nome women can lie. Dimpling— It ia. Tolling—H ere’a a Kansas woman who rnarri«*«! one of the men who lynched her flrwt husband. ---------- CORRESPONDENTS’ NEK. • V OCM BKULL« a io » IB I »LTuB». T 8 IL T C O O 8 . It h ir le r i Sam » II»»»»» I ’ tiic le X We have Just Received W illie and Jack. f o r th e N ow I h r lio lh la y a , (h e Jo lly A re Koivly d ra w Iris u s e r , A lu ll» fu n . If b u t a p u n . W ill h e lp Ul m a k v g o o d ctUWf. In each of the following item« ¡ h hid­ den the name of a jteraon ai»out Florence or the lake«. The names are not all •pelled right, hut pronounce the nylia­ ble« »lowly and you will find them. \n HURD S DflUENPDRT For Change of Raiment. 1 aaw a robin O u r W in t er Stock _ O f B o o ts a n d Shoes ¡niincnsc line of Dry Goods. Has arrived. Fine assortment fo both ladies and gentlemen, />, Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Goods, not fail to ask lor our fainou’ Fascinators, Infants’ Jloods and Sacks Come early for bargains Jack and J ill children shoe—all sizes. —before supply is exhausted. “ \<»n and Jack «it next to each other in school, don't you, H allie?” ‘‘ Part of the tim e.” ‘ ‘Only n part?” “ Yea, air. Jack's standing in the cor­ ner inoat of the tim e.” “ Ami what do you do then?” ‘ ‘Oh, I generally stand in Knottier corner.” X iiu n |* l» r < W ill you believe it? Munday. HURD & DAVENPORT. H e—Do you know, that n» long n» I Groceries, have known you, I have never seen you To aay that Florence la getting behind G ro c e rie s ! dressed in white? __ Groceries, _____ ____________________ wool«I be fallacy. She indeed! Are you then ho partial gtock always on hand, It aeema the meant wedding at the to the color? | hotel drew arveral people there. He— Not exactly th a t; hut whenever I w ban to matrimony you'ra Irirllnnd W ell Selected we a girl dressed in white, I urn ulwnys You'll pottder wall wltafaeti your ml ued ami waited. resilience in Florence. She will keep ” Whut ia it, Bessie?” if houae for her couaina, while (hey seek in i to m kiss you good-bye.” grsMl-hye. O “ i I m want an education in the temple of learning " H e ll, dear, why don't yon kis« me?” at that place. Perhaps lielle will edu­ "I w ill,” Haul the little girl, xxitli : cate her heart In the meantime. trembling lip and «piivering yhin, To he frank will Monday Riel hooii a« I can make the pucker!” 3 Hum» m iloii dona by you that'« klmtr Moma weary b»art forget l l ’a r a r e . dry Happy Bride— H by, mamma, what are you crying for? Every thing ia bo lovely and everybody's l»een ho good tui tne! Come and look at my presents, dear. " I t ’« the present« I ’m thinking of! Every family with a regiment of uumar- I here are ten hidden names; any hoy iled girls ha« went you the moat horribly or girl sending in a correct list will have ex|mn«ive thing«, ami now they’ll all la? Ida or her name printed in T n a W xar, getting married, • and 7 you ........ y r « ,'..„ I.« .,i,.n.,„ I...... . “ and " " " Charles •m ...... ..........« „ I ,,, "• -*■•' <•> K i.r ' h «f them «oinethinghamlBoiner still ! ( « A lt, M AKKU. <>h, Angelina, why didn't you elope?” AMUSING ITEMS. ,, , Her Compliment. . Shortening the Time. Friend— Ihieau’t , the ride hack and M i., sharp |«Mid you « compliment the other «lav, ('holly.