MV OCR KK<1 UI.A K CoMTUIBUTOBS. ABOUT ROAD PE TIT IO N S. HURD & DAVENPORT, A careful revision of the insurances covering the property destroyed by the great fire in Milwaukee showed th a t the insurance companies lost $2,798,221. Our W inter Stock O f Boots and Shnn6 We have just Received The total damage is assessed a t $4,- An immense line of D ry Goods, H as arrived. Fine assortment f,)r As we Fiddle Creekers intend to have OOQ.OOO. Fancy Goods, L adies’ Hoods, noth ladies and gentlemen. ft, an o th er road petition ready for the shark recently washed ashore at M arch term of the county court, in lieu Mid a t> road, 1 ami 1 we do 1 . not . i ¡can clothes, wears a pair of eveglasses, dear friend I zt Carle ‘ * think those in the vicinity of his high- and, altogether, looks very unlike an or- way have any right to rem onstrate | dinury Chinam an against ours. And we sincerely hope Buffalo capitalists propose to erect they will have a petition of th eir own to i steel observatory 250 feet in height a t tight over, and let ours alone. AS FO LLO W S: I ■ I Niagara Falls. The platform at th e top £=!------------ Of J. H. McClung, OT E TT G r E KT E , — .. » • I (¡11 [ill YOU BARGAINS 11 SPECIAL L S!sc Apron Cheek Ginghams .......... i«x> Gingham s.......................... 6L«; ■ lot of Standard Prints. Double fold Dress F lan n el....... 12'¿c Elegant Outing F lannel............ Handkerchiefs from 6c upward Ladies' Shoes f r o m ............. 1.26 to 2.50 In Mufflers for Holiday Presents, we cau show you a line lot to select friWu. Jam es Brooks, a twelve-year-old lad, latest discovery near Hillsboro, N. M. ; A fine line of Ladies’, G ents'and Chll- d ren’s UNDERWEAR at astonish­ A Portland, Me., woman, who bus a has ju st been relieved of several inches ingly LOW PRICES.. , ,,, ! C hildren’s Shoes at prices th a t’ defy of superfluous tongue—th e enlargem ent f*« m ania for canceled postage stum ps, lias com petition. NEWS IN GENERAL. 'T tim e. The view will take in lake On­ | * , ____ e Niagara A Newfoundland com pany has been tario, the tortuous course of th * river, and on n clear day th e spires of organize«! to gather ice from icehregs. A m ountain of carbonate of zinc is the Toronto. over a million of them . of w hich was ascribed to a lish bone— by an operation perform ed by Dr Leach, K In the past twelve m onths the num ­ at the C itizens’ H ospital, W ashington. b er of electric railways ir. the U nited Many persons sutler from this ailment H a te s lias increased from «185 to 400. w ithout knowing it. A will trial in New York devel«ipe«l The Board of Police of New York has tlu* fact that Mrs. Cole put silk gowns resolve«! th at policemen shall not in fu­ ami a sash upon a statu e of Venus. ture carry sticks, eith er by night or day Mrs. Susan Neal, of San Antonio, unless specially or«le»'ed to do so. In an T exas, w ho is rcpnton them . The rays of these lights, it St Bernard in the world, died a few ¡„ gai(1| n u , be Made to illum inate Buf- Men’s Boots fro m . 2.50 to 5.00 Boys’ Boots fro m . l.OOteZdJ M en’s Rublx;r H u n tin g Boots 3,25to8.6# “ *• Knee Boots, so m ething Elegant 2.75 Men’s R ubber H ip B o o ts.... S.25to3.50 Men’s R ubber Boots, Short 2.76 Boys’ R ubber H u n tin g Boots 3.00 to3.25 Boys’ “ Storm K ing Boots 2.50 Men’s R u b b ers.......................... Ladies’ and C h ild ren ’s Rubbers in all sizes and a t lowest prices. G ents’ and Ladies’ Macintoshes, and Circu­ lars for School Girls. WE SOLIC IT Y()UR TRADE. CALL &C US “I LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW!" S. H. Friendly • • D e a le r in D——C°°PS’ G ents’ F u rn ish in g Goods. AND C arpets, B oots and Shoes. C l OTHINC, Glassware. Groceries, Etc. Etc. H eadquarters for HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY. Highest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. E U G E N E ...................................................................OREGON. «I h . vh Hg.i of gastiic colic, at . j talo, and the cost of coPlw*r wire« to and M u sS IlC llllS ett The «I« weighed about the city and retu rn will be saved. 2191 lbs. The U niversity oi Michigan numbers ' M ajor Joseph Mugone, 82 year» of fig«*.; among hg st(hk.ntg two Vutlng c|linM e I w lio 'ta r te 'l from Oregon last Ju ly to gir|. , who are Btu.lying medicine, and i walk to Chicago, a distance of over 2000 ilM(,nturn ()1 HoWerv mil«**«, n-cciith com pleted Ids journey. missionaries. For the convenience oi E iioh K err, a man well known at their American friend« they do not use, K noxville, Iowa, found a perfect m inia­ th e ir own names at present, but are • tu re e ar oi corn with grain« no larger called Mary Mon«. an«l Ada K h a n .' th a n m ustard seeds grow ing on a stalk Three young China men art* medical of foxtail. I students at the same coll. g«' THE AMERICAN FARMER. T W O $2.