- riosity. O or m arriages took O f T h c s o v.'ho S u ffe r fr o m luet Received s t the- S c ro fu la p'.aee in tl. vill nil the feasting* 3 1 and dancings tiiat followed weri nove! G ood's fiarse . . i d l e P u rtfles, Soothes, H ea ls, CURES, and exhaustive. At a m arriage feast the good 1: \...- in her elem ent, ft, cd in great finery, her round face sh in n g with good hu­ mor, her fat sales shaking with m erri­ m ent, it was a pleasure to watch 1 , r 1 3 9 3 F A L L & W IN T E R enjoym ent. Siam would lea.d the dusky bride to her future lord and place her hand in his, when would follow a kind of dance around a peie by the young N otions, G roceries P ro v i-io n s. O iled C lothing, G rass Seeds, H ard­ couple, at the close of which w ouldiom e w are, P ow der a n d Shot. L eads, O ils, T u rp e n tin e , C olorings &c. &c. a shout from every throat present. Then « . T a k e a Look «.* o ur— — the c,lie( and wife woll!d prcf!t.llt some little token «itia r for ornam ent or ,Isej which ex ’■ ■■...¿■Li.-I /¿ q t e r ould be foil -. ! In Dry an d F a n c y goods, we h av e L ad ies' an d G e n ts’ S h irts anil bv others if li I •21>*. T. F. J oh w o n But to om B an J o s e , Cal. D raw ers. A\ ool a n d C o tto n , M a rse ille s Q u ills, F la n n e ls a n d w oolen mid m>t be re» «•. - “ I liav f'T ir , i„.,.n n great sufferer D ress goods. J .io k a t o u r la rg e stock o f a - (■ History has set the last word on the scroll, has ro'.le 1 it ami scaled it, and A TALE OF SIXTY YEARS AGO —Al Time pis i “ it t i n . ung the myriad ott.er J-'luBEXTF, I. IXP C.n'XTv, Omaaix. m ysterif c.s records, w hit h fill Ins treas­ B y Mom: Axox. ure house. The year lias gone, or CONTRACTS LET. C’lIA IT E K V II. rattier let us say, the year has became ottro.vn forever; no m utation nor ac- After R udolph« departure Irm a re- It must have liejo.iie evident to those i cident can take from us its «lays and | ¡ u tired the e tent arm and ior for a tim e gave rea into m who follow the events of government hours. Booking h a - at this season way to a perfect abandonm ent of grief. contract letting, that there are plenty of over the centuries of the world’s his- , Nanita and her m other tried in every finds living and bidding. tory, we see ourselves tile crown anti way possible to comfort her, and little Route No. 73261, from Eugene to Flor­ glory of them all, at the apex of hum an Pepito brought to her his little snow ence, u distance of 80 miles, over a greatness. Tiiat for which the dream ­ white spanit i, and pressing it into her m ountainous road for 60 miles ami 2) ers yearned >n the dim old times, «dun arm s told her in his best broken Eng- miles by water, has been let to W. men were g irth w ith doubtful light, hsh that she should lia'.e it for her very Weighel, of San Francisco, whose hid is I has lie.'ome a reality, th a t for w hich own. 1 ids act allowed , reat fc,clf-*ucri- »1090. I the great of earth prayed, when Igno. flee on his part as the spaniel was his The illustrious German from the Sun rance ami brutality reigned supreme, ileurest possession, Down Sea city will have the experience stands glorious and perm anent in the H er parents were devoted Christians, and others will have his m oney; he can sunlight of the smile of the Creator. an 1 in their home (lie principles of re- build a steam er at the cost of from six A retrospect fills us with awe and li iii>u were livid as well as taught. and to ten thousand dollars to carry the mail i wonder at the m ighty forces, the (tin- Irm a had early leu; ncufc fearn iroui Fiorenee to Seaton over this hay, ; nipotent Power th at has led the world for comfort when or J»ay one a t the resident boats $1000 a along, through paths dark ami bloody, j eha.yed with sorrow. 