The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, February 10, 1893, Image 4

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    ! I
PEOPLE p a r a g r a p h e d
T h e S h eriff of Lane county paid to tl...
|p r* w T he «m all stream s along »he
u n ty tre a s u re r last Thursday
coast are now full of these sp len d id fish,
Geo. 0 . Knowles came down from Sea-
w hich will pay otf th a t amount of couiltv
the best salmon we have for tab le use.
, ton Thursday.
w a r. w its.
The warm rains of th e past tw o days
— p C al.lS IIS U XVfcKV FBIU A t mobbing . I
W A - Storm left on th e tug this m o rn ­
As we go to press th e warm drizzling
are having a pleasant effect on th e log-
— AT—
ra in is m e ltin g th e snow very fast and
O bbgox gers. They expect to be able to drive
F ( x > kkn «'S,
L ane C ouxtv ,
j (¡us Babbidge will spend a few days soon te rra tirir.a will be visible to th,.
th eir logs to good advantage d u rin g th e
w eary p e d estria n .
visiting at his home in Newport.
freshet which will surely follow.
Geo. M. M iller has issued a neatcircu -
“ M in e ra l” c o u n ty is dead. The bill
H r . « M .K V . ICdItor sa « l P r o p r i e t o r .
The ladies of the Mite Society of Flor­
lar descriptive of his Florence property. !
¡tg c re atlo n j,as ^een twipe
ence ami G lenada desire to express th e ir
Dr. T. C. Mackey and B. F. L vster ■ t |)e L eg islatu re. Cottage Groveites are
T ib m s : $2.00 a yeur in advance.-
thunks for the liberal patronage of th e ir
came up from G ard in er Saturday. They verv ra th y an d say they will try it again
recent basket social, and also to th e pro-
Entcred at th e post-office a t Florence, prietors of steam er M ink and th e G len- returned to th eir homes M onday m orn- • ¡n j wo y ears.
J aiis county, Oregon, as second-class M(Ju |,ot4,l.
Prof. G e e . II. W ilkes has resigned bis
mail m atter.
as p rin cip al of the Geary l’ub-
The following are th e passengers on
lie school of th is city. His resignation
the ltobart« for Y aq u in a. A. McDon­
AhVBBTISlMO KATES MAPK KNOWN O S A l’- ald, wife and son ; Mrs. Strong, son and weeks for his G ardiner home. Those was accepted by th e school board on
wishing dentistry work should call on T uesday of last week and be left for hi*
I. im s I m a l e * » « t e n t » p e r lm » , «*s«-h Insertion. daughter', C. 11. l’age, Moll Bliss, H in.
form er hom e in th e E ast the same dav.
Ky.e, F. \Y. Parker, G« s Babbi, ge and him us early as possible.
(I. B. Jacobson and family will re-
A n u m b e r of young people have been
W. A. Storm .
W E S T L IN G S .
According to the incorparation act, no i
to their nev home near th e H ead „ k atin g or try in g to skate on a lagoon at
one will he perm itted to exercise th e , of Tide in a few weeks. Mr. Jacobson th e u p p er en d of th e mill pond. Tin-
Arctics at Meyer A K yle’s.
right of the franchise unless they hold I |ms recently purchased th e place be- ice was p le n ty thick enough but the
A snow sto rm hits been ra g in g
Florence, am i no one longing to Dr. Thoen, adjoining the Sea- snow and sleet m ade it rough, and work
I taxable
taxable prol»ertyii,
some tim e pas .
| ,¡an hold office as tru stee unless he pays ton nursery.
of sw eeping off th e snow was almost
A large stock of all kinds of rubber
S(aU,( V(M„ ,,y 1Uhl „„„,¡«.¡,„0 u x of at
W. I. Ball, of the firm of Ball, L eh­ enough to overbalance the pleasure of
g .sslsa t Meyer A K yle's.
least $10. A wise provision.
man A Co., who have th e contract for th e sk atin g -
Dr. T. VV. S h elto n died at his home in
I’rnle of Yokohama Tea is a pure arti-
Tuesday evening F. W . P a rk e r was erecting the H eceta light-house d u rin g
city on T h u rsd ay , Feb. 2,1893, at 9
t ie. lo r s;«le at llu rd A D av en p o rts.
com pletely and very agreeably surprised the coining sum m er, w ill a rriv e here
Carm an can still be found a t the old t)V H nutiilter of his friends, who cuiiiu in nl>niit the first of March with liav and o ’clock. H e h as been declining in
stand, City M arket. ( all and sec him . lu p„HH tt pleasant evening. Win. Kyle, grain for the use of team s em ployed by h e alth for som e tim e and a trip to Cali­
fornia recen tly had no t been beneficial
Know to the depth of five feet is r ,-
A. Myers, Marion Morris and Mr. | them
Wm. B. rnh.r.11, Wm. Harwell
i « » <le«ired. H e wa8 afflictol with . f c
|torled at the sum m it of the ( 'oast Range Dale, with th eir wives, made up tin-
; ea.e known aa Leukaenna, a blood da-
m ountains.
