Vol. 3. Florence, Lane County. Oregon, Fridat 7 — _ " “> Lebruary 17. 1898. The convicts at the penitentiary have Ih e bill for the repeal of the mor nothing to do but wonder what the leg- tax and deduction for indebtedness , bliture will do with them. Has passed both bouses of the legiala Candidates for the various offices of and will become a law, as ¡t llrt8 the newly chart red town of Florence given out by the governor that them »re already beginning to look about for their chances of success. The Gullixson militia appropriation bill, designed for the placing of the Ore­ gon militia on a better footing, has been defeated after passage by both houses. The governor ha9 vetoed it. The state of Oregon will, it is said, I lend to the world’s fair some cedar shin- i ¡1« that have seen out door service for over 25 years. They were laid five ¡nches to the weather and are still good wrservice. This exhibit is expected to prove two things—that Oregon shingles we hard and Oregon weather is soft.— Hural New Yorker. ~ Head of tHe Oll the * I For this purpi^v jt ig ’ " f r o , S . .....................v (; ; " ah. ttlin .Vaia »ni '“«'(Ha and d^trine« »,( mrn, >*»» « I . ........ .... 1 ol ture SA.de frin ii iL i. »hall lie felt in the future whi..h ml . .......... . C The Slu,l,„. ¡ , , e„ „ - that are oppreeeiag,he poor, gave can,.I , i ' ...... . ----------- l»ve . narked affect „ „ J | ■ No, 44. *rr* l,J ,» . Ma »"»hail., Arab, M,.«,,,,, * ’ ' * « ..... Tbeen,l,b|.,, s...,.,,.,. „ 7"* U" *M » ment of property worth $154,580, and sa --------- -— ---- - H»» of life shall mfserably fail. Who indebtedness of $228,518, Clackamas A DAN,EL C0ME TO JUDGMENT i ’h*U ^ “ »eir faith on human , »n county with one voice demands that thiq The „„„racy genera, injustice he remedied. I repudiate the « „„c lu n g „ ........................ , i ~ » '» „ . I « . . . •tatements of the gentlemen from Lane 1,18 office in the tax judgment for a cool n»ti I * *“ and Linn counties that the moneyed wilheaagaiaat ........ ever, th e win« w ill liste n a tte n tiv e h men asked for this repeal and assert the nen asued tins s i. f r .tate of California. The court t Ï ,l,n,„„d conics from the farmer. of U .k e d p en .h , f ,,,,.,., .......i ' 7 Annexation with Hawaii is now almost *m the way, th W illa m e tte v valley. n llo v t i .» - record ..... . .i.m _________ . uassured certainty. It is given out on Willamette The shows "^"„„cacy. Not only b,„ , „ „ 7 ir m ii am! the life. pod authority that the president will that less than $14,000,000 of personal mt led the company severely for its In- ... • >u . » . «reiy tor us in- are stubborn thing». We need M l * and a message to congress on the suh- property of Oregon pays taxes, while its ■solent refusal to pay its taxes and i t . , . t i . .. 1 ’ ““ confused on the journey of || l ur l J jet this week. The commissioners feel horses, cattle, sheep and hogs alone are Utter disreuanl ut the ih.> rights ..v utter disregard of of ,i... the . pe& I satisfied with the present status of af- worth $13,000,000, leaving the money, pie out of whom it was making so much aside from tii« right way, for the ««u teacher says, "I aui the way." h is m . tri, and make no effort to conceal their shares, stocks and bonds of our gigantic K money, exalted privilege to walk in perfei t * I confidence of the success of their mis- corporations oppressing the people by After going through the litige volume renity aud peace along life's journey, |son, and evidently expect tangible re- escaping taxation through the deduction of evidence, tlie court piles up the au- Very respectfully, |«Its in a short time. clause. Wipe it out and let the rich ami ' thoritiea to show that the compauy tins l J. K tn o rr WiijaiN. (he same footing. Jw t the ghost of a leg to staud on either Fennoyer «as^W sn tru en o poor stand ■! I • ••- 'ill IrtW <>r Ubliv» «7« <>!