it gets no further than the Dram office, and a t Seaton the sa ed clean off the ranch, and th a t th e ne^t ill,“e Uav ,,.. . as Cornwall, the Scottsburg carrier, re p. in. • *'.... . gust of wind lifted the shed and let it mail which he th in k s The Florence Mission down gently in an o th er place. Of la«es to carry give th e ir regular qIlar..,r| ^ ’y . . , . i »1 „y m ,. r is ought to coine over the other route, -I'CRLIMIIED KVEUV F R ID A Y MOBWINU.— course, it is understood th a t Air. ( . is u o th e Presbyterian ehurel ' now a resident of Florence, Oregon, and -C a p ta in William S m ith, called v'eace. sidew alk—south from the church. hole through his upper lip. ! —Canvas-hack ducks are q u ite plenti- thing he done a t once. He expected to I'rank Fox has accepted a position H e n ry G ates has been in Florence leave hv this m orning’s stage. I f ill on th e G reat »Siuslaw. Jim Tronson as engineer nt the governm ent works. som etim e, a t work on MerchantHun —Amos H aring is doing considerable and Bert M inaker took a run up th e riv ­ new d ru g store, but has now returned —A new channel is being cut out nt er yesterday, and in less than tw o hours fixing up about his fine N orth Fork th e m outh of the liver—so reported, and Acme an d is ready to tackle a ganie they returned w ith ten very line ducks. ranch,a new chim ney and fire-place being stra ig h t to sea. Jim “ shooed” th e m ud-hens ivvay while I un,on8 tbe improvem ents. Mr. H aring crib a t th e drop of the hat— and Jo hn,iv Weaver is hack from N e -[ Bert laid low th e canvas-backs. has as tine a ranch as any in the valley, aw ay th e laurels as regular as any of tl Iiraska and is now w aiting on th e table m, • , , , . .. and he lias gone ju st a little further than boys. a t H otel Morris I ~ T 1,e force wo’'kl,le,l Ht th e govern­ C h arlie Cox, Martin Noffsinger, R m ent rock q u arry is to be laid off to- most of his neighbors and stocked it with forty head of cattle, many of which .d ills, \ \ . A. Cox, Johnny Morris, J . H . M cClung, th e Eugene mercli- night, for a few day. This is done he- m it, quotes prices. Read his ad else­ cause of the w ant of a boom stick of tlie are milch cows. The gentlem an makes and Tom Neely all brought logs to tl where iu this pa|>er. right dim ension which E ngineer Kick- a great am ount of hotter, all of which Siuslaw R iver Lumber Co’s, mill - Mrs. A. M cDonald, wife of Forem an sacker is endeavoring to get hold of and meets a ready m arket a t a good price week. J oh n ny Morris walked away wt per pound. th e whole bakery, so to speak, and fli McDonald at the governm ent works, has w ithout which work cannot progress lieen, and in fact still is, q u ite ill. —Rev. Moys is a m inister of th e gos- ed in a raft of five logs which —M. F . P h illip s’ new house is the l,e d ,e M ethodist faith, b u t it is 10,362 feet, and which brought him H arper W orkm an, who has been envy of m any river people. It will he quite i l l at the Florence hotel for th e one of th e best and most convenient quietly given out th a t lie performed an th e neat sum of $41.48. T he n e x t schooner to arrive will past three weeks with lung fever, is re- ! dw ellings in Florence. Mr. P. is now a t act this morning which is more in ac- ported to lie im proving. work p u ttin g on th e first coat of plaster cordance with tl,e B aptist faith th an th e F ree Trade which w ill load at -S c h o o n e r Free Trade has sailed from Tl,e in te rio r w ill he finished iu natural "7 th ,the ° ne t0 w l,id ' 1,e adl,ers n,ore E . S a u b e rt’s mill. The schooners San !