their hen-houses w hitew ashed. o r h as! hauled «ever»! load» of m anure aw aj from hia barn, we hope he will acq u ain t uh with th e fact and we will make due notice of i t ; the io»« of » »ubscril>er given UH th e blue« for nix m onth«, and r ta - ; EX. STAR EDITORIALS. I ' * H eppner Jlsruid: It almost taken the life out of some people to aee other» prosper; of course thi» i» • little low piece of hum anity who «ill Is* guilty of ..... ...... . .............. . . » - • .« > r ' - lik e. U>Me .->ery urn- « « « ■ . . ; of •'Ba.llj, A (-; the fir - clad city s T l,. ItMrlmqc G overnor ¡ ( « te d " «1» A lbany //rroW “ J” : T1'e | I,»- not «iven voice to one Ju n ctio n C ity Tone. M en» to he won- „( In . c l „ r « l e r i .t i r Iwnv. . l e n t " p ln h e I derlully worked up beennue th e new Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane r»mcrn^ ' contracted by th e erection of th e jail un- aud the wonder is the edit'or doe. not til the question of location been give a like compliment to the W ashing- subm itted to the people.” toll legislature: The looi headed, stu le 1 * * * born democrat« of M ontana kept up | The Hural N orthuw t say s: T he b o ard i th e ir faction«! light to tl.e final adjourn- of T rade of Eugene, Oregon, secured the laid out the original town site of FLORENCE, including the We m ent nl the legislature and thus failed services of an ex p ert to m ake an exam i- j to elect a senator. The republican gov- nation of th e soil and clim atic condi- ernor will now up|*oiut a republican sen lions th ere lor a beet sugar factory, who reported th a t lie found th e co n d itio n s, a lo r. very favorable for the en terp rise. The a • • The M ontesano ( W ashington) Vi'lftte m atter of organizing a com pany w ith a tells tl«' whole story in omv short p ara­ capital »tock of t4(X),(X)0 to establish graph, as un d er: Good rbads will in ­ such a factory is now u n d er considera­ crease the value of a farm, shorten the tion. The successful e stab lish m en t of a And offer lots in these parts from #50 to #»500. " distal.... to m ark et; save tim e, wagons, beet sugar factory iu Oregon would he a harness, horses, eulnige th e territory great thing for the state, because one which contributes to t»<- home m arket, successful effort of this kind would pave quicken s«s ial com m unication, and mid the way for more. T he beet sugar lac- ; to the wealth ol the ttud the tories of C alifornia are certainly doing io individual iti, wefl and are protit able both to the e n p i-1 talista who own them nud the people ; J ih h Statfi¿oarnat suys: Itefer- who raise th e beets. For sale but every lot we oiler is loeated near and in the business If v ''a c ria n c e over Pennoyer’s Z 'v e Ins Saturday the C a p ita l in speaking of P resid en t F u lto n ’» ru l­ — t ------- - - ^ 1 ^ . t u n , a . . .* - /■ : ‘ ft.a m eeting broke up ing, the H illslsiro hiilrpr,alrnt says: center and will bring good rentat, if improved with a general flourish and feeling ol One word more. S enator Fulton as pre­ triu m p h ol the Heniocrata over th e ir siding officer may have made a m istake late G overnor.” Ho It appear» th a t the when he ruled th a t a quorum was pres­ WRITE US FOR PRICES, MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS. ( ,o \e rn o r is already spoken of as dead. e n t to vote on th e Puritain ballot bill. The Ih’imauata apeak ol bhn as th eir This is it. He should have ruled that “ late G overnor.’ 