1 y — KIMI.I» liKD BVCBY FBI PA Y MOBXXMO.— — AT— E it O bbxib , n L aw « C oüxtt , A f.L K l. IC d lI u r « u il O begon P ro p r ie to r . ___ T krm * : $2.00 « year in advance.------ Entered at the poet-office at Florence, Lane county, Oregon, mail m atter. un sdeoml-claas a n v K B T ia i x u bates made known on I ’ l 1C A TIO K . ae - Local notice» d eenta per line, e a c h Insertion. W E ST L IN O S. Morris Broe. pay the highest cash prices for fur». W alter Lang came down from Ileceta Head light-house station Sunday. N ature ha« done m uch, ho m uch for iih , now why not do floinething for o ur­ selves? The puiider Geo. Rolrerts left Sunday for G ardiner. He will retu rn in about four weeks. Knowles A G ettys report having had a larger trade than usual du ring th e past few inontliH. ou hear about th a t “ B az a n to The old soldiers of th e fciuslaw coun­ be held in the P resb y terian ch urch on try are invited to atten d a m eeting to be the 18th M arch? The bazaar will open held in th e school-house, in Floreifce, on at 10 o’clock in th e m orning and con­ Saturday evening, M arch 18, 1HD3, for tinue all day and evening. As we u n ­ the purpose of organizing a < «rand Army derstand it, there will be nice articles Post. made by the fair hands of ladies to be The subject for Rev. R obinson’s dis­ sold, and nice china ware alm ost given course on n ex t Sunday m orning will b e . away. At noon, on th a t d ay , a d in n e r “ The still sm all voice.” The evening will be furnished to all th e people, but. services will be dedicated to considering the price ia not know n to us. B ut if you the subject: “ Should th e Bible have a join the throng th a t is sure to be th e re place in the public school.” you will he abundantly rew arded. Mrs. O. R. Bean and son F red , who have been spending th e w in ter w ith a O LS O N S B O D Y F O U N D . b. ith e ro f Mrs. B ean’s in Saticoy, C ali­ While Mrs. M. F . P ark er was w aiting fornia, will re tu rn to th e ir hom e a t th e on Mr. K yle’s w harf for th e landing of M apleton H otel, near th e H ead of Tide, the tug R obarts, T hursday aftern o o n , about th e lo th of th is m onth. and just as the boat came to th e w harf, Even th e proprietors of th e fleet little she discovered th e body of A ugust steam er M ink report having had plen ty Olson rise to the top of th e w ater. of work during th e last past w in ter The body was soon after tak en from m onths. Go w here you will no o th e r the hay by A. E. Pickle, acting C oroner, place of its size in Oregon presents so in the presence of a jury composed of J . healthy a financial condition as F lo r­ E. Meyer, C. C. B ehnke, Drew Severy, ence. Geo. Anderson, 0 . B. Jacobson and The h o rticu ltu ral d e p a rtm e n t of th e Henry Gates, who found th a t th e d e ­ W orld’s Fair com m ission will have an ceased came to his death by accidental excellent rep resen tativ e in Chicago in drowning. The facts all pointed to th is th e person of D. W. Coolidge, of Eugene. decision, as $56.20 were found in O lson’s Mr. Coolidge, ns you know , was assist­ pocket together w ith valuable papors. an t clerk of th e state sen ate d u rin g th e There is little do u b t th a t A ugust 01- last term . A large, cotnmodloiia WaeUamitl. »,1 0p! «>n .u p p e d from th e w b .rt, .1 K y le ’s h „ , i J n ere.le.1 a t Seaton by M r . W ,„ . I cannery. ...to h,s boat, and in so.ne ac- Hr. K ennedy in erecting a new resi­ dence on Ida farm about eight miles above Florence. Mr. Ixrwin, of the firm of Lewln A Fisher, has packed up his goods and left for M arshfield. Nolic« the card, in an o th er colum n, ol Horace N. C rain, th e Eugene jew eler and w atchm aker. work ol black.,,,U hl,,« in cl,urge, it I . ix-rha,.», ... «1,0 fall nngl.t have been so placed beneath some obstruction th a t greatly to he desired th a t th e people re ­ he never rose to th e surface u n til found ward Idm, w ith patronage, for th is e n ­ yesterday. terprising step. August Olson was born in Sweden and The tug R obarts goes to Y aquina th is was forty-two years old when he died. week for m erchandise. It was