The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, February 17, 1893, Image 4

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stre e t c a r lin e. The company
W ednesday, February 15.
and stock books will «oo#
a social treat n ay be expected n e x t
open for subscriptions. Portland
Tuesday night a t th e dance to he given
£ X o d d Fellow’s h a llh y th e l lorence ta lists otter to carry one-funrth th«
if citizen s of th is place will f u r i t i
Orchestra- No com m ent m av be m ade
b alan ce, an d give th a right of war an*
on the music as the orchestra 1« too wel
su b scrib e th e usual lx,nus.
known to nee,I lauding. T he floor m an ­
T he Siusiaw dairymen ought to jOinl
agers are Marion Morris and Drew be ve­
th e construction of a co-opentird
ry and prom pters Geo. M orns and G ran t
ery . O ur merchants are securin' I
À i.u rf
Look for a bigerowd and a p l l v
E rh art
large q u a n titie s of California butter
T hursday.
w hich finds a ready market at fifty lnl
Now let those who wish to be lionered
IJov.1 Vhillip«, -se,l 1 y ear 4 m onth» six ty cent« a roll th e year round. J
____ T bkmb : $2.00 a year in advance.
with city offices come to th e front. An ,„ d iil,l.y » .» o n o f M .F . P h illip s. d.ed
1 A S
cream ery located near the mouth a
Entered a t th e poat-offlce at l‘lonT ’‘- election will be held in a few weeks ac­ at 3 o’clock Friday m orning ot pneu­
N o rth F o rk so th a t milk could be gifi,
U n . county, Oregon, a . aecond-Ua«. cording to th e ch arter.
monia. The funeral will take place rum
ered by boats from the main river, Soutl
m ail m atter.
The young people had a pleasant tim e the family residence to th e ch u rch a t
Slough a n d N orth Fork would prove
a t the (Kid Fellow ’s hall Tuesday even­ two o’clock Saturday afternoon, w hen a
very profitable att’air if property coni
a o v a a r i a iN O rate * mapk knows os
ing, where a splendid dance wa« indulg­ funeral service will he com lucted by
d u c ted . A t Tillamook and other poin.
o ’clock.
Bis U
IIV»» tw
” ’ elve
VV ' • A. * Robinson,
’ after which th e i re- . along th e coast creameries have prove
(¿»-al uoUeaa A csnw |x*r line, w h insertion. ed in
The interior of th e Morris hotel is be- j
wil, be consigned to th e ir lust
very successful, since th« coast cliuut
ing given ajeoat of paint by Geo. Roberts |
pUce in the Florence cem etery.
is m ore favorable than the interior
W ho is ail ex p ert in this line.
He does Tj|E W kht e x tend« its sym pathy to tl e
b u tte r m aking.
his work neatly and quickly.
• bereaved parents-
Did you get a valentine?
z W e read w ith pleasure that Florenc
Geo. Huberts, an experienced and first
A yerv ,flt„ia b le enterprise is th e effort
New garden seeds ut Hurd A I ’avcn
h as a new tu g and th at a steam achooue
class paper hanger and p ain ter, is In
|llJU|e to 8ta rt a grist m ill a t El-
is to be b u ilt for th e coast trade. Tku
,«»rl *«.
town. Give him your work if you w ant mira by Urge num ber of th e stau n ch
is a s ta r t in th e right direction and
W . T. Kavser came down from Elm ira
a first-class job, for he will leave in a few (annurrt o( tb e western p a rt ot th is
will no t be long before Florence »ill
county. F o r this purpose a stock coui-
sen d in g h e r own results to foreign conn
The H arrison left for Coos buy T hurs
A tire ut Pendleton F eb ru ary 7 de- |mny ¡„ being organized w ith shares at
tries, S o u th America, Sandwich Islands
day m orning.
»trove,! four buildings and caused an; |10 eacb, $4500 being th e capital stock.
A u stra lia, Ja p a n , Alaska. Perbap
C. C. Behnke left on th e ltohart« for a aggregate loss of $14,HOO, upon which Two-thirds of the stock—$3000—has al­
uiauy£ot' o u r readera have not notice
pleasure trip.
there was insurance to llie am ount of ready been taken, leaving only $1500 th a t F lo ren ce lies on a bee lius with th
worth to be disposed of. An In d ian ap -
The present week has been quite
tw o larg est cities on this continent, X«
firm has agreed to furnish a p la n t
liliay one in Florence.
