i Vol. 3. Florence, Lime County, Oregun, Friday, February lo. iti'.i:t. No. 13. i i u v ’a bill to in c o rp o ra te ! T be B razilian govermnen lias now been piece of property means a great .leal Senator a — h «» to into competition for our sell,»»I bonks, a notitied th a t if the dem ands are not im­ I „.»•l»t-s<-J tbe I,U,,8C F ri,,ay ev el" the country. Let us have annexation, i circular setting forth a uniform vcliediita E ü , . » » « " * ) ' « “' “ » « « « « " ’• m ediately complied with force will be The Portland Dispatch says: The “* p n " ‘ * Hh * l,‘‘ h l,wl,h’ bei» used. There is little dillerence in the barbers of tins city have sent to Senator mu#U‘omPlv “»’«««»» into curopctl- ----- . ...LfanHirn n f ; B razilian and Chilian incidents, save tb e WvKxlward for introduction in the legi.- t '““ f° r h a',o»‘l,un - .Iiur’« bill for the m a n u fa c tu re ot I uller . . . f,_ ho flir wav m which the efforts of the aggrieved latnre a bill providing for the chising of “ ““ “ ,b ” "U “ ’ k * rd i hooks bv the sta te , to be tur- liiiiOl DO ■ . lm« n atio n to secure satisfaction are viewed barbersho,« in the state on Sunday.. ' i'“‘ '“ “#l . , «t actual cost to the student, has |w!ieJi ' by o th e r powers ami by a disgruntled They say that other place, are clored bv WhU,‘ #ml Wi“ ‘ WbU,‘ ‘’“ ‘b l^ d e iu to h ______ ____ an d unpatriotic faction at home.—Ore- law so that Sunday can be enjoyed as a i t jlll,».pa»»e'l tne legw uaure w hich - gonian t,?ov , .. , state hoard of education bad no spr« i»| ua.v of rest, and they would like the ’ I all those unable to tea.l th e | ------------------------- ... • power in this direction. It will, beie- ' .„„ion oi the U nited s ta te s of th e . ........ . V anderburg uh „..in, c i sanie privilege forced on them, lliey „1,,:.,. ,, , , , , , ni,er, ,lx the maximum rate of books. P ” . i the bill in tbe senate to provide for tbe Claim that people can be shaved as well I .wive franchise. I ...................... . , . , . In wdoition to this, »11 school-Imok nub- ~ I publication ol county expenditures, o n ou Saturday as any other dav.nmt seven , ’ llsbers, whose tsioks mav I* adopted, TheSenate bill to a p p ro p ria te $-000 pOgterB) |,e neglected to add th a t it . . . . (lavs in the week are too many to work. I „r* salmon hatchery on t in s ..„ ,.iu ¡n t rO(Llce(| by request, and ever . . . , , ’ must e»taIdisli deitositories nt comeu It is understood that the cheap barbers lent points in the stale for the general I , is referred to the co m m ittee on 8jnce be has been the object of derision are opposed to this measure. „ , , . —— distribution of text-book». Instead ol I Series after its seoond re a d ing. ! in th e eyes of the country press. One Senator Blackman s bill dividing tbe 5 this svstem of depositories Is-ing es'ah There will be a great deal of m ud flung paper ia not objecting to tbe bill, bow- percent road fund among tbe counties lislied at the cX|>vii*c , i r ' ite.-Statesman. U htij"«r thvre 1« »'J.'.t«l. » tt. . .............. I’" '-» ' 'y 111'" ;" plutocrat a . president ..( th e U n i t c l . State»." The l h k l , ol .ti,a r l..l.,ry et tl.t. An '''“ ^ ^ • N x r O H U l.te e a K V .n c l h-'tntU The Salem S tatesm an is to be con- , : , ; ; , T 7 7 a r \ h t , t r ' S ! B H ? S n i 3 ,, ‘ ? I ................................... . ..... > , , «***y-wír* patulated upon its e n te rp rise in issuing , . Morrow, G rant and Harney, $20,000 this (ll|„,r wnd the probable nut isplendid supplem entary ed itio n last ,l' J * >l ^ " 2 2 ______ -_______ year, and about (3,000 each year I'01'** |(M)|t for Ilie am-reaa of amdi mu instltu- ittlc. It contains half-tone cuts of quite T be editor of tbe East Oregonian says niter. Some of the Eastern <»rvgnn | J<( „ „„ .,,ht w r,.„„g iDumber of the m ost p ro m in e n t of tbe th a t th e Oregon m ilitia is e imposed of counties get a big »lice of Ibis fund, but M,„| ll)ni|„ n x,.n fM\.nablc repirt, I n-. .I lUles representatives an d sen ato rs, spindle-shank youths and tbe entire lot tbe valley eotintiea are in a generous fM, ,g tt, |„, („mid them, and unong which is a splendid iikeness of would not keep a t bay a cur dog. The mood, and want to help out the rmuls of , , K, ,,, ,,ir ,.»,„.,„,„.