Literary. ORIGINAL AM ) SELECTED.) HOME. Tli« prince riiles up to th e palace g ates And his eyes w ith tears are dim , Fur he th in k s of the beggur m aiden sw eet w ho never may wed w ith him . For home is where the heart is, In dw elling great an d sm all, And th ere’s m any a sp len d id p alace T h at’s never a hom e at all. The yeoman comes to h is little cot With a song when th e day is done, Fur his dearie is s ta n d in g in th e door And his ch ildren to meet, him run. For hum» is where th e h e a rt is, In dw ellings great a n d sm all. And th ere’s m any a stalely m ansion T h at’s never a hom e a t all. D e a t h o f A irs . <>. v „ Brown. ¡I"» office „,„¡1 & ^Q , a" !,'e8SOtlt8''“1” From the Biggs (CaL) A r. us FANCYRGROCEmE^‘NDS ° F STAPLE AND worn“ “ '" ° ‘, l’W IW ‘ « “>««•• anL< _ . , and beloved friend of a w ido circle of I on to : w r.l«'«Hi,t tin tin g F lannel | , L . Men a ttubl*r Huntti,« lino" X.'TS to B.AO Resistance does but strengthen truth, ! schoolmates ami friends. She was niar- tiiir? Hoots, Htndkerelilefa from .’»• upward. **»Hhll,« Klxgant J. TX I.adira' Slioea from j 25 to ' 'a, Men « Hut,tier Hip |t,„ ,„ Hhicli it cannot overthrow. rie, t The intellect of the wise is like glass, 1888, and no man ever had a more love’ Moya’ Itublier Hunting It mt» I DU IA A 2A from. ly, loving and affectionate wife and help­ 11 admits the light of Heaven and reflects 7 M>. A fin» line of U dlca’, (> „ (« 'and t ’hll .......... ............ n» tllC eartl1» t l,e seemingly of the family, Messrs. J. A. Foster, W. Lothlr " t C.Vent8of l*fe succeed one J). Baker, Erank Snow, ( ’. E. ChntHeld, Scott LaShcll and W. M. Doty, was fol- ‘ arctb’o . , U‘ 8,10W »‘^I'ors together, Ormcd- No «ingle flake lowed to the church where Rev. A. L. j Dealer In ' ^din ' ° l *,e i)de pro’lucea a sen- Walker delivered a most impressive ser- j no atngle • action creates, i* . " ‘W t i V a. 1« * 4 " " - — y ' mon and an excellent - - - - - choir - - sang, rT, r “ It is l fer ' l ia^ exhibit, a m an’s cliarac- M'cll with My Soul,” ‘‘Safe in the Arms of Jesus,” etc. ÍÜHSwHrtr»', Carpet*, •M-irin ’Ul PF,a,iIlHl' any real and An immense procession was formed G piiím ’ I »r» mt 1*1«% hooiH ami Funiishing ° ver ot’‘era, we must after the services nt the church and the Kte. EtP. SI dms . “hon“«t that ti Ht ',S' " C l," ’9t ,M? mortal remains w ee escorted to Live (L hh I m . Dak cemetery where the Inst ss1 The Old Reliable dry goods house Of J- H. McClung, E U G E N E , WESOLB IT VOt It TRADE, CAI.I, A: C I THE WEST WHY? AN ADVERTISEMENT “ I LEAD, B U T NEVER FOLLOW! S. H. Friendly R Y Q OODt HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, AND C OTHINC 0AT5 AND BARLEY,