Y ork a n d Chicago. If it be true th
The Amethyst is loading with lum ber Mile w recks of two vessels are re p o rte d ' ior $4500 of the tasst roller process, and “ W estw ard th e star of empire takei
stranded. One is the stern of a small ' we may therefore expect to see th is new w a y ,” F lo ren c e is certainly in the
at the Cushman mills.
company getting squarely down to busi­
of th a t s ta r, and if her people do
A«k Joe Morris to show you hi« valen­ coasting schooner; the other is part ol
takje ad v an tag e of this opportunity
tine». He received a few.
build up all b ran d ies of trade it will
The Florence market made some fine
th e ir Florence standi squarely i
ten to H. II.' B arrett asking w hat are the
l»,l<,gna sausage thia week.
F eb . 13.
The snow has all gone in th e valley th e p a th of progress and in the v»n i
The iron and other material for the
progress she should be found.
a first-class brew ery a t th is place. ! and is fast leaving the hills.
jetty work was received tin« week.
H ank thinks he would m eet w ith suc­
" A rage for manufacturing seem» to
T ub W ksi was made glad this week
Horn, to the wife of L. L. Schell on
k in g hold of, our people. One
by the receipt of ¡1« long delayed paper.
Saturday morning, a d au g h ter, and all is
co n tem p lates making a new trap gun
The an n u al m eeting of th e congrega­
Schooner Amethyst was towed in over
a n ex ten siv e acale; another will
tion of the P resbyterian ch u rch , which well.
the bar Tuesday m orning by tug Hobart«. has been postponed un account of sick
The Springfield opera house is now w heel-barrow s, croquet balls,
u m iievn puw|wirou «« ■«<’' ...... — -----
■ , •
C arm an can still lie found a t th e old nes«, etc., will he held Monday evening about completed and is a cred it to th e ing p in s, “ ta te r masher«,” etc.
stand, City Market. Call and see him . at 7 :30 p. ui., Feb. 30, a t which meeting city.
a n o th e r com pany are looking after
The W illam ette river yesterday was su g ar factory. B arr Brother.’ knife I
A large invoice of goods in all depart­ th ere will also lie the election of trus­
ment« waa received this week at Hurd A tee«.
thirteen feet above low w ater, th e h ig h ­ tory is to be enlarged and new mset^
e ry ad d ed . So th a t it now looks “
1 >a venporl’a.
The February n u m b er of the Cusino- est point reached this year.
Eugene, Fairm ount and Springfield o u r people were coming to their
The jetty work «¡11 now he pushed a« politon is one of unusual interest. The
fast as possible, the much needed iron frontispiece is a splendid half-tone wood are now practically one city, and F a il- an d th a t a period of substantial gro»
m ig h t soon be expected. Ifthiscilvr
having arrived.
engraving of th e late Jam es G. Blaine, m ount th in k s she is in the center.
Merchant Kyle is pleased with the re- and th e whole num ber is replete with
The question of a beet sugar factory is Florence will stop bowling for» ">r
celpt of Id« Christina« goods on tin- lia r - j the choicest literature. 1 rice, $3 per being seriously considered by th e farm ­ an d d ire c t th e ir enorgies to establish^
factories to consum e our wood, iron,
tison this week.
ers and capitalists of th e city, w ith a fair
save a t home the money that*'
The copy of the Florence West which pro«|ioct of success.
Pieiiaratious are being made to reise
o u t for boot«, shoes, wagons,
the Florence hotel and otherwise ini’ reached this oltice yesterday was printed
The sp irit of the Siusiaw A E a stern
lo th in g , boxes, nail«, paper’
on lemon yellow and chocolate brown railroad has not l>een seen recently,
prove the pnqierty.
bucket«, barrels, «<>»P.
colored p»l»er. The cause thereof was
The b d l f<>r the Glen tda M F . Church
hence it m ust be inferred it lias d ep arted clo th es-p in s, canned " ,eBl. ca"n J
. . . r ^ . l , « l .... tl». Il.rr i,.,,, 11,1. » ~ k I
» > •« !•t..d on
to railroad heaven, where all good baby
can n ed fru it, cigars and gun . >
.„■I I , . . I « . ,.l..-.,l In p m iü o « .
l* l* 'r Iur
I«*" railroads go when they die.
p ro sp er m uch more than no
an d railro ad s, commerce an* ’
The Hobarts left for ( ’oos hay Thi.ra-
U n g (e U „ w
fiven by tbe
dav morning. She will bring hack * i u a ie < . Aid Soclelr itl Ul„ Morris Hotel ty 's extensive pioneer farm ers, died in will com e w herever manufacturss p
Portland yesterday morning. H e owned up. T h e signs of the tiniM »w
Inrge load of Iron for the government
last Saturday evening was a success in
a farm of over sixteen hundred acres of
w orks.
ly b e tte r.
every way.