«¥« T •%-•«-* W e offer , W l i i , . T W ars n i .. ■»If in his veto of the world’s fair The New "York I ress of bob. 12 con-L|,]s rjv,, nncj heartless corporation for . p Illation. Technically he may he, or any ease of Catarrh that cannot tains the following from Washington. n8 daring outrage« against the state. The lire,j by Ugji’g Catarrh Pure pbtless is, right. But we owe some- A triple alliance between the I nitcl'judge says the road "comes into court! F. J. Chensy A Co., I'rt,|*. Toledo pmg to our state prv'e. The American Statea, StutpH Russia P iirmiu and uni, France, I?rum*» such uii(*li is ia the thu ,,tiering «• _i__ to pay .............. .............. of i _______ J no portion their . taxes e the undersigned, have known I "’’ors are all going to the ball in their international combination of forces for valid or invalid, resisting the payment , J ' ior ,B"‘ ’»/•'»«’ - •«"’ * |» ‘-«t robes and it won’t do to run in , , , , , I MVsSbim perfectly honorable in all hu< mutual benefit and defense, which lias o r .v .r y m i.tlli.ir .l.n d m k to .«,1,1 ................... lo, t). '• throughout the country opinions States senate two da\ n ago. This is the pie are a unit to make these big c u r p o r - H -„.g { aUrrh Care b ukm„ ln„ j comments on Governor Pennoyer’s first public announcement of the weighty atious pay their share of running the j nally, acting dim tly upon the bits m *1 to grant permission for the use of meaning which lay behind the seemingly machine just as every poor man lias to j ami mucous surfaces of the systm I,« ! '‘»I™ |W boktlo. K..I.I I , .11 |,r« unimportant and a formal il til j'vi (tin b <*ina v is moi announcement «»• • • • » » * * do. ||>ia>n anil hlaxeil mtion of Preeidenc-elect Cleveland that the extradition treaty with Kusaia' can do, for the road ie o|w*a and hlaxod FOR S A L I. fourth of next March. Madness, has been ratified,” That wys the sum ; «very step. No excuse now.—Munday A fine farm of I'M) » rea situated o 'Hiliiiess, statesmanship, saw-mill total of the announcement which waa Welcome. ______________ the lakes Mouth from Florence. Tin * gTUBB0RN FACT °poli«n, plutocracy, and other given Ihe public. Hot II,e « lid c tlo n d ranch ia mostly abler and vine maul ^i bud and indifferent conditions and this treaty meant an epoch in the his­ tmtUnn land, having nearly a mile lal ('axs« K.vT Iauawn F arm ,) frontage. Ten acre« under oa deacrilie . ■ture of jute grain hags nt the llance between ih u U Lllliru i’in»vr, .-.-w * .......I ï C h ristia n c iv iliz a tio n a great h* 1» r am |,w| ( , tt-|, a i,.| , ,i._ L ' 'illMry of this state will probably tlw * Christian civ A k _ _ a f 111 . t i a. ---- — . A * . « . . ! » f > . . » f a a * s * t l* . a » a r a >a n e tia » a a six and France. S ^¡imulxr a* w ak I f m f i f a t ! "i the things accomplished by ratification of the extradition tregfy! I - -ouId 11 fin that »m il riBltatioii n» im|.u . r Apply i »r hirtbrr p*Houl r a tlin a n o n „-aJ,, „f hdrig should not he ngnuy ! at ims •«»-« Thi> pH W|| of with Ruasia leaves before the senate no „„amning» sod . a.. r ». . ur,.f» d e n a rtm e n t Which ,b ro * n o W e for VB T liB .7 z /w n r O /f h tn n e r t *'e l,OUHe’ ^ r* Ke*| t„ rlly I r t o r t , ««M m e _ —Any An, and «BUM ail binds ,« ol building mat u ”’1"” ln U,'s state, with the result people ul Lane county than » x»i and „ « « J » < ru-«.ou. “ I l, «l.u “ » « > « ,.lh .» l. «««I, .~ l di««* 4, at I*a«t for the establishment and maintenant^ 4 ml mat ______ l . - • Ikware of the c u. M km' m a Glanada saw mil bussed ttie lower nouee sayi of a fish hatchery 0» Knowles creek m ar, man .pak* Pr *pects of becoming a law.