1 She yeur for the service, leaving the munifi- through fiery trials ami conflicts, to ! earnest prayer to the levins M d W « .- cent s u n t of $90 to pay ex,smses in t ar- i the glad Present and the hilltop of i pathlzlng Saviour to guard Rudolph Un j„.r ,el!t and k w p t t o C t i ■ - rying the mail the rem aining 00 miles. As we have Indore stated in this pa-1 ^ T ’ " ' ' ‘'i'* " " V‘‘‘W " 1C *Je » - ! ' uh journey, and shield him from the j roar of Lowhug and wailing, beating ¿n — I'l H L igH E ll EVERY Ml.UMMI,- NEW GOODS! NEU GOODS! 1894 D ry a n d Fancy TO ILET SETS fro m f i i 'B O F C L 1 b r.\i!:l’’..; o u t o n m y a rm s I e c s j th e y v :•□ ( vci l w ith e r u p tio n a n d s o re s , d K < ' a r a k : •: a l l ( b e t i m e . 1 trie I v ery m a n y mei-i :.. s a n ti co n u. . d p h y s ic ia n s f a r I D ear, • e e a a ta n tiy g r « i r w eave» I h a v e ta k e n b a t tlir • L oiilca o f H o o d ’s Sorsapa» G oods, SO P IE C E S ! B lack , W h ite a n d G rey. i lusli, v elv ets, silss. gim ps ¡mil fancy trim m in g s. H osiery , gloves, tarsa- 1,1 I m!‘ny ‘’an ’itW “*wst ™ ’“ ‘ r •»<’ »” tom-toms ami performing a sort of wild E ti U ky Q pi.rilla ! corsets, ribbons, sax o n y y a rn , an il h u n d red s o f o th e r choice articles. running throughout speedily restore her to her beloved pa- death danee until the spirit di parted riita fo r r '' ¡¡ n i.a u .l h a s d e riv e d so nnich their " arP an,‘ " ° o f o f human history, we , rents. After this she became more ani] a!| t!le (llncral services were over, I : f i.i i: I '. . t “ i:a d r e í H iere h n o money four men hud and nil o;i e;.i li. W o w o u ld n o t bo E p e b í see the sign of the Divine hand upon all 1 calm and in a short tim e apparently ree- ia8ting sometimes a week or ten days. c tlie r ie friends had to spare, to carry (lie mail v e u til ■ i. ¡ r . o l t l t colts »20 a l e tîle .” , . , . , , nation.-». Throughout all the age«, up to ouciled to Lor situation. She reasoned, I This was appalling to Irm a. H er idea T. V aui . i . v J . Iix e o .v , S an J o ¡ c , C al. twice a week over tips route, and liav- N . I!. J e t , ■: t H o o d 's S a r p a rilta . . . . . . , , j thiH very Lour when we stand upon the ns young as she was, th a t it would lx* I of deatli was so very different. There mg thirty-two hours to travel from Lu- y t p tü in p tly am i H oo , verge of a new year an ! a new epoch, j ungrateful to a people who were so kind was a little grave in far off l’ekin v, 1 e r e I b o w els. 2 3 c. gene to Florence. Now, lor a less sum , , . . , .. , ' man h error« have never l:»een able to j to her to show a repining spirit. I n the was laid a precious baby lister. Fl.c than before received» Uie mad m ust be * * to Florence three t!,'vart tl,ilt though they have beautiful Septemlwr days th a t followed, « ,^ 1 ju st rem ember the sad deatl. and curried from Eugene made sul'feriug a. necessity in the puvifi- she and Nar.il:. would wander along the quiet buria|, nnd the 8ull,lui,d sik.ncl. times a week and each trip m ust be cation of hum an iilealrt» | beach gathering shells and listening to that tiiat j rviided her home during that made in 12 hours. Our own nation has become the heir the deep m urm ur of the ocean in its trying time. She couid rememlicr t h e K eeps a lu ll lin e o f E x tra Q u a lity But this is not all the wisdom dis­ id the world’s