cv ctaq r n iT n q ill S EX. STAR EDI • AN E X C E 8 8 IV E T l„ . O w n . , ¡b e p a id , and , diouJ(, l|e TAX. blJt ¡ „ orUer n il of tta imL-bt«i»ess reasonable tim e, with ¡I, a ne county tt<1 coUM,> OIIIJ omy Mina ami reform, « — h ----- ire — larger --- - h»r h,*u* B — b ill« at p iirj* «ea tor the p a r la irj. In I.iigtn» nites, and in some inrtances for j I A gricultural the c ity and achmd taxes amount to 10 H.rx i,.,.r n„ t g« necessary or beneficial to 1 m ills, making 36 in illa o r S '. | * r cent. the ttraidrs road taxes. Thi« w ill take all are pai«l in - fu ll.—Or<7"' ge ■ • - • heavy .... u ami mm- j l l l . . k h ..„., of Albany, «¡11 run -o...e of ,„„1,1, tlvn P M - r f y . U I- f l - a-.... a m erry rare for opiniou of taxpayer« th a t a levy of 30 railroad milasioner. Men are nut in illa lor M ate and county purpurea to I mj elected by the legislature uo ukl have been sufficient. There are there are candidates galore. 1 he now al«»ut oi outati,odd,g county prc«ent commissioners, one of whom ia warrants on which tbe county ia j«ay,ng Robert ('lo w , of Junction ( 'ity , »re nil H p r «•« nt. intercat. , Thia la not an ex- ¡n the race again «ml Frank J. M ille r, | a n .I th e . n t , '. u n i i. f th e h ..,ii.|, i- u I h «» IIIC I i - ™ Including the interest la not large in pro- tloued a* a lik e ly candidate. Aim ing p irtio n to the population ami wealth of tlm others ia h r. W . II. Kiel», of ioledo, the county. Thia indebtedncsa baa been journey surgeon for the Oregon Pacific. incurred m uinly by the building of v hiidg.a, a h u ll were wuahed away b‘‘ llow man, of A lbany, section f«»re„»an tit«- Southern Pacific, ia also named RILLS. REAPERS Vehicles nf all kinds the tiiaala of 1H1*>. aud by building of aN R cunilidate.—A lbuny the ta il thia aummer. The«« thing« * i > tv uav- Vnleaa all sign« fa il, the com ing legla* were neceaaSFV, ami nobody object« ,»»> it i . ,t, it... Irttiv«» aeaaon w ill la* enlivenc'l bv C o rn er lug for them , but they w ill lament tbe ■ ,i couutv-scut contests nml cf,<>rts to create uaoitls who w ill corns bore during the eoumy ««ax« . ,i „ new conntica. I t baa come to be con- next few ywara aa mucb aa those now E U G E N E . , / r ...a r lv aidered the fa ir tilin g to make every Iters win» have already paid for nearly , i , « ii 1.1 iinv -ize a conn,\ -eat, :tnd ju -t • every th in g th a t baa been «lone in de- , ’ •»*« * ■ . .« I ,| m (tint m to\Aiiw act tb<* ihciv ve io ping the ««aintry, am i it would la* «" hu*t »* k • illuu«. aiag atiurc , » tlie is »Hey to let those who come here . '»liag« m v y i begin g to s< iienie for a . .. . . . . I........ ..... « » « * • I » » “ « “ ™ '" » O live a n d E ig h th S treets OREGON, THE WEST ,g ,h .. buhl...., L o t llw .»« «»« l » a , t l l . . » h . . h . l M Ulp ..h l Iho ....... . not .i.. h..l...g I ) , , h n ih liiig « « rfu iv ..g.n..«t .hu c .„ .i..y - .,.« in p.«- th» h o ,« of .p ,« .r,l..h..i It. K v ry K « iu .. t i l .«r» I.M .. Thu ».«-.«••I » .h i« ,h m ..I « I« «'" « .r t— .d 'h .« Uin.l, .....I .1 nftw • pr. . | . r t y . h . . y . . . r i. . s . n . i. l« r . , , h . , n . . l. . r h ..k . n . II the next one w .,nl.l have than a . . . I . . I year. « • » I..X t h i . year ...ore lim n the average num ber of eon- of -M ...ilia «0.11.1 pay rn nuiu g e lp enw a , U k lo g up llm Uhl » a i.a aa faat aa the new warrant« would lie isaued, and Will Pay,through Its Advertising Col­ umns, a larger Dividend for the Money Invested than can be realized from any other source. vulaiona.—ih ryo n in n . • WHY? Because it is read by the people with whom you expect to do business. Can you expect them to trade a t your store unless you invite them to do so? ....... .. the auriace, preparatory to a presenta­ would perhap« pay somalhiug on tbe in- tion to tbe leglalature. Probably it the dabtedne«» by liquidating tbe old w ar­ i,ue«tlnn of county-aeat could lie e lim i­ rants a little lawter than new un«« would nated there would la* but very little of | N. tinned. Many ta x |*y e r« are paying tbe division m atter heard of. A boom ten percent. Interest on money, and w ill for aome aspiring c ity ia the substance lie obliged to borrow imuiey at that rate of thing« sought for. lame county parlies Io pa* taxes to liquidât«’ tbe ctuiuly are ta lk in g it, and lately comes an w ho «Ici,I. which ,« «Ira»,ng only eight per (rum C orry county to divide npon the in b ,,M , o di«|a-iM* the nml» of t'nbinet wealth ami |wqwdatiou t«> |wiy aome «>1 it, a .p iia n ta .- Junction ( 'ity T i n t f t . Instead «M «luat|4ng It all ttpoO the prx*.- | \ Nt w Voss tliere ,« a project well en l taxpayer« at a tim e when it ia a l­ under wav to get one hnmltx-d ami sixty most lm p«**itde to get money, 1 mlt-r l«rople of wealth ami leisure to club to­ the 1« m ill tax, tbe laet call, i.toted a gether and «butter a IWM ton «temner lew d a r. a g », |«*id o(T ,be wnrrwnts ia- lor a f*«*xen m. iitb» ' voy age arocm l tbe rood «*ue year ami live moiitba ago. world. The gout is estim ated at Thia w«»uld lo d lt ale th a t w itli a tax <4 for ea«'b |a*r»«»n. > i m ill« tin« ywar, in«te»d of 36, the war- IN ... TH E C IT Y OF EUGENE. U N D ER TA K IN G and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty A ll onler* for Purolturv w ill ,in fro n t the Hiuslaw w ill tie tddpped from Portland dlnet. M. C II AM BEK U N , taut« now I «ring iawurwl w«u,ki protwibly t«e paid in al«out eigtdeen months. (xHinty w a rta n l. are m»w »«dint« at par «•< a slight diweotint am i tbe credit «4 tbe w AT( IIES, x CLOCKS AND JE W E L S txwmty ami the w m litK u t of Its Ih ie e r» ,l»d tiot «leioaml a lax of 2’« m ills , wltleh R E P A IR E D P R O M P T L Y ia tbe Ingbeat tax e«cr Irch a l In thi« ’A N D W O R K W ARRANTED« ami ll»e lilgtwwt that ,» lik e ly to l e lexnxl for ».Mtwltme t««cxu,w*. A ll the «aa re ex ««■e* «4 tl«c :\ m , u I v »bou!«I AT KOXT S t KKKT. FLOKKXCK V A It I F T Y X T b ltK , W*. ..v o f BalCQ*