„1 ol 11.« agri ¡mtur B. F. Alley. W allowa Chieftain adds there is no law the sparsely settled districts s al< o. t u;lurrtj d e trim e n t «t Waahhigt.m. lie Hie bill appropriating $00,000 for th e to prevent (be £ . 0. m a il (re m h a ving Sta n -iiia n . __________ -a ..I I. • • ¡.„r it imt if In >rki’a fair has passed bot h houses of bis opinion and i expresatng it, tun m , .«I ♦ l I m i w ill lind in ¡legislature, b u t will in all probabil- will come over to Joseph be w ill m i i be vetoed by th e governor. W hen a single company of thia despised militia ,, £ . |h1 (iH8 adopted a bhiHtvring utti- (|lN Vnlted >i.«'« s « M e int.el,lion o( t |„. ibwaiiHit annex» led about it a few 'days ago be said , forty m en, any one of whom will (|1|(>Mlio|1) „ lt,| ,|,e b u n io n Telegraph Itn.l fn iin .l I«.. 1'l.ue tin I ! .- Pl I eifle eoeat wbar» the rnmlttioitaa w e re »« IgVoFsbU) l ll»«’ ihd»i«tn Hl I pr< "bit e im MMNMNM i mid MM IM ’• • ’* of the beet, show a very high |ier»eht»ge of sugar. Fuel, water, alia, tabor ami lead the governor’s m essage of two vinee him of bis mistake in about two makes tbe threat Unit (n e a t B rita in w ill o th e r mn'c»»«iics ean I * secured at » irsago.” An effort will probably be m inutes. not permit aiincxalioii It also says minimum cost, and an empta market ««n de to pass it over tb e veto should it T h e Oregon le g isla tu re T b t.m la y tha t tbe ,m licy of the I : « d States w ill lie found in tbe W illa m e tte valley for a H ta e * ^ p o tt,« « r d m l .» « r f M t t . ~ -» h lk dealt with in th a t way. factory of very large capacity. An effort to the UtuteJ s.»,c» ol "'C „ „ t l y v o le « the .......... » will I* made to eslabllab stall a factory ‘ince President L incoln’s tim e m ore 0 ..-J tires of tbe suprem e c o u rt have been l u d . l d . b l ... .. S , l - n v bd .4 0... Engliabmen cannot I» so fooliali us to jointed by P resident H arriso n th a n T hursday introduced tbe following reso sup, rone th a t iit h e l. 'n ite d S tate-w ishes v other president. In all be has lution for annexation which was e -n to annex tlie »Sandwich I-»«'"»-- »nd ,h r curred in by the house: “ Resolved, by ned four men to th a t post, w ithin i-la m ls w isli to lie annexed, the anm xa tb e senate, tbe bouse concurring, that ! of President L in co ln ’s record. tio n is to la* prevented for fear of «¿real our senators and representatives in con­ Britain That nation d - a not poweae Me are Justices Brow n, B rew er and gress be requested to use nil honorable , A-r measure, deter- r»s to succeed respectively Ju stic e s m eans to secure the annexation of tbe the power of veto fllcj M atthews, Sam uel F . M iller and m ined by tbe representatives «» '• --» ( H aw aiian Islumls to the I m llte ! " u 1 nrases, H niun-o »>j pli 1‘. B radley; an d now Judge ~ ,1.. A t.. th e p ...u » >11 Edm unds Jack so n is to be tb e ¡ and th a t the secre ary « . , ,,r ,, », ,.r ... gmernmei t in regar»! t" ................. ............. .......... saaor of Justice L am ar. rep resen tativ e, in congress. ly has gent an u ltim a tu m to Brazil ..... . ' l!l(» Acquisition o« -------- - ...................... .... " land alioobl no- dep i 0 z to bull reparation und damages, a.te 1 until pa’ience is cxliautted, bo|»ed. ae tin a« i FOR B A L I. A tine farm « < B » acre- situât» «I on ^ ^ (rom K o re m « . T h is r-h|t|| ........w ||y , , e i ,(>mr |h , o , f, r»-»ins in a frame come lin o i . - u i o » » , — - ------- ......... „a led ami | « | » r e .l, g— l „„to m i.iin g -, ami si.« U J alt h u d . »»•! ....... I ................................ m ,i,|, „in d - l’rictt oí farro, *— -■ - — I'.1«**«, «»ne 1 • revolóte... i-b . " . (ir,.,,.,|,.„t | 0¡ o, a e case som ew hat sim ila r to th a t la - thoroughly diacnaasd «‘J ¡t8 ,M,llcy and create pre.e»le.,i« n n the I’nited S tates a n d C hili, and j erally »” '* - d,ief! — —— — •er statesm en are not accused of i W ashington. M ini« m , n«c««sarj l l h r k , . I » « . k hill. " h H . fo conduct nor cred ited w ith a de-1 m en of the nati'Ui 1 . , T ,„ . H a « - . . , . . . here. time given f-»r A l,|(| y ( ,„ fu rth e r W r tu « l.r . nv. ! n n 'i’H 'iin h tn im r u | , 1., u, i . .j ....r „ « l » i l l l - - - l . l l r r - l -