noblest heritage both nplr- restless bearings to and fro, or watcti- many quiet visits made to the li:l • played in the bidding upon o u r mail -A. ituai an 1 m aterial. Every new year has 1 I, ' 1 ing tl.e flight of the m yriads of sea fowls ln0„ nd bv ln,r, e|f and mot bt.r> in ,„ ,b r n o J.V eontraets. Route No. 73295, from Gar­ Jj m arked a stride forward of lilicrty un- as they took th eir flight out over the to deck it with garlands of lovely tiov. m diner to Florence, this astute Weighel | der law, of culture and prosperity. B u t; broad expanse of water and lost them - witb wbb.b tb a t flowery b „ bids in at 1396, The mail over this IIA IID X V AK E, T IN W AKE, BOOTS & SHO ES, little more than a century ago, the pa- selves in tl.e distance. She loved to abounds, and ttie idea of death to "route, too, must needs pass over the wa­ t riots of oiir land looked forward to the w i l l 'l l the seals in tlieir playful gambols, |llld always been of som ething q u e l ters of the Umpqua river, and ay there llA T r f & C A P S , M E D IC IN E S , N U T S & C A N D IE S , ' new year w ith doubt anti almost »lespair. and when they reared their round heads sa red. She often tulkeil to X am ti is hut one line of steamers running Foes were on every side, ready to invade above tiie water and looked at her with her home and family, of their med TOBACCO, C IO A K S, F U K N IS IIIN G GOODS. there, Weighel will And another oppor­ | ami deset rate the boi»i.e of freedom, tlieir great rnelan lmly eyes, she could and habits of life, and of the hi i tunity to build a steamer or pay all the which was then comprise»! in a narrow could not help the feeling that there was ,b ing8 taught her by her piom parm . $396 for carrying the mail on tin- river. oods 2S Represented Prices W ill be Found Reasonable, strip of thinly settle»! country on the som ething almost lmmnn about them , she taught the Lord's prayer to Xan The very best th at can be said of Weigh­ shores of our eastern ocean, To-»lay One day Pepito and some young Indian and Pepito; also many texts wl.iel. s K . G e t t v s , MANAGERS. el is, he will not put up his final bonds the tem ple of our liberty is arched by lads captured a young seal and brought couid bring to mind from tl.e l.il 'e . or be will Weighel out. lie need not skiesstvctchimrfrom m ean to o cean u u d ii to ile r. At first she was pleased, but «he liad laid any hooks tl.e time worn,, (latter himself with the b» l.vf of relet­ idle»! with the fairest trophies of m an’s tl.e s.lin t and persever.ng efforts lie* have passed much more p le a s a n tly a n ., ting. The acme of lunacy in mail con­ endeavor. Art, science, literature and made to escape, and the appealing look* profitably, he Gran had been reared in tract bidding has been reached in O 0 O jgQBi religion have been revivified by ti.e in l.is great liquid eyes soon won her the Catholic religion, but in renouncing Weighel, breath of tin- republic, which, like the sym pathy and she begged them to ph.ee tl.o world lie l.ad refltiuucvit lfis |ehgi,.i This paper will now announce to the Hercule« oi the fable, lias strangled the him ba rk again in bis native element. mail carrier elect, as it announced lie- Is a c o r r e c t p i c t u r e o f T H E O R E ­ lion »if tyranny, has performed the la- The o >k be gave her as he to ’S N EW B U IL D IN G , lo c a te d a t t h e fore the bidding, th at the mails must ? S ix th Mini A ld e r s tr e e t« . F o r m a n y hors d e : i c d im p o ^ l ie, ami reigns in age of his freedom haunted be] g E O R E G O N IA N h ag f e l t t h e