EX. STAR EDITORIALS. allowed to escape, Governor I ennoyer wouldn’t have to stand the llm ie of C ottage (¡rove Echo-Leader: Lane daip ning so many. county farm landa would double in val­ ue in tw enty-four m onths with a good HIS CA SE WAS SE TT LED . system of roads. # # * Tillam ook Adcocate: It is now the opinion of the press generally th a t there SVARVERUD & Co. W HO LESALE A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN It T ook a Oood Many Year». B u t In th e End H e Was N o t l u r e w arded. I never knew w hen th e accident hap- i t w as on the books of th e rail- „ in be no ex.ru « - i o n . Theden.oe-r... — f e .o r ^ “ o! “ are not anxious for it and repiWdicans Well, let th a t go over an o th er , t year ” were his in stru ctio n s to me are decidedly against it. w henever I would re fe r to th e m a tte r Hie M ontesano Vidette contains the to h o b b ^ 'i n th e office MPLEMENTS. following: A V erm ont editor has com­ menced w riting obituary notices of some of its delin q u en ts—not having been able to hear from them . They liaife come to about once in six m onths and ask about the case. He had lost his leg in a smash-up. and had been promised, again and again, a fte r th e fashion of corporations, th a t his case wou.d be I settled. life wonderfully qujck. ■ “ In a little w hile now," would be « « the law y er’s words, “ we will be g ettin g Corvallis Gazette: If the next legisia- legis a- | y OUr“ease; you m ust be p atient, atien t you tu re does not rqpcal the mortgage tax know; th ere are so m any ahead of 3 on Y ear a fte r y ear every six m onths law Isfore another two years roll around, the old fellow used to come dow n to the taxes of this state will he paid by the city to see if we w ere ready to the sm all property holders. '1 he settle. “ We are no* liable; h u t we w ill do w ealthy men and heavy property hol­ som ething for you,” would be his g re e t­ ders will practically pay no taxes. ing from tlie astu te railroad attorney. * * * One day lie hobbled into the g eneral Regarding the division of Lam- county oflleoa, and declared th a t lie would not , leave un less he was atten d ed to. the H arrisburg Courier states: '1 he peo- «.Your claim is for tw o h u n d red th o u - plo of Ju n ctio n are endeavoring to form sand d o llars?” asked the law yer, a new county out of a slice of Lane, to u . every decislon of the which they propose adding a piece of courts has been agiu you; it is now nine Linn am i a corner from Renton. The y ears since you told me you would se t­ tle. My wife has died. Poor soul, 1 Jieople from H arrisburg, however, do t |loUk,ilt some of the m oney would do All the old neighbors I had not favor the plans proposed by the lu-r good. are dead and gone. T he boys has gentlem en from across the river. groived up. L ig b tn in ’ stru ck tlifi barn. « s Fire sw ept aw ay all I had. Jim , my From the Brownsville Timen: favorite son, w ent dow n w ith liq u o r.” eeutly D. W. Langdon, of A lbany, 1 “ We will settle," said th e law yer, shipped ten Mongolian pheasants to kindly, “ but you m ust be p atien t. ” And the y ears sw ept by; and th e some gentlem an in New \ o r k c i t y , who iaWy,.r him self w en t to his rew ard , owns large tracts of land in th e Em pire The rand changed h a n d -, w as sold un- . . . u . in r o c ,p . i . o . l . , l.-tl.T w 1 in :1 d , d N()w er u m ortgage, and as reo , rg d. lie t | ,(. w ph|e,.s | an ||K, iz (>1(, states that they are doing well, and th a t ones. A n ew er life and a n ew er gener- u hill will he introduced in the state ation held sw ay. They said the claim w as to he settled. legislature protecting them for a num- Yes' her of years. Well, th a t fn nernl you ju s t saw pass- » » # ing th e door from th e county |x>or mrin was th e la s t of e a rth for old Abner R egarding a llsh ladder at Oregon ( ity, Cok.s wh(> Hv(,tl and (lie(, w ith o u t jn s. the HVsf Side sa y s . The dem and for a tice betw een m an and m ail.