Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Fritlay, March 17. Vol. 3. N o. in. A xi muek of leading w om en of K an - ! th a t pledge,” he said, “ th a t m ore than [ Into the sc hool fund. As this in no way j under his own eye, will empty hi* relieved the borre . . . i " '" 'r I * '1 "I W» I l l ) t h l nhell doors any dress oi g a im e n t th a t does (. leveland, not one of which lie could liebt, usury a„J all, not , « n .p u in l u»uat meet ids “ paper*’ at the bank, not uiiss the ground by a t least th re e have received w ithout it, and now that been made and, «• ^ ¡ u e n t l y , the school the needful money cannot be collated, inches. ______________ the Dem ocratic party was soon to be in fund S #U I.eople de- would be cheaper to P*y to the man against the city man than hi« village work of indexing an d b in d in g th e m , he- n ian ^ e^ to ^ now when and in what Irom whom they borrowed than to ex- competitor. Bed debt« are n I wavb paid gun several years ago, will p robably not n,0 a fact that i. »«>, be completed w ith in a decade. T he Senate was then controled by the of which they only change the party ta commonly I -t sight of. If the mn — --------- = ” - “ R epublicans, b u t th e D em ocrat! desired whom tliev miiNt lun.i ........ i >> i . « i - T iif tide of d estiny is se ttin g fast to . and m u both punch ' chant haul (¡uh, \«>nt\, fails, mid mid can can only only pay «, sev ... . , to get on record as soon as possible as pal and interest, fifty, thirty cents on the dollar. the wards Florence. All so rts of accum ula­ against th e Sherm an bill and the free Ihc present law provide» that the wholesale man from whorn he b- tight. tion of facts point th a t w ay. T he h a b it coinage of silver. This piece of congree- borrower is relieved burn the payment pays the hud debt, of the emu ,m r ? of the town is one of p u sh , energy, sional history augurs poorly for the sue- of interest, both legal mid ueuroue, and whom-rul.ioi.» pstronagm «.wrth.vw .lu­ pluck and good o rd e r, i t is th e g ra n ­ ces« of th e free silver men with the new as it is a civil action between the lender retail lmu«e. If the merchant k«-« p. ary of the slope of th e m o u n ta in s and Congress. _____________ _ and borrower, the people do not "loot tbnva water am’ gw« ahead, then the the rhododendron garden of th e Pacific T h e e d it o r o f th e J u n c t io n C i t y Time«, ,lie C08tH o f P’ ^ u t i o i i . ’ ’ bad debts a re ¡-»id e it h e r by h lm « e l( « i Coast. who probably voices the sentim ents of The very 8MSte e',itor of ,be r fhl' by the other e o .to m e i« w h o ¡.»v l l . n Two men in Tacom a som e days ago a t least some of the people in liis town, Lender blandly asserts that the new law w a y . Mmiv merchants frankly make discovered a ¿ure w ay to b e a t th e faro is thoroughly inoculated w ith county ‘8 ,l*rect,y *n iuVor of lbu monopoliat. allow m ice fo r bud d e b ts by rha rg li« ,* game. W earing m a sk s, th e y w alked division m adness, and in an article re- But wh®“ tho >x,or’ " b" a " ‘ lbe bur’“ "- CPwlit cu' u U “ **’ " b” up to the layout a s If to sta k e th e ir plol(J ob>cene ge „ „ j worse ers of money, find out that they have buy for cash ; thus conip-lllng credit pu some redress accruing to their own Ixm- Irons ns a clam to bear their own fall- money, and each poked a big revolver E n g lish , calls Florence a “ bailiwick” at the dealer ami b a n k er. T h en they and speaks sneeringly of th e Siuslaw efit when the lender taxes them <50 to urea to pay. Thia ia not a matter that lifted about $1,700 from th e bank, country