Literary. Paltry, selfish, luxurious, bvpoc world shall keep it unto life etern .. There is very little satisfaction fto be got from lending a book. David tiarrick (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) I nrn « T i ed ° U hi8 book'P ,ate» beside a bust UZ.lï SONG OF THE MYS T IC . I ot k hakespeare, a French motto, which . the hush of the Valley of Silence DEALERS in all u i v r x t x ! 18 thus translated: “ The first, thing one l .ireiin «11 the song« th a t I sing; FANCY GROCERIES. ° F s t a p le aw o ought to do, when one has borrowed a V„1 the music floats dow n th e d im V alley, book, is to read it, j„ order t() b eab lv t() fill each finds a word for a w ing, Th*t to hearts, like the Dove of th e Deluge, return it the sooner to its lawful ow ner.” \ message of Peace they m ay bring. | , tbe borrower is so min,led th at the But far on the deep there a re billow s last thing he thinks of is to read a bor­ That never shall break on th e beach; rowed book, and the penultim ate sub­ iml I have heard songs in the Silence ject ot Ins reflections is its restoration. That never shall float into speech; pi,l I have had dream s in th e V alley • The least complicated ami shortest Too lofty for language to reach. rule of morals is th is: Get others to Hid I have seen T houghts in th e V alley— work tor you as little as possible and Ah, me! how my sp irit was stirred! work yourself as much as possible for Hid they wear holy veils on th e ir faces, th em ; make the fewest calls upon the Their footsteps can scarcely be heard : They pass through th e Valley like V irgins, services of your neighbors and render Too pure for the touch of a word! them the maximum number of services ¡ioyou ask me the place of the Valley, yourself. The observance of this rule Ye hearts that are harrow ed by t are? BEST gives coherence to our acts, im parts a Itliethafar between m o u n tain s, m eaning to our lives, confers a blessing \nd God and llis angels are th ere ; Hid one is the dark m o u n t of Sorrow, on our persons, solves all doubts and And one the bright m o u n tain of P rayer! difficulties th at perplex us. and causes all the factors ot our existence, includ­ A woman’s strength is most potent ing intellectual activity, science and art, liien robed in gentleness. to fall naturally into their proper places' TheImbit of always looking on the ’right side of every thing is a good one. | E v e ry m a n has (to him) the labor of, I Hercules to perform. Do not think! fiction, like food, should be let alone yours is the hardest of all troubles, and jiilfss plain, fresh, clean and neatly when you (ail be not too sure there is no ' tried. fault of your own ; examine the m atter, KppIw " full ........ f Kura Oimlitv dur bravest lessons are not learned well, as cause amt effect are not always ' • r tough success, but through misa’dven- so closely allied that you can at once dis- wre. cover their connection. .Success is like Letonr lives he pure as snow-fields, the robbers’ cavern in . The Forty »hereour footsteps leave a m ark, but Thieves; there is only one key th a t will wt attain. open it—perseverance. Let iiothingMaunt you, and if really in earnest ami resolved i The generality of m en have, like pbnta, latent qualities which clnlnge to conquer you must win. Allow no HARDW ARE, T IN W A R E , IK HITS & SHOE«, brings to light. j Hiieli word as failure; the man who has The fortunate circum stances of our life j , such an idea in his head must fail. Jt HATS & ( ’APS, M EDICINES, M T S \ C A \ i , | | S, are generally found to be of our own is a painful fact, but, there is no denying it, the mass are the tools of circum­ (inxlucing. * stance, lacking perseverance; they are Happiness is not a rew ard—it is a TOBACCO, CIGARS, I I RNISIIINO like thistle down on the breeze, and ! Miwpienee. Suffering is not a punish- straw on the river—their course is sha|a*d MBt—it is a result. for them by the currents and eddies Some people never find out that, an of the stream s of life. Youth should Prlcos W ill be found Reasonable •pportunity is an o pportunity until it never