I * . Vol. 3. • - __ — ■ . — Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, March 21, 11M. No. in. T he Plate U niversity n t Engenu » ill j to seek, b u t the IteeurJer and M n rsto lj » |,L) » ork » w in demand uveiv-w h e re ' ing be represented nt th e W orld's F a ir a t I a re of sufficient im portance to d e n ta ld f upon tint rabj»vt . "S.ifis of i»,- «t great wages. Lands g'e« rii tier tor gon,“ and the “ Origin of fhieago. ------------- ----- ----- ¡th e closest a tte n tio n of every citizen. the tilling, and ¡t virtually Sit I k » r e c M lio n I ""•»»"'«I I" in .rk .b l, di........ D ay ;roll>f'l(lt power of the world." Tas Czar prays for pea eommunily, and when the in,,nence of has th e «"«bihilutc, and in th e foulest ignotniliv during the coming year. A propos to the subject »f couutv divit»- the heiiuvolent mientitle ie»e.uvh la e v answering of th a t p e titio n la rg e ly in h h J and disgrace, every vestige of fraud ion, the Springdeld . \ l n nays •• I'h«- •‘'.''•"here a,. c.m«piuu..udv viaihle it mm hands.________________ called protection, w herever we can find Junction City Time» said m.me imcunnv " " ght “ ul* o,w ""'«Id think, to ,«e OaoAMZEi) fem inine labor lias d e e la r - ’ * ' ___________ ed against electing bachelors to th e Con- A nother railway sm ash-up has gress. J things about Senators Alley and Ycatrh • »»’•»«t upon the they ui \Venth " 'c k . but the senators will no, let it 11 lullva" ^ '• ¡•” «'1 1 <*»uihing uui ent lit When David B. H ill h ears of caused hv overw orking the tra in men. tl" 11' d . e m in the least. The Mew r ,a l"«»'- this, there will be one firm , if h airless, The engineer of th e colliding en gjne j ' iui,e i ight so far as w e urn eon- A » rw ru v ,, article uppt.ua in the cor ! corned. Secure in the conseionsnes» rent number of tlm For«,., on "Thu v«. opponent of woman suffrage. states th a t he had been on d u ty for that every man over here approves hem t- one« of Municipal Corporation." I, i. The Junction City Timex s till c o n tin ­ th irty consecutive hours and could not ily the action we took regarding the .11- un-igned, making it aim.mt uni.pic la tin« ues to abuse the Siuslaw people and keep aw ake. The official w ho |>ermittâi sense, ' * '° 11 Ol ^ ane »» mopo.ed by history of review article.; hut Mie re, their country. T he e d ito r even sn eers tin s violation of all common ¡e u cei-i' ' “ Inine nn u , nothing tlmt tlit»' itfr fliis,Its V mi editor »ays, becom«» hn„me .1 the money »e expended to secure the ! 81,01,1,1 be 1,61,1 re«Pon"ibl« '" r » x 1 «" «"«X or do losmt it will disturb obvious when it,« plain-spoken n tela d en t. appropriation for th e lig h t-h o u se. • iis in the least. Even the latest gross lions made by the Filter are read. Il«- T he divorce court in South Dakota is misrepresentations breed only scepticism story is told of ‘At mung man of a , .»I T he times have greatly changed since losing none of its agility. A bout Oifldg as to the existence in tlm editor's mind New England family ,V who »aiu. to 1st the day we first cam e here w hen th e a r­ rival of one small steam schooner was a her last J . 11. Moss left this town ami of a virtue so old-fnsliiond as integrity, the trusted employe h ! m 1 agent U a n no* hap-linzard affair to be reckoned by sea­ his fam ily, going to the land of blizzards. and eugt nder only the feeling of pity for puny doing hum nt ■■» with muim ipul tor At tirai ba aw« was only saut a« sons. Now sailing vessels m ake reg u lar N ot later than December lie procured a* the misfortunes which brood over the porathma. divorce and again m arried in JanitafV. panic spirit of the disloyal and disun- sn expert in .o iu p itn y i\ the rvgulai weekly trips, and th e w hole tow n is B ut th is speed is outranked in an alarmed if one misses a trip . co u n t of f th e rapid < work of this dot,I ... *•-“»'y«— y ~ — ns n 4 m iW M Ilt> . •'ones in th e Scout. Long years c