dtn„ of that kind, and had no tronhlc m ost a pmncely salary. -------------- r J p - - T C T i ’E , . T -B lC 2 r n W I™' "» w.th —” From the Chaa. Guard. K . Wilkinson t Haw r,-ce.ved . „ , Tom But it th a t th is tow n will grow snffirie‘t!v larg e, in a very few years, t|lat >h volum e of business done will justify tlm re te n tio sR.i not . n of M r. Davenport. 1 lv’ *u’i ! , only h im , b u t m any another of I l.h, k h y llft- - ,„c appointment ol ' flattering term s ol the advance^, £ £ .u c h lioo-t » rticle. a n " « « y " ,n l", t *“ ° k jum p iron« moving «ra.ua do so .1« « h e r ' hope the writer. »¡H E S -*- •! v a in «... t h e ir . „ « r n r n - e ... . .ore u w inning «he case. I —«- bush ««» « v «« v r WDAT JIOBMXC.— ■ Wr-HT. -M in n e s o ta H o tel, in E ugene, is one — AT— O beoox block from depot. K ates, $1 p er day. F ix ,» « « . I- ams 0 ov *T r ’ All w hite helj». T his hotel has been re , . r Itte fitted furnished. - P - atro n ize u and hiki newly newiy iiuior..«,-. A I . L K V . K i l l t o r H»«t 1 r o p r l e t o r . . »1. f . .... „ T hree weeks horn n e x t S ab b ath th e -T mkms : »2.00 a year in advance.- M ethodists hold th e ir 8^ l^ ‘ m eeting, in Florence, and P residing E l­ der Jo n es will undoubtedly preach th e Entered at th e post-office at l> n e county, Oregon, us second claM serm ons. mail m atter. On the 10th in s ta n t a fire consum ed own risk. th e com m ittee of th e t «.< » y h av e m ade since his departure,mJl,a, aalarv of »ud per . , , • ” uu fa ir Commission, a t a saiai> saiaiy »• 1 • enco u rag in g words to offer for oar fntnrp Fair * > A oarfm ......... , for California ......... . on .. Mondw r,«W w v. m onth. II.. He i,.re left Mr for P P o o rt rt and I an« on on th is 1 ] „ p ie , leaves Bi()nHng*3 iocai tra in , M arch W, to com- fQr se,.on(, mence work. From the Journal. . W est w ishes him and hi»estimablewiie a prosperous and happy life. B e w a r e o f O in tm e n ts for Catarrh Tt... M in im ,h“ benator M aiio ta, u «ho farm ers C o n ta in Mercury, Commission, announces t«> th e ta r in tis , V.,ntv a n d to th e Eugene B oard As m ercu ry will surely destroy the» property in Boston, to th e am o u n t of of Lane county an o n e ' of sm ell am i completely deranre tin AhVkBTIrilSO BATES MAPS KNOWS OS A | - »4,500.000. T here were m any lives lost of Trade th a t if they will conti i , w hole sy stem when entering itthmu-i, PJ.ICATlOJt. hundred bushels of w heat, oats and bar-1 th e inueous surfaces. Such article !.««•! notice« S cent» per Hue, each Insertion. and about 30 a r s o n s m angled and Uv t i n t it will be tran sp o rted to C hica- should never be used except on pr , m aim ed. ’ ,i . c „„m ission This grain will scrip tio n s from reputable phyiituo!,« » th e dam age th ey will do is ten fold to tb , The work of d riving piling a t th e go by th e Com m ission, i WESTLINGS. be placed in glasses or sm all s. • * gOod yon can pOSS,bly derive from them m outh of the river is suspended for th e marked where grown, etc., and d is tn b u - j j a ip 3 C atarrh Cure, manufactured bi Only th re e weeks until E aster. present, on account of a sufficient q u a n ­ 1 it tlfe fair free. It is a good m eans p \ J . C heney & Co., Toledo,0.,contain! R em em ber th e B azaar on th e IHth. tity being in place to a d m it of p resent , . ¡a honed th a t o u r no m ercu ry , and is taken internally,act of advertising an . ‘ . „v w tn n itv ing d irectly upon the blood and niwoir Morris Bros, pay th e highest cash neP(| H f(,r rock filling. farmers will em brace th is opj » >• s u rfaee8 of th e system. InbuyingHall' A raft of logs was b ro u g h t dow n from prices for furs. p f |> j H aw th o rn e has been | C a ta rrh C ure be sure you get the gen B orn:—T o Jo h ifM o rris and wife, on the boom of M itchell & Bailey last week, f II... ».lm-ntinnal de- nine. I t is tak en internally