dispair, when life is hut begin­ G oods as Roproscnted. to turned the next corner. ning. Perhaps while they are lying Talent is a great tb ng, and true gen- warm and dark in their cocoons, the w may be greater, but perseverance butterflies think th a t life would be bleak "•«times beats both of them . w ithout th at sh e lte r; yet see how hap­ MAX Ali KKS. Endeavor with greater zeal to guard pily they flutter in sunshine, alien the ’.'ain*t and conquer those vices which poor old husk is decayed and forgotten. To the persevering man nothing is difii- C. E. S M IT H . frequently annoy thee in others. OEO. T. HALL. If juu would form a wise judgm ent of i cult. Love not only wants to serve, hut love r.iiturc of a nation, observe especially j ^ M I T H & J J J V C L , | ‘ «1 qualities count for m ost in public will find a way of serving. Love is not i ffl>. perfected until it has jiersevered and Tho Largest Wholosale Dealers in above us and color surrounds planned and changed its ways of work­ ing indefinitely, to secure success in its >/ ’ut if we have not light and color in r we shall not see them outside purpose oi helping the Joved one. It M. may be th at one c . iii belter be helped by indirect suggestions than by plain-spok­ In tho State. Outilde of Tortland. ”i find vonrself refreshed by the en counsel. Finding this to lie so, the ( ^ n c e oi cheerful people; why not Wo are also the largest dealen In RUe an earnest effort to confer th a t loving one will avoid directness of s|N*ecli in the line of sound advice, and *«*ure on others? will wont work w with tact ami eaouuu caution »•,« and . i win iiu taci lp ” ■! merciful, but Hbe jg exactly considerateness, so as to help the other Hllil * it l „..11 . . . o,,c can lavish . I ’ - . I »xriuii'< w ithout disturbing him. It may ba 1 D> Iiificy upon one individual again, again, th th at at the the positive positive and ami carnem no- earnest ad- " l)l i"bbing another of sim ple jus- vtcacy of a truth in discussion between ( two friends tends to set all the firmer I T h i »enrcHt supply jsiint to Gleiiada ami I birr nee by land ( U“’ervt‘ in every direction. Keep your against it the one who would like to All orders by mail or singe g u aran ty <1 filled promptly, ami 'fen. (io forward, understanding learn th e m erits of that question, hut correctly, «1 I be lowest nmrkel price. 'n l,'<- world was made for your knowl- *1*° cannot be thought in that way. In ' “a*, that you Von m ...... ........... .. • . .. ............ . »1.0 rutaitivp mid earnest e to en te r into it ami such a ease the positive and earne <& /•"wes.« h man will curb himself in the expression Oregon. ""Himl ,,o consequences there oi bis convictions to tf.e friend whom he ' » neither good nor bad. Conse- loves, lest he so jar upon him as to pre­ vent Ilia gaining the good of a discussion 'iun ,IH ' *'e gfandard by which ac- at .To 1 ' bey are the children which is to Is. desired from it. It is not 11 .' >»s to the real ch aracter of enough to say that Imth parties ought to study each o th er’s ways, and come to a *,r Parents. common standard oi ia irm -s-h e wlm «uv"i ,.H *envrn|I.v push a man the truly loves will lx* glad to go over to the n J * ,',ake» Up l,iM M,ind to go. H Other’s standpoint of thought and fee , , push him n p ; if going ing in order to help bin», in*“*» «’ «( , . ' ! I’*ni dow n—giavitation claim ing the right to Is* n»et ^decline k l,g l,'e K:'<*ater on Ixive is more than w illing to do a is needed on bMb sides in a friendship 'Vin„ If-saerifiee there can In* no am I true love will find a r* doing i dim n , e ................ ith e r m earth nor nor m in for it is a necessity of love ~ to r ■ __ ' -at love b bis life w ill* „.other of invention in the prod b Liat batetb h it life in this 1 pression of ita albprevadit’if i**d<,n > DRY GOODS °ABm X^MX s TEEsRi'ocKND CHO,CEST '’ DEPARTMENT Ä u .„ . BOOTS and SHOES s ? oc 8 k °[ n ^ ? o « S n « D THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS S GROCERIES. Knowles & Gettys, .■GENERAL GROCERIES: W O O L A N D H O P S . HE A IH A IS LEAD IN PRICES. THE AMERICAN FARMER