n e e d o f leave and arr.vc on tim e. Every failure id e o m m o d io tii b u il d in g e m b r a c in g the ideal of g<>v»‘rnm m ent at Xeu Year's is nil institution Die year j u s l passed has witnessed such t l.e mouth of wl.ilt is now called Sweets love and sa rifiee. A story that, li .mg «•an show y o u a lin e lo t to (e le c t Roys’ R ublx r H u n tin g I?”o ts 3.00 to 3.25 G . R oys’ •• s to rm K in g B oots 2.50 ó A from that uugi.t In lie as scrupulously m ain­ a halt in our own eareer of m aterial cri.ck. H unting grounds were close at nearly two thousand years old, is ev ir lin e li n e o f L udies’, G e n ts ’n n d C h il­ Mi n 's R u b b e r s .......................... ÍZI 50c d r e n ’« U NDERW EAR «it asto n ih li- Lit.li. -' m id < h ild r .’ii's R u b b e rs in a ll size s T h is b e i n g th e d u ll Beason o f t h e y e a r , T H E tained as Christnins itself. The celebra­ pnu-perdy. lho.igh financial distress band and salmon plenty iind easy to 1« ever new to tl.e awakened ,.cart, l ip m u ly LOW P R IC E S . a n d a t lo w est p rices. O R E G O N IA N believes* a b e n e f it o f th i s k in d ÍM C h ild re n 's S h o es a t p ric es th a t d e fy w ill b e g r e a t l y a p p r e c ia t e d . P le a s e s e n d in » ¡cu t-’ a n d L a d ie s 'M a c in to s h e s , a n d C ir c u ­ tion of New Year’s Eve, not will, dam e was widespread, and the wheels of com- taken. Each family cultivated a small would often sit will, them and c o m p e titio n . la r s for S c h o o l G irls. y o u r s u b s c r ip ti o n ns so o n a s p o s s ib le . W h en § V isitin g P o r t l a n d y o u a r e c o r d l a l 'y In v ite d li.eree almost idle, though tl.e palsy of patch of Indian corn from which and m irth, hut in tiie solemn serve.' of to nnd now and then ; >k a q iio t.o n . t o c a ll a n il t a k e a t r i p t h r o u g h o u r new h o m e . A d d r e s s tiie sanctuary, the W atch Night serve , inaction seized upon our legislators, even ,llake bread, and living was easy. the lirst p a rt of tin’ w inter wore aw; C U S OREGON'/N PUBLISHING CO., ns it is so expressively designated, is he this pauso ¡n the race lias made its con-1 On a lovely morning in the latter part Irm a looking and hoping for some wonl 1 I i . lah food per. there have beeq four good farms ' " , of , the " gl swallowed up, together with all t h e j W h ite S i n r a n f ^ ORE G RO CERIES. T h e O ld R ... A SPECIAL OFFER! J. H. M cC lung. ICaa ÜfS Í0Ü BARGAINS ill SPECIAL LINES WE SOLIC IT YOUR TRADE. CALL & coming more general every year, and 'n h u tio n to our national greatness. Tl.e there is no hour in all the year's round oi o,,r *” " ,Ur.v 1,avc He‘ n « >th swelling hearttf the patriotism of the when it HccniH ho natural to look back over the pant, and glance forward into leinlers of the musses rising a1x>ve all the future as when the congregation political and personal motives, and the upon lHndc»l knee awaits the »lcath of noble charity of the lavore«l of fortune the old year and the birth of the new, to the poor an»l unfortunate has quick­ tlien, if ever, there comes rushing upon ened the fraternal spirit and softened us a Hviisc of poignant regret for that class prejmliee. Public nnd private be- twautiful little brother whom we once neiicence has reached a height never 1 h »- all had, and whom we have all lost uud f o r e witn«»ss«»tl in any emintry, and the mourned» the man ue ought to hate been, narrow line« of intolerance have lieen erase- touch of adversity. As in d i\d u a ls, the New Year «»pens portunity is lout if we allow tbat mo­ to us lHtundiesM «opportunities. If it m ent to jmihh w ithout pledging ourselves bring sorrow, is not woe the fin» that is to yet one more Attempt to get nearer to burn the dross from our souls? If it the ideal which somehow or other we bring poverty, let us reiuetulier that have hitherto failed to realize. We plea«I then for the continuance of there is an infinite side to it, and the POBl'LAKD. DB. of Septem ber Monsieur Le (»ran starte»! from Rudolph, b u t day by »lay passed BUY THE 'Ox- w ith his family for his home at the above and none came. She could not know “ 3 L S A ! 3 , " L3T N E V E R F O L L O W ! ” village. The trip was a revelation to that he was far awnv in the frozen seas » e w Irm a. The Siuslaw was at th at tilin’ of the north w ith Ho present hope of re- the sam e beautiful stream th at it is to- turning to her relief. D e a le r in «lay. Its sm ooth, mirror-like surface Aln»ut the first of January heavy rains refleete«! back the bright and var agate»l set in followed by snows, then a few foliage along its hanks. The great fire pleasant «lays. On the m orning of tlu bad not yet swept over its hills an«l val- seventh of January a strange thing hap- G e n ts’ C a rp e ts, Glassware, l«»ys, sprea«ling its devastating ravages, pened. Two w hite trappers made their E u r n is liin g Bo »is a n d Groceries, and nature s liowers with the luxuriant appearance at our village. They Lu 1 s il . Goods. Etc. Etc. grow tli of ages were intertwine«! in on«* started some m onths liefo’*** from Astor;;' H e a d q u a rte rs for wild, sweet entanglem ent of disorder, on a trapping exjw lit'on, inteinling to whih* here and there an Iiulian tepee in reach the Umpqua river sometime the the loregroun 1 ml le«l to the picturesque- following spring. They reported that H ig h e st P rice P aid for C o u n try P ro d u ce. ness of the scene, fhey arrivetl r.t their the heavy snows had driven them in «lest¡nation about noon an.I settled down (rain the monnta GZN predieted OREGON. tor tiie w inter. Tiie men and some of that ii t d must the women oi the village Hjieiit a good follow, heavier S en d TEN c e n ts to U n io n S q . , N . Y ., f o r o u r p r iz e g a m e , “ B lin d L u c k , ’* a n d deal of tlieir time fishing for salmon, than oldest In- w in n N e w H o m o S e w i n g M a c h i n e . ___ the good old custom of Sew Year's reso- »”H" «»»ve before them a world oi hope which they ilrie l ami smoked to add to dian. foil«» v ing The New Home Sewing Machine Co. lotions. We lielieve that they have not “n' 1 vndcavor tiiat is closed to those who , bl.¡r w inter provision, and one nnd a l l ' a few ’4VS ORANGE, MASS. nris came in eon- UNION deserved the (ate w hich has liefallen ,,iu*t no struggle ugninst opposing made some preparation for the oming firming the re{ «»rts brought in by the ;075^--»r«T^7c- 4s«r” "c'sc, ILL .0 » 1<>'t- 5 ? z 7 ls ^ 2 .rA'A(. HU them a t th e hands of the hum orists, and h a lies may lie its boon, hut rainy season. T’.— '' '¡Ú' l trappers, and every one was in a state ’iiouis^ FOR SALE BY we tru st th at in spite of the perfunetory ricl“'H “n ' >’r'" i” "’' ,,nl-v (<,r 1»’» « -fheir village was mostlv w a s m o s t l y built rpon ‘d* RUX’-etv and suspense. The rains l>e- N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . jokers there will Iw many such resolu «I totiferr.ng happiness and enlighten- Uu, (lal laml m a r the river hank, but p m to foil agam, a warm Chinook wind Ixin,I Office nt R o s e b u rg . O reg o n , P e e . IS, is r s tlons recorded in eonneclion with the " “'" t "«,on ,hl' " ,,rl' 1' “ ‘“.v «* the chief had induced the Indians to prevailed for »lavs. The very heaven- N o tic e 1.