** Mr. Mihurb— I f , too short. "Aw. Indeed? Ix>t me hear it me ’ •ox.” I know I ve got t«» pitch in ami work a horse the moment m,- the train train We were ------ h speaking ir iii i y«Hi, abort n id i , y « h i . amt, like iti an»w«>r t.i a rt-m aik ah« m a«k, I aakl »**• city. That makea the ride a « »aa u — . a « . U«I«> _ ft. .. I « _ « »« hi were riot ao big a fool aa you looke«l, a«N»m too abort, «loean't it? *1 p«c»time it does. But bow altout ami alte aaid atte iina of i>l« a»i deep ’ “ Ah, imt I «cut a. bc.,d r t ,,,/* Rah, ä 1 “lh v'" ’' «’'e friendly »pirjt . If u|lp " a lte r. would l. he moat be worthv . . . have . friem .. ----- - w ■'orthv - M . k. rriraJ„ r> r,r jn h(; Wiihng t© Help Her II..I.I l«.< Io I,„ .„ .I,. I I l , I» j, orM, (|1)r oj . . . Amateur Wtrrwa { wft»« latemW W* adopt r r ' “,,,“ ” ‘»cat rrgret» in after life that I L » -i«g« a . a pndre»h.rt \ o . M r. Ker- TT' - ,ri**»‘<**ht|»e were not kept uc M.«rth. I «wno.d m arry you. .„ y * I * “ “ * ”» ha xing friend» among* roan it WLHtht tr.ierlcr* with u h th ,« ro V' “‘r Frieodahip between U» ‘* m * ' ' Ì l Ì U‘e ’" ‘W a * * ‘a hut fnernb Mr. K — Ih iI think Io «« •'" » ’ l«'- -M -« “ " « • or. di * <« »f. they aup|4ement e«rh other. Wotlhl twMHO X«H|* An Illustration Totling— it"» H n iti|* how vindh-tixe • g AS FOLLOW S: G tsst C a n to n F la n n e l.................. H* .,<• Men*» lu i ........................... S u its fro m fo.OO to «10.00 tile Y in ith ’s S u its fro m ».00 to M.flO A pron C h eck G in g h a m s ___ H*.,,- M e n 's S hoe« fro m 1.00 to 3.011 l>r«*HM OlngliaiiiK , . . Kk* M en ’« Hoot» fro m .................. 2.10 to X00 A Roe lot of s u u n la n l P rin t» «* ,«• B oys’ Hoot» fro m ...................... 1.00 to 2.011 fioijhle fold lire»» F la n n e l •„»Sc Men*« K tildier H u n tin g Hoot» 8.2« to 8.M Kl«.(raiit O u tin g F la n n e l .. . 1‘2‘s r “ K n e e Boot», 'H a n d k e rc h ie f,, from Ac u p w a rd , s o m e th in g E le g a n t 075 L k II ck ' sh o e« from , 1.2ft to 2.ft0 Men*« R u b b e r H ip B oot« 8.2Ato3.A0 In M ufftcra for llo lid a v P resen t« , we M en ’s R u b b e r Hootrf, S h o rt 2,75 «•an »how yon a fine lot to »elect Boy»' K u b tie r H u n tin g B ent» 8.00to%21 from . Boy» •• s to r m K in g B oots •> 3» A fine llite o f L a d ie s',G e n t» * a n d C h tl- M e n 's R u b b e r» 50,. d r e n ’s UNDERW EAR i«t a»toid»li- latdi«*«' a n d C h i l d r e n ’» R u b b er» In all size» a n d a t lo w e st p rice». i h lld rv n « Shoe» a t price« th a t, d efy G e n t» ' a n d l.ipll«*»'M acintoshes, an d C ircu­ coinpulititin. lar» fo r M chool G irl». K e lle r i|U H llty C lin to n F la n n e l. M WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. CALL&CUS I LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW! S. H. Friendly • • Dealer in QOODS, Gents* F iin iis liin tr G< mh 1 n . AND LOTHINC, Grtl‘JM‘ts, BtMtts and Shoes. (»lasswans Groceries Etc. Etc. Headquarters for w”1’ *Hf,T' 0ATS AND BARLB' Highest Pii,-,. pa j,i for Country Produce. EUGENE. THE AMERICAN FARMER - Any ami all kind. *4 b u .ld l«, m ateri! «I l«4b tough and drv»n»l at I». T , J > • ■ ( i l o m U »aw m ill. • a t i n you BARGAINS if SPECIAL alwav» thy. house Of J. H. McClung, o E T J G r E 1ST E , up to Hi» Neck That Way. waa up to toy neck,” aai«l U alter, in t h c T ^ l iM .’« , Jm ^ goods • Trouble beginning Early. A n d la o a ib a yuiirnaaM p In th a n k f u l p ra y e r'' T h e n t r u l y < lirl« im a * h a » n o t r u m « in v a in ; I w ill I«- y o u r o w n a m t » m ,lite r '. gala. M e th in k « I f a in tly ju a t n o w h « o rd T h » u b t )« « r * lg h — “ k h me* th e d a y » a r e g lid in g by; I It» line" fur iu« la draw In « nigh Whan I ai tal aay good by», g o o d .I,y r!" The Old R e l i a b l e ------------- • • • ‘‘ \ T W O