The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 10, 1893, Image 1

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¿ W „ c e> Lane Con,fry,
Vol. 3.
Il 10. 1893.
would have been applied to wIativ<
The above is th e som ew hat strik in g
title of a book w hich form a one of th e
l»it editions to th e “ Social Science Ser-
ies.” The au th o r, M r. J o h n M . R o b ert-
safe investm ents.
If we a ,k whj||
am o u n t of savings a given society 2
No. 47.
Ulia »ore, and it may ba hoped that tin
dehumarnzing conditions. This » ¡ , u J
..... ...........
....... ... " «h,
ww* and offensive
j quires a t any tim e, th e answ er m ust
W « d interest in the social
• '
' ‘U,‘ Ph,vWe plm* *nJ u ‘<e
e,,0 »gb to provide for fu rth er leveloZ
...... ........................................................................................................... -
ion, |8 a journalist an d litte ra te u r of m ent,
‘ in o th e r words there m ust be
» bint and remit
«'«« time; and, the book to . . .
j their erturts in thia direction. The lit«
some note, his recent volum e e n title d enough in hand to provide for a growing have referred is ghuplv one out '0,‘ of we
- 1 .«
‘Modern H u m a n ists,” in th e sam e population and for works of public util,.
series, having a ttra c te d special a tte n ­ itv. I t sav in g , . r e ™rriej beyond
seal« nf i!, •
i i
" '
1 ProW"m.
WaV( th„
tion. Mr. Robertson finds th a t th e point then th e C general
gt nera, scale ot living $ As such we have thought it d 0« .rv m - , Minted, each in its
, fact that these individual« are not infe­
teachings of the so-called o rth o d o x econ­ the con,niuoity i , n e e d le d , depress«gnollo.
rior in the matter of ability to take ear«
omists, from Adam S m ith on w ard s, on an d , as above pointed out, the excess
the subject of saving, a re in co n sisten t savings is very likely to he w a s ...
and erroneous, inasm uch as, w hile they through being forced on a money market
continually insist th a t sav in g prom otes
production, they overlook th e obvious
fact that it checks production. T h e m an
who puts his money in to a h a n k v irtu ,
esparto grass .
of themselves to any other intelligent
Esparto grass has rrcently been ree- citiaons of the lepuldic, and there is not
already sufficiently supplied.
, Olnnn‘," l«’l for intw„uvt‘on into the the slightest reason why tltey should ba
We see here a conflict, however,
States as a fiber plant. It is » allowed to do so unvoted by thaufficiou«
tween th e individual and the genera! native of Spain, Portugal, «¡ret,et. an,j perwons who insist that they should tie
point of view. The individual may
. say: Northern Africa, “ ’ ’ _ .
„ „ ¿ „ „ j “ provided for in a sni table manner.”
I fully recognize th a t trade would lie i« ™ ! ••> «rid situations, «ml growing
A Ml (10RSTIOM IS made in the line of
spend, but does n o t th e re b y prom ote brisker, th a t th e general condition of the eipecially well on limestone and gyp-
municiiul reform by a keen Auierksn
production any m ore th a n if he had com m unity would be more prosperous, »eons «oils. It is not cut, hut pulled,
observer, Mr. Charles F. Adams, after a
spent it himself. In som e cases th e re is and th a t some of us would live better sometimes twice a year. It can be study of the civic history of Quincy,
more money in th e banks th a n can be I th a n we d o > if there was less saving and grown either from seeds or divisions of Mass. He believes that the prim« ne­
profitably invested and th e n th e re is m ora spending; but what am I to do? I the roots. Ten tons of dry esparto, cessity ol the times is to procure In pub
arrest of production. T h e p a rtie s who can n o t afford 10 run risks. Old age and jwortti from $2t) to |2»5 per ton, can, un­ lie offices the services id the “ great
own the capital will n o t spend it them - th e various accidents of life have to be der favorable drcumstancca, I* obtained men” in the community; bud bis plan
*lves, and no one can u n d e rta k e to provided against, and, if I do not save, I from an acre. In Spain, where now .the is virtually compulsory municipal ser­
«pend it for them and give a d e q u a te se­ leave m yself defenseless against these iroduct amounts to from 70,000 to HO,000 vice. " I venture to suggest,” ha says,
curity for its return w ith in te re st. “ In ev ils.” The w riter of the hook recog­ Jons annually, it formerly ran to waste “ that In the matter of municipal ruleam l
wae used only as fuel. Now, such I* administration ws might today derive
commerce,” says th e a u th o r, “ u n d er th e nizes the dilem m a: the interest of sopi- $*r ir was
demand for it, that land mnsiderod useful hinta from the ex|»«riene« In an<
regime of parsim ony, every producer ety a t large calls for as liberal an cxpe$- [tl,c du
d itu re as is com patible with a sufficient ji’alneless a few years ago is worth thous- other Held of Francw and Italy, and yet
73 m uch
ally hands it over to som e one else to
.umug any
h J M -
re s e rv f capita! for pi’« P ^ fff d
*** “ n‘
■ k t* '*• 4*»*
mo-iu ■ - - Vhr** -» .4-.