and its people. If we are of 175 to "find a man that will loan <800,” merchant» care to diaeuM in detail, Imt backed out, and got safely nway with so little im portance, why make such en­ it will require better evidence than the nioat of them will admit that they add a assertions of an editor who sacrifices certain euin fur "ua-l debts' to their an* their plunder. deavor to take a portion of our country truth in Ida wild endeavor to injure "»«I expenses,* as regularly as thrv “ lx the house th e vote on II. B. 204, nd people into your proposed Blain«1 other«, to convince them th a t the law reckon in rent and taxes. Inancbcam-a for the creation of B laine c o u n ty , was county? Tim people here have am in- , . ,. . - , •-, , i is . in. favor of monotmlists. Tl The two these deficit« are paid by the regular • • . ..... . 34 to 12. A lm ost 3 to 1 ,” says th e tense love for th eir hom es and jisjglibors , 7 'ÄWiWtr w a t bonmef» m ur ntta«*k that cit«t«>mer» lm a».abl»rhm«’»it q •• • rv ■TifnctiQn City *‘77o«>s7 T h a t is noYTriio. second to none, and although, at tho law with the result of eventually falling article they buy The bill failed to p a s s ; th e n was recon­ present tim e, we may not be skilled in ‘ The cure of this evil is to adopt the into their own mire. sidered the follow ing m o rn in g and th e conventionalities of the period at cash system. When the money is |>sid CASH VS. CREDIT. passed, 34 to 20, C a b se n t. B u t th e ed­ Ju n ctio n C ity of which the Timr# boasts, ucrosa the counter fur all good« pur« has A bad debt is the beginning of bunk- n |, there »imply can be no bad debts, itor, who is wagged by a disappointed y et tru s t we are distinguished by a man office seeking c a p ita list, neglects to n er essentially charm ing—true candor. i uptcy. Practically, any merchant who The sperrliant who demand« cash down - * state th a t the sam e B laine co u n ty divi­ P arade and boast over a new country by ««iftjjg’» ¡„ ,.vrt,iin to tell the Inquirer does out have to pay Internat on hl» own ,ie ooltl Ida good« on credit, ami, invc-tincii*. »nd ahould U-ebl«-1«» wll sion bill was indefinitely postponed by a an older onu is all very well in its way, j and it may sound pleasant to those who w|)(jn t |1(. |4 n(.,t could not get in good» at a cheaper rate than one who vote in th e Senate of 29 to 1. are in th e fierce dynam ics of the battle ¡,j„ ,non,.y. j j ,. was ruined, in »Imrt, i arrie» a liirge cre«lil diottrie, The »>1 I r there is any u tility in energy and field of county division, but we trust be- j(V lllltll cun conduct a vantage« of tho ca»h ayatem aro «burnì* progress th a t is not discoverable by the people of Florence, th ey should go from fore m any years o ’erlap themselves, ( much » » that It the town a couple of m o n th s, as we have gone, and, like us, be a sto n ish e d at the marvelous changes in so sh o rt a tim e, bn every side we see d evelopm ent and growth. New houses have been built, business enlarged an d ch an g ed , stre et mid other public im p ro v em en ts m ade, “d giving us a deeper in sig h t in to th e Florence will not be out ranked by any ,,u n n n jty without incurring the»«-intr tow n in L ane county, and the man who consequence«. Insurance com u tte re d th e in su lt may well feel con- wjth all their careful machinery te m p t for his folly. There is a unity of of ttrfcntg ftn4, examining physician», in o u r people, incident to a new country, HUre ba,| ¡¡VPS. It is hardly surprising th a t does not exist in older settle«! tjH,n t|,gt the credit merchant, acting places, an d th e young