—N. Y. Re­ lish ladder, properly constructed, to si- cor‘'c r- ______________ low the llsh to pass the falls of th e W ill­ P E R S O N A L M EN TION . amette at Oregon City is as great as ever, 1 . 1 and 1 . S ilas and iN'titmns are being circulated , M at . . i . . ock recently .. unexpected- . ' n ly r e tu r n e d to lu s m o th e r a .(»m e in largely signed, asking the coming legis- Philadelphia, a fte r an absence of thirty lature to appropriate money for its con- Years, I ttoMAs N elson P age , th e editor of structiou. There are hundreds of miles of tin- very finest of spaw ning grounds in . ia r p e r 'a M o n th ly , c a n te ll fro m a m an ’s peecli w h a t p a r t of the country he hails the many stream a em ptying into th e from. S ;cm rvttv E ostku is th e thirty-first W illam ett that should Is- made easy of .«• re t.irv o f : '.ate, a n d six of his thirty access to tin* thousands of salmon e n te r­ »redecc «»rs became p resid en t—JelTer- ing the Columbia river. A tisli ladder ■ >.i. Mailis >n, Monro«*. Jo h n Quincy would do it. • • • Discussing the question of convict la­ bor on highw ays, th e Rogue River < >>ion-r s a y s : Various pa|»ers in Oregon are favoring the working of th e roads by |tcuitttiiliary prisoners. It is tru e th a t Oregon has lots to do in tin* wav of road m aking, hut her forests are thick and 1 1 .1- 1 11 . ... t woiild atlord line opportunities for .« the ' ' e-w ti|s< of crim inals. If it would take as niany guards as it iloea prisoners it REAPERS and DRILLS. lÎEhinlES nf all kinds. Corner Olive an d E ig h th S treets., THE WEST Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ umns, a larger Dividend for the Money Invested than can be realized from any other source. WHY ?--------------- — Because it is read by the people with whom you expect to do business. Can you expect them to trade a t your store unless you invite them to do so? AN ADVERTISEMENT Is a standing invitation. Do you ’a. LIH S T IT & K Z J L Y S , © © © © © * ç IN THE CITY O F EUGENE. UNDERTAKING and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty All orders for Furniture sent us from the Siuslaw w ill be shipped from Portland direct. H. M. E I,AMBEKI IN’ W A T C H E S, x ( LOCKS A N D * JE M ’ELR' R EPA IR ED P R O M P T L Y ----- A N D W O R K WARRANTED* I’irh a p s if they AT Subscribe lor T he \\ rs t s e 0 c £. and CÀEPETS i he tro w e i w a s p re s e n te d to .Mr. did - 1 V the r. Rev. W. A. Baton. Urottoi: (’. (¡nr.N,,whose death . w: s the engineer of th e Monitor ' hen she had h er famous light w ith the M err'in ac, nnd w as o n e o f th e six teen . , . “ ’n urvivors who were rescued by the .te.uucr Rhode l&lund w hen th e Moni- 101 down. » want T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? •citli c en tu ry .” T h is is the inserip- i, 11 noon a s ilv e r tro w e l used in laying he «orner to n e o f a c h u rc h a t W ayne, p e n ite n tiary is g ettin g crew.led to its A woman is ,,n exhibition in \\>w full capacity, alll ougii the last legisia- ' ” ’"E ' ' ’’'R'ht feet six inches high, tu re had c e ll, built lot two hundred and h e r, ' £ ¿lil and w c U t ^ n ^ c mid be brought out ou Ihv toads and I OREGON. EU G EN E. \d a m a , \ an B uren a n d B u c h a n a n . UpoitoK W. ( ini.os has been called ¡he “ AI miu Ben Adhcm of the nine- would la* b etter to pay th e guards to VI •¡■•’KITi a foot In diam eter fell 1 1 , ,1 Li' work th e road» ami keep th e convict? 1 ingston 1 Manor, 1 .• N \ . and ,nu ahai sl*at- ’ | icreu a nx'k a dozen tunes its size, inside th e “ dead lin e” of the penitcn- Tut; new Mormon tem ple at Salt tiary . There is however an o th er alarm- ' “ ke t ity w ill In« ejx-mxl April (I, ist>:{. , . . —. H has l«cen in course of erection ing phase in thia prison question. The forly y c a tx nm, hju o>st " f° r lifty more hourtlera. ENGINES, THRESHERS, F ront S treet , F I. C It £ X e £ . . V A K î E T Y . . ST O F lorence , O b «*»’