Literarv. g S & S Ä ä i I wh'itu.-n i " living. Therefore, ,n l,a te x c r else yon do. never urge ¡ nage. .Marriage is one of the (lung, (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) E S b a t n H1, t lx* desired, and that ardent»v, fbf truest politeness conies of sineer- • . ,e eontr»cting parties. X„ one « right to interfere, and to do so is to tyereis no joy like the joy of resolved '•mltiplv sorrows for those whose a „-ai|.s «re meddled with in this nay. crtof- jbaoften conquer difficulties because T ruth considered in itself, and in the . *« ¡«. may I... .¡v,-,! a , I,, ¡eel they can. „ a,,.r_,.(1„ r5p ,uii| Vice ie fed and gathers strength bv its a xeatle aprl,1K « aim from the bri,.lU|. ft conceal incut, jhe itian of experience learns to rely ’ng up into the snowdrift that is piled over and around its object. It turns the , Time as his helper. obstacle mto its own form and charm - Tlif life that rejoices in solitude may and it makes its way increase its; eualy rejoicing in «elfish uess. stream . And should it be arrested in and ill-nature are among the ^ course by a ebilling season, it suffers! (eil*iisivc luxuries in life. dcicy, not loss, and w aits for a change ' J He who thinks liis place below him the wind to awaken and again roll I Ijlartainly be below his place. onwards. Tbyyesterday is thy past; thy, to-day Ibm-e is a greater difference both in r future; thy to-morrow is a secret. the stages of life ami in the seasons of ________ W * F amcy R qroc Î wes .IIMOS ° F STAPLE AND DRY GOODS ï ï ï ü ï * - ~ CENTS’ DEPARTMENT 0 u , E8. BOOTS and SHOES 0 Î o RENC e ° ° ENTLEMKN- BE8T STOCK 1*7 f History tells of illustrious villains ; there never was an illustrious m iser luture. [Kbit men want of reason for their ilioos, they generally supply and up in a rage. J the year than in the conditions of men yet the healthy pass through the sea­ sons, from the element to the inclement " ot only reluctantly hut rejoicingly’ I knowing that the worst will n,lish’ ‘ and the best begin anew, and we aie de­ ca W 1.1 ilonlgniay he neither false, nor fierce, sirous of pushing forward into every o (Lui, and yet may he •‘c o rru p t" and stage of life, excepting that alone which ought reasonably to allure us most as ihwiwoine. x » « opening to uh the Via Sacra along I • »home is the heart of the nation, which we move in triumph to our eter­ t « • • • nwhich there pulses through the a r­ nal country. We labor to get through the national existence its very a crowd. Such is our impatience, such I o « I j jn n F I’i our hatred of procrastination, in every­ ,1 tty one should «ay, though the thing hut the ameudinent o f our prac­ H rtlie bucket brings up he stinking, tices and the. adornment of our nature, Itlat which is m the well is all sweet,, one would imagine we were dragging AS FOLLOWS: »would believe h im ? Time along by force, and not he us. ( iooi , ('n iito n F ls n a rl k> Men’» M im , from ; Iti ti r m in iti) » «uinu U u n in i cter is not cut in m arble—it is Ilk V o la li', Muli* (roui Those persons w ho criticise society not A p ro n • lic c k < iI n g l iH iii * '!»•*» « ««II.,, ■ (rom oething solid and unalterable. Jt for the purpose of doing it any good, hut 8 Iiri sM O liighnnis lik » W«’ii , lua»i, (rom 9 Au A line to* of s ta iiiln h l I 'r in t , Wthing living and changing, ami only in a captious and fault-finding do)» nom« (rom 1 uo I'oiilUo lo lil Iin »- t In u til i M. u ', in a )«>i Itn n iliiK »» ■•■«• Klw m iil H ullin.' K la n m l ^becom e diseased as our bodies do. • 2», spirit, will not he likely to he debarred "TK t , ■ » llH Ililk i'i'i'lili'f» (rom .»• n p u n o i ■ om i'ltitlia Klcaniit l.iu lir» ’ slim » from I . I,, LIM ifal indeed it is to be m lsunder- by the fact th at their course is fruitless. I M.'ii . H ui.m r H ip ,i . , , t. lu M ult,i r« l'or II ii II i I hi l ’r i'o 'iii, M io'» K tiu iv r H. h . i , .|„ ,r t ittdundervalued by those we love, But there are many who are not of this «•»Ili »flou JOII H Un. lot lu , I lln r , ftuliU.» H u o lin a li m . I from. ii,too, in our hie we m ust learn stam p, who really m d earnestly desire Ho,«' " Htorw g iu « llis ii» lliii of l.»ul I »'.