expected He was an honored m em ber of Ileceta she would m ake th a t port on th e first of th e m onth, h u t vessel towing was th e lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F ., and P erp etu a lodge No. 131, A. O. U. W . H e was an —-AnV and all kinds of building m ateri­ cause th a t prevented. W e hope th e old resident, having lived here for fifteen al both rough and dreaaed, at David A m onths will not he m any before th e years. Like m any others, liis w orldly R obarts will be kept busy on th is river. Sou's G lenada saw-mill. possessions am ounted to a few dollars C has. G ettys w ent to Eugene on Schooner Danielson was towed to th e wj^cu he came here, b u t w hen h e died ^•.hflklr of the river M onday, lofdod with day last, and, us th e prophets b a v in lY; lie owned considerable personal prop­ he will soon become postm aster of pie mi bout 1.10,000 feet of lum ber. erty and a good farm near th a t of Freu Heaton office. Presum ably th a t was his T. E. Sm ith, a boot ami shoe d ru m m er Mason. He will he teni|>oraiily buried business to Eugene. If honesty, compe- for the linn of Buckingham A H ech t, of to-day in Florence, but later on his re ­ petency and affability are requisite qual­ San Francisco, wan In town Tuesday. m ains will find th eir p erm anent hom e ifications necessary to till th e place, in the Odd Fellow ’s cem etery in G len­ Work on th e boat of C apt. Peregrine surely C harles is the m an. ada. Much good can be said of th e d e­ In in full blast and the C aptain th in k s F . W. W ells has purchase«! the in ter­ he will have It on the way to th e cltv in ceased. He was an honorable m an, est of A. W . Beadle A Co. in the Spruce due tim e. trustw orthy und true, and his future Point saw -null ami it is expected the — Florence needs a gd grocery More. history will be rem em bered and read for ew ner will arriv e here soon and put the For term s, re n t on store building, etc., his many ennobling acts. mill nt work. If reports indicate any­ writ« Geo. M. Miller, F airm o u n t, th in g Mr. W ells is n thorough mill mun EU G E N E IT E M S . Oregon. thus com bining experience, capital and From the Journal. Go to M arr A Satlev for choice fresh The num ber of children in th e E u ­ n u d iu re d m eats. W e pride ourselves good m achinery in an industry of iinpor- gene district, as ascertained by Assessor i tauee in Florence. on the very Ix-st at lowest’ prices. Call P articu larly our foreign readers will F. J . M cPherson, is 1,173. and see us. fie interested in seeing three of our The Eugene cannery will put in new Mr. J . C. S utherland, th e |>oetiuaster prom inent real estate men out with ads. m achinery for cutting and canning am i notary p u b lic a, G lentena, cam e to in th is issue of T he W est . These men, green corn, and will put up a large Florence on businesa last Tuesday und as you see, are Geo. M. M iller A Co., A. q u an tity this season. n t i l l l i e d to-day. E. G allagher and The Laud und Ixian The young people had a masked ball \ ery im pot (s o t indeed is th e fact Co. These men are not m istaken in the and a tine time last Saturday evening in th a t we are having lieantiful w eather signs ol the tim es in Florence th at surely th e hall used by the M arine Cadets* here. H ealth and wealth ile|w*ud upon point to large im provem ents in the town C apt. Sachs acting ns m aster of cere­ clim atic conditions. and many sales of real property. monies and keeping the boys straig h t. At the srhool m eeting Saturday even­ ing O , \ \ . H u r d was re-elected c le r k fo r th e ensuing vear and H. F. A lley direc­ to r to aerve Hire,' vents. , The »miniers and car,»enter, .r e pot- ting the t «oche. „ „ Hie shire ..... A nishin« ............................................... The tlrst scow load of rock for the gov­ F ran k Ohlegschlager, th e ignorant ernm ent jetty work proper was towed young G erm an who killed old m an to the m outh of the river Sunday hv tug Woolridge near Portland a few weeks Robarts The lug s immense power found of m urder in th e I ” ’ » i i ago, l k ' » , was u i t t i t i l l i guilty ; en ab le, h er to h andle these large loads finit decree and • a s b e r ti sent to th e of nx.a r o c k -a aooui b o u t -oo W ions tons -m - in a « m anner I I ncm tentiarv « , oi ,H»nitentinry for for life. highly s a tis fa c t o r y u n d p le a s in g to a<1 with th e 0 re - n t e d an d n ew ly (n m iahigl Patronise v . i t ,, . g»»n Pacific railroad sale or a tte m p t to it. N«.thing « ill prevent the moving of sell the road. 1 T he b o y , at ttie governm ent works will the Eugene saw-m ill to Florence if the prolm hly give a «lance on the 17th of this proprietor« of th a t mill have the beat From the Ouanl. in «nth St P a trick 's «lay. A Umt will interests hw a sure return for their la­ In th e etise of Horace Cline vs. l»e c h artered f«»r th e ocm aion amt a g,««st bor as a m otive. Here is a good IfO’Hl tUg, Gixxlale. the suprem e court has over- «upper, m usic am i ,«rumpling «ecured. ... ,, v. ’ « M b te m n , n a motion t o , . . « ¿ ¿ L >A*nttt«»r \ ¡ l e v a r m e d L« M o r e n e « o •• n t h e i r I p ro d u c ts to » m a r k at e t . an«l th e -a le iiri ||<| Hit* \ 1 !•* a - Tne«M lav e v e n in g . I eh ru ary 7 and he of th eir ru t has been practically s«50 dam ages on ac ount 0( a su p erv iso r entering bis place a few lun n o rth w e st of this city, and taking an a m o u n t of gravel therefrom k V a large p it. The county has t e n d e d p ay m en t for th e gravel at 3 cerfts«load and $5 for dam ages. This will be one, f th e m ost in terestin g cases tried at tl com ing term of circuit court. TSILTCOOS. M r. H o u g h to n and family are on their ran ch lo r a few days. W e a re glad to see Uncle Sam Hand- s a k e r’s stovepipe up again. G ra n t E rb a rt cut an ugly gash in the fleshy p a rt of his hand while pruning fru it tre e s last week. M rs. F a irw e a th er was v isitin g on Tsiltcoos la st week. No wonder tlie w e ath e r was so fair. M r. a n d M rs. Dale, of Glenada, Mr. and M rs. C has. Harwood and Miss Ger­ tie H arw ood visited at Mr. W ilkes' W ednesday. W illie E rlia rt and Geo. West with th e ir h o u n d s were out hunting Friday, an d as a usual consequence this scribe got a nice piece of veniaon. W h ile dow n a t the outlet Saturday G ra n t E r h a r t sighted an eagle perched on th e c re st of th e sandy dune just west of B a r re tt’s sh an ty . He drew his rifle and p u t a b u llet through the bird’s head. T he m o n arch measured seven feet from tip to tip . G ail M aker . FO R SALE. A first-class electric battery and ten jo in ts of te rra cotta. F. H. Rofitii. If you hav e any furs to sell take tieiitj to M orris Bros. for sale . A fine farm of 160 acres situate! on th e Lakes South from Florence. Thu ranch is m ostly alder and vine man* bottom lan d , having nearly a mile frontage. T en acres under lultivaM and 5 m ore s la s h e d ; a good orchard jmt come in to b e arin g ; 5 rooms in a rum house th a t is ceiled and papem , g«* out-buildings, and stock of all km > he sold w ith th e place at reaaowlde r ces if d esired . Price of farm, $2* -' half cash an d reasonable time given balance. A pply for further pa w a t th is office. B ew are o f As m ercury will of sm ell and completely whole system w hen enter' g • th e m ucous surfaces, »»cn on p(r should n ev er be used < , ’ ¡(.¡»nt. r scrip tio n s from reputable ' f0|jtvthf th e dam age th e y wl jjjp"romthf»! good yon can possibly d ir f .taredby H a ll’s C a ta rrh Cur«;. " J " “ a%uin< F . J . C heney A Co., i ° le^ tern2y.»r' no m ercu ry , and is taken ¿„meu"- ing d ire c tly upon the surfaces of th e system . gfr C atarrh C ure he sure you P* , nl„t, nine. I t is tak en interns I » in Toledo. O hio, by F.J.V hene. T estim onials free. . . 75c, pel O ^ S o h l by druggist«, pr«tx bottle. __ ____ LANE C O U N T Y ^ OREGON To peraons desiring relial!le^ ation regarding th e wonder u of Lane co u n ty , or for priew of g raiu . stock or fruit f*rP W illam ette Valley " ’ e ith e r in Eugene or l-lorei»**« m end you to correspond wit sier, secretary and manaire r ' Co. L and A Ix?an Co., Send for one of th e ir lid««1 I circulars ! p art of tl 1, F««'