1 ease and a lth o u g h it haa been known
Norman Gray is agent for th e Scien- Siuslaw route Tuesday m orning, for th e ,
Tlmac fine dress good* at H urd A Dav­
tor som e tim e th a t death was inevitable
e n p o rt's are very attractive, as well as
, ,
• homestead , id f u Win. B
i- ernhardt,
...i .elk
n o __________
t expected ____
so soon.
ph-nii-nt, and A rchitects , and i ,,
they | i th e en d was __
th e fancy giMsls,
Edition of th e Scicntitb: Am erican. Any will ictnrn next week. As the snow is
H o w ’s This!
The Ladies* Aid Society will give a
o ne w is h in g to subscribe fo r e it h e r oi fro ,n th re e to liv e feet a t th e su m m it ol
offdr O ne H u n d red Dollars Reward
Is mg I-allow social in th e Morris Hotel
th e above ,>eriodi,sls will do well to «all flu-('oast Range it is luiidlv probable it or a n y case of C atarrh th at cannot be
tomorrow evening.
on him and see sumple copies of them . w ill alibi'd them irncli pleasure.
ured by H a ll’s C atarrh Cure.
I'raaehing services at th e school house
In v ita tio n s
fo r
th e “ W ashington
F . J . C heney & Co., Props., Toledo.0.
Sunday evening by Rev. II. Moys, of
Birthday Prom enade Concert ami B all”
We th e un d ersig n ed , have known F.
the M. E. church.
Simvv. beautiful snow, and plenty ol it. J . C heney for th e last 15 years, and be-
are being printed a t this office. Tin-
—Any and h II kinds of building mnteri- party will Be given on th e evening of th e
Stock is looking very well for th e licve’ him perfectly honorable in all bu»-
al la,th rough and dressed, a t David A
promiae, |o
„ mice, ss ; chances it has
iness tra n sa c tio n s and financially able
H ons G lenada sa w m ill.
' in every way. It is given by th e F lo r­
Tic- Allen boys are getting o u t--puite to c arry o u t any obligation made by
Tug Rubarle left for Yaquina Buv this ence O rchestra, which insures f
( ,oys for Cushm an
th e ir firm.
morning. Site took nut a nmuber of la-si of music and good floor manage
W est A T b u a x , W holesale Druggist.
Ijt-d Mason has com pleted two sm all
pu»»«*iig«*rs for that place.
Toledo, O. W ai . d ix o , K ixxan & M as *
m ent.
frame houses for J . C. Brown.
A number of copies of th e hill to iu-
v is , W h o le s a le D ru g g ists , Toledo, 0.
Saturday evening (¡ran d Forem an T.
II. J . M inor is snow hound. Not a
c o ,p ira te Elo,mica have been received C. Mackey, of G ardiner, delivered an ad-
H u ll’s C a ta rrh C ure is taken inter­
1,y differnt elimen* this week.
dress before th e A. G. I ’. W .of Florence. track in the trail, Uncle Horace.
n ally , a c tin g directly upon the blood
Geo. Saunders is snow hound and saw ­ and m ucous surfaces of the system.
The tug Rolmrts was overhaul,«! By TJie w orthy gentlem an i« a warm sup­
Price'75c p er b o ttle. Sold by all Drug­
ille engineer* this week, preparatory to porter of thia adm irable organixatioii, ing wood for the governm ent works.
entering ii|sm its duties at th is place.
('lias. H artley will leave ns in a few g ists. T estim o n ials free.
en d , a rem arkable n ature th at even days for W ashington to engage in stock
— Florence needs a good grocery store.
those wlm are o pp ised to it cannot offer raising.
For term s, re n t on store building, etc.,
any reasonable objection to th e organi­
W ill sell lots in Acme from $25 to $60.
Sweet Bros, have just floated some fine
w rite Geo. M, Miller, F airm ount,
sation after listening to him .
W ill sell lots in Chicago addition
boom sticks to M itchell A Bailey’s boom
While th e snow has its d isad v an tag es,<
Florence ch ea p an d on easy terms.
The Q uarterly M eeting of th e M. E.