« her»’b y g iv e n th a t th e fo llo w in g - C A L L ON OR A D D E E S 3 X e w Y e a rso soon to dawn uixm this Hs « up ol healing, yet there Is no death prepare store*houses in the foot-hills in seemed to op«*n, letting dow n Roods of u n n ictl s e ttle r li.i* filed n o tic e o f hi.»«' in te n tio n i to m a k e fin al p ro o f in s u p p o rt ot h is c l a im .a n d troubled world. t,H‘ evMtttiwn endeavor; nnd leav- w hich to place their w inter stores for water, an«l the snows in the m ountains tb a t said p ro o f w ill In» m a d e b efo re th e R e g iste r , T H E L A N S C O U N T Y L A N D & L O A N CO. i i.. ■ .a ■ ing tliis fair eartli is no more dentil than ­ r o f th e V. >. la tti’’ O ffice, u t Rose- 1 safe keeping, for freshets frequently oe- melted swelling the little rivulets into n b n u d rg . R O e ri e d L s in. o n T h u rs iU v . Fe bruftry 3, i « q , viz EUG ENE. O R EG O N . T ub editor who ere«lits exi erpts from merely living up«»n it is life. eurred nnd sometimes prove ions wa re t«»rrents, tilling the creeks and brooks to H e n ry F I'I'I'IP» False is tiie song of the |Hx*t who sai«l t»n llo in o .t* nd E n tr y No. 55IM fo r th e »ehi o f R a il ctn-'iiHy the folbnving afil l.ivits 1 v prominent citizens regarding Flor­ hl« eontenqMiraries to “ L x,” is a thief destroyed by them, causing privation overflowing, which in th eir tu rn passed w ‘ » see. 17. e ’ ., o f n e ’ 4 «mIII t i n 14 o f lie’ 4 see. 20, ence property, now on the market at wonderfully reduced prices: oil tlu’ half shell.—Sunday Welcome. that tin* New Year is a “ Time for niem- and sufTcring among the Indian families, hit«» the larger rivers th eir gre.it flotsls tp . 21 ». rn;i:ie 11 w. <»ry and for tears.” Uor memory it is e nam ex th e fn llo w h isr w it«.•*>(>«$ to rrov« TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Tli«» Welcome is right, an«l eoulil go fur- There was a tradition in the tribe that °f water, alul the collection of mighty bi«» H volitine. i»us re s id e n c e n o o n a n d t iltiv n tin ii tlirr with tli« truth, that sueh editors indeeil a time, for tl.e gieane«l shdaves many years beh»re a great flood had waters that carried all U»t’ore it in its of. «> I hereby certify tbat I was the original owner o f the property known as Frasier ■ill, J.a'C ph Zeppe, of C a r d ia c i P u u g - and Berry's part of Fiorenee. which F. .1. Frsler Is now offering for .-ale. That the gre very mean j»« tty lari’eny “ half of tiie sweetm».- of past days is an im- swept over th e country I ringinge«»nster- »na«l rush for freedom. The drift, the E. 1« In» c o u n ty , O regon. Jo un li . S h i t e . - ime is level and free from drifting sand. That fruit trees ami shrubbery do well shell” thieves. If an article is worth l‘<'rishal>:e poh?ess:oii. I nt tears, even nation ar*«l destruction to the homes nnd collection «4 ages, was lifted and swept D 22 J R eg ister. upon said land and the same Is desirable for r> sidence property. J . G. S tevinson the taking it is worth the crediting. We diough t.ie.r wat« rs surge over tiie frag- villages tbrm igbout the valley, an«l leav- a,ong 0,1 t,u‘ 1 urrent like f«»r.-t Supt. Public Schools, Lane pounty. ments oi sha:t»’;\»<| res»»Iv«‘ ainl self-mur- N O T IC E FOR PUBLIC A TIt »N. have some res|x»« t for a full-lledged Ing a desoluted wilderness where once le a n s . Giant tries were snappial oft like I/» n d Office »•• Rom bn nr. O rcir m , n » ?. 