(¡. n i- s o il* r i i Nfco » M li I.I hii » in V • fin» Iron's UNDERWCAH «a ■«ioni»li fcitithout a m urm ur, tor it is a to see certain evils removed, certain im­ p* faille' am, I Pii,imi', I alt , •»Sl> LOW PR IU tO . • mi ni I iis ii . i prh «*, pofteu repeated. * H l P l n I I '» S ilo » » s i pill i » I l l s * »I» ( » provements made, and the whole social liro t» ami I H,||,* V«, in i,n i,, c o l l i , 'é l l l l o u . lm» f'.»r kehuni (U ri, •’•live« should be like the days, fabric ri-e to a higher plane. They • i « I •»beautiful in the evening; or like would gladly, it they could help on this aglow with prom ise; and good work, hut it. seems too vast ami too E*** autumn, rich with golden vague for them to attem pt. Let such ». where good works and deeds persons never lose sight of the truth •ripened on the field. I that, only by influencing the individual •eniareof more im portance than can society lie influenced. Just a« the Iponthem in a great m easure gardener w ho would improve Ins grounds ■ •« p en d . The law touches us i m ust patiently cherish each separata i KOM |*re «mi there, now and then. j plant, so the patriot who would1 his nation and th e , • sre shat vex or soothe, corrupt improve ‘ barbarise or refine us by a philanthropist who would elevate the «te«dy. uniform, insensible race must. devote their energies to th e ; ikt that of the a ir we breathe, improvement and the elevation of ’lie fl** ffe whole form and color to individual members of those eouimuui- tie«. “ 1 promise«! never to «ay anything bone-t work thoroughly and about th at, so you must never mention M*rforine.|, froil, u ,e laying of it.” How often alter some parliculai i r ! tM the adm inistration of a P^Minent, has a beneficial «‘fleet confidence do you hear this remark, th kA*"1' 1 ;lsa g to n n tj,rown s)»eakcr evidently not seeing how hi* b :"f,, ,"»kes ever-w idening cir- own words «re accusing him of a lack of ? Il1' we , H .t n o loyalty and a breach of trust. He lias S en d C A S H w ith o r d e r fo r good»» a n d jxiRtagi C i«h gi ven his wold that what was told him --------------- slim,Id go no further, and yet at tins. j b a la n c e p r o m p tly r e tu r n e d w ith Roodn. influence fur tMiyoml jwrhapfl his first, opportunity he tell« 1 01 kiiurt ledg,., fw’*b of tin wrong titling of t |ie the whole story to Some friend, without ever stopping t*» think whether he luis wi** from ignorance and t ||(. r jgj,t. His wdviee or help may have , »uip.Htioiis ! |»een sought, and that only after inm h, a rd e u c inclinations hesitation, his friend fearing ,o intrust "'Hi «nd the weak and umiis- his secret to any one, nut encouraged bv ^ " • • • u t is easily |c, | to ro „. the thought that no one else need know * *" ■' h no great harm in it. Ve4 this unwarthv confidant with­ . ■ «at.’y this yielding comes out a second thought, betruy* hi« trust I « h arn rter is form- Even if told that be was doing *o, l*e{ * h i ked <»y self-imlnlgetu-e , probably would look very much sur-, h u e 'wen save,I elevated ' prised, and say “ Oh no! I nixie June«, Vhin.-d S tra in in g *y mure kuowle«lge The OI£Reliable A M « dry d W 9 id goods house Of J. H. McClunn xu E X J G H E N E , i,’ a Cil Elire ÎPII BARGAINS il SPECIE LINES j CO A CO K u«r h»»m», o H fo • 4 WE SOLU IT VOI K TK,MIE. | '. \ | .I. M ' I s A T COST! A T COST! JANUARY II io FEBRUARY I. HOOTS AM» SHOES. HI HHEK AM» OIL (iOOHS. f ¡ M a i l O r d e r s P r o m p t l y F ¡1 Ed L RACKET STORE, EUCENE, ORECON. CL' *“ 1 ■Mb?1*1 “ 1,1 f° p J *o p b c r : « probability what he liimaeif has done i«| exactly what his friett«! will «io. So the «!), 7 . 'V l h ’ - 'e u r i n a " ’ 1 , h e 11 ,HU' 1 natn- story goes, until the ,»oor man to whom • n i v f i i 'l i i g m o r e t h a n it means so mtich might ju»t ii* w e il i. mort * !>H h ,, r Convenience , • J have called together a large «ompany ui *“'• and preserve that his friends, and some who were not hi«j »n j hitu- consideration friemls, and eonlld« I in them in • body.» F the I I B ■■ A merican T W O P A P E R S farmer , FO R S2