\ few boom lug» which will lx- placed »» J*tart quite early in the morning and al- »uon brought -- ha - they - - - w can »• be V I V down. IF • • though it was a wet, windy and dark •r* .1 .------- . . three .. .. one j|t> gfart^d Outt tut after making These gentlemen have afoot mil­ -v -F f'a iJ S H K P ItVICMt VMIDAV MOMXl.XG.— lion feet of logs cut, and we believe in several attempts to breast the wind and —AT— the river, which will lie brought down breakers, he decided that the glowing FhOMX ■<•», O kkoox ° ° tbe next high water. L a m í C o c x t v , hearth and a better shelter were more with the surrounding and • re- -M ---- is s Mattie Compton and Roy - keeping —»--»*------—- _ 1 * _ f I —__ —........... | | -•••», • «?- i I'abii.hsra. • ¿‘»hnson walked off the Glenada wharf, I turned to Florence where he remained A I .1 .I I A MLITOX, -------- ’ j falling into the hav, when coming to the until Frida.v morning. EUGENE ITEMS From the Gunnl. The Iatne countv legislature should work"<7 ‘ *** for a salmon hnteherv n fl A solendid _‘ 'ir Sj a . ,,i„H iidiw . ti0„ e„, The twenty mile« of tid„ ** l»e excellent protection n. ..* Mter until they were R. F. Akter, - - - Emroa. after the dance on Friday night 'TWA8 A BIG SU C C ESS. ocean venture. A. H. B urov, Ixical Editor and Manager, «t Glenada. No injury, other than a -------- The proprietors of the r good, cold hath, was received. J . Jt wa” u K rand baI1 ? Jbat good, cold hath, was received. | ” ° ------------- -------- was the de- salmon cannery at F|orei. T o n I IV I. .. ‘cision expressed by all who attended lec .« l the W I)lcnt „ ''«t —T. K. Berry and \ \ . I). Keene are re- .. / u i v u > . • . .. . , , , , , , , . . the Odd bellow s party in Glenada on — — T kmms : $2.00 a year in advance. ported to have hx*ated a placer mining . v- . , • , Friday evening. Notwithstanding tor- county for a c « ,,,]. cf claim in the vicinity of Can von vile, . _ , . . 7 ?. * ’ rents of rain fell from about six o ’clock week. . u„ Sheriff X „|.nd l< , state. They are now working the • . • . . . .. 1 I nten d at the ¡»«t office at Florence. this ................. .... . . . - « .« ...M K , „.r until until midnight, midnight, the the largest largest congregation congregation treat» a.lm on in ...ae, latus county, Oregon, a second-class ,datm and report still further savs shvh thev ' t , » i . ., .. . , . . e and «ttael,«l the " ... .. ,, ,. . 7 of dancers ever . brought at ... one m ail m atter. * together *' are picking up considerable gold dust. | , , _ , , ’ . time for several years on the Siuslaw, to aell it for tinea. | | e — here did you get that”----- Mey- were to be seen on that night. Over trouble, however, ,or a o v k b t is ix o m at »» m ark k x o w x o x a p - ° r *’*'*’ aB fin<’ a li,,e but8 ““ lixtX numbers were sold to parties who cetyed a retnitt.uee fro,„ „ 7 I..1...X 1 . • « » « e v e r brought to Florence. As a ! participated in the dance, while manv which a,nountedto ovcr |000/ — J . „ „ u p ,, »„„„n... fact. they .re jr,„t . little ticket, were di,,»«eJ o( to people not all delinquency. Hi.»rr ii.ttii »ny m in g licker than any thing that ever allowed there. Tlie diajiatciiea n„n„„nw .. —I t’s been a trifle dan.p this week— up *» this man’s town, .1 The Odd Fellows left nothing undone. government h.a you prohubly noticed It ? I _ Thr , , j .. re„(.,,e, There was the tug Lillian going to Sea­ January « complete new act <■( „ ~ Windows are being put into the new <<>< the death of Mrs. C. N. Brown, at ton and way stations for passengers, stamps, oonimeiiimorative of the G lM B dachurch this week. Bigg», ( '..lifornia. Mrs. Brown was the ------ ------------- w. v„...v „ from up the river came a full «oui> boat’s s luau load anniversary of the discovery of — Mrs. Wm. Kyle luu been very III for on,y avid A all white Point Terrace is in no way of the attractions of a dunce-going j»uh- representing the most striking ¡nc backward six nit coming few ard with lic, and the most distinguished cotmoit- in the career of Columbus, will Boo’a Glenada aaw-mill. her mantle of whiteness—upwards of rrer in the edible line would have gone artistic and beautiful. A collect —Next Sunday is Christmas. Make place. away satisfied the iid l • .......... ......... with iv jm n v repast I U I I I I P I furnished I them will be a pictorial history < •«»me one happy by giving to them some eight inches is reported from that token of kindly remembrance. —Some one was telling us us mat that Elza **,e S .------ h o w -- 's party, by Mes great navigator and every one wh r;iza . I Dale. I* si i ricotf 11 io f at afford it will doubtless secure one. Morris bad secured emph.ynient as dames Dale, Elliott and Fairweather Tug Mink” i« the lateat appellation to tile little »learner, applied by the street car “grip man” in Chicago. Elza ¡í'*?10* 1 G,enadn. k’ Dale A El- From the Journal. doaervi*« the l»e»t there is going, and liott. On entering the dining room, the water front jester and street wag. The Eugene National Bank ia to - T n a W hat has turned out consider»-1 MT wi'1 grip e“bk’ motto of the Odd Fellows in evergreen organized under the name of tbi on the wall, “ Friendahip, fxive Me job work-m m I. , , i 11) h jllU u w',l' «• «rrtf,P «'mt will hold last until I,,• i , letters ---------- r ’ ------ I o,‘ 7,“ a* ■ gene Loan and Savings Bank. Tin huger marks of a rt gular i.rint »h«.i. " b,Vw bii ««chequer with I 1 r,nb’ ,n,Kbt have been seen tast ital stock will be $60,000 with Mt.i»« If .1 . u * * yellow gold seveial times thick. | »ly arranged. paid up. Tbe incorjioratera are Gee a h is' How time do Ay I Think rh.nt _ o wing to t,ie (MCl |h ||t tomorrow ! lhe,"8e,veH bore o< It, iNtKt ami the World « Fair are Osburn, J. C. Church and D. B. ¡11 he pretty well taken no „.„kin. C* b“nd,Work artists in their --- - ... Vl'XJlB « ar- 11 • The change will take place at pretty rloae here-am i not a dollarin will be pretty well taken up in making rangement, hut the handsome decorated ready for Christmas festivitiea the Ma eight. first of the year. gave e an aUracti'’eness attractiveness and and Floren.M. .. i Bon" buv® decided not to hold their first . China ‘ dishes . 'W g“' Siuslaw bay needs, aliove all « m mwMi. » good g* „.„ry »tore, regular meeting until next Saturday te,,'p‘atio" to Part«k« of the ovsters, For terma, terms, rent rent on on store store building I, i I i . . F . . . .. ° . ntH ”ext Sal,’Hav • aiuniay turkey h ,rkev »»<< rtn.. .. / tilings, a good serviceable tug; otx ami fine frosted cakes, that noth­ write .Geo m Miller f i *' * * ’ I w**k’ Afler tbat date the meetings will would not be afraid of salt water. ing else could have done. Oregon f ‘ Fnin,,° U‘d ' week’s W xst tells of a sailing__ The Lillian took the people of Florence »eeond SHturduy of eucli m onth. ----- — loronvs coming to Siuslaw bay and sailing over ami brought them hark hack nt at ti.r«.. three m e rrae rrnde has encountered her i ’«..i mn > . O Vwr a,,d in over the bar. This is a risky pi ........ - ................... r ........ - “- * » « . » « « - business. Suppose the wind» had ; , e L ' ,,l*1’'1' r 7 " * ' ' 1/ ....................................... v inci„ i., F„r v..„™ ■ , n ""’•v •* “ *« I... h „ , P C , ...................... B Nx(|in ,n I u. le '"K «•'•■»'v— b.a .h .t j. no, tbe intent while the ship was on the barl !• m L . MT ......... in fr.«„ hi. hi«!» kick .u,t elever e..un,en.ne. (7 r t'"’ Odl-hul.. II» ,,.,. IxH leeX,,. not probable that the captain» p-e«.,»». ,,n n i,)p,t ..... —We were tt.ie week .how» <1. 