t W IE S T . n«M limit tlie priesthood to the house of Assistant S. S. Teachers’ Responsibil­ A FT F R R IG G A M F itH pr<* en2 t o r i t by the driver ol an I n to a d a r k am i d re a ry life raise objections to t h e prohibition on rt 31 2.75 It was declared in the assembly th at Where we desire to lx) informed, it is broke loose, but took with him an inch drocbloric acid. We would feel rather can sh o w y o u a fine h it to s e le c t m inistry by the Presbyterian Assembly. b o y s ’ L u b l «.r H u n t); g i. ,,«. j 3.00 to J'» from . or more of the web which trailed from f h ,' ,rn » K i’-g B oots the error of Ih*. Briggs was the doctrine goo«t to contest with men als»ve our­ 2.- 0 A ¡.lie lin e o f Ladle»*, G e n ts ' a n d C h ll- chary about trying tli’s on our ow n per­ If this course of suspension for causes M en s P u t ’» is 0. «.le u 's U N D E .W E A R a t a s to n i h- of naturalism , which was pronounced to selves; hut, to confirm and establish his hind legs. The ant was now like a son, as such treatm ent possibly removes L ialfes’ .uni . h ild re . s R u b l’m in a ll »¡¿t in g ly LOW PRICES. no greater than tlaise eharg<»d against lie the root out of wli'u li grows most of i a n d a t lo w est prices. our opinions, it is best to argue with hear in a trap which he must escape not only the tattoo marks but the skin Cl :l«lr«»n's Siioes a t p ric e s t h a t d e fy G en t» ’ r.i’d L n d b ’s’ ' ’ »wi* Intoshes, and Circn- c o m p e titio n . Dr. Briggs is continued, the church may the evils that now afflict the church. judgm ent below* our own, that the fre­ from or he lost. The big insect pulled j l.u s fo r S ch o o l G in s, as well. well pause ami reflect upon the ¡»«»ssi- The real trouble is th at supcrnatural- quent spoils and victories over their himself along by his front legs, his TO P R E SE R V E ANIM AL SK IN S. hind legs being useless, bamlicapi»ed as hilities and probabilities of depleting I ism persists in asserting more than it reason may settle in ourselves an es­ Wicke recommends sulphate pf cop­ can m aintain. Conscious of his relation teem ami confirmed opinion of our own. they were by the web. »Sticking out h er ministerial ranks of brains ami from one edge of the crack, which the per (blue vitriol) for preserving animal to the infinite, man has always tried to Almost all men are over-anxious. ant had crossed so much to his discom­ skins. The sulphate is pulverized sb h av in g them tilled with phdiians. | verify llia rt^ HU1HT. T here are such things as sum titles of natural ¡»root's. In tin» nature of things No sooner do they enter the world than fiture and peril, was a splinter on a finely as possible, ami the powder is they lose that taste for natural and sim­ board on th at side. The free end of the stirred into a paste with water. The O ♦ © <3 thought ami speech th at even a elulrch religion is wholly subjective, yet man ple pleasures so rem arkable in early life. splinter was raised about an eighth of flesh side of the skin is brushed with has ever ls»en foml of going for ¡»roofs of must not invade without loss. D ealer in the reality of his feelings ami his faith Every hour do they ask them selves, au inch above the hoard. The ant this as quickly as possible, in order to to the external world, lie often per­ wliat progress they have made in tlie dragged himself as far as tlie splinter prevent evaporation of the water. The C opyists and tin» printers are charge«! suades himsi-lf that lie tinds them here, pursuit of wealth or lionor; and on they and stopped. He seemed suddenly to paste perm eates the skin in a short time, by the Presbyterian Assembly for the hut in reality he does not. The habit of go as their fathers went before them, become greatly interested in the sliver, securing them against all attacks by in­ — -----------------------._________ : According to another recipe one m istakes in the Bible. As we are out in «•lose exam ination, of scientific in«jiury, till, weary and sick at heart, they look He put his nose against it and stood as sects. Gents’ Carpets, lass »vare, back with a sigh of regret to the golden if engaged in deep thought. By and by ! part of sulphate of copper is mixed with tu e defence of the printers and copyists, oH lie interrogation of nature, of histori­ Furnishing Boots and time of their childhood. he aroused himself, and, going round t wo parts alum . This m ixture forms ¡ li­ Groceries, let the Presbyterian Assembly pr«shi«*e cal research aiul comparison, of uni­ Goods. Shoes. Etc. Etc. ft is curious th a t many who f e a r to ,lle uI’I’*?r en suj»iH»sition of any nuinifes- to a certain [Miint, hut beyond that their out, and then came hack to the upper deprived of hair, fat and other intpuri- H ighest Price Paid for Country Produce. talion of the supernatural that will generosity ee:inen. They (ail to perceive end of it again, lie repeated thin trip, tie., i. initnereed in a dilute solutiorf of | N A T U R A L IS M IN R E L IG IO N . stand exaiiiinati<»ii or im piiry. Psv- * that, if «tiler» feel as they ilo, they are and by this m ean, made a hitch round tannic acid, tl.e animal m atter gradually EU G EN E............................................................. Discussing the Briggs’ rase the (hrgo- <*hol«»gieal phenomena, within which re­ really uukilnl it. their very kin.lner.— th esp lin ter com bine, with tlioacid a . it penetrate,! O R EG O N . tt/fin says: In connection with their ligious feehng has a place, v a th at they are inflicting tlie very name with THB trailing wen. in w ard,, forming a peiTectiy insoluble d«»elaration against Dr. Briggs the Pres­ world of their own. To the iii«livi«lmd obligation, upon another of « Inch they This done, he came on slowly up t h e ; compound, which resists putrefaction byterians have put forui a stateim nt as man these things max Is» the