HURD & DAVENPORT. I Diate and county, Goo. W. M cBride, HUperintendent. l’eraons wishing to m ake exhibit« in . any of th e departm ent« e n u m erated ,! We have will please com m unicate w ith th e su- j p enntem lents of tl<£ departm ent« in Just Received which they wish to make entries. H, re’* our band * '¡ th » welcome home, An im m ense lin e o f D ry Goodf B. I bv ix e , Secretary. henator Alley. (Thank*. Ld.) H oods. >oo(ls, I.ndies AN EX C ELLEN T FARM. j I ' uih * M,— rs. Wilke* an-l Brown went up to F a sc in ato rs. I n f a n ts ' H oods a n d About seven mile« up th e Siuslaw Head o’ Tide last week in <|»»«t of more 1 targa in s liver from Florence, and situ ated on th e , Sacks. C om e e a rly foi fruit tree«. bottom land« of the river, is one of the before su p p ly is e x h a u ste d . Marvti came in like a la m b and we are tiest farm« in Lane county, r o r grain very much afraid the rent of the proverb or p astu re land it is unexcelled, and , the la*«t proof th a t it produce* th e finest may come true. varieties of fruit, i» th a t th ere is grow ­ Neighbor Goilde ha« gone out to the ing a large orchard consisting ol th e valley hoping to mak« a ‘•«pwk work­ choicest kind« of fruit-tree« now in , bearing. T his farm will be sold a« a I ing nl Idwtrade. Groceries, or in ten , live or one acre tracts Everybody I* anxion* to see it «top whole to miit piircluiherM. W rite to (). 1* . Ken- raining, th a t they may get th eir |«eaa ncdy, Florence, Oregon, for p articu lars • Groceries, Groceries! mid onion* planted. ami prices. F re sh stock a lw a y s on h a n d . J. W. Brewster cam e in from the val­ for r a l e . ley last week. He i« lagging awuy A fine farm of ItRJ acre* situated on (driving to *ubdue wild Nature on hi« W ell S elected the Lake« South from Florence, 'litis line ranch mi the smith aide of the lake, ranch is m ostly abler am i vine m aple ts j n t j,js j j n e w e r x nek , o f j H j a ats. Il lie oiler« forty day«’ work on Mr. Dft- hollitm land, having n e arly a n u le hike eel a ll.c o m p e tito rs via « «nw-mill « a w «uberription. , . . . , . ................................. vid’* Mr. David frontage. Ten acre- under cu ltiv atio n O ur W inter Stock O f Boots and Shoes H as arriv ed . Fine assortment for both ladies and gentlemen, p,, n o t fail to ask lor our J a c k and J ill children p<.|M)v; shoe— all sizes. HURD X DAVENPORT. I.W.OW ne.tly the ........nt ......« (« I ,eany m e « • - «libs« rlbed , and he w ill begin prepara nt once —ice to put in a waw-mill on tiun Hl Tnilti-mmis«ion ' I (i-puge jo u rn a l will he sen t tree to ba« Iteeii legally organized. It« officers, all tin* s u h s c l'tltc rs ol 1 4K \ \ ESI hti|«'iintendenta, assistant*, ami agents w ho pity O1W yea:i s sit list l ip tio n | have lawn eliosen, fth<| they »re now ac- in ad v an ce. T h is lib e ral offer ftp- tively engaged in lite Lvpftrntion of an pliert a lik e to all oh l aw well as varied nwiiirce* new K em em lnT it costs I exhibit ' A I I I I ’ I V t of ’ l tin* I I I « ' rich I I ' I I am W > allotted am ple spaces in lKtNt. S. Ci I jok mi |it(vt n t having twen e nte ivd nt th is T IN W A RE, BOOTS & SHOES, «.at d ep artm en t buildings, o ih ce tiy Joseph A S lrow hrhlge, Jr. aaainst H A RD W A RE, UolH-rt II « ris w e tl (or nhiuntontng Ids lln n ie - .e ins Commission Ini’« promised to M n . l E n try No. «»7UI, dsted O ctober 1, 1«it. upolt tots N i ’ h . 2. H and I o f seelton M , tow nship till, ami which it hope* Io occupy w ith ttie i f south, rnniie 12 west, h i t.