W. A. Cox.
and if it lasts tong will prove disastrous
The governm ent work is going slowly
church W dl is* held in th e G lenadu
to stock oti account of ovvimrs being tin
ah ead ; no rock is being taken out, w a it­
«-hurt'll on H at,inlay, Eeh. 25, A full a t­
|>n*p:tr«*d, it will l»e of great benefit to
ing for supplies for th e derrick.
tendance requesbsl.
wheat. The last fall was very favorable
A fine farm of 160 acres situated on
The «leadlock in the W ashington Im ­ (or firm ing, and morv fall wheat was
I here is some talk of a church—and
tlie Lakes S o u th from Florence,
H lalurv still Continues. S o d o Hie plie- K(lWll th „ „ PVer la-fore,.la-sides eoiisider- why n o t, «re we not in need of one?
r-n c h is m ostly ald er and vine n’#pP
mimeual sales of Arctics, ladi««s ami able plowing for spring sowing was at­ Wbv d o n 't our Metluxlist m in ister get
bottom lan d , h av in g nearly a mile » f
g e n ts 'ru b b e r goods s t Mev«*r A Kyle's. tend«*«! to. The snow will prove i»f great in ami start th«- h a ll; he is well spoken
frontage. T en acres under cultivH“"1
of by ail.
M innesota H otel, in Eugene, is one l em-tit to th is, covering th e ground like
and 5 m ore slashed ; a good orchan jm
hiork from depot. Hates, $1 per dav
com e in to Irearing; 5 rooms in a r*n
All while help. T his hotel has l«-e,, re­
H ere is a sam ple of th e ed ito riil ca­ fine log« for th e Cnahm an mill. Sweat bouse th a t is ceiled and papered, go«
fitted ami newly luriiislied. Patrol,ire pacity of the Cottage Grove Ei-!,(^lei’der, has la-ell looking for his gate w h irl,, he 1 o u t-b u ild in g s, and sttx-k of all Hn • • '
six or more of w Inch a p p -a r each week said, vanished very suddenly when In- sold w ith th e place at reasonable pr»
It is rvp>rt<-d th at the stcaim-r lla rri- m the same s in ,in : “ The yellow-legged Hlriu k bv a tree top. Keep th e trail
ees if «lesired
►on's unusual delay is caused by tl„. acrulrs who have thr«,w n th eir hat« up ‘ le“ r . boys.
, half cash am i I
reasonable time
tilllC given
Blowing out «4 ber cvlin«ler lu-a-l at *u
hilarity to crush beneath the
Geo. F. Allen, who was in Elk cam p b alance. A pply
piy lur I ui
$|sea while tty in g t o « , os* th e bar re- d«-sptt’s h«-el, the rights of over 700 last week. rej»orts no sign of th e new
a t tiiis office.
voter*, have unw ittingly left the most nw«d in th a t country yet, tlie storm has
Ute te n » of achti I ta u jh t bv ( I prom inent p .rtio n s of th e ir ‘Ion*.- traps' done some dam age to tb a tra il, in fact
T he . > / / / / g»/7TYT//
ItarwiMwt in Gle«isda « .«me to a cl -«-
th e exp*m re of th e business end of n enough to w arrant th e laying ou t of n 10 -p ag e j o u r n a l w ill I*' sent
Me.1,Malay. M r. llarw .aal is an e t . v l- humble l» e and th a t bee will g,-t its new one, which he claim s should go up a ll the Bilbscribers
of , E- tioll
««II,l teacher ami his work always gives
‘ 1 ' " ° r^
tine sliap* one of tlies«- the « reek.
w h o p a y OH© y e a r ’»
aatisfotiio n .
A d o n h e m u rd er was ena«'t«sd near
St-io, U n it countjr, last week. (H toK er-
(ling, s well-to-do farm er, shot Ins wife
Hire«* tim es th ro u g h th e hea«l and then
Killed iiim sell.
T he houtliern Oregon Mail, \ . S. |tli
ton ed ito r, will S p p -ar as the Medfoni
Mail II, th e fn tn re
We congratulate
liert on th e general im proved appear-
anew of rite |«aper.
Nytue fine steelhead salm on are
bjtoigltl to F lo retn v each we. k by F ran k
. .
There is strong talk here of try in g to
in advance.
in ,
. rrtncl|,co- where it uray clnroee to bestow it.
At that pls«-e she will la- titled out with
a stern wheel and Hit* „««-essary propell-
■ —
. To,*sv.
I t is sta ted th a t a new <«P
,ng p,w«-r. and w,11 plv the ha,,' H an-
about to be taken by t " .^ lo f
c,ae«> bay a r d sdjoinm g waterwavs
France w ith regard to the
The n«»te»
From the Journal
s h o u ld H ut enterprise prove sitcvessfnl
It is repo, ted that
hat a new spaper is to I h ith e rto been m ad e from the
¡t ¡,
we may eapeet many o th er project« <f i
he started at Dr« in, ( »lego,-,
_ . .............
| stimlar u atere carried out liere.
i future oy It. 11. M iller .-uni »o„ of Eu-1 n o t o n ,F
b u t b - hu’r‘