an n o t .............................. .................. e.. . re-m arriage m achine, coming from Den­ wise from our m em ory th e ex cellen t ver, Colorado. Judge Miller granted di­ editorials w ritten by Mr. Jo n e s, and th e vorce to Jam e s W. W illiams and ninr- hist, and one of his best, was p rin ted in , ried him to E thel W est, who was with hie W est . To us it is m ore th a n pleas- , • . . ,. ' linn m court, handing \\ illianis a m ar-; 'ng to know he has re tu rn e d from C ali­ riage certificate along with the decree of fornia to Oregon. divorce. E astern congressm en seem to be a l ­ lying themselves against th e free coiti- Woi silver, and the hope so long draw n out in the . w estern peoples’ m in d s th a t h 1 1« gisi.i,ion would soon be e n ac te d , ¡omat editor of the Time». agent to tiie towns a here Idf b«m •-*« it contruvta, ««¡id, though ba knew tC'lM W n.u«r,a.lnM M l M i. « .to » » - n i t .WMh ................ J iXi _ niun while coupling onpling ears recently, railed ti I rlor, “ lie «a» often Miipri»ed, ewpeciuily up tlm whole ( , li e s , ion of the possibility when cnmpi-titlon was active, by pr««b»n of preventing accident» of this kiutl by ge«I acervi conferences betwwm lila »ujw the adoption of power brakes nml nut«»- r rior Hiiil »lirowd, but rough-looking malic couplers. It is nt once obvious mem Iters of lite tioiird», who uueerviito- that tlie work of brakesmen is exceed­ iiioiisly rueiied Into the liotvla at any ingly dangerous. Ho must run along hour." The rtgent'» Work «rt» with the the top of moving freight train» in all ' very heal men of the Isstnls who«« T here is no getting over the fact that j kjn(jH o( „eatliw r-rain , sleet or »now I votes lie a liiiiwt ulway» a*ffttr«t|. th e traile in lum ber for the home mar at midnight ns well ua midday. T lie j.-jn a ||y i iui|,M ««iit young man was ’ O” I * . < * it à ‘ 1 ...» . . I . . . I Lui Silt I ! k * l t k e t will exceed all form er sales in pre- „tmi-Miis for Iowa show that out of hn sent out m I oiio to »«'«'• ire n eon trae, it, a ceding years, while exports w ill climb lu i |way employee» killed in one year, no MnM|| city. He went to work ' to heights heretofore not ex|s»cted. H ) |i‘.,‘S t h a n -12 were killed while engaged i “ full ef eiitliusiaam" and apprtrwlty ”*ntg to ho only a speck in th e far-aw ay | is th e j„ (i„ e nce of push with which this ¡„ |„.u|i gnK or coupling. Power brake» »«curvd the »upp»rt of ev. rvl»dy . but ltui< • Ib e appro aching s te p to free bu-ine->s bus been surroiindel tii.it i- .u ,,| automatic < •« »u | «1« r* W"»be let, w riv»l turnwl up. Tl»w y»»ung »liver—the Slier,nan A ct— -is to be to rn bringing it forward, and once sufficient bnVed in that one »«ate 12 lives. Ibis p „ nUH ,„,t t,t, n.i.ii-tin-r. t hkely ,o bacon»« Wu* ex(•«« ted to May for form'« J".niHiited lengths according tu 1’en- bar, th e evidence of which i» a huge less neo,e when the people have »tudied unt,| |i>a vota w m taken. In «»•« "oyer. Bond biennial report »«»’•«» tin * »•« îrX h’* 'b * craft •»« We »II know ,»e «lone free from »barge. i- «. v election conies off on th e first reejuirem ents of trade. ... - - |h e r,.ad,.,. oj ..fît«»♦ bod I**«» «*• d** ** »•«-»•I 5 ¿=3------»«»*, Is.iitfbt »ip ttar . « ................. ‘«ditv ¡n A pri,. It seen».» q u ite eon- th a t before th e demonetization of *dv r .. ,ierien«w»i weekly bul.rlm Amt wh«n I * w i . t I»«»«. a»«l .. • ...Am 5n ibe ier>»rt to note tlm nt « '.it we should have .a eorivcn- pri.-™ for .1! a-u»«Ml.h.-» «IV« ‘ ,«4«l tba » 0 *7 ** * d « f« t. M . W» «BiOgbt out 11 ' d 1 »H 1 ' the jK-.qd.. w ithin th e city keeping w ith th e value of F‘d l an 1 a* ¡tit ri » T i ,Miny pn »flier on w>f> , ¡ptuyad b»» r.tal. ’d n om inate m en to fill th e of- ver, am i th e emitifry bad a n e r a of t * ........ .. Tlmn, to» tin»! part of the rejs»rt tre: • vit v. ¡H |æ ig n iti jne none care prosperity such as never before. Meo, 1 .,,