I 9 SECRET societies . MISCELLANY ADVERTISEMENTS.! BUSINESS CAROS. ( » miscellany advertisements . Lf A 4 M. Siuslaw Lodge N o. — . uoJniar •onmnuiication on second * night in each m onth. A mos H ads . u a , W . M . •T H E S T E A M E R - G*>. O. Knowl., Gen.H.Eha riEE I a V W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, I L t s every 1st and 3d Saturdays * month. ‘ Members and visiting in good standing are cordially ¡ S i o i ’ ,0 - A. F . H u « » , S I. W . W IL L LEAVE ------------- ION TH E ------------- .S O U T H C lo th ie r ... - - IN ( APS. a '« EUCENE, «tate Insurance ('onipy . ORECON. E lliE S E . Of Salem, Oregon. FLOURINC MILLS Rates, lioth passenger and freight, are very reasonable. SEYMOUR W . CO NDO N, F -u .ll Attorney at Law, I jtw ltt R o lle r all Its branches given special attention O o n a o r ' a B lk .., H J u g e i w O r . F r o o e s s W H IS M A N BROS.’ F. A. R A N K IN 4 CO., Manufactura the Finaat »Grade« of Flour Stage : Lina, Photographers. from Lana County Wheat. Hsvc the finest Photograph gallery In Eugene, Oregon, amt do the l>ei«t work. Take y«>ur little folks to them ami gvl good photo's. P atterson , E dris a C q . Over Lake Creek Road, 8:00 p in | A lb an y .......... 0:00 p in <:S0a in I P o rtland ....... 10:30 a in O IA L K * O re g o n . HENRY A. BAY, Agent C onnect at Coos Ray and Yuquina w ith San r rancisvo steam ers. a r r iv e : B E T W E E N E I G E N E it 1IKAI» o fT I D K . S le e p e r s , U MtN S furnishing goods and YAQUINA, B08EBUJIO MAIL, DAILY. Ar 4:30 P Hi Portland I t ID I.V Eugene Lv 10:26 a 1)1 pm I.v Roseburg Lv 7:00 A ni pm Ar illm eixi B u f f e t M MERCHANT - TAILOR, COOS BAY Shasta Line. I O rn o » Notary Public, Land Agt HATS FLO RENCE, duthern pacific route up • JOE M O RRIS, Jr., 1 si ail 1511 al Eatl Mom V IA luti : • F lo r e n c e , ---------------- ~ FO R ----------------- Eiprfs* Train« L eavcjPortland Daily. N orth Ar 7:34 a ni P ortland I.v 2:44 u in Eugene I.v 7:00 p m San Francisco -¡¿¡retrains stop only a t follow ing atiitiona u»[Roneburg: East P ortland, Oregon C ity, «bum. Salem. Albany, T angent, Shedd«, »i, Harrisburg, Ju n ctio n C ity, Irv in g , Eu- Notaries Public, S a > to n ’ PORTLAND, OREGON, M . D. L a n d is , N . G . r8. B bbxiiakot , Kec. Sec. A N D E. HANSON, u AND • ,) 0 F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets Lre Wednesday evening in Lodge j Florence, Oregon. Brothels in ¿standing invited to attend. ¡1ST KNOW LES 4 GET t T C fIKST JO H N C. G RAY, •CONO CLASS S L E E P IN G C A R S , NATIONAL jANK Dental Surgery. OP EUGENE. Leave Eugene Munday and Thursday morn lugs. V . o H«Momoaa. «••• a ■ «asnu j « • Leave H ead of Tide Tuesday and Friday at Th« (test work at the most Reasonable Prices, West Side Division. noon. filer over Grange Htore. v ' en P ortland and C o r v a l l is . UR 0ARH OARITAL, « • »10,000 UII. TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SU N D A Y .) B u g e x ie O re g o n . RAID SURPLUS ANO RROPITt, • « SSO.OOO W h ism an Bros., Proprs i m Lv Portland A r I 5:30 a in' Ipm Ar Corvallis Lv 112:55 p m À O O O U N T 8 8 O L IÜ IT 1 ÎD . ¡Albany and Corvallis co n n e ct w ith tra in s A. R. B U TTO LP H , ion Pacific Railroad. tUGCBK. • ’ ORtOOH ueoraiuodativii of Passengers h o ld in g Sec- .flsiitickets, attached to Express T rains. Ora I.V }>■ Ar Portland McMinnville THRO UG H Notary Public, Surveyor Ar M:20 a ni Lv 5:45 a in WORK FQR US T IC K E T S ill Points EAST and SOUTH And Collector. F T o r e s x io e , O r « < o x i. a few days, and vou will be atartled at the unex­ pected success tliat will reward your efforts We positively have the best buslneM to offer an agent H O R A C E ;N - C R A IN . that cun be found on the face of thia earth. • 4 5 .0 0 p ro fit o n S 75 0O w o rth o f hnulneaa is being easily and