Vol. 3. Florence, Lime County, Oregon, Friday, Decemlier 23. liW2. THE TRUE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. serpent in Paradise, may work lam ent- would wend mv tt-»v <■» < .. ’ , able • ’ ai 1 ’ kiaspmg the the profits of individual •........ entcrpi i-e, that " , i l l •in d t l . ie i , »1 * r o " ' ‘ • ,Y o l, • , : n ^ , M I W .......................... — ................. ....... ............................. M any and g reat changes have taken No. 36, 1 ? * " * '» K * '» " * > » • '• '»>• » « l.v a.'.piir.'.l ............ ........................................... ....... |ace in the m a n n e r of celebrating treasures • . M-mv Joys and i many .. Christmas w ithin th e la st c e n tu ry o r presents are essential features of a « true «"’'I sorrows linqueut tax es—or in a tauter term ,*ir- two and it cannot be g ain said th a t th e j ce^®6ra6on of Christinas. Y ear by year myltfe has known since then, hut no h a p s - to collect the costs for trying to lestival i« observed in m uch less f e r v e n t' ^ ,e preparation of “ holiday goods,’* of *,a8 etP»»ded that 1 experienced in get the taxes. To illustrate the point a,»d picturesque fashion th an it was I ^'»rietma« specialties,” of “ elegant U.c possession of the gifts of SanU Claus most clca.lv . a gentleman in this pre wont to be. We no longer begin our : noveltle8’’ has absorbed more of the on that cold, gray Christmas morning, d n e t Mas assessed $5.00 taxes, and e lry o n th e 10th of D ecem ber, (de- . t,n ie - and thought and capital of those Lehthe children enjoy the sweet belief although he took alt the precaution* ^.¡bed in th e prayer-book calender ae : * h ° Help us to perpetuate th e fame of -while they may; disenchantment will necessury to find out the amount to be D ¡¿api/alia) and keep it up u n til tw elfth ‘S anta Claus, and year by year th e de­ come soon enough. \\ hen I realise that fuiid, nothing could lie learned until it night. The Lord of M isrule no longer mand upon the purses of parents and Santa I Ians was a myth, my childish l*>- was seen adi'citised in the G’»i«i..f u* others his m otley crew of boisterous children, of brothers and sisters, of lov­ lief was shaken in many things, and the “ delinquent.” Then tin» sum to easo muunners about h im , a n d sets out to ers and friends, has grown heavier un­ vanishing of the cherished idea sad* the grip of the tax law was easily dis­ disturb the neighborhood. In fact th e til w hat was at the start a beautiful }d ||e d in my hours. coverable, and it figured up to $2’.’.50. whole past of pagan rites, an d baccha- CU8^om threatens to become ere long a In the days of old, an English so|ter- If it costs $17.50 to collect a $5 .00 «lelilí nalian excesses, w ith th e ir bew ildering burden too grievous to be borne. It is stition taught that the cattle bent their quent tax, it is not a hard mathemi'ti- mixture of C h ristian legends, mediieval certainly time th a t a halt should be .-knees at the mystic midnight wlum we cal problem for the Jiotntnl to deter ¡ celebrate the coming of the fancies, and su p erstitio u s n otions of all C h r is t c h ild , m in e th e c x | n > iik c to c o lle c t o ne o f a sorts, which afforded som e justification pod, stra igely true, the Micniae Indian $1000. Hut suppose ami it is a reason- lor the P uritan a b h o rren ce of C hristinas m arket value of the a rtid e, should surely Isolds the same belief. “ Me watch to able supposition that the party here festivities as th e S a tu rn a lia of A ntichrist constitute its chief virtue in our eyes.fcco deer kneel,” the savage replies, who* was a-'tessed for $5.1X1 had no prop lias fallen into d isre p u te an d disuse, go j b e tte r by far th a t this incident of the ben encountered stealthily creeping erty in sight to raise the ««xpenr.-s, to that the season an h d as becom lost m uch its I i u^ Christm as celebration should fall in ’o through the to-night forest; “ is me w a tc as." h to see sa y nothing about pay« the costs? We the com prim-ipal, e to the who eon- decr kneel; Christm boisterousness, e a far of more er desuetude than tliut the commer- decorous observance. B u t is th is change cial point of view should lie generally I Toone, nerthern-born, who is spend- elusion that it is the count v that would accepted. ’Twere a thousand pities for^fo? » »inter in the south, Christinas foot this cost bill, ah it is quite evident a matter for reg ret? B ecause we con­ th a t most of the $17.50 was for a«lvei- iine our C hristm as celebration to a sin­ Christendom to forget th a t the most ^brings but few charms. They long for Using, and the liiianl, we think, doet gle day, and th e n c arry it o u t in a way joyous of her festivals commemorates ¡.d'c pure, white snow, the keen, frosty ir, the stars blazing in the d e ar vault not print these list* for fun, or glory, that would h ard ly call forth th e con­ the greatest of all gifts ever bestowed ( bovc, an of the a u tb o rfU j? ' spirit of C h ristm as, an d should set our- peculiar force in this connection, altho’ The very name has a magical s o i l i n ' — to collect the taxes, nor with tlm f/m ird their immediate meaning lies elsewhere: helves to seek d ilig e n tly u n til we find it? Merry Christinas to all. It is a time of for collecting its pay for Its labor per “ The Holy supper is kept Indeed Far from it. “ Tim es ch an g e and w e 1 In whslso we share with another’s «eid; j j .a,a ,.e :,,y Lav aside the old feud, formed, but only cite tills case to show Not whut we give, but what we share ’ ' I , , , . i. m . l . . .i change with th e m ,” an d th e change has For the gift Without the giver is bare. bury the ¡s tty strife -Je t heart in-ot the Journal that It w ill take twenty live iieen for th e b e tte r in b o th . W e are Who gives him self with his alms feeds three. | H,a r t ¡„ ,»|a,| r e fra in . T h e year just mills to settle the costs of collecting the T TJ__ _ Ii X . t — 1 hungering . ....... .