• rancisco, and unless she breaks all wO°d, n»d th e ceilings and walls iu hard C 0801-v > 1,1,1 insomuch as the perpetra- ielson, McCullough and Chetco will previous records she may he expected to ,,n ’Hh plastering. h o ” ot the joke was upon himself, there tu rn so soon as they discharge t —T he W est job rooms are having a | i8n’1 a n .v kick coming. W hen about to p resen t load of lumber in San Francii a rriv e m a bo u t t h ir t y days big run of work this week. U tte r and I 8t®P *7t0 1,18 boat bis bead got " ,ixed UP and will reload at the Siuslaw Lum —N. H. Bjeldanes has moved, with his family, from th a t pleasant North hill heads for Know lee & G ettys and Si- with C olter’s wharf piling, which upset C o m p an y ’s mill. The Chetco cai f ork ranch to Florence to rem ain the uslaw L u m b er Co., hill heads for him 86 completely that he lost his bal­ th e largest and most valuable cargo stea m e r C hance, ami w here we glisten ance—the water right at th a t point is lum ber th a t has been sent out oí I winter—in N. E. B erkrem ’s house. about seventeen feet deep, and wet and Siuslaw riv er this season. — At what ,m int can Florence people, th e m ost b rillian t is on th e Odd Fellows’ cold every inch <¿1 the way—Rev. who attend church in G lenada, get off in v ita tio n s—sm oother th a n silk and Moys is our authority for the statem en t, —Florence needs a good grocerysto ’ hat they may hit th a t new sidewalk done in th re e colors. and he ought to know For term s, ren t on store building, etc which is being built “ south from th e' , ........ .. , ^ m h er .............. entire distance—both church?” w rite Geo. , M. Miller, Fairmoui 1st to w re c k th e n o rth bound fre ig h t ways. He caught onto his boat's p a in t­ Oregon, — C a p ta in C ox is busy up nt Acino tr a ,n ’ n e ar 11 >« «»id th a t a er as he came to the surface and made th e s e t im e s g e t t in g ( , „ t „ a w lo g s , th e rail bad been rem oved, and was diseov- a successful climb onto the wharf again, same to Is- sawed and shipped to San ' ‘red by a ’" an living nea,‘ th ere " h o ex- S T R A N G E THINGS ABROAD. I'ram iKe,,. He expects to get ou t about lK‘cted l,ia d a u g h ter to return from a very wyt clergyman, but none the A country ja il in Mexico is (aid <»00,000 f»>et. ' “ Pass on th e train and had gone worse for his early morning plunge. G ra n t’s co n sist o f a live-oak tree, with a eh A ny and all kinds of building niateri ~ On tin* 4th Saturday of th is m onth, to th e statio n to m eet h er.— /'Zatndeafrr. an d sta p le attach ed . al both rough and dressed, at David it — Buy p aten t m edicines at Meyer A- A t th e d e a th of Queen Elizabeth S.t . r , ? " ” " iH " ,vvt u '<‘ evening at Son's Gleiladi, saw-mill. dresses w ere in h er wardrobe, ofwhn K y le’s—big stock. You are not sick a i"i work. I he Dispensation tw o o n ly w ere of silk. -as arrived, and nothing is left to do now, b u t you may lx». I.ay in a stock A PECULIAR DISEASE. A new iron bridge over the Fam nut go torwur«!. for a sick day w hile the assortm ent is From the Kugene Register. in S tra th g la s s . Inverness, lately c" II, good and prices out of sight. C. M. \o u n g has lost another colt. 1 lapsed th ro u g h a e art of about one u th is week It is q u ite probable th a t m any of the The last one died a lew The rivets were cuti lie has T H E W E ST . * ..... . «»rewsier, on two mines in this way fall. They ’ lent lake, and th e one tu rn ip m easures art* now pretty near all gone and he will T he just an even yard in eireum ferenee. have to stock up again. P agin 16-page jo u rn a l will be sent in* M innesota H otel, in Eugene, is one RELIGIOUS NOTES. block from depot. Kates, $1 per ,|a v J all the Kiibserilmrs of T he W All w hite help. This hotel has been r e - ' Sacram ental services will be held «it who pay one year’s sulwrip1'* littvil and newly furnished, l ’a tn ton use th e Presbyterian church Christmas it. m orning. c tses canned.- in advance. This lil»er#l offer — It IS given out th a t now only 1,^1 T he Point Terrace Sunday-School « ¡it - • K. B Colvin reports to the , plies alik e to all eld !1!‘ * ein th a t d u riig th e revvnt heavy wind a mail is carried on th e Florence-Eugene I j° ‘n «'»*» the Florence Pivsbvieri * wagon, buggy and a year old call w ere m ute. The m ail which formerly cHtne S unday^ehool in Chri 11st mas tree exer- new patrons. Remeiahcr d Mown from under a shed e n “ I hid” over th is route goes to Drain where it ¡„ rises. you only two dollars for h'° .O b o , ™ , , , ™ , , „ lln w j|| ( w i h ( E ic h e r s p h n v on th e n d hills am ! am! lami p<‘rs. Sam ple copies ’ . • 1 ’ *t ,va<’’1 a * « f 18,000 American Ecii'in>'r'