«nc c o m ity , Oregon, M EDICT NES, N VTS & CA N DI ES, H A T S & ('A P S , honor to the S tate. And to m ake tlio la­ w ith a view to tin ' c im cclta tto n o f said e ntry; the said |isrtte s are hereby sainiaoned to aji- bor* of this t ’onimissimi the m ore suc­ ,« ar Hl tilts ( Uttce on the 9th dav of M ay, lK'.l!t, lO n'eloek a. ««., to respond and fu rn is h te s ti­ F F R N IS I II NG GOODS. cessful, which will add not only to th e nt TOBACCO, CIGARS, m ony em iee rid nx said alleged atm udonm ent. Hufttetent ev,deuce h a vin g tieeii tile d to show , redit ol ttie State, tin» to her every cltl- tlia t |w rs'iiirtl service «•nuh, no, be iiim te it Is kcii , th e five co-op« ration of h er each hereliy ordered tlia t service be made by ptthllca-« Mint «‘Very re*hlent is cm i neatly solicited. lio n according to law, J o h n II. HMVrK, Itegtster, A. M. CRAwroan, Hcveiver. ' Goods ss Represented. Prices Will be Found Reasonable, To this cm l, th e ie b o e. all perm-lt* who M 2 t-A 2« b ase prepare«! Individual ex h ib its, all A *»••«', Aitou, toe • sosy. his'ieties, «irganixation*, or aanoeiatlons A p retty fatde nixtut th e pansy is cu r­ «,( any kind whatever that have piepared rent Aiming French nnd German chil­ exhibit* ot an) kind (or the «•oining Ex­ dren. T h e flower has five p etals and live sepal*. In itk mt pansies, especially p o s it io n , ure uiged to ut one«' pin« e of tin- earlier and les-. highly tlevelopetl them selves in com m unication w ith the varieties, tw o of the petuls arc plain heads of the several departm ents, as or- in e«dor and th ree are gay. T he two giinim'd by this Commission. You tuny plain p etals have a single sepal, tw o of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A r *!— a- ® : c - £ - ’ ’ l«< able to judge to which departm ent th e g.IV IH 'tals h a v e a sepal each, a n d 1 I 1 l \ l J l N OC ir 5 " " ” your e x h ib it ts-loiigs by reading w hat th e th ird , w hieh is the> larg est of ull, ! C tV E T H E B E S T B A R C A IN S . IN billows This Coinnussion desires to has tw o m-pals. T he fable is that, the) semi to Chicago those things which will pansy represent* a fam ily, eousisting of hushund. wife and four daughters, two in anv manner give a true representa­ of the h«tter living step vhildren of the tion of any of O regon’s reaouree*, or add wife, w ith only one chair*, the tw osntall in siiv wav to th e attractiveness ot the gay petal« ure th e d au g h ters w ith u ► |»a«'« s allotted to Oregon ill ait) ot the ch air each, and the large gay fa tal is th e wife, w ith tw o chair*. To find the I x |s > s itit> n buildings The Oregon exhibit will la* collect««! fath er one must atrip aw ay th e petals [IN TH E CITY O F E U C E N E . tilid display«*« under the following head­ until th e htam ens and pistils are hare. They have a fanciful resent,dance to an ing* : old man w it,t a tlannei wrap about his U N D ER TA K IN G and E M B A L M IN C a Special I he «tepartmeiit of ugrifilltnie forest­ neck, his shouhiers upraiMtsl and his All order» fur Fund,tire sent us from the Hluslaw will ,«• *hippe«l from Portland d • ry ami toil’s, p itsim ts, and live stink, fee, in a h at,t,u h . The story is probably W. I Matlock, »M|«ertn,en«ient. th e o f Frvm h origin, ,*s-au.«e th e French un*y the stepniother. Itiu e id liiie ami viticulture, Dr. J it AN H ISTO RICA L MEDLEY. ('««dw elt, sop, I'lie d ep ailin en t of I HE piano wa* invented by t'h rist x> m ines mining, and inetaiurgy, C W . fnli in th e year ,? tt. Ayer», »up, The d cp sitn icn , of listin g t o t i i.r.n carriages w rrr first used in « mt Hailing apparatn» m anufacture» E ngland in the year lasu, < ha , rival ami loeihaiiicai invention», I HI circu lar naw waa invented by » e i : : : « U ë c c «« « « « e ? - i o'»! T. Mveiw. sup, The «iepailtneiil Itentham , an Englishm an, in the year <>t w < i «> mi «*s w <>rk, com prising the nne I Tt«O. T m prohibition <