honorably made bv and paid to hundreds 6t men, women, ooya, and girl* In our employ. You can make money faster st work lor us than vou have nnv idea of. The business is to And Dealer In Fine Watches and Jewelry easy to learn, and Instructions a* simple aud plain, th at all succeed from the start. Those who take hold of the business reup the advantage that H lv ig o x io , O re g o n . arises from the sound reputation of one of the oidett, most successful, and largest publishing houses in Aim- Icn. Secure for yourself the profits A . E. G A L LA G H E R . that the business .o rendlly and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than re«lisc their greatest expectations. Those who trv it find exactly as we tell them. There Is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are already ein- • • O r e .o n iloved, hat have a few spare moments, and wish o use them to advantage, then writ» us at once Office over Lane Comity Hank. (for this Is your grand opportunity), ami receive full particulars by return mail. Address, T K I E A CO-, Hox No. 40«, A ugusta, Me. rtirketa and inform ation regarding rates, «•rte .call on Company’s agent a t Eugene, t iHLia, E. P. R o o tu s. Manager. Asst. G. F. a n d Pasa Agt. Portland, Oregon. Practicae Watchmaker • Terminal or In te rio r Points the liera Pacific Bailroafl la th e lin e to , ,(,r|y two doors west of Florence Hotel. tek. Attorney at Law, ¡ALL POINTS EAST a n i SOUTH. f ’ 'lie Dining Car Route. I t run» 1 rough \ eatibuled Trains everv day •to year to A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney ¡it Law, PAUL »nA CHICAGO. __ ( BO ('IIANUK OF (A X S ) Mai of pining ca rs u n iu rp asse d , riillinan Drawing Room Sleepers Of L atest E q u ip m en t, US BUY THE SX. IlGHT ^.UHIDHG JRIST S LE E P IN G CAR S • • O re s g o n ¿ if-T o o m .’ 7 «ud « M claren'. Building R pedC a Kent ion given V« «ollc tlon. ami pro latta buslneM. HOVtY. HUMPHREY A CO. " h 0- A. a H oviv, A.S.IOSHV KUOtNl, • • Miitsewaav • GR&GGM • OLDEST BANK IN COUNTY TRAHSAOTff IN ALL BRANOMtff O K N B R A L » A N K IN O . STA O E U N I. H.H. Barrett, Prop’r, U a r r a ’ Florw rs M.-mlsya, Weshira iUrs «nA Friday». Arrive« at Flown«* Tuembys, Thura- davr swl Hatiinbya. Connei’ts »¡rii Mesmer and Rrs’tt« burn Siam' Mne lo r hrsin. Alan »»«» W .ie Line for C««- Ib y . ( »‘- H f reaaonsbb. Head of Tide Hotel» ^ y *TistiU»a furnbbsd *D b al, »be de,. Attorney at Law, aus«», • • ttANT DAY C O A C H E S L w . W. VKBLV, rrws’r. L. BILYEU, !?" ’* '•"»’" ru cte.l and in w hich '»¡''«r. »»■ *re fv*e H,,,l fu rn ish ed '" " » f l i r . t and Second-Class T ickets, IANECOUNTYBANÏ ic»*ie« "f the aeaaon. and Fruit In aeu^.n. " IW *»•'»*, F I»«*t mTomnwala- lions for tbe trsvellt’K |H»»die. Office «VH First National Hank. CTisn** ryquiohsble. Lins conn set: ng with affording direct and nn- CHURCH DIRECTORY. Scientific America» ■«TiptQa service. r t ltF M » Y T F ItIA N ( l ll S le e p e r r e s e r v a t i o n s c a n '“‘, ,ii'' <1 ¡n a d v a n c e t h r o u g h aK’*nt o f th e r o a d . r b ough tickets 7 ::"" nd from F y ’M : ta « R I I |M > ln ta in fb 'k rt i ,« Jill*1r" I’<’ «-an he p purchased ur rate of thia C om pany. % jx to y o u r f r ie n d s . RIARKR j WOODWORK. I HEBEST IS TH e T hü PEST. win a Mew Horn» ••win« ? d ,.k . . .» -I T r I the h.rd a aui>t*r 4,h . ’ Marrli. June, A,«tswbsr ‘ h r<’ Fvwrvbudy 1» wrde««* ,n • • • ,b • * r ‘ . _ ¡• X ri.u e .« . tbrisUSDS U — ggS— w' r CAVEAT«» TRADÌ OK4ICH RATffRTff. oORTRMMTff. «teJ For lBforsn«t “,n and « I » » - 1” ’ Aa*«a is UM fr ie n tifif ^ m e n rw i world. man «born« «* F m w „ sV V.ntX. 014«« hurmo hwaeearin« » ,« •, l«Sa’>l t***" o, t _ 7L_. |>rrrte«rewia»mn e. K mtallMMM »«»if. ‘ D x rrti MUM* • * •’ >« " K .'.’ ^ l'ih W ^ « ^ . - « em * 4 , , urn I r5*Ti ? - n io 3 !•- I’t *' • " Terrs«* r x ,.