The audience was well
— Florence needs a g,»»l grocery store. pleased with the programme and the th e brst land in th e valley lying th re e
miles from Eugene.
For terms, rent on «tore building, etc.,
H urd A D avenport’s «tore will be
closed Saturday evening out of respect
to th e memory of Lloyd Phillip«.
The subject of Sabbath m o rn in g ’« d is­
course will be H eaven below and above,
O kkoon at th e P resbyterian ch u rch , 11 a- ” »•
The family of Cha«. G etty cam e in on
the tog from Y aquina th is week and pro­
KU I to r •■«* Propri«»«’ *- ceeded to Coo« hay on th e sam e boat
’“i“' .
ladies with
Fairm ount, ' quite large.
the audience, which was
T he Eugene end of the city is s a d ly in
t Iregoti.
of an opera house th a t will accom ­
Somebody's calf kicked the bucket in
A life preserver Iw-sricg the name of front ut T iik W k » t office Thursday even­ modate a good audience, with stage room
the Majestic was picked up on the !<each ing. The owner will confer a great favor enough for the best plays, and from th e
several mile« alaive ths mouth of the by removing the remains of the deesused sentim ent expreneed by some of our bus­
rixer thi» week.
bovine to some place of more seclusion,, iness men it will be built th is year.
M iller,
The mum ps are still prevalent in th is
Minnom ts Hotel, in Eugene, i« one Ì ,.»p we will form ourselves into a mutual
bl.vck from depot
Hate«, II per dav. protection society and have thecity Inar­ vicinity. During the past th ree m onths
All while help Tht« hotel ha» lw»en re- ■(,«( investigale the matter.
they they have visited alm ost every
fitted an.I newly furnished. Patroiiiae i The work of building the wagon road family in the city. This com plaint is no
from G lenada to connection with the
valley is being pushed with all the ener-
gy of our worthy and enterprising citi-
sens acruM th e river. Vndaunted by
the «ua|M*nsion ol the work by the recent
storms. Judge Fisk with a large crew of
The K »!,arts returned frnnr Yaquina men recommenced the work Friday
The first copy «4 the Yaquina New«,
t»uhli«hed at Ncw,«ort hv John F. M atth-
e « « . ha« reached this office. It is a
ttewav paper, well edited, and a credit
to the hnv.
line of Veil
By V last
I a s i boat
— nice
ine». S h e e tin g ,, I I . « *
C lo th . Sateen.,
sum m er^ underw ear, •
woolen h o w . Cotton It..«».
Black O il C lothing. A n<>
, dies and G u m . A large ’
tobaccos an d Cigar«,
and G roceries.
respecter of jiersoiis, as th e Hon. C o u n ty
B A R G A IN S . £ A R 0* ,N,'
Judge is among th e late victim s. For
('” ’«tely, no cases have proved serious,
W ill sell lots in
The price of apples in our retail m ar-
W ill sell lots in Chic’ J°tfrn„.
kes is two dollars and a half a h u sh el.
Florence cheap and on ea
This price ought to stim u late orchard
owners to cultivate th e ir orchard« to th e
highest notch.
E astern apples are
F O R ___
t lire'
sbip|>ed to pnrtland and sold at seven
T l i» D r .T lio e n p l« * al
dollars a barrel. This ia th e “ land of
n e a r S eaton
big rev! apples,” with a gov».! deal of sil­
O. B. Jaco b eo n .
ver in th e fru it.
-..——* . u««hin»
T he deadlock in the
During th e past week a ,vetition has
l««v T u e -la v . having aatiafnrtorily « e t-' morning,
tied her buaine«» with the custom house
T he North Fork of the Siusiaw river is
<«1tici*l« a* H'S* place tor license to run one of the muat productive portions of
i l l this district.
laine county and of the Siusiaw valley.
The sieamer Harrison arrived Werlnee- Among the most productif» ranches on
,tav nn»ming. having l>een out from Hie North Fork is that ol the Meeare.
F .rtlam i sim v the U’tli of last month. Mci'ornack
'h e latest production of been in ci’vnlation asking th e co u n ty ia la tn re s till continue*. •
HI«» hail o n tweird an unusually laigc ! this fine f irm . a
- 13-pound
- - • ...... . •nn
au th o rities for a right-of*wav aero«« th e n o m en al sales of ' 5 ^ ^ $
bridge >t bpringlleld Iur .n electric- gents* rubber gcxxt •
t »rgu of gv**1’ Ior
a -.«.
- *****