Florence, Lime County, Oregon, Friday, Feb,- Vol. 3. nary 21, The seventeen h biennial ses. ion of th e •trivon to lit myself for mv I Oregon legislature cam e to a close on year to my native country. 1 Um ,„JW Mturday. February 18, a fte r a session of told th a t M r. Thurston is in W ashington | ¡jfty-one days» _______ pfeourse, in m atters of such im p o rtan ce nJ weight as lid j, action w ith o u t m uch ^liberation cannot he ta k en . The bill creating Lincoln co u n ty has kcome a law and Toledo will he th e wiporarv county seat. T h is m eans a peat deal for the Y aquina hay co u n try . lost his grip . usual vutvrpribtt »n,| |m„|, »o charavler 111,1 *n a te bill appropriating asking you to take away my Hag and my I bill has passed th e le g islatu re re throne- N o o n « tells m eeven this offic-- n illy . Have 1 done a n y th in g Wrong peiling the tax of a fraction of a m ill for th a t th is wrong should be done to me instate U niversity"and a p p ro p ria tin g ami my people? I am coming to W ash­ ! n place of it the sum of $30,000 a y e ar ington to plead for my throne, my na- ¿er»fter. tion and my Hag. Will not the great Hawaiian annexation has been a p - , A m erican people hear me?” [preved by the president, th e sen a te will 1 in G erm any a gem-;,., knowledge of Lsent and congress will pass such law s Lire necessary to carry o u t th e plan, hh, w|„.h Ial1' " b a h pass,.,! the ‘ ‘‘getlier. * 7 “* T * Wevk °ver ' “ " ‘-rm.r • "• P8881’ 1 thc h()U9« « 'e r ths veto ast afternoon by a vote ot 40 to t l " ‘ 7‘ IT ‘8HHl tl,e house in the lirsiphu-e, his b ll Mr. we ex pact him ,.K „ t„ H f r ° " t « '» d ; ■ Harwood has made in a manner to t n » |„ M r. h y ft\J te o l8 2 to 20, all of the U n e »’" 'T <4 his ndghbm s. Mr. «ml count! members voting again,,t it. The Mr,t* C1,arl«» »»rawed wlQ soon live a goveittor’s veto increased the mmila>r in l‘r’* l* ',t Place where the; have a tm,. favor fel the bill to t 40 and carritxl it house in readiness and « new boat ready through with living «dors, two of hum to launch, and it would #,>vin can hardly Am erican affairs and celebrities is a comity's members, Wiikina and Wilkin- fail of prosperity. Mr. Kevery baa made strik in g feature to those Americans vis­ son voting for the bill, and one, Baugh- vast improvem.mts and will very torn» iting th a t country. Jn relating an inci­ man, against it. Pennoyer, that “ pinto- outvie many younger men in the very d e n t illustrative of this Mr. F. E. Fre­ eratic mill-owner,” as the democrats elitei prising course be lots adopted, m ont, who lives at the head of South how call him, is-losing his grip entirely Out friend llamlsaker will go«.,, la» Slough, about eight miles from Florence, in < ’regon, ami hereafter hissup|xwt will with us ami Ids near »«ighlsir Mr. James said : “ A friend of mine who a t present kill anything and his opposition will be Mitchell will no d o u b t'm ak e a grand is \¡sitin g th e Old World on a general equivalent to a free pass good until used. sun-css In lib if industry will atxmniptbh tour, wrote me a short time ago th a t at - Eugene Journal. the end sought. We miss the bright usd Hides an increase in population th e re a reception in Germany of which she inspiring ways of our friend, M. F, •LOST." «¡1 probably be new papers and a big was a guest a discussion of American ____Parker, and the kindly greeting of our amble for the new county sea t a t th e celebrities was indulged in at length. T ib Junction Times allows its choler ami neighbor, Elder A. Robinson. i«t election in 189.5. A lready th e D uring th e course of the conversation t<» gel the upper hand, ami makes mi Cr' ,"< ‘,|'t Island Farm siili bloom* amt poods are full of candidates for ofliee m ention was made of Buffalo Bill ami piety-threats. Under the wailing head "hen Mrs. Wllseu rot urns we shall e t ­ ler the new governm ent to be ap unted by Governor P ennoyer. his famous career, with considerable ui ‘‘Igist" it says: “ We gó to press too ’M' 1 tu w,,iwr,»‘h )‘“ur honor Ina manner the facts In detail in regnni belltting your exalted poaiiiun, la m , speculation as to his relation to McKin­ The coming year will probably be one ley B ill.” dirked prosperity and a d v an c e m en t »rence. Among th e various en ter- raw ppoken of Are th e b u ild in g of a •mill at the low er end of th e P o in t ice boom by M itchell »t B ailey, th e irgement of the boom to a b o u t double present capacity, th e b u ild in g of a "lied