gentleman <«i the t!)rnUgl| 1)1M ( and doing b u M n e - T.mcs, who has been robbed by the tax j wUh coin|,artttive strangers, abmit who.» g a th e re r of Lane, may find this out if he meaning and p u rp o rt of su b stan cial and lives long enough in th e county to be- rapid grow th, th a n could have been learned in a year, if it all were done un- com e a citizen. would smack of the kindergarten to dwell upon ¡¡am . It 1» on» «»< thing« whom- iH-nelite »re unt*er»ally a l mitted and then all b u t onl«cr»»ily lg- > „ored Theoretically the man who pro | H>«. • to «1«» a «»«h l«u»;n»»a ha»th« »up- ¡ .„n v M tM B • , bwt |*M- tn .lly , »•' « * « <® have a weaknc« f..r flnanci . i , landing and honesty lie can running hills. In im «t < •«-., there »• knoW ,lulCf frequently insure» “ p«»or »tmolutely no rea-on f -r »«». I. » coume. ' pay” customer», whose “ claim” fall» Very few men are c»rcum.t»me.| th .t due as surely as that of a defunct policy j they cannot pay for what they want In b'r our every-day in sp ectio n . HOW THE BOOMERS SEE IT. rrady money, but pwv at the end »4 cer hohler. Soox before th e close of C ongress, th e S en ato r A lley’s usury law is a howl- The credit system I" » village _ id e a ;'ta . in periods. The delnalw» , »hat »«»« bemocrata began th e w ar a g a in st th e , ing fraud. I t joovides th at J frequently it bring« disaster even must run in debt until |»y •’•F» rhether th a t he weekly or monthly «r home-staying vlll tg* 'bcrnian silver coinage act, p ro v id in g ' in terest charged in excess ui rate «hall be refunded, bat wbttb« ” > " re. n ^r i ,irUg. • w b a ti hvi.m.ly aiwunl, wbea It 1'r the purchase of a fixed a m o u n t of th e borrow er or the »tale wo have not tbe combination j-r«s la remembered that the money r ,a(j,e, ’ drees g - > - ‘••ver annually by th e tre a su ry . S ena­ been inform ed. As th e law stand, if dotMnj{ tor M cPherson, a New Jerse y D em ocrat, com plaint is lodged with the proper ol-1 faant^ tfln know a good deal about the ran be uaml for the »«pen» « «4 the ron ... e . am ........ ount — i'* ‘ ' oduced in th e S en ate a resolution fleer, th in excess of the K® | uni I ...te c r ity <.f io ««t o l Ilia p»- ing week aa ra»dy ae f*>f ratroduccd is refiin«le«l and the l»eopl«- " »IL »numi« a i , (((<,, wlth -, h(. ..„.t..,,, ,,f g. sting credit I >i a « « ft-m« •‘utborizing and d ire c tin g th e S e c re ta ry , r J ,° , . . ttr io-«cutioii. trous. He likely went »H« fraught »I»*» Unger} h», la U nf ti...« therefore foot' tho costs of pr be treasury to suspend all p u rch ases ¡ t ¡H a i(ming ga,„e on the part of the ||ic n b ia fu||y conversant ritli every peri« tlM» '• H w M H o n . H , . , i , e r r i e , . , it -H l -¡H h.vo full ' , ,.k ,n In »«-. « '* ‘ " " * " f r « | ï rntfy , he’’ ’i r f w n ä p "< I * ' 1'11"« '“ ’ O *" O " I f . ’ Miod when pw dey *oul«| have practically repealed the swing. To enforce the law is a If*« to nee, ta d »i‘h«r »he r* * * * * * 11 tai- man berman a c t for th e p re sen t. S enator people and to ig n o re i t th e ! s r evening in «W r « < i*O ,b w " bU Î lor or the m«r» hant m uti •«**•'• Then McPhenon b aw d h i . neliön upon th e P » )’» »'>’ u e u ry .-J u n c lio n « 'y , w ke, U H o o tth a iro a k ly loid truth o< many tiresul» t if - t thing» w ill T he usury In * . before the |«t*»age «alii plank ui th e a family D einoeratic platform hut;h a man rati manage acre ^ h t on eredM »hieb w«mW I* * « e a ,e kill Xo. HO. p w ld e d tb at « ‘ 1 - ■'1 | «d a t th e C hicago convention s e n a te -, b u .i, » . il - n r «“« < " 1 b' " " I « " - ' “ ’ 1 rt«m l