, .« -«■»
_ , „
a> „ _
— . ,—
thuy ail ecoaomizn m ote ox tun, *
1,4 in». toft 1 <• mfo*
one m obient of com m er­
cial history, there is e ith e r ovei-produc
strenuousiy, w ith the eiiect, in tim ag- in the nuauiuctuix. of jopc ,
Üon, crisis, or strategic check of popu gregate, of ta rry in g economy far beyond sandals, matting, etc., while in England
iation; and all the w hile m u ltitu d es are th e p o in t of true social utility. He con­ it is largely Used in the manufacture of
driving not to consum e w h a t th e y m ight sequently takes the bull by the horns paper. Hood writing paper ia madefrom
that th e y may have so m eth in g to fal
* * upon in sickness or idleness. An<
and proposes th a t the state should pro­
incoe www. ns hate
• •rt.V m U« m .
¿w.UXi.j Xn*dt<at
interval diaorder or foreign aggresahm h
their problem. Their solution of it is
compulsoty m illtay' service, Our prob­
it w ithoutilio adm istura of any other lem ia good municipal government.
m aterial, ami the price of this paper Might not it« ««dution lie found in a spe­
varies from f 2<R) to
ja r ton. There cies of compnleury muuiri|ial arrviee?”
is certainly an opening in thia country Mr. Adams put« this Idea forward with
vide old age pensions for those whose
“ the more sure idleness conies an< characters as honest, workers aro unim­
“æ y d o fa llb a ck o n it. A nd th u s life is peachable, b u t who could not have pro-
“ n-owed and degraded, p ro d u cts m ade vided for th e ir own old age without de- ior "0,n® P” U p risin g individuals to the air of a man who would he serious
if he dare, lie argue« for it on the line
dwellings m ore p a lt/v ; so th a t priving them selves, during their work- 8ro* thi» grass.—A ch > i <(> .Iwu/tcuH.
^«collective comfort of th e in d u stria l ing years, of ju st th a t margin of their
th at the com mu oily ha« certain right«
A mkkican autistica show that the pro­
over the indlvhiual, which, if the puli
P «tion ¡3 som ething im m easu rab ly wages necessary to raise their lives above
duction of anthracite coal last year was
lie ciigeucy demand, it ran epforer.
Jol'le, like the pu llu latin g ra b b its and penury And distress.
the largest, on record. Thmigli the win
T he suggestion in regard to old age te r was a mild one, 41,««,.320 torn, were There ia in Mr. Adam«* idea this truth
! 71,6 truth which th is w rite r Beds an d
pensions is one which of late years has turne(i 0,,t . Thia is an increase of a the need of the cltle« of oar continent
Wlth no Iitt,e force is th a t th e re is
found m any ad v o eu t« and some very 1 nim ion H„d a |,H|f tons over 1WI, whuh for good men in their council gooui« ie
^tural economic lim it to saving—th a t
influential ones, so that it is not a p«cu-
higher than any preceding year fully as great aa that of the Furup*«u
J 'e n body 8aveg t j le n n o b o d y w j l j
iar fad of th e a u th o r of “ The Fallacy of It ia estimated that there are 4,ilM,tx\),- poaerw for their armle«. And» nmre-
^ nd »«J production w ill be a t « m in i-
S av in g .” Still it fits in perfectly with 000 tons of anthracite still in the ground over, that a man ol the «landing of Mr,
The fi onom ists have been in tiie
Adam« should «oherly propose such a
lis theories, and we are not surprised, in th e American coal regions.
dastrn* method r>l supplying that o r
0 Ha'»iig th a t saving m ay be car- dierefore, to find him advocating it
T iik so-called Priuces* Kniarflanl, now ahow« how deeply It 1« felt among the
an> ex ten t because h u m an w ants strongly ; nor can we doubt th a t some of
»mte, and th e re w ill th e re fo re be th e argum ents contained in his book nt New York, puts up a pitiful tale uliout thinker« who have gi' ''ii their attention
tiring roblied of her birthriglit in Hawaii to the matter.
»1 tai T' ll<
,lp,nand for savings as
will be used by future Advocates of the
■ '
. .
. I by w hich she mean« Uie right to ta i the
in I? 1 l" U1‘aU W
’ nil1 » o t b e i n - iiension
scheme, flic w hole subject is 1
. n.
rwople of Huwaii to supiHirt her on a
' , r' " ’hnitely repressed, and one of great in terest. The old political * 1
1.1 .
Will «ell lot« iu Anna from $3ffi lo RW.
throne and to rule over them without
• « . wt eith er have to posit some
econom y doe« not to-day enjoy any pre«- j
. .
Will «ell lota in Chicago «siditiot» to
»'■"X, or else conceive th e sin- tige which will prevent the world from t h d r consent. The sooner thia girl g.ta
Florence « heap ami on easy term«.
Pt' t.u ,, of everybody saving in
“ "T " 'h a t som ebody else will
L 'H »pend. T he w rite r to w hom
r^ r «h
'■* p lainly enough th a t a
of « r i n g , actu ally leads to de-
, 7
’ M Jtal in foolish am i risky
dl. .
«‘•«Ployed in o rd in a ry
*,f,lablisiied lines of
r'* • p‘ rinetion wonld have liven
1 ' If while the remainder
tion of mere science or
v/lricb all earneet
it is th e question with
and hum ane mind« should grapple and
w hich they should not abandon or re-
lease until they have «ceo some way of
Thia lilw’rul offer »,»•
in a d v a n c e
plica n iille „ nil old n* ««*11
; nified m anner oí the question, " hat new p a tro n s . K» im xn»*r it « •*’*
done with e<-pre«idcwt«
«o y o u o n ly tw o d ollar* for tw o |m*
« h a ll be
iiitw « an !<• aeeM
far as he is <»»<• rnid. Indeed, there p en t. S a m p le <v>p
neva<hiw iicuo any caore fo ra rrryn,-»o at t n s