'Glow the mighty the senators refusing to vote «ere pres- has fallen,” as Nupoleon rem arked en t and voted aye. Again. The Orc- F A IR M O U N T , Ore. w h e n h r s tu m b le d o v er a c h a ir iu th e gon legislative bodies have au th o rity ] CEO. M . M IL L E R & Co., daik, am t how souq a hag of wind soine- through th e sergeant-at-arm s to c o m p el1 the corporeal attendance of its tnetid*era llines vollapses. • • • for the purpose of forming a quorum . The K lam ath l alla K ip in » »ays; Sen- Vet if a uieintier may break a quorum atol Cog-Mell’a pu Heme ni W ashington |,y refusing to talk , of what use is the th is week, ut the inauguration of Presi­ |M>wer of compulsory attendance? F u r­ dent Cleveland, will give tl.e adinliiiatra- th e r, when th e sergeant-at-arm s has tlou tl.e |M»rtunity of forming th e ac- made Ins retu rn hv prislucing tin* body qcaiutance of one foremost « of ........................ --- of -- O regon's - •» the h it lu iiiin u ay i inviiii'ti, m e r tio n iactp * runaw m em ber, th door-keep- men en Senator l««g«»ell is deservedly *-r ia alw ays instructed to clone the dour, cla «•»ed among th e ablest men in public pi keep th e delinquent, and the n of his position with reference to the have mm h to do w ith th e action of the ^ ¡iln g )H no» considered, There is a ndm iliisirattoii in th e m atter of appoint­ quorum present though tie Is' on the ment» to ledeinl pinera in the north* outride, the inside or on the top. west arem» to las generally conceded. WISE SA Y IN G S. • • • LOTS FOR SALE! FRONT, NO WILD (’AT PROPERTY • ‘ 1 • « FLOWER HOME Is thi* Name of GALLAGHER'S ADDITION T h e O ie g o h C ity l n t t > p i i » r contained t h e f o l l t , w m g . l iste n to till» from th e l»»tlH*»M*a ol Cotai c o u n ty , lasing an item lioin lasi »eck » M arshfield Waif; ’’There w ere-,”' p«»»cnge.» on the train T urada) between I < «polle City amt thia place.” Allow us to congratulate. > »me d ai th e repre-a-utalive» from C-«»a <<>ouiv to th e leui»latufe, asylum and (•eiitlctti i«ry will ta» ahk» tv gel to Ore- g ai w ithout g, mg at tml by Alaska 5 «r<«.»<(«.■ t , e t ‘.»n w hat does the Sf»t'e*»oiM posti« ate thia prophecy? • • • Ilm e ia a k e e n rv) »iuder ta k e n tn u u the Athena / r o One of our «ule» rib- No w ax can In* rich w hite he is dis­ co n ten ted . K a I.T a n d lig h t n e v e r a tto u t h u n tin g fo r w o rk . h a re to go Duty r. tile devil ou t of th e family and lie will anon la* homeleaa. Til» tru th th a t is aimed stra ig h t at th e devil w ill Is» sure to muke amne highly resjsv tatile people dodge. T in nr. in no v irtue in doing w hat we All have to «lit, (or even th e devil w ill be­ MW«x Itiiiiv, !, w u n hen t il u<* have him self he 1» is vnaincu. chained. Tit» In . tm nm xt m an in th e world w ill to M II agree to ev ery th in g you say about him a» long ns he t h i n k y o u are talking of this prop(M*ty is within the corporate limits oi t!,f M ill lot* M ¡11 h e S o ld l i t lH ’iC P S P ai»< nH < r lY O H l i< iii£ iu o about somebody eUc T he pwihlliition of cigarette smoking T ? ^ »»«m precaution« adopted by the ,\ew York s-r» _ got m»«l thia week «ml ordered 1 sto rk exchange, jw p e r »l ‘j » j - l l— - u « l.ia nam e w aailvt A r Atx ,a « hapelle th ere is a new»- in tl.e j» p e r last week, am i he thought p a p rr nan acuta founded by Oaear von ft «Might to be, «wporially a- he bad F»*o‘kent«e. k. which ro a ta iaa file» of t.iketi ti»t' f«»r a year or m ote. Jf j »pe» itt»« t»» • f i , . hau l,,tXx.i tl.IT-rent a n t atoiw of vtit »ubacnligf» have 11 * K $6 to $50 ^ r ite tor plat ami descriptive circular to A. E. GALLAGHER © <2> E iiítchc , ( h ’F