1 i . «° "'»ke their coasting vessels can keep track channels across the bars of all die < ham'e sltoul.i rencti O .Vh here h , ih .t . .< tim e rcccivc.1 wees by snown I,i.trjet the com- ' »1st ball attractive _________ hays along the coast on account < ...... , 1 ' U k e r l, M t M ..», r M. F . l - . r k e r .fr .... W AQONS FOR SALE. frequent changes which take pl»cr. "p|wr jaart of the Glenada «’***** master of the order of od d f „ d u - i < ------ channel at Siuslaw is now nearly a ««••I. striking upon the float »ml injur- 1 ,d •<«<• <>f Oregon, which makre hiV e a c h \«'*'** tW<> lnn,bCT WaK°"«. south of where it was a year ago. fact that sailing vessels do come to «••»•W, i. M . « r i u . . . X„. « . .. .................. ;: ;,v X n * " h « * m " H wnw - cnee and, as the W is t »ay», Hut jwl. ni n ted lcU t, »t Merer A ' a,,d * M M b n l rsv of rr.d.t M“ vr,.„MKKv over the bar as easily ami smoo , l r ’ b‘< ’ '.» k Vee Mll. witk "I"'" il.e grand I. h U,. ,,f .1 FOUND. duck floats on a mill pond," »he« - • • * ................. ...." ...... ....... * .............. .......................................... ........ .................. Florence lias a wonderfully jpaal h ïv lîl“,i' l' ri'lr y " “"hr '« .« and easy bar. Surely the Flores, fp»«l ami |*ricea out of Fitfi.t — r it g 1 1 7 . 11 i * ' “1 ba* on his (»<•« incss m ei| will get together and Anutber t„g jhm U j , mentioned a» ami hand» f.»r » f,.w , . ■ ,ew ”’on> cub and buy or borrow a tug ere long, fa a prvUhle acqulsition tu «Mir riverthuat »rula«.. hut if he keejx, up his past record few sailing shijw are willing to *«• l f t h i s i Ug m. ni- nwtiwiHH| , hr W,LL 8 ELL C HEAP. for a few weeks longer the ,,»a,e will be Florence many w on hl «»me >1 • ' 7 “ f,,r,vvr> we. taken. Some several week, ago he i « " . 7 1'" ’ Cl", '"'V ,“r “ ,n” °"e «0 »ret known that a good tug wait» at »*rer. .h tr h w o m d n .e .n n o .n ,.|| II Iren, a wagon, striking his cheek on L » r k T “ h"*""' ,ur “ “ '»h to take them safely in. «4 iMtoia, the sharp edge of an upturned ax mak money. Read over the Hat ; I -<»n ami «her J«na»ry 1-t nrwt r„j. ’•“ •h a d . uglv wound. This oire One Wilcox A While »’•w.ng. the |w> |mW * • - » l y healed when he cut . new. line toned .m l h.n,t..,nie ">H'V T h e American Earnn^ »»«rrtwl fe.t«r will fc, Hgt.t «eni» ?~n irn.h on the back «4 hi» hand. There o n e .nti,,„e , „ k berl rno„, ’ ll>-j>Hge j o u r n a l w ill be went O1, u cet.1». in.t'-ad ,4 twwlve as l.eret,4o,e b • ill M Rb I . . . Two ,tove, ; one l,e..er and 0I,e k all ti.at ». re.|uired p. „ m 1 i I i ’ r' ‘*V‘J ’"‘'•’•"'¡mt M.,i„d, a ll t h e » u ljecriIters o f To f'!X «lining room chairs, will take place. Wlotie atamp a k-tter. t >ne large eaay chair. w h o p a y o n e y e a r ’s sub - I l len I often that Mr. n«rrett — W A. t «x, real e»tate deahw. bl<» One dining table. Ulis« in a d v a n c e . T h is lilwral «onta «sä thi« «erfc «u h a ne« ad. |( r p a m p a s mail carrier bHwe«n One cuplmard. Flor- vuUgüeten «ery bri/hl next «eek in ence and Gardiner, hut he Twenty.ffve Iw.hern chicken,. p lie s a l i k e to a l ’ old ’ R IW to return to the »belter «4 «hu ofnree m telliag yrnt «rf tt«. ahd •tew p a tr o n s . R c m e m l* r it - A. S. B u ro . aide dwelling Mondav .. »arwd trän» at city amt o, untrv |>rene». ennth A - n f f f a fc . . . Ho" ^ ; £ » • £ y o u o n l y tw o d o lla r s far t<® «jr tie bas für aale. * I ....... IM*rs. S a m p le c o p ie s can »Tbc Mltcliel|->Kaik-v - ■ " « U — -- mm - , « is X W W W I report' «d to ba completed aa re fite additkw i n f t 1 th» " u was neeerearv, oWjn., a t t h i s office. 'h -'ltm n U the ,id „ . * ,Od '«'“ 'T '«n.i.he.1. |-a ,r, , „ £ j ------F --- ----- -w - w. •« l l t l f l l w sfw j i Subscribe for Tux W k » t .