steam boat of large capacity Acme, and a steam schooner of 250 to'thedivis o i of the county. The bill» '"’»“‘tor, with Wofoiunl rc«pv. t, Vary truly yours, ptaMri the house by a vote of X4 to 12, J. E l l io t t Wtumv, h u t was killed in the senate by Senators th an k s of the people for the stand they A lief ond YeatcU. Next week we will IN M tM O H lA M * took on th e county division question. ’Finrsiw the nw tlcr w ittu ^ gluycg am „ im in ...i in u iy ,,f l u t i , I !, n I W bile th ere may bo some soreness over these distingiiishedf?) gentlemen will he i. ""tfíit .fe tta ss Id Wulhi 4«, th e m a tte r in certain quarters, it will shown up in their nefarious ami cow­ little children to come ñuto He * ” soon be acquiesced in as the wisest U eutly i-loa»< IBs waa<*n sysJM*. h>gi g u Land*? ardly actions." «cessi h l* L rr« * t, course to he pursued in a t present. K l*s (he Ilu te m ar Ms ft>rrh««. ; Hian five m onths ago J e r r y Sim p- ered th e wishes of an overwhelming Lane Comity besides a lobby computed, I l tt,e Kan»-‘8 legislative freak, m ade m ajority of th e ir constituents.—Eugene in part, of mm-rosideuts sought to in- ' rti»M.«i. i h ^'■'inplaint. at L eavenw orth th a t he Guard. 1 not pay the m oney he had bor- The following story, which is just now lnpon his farm , because of th e op- going th e rounds of the press, is calcu­ »*on oi cruel m onopolies. Y et a few lated to knock the wind out of the ordi­ » l»a»s tb e tr i r . «*«». rr « m « ' In h l* •»-’ I o I cla y, p o s s ib le . | ^ ll(, th ro u g h h>r< isn la n ils may » su n *» , m any. (lueiicc niemliers in every way The result considering this, ahould be maio mil»* « » « y, ) V»'( Ih» Sa» lo r »«U h»"» r » * r o'< r h l* gra«*, la accepted without lamentation ami sorrow ,,v„r particularly of the violent k im l.-E ugene M.y sll »..». h-p». «I o»w ,Uy »». .y ! 7 I In ls iit p - » r l it«ar. ’t o he went on th e bon,! of a polit- n ary fishing yarns, hut should not lie- Guard. FOS BALK. ‘tn|l, swearing, in so doing, th a t come a m atter of anxiety to the Florence CLEAR LAKE LETTER. A line farm of loo a * res situated on . M *orth more th a n $10,000. It will diarym en , as Siuslaw clams are not. ai- the lak es Mmitli from Horem-e, This C k k s c in t I slaw d F a b m J ltr f”1 the populists of Kmisas— I dieted w ith so much intelligence: “ A ranch is mostly abler ami vino maple February JH, I ■ 'PR« I » E ditor W xsT-Ih-ar Kir: Your kind '»uttoui land, having nearly a mile lake • < i r\ s political bed-fellow s— ran ch er on th e Big \estu cca has a cow . I,.. frontage. Ten acres tinder inltivalion *• >n the m ad p u rs u it of th e ir which has been coming home of late al­ favor of “ Kenute Bill intr«sluee»I by y o u , . , , . . . and »> more *iaslie»i ( a go«»J oreiiAnl jital 1 “ig enough to in q u ire how th is ready m ilked. She formerly yield»-»! a for the improvement of county I'»*» Inlo b aring, o r,-m a in a frame i »*•■pitalist and poor m a il’s bucket of the sudsy fluid. Siisp«-cting a »examined by me und meets my , imu»«- that b celled and |>a,»'nd, g'»-l l‘:‘" »nanaged to m ake $2003 n neighbor of m ilking the cow the weary approval and J hoj*« It may l^-omeulaw .mt-bulblings, ami stock «»I ail kimls will K,’»n.| w hether he should n o t now ......i. i lai sold with the pia»-e at reaao liable url ran ch er watched her th at afternoon as there seems . to t be a pressing . neeesaltv ’ r . cm if desinai. Prion «»f farm, one with th e p lu to c ra ts? —Gre- About live o ’clock ju st as lie was about th a t a more systemaii» an» or» e. y m»* <•»»!» «ml reas«nab)« time given f«»r to give up th e watch ami go home, he of procedure should at once be insti- ¡ ^ | 4h, r . Apply for further pnrticuUire ^ “Jou cable ’gram received F ebril-¡ observed th e cow go to the beach ami lie tutc»l. You also :,a»l tlie kimlms» P 'ja t lliisoflbe, M down upon the sand. Cautiously aje mail me proceedings of Horth ullural 'fllK ' m e r i n i / / f ' l l t l i n r * • I rincess Kaiaulani sends -> •»-< hess to th e A m erican i proaehing lie beheld four rascally »'lams Society or Officers and Proceedings of Hi-pug»* jo u rn a l w ill be netti fri-«« to e x tractin g th e milk from the cow 's udder Railr«.a»l Commissioners. I have rea«J all the sttlim-rilierw o f Tut: W t>r ago, n t th e req u est « U h p r o li.»...11...nk y « I » S » I» •" * ,» * > 1 '" n “, ' J ' i * . ’" 11111 - “ i, then Hawaiian cabinet w ith astonishing dexterity. When full ’ i ill A