13, tf*9 leech witli the mfissors, but *n ” K x” deretl hope, i.re vain an,I idle. Then « as a l«fauti(ill vale teem ing with wild pil«estems and r * r i f d along in the 1 gE il 1 . , and sworn to before me this 5th N o tic e . 1 d v e n (lint th e fo llo w in g - I____ » day of March, 1822. J oseph M orris , let us g’n * T im* a fouiedietion as be life ami vegetation, but no one now liv­ eourse of mail dtwtruetion toward the liAnie«t parasite hreeils only c«>ntcnipt. •, ttl« r 1 . !• ! i f h i» I n te n tio n sea. Every tiling living In the valleys Notary Public. : turns his g'.as i »r he has mingled the to m a k e Ctml j r.» f in su p p o rt: o f h i* c la im . ing bail any certain knowledge regard- was over« helm mil and ilestron 1 « In n a n d tlm t v tid j r«« f v TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ill l< m T iie Port Orford Tiibune, us it Kfotuld bitter in our draught of life witli sw«*et, b e fo re th e ing.it. Another one might ueeur, but it tlieir es .q s't., tl>e m ountains « as i nt R e n t e r a n d R n e l v v r o f Hie r . s. 1 1s u d o ffic e Being first duly sw, rn I depose and say: That I have been a resident of Flor- do, is urging tl** exp» nditur«» of the and as the blithe \ , v» Y« ar assumes the t rio >«■ b u rg . ’ »>« 4. n . ori Thur*«i«y. T v b ru a ry 5, enee, I.ane County. Oregon, h r the past twelve years; th at I am fam iliar and well was not in the Indian n ature to Ixirrow off by the eii, roaelnng «liters. The n IsUI. viz money long sine« appropriated for the rola* and crown shout with earnest sei nes on tin r.v ir above tide «.iter acquainted with the property kne in ns “ Fra Icr nnd B ern 's part oi Florence,” trouble, ami though the eliiei tried to «i re w ild and ti rritie. The falling tint- J o se p h Zeppe, “ Harlxir of Kefug« . ’ hearts: “ I.e n i ee iu< th e e ' j o f tin t the same is adm irably suited for i sidence p i e r t y , being perfectly level and instill some ideas of thrift into tlieir tin- fo r. the mad rushing of the water and n e h . n t v » , o f n e ’4 a n d n e 14 o f n t fo r »ee. free fr. m drifting «and. That fruit tri t s and shrubbery grow «ell In the soil and 16, tp tutorial minds, it «as more in their wav «lebris over ris ks mid t oulders. gor i - 20 ». ra n g e 11 a . that pure wed water Is found on the same at a depth of fit in ten to fifteen feet. In g a i t i ÌCsSC• to p ro v e HTBSTIMONIALS published in U O O D 'S ANO ONLY to live in tlieir enjoym ent of to-day with banning and bur-ting, the groaning* m h l« n e e o n n r liu i .. u i - ..;; t ne s r o i ld •. e .• n e w «•upon — , J oseph M orris . Merchant. nin d r■ u lttvntion nature in lu r terrible throes andeonvul- “ behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, are Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi­ no thought of to-morrow, When the o f. - a id la u d , v j..h n « .ai r i - 1, F red R ap p , E. - SEAL - o . .. . •ions, all these created a jiericct pande- R Mage»-. Cl >. E. 1U- i d i , o f i '.«nilinee. P o n g ( bubscrit e.l anil sworn to before me this 12th day reliable and worthy of confidence as cine for you. Because It Is the best rainy season had fairly set III the In- i u.oniuui of horror, day of March, 18V2. L. B u yev , la s c o u n ty , O reg. n. JO IN H s i u r a , i jf front your most trusted neighbor. blood purifier. HOOD'S CURES Notary Public, dians bad w ry littte to do hut enjoy (jn B, roxTixi eo ., S. H . F r ie n d iy l o t h in c , and H P , A WOOL, W EAT, OATS AND BARLEY, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. T For a r g a i n s in R e a ! P ro p e rty A. M A.