and madi T oledo, O hio, by E. J. Chene, 4 & and deposited a t th e m ill of M r. S au b o rt cboMU s e c e ta r y of th e Tuesday, March 14, 1H03, a daughter. partm ent ex h ib it at th e M u rk * T estim o n ials free. Tug Robarta towed in, over a rough where they will he cu t into lu m b er and for Oregon. H e lm s been at w ork tor g g j - § old by druggists, price 75c. pe bar. the schooner A m ethyst yesterday. shipped to San Francisco. several m onths assisting S tate S u p t. b o ttle . ___ _____ ______ W illiam G ard in er, probably th e oldest McElroy collect O regon's E d u catio n al J . kj Morris has ju st com pleted th e AN EXCELLENT FARM. building of a fine picket fence around m em ber of th e M asonic O rder in th e exhibit. In terestin g features of th e e x ­ A bout seven mile9 up the Siuslai w orld, died in P o rtlan d last w eek, aged hibit will he a collection of photographs his dwelling house. riv e r from Florence, and situated on th 90 years, It) m onths and 4 «lays. He ■ , i of th e S tate U niversity b u ild in g s e x ­ —Any and all kinds of building m ateri­ — j -------- • ha«'. been a Mason for nearly »« years. ^ ¡ or un(1 in te riOr, th e gym nasium , ob- b o tto m lands of the river, is one of th al Uilh rough and dressed, a t David & Ovcr a t David A S o n ’s mill th e re is g(,rvatoryt tlie college classes, th e fac- b e st farm s in Lane county. Forgni Sou'• * • lenada saw -mill. work of a«lding som e im p o rtan t m acbin- |nember8 o{ t i,e board of regents or p a stu re land it is unexcelled,-as II. M. C ham berlin has been appointed cry going on, am i th e day is not far dis- 8OIU„ landscape scenes ab o u t th e th e best proof th a t it produces the tine n justice of the peace for th is precinct, v arieties of fru it, is that there is gre, ta u t w hen th ii accom m odating firm will university .. cam ----- pus. vice A. K. Pickle gesigned. ing a large orchard consisting ol tt supply house builders w ith all th e a rti­ A new paper has been started in 1 ort- ch o icest kinds of fruit-trees now i cles requisite for the um lertakiug. PEOPLE PARAG RAPHED. hiiul, the Purijif H ankff nm l fnvrator, b earin g . T his farm will he sold ss The reporte«l dance a t th e m outh of with Lionel Stagge us publisher. F. E. Frem ont leaves for R oseburg to ­ w hole or in ten , live or one acre true tiie river will not he given on account of A large invoice of th e fam ous .»cent th e parties conducting th e boarding day to attend on Judge F u llerto n ’s court to s u it purchasers. Write to 0 .1. Ke HIV- p ttiu in .......... - — n ed y , Florence, Oregon, fur particnlx T ansill’s Punch P lan tatio n cigars has house not furnishing th e supper. O ur as a juror. la-eii receive ! at th e Florence drug store. friemlly 1.........1----- a n d prices. l»oys down u hv " “ the *n Kor b ar, “ and ml k,ie th e L y n a rd C hristensen and wife were The Florence V ariety Store, <»f M orris «iauee-loving people in Florence, are guests for sale . BUWO a t the residence ---------------- of -- F. . — E. ------- F rem o n t ha A»«vital boxes of large, sec«! greatly disappointed. ,,n M aple creek, several days th is week. A fin e farm of 160 acres sitoateij less oranges th a t arrived on th e Ame­ The M onm outh B rrWiz liecmil has yy y York leaves Florence to-day for th e Lakes South from Florence, th y s t. been establish«*«! in M onm outh, Oregon, Medford, Oregon, to visit his old friend ra n c b is m ostly alder and vine msi — F lorence need s a good grocery store ami we have received Volume 1, No. 1 «< M iton, proprietor of th e Med- b ottom lan d , having nearly a mile 1* l or term s, relit on store building, et<., and place it on our exchange list. It is forj fro n ta g e . Ten acres under culUviti w rite Geo. M. M iller, Fail m ount, certainly a newsy, 7-eolnmn folio ami o S(;ar Funke, our stove and tin w are a n d 5 m ore slash ed ; a good orchar«)' < tregon. t . V. M urphy, its ed ito r, should »’«- ine,?ch an tt retu rn ed frOm P o rtlan d last com e in to bearing; 6 rooms in a Ina A heavy storm prevails in some of the ceive a b u m lan t patronage. Friday after having purchased a large house th a t is ceiled and ' E astern states. Bridges and tracks are o u t-b u ild in g s, and stock of all kinds No people are more deeply interested gtock o( gooa 8 th a t city. washed away and railroad service «la in th eir public schools th an those on the Reverend Movs is th is week spending be sold w ith th e place at r e » « « m oralised. . . . i.re a tS iu s la w . As an illustration, the {ew ^ ¿ p e o p h i on Indian G reek, ces if desired. Price of farm, » W G o to M arr A Salley f«»r choice fresh ev f„r ciUyenH ,u M ap leto n -sch o o l district N o ., wherc he wU1 h<)1J (hvine 8ervieeg. The half cash and reasonable time gar 2_ Vut<„, a ta x , (>n t ,ie g ,|, March oN of a M ethodist pastor is far reach- b alan ce. Apply lor I««««« l*«llcu' and cured m eats. Me pn.l«. «»urs. h e - lowest prices. l » ' , |l 6 0 ( u r th e s„pp«irt of a nine m onths ing in this new c o u n trv . ««I» m e very beat at a t th is office. _______ Mild »«*e OS. •clioOl. At th e same tim e E. Niclm.s j « ... .. . ..................... .. - .................... LANE COUNTY^ OREGON ■ ,. director . . i n Mr. 11. II. Luce, brother of th e ed ito r E ngineer Kickaackcr I»«»» sent an addi- * a¡. elected ami lladsall «I., .« le e te d «lirector ami , Amos 1 it Ia«lsall of the M arshfield .S 'm , who 1ms been . . «liable inb tional l«»rc«»«»( workmen to Point Terrace clerk, . employed on the G overnm ent works a t i 1 « . ,_,.,„urful reiO”1 to «s»i*t in quarrying ami l«>a«liug rock Tliere urc the beat prospects for an ex- n ., ntion regarding the w«»nucn . * . . the m outh of the river, was a caller at a u o u " ® , j an«l te «•c cut fruit « to p in this country, the i • » of Lane co u n tv . or l«»r lur th e jetty. , . th is office Tuesday, ruosduv, ami . i and inform informs s us he , oi i.auc furnl, m Dr K enttedy has enn le«! horn««« on f______ nrcMcnt B<«ii!«nn. th a n ever before known. is . well . . pleased . , w • ith , our . town and , people, ' , of of e Lriu g ra ra in in u . , ’ stock «toe or or irun t „ , , , im well please ! with our town and people, i OI Id» larm , a e \rn mile* up th e river, ami Dr. K ennedy, the leiuling authority on He left for his hom e, in M arshfield, " illa m e ite a e )ttnrt v,eref l.e will m ake th at ah««!«* an abiding , frui’ industry Imre, ami a pioneer grow W ednesday, and we wish he may again e ith e r in 1 -ug« m £.J.1 ....... the ......... .. er on th e Siualaw, inform s us th a t the retu rn when a n o th er appropriation is m end you to torie»I place in future. rof the 1 1 s ie r, secretary and manager* Hiniply «orti r4. btillding (ruit-lwarlng t r e « ol all varietiee, will »VII kllf P'llIBK«»» • I ' ... ; t... i__i . i . . l Eiigen*« out t««w it to «>l T#t;n a large num ber of logs in Ids boom iieaV 1 »ilte«>os lake. country soon. above Acme, he w ill tu rn his atten tio .... n „11 tl,e „,1«^ Ib p tlie iia is rngu g in , ni«»n, Oregon. Circuit court a T h e public seliools have Isret, closed atftl noon i after of th e briefest ulh r one « ««I t!„* i i -i „•■«•"i >ns can n*c«»inmen«l th e gentlem an as up- in in ailv iliK 'F . i »ni; n*!' “ ,, i(> advance. 1S »*t »rtiee has been portance —* ...................................... j’ou only t» ’° * h, atom in t h » pap< ; e a t t w I nlal «odal q a a litiw , and beloved for b b ,i,.i w ¡.uh M«»iris Bros. H ,<■ t far to seek w hy he is taken from Another scow mv « «urt «Irri»« ns holding th a t the railr.wd his store in Florence and j Io®1* , placed in to th e m outh vi th v « « why th is »- •*’« thcref«*re ' v« n«j«;*nici arc not responsible (or ®cci- * chn-gv *»f la-gc in* v ted e a fita l a t a l - ' week. g|fl