«I.,,. tvzili.klukl» A1 ” Himself, his nelghlxir uild ami 1I1 me.' most decidedly of th e opinion th a t the s,lent has borne with it many joys and delinquent tuxes th a t have bean rnn- T hat fourth line contains the true sc- Christmas of good Q ueen V ictoria is inanv sorrows. Old friends, it may la*, ning for a term of years th a t we cannot c ie t of Christm as giving, and il the surpassingly m ore in h arm o n y w ith the have passed away to the silent land. name. true intent and m ean in g of th e festival principle it enshrines he only adhered Soma new faces are about us, ne w , JJ baiil lias thrown liar gates wltlu than the C h ristm as of good Q ueen Bess, to, one may safely join with Charles , • ,, i .i:„f nlllt ,.vprv gre,,t ' M<‘rry ( ,' riMn,a" j open and Invited Chinam en to partake The vivacious C hroniclers of th a t pictur- ( Dudley W arner in the belief that y j j a ,,.,v \ e w Year.” of the blessings of the Bepublie. v e a r a t C hristm as time the windows of j ’ I have read a quaint . . and , av v u iisu n a s u Somewhere, esque period, w hile th e y have dilated in year T iik legislature can prim e ita ears to | . . > glowing term s of how it was “ m erry in li6AVcn will open wide** than evtsr lie* • ■I j pretty German leg •ml, that told of hear from Lane county some broad ami f < ii’p u l l i l Illo FC IllCU 1IIK1 W O llltill W ill .. the kail w hen th e beards wagged a ll,” foie, anu more Elise standing to greet the New \e a r , pointed liiuta on the m atter of a lietler with a gMr|aI,(| „( bright-lined flowers in have discreetly o m itte d to m en tio n how hear the song._____________ road law.—Springfield matters fared in th e hut. We have |I her hands. They were the good resolu­ CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS. T iik Southern Staten produce mow other sources of in fo rm atio n , however, tions for the year woven together, la-t Once again it is with us, that glorious o u r good resolves greet the year, ami, than three-fourth« ol the cotton re- and from these we g a th e r th a t the rev­ feast of old. Once again that grand no t as a rope of «and, let them endure, quired to keep at work the cighty-flve elry went not far beyond th e homes of song of the Angels is sounding in our Onward a n t ever upward; cbee.ing as million spindles in existence In th e the well-to-do, am i that, th e re was little ears—“ Peace on earth, go si will to we go, some waywanl brother. I art. our t ’nited State* »ml Europe. effort m ade to e x te n d it to those who m en.” The crisp froet sparkles «"'lor day« I*’ filled with a «wwt content that 1 E x < ii . axi > alone more than ten mil- could not provide it for them selves. foot, th e bells jingle merrily, and all so many plesslngs are ours. lion oil lain|w are used nightly. 1 bey This is one of th e m ost im p o rta n t points tilings herald the coming of a joyoi s The Star of Bethlehem shine« brightly (.au-e t | irM hundred deathe annually, of difference betw een th e oid C hristm as of old. It illuminates »H U“’ wo,l'*l | *„<1 | n bm don alone one bundle«! ami and the new , for one m ay safely affirm C hristm astide. us To th e children particularly shoal and a« our heart» glow with love for fifty-six fires in a single year have been that in co n nection w ith th e C hristm as this be a tim e of enjoyment. Park n Him who died to «are mankind, the old trace«I to them . of the year of o n r Lord one thousand deed m ust have been the childhood«. J eight b u n d le d an d n in ety -tw o th ere will I i. ypar <^ e* 'nn< I acroea the «now—through Bv aaraaai»»« to nor local page it will lie a m ore g eneral and generous effort the man or woman who cannot Uu> (roMty Mir_ ,.onR.H the glad re fra in : lie seen th a t th e Ito*« Hill cannery w»m- "ii the p art of th o se who have enough ' back to the pleasures of (Jiri pMiiy lias pai«l its tuxes. Notices for the ami to spare to m ake glad th e hearts of vague uncertainty ami bliss u » j, sale, ol the canned salmon attarl»ed, those who have little o r no th in g than tion of the stocking an .Ull| tjie were |*s»ted In conspicuous place« in this world of o u rs has ever w itnessed contents— the i n » h i g lorence, aism t tbe only place where before. Ami not only so, b u t th a t each merry romping 11 * reniem ueb property could be wdd. It is safe succeeding C h ristm a s will w itness a this hippy s u to ii. gray o o say th at if thia attachm ent l»»«l been wider illu stra tio n of th e beautiful tru th her emerging from Is pattering made in Eugene, the notieee wool«» that it ia m